/* * Copyright © 2006-2016 SplinterGU (Fenix/Bennugd) * Copyright © 2002-2006 Fenix Team (Fenix) * Copyright © 1999-2002 José Luis Cebrián Pagüe (Fenix) * * This file is part of Bennu - Game Development * * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied * warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages * arising from the use of this software. * * Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, * including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it * freely, subject to the following restrictions: * * 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not * claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software * in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be * appreciated but is not required. * * 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be * misrepresented as being the original software. * * 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source * distribution. * */ #ifndef __MESSAGES_H #define __MESSAGES_H #define MSG_LIBRARY_NOT_FOUND "Library \"%s\" not found" #define MSG_FILE_NOT_FOUND "%s: file not found" #define MSG_FILE_TOO_BIG "%s: file too big" #define MSG_FILE_EMPTY "%s: file is empty" #define MSG_READ_ERROR "%s: file reading error" #define MSG_DIRECTORY_MISSING "You must specify a directory" #define MSG_TOO_MANY_FILES "Too many files specified" #define MSG_USING "Use: %s [options] filename\n\n" #define MSG_OPTION_D " -d Debugging mode\n" #define MSG_OPTIONS \ " -o ouputfile Ouput DCB file\n" \ " -i dir Adds the directory to the PATH\n" \ " -a Automaticaly adds all files to the DCB\n" \ " -f file Adds a single file to the DCB\n" \ " -l lang Specify locale settings\n" \ " -s stub Generate a stubbed executable from the given stub\n" \ " -g Stores debugging information at the DCB\n" \ " -c File uses the MS-DOS character set\n" \ " -D macro=text Set a macro\n" \ " -p|--pedantic Don't use automatic declare\n" \ " --libmode Build a library\n" \ " -L library Include a library\n" \ " -C options Specify compiler options\n" \ " Where options are:\n" \ " a Enable automatic declare functions\n" \ "\n" #define MSG_LICENSE \ "This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied\n" \ "warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages\n" \ "arising from the use of this software.\n" \ "\n" \ "Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,\n" \ "including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it\n" \ "freely, subject to the following restrictions:\n" \ "\n" \ " 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not\n" \ " claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software\n" \ " in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be\n" \ " appreciated but is not required.\n" \ "\n" \ " 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be\n" \ " misrepresented as being the original software.\n" \ "\n" \ " 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source\n" \ " distribution.\n" #define MSG_COMPILE_ERROR "%s%s:%d: error: %s" #define MSG_COMPILE_WARNING "%s%s:%d: warning: %s" #define MSG_CONSTANT_NAME_EXP "Constant name expected" #define MSG_INVALID_IDENTIFIER "Invalid identifier" #define MSG_EXPECTED "\"%s\" expected" #define MSG_PROCNAME_EXP "Procedure name expected" #define MSG_INVALID_PARAM "Parameter name invalid" #define MSG_INVALID_PARAMT "Parameter type invalid" #define MSG_TOO_MANY_PARAMS "Too many parameters in a definition" #define MSG_INCORRECT_PARAMC "Incorrect number of parameters. Function: %s MinParams: %d." #define MSG_NO_BEGIN "BEGIN expected" #define MSG_NO_END "END expected" #define MSG_ELSE_WOUT_IF "ELSE without IF" #define MSG_PROGRAM_NAME_EXP "Program name expected" #define MSG_PROCESS_NAME_EXP "Procedure name expected" #define MSG_INVALID_TYPE "Invalid data type" #define MSG_UNEXPECTED_TOKEN "Unexpected token (too many ENDs?)" #define MSG_UNEXPECTED_TOKEN_GENERIC "Unexpected token" #define MSG_NO_MAIN "Main procedure was not defined" #define MSG_INTEGER_REQUIRED "Integer type required" #define MSG_NUMBER_REQUIRED "Numeric type required" #define MSG_INCOMP_TYPES "Data types not compatible with operation" #define MSG_INCOMP_TYPE "Data type not accepted here" #define MSG_UNKNOWN_IDENTIFIER "Unknown identifier" #define MSG_NOT_AN_ARRAY "Not an array or struct array" #define MSG_BOUND "Index out of range" #define MSG_IDENTIFIER_EXP "Identifier expected" #define MSG_NOT_AN_LVALUE "Can't get the address of an inmediate value" #define MSG_NOT_A_POINTER "Pointer required" #define MSG_VARIABLE_REQUIRED "Variable required" #define MSG_STRUCT_REQUIRED "Struct required" #define MSG_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO "Division by zero" #define MSG_TYPES_NOT_THE_SAME "Values are of incompatible type" #define MSG_CONSTANT_EXP "Constant value expected" #define MSG_STRING_EXP "String expected" #define MSG_NO_LOOP "Out of loop" #define MSG_INVALID_STEP "Invalid STEP" #define MSG_INVALID_SENTENCE "Invalid sentence" #define MSG_VTA "Can't create an array of undefined multiple sizes" #define MSG_TOO_MANY_AL "Too many array levels" #define MSG_CONSTANT_REDECLARED_AS_VARIABLE "Constant redeclared as variable" #define MSG_VARIABLE_REDECLARED_AS_CONSTANT "Variable redeclared as constant" #define MSG_VARIABLE_REDECLARE "Variable redeclared" #define MSG_VARIABLE_REDECLARE_DIFF "Variable redeclared with different type" #define MSG_IDENTIFIER_EXP "Identifier expected" #define MSG_CANT_INIT_STR "This struct can't be initialized" #define MSG_TOO_MANY_INIT "Too many initializers" #define MSG_TOO_MANY_INCLUDES "Too many nested includes" #define MSG_IDENTIFIER_TOO_LONG "Identifier too long" #define MSG_INVALID_CHAR "Invalid Character" #define MSG_TOO_MANY_TYPES "Too many user-defined types" #define MSG_UNDEFINED_PROC "Undefined procedure" #define MSG_NO_COMPATIBLE_DLL "The library is not BennuGD compatible" #define MSG_TOO_MANY_SYSPROCS "Too many system functions" #define MSG_INCORRECT_PTR_INIT "A pointer can only be initialized to 0" #define MSG_NOT_ENOUGH_INIT "Not enough initializers" #define MSG_MULTIPLE_PROCS_FOUND "Various conflicting versions of %s found" #define MSG_QUESTION_INC "Incompatible types at the sides of ? operator" #define MSG_UNKNOWN_PREP "Unknown preprocessor directive" #define MSG_PTR_CONVERSION "Invalid conversion of non-pointer to pointer" #define MSG_CONVERSION "Unsupported data type cast" #define MSG_PROC_ALREADY_DEFINED "Process/function already defined" #define MSG_PROC_ALREADY_DECLARED "Process/function already declared" #define MSG_FRAME_REQUIRES_INT "FRAME requires an INT return value type" #define MSG_VARIABLE_ERROR "Variable already defined as process, expected type or variable name" #define MSG_PROTO_ERROR "Conflict with previous declaration" #define MSG_MACRO_ERROR "Macro %s already declared" #define MSG_OR " or " #define MSG_TOO_COMPLEX "Expression too complex" #define MSG_EXTRA_CHAR "Extra character" #define MSG_INVALID_EXP "Invalid expression" #define MSG_FILENAME_EXP "Filename expected" #define MSG_ON_PARAM_ERR "ERROR/EXIT expected" #define MSG_GOTO_EXP "GOTO/JMP expected" #endif