path: root/modules/mod_regex/mod_regex.c
diff options
authorneonloop2021-10-20 14:54:27 +0000
committerneonloop2021-10-20 14:54:27 +0000
commitea1947ffcc606d757357398b24e74a3f4ecefa07 (patch)
tree2031b8d4fc4c61063c710a7148378f57e662efbd /modules/mod_regex/mod_regex.c
Initial commit from steward-fu releasemain
Diffstat (limited to 'modules/mod_regex/mod_regex.c')
1 files changed, 419 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/modules/mod_regex/mod_regex.c b/modules/mod_regex/mod_regex.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..16ac8c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/mod_regex/mod_regex.c
@@ -0,0 +1,419 @@
+ * Copyright © 2006-2016 SplinterGU (Fenix/Bennugd)
+ * Copyright © 2002-2006 Fenix Team (Fenix)
+ * Copyright © 1999-2002 José Luis Cebrián Pagüe (Fenix)
+ *
+ * This file is part of Bennu - Game Development
+ *
+ * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
+ * warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
+ * arising from the use of this software.
+ *
+ * Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
+ * including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
+ * freely, subject to the following restrictions:
+ *
+ * 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
+ * claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
+ * in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
+ * appreciated but is not required.
+ *
+ * 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
+ * misrepresented as being the original software.
+ *
+ * 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
+ * distribution.
+ *
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "bgddl.h"
+#include "bgdrtm.h"
+#include "files.h"
+#include "xstrings.h"
+#include "dlvaracc.h"
+#include "regex.h"
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
+enum {
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Son las variables que se desea acceder. */
+/* El interprete completa esta estructura, si la variable existe. */
+/* (usada en tiempo de ejecucion) */
+DLVARFIXUP __bgdexport( mod_regex, globals_fixup) [] = {
+ /* Nombre de variable global, puntero al dato, tamaño del elemento, cantidad de elementos */
+ { "regex_reg", NULL, -1, -1 },
+ { NULL, NULL, -1, -1 }
+ };
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/** REGEX (STRING pattern, STRING string)
+ * Match a regular expresion to the given string. Fills the
+ * REGEX_REG global variables and returns the character position
+ * of the match or -1 if none found.
+ */
+static int modregex_regex (INSTANCE * my, int * params)
+ const char * reg = string_get(params[0]);
+ const char * str = string_get(params[1]);
+ int result = -1;
+ unsigned n;
+ struct re_pattern_buffer pb;
+ struct re_registers re;
+ int start[16];
+ int end[16];
+ int * regex_reg;
+ /* Alloc the pattern resources */
+ memset (&pb, 0, sizeof(pb));
+ memset (&re, 0, sizeof(re));
+ pb.buffer = malloc(4096);
+ pb.allocated = 4096;
+ pb.fastmap = malloc(256);
+ pb.regs_allocated = 16;
+ re.num_regs = 16;
+ re.start = start;
+ re.end = end;
+ /* Match the regex */
+ if (re_compile_pattern (reg, strlen(reg), &pb) == 0)
+ {
+ result = re_search (&pb, str, strlen(str), 0, strlen(str), &re);
+ if (result != -1)
+ {
+ /* Fill the regex_reg global variables */
+ regex_reg = (int *) &GLODWORD( mod_regex, REGEX_REG);
+ for (n = 0 ; n < 16 && n <= pb.re_nsub ; n++)
+ {
+ string_discard (regex_reg[n]);
+ regex_reg[n] = string_newa (str + re.start[n], re.end[n] - re.start[n]);
+ string_use (regex_reg[n]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Free the resources */
+ free (pb.buffer);
+ free (pb.fastmap);
+ string_discard(params[0]);
+ string_discard(params[1]);
+ return result;
+/** REGEX_REPLACE (STRING pattern, STRING string, STRING replacement)
+ * Match a regular expresion to the given string. For each
+ * match, substitute it with the given replacement. \0 - \9
+ * escape sequences are accepted in the replacement.
+ * Returns the resulting string. REGEX_REG variables are
+ * filled with information about the first match.
+ */
+static int modregex_regex_replace (INSTANCE * my, int * params)
+ const char * reg = string_get(params[0]);
+ const char * rep = string_get(params[1]);
+ const char * str = string_get(params[2]);
+ unsigned reg_len = strlen(reg);
+ unsigned str_len = strlen(str);
+ unsigned rep_len = strlen(rep);
+ char * replacement;
+ unsigned replacement_len;
+ int fixed_replacement = strchr(rep, '\\') ? 0:1;
+ struct re_pattern_buffer pb;
+ struct re_registers re;
+ int start[16];
+ int end[16];
+ unsigned startpos = 0;
+ unsigned nextpos;
+ int regex_filled = 0;
+ char * result = 0;
+ unsigned result_allocated = 0;
+ int result_string = 0;
+ unsigned n;
+ int * regex_reg;
+ /* Alloc a buffer for the resulting string */
+ result = malloc(128);
+ result_allocated = 128;
+ *result = 0;
+ /* Alloc the pattern resources */
+ memset (&pb, 0, sizeof(pb));
+ memset (&re, 0, sizeof(re));
+ pb.buffer = malloc(4096);
+ pb.allocated = 4096;
+ pb.used = 0;
+ pb.fastmap = malloc(256);
+ pb.translate = NULL;
+ pb.fastmap_accurate = 0;
+ pb.regs_allocated = 16;
+ re.start = start;
+ re.end = end;
+ /* Run the regex */
+ if (re_compile_pattern (reg, reg_len, &pb) == 0)
+ {
+ startpos = 0;
+ while (startpos < str_len)
+ {
+ nextpos = re_search (&pb, str, str_len, startpos,
+ str_len - startpos, &re);
+ if ((int)nextpos < 0) break;
+ /* Fill the REGEX_REG global variables */
+ if (regex_filled == 0)
+ {
+ regex_filled = 1;
+ regex_reg = (int *)&GLODWORD( mod_regex, REGEX_REG);
+ for (n = 0 ; n < 16 && n <= pb.re_nsub ; n++)
+ {
+ string_discard (regex_reg[n]);
+ regex_reg[n] = string_newa (str + re.start[n], re.end[n] - re.start[n]);
+ string_use (regex_reg[n]);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Prepare the replacement string */
+ if (fixed_replacement == 0)
+ {
+ int total_length = rep_len;
+ const char * bptr;
+ char * ptr;
+ /* Count the size */
+ ptr = strchr(rep, '\\');
+ while (ptr)
+ {
+ if (ptr[1] >= '0' && ptr[1] <= '9')
+ total_length += re.end[ptr[1]-'0'] - re.start[ptr[1]-'0'] - 2;
+ ptr = strchr(ptr+1, '\\');
+ }
+ /* Fill the replacement string */
+ replacement = calloc (total_length+1, 1);
+ bptr = rep;
+ ptr = strchr(rep, '\\');
+ while (ptr)
+ {
+ if (ptr[1] >= '0' && ptr[1] <= '9')
+ {
+ strncpy (replacement+strlen(replacement), bptr, ptr-bptr);
+ strncpy (replacement+strlen(replacement), str + re.start[ptr[1]-'0'], re.end[ptr[1]-'0'] - re.start[ptr[1]-'0']);
+ bptr = ptr+2;
+ }
+ ptr = strchr (ptr+1, '\\');
+ }
+ strcat (replacement, bptr);
+ replacement_len = strlen(replacement);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ replacement = (char *)rep;
+ replacement_len = rep_len;
+ }
+ /* Fill the resulting string */
+ if (result_allocated < strlen(result)+(nextpos-startpos)+1+replacement_len)
+ {
+ result_allocated += ((nextpos-startpos+1+replacement_len) & ~127) + 128;
+ result = realloc(result, result_allocated);
+ }
+ result[strlen(result)+(nextpos-startpos)] = 0;
+ memcpy (result + strlen(result), str+startpos, nextpos-startpos);
+ strcat (result, replacement);
+ if (fixed_replacement == 0) free (replacement);
+ /* Continue the search */
+ startpos = nextpos+re_match(&pb, str, str_len, nextpos, 0);
+ if (startpos < nextpos) break;
+ if (startpos == nextpos) startpos++;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Copy remaining characters */
+ nextpos = str_len;
+ if (result_allocated < strlen(result)+(nextpos-startpos)+1)
+ {
+ result_allocated += ((nextpos-startpos+1) & ~127) + 128;
+ result = realloc(result, result_allocated);
+ }
+ result[strlen(result)+(nextpos-startpos)] = 0;
+ memcpy (result + strlen(result), str+startpos, nextpos-startpos);
+ /* Free resources */
+ free (pb.buffer);
+ free (pb.fastmap);
+ string_discard(params[0]);
+ string_discard(params[1]);
+ string_discard(params[2]);
+ /* Return the new string */
+ result_string = string_new(result);
+ string_use(result_string);
+ free(result);
+ return result_string;
+/** SPLIT (STRING regex, STRING string, STRING POINTER array, INT array_size)
+ * Fills the given array with sections of the given string, using
+ * the given regular expression as separators. Returns the number
+ * of elements filled in the array.
+ *
+ */
+static int modregex_split (INSTANCE * my, int * params)
+ const char * reg = string_get(params[0]);
+ const char * str = string_get(params[1]);
+ int * result_array = (int *)params[2];
+ int result_array_size = params[3];
+ int count = 0;
+ int pos, lastpos = 0;
+ struct re_pattern_buffer pb;
+ struct re_registers re;
+ int start[16];
+ int end[16];
+ /* Alloc the pattern resources */
+ memset (&pb, 0, sizeof(pb));
+ memset (&re, 0, sizeof(re));
+ pb.buffer = malloc(4096);
+ pb.allocated = 4096;
+ pb.fastmap = malloc(256);
+ pb.regs_allocated = 16;
+ re.num_regs = 16;
+ re.start = start;
+ re.end = end;
+ /* Match the regex */
+ if (re_compile_pattern (reg, strlen(reg), &pb) == 0)
+ {
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ pos = re_search (&pb, str, strlen(str), lastpos, strlen(str), &re);
+ if (pos == -1) break;
+ *result_array = string_newa (str + lastpos, pos-lastpos);
+ string_use(*result_array);
+ result_array++;
+ count++;
+ result_array_size--;
+ if (result_array_size == 0) break;
+ lastpos = pos + re_match (&pb, str, strlen(str), pos, 0);
+ if (lastpos < pos) break;
+ if (lastpos == pos) lastpos++;
+ }
+ if (result_array_size > 0)
+ {
+ *result_array = string_new (str + lastpos);
+ string_use (*result_array);
+ count++;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Free the resources */
+ free (pb.buffer);
+ free (pb.fastmap);
+ string_discard(params[0]);
+ string_discard(params[1]);
+ return count;
+/** JOIN (STRING separator, STRING POINTER array, INT array_size)
+ * Joins an array of strings, given a separator. Returns the
+ * resulting string.
+ */
+static int modregex_join (INSTANCE * my, int * params)
+ const char * sep = string_get(params[0]);
+ int * string_array = (int *)params[1];
+ int count = params[2] ;
+ int total_length = 0;
+ int sep_len = strlen(sep);
+ int n;
+ char * buffer;
+ char * ptr;
+ int result;
+ for (n = 0 ; n < count ; n++)
+ {
+ total_length += strlen(string_get(string_array[n]));
+ if (n < count-1) total_length += sep_len;
+ }
+ buffer = malloc(total_length+1);
+ ptr = buffer;
+ for (n = 0 ; n < count ; n++)
+ {
+ memcpy (ptr, string_get(string_array[n]), strlen(string_get(string_array[n])));
+ ptr += strlen(string_get(string_array[n]));
+ if (n < count-1)
+ {
+ memcpy (ptr, sep, sep_len);
+ ptr += sep_len;
+ }
+ }
+ *ptr = 0;
+ result = string_new(buffer);
+ free(buffer);
+ string_use(result);
+ return result;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* exports */
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#include "mod_regex_exports.h"
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */