path: root/core/bgdc/src/c_main.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'core/bgdc/src/c_main.c')
1 files changed, 1285 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/core/bgdc/src/c_main.c b/core/bgdc/src/c_main.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..24e7c16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/bgdc/src/c_main.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1285 @@
+ * Copyright © 2006-2016 SplinterGU (Fenix/Bennugd)
+ * Copyright © 2002-2006 Fenix Team (Fenix)
+ * Copyright © 1999-2002 José Luis Cebrián Pagüe (Fenix)
+ *
+ * This file is part of Bennu - Game Development
+ *
+ * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
+ * warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
+ * arising from the use of this software.
+ *
+ * Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
+ * including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
+ * freely, subject to the following restrictions:
+ *
+ * 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
+ * claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
+ * in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
+ * appreciated but is not required.
+ *
+ * 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
+ * misrepresented as being the original software.
+ *
+ * 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
+ * distribution.
+ *
+ */
+#include <loadlib.h> /* Must be first include */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+#include "bgdc.h"
+#include <bgddl.h>
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+extern void token_dump() ;
+static char * import_filename = NULL;
+static int import_line = 0;
+int imports_aux[512] ; /* Modules */
+int nimports_aux = 0 ;
+int imports[512] ; /* Modules */
+int nimports = 0 ;
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Módulo principal del compilador. Contiene código que inicializa los */
+/* identificadores conocidos, así como las funciones de compilado de */
+/* nivel más alto */
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Tipos */
+int identifier_dword ;
+int identifier_word ;
+int identifier_byte ;
+int identifier_int ;
+int identifier_short ;
+int identifier_char ;
+int identifier_unsigned ;
+int identifier_signed ;
+int identifier_string ;
+int identifier_float ;
+int identifier_struct ;
+int identifier_type ;
+int identifier_declare ;
+int identifier_program ;
+int identifier_debug ;
+int identifier_begin ;
+int identifier_end ;
+int identifier_global ;
+int identifier_local ;
+int identifier_public ;
+int identifier_private ;
+int identifier_const ;
+int identifier_dup ;
+int identifier_from ;
+int identifier_step ;
+int identifier_to ;
+int identifier_if ;
+int identifier_else ;
+int identifier_elseif ;
+int identifier_for ;
+int identifier_while ;
+int identifier_frame ;
+int identifier_clone ;
+int identifier_yield ;
+int identifier_onexit ;
+int identifier_onerror ;
+int identifier_on ;
+int identifier_exit ;
+int identifier_error ;
+int identifier_resume ;
+int identifier_stm_next ;
+int identifier_jmp ;
+int identifier_call ;
+int identifier_switch ;
+int identifier_case ;
+int identifier_default ;
+int identifier_repeat ;
+int identifier_until ;
+int identifier_loop ;
+int identifier_break ;
+int identifier_continue ;
+int identifier_return ;
+int identifier_process ;
+int identifier_function ;
+int identifier_bandoffset ;
+int identifier_offset ;
+int identifier_sizeof ;
+int identifier_pointer ;
+int identifier_and ;
+int identifier_or ;
+int identifier_xor ;
+int identifier_not ;
+int identifier_band ;
+int identifier_bor ;
+int identifier_bxor ;
+int identifier_bnot ;
+int identifier_plus ;
+int identifier_minus ;
+int identifier_plusplus ;
+int identifier_minusminus ;
+int identifier_equal ;
+int identifier_multiply ;
+int identifier_mod ;
+int identifier_divide ;
+int identifier_semicolon ;
+int identifier_colon ;
+int identifier_comma ;
+int identifier_ror ;
+int identifier_rol ;
+int identifier_rightp ;
+int identifier_leftp ;
+int identifier_rightb ;
+int identifier_leftb ;
+int identifier_point ;
+int identifier_twopoints ;
+int identifier_eq ;
+int identifier_ne ;
+int identifier_gte ;
+int identifier_lte ;
+int identifier_lt ;
+int identifier_gt ;
+int identifier_question ;
+int identifier_plusequal ;
+int identifier_minusequal ;
+int identifier_multequal ;
+int identifier_divequal ;
+int identifier_modequal ;
+int identifier_orequal ;
+int identifier_xorequal ;
+int identifier_andequal ;
+int identifier_rorequal ;
+int identifier_rolequal ;
+int identifier_mouse ;
+int identifier_include ;
+int identifier_import ;
+int reserved_words ;
+int debug = 0 ;
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+void compile_init()
+ /* Initialize reserved words */
+ identifier_dword = identifier_add( "DWORD" ) ;
+ identifier_word = identifier_add( "WORD" ) ;
+ identifier_byte = identifier_add( "BYTE" ) ;
+ identifier_int = identifier_add( "INT" ) ;
+ identifier_short = identifier_add( "SHORT" ) ;
+ identifier_char = identifier_add( "CHAR" ) ;
+ identifier_unsigned = identifier_add( "UNSIGNED" ) ;
+ identifier_signed = identifier_add( "SIGNED" ) ;
+ identifier_float = identifier_add( "FLOAT" ) ;
+ identifier_string = identifier_add( "STRING" ) ;
+ identifier_struct = identifier_add( "STRUCT" ) ;
+ identifier_declare = identifier_add( "DECLARE" ) ;
+ identifier_include = identifier_add( "INCLUDE" ) ;
+ identifier_program = identifier_add( "PROGRAM" ) ;
+ identifier_debug = identifier_add( "DEBUG" ) ;
+ identifier_const = identifier_add( "CONST" ) ;
+ identifier_begin = identifier_add( "BEGIN" ) ;
+ identifier_end = identifier_add( "END" ) ;
+ identifier_process = identifier_add( "PROCESS" ) ;
+ identifier_function = identifier_add( "FUNCTION" ) ;
+ identifier_global = identifier_add( "GLOBAL" ) ;
+ identifier_local = identifier_add( "LOCAL" ) ;
+ identifier_public = identifier_add( "PUBLIC" ) ;
+ identifier_private = identifier_add( "PRIVATE" ) ;
+ identifier_dup = identifier_add( "DUP" ) ;
+ identifier_from = identifier_add( "FROM" ) ;
+ identifier_to = identifier_add( "TO" ) ;
+ identifier_step = identifier_add( "STEP" ) ;
+ identifier_for = identifier_add( "FOR" ) ;
+ identifier_while = identifier_add( "WHILE" ) ;
+ identifier_repeat = identifier_add( "REPEAT" ) ;
+ identifier_until = identifier_add( "UNTIL" ) ;
+ identifier_switch = identifier_add( "SWITCH" ) ;
+ identifier_case = identifier_add( "CASE" ) ;
+ identifier_default = identifier_add( "DEFAULT" ) ;
+ identifier_loop = identifier_add( "LOOP" ) ;
+ identifier_break = identifier_add( "BREAK" ) ;
+ identifier_continue = identifier_add( "CONTINUE" ) ;
+ identifier_return = identifier_add( "RETURN" ) ;
+ identifier_if = identifier_add( "IF" ) ;
+ identifier_else = identifier_add( "ELSE" ) ;
+ identifier_elseif = identifier_add( "ELSEIF" ) ;
+ identifier_frame = identifier_add( "FRAME" ) ;
+ identifier_clone = identifier_add( "CLONE" ) ;
+ identifier_yield = identifier_add( "YIELD" ) ;
+ identifier_onexit = identifier_add( "ONEXIT" ) ;
+ identifier_onerror = identifier_add( "ONERROR" ) ;
+ identifier_on = identifier_add( "ON" ) ;
+ identifier_exit = identifier_add( "EXIT" ) ;
+ identifier_error = identifier_add( "ERROR" ) ;
+ identifier_resume = identifier_add( "RESUME" ) ;
+ identifier_stm_next = identifier_add( "NEXT" ) ;
+ identifier_jmp = identifier_add( "JMP" ) ;
+ identifier_add_as( "GOTO", identifier_jmp ) ;
+ identifier_call = identifier_add( "CALL" ) ;
+ identifier_and = identifier_add( "AND" );
+ identifier_or = identifier_add( "OR" );
+ identifier_xor = identifier_add( "XOR" );
+ identifier_not = identifier_add( "NOT" );
+ identifier_band = identifier_add( "BAND" );
+ identifier_bor = identifier_add( "BOR" );
+ identifier_bxor = identifier_add( "BXOR" );
+ identifier_bnot = identifier_add( "BNOT" );
+ identifier_sizeof = identifier_add( "SIZEOF" );
+ identifier_offset = identifier_add( "OFFSET" );
+ identifier_pointer = identifier_add( "POINTER" );
+ identifier_type = identifier_add( "TYPE" );
+ identifier_bandoffset = identifier_add( "&" );
+ identifier_add_as( "!", identifier_not ) ;
+ identifier_add_as( "&&", identifier_and ) ;
+ identifier_add_as( "||", identifier_or ) ;
+ identifier_add_as( "^^", identifier_xor ) ;
+ identifier_add_as( "~", identifier_bnot ) ;
+ identifier_add_as( "|", identifier_bor ) ;
+ identifier_add_as( "^", identifier_bxor ) ;
+ identifier_plus = identifier_add( "+" ) ;
+ identifier_minus = identifier_add( "-" ) ;
+ identifier_plusplus = identifier_add( "++" ) ;
+ identifier_minusminus = identifier_add( "--" ) ;
+ identifier_multiply = identifier_add( "*" ) ;
+ identifier_mod = identifier_add( "%" ) ;
+ identifier_divide = identifier_add( "/" ) ;
+ identifier_equal = identifier_add( "=" ) ;
+ identifier_semicolon = identifier_add( ";" ) ;
+ identifier_comma = identifier_add( "," ) ;
+ identifier_ror = identifier_add( ">>" ) ;
+ identifier_rol = identifier_add( "<<" ) ;
+ identifier_rightp = identifier_add( ")" ) ;
+ identifier_leftp = identifier_add( "(" ) ;
+ identifier_rightb = identifier_add( "]" ) ;
+ identifier_leftb = identifier_add( "[" ) ;
+ identifier_point = identifier_add( "." ) ;
+ identifier_twopoints = identifier_add( ".." ) ;
+ identifier_question = identifier_add( "?" ) ;
+ identifier_add_as( "MOD", identifier_mod ) ;
+ identifier_add_as( "ELIF", identifier_elseif );
+ identifier_add_as( "ELSIF", identifier_elseif );
+ identifier_colon = identifier_add( ":" ) ;
+ identifier_eq = identifier_add( "==" ) ;
+ identifier_ne = identifier_add( "!=" ) ;
+ identifier_gt = identifier_add( ">" ) ;
+ identifier_lt = identifier_add( "<" ) ;
+ identifier_gte = identifier_add( ">=" ) ;
+ identifier_lte = identifier_add( "<=" ) ;
+ identifier_add_as( "<>", identifier_ne ) ;
+ identifier_add_as( "=>", identifier_gte ) ;
+ identifier_add_as( "=<", identifier_lte ) ;
+ identifier_plusequal = identifier_add( "+=" ) ;
+ identifier_andequal = identifier_add( "&=" ) ;
+ identifier_xorequal = identifier_add( "^=" ) ;
+ identifier_orequal = identifier_add( "|=" ) ;
+ identifier_divequal = identifier_add( "/=" ) ;
+ identifier_modequal = identifier_add( "%=" ) ;
+ identifier_multequal = identifier_add( "*=" ) ;
+ identifier_minusequal = identifier_add( "-=" ) ;
+ identifier_rorequal = identifier_add( ">>=" ) ;
+ identifier_rolequal = identifier_add( "<<=" ) ;
+ identifier_import = identifier_add( "IMPORT" ) ;
+ reserved_words = identifier_next_code() ;
+ identifier_mouse = identifier_add( "MOUSE" ) ; /* Hack */
+ varspace_init( &global ) ;
+ varspace_init( &local ) ;
+ globaldata = segment_new() ;
+ localdata = segment_new() ;
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+void compile_error( const char *fmt, ... )
+ char text[4000] ;
+ char * fname = ( import_filename ) ? import_filename : (( current_file != -1 && files[current_file] && *files[current_file] ) ? files[current_file] : NULL );
+ va_list ap;
+ va_start( ap, fmt );
+ vsprintf( text, fmt, ap );
+ va_end( ap );
+ fprintf( stdout, MSG_COMPILE_ERROR,
+ ( fname && ( fname[0] != '/' && fname[0] != '\\' && fname[1] != ':' ) ) ? main_path : "",
+ fname ? fname : "N/A",
+ ( import_filename ) ? import_line : line_count,
+ text ) ;
+ fprintf( stdout, " ( token error: " );
+ token_dump() ;
+ fprintf( stdout, " ).\n" );
+ exit( 2 ) ;
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+void compile_warning( int notoken, const char *fmt, ... )
+ char text[4000] ;
+ char * fname = ( import_filename ) ? import_filename : (( current_file != -1 && files[current_file] && *files[current_file] ) ? files[current_file] : NULL );
+ va_list ap;
+ va_start( ap, fmt );
+ vsprintf( text, fmt, ap );
+ va_end( ap );
+ fprintf( stdout, MSG_COMPILE_WARNING,
+ ( fname && ( fname[0] != '/' && fname[0] != '\\' && fname[1] != ':' ) ) ? main_path : "",
+ fname ? fname : "N/A",
+ ( import_filename ) ? import_line : line_count,
+ text ) ;
+ if ( !notoken )
+ {
+ fprintf( stdout, " ( token warning: " );
+ token_dump() ;
+ fprintf( stdout, " ).\n" );
+ } else {
+ fprintf( stdout, ".\n" );
+ }
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+static char * trim( char * ptr )
+ char * ostr = ptr;
+ char * bptr = ptr;
+ while ( *ptr == ' ' || *ptr == '\n' || *ptr == '\r' || *ptr == '\t' ) ptr++;
+ while ( *ptr ) *bptr++ = *ptr++;
+ while ( bptr > ostr && ( bptr[-1] == ' ' || bptr[-1] == '\n' || bptr[-1] == '\r' || bptr[-1] == '\t' ) ) bptr--;
+ *bptr = 0;
+ return ( ostr );
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+static int import_exists( char * libname )
+ int n;
+ for ( n = 0; n < nimports_aux; n++ ) if ( !strcmp( libname, string_get( imports_aux[n] ) ) ) return n;
+ return -1;
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+void compile_type()
+ int code;
+ segment * s = segment_new() ;
+ VARSPACE * v = varspace_new() ;
+ TYPEDEF t = typedef_new( TYPE_STRUCT );
+ t.chunk[0].count = 1 ;
+ token_next() ;
+ if (( code = token.code ) < reserved_words || token.type != IDENTIFIER ) compile_error( MSG_INVALID_TYPE ) ;
+ t.varspace = v ;
+ typedef_name( t, code ) ;
+ segment_name( s, code ) ;
+ /* (2006/11/19 19:34 GMT-03:00, Splinter - jj_arg@yahoo.com) */
+ compile_varspace( v, s, 0, 1, 0, NULL, 0, 0 ) ;
+ if ( token.code != identifier_end ) compile_error( MSG_NO_END ) ;
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+static char * modules_exts[] =
+ ".dll",
+ ".dylib",
+ ".so",
+} ;
+static char * dlsearchpath[] =
+ "modules",
+ "mod",
+ "mods",
+ "extensions",
+ "plugins",
+ "data",
+static void import_module( const char * filename )
+ int libid ;
+ void * library = NULL;
+ char ** globals_def = NULL;
+ char ** locals_def = NULL;
+ DLCONSTANT * constants_def = NULL;
+ DLSYSFUNCS * functions_exports = NULL;
+ char ** modules_dependency = NULL;
+ char ** types_def = NULL;
+ char soname[ __MAX_PATH ], fullsoname[ __MAX_PATH ], **spath ;
+ char * ptr;
+ char ** pex;
+#if defined( WIN32 )
+#define DLLEXT ".dll"
+#elif defined(TARGET_MAC)
+#define DLLEXT ".dylib"
+#define DLLEXT ".so"
+ strncpy( soname, filename, sizeof( soname ) );
+ for ( ptr = soname; *ptr; ptr++ )
+ {
+ if ( *ptr == PATH_CHAR_SEP ) *ptr = PATH_CHAR_ISEP ;
+ else *ptr = TOLOWER( *ptr );
+ }
+ pex = modules_exts;
+ while ( pex && * pex )
+ {
+ int nlen = strlen( soname );
+ int elen = strlen( *pex );
+ if ( nlen > elen && strcmp( &soname[nlen - elen], *pex ) == 0 )
+ {
+ soname[nlen - elen] = '\0' ;
+ pex = modules_exts;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pex++;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( import_exists(( char * )soname ) != -1 ) return;
+ filename = soname;
+ libid = string_new( soname );
+ imports_aux[nimports_aux++] = libid;
+ strcat( soname, DLLEXT );
+ fullsoname[0] = '\0';
+ spath = dlsearchpath;
+ while( !library && spath && *spath )
+ {
+ sprintf( fullsoname, "%s%s/%s", appexepath, *spath, filename );
+ library = dlibopen( fullsoname ) ;
+ spath++;
+ }
+ if ( !library ) library = dlibopen( filename ) ;
+ if ( !library ) compile_error( MSG_LIBRARY_NOT_FOUND, filename ) ;
+ modules_dependency = ( char ** ) _dlibaddr( library, "modules_dependency" ) ;
+ if ( modules_dependency )
+ {
+ char * old_import_filename = import_filename;
+ while ( *modules_dependency )
+ {
+ if ( import_exists( *modules_dependency ) == -1 )
+ {
+ import_filename = *modules_dependency ;
+ import_module( *modules_dependency );
+ import_filename = NULL ;
+ }
+ modules_dependency++;
+ }
+ import_filename = old_import_filename;
+ }
+ imports[nimports++] = libid;
+ constants_def = ( DLCONSTANT * ) _dlibaddr( library, "constants_def" ) ;
+ if ( constants_def )
+ {
+ while ( constants_def->name )
+ {
+ int code = identifier_search_or_add( constants_def->name ) ;
+ constants_add( code, typedef_new( constants_def->type ), constants_def->code ) ;
+ constants_def++ ;
+ }
+ }
+ types_def = ( char ** ) _dlibaddr( library, "types_def" ) ;
+ if ( types_def && *types_def )
+ {
+ token_init( *types_def, -1 ) ;
+ token_next();
+ while ( token.type == IDENTIFIER && token.code == identifier_type )
+ {
+ compile_type() ;
+ token_next();
+ }
+ }
+ globals_def = ( char ** ) _dlibaddr( library, "globals_def" ) ;
+ if ( globals_def && *globals_def )
+ {
+ VARSPACE * v[] = {&local, NULL};
+ token_init( *globals_def, -1 ) ;
+ compile_varspace( &global, globaldata, 1, 1, 0, v, DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT, 1 ) ;
+ }
+ locals_def = ( char ** ) _dlibaddr( library, "locals_def" ) ;
+ if ( locals_def && *locals_def )
+ {
+ VARSPACE * v[] = {&global, NULL};
+ token_init( *locals_def, -1 ) ;
+ compile_varspace( &local, localdata, 1, 1, 0, v, DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT, 1 ) ;
+ }
+ functions_exports = ( DLSYSFUNCS * ) _dlibaddr( library, "functions_exports" ) ;
+ if ( functions_exports )
+ {
+ while ( functions_exports->name )
+ {
+ sysproc_add( functions_exports->name, functions_exports->paramtypes, functions_exports->type, functions_exports->func );
+ functions_exports++;
+ }
+ }
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+void import_files( char * filename )
+ file * fp = file_open( filename, "rb0" );
+ char libname[__MAX_PATH];
+ if ( !fp ) return;
+ import_line = 0;
+ while ( !file_eof( fp ) )
+ {
+ import_line++;
+ if ( !file_gets( fp, libname, sizeof( libname ) ) ) break;
+ trim( libname );
+ if ( *libname == '\0' ) continue;
+ if ( import_exists( libname ) != -1 ) continue;
+ import_filename = filename ;
+ import_module( libname );
+ import_filename = NULL ;
+ }
+ file_close( fp );
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+void import_mod( char * libname )
+ import_line = 0;
+ if ( import_exists( libname ) != -1 ) return;
+ import_filename = libname ;
+ import_module( libname );
+ import_filename = NULL ;
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+void compile_import( void )
+ no_include_this_file = 1;
+ token_next() ;
+ if ( token.type != STRING ) compile_error( MSG_STRING_EXP ) ;
+ import_module( string_get( token.code ) );
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+void compile_constants()
+ int code;
+ expresion_result res;
+ for ( ;; )
+ {
+ token_next() ;
+ if ( token.type == NOTOKEN ) break ;
+ if ( token.type != IDENTIFIER ) compile_error( MSG_CONSTANT_NAME_EXP ) ;
+ if ( token.code == identifier_semicolon ) continue ;
+ if ( token.code == identifier_begin ||
+ token.code == identifier_local ||
+ token.code == identifier_public ||
+ token.code == identifier_private ||
+ token.code == identifier_global )
+ {
+ token_back() ;
+ return ;
+ }
+ if ( token.code == identifier_end ) return ;
+ if ( token.code < reserved_words ) compile_error( MSG_INVALID_IDENTIFIER );
+ code = token.code ;
+ token_next() ;
+ if ( token.type != IDENTIFIER || token.code != identifier_equal ) compile_error( MSG_EXPECTED, "=" ) ;
+ res = compile_expresion( 1, 0, 0, 0 ) ;
+ if ( !typedef_is_float( res.type ) && !typedef_is_string( res.type ) && !typedef_is_integer( res.type ) ) compile_error( MSG_INVALID_TYPE );
+ constants_add( code, res.type, typedef_base( res.type ) == TYPE_FLOAT ? *( int * )&res.fvalue : res.value ) ;
+ token_next() ;
+ if ( token.type == IDENTIFIER && token.code == identifier_semicolon ) continue ;
+ compile_error( MSG_EXPECTED, ";" ) ;
+ }
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+void compile_process()
+ PROCDEF * proc, * external_proc ;
+ VARIABLE * var ;
+ int is_declare = 0 ;
+ int is_function = 0 ;
+ int type_implicit = 1;
+ int code, tcode, params ;
+ BASETYPE type, typeb ;
+ TYPEDEF ctype, ctypeb ;
+ int signed_prefix = 0;
+ int unsigned_prefix = 0;
+ tcode = token.code ;
+ if ( tcode == identifier_declare ) /* Es una declaracion? */
+ {
+ is_declare = 1;
+ token_next() ;
+ tcode = token.code;
+ }
+ /* Es funcion? */
+ if ( tcode == identifier_function ) is_function = 1;
+ if (( tcode == identifier_process || tcode == identifier_function ) ) /* Si proceso o funcion, obtengo el signo */
+ {
+ token_next() ;
+ tcode = token.code;
+ }
+ if ( token.code == identifier_signed ) /* signed */
+ {
+ signed_prefix = 1;
+ token_next();
+ tcode = token.code;
+ }
+ else if ( token.code == identifier_unsigned ) /* unsigned */
+ {
+ unsigned_prefix = 1;
+ token_next();
+ tcode = token.code;
+ }
+ if ( segment_by_name( token.code ) ) /* Nombre del Segmento al que pertenece */
+ {
+ tcode = identifier_pointer ;
+ token_next() ;
+ }
+ if ( identifier_is_basic_type( token.code ) ) /* Salto identificador de tipo basico */
+ {
+ tcode = token.code ;
+ token_next();
+ }
+ while ( token.code == identifier_pointer || token.code == identifier_multiply ) /* Salto el indentificador POINTER */
+ {
+ tcode = token.code ;
+ token_next() ;
+ }
+ /* Check if the process name is valid */
+ if ( token.type != IDENTIFIER || token.code < reserved_words ) compile_error( MSG_PROCNAME_EXP ) ;
+ code = token.code ;
+ /* Create the process if it is not defined already */
+ proc = procdef_search( code ) ;
+ if ( !proc ) proc = procdef_new( procdef_getid(), code ) ;
+ else if ( proc->defined ) compile_error( MSG_PROC_ALREADY_DEFINED );
+ else if ( is_declare && proc->declared ) compile_error( MSG_PROC_ALREADY_DECLARED );
+ /* is declaration? */
+ if ( !is_declare ) proc->defined = 1 ;
+ /* is a function? */
+ if ( is_function )
+ {
+ if ( is_declare && proc->declared && !( proc->flags & PROC_FUNCTION ) ) compile_error( MSG_PROTO_ERROR ) ;
+ proc->flags |= PROC_FUNCTION;
+ }
+ /* Get function/process return type */
+ if ( tcode == identifier_float )
+ {
+ if ( is_declare && proc->declared && proc->type != TYPE_FLOAT ) compile_error( MSG_PROTO_ERROR ) ;
+ proc->type = TYPE_FLOAT ;
+ }
+ if ( tcode == identifier_string )
+ {
+ if ( is_declare && proc->declared && proc->type != TYPE_STRING ) compile_error( MSG_PROTO_ERROR ) ;
+ proc->type = TYPE_STRING ;
+ }
+ if ( tcode == identifier_word )
+ {
+ if ( is_declare && proc->declared && proc->type != ( signed_prefix ? TYPE_SHORT : TYPE_WORD ) ) compile_error( MSG_PROTO_ERROR ) ;
+ proc->type = signed_prefix ? TYPE_SHORT : TYPE_WORD;
+ signed_prefix = unsigned_prefix = 0;
+ }
+ if ( tcode == identifier_dword )
+ {
+ if ( is_declare && proc->declared && proc->type != ( signed_prefix ? TYPE_INT : TYPE_DWORD ) ) compile_error( MSG_PROTO_ERROR ) ;
+ proc->type = signed_prefix ? TYPE_INT : TYPE_DWORD;
+ signed_prefix = unsigned_prefix = 0;
+ }
+ if ( tcode == identifier_byte )
+ {
+ if ( is_declare && proc->declared && proc->type != ( signed_prefix ? TYPE_SBYTE : TYPE_BYTE ) ) compile_error( MSG_PROTO_ERROR ) ;
+ proc->type = signed_prefix ? TYPE_SBYTE : TYPE_BYTE;
+ signed_prefix = unsigned_prefix = 0;
+ }
+ if ( tcode == identifier_int )
+ {
+ if ( is_declare && proc->declared && proc->type != ( unsigned_prefix ? TYPE_DWORD : TYPE_INT ) ) compile_error( MSG_PROTO_ERROR ) ;
+ proc->type = unsigned_prefix ? TYPE_DWORD : TYPE_INT;
+ signed_prefix = unsigned_prefix = 0;
+ }
+ if ( tcode == identifier_short )
+ {
+ if ( is_declare && proc->declared && proc->type != ( unsigned_prefix ? TYPE_WORD : TYPE_SHORT ) ) compile_error( MSG_PROTO_ERROR ) ;
+ proc->type = unsigned_prefix ? TYPE_WORD : TYPE_SHORT;
+ signed_prefix = unsigned_prefix = 0;
+ }
+ if ( tcode == identifier_char )
+ {
+ if ( is_declare && proc->declared && proc->type != TYPE_CHAR ) compile_error( MSG_PROTO_ERROR ) ;
+ proc->type = TYPE_CHAR;
+ }
+ if ( tcode == identifier_pointer || tcode == identifier_multiply )
+ {
+ if ( is_declare && proc->declared && proc->type != TYPE_POINTER ) compile_error( MSG_PROTO_ERROR ) ;
+ proc->type = TYPE_POINTER ;
+ }
+ if ( signed_prefix || unsigned_prefix ) compile_error( MSG_INVALID_TYPE );
+ /* Parse the process parameters */
+ token_next() ;
+ if ( token.type != IDENTIFIER || token.code != identifier_leftp ) compile_error( MSG_EXPECTED, "(" ) ;
+ token_next() ;
+ params = 0 ;
+ type = TYPE_INT;
+ typeb = TYPE_INT;
+ type_implicit = 1;
+ ctype = typedef_new( type ) ;
+ ctypeb = ctype ;
+ signed_prefix = unsigned_prefix = 0;
+ external_proc = NULL;
+ while ( token.type != IDENTIFIER || token.code != identifier_rightp )
+ {
+ type = typeb;
+ ctype = ctypeb;
+ /* Recogo signo del parametro */
+ if ( token.type == IDENTIFIER && token.code == identifier_unsigned )
+ {
+ unsigned_prefix = 1;
+ token_next();
+ }
+ else if ( token.type == IDENTIFIER && token.code == identifier_signed )
+ {
+ signed_prefix = 1;
+ token_next();
+ }
+ /* Recogo tipo del parametro */
+ if ( token.type == IDENTIFIER && token.code == identifier_dword )
+ {
+ type_implicit = 0;
+ type = signed_prefix ? TYPE_INT : TYPE_DWORD;
+ unsigned_prefix = signed_prefix = 0;
+ ctype = typedef_new( type ) ;
+ external_proc = NULL;
+ token_next() ;
+ }
+ else if ( token.type == IDENTIFIER && token.code == identifier_int )
+ {
+ type_implicit = 0;
+ type = unsigned_prefix ? TYPE_DWORD : TYPE_INT;
+ unsigned_prefix = signed_prefix = 0;
+ ctype = typedef_new( type ) ;
+ external_proc = NULL;
+ token_next() ;
+ }
+ else if ( token.type == IDENTIFIER && token.code == identifier_word )
+ {
+ type_implicit = 0;
+ type = signed_prefix ? TYPE_SHORT : TYPE_WORD ;
+ unsigned_prefix = signed_prefix = 0;
+ ctype = typedef_new( type ) ;
+ external_proc = NULL;
+ token_next() ;
+ }
+ else if ( token.type == IDENTIFIER && token.code == identifier_short )
+ {
+ type_implicit = 0;
+ type = unsigned_prefix ? TYPE_WORD : TYPE_SHORT;
+ unsigned_prefix = signed_prefix = 0;
+ ctype = typedef_new( type ) ;
+ external_proc = NULL;
+ token_next() ;
+ }
+ else if ( token.type == IDENTIFIER && token.code == identifier_byte )
+ {
+ type_implicit = 0;
+ type = signed_prefix ? TYPE_SBYTE : TYPE_BYTE ;
+ unsigned_prefix = signed_prefix = 0;
+ ctype = typedef_new( type ) ;
+ external_proc = NULL;
+ token_next() ;
+ }
+ else if ( token.type == IDENTIFIER && token.code == identifier_char )
+ {
+ type_implicit = 0;
+ type = TYPE_CHAR ;
+ ctype = typedef_new( type ) ;
+ external_proc = NULL;
+ token_next() ;
+ }
+ else if ( token.type == IDENTIFIER && token.code == identifier_string )
+ {
+ type_implicit = 0;
+ type = TYPE_STRING ;
+ ctype = typedef_new( type ) ;
+ external_proc = NULL;
+ token_next() ;
+ }
+ else if ( token.type == IDENTIFIER && token.code == identifier_float )
+ {
+ type_implicit = 0;
+ type = TYPE_FLOAT ;
+ ctype = typedef_new( type ) ;
+ external_proc = NULL;
+ token_next() ;
+ }
+ else if ( token.type == IDENTIFIER && segment_by_name( token.code ) )
+ {
+ type_implicit = 0;
+ type = TYPE_STRUCT ;
+ ctype = *typedef_by_name( token.code ) ;
+ external_proc = NULL;
+ token_next() ;
+ }
+ else if ( !external_proc && ( external_proc = procdef_search( token.code ) ) ) /* Variables tipo proceso, Splinter */
+ {
+ type_implicit = 0;
+ type = TYPE_INT ;
+ ctype = typedef_new( type ) ;
+ token_next();
+ }
+ if ( signed_prefix || unsigned_prefix )
+ {
+ compile_error( MSG_INVALID_TYPE );
+ signed_prefix = unsigned_prefix = 0;
+ }
+ typeb = type;
+ ctypeb = ctype;
+ while ( token.type == IDENTIFIER && ( token.code == identifier_pointer || token.code == identifier_multiply ) )
+ {
+ type_implicit = 0;
+ type = TYPE_POINTER ;
+ ctype = typedef_pointer( ctype ) ;
+ token_next() ;
+ }
+ if ( type == TYPE_STRUCT )
+ {
+ type_implicit = 0;
+ type = TYPE_POINTER ;
+ ctype = typedef_pointer( ctype ) ;
+ }
+ if ( token.type != IDENTIFIER || token.code < reserved_words ) compile_error( MSG_INVALID_PARAM ) ;
+ if ( constants_search( token.code ) ) compile_error( MSG_CONSTANT_REDECLARED_AS_VARIABLE ) ;
+ /* Check if the process was used before declared */
+ if ( !proc->declared )
+ {
+ var = varspace_search( &local, token.code ) ;
+ if ( var )
+ {
+ /* El parámetro es en realidad un local */
+ if ( type_implicit )
+ {
+ type = typedef_base( var->type );
+ ctype = var->type;
+ }
+ if ( typedef_base( var->type ) != type )
+ {
+ if ( typedef_is_integer( var->type ) && typedef_is_integer( typedef_new( type ) ) )
+ {
+ /*
+ A parameter was used before the process is declared. The
+ data type declared is different from the data type used,
+ but both are integers. The error is ignored, but no
+ conversion is done. This can lead to type conversion issues.
+ */
+ }
+ else
+ compile_error( MSG_INVALID_PARAMT ) ;
+ }
+ codeblock_add( &proc->code, MN_LOCAL, var->offset ) ;
+ codeblock_add( &proc->code, MN_PRIVATE, proc->pridata->current ) ;
+ codeblock_add( &proc->code, MN_PTR, 0 ) ;
+ if ( typedef_base( var->type ) == TYPE_STRING ) codeblock_add( &proc->code, MN_LET | MN_STRING, 0 ) ;
+ else codeblock_add( &proc->code, MN_LET, 0 ) ;
+ codeblock_add( &proc->code, MN_POP, 0 ) ;
+ if ( proc->privars->reserved == proc->privars->count ) varspace_alloc( proc->privars, 16 ) ;
+ proc->privars->vars[proc->privars->count].type = typedef_new( TYPE_DWORD );
+ proc->privars->vars[proc->privars->count].offset = proc->pridata->current ;
+ proc->privars->vars[proc->privars->count].code = -1 ;
+ proc->privars->count++ ;
+ segment_add_dword( proc->pridata, 0 ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ var = varspace_search( &global, token.code );
+ if ( var )
+ {
+ /* El parámetro es en realidad un global */
+ if ( type_implicit )
+ {
+ type = typedef_base( var->type );
+ ctype = var->type;
+ }
+ if ( typedef_base( var->type ) != type ) compile_error( MSG_INVALID_PARAMT ) ;
+ codeblock_add( &proc->code, MN_GLOBAL, var->offset ) ;
+ codeblock_add( &proc->code, MN_PRIVATE, proc->pridata->current ) ;
+ codeblock_add( &proc->code, MN_PTR, 0 ) ;
+ if ( typedef_base( var->type ) == TYPE_STRING ) codeblock_add( &proc->code, MN_LET | MN_STRING, 0 ) ;
+ else codeblock_add( &proc->code, MN_LET, 0 ) ;
+ codeblock_add( &proc->code, MN_POP, 0 ) ;
+ if ( proc->privars->reserved == proc->privars->count ) varspace_alloc( proc->privars, 16 ) ;
+ proc->privars->vars[proc->privars->count].type = typedef_new( TYPE_DWORD );
+ proc->privars->vars[proc->privars->count].offset = proc->pridata->current ;
+ proc->privars->vars[proc->privars->count].code = -1 ;
+ proc->privars->count++ ;
+ segment_add_dword( proc->pridata, 0 ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Crear la variable privada */
+ if ( proc->privars->reserved == proc->privars->count ) varspace_alloc( proc->privars, 16 ) ;
+ if ( type == TYPE_STRING ) varspace_varstring( proc->privars, proc->pridata->current ) ;
+ proc->privars->vars[proc->privars->count].type = ctype;
+ proc->privars->vars[proc->privars->count].offset = proc->pridata->current ;
+ proc->privars->vars[proc->privars->count].code = token.code ;
+ if ( external_proc ) proc->privars->vars[proc->privars->count].type.varspace = external_proc->pubvars;
+ proc->privars->count++ ;
+ segment_add_dword( proc->pridata, 0 ) ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( proc->paramtype[params] != type || proc->paramname[params] != token.code ) compile_error( MSG_PROTO_ERROR );
+ }
+ if ( proc->params != -1 )
+ {
+ /* El proceso fue usado previamente */
+ if ( proc->paramtype[params] == TYPE_UNDEFINED ) proc->paramtype[params] = type ;
+ else if (( proc->paramtype[params] == TYPE_DWORD || proc->paramtype[params] == TYPE_INT ) &&
+ ( type == TYPE_DWORD ||
+ type == TYPE_INT ||
+ type == TYPE_BYTE ||
+ type == TYPE_WORD ||
+ type == TYPE_SHORT ||
+ type == TYPE_SBYTE
+ ) ) proc->paramtype[params] = type ;
+ else if ( type == TYPE_DWORD && ( proc->paramtype[params] == TYPE_BYTE || proc->paramtype[params] == TYPE_WORD ) ) proc->paramtype[params] = type ;
+ else if ( proc->paramtype[params] != type ) compile_error( MSG_INVALID_PARAMT ) ;
+ }
+ else proc->paramtype[params] = type;
+ proc->paramname[params] = token.code;
+ params++ ;
+ if ( params == MAX_PARAMS ) compile_error( MSG_TOO_MANY_PARAMS ) ;
+ token_next() ;
+// if ( token.type == IDENTIFIER && token.code == identifier_comma ) token_next() ;
+ if ( token.type == IDENTIFIER )
+ {
+ if ( token.code != identifier_rightp && token.code != identifier_comma ) compile_error( MSG_EXPECTED, "," );
+ if ( token.code == identifier_comma ) token_next() ;
+ }
+ } /* END while (token.type != IDENTIFIER || token.code != identifier_rightp) */
+ if ( proc->params == -1 ) proc->params = params ;
+ else if ( proc->params != params ) compile_error( MSG_INCORRECT_PARAMC, identifier_name( code ), proc->params ) ;
+ token_next() ;
+ if ( token.type == IDENTIFIER && token.code == identifier_semicolon ) token_next() ;
+ /* Compile LOCAL/PRIVATE/PUBLIC sections on process/function.
+ NOTE: LOCAL section here considere as PUBLIC section */
+ while ( token.type == IDENTIFIER && (
+ token.code == identifier_local ||
+ token.code == identifier_public ||
+ token.code == identifier_private ) )
+ {
+ if (( !proc->declared ) && ( token.code == identifier_local || token.code == identifier_public ) )
+ {
+ /* (2006/11/19 19:34 GMT-03:00, Splinter - jj_arg@yahoo.com) */
+ /* Ahora las declaraciones locales, son solo locales al proceso, pero visibles desde todo proceso */
+ /* Se permite declarar local/publica una variable que haya sido declarada global, es una variable propia, no es la global */
+ VARSPACE * v[] = {&local, proc->privars, NULL};
+ compile_varspace( proc->pubvars, proc->pubdata, 1, 1, 0, v, DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT, 0 ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( token.code == identifier_private )
+ {
+ /* (2006/11/19 19:34 GMT-03:00, Splinter - jj_arg@yahoo.com) */
+ /* Se permite declarar privada una variable que haya sido declarada global, es una variable propia, no es la global */
+ VARSPACE * v[] = {&local, proc->pubvars, NULL};
+ compile_varspace( proc->privars, proc->pridata, 1, 1, 0, v, DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT, 0 ) ;
+ }
+ token_next() ;
+ }
+ /* Gestiona procesos cuyos parámetros son variables locales */
+ if ( !is_declare )
+ {
+ if ( token.type != IDENTIFIER || token.code != identifier_begin ) compile_error( MSG_NO_BEGIN ) ;
+ compile_block( proc ) ;
+ if ( token.type == IDENTIFIER && token.code == identifier_else ) compile_error( MSG_ELSE_WOUT_IF ) ;
+ }
+ if ( token.type != IDENTIFIER || token.code != identifier_end ) compile_error( MSG_NO_END ) ;
+ if ( !is_declare ) codeblock_add( &proc->code, MN_END, 0 ) ;
+ proc->declared = 1 ;
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+void compile_program()
+ /* Ahora lo del program es opcional :-P */
+ token_next() ;
+ if ( token.type == IDENTIFIER && token.code == identifier_program )
+ {
+ token_next() ;
+ if ( token.type != IDENTIFIER || token.code < reserved_words ) compile_error( MSG_PROGRAM_NAME_EXP ) ;
+ token_next() ;
+ if ( token.type != IDENTIFIER || token.code != identifier_semicolon ) compile_error( MSG_EXPECTED, ";" ) ;
+ }
+ else token_back() ;
+ for ( ;; )
+ {
+ token_next() ;
+ while ( token.type == IDENTIFIER && token.code == identifier_semicolon ) token_next() ;
+ if ( token.type == IDENTIFIER && token.code == identifier_import ) compile_import() ;
+ else if ( token.type == IDENTIFIER && token.code == identifier_const ) compile_constants() ;
+ else if ( token.type == IDENTIFIER && token.code == identifier_local )
+ {
+ /* (2006/11/19 19:34 GMT-03:00, Splinter - jj_arg@yahoo.com) */
+ VARSPACE * v[] = { &global, NULL };
+ compile_varspace( &local, localdata, 1, 1, 0, v, DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT, 0 ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( token.type == IDENTIFIER && token.code == identifier_global )
+ {
+ /* (2006/11/19 19:34 GMT-03:00, Splinter - jj_arg@yahoo.com) */
+ VARSPACE * v[] = { &local, NULL };
+ compile_varspace( &global, globaldata, 1, 1, 0, v, DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT, 0 ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( token.type == IDENTIFIER && token.code == identifier_private )
+ {
+ /* (2006/11/19 19:34 GMT-03:00, Splinter - jj_arg@yahoo.com) */
+ VARSPACE * v[] = { &local, &global, NULL };
+ compile_varspace( mainproc->privars, mainproc->pridata, 1, 1, 0, v, DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT, 0 ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( token.type == IDENTIFIER && token.code == identifier_begin )
+ {
+ if ( mainproc->defined )
+ {
+ /* Hack para poder redefinir el proceso principal */
+ mainproc->code.current -= 1 ;
+ }
+ mainproc->defined = 1 ;
+ compile_block( mainproc ) ;
+ if ( token.type == IDENTIFIER && token.code == identifier_else ) compile_error( MSG_ELSE_WOUT_IF ) ;
+ if ( token.type != IDENTIFIER || token.code != identifier_end ) compile_error( MSG_NO_END ) ;
+ codeblock_add( &mainproc->code, MN_END, 0 ) ;
+ }
+ else if ( token.type == IDENTIFIER && token.code == identifier_type ) compile_type(); /* Tipo de dato definido por el usuario */
+ else if ( token.type == IDENTIFIER &&
+ (
+ token.code == identifier_process ||
+ token.code == identifier_function ||
+ token.code == identifier_declare ||
+ identifier_is_basic_type( token.type )
+ ) ) compile_process() ; /* Definición de proceso */
+ else if ( segment_by_name( token.code ) ) compile_process() ;
+ else break ;
+ }
+ if ( global.count && debug )
+ {
+ printf( "\n---- Global variables\n\n" ) ;
+ varspace_dump( &global, 0 ) ;
+ }
+ if ( local.count && debug )
+ {
+ printf( "\n---- Local variables\n\n" ) ;
+ varspace_dump( &local, 0 ) ;
+ /* segment_dump (localdata) ; */
+ }
+ if ( token.type != NOTOKEN ) compile_error( MSG_UNEXPECTED_TOKEN ) ;
+ program_postprocess() ;
+ if ( debug ) program_dumpprocesses() ;
+ if ( !libmode && !mainproc->defined ) compile_error( MSG_NO_MAIN ) ;
+ if ( debug )
+ {
+ identifier_dump() ;
+ string_dump( NULL ) ;
+ }
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */