/* * Copyright © 2006-2016 SplinterGU (Fenix/Bennugd) * Copyright © 2002-2006 Fenix Team (Fenix) * Copyright © 1999-2002 José Luis Cebrián Pagüe (Fenix) * * This file is part of Bennu - Game Development * * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied * warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages * arising from the use of this software. * * Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, * including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it * freely, subject to the following restrictions: * * 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not * claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software * in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be * appreciated but is not required. * * 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be * misrepresented as being the original software. * * 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source * distribution. * */ #include #include #include #include "bgddl.h" #include "files.h" #include "xstrings.h" /* STRINGS */ /** LEN (STRING SOURCE) * Returns the size of a string */ static int modstring_strlen( INSTANCE * my, int * params ) { const char * str = string_get( params[0] ) ; int r = str ? strlen( str ) : 0 ; string_discard( params[0] ) ; return r ; } /** STRING UCASE (STRING SOURCE) * Converts a string to upper-case */ static int modstring_strupper( INSTANCE * my, int * params ) { int r = string_ucase( params[0] ) ; string_discard( params[0] ) ; string_use( r ) ; return r ; } /** STRING LCASE (STRING SOURCE) * Converts a string to lower-case */ static int modstring_strlower( INSTANCE * my, int * params ) { int r = string_lcase( params[0] ) ; string_discard( params[0] ) ; string_use( r ) ; return r ; } /** STRCASECMP (STRING S1, STRING S2) * Compares two strings, case-insensitive */ static int modstring_strcasecmp( INSTANCE * my, int * params ) { int r = string_casecmp( params[0], params[1] ) ; string_discard( params[0] ) ; string_discard( params[1] ) ; return r ; } /** SUBSTR (STRING SOURCE, INT FIRST_CHARACTER, INT COUNT) * Returns part of a given string, starting at the given character position * and returning a string limited to COUNT characters */ static int modstring_substr( INSTANCE * my, int * params ) { int r = string_substr( params[0], params[1], ( params[2] < 0 ) ? ( params[2] - 1 ) : params[2] ) ; string_discard( params[0] ) ; string_use( r ) ; return r ; } /** SUBSTR (STRING SOURCE, INT FIRST_CHARACTER) * Returns a substring, from the character given to the end of the source string */ static int modstring_substr2( INSTANCE * my, int * params ) { int r = string_substr( params[0], params[1], -1 ) ; string_discard( params[0] ) ; string_use( r ) ; return r ; } /** FIND (STRING SOURCE, STRING SUBSTRING) * Searchs a substring in a string, and returns its position */ static int modstring_strfind( INSTANCE * my, int * params ) { int r = string_find( params[0], params[1], 0 ) ; string_discard( params[0] ) ; string_discard( params[1] ) ; return r ; } /** FIND (STRING SOURCE, STRING SUBSTRING, INT FIRST) * Searchs a substring in a string, starting from the given position, and returns its position */ static int modstring_strfindSSI( INSTANCE * my, int * params ) { int r = string_find( params[0], params[1], params[2] ) ; string_discard( params[0] ) ; string_discard( params[1] ) ; return r ; } /** STRING LPAD (STRING SOURCE, LENGTH) * Expands the string up to the given length, adding spaces at the left */ static int modstring_lpad( INSTANCE * my, int * params ) { int r = string_pad( params[0], params[1], 0 ); string_discard( params[0] ); string_use( r ); return r; } /** STRING RPAD (STRING SOURCE, LENGTH) * Expands the string up to the given length, adding spaces at the right */ static int modstring_rpad( INSTANCE * my, int * params ) { int r = string_pad( params[0], params[1], 1 ); string_discard( params[0] ); string_use( r ); return r; } /** ITOA (INT VALUE) * Converts an integer to string */ static int modstring_itos( INSTANCE * my, int * params ) { int r = string_itoa( params[0] ) ; string_use( r ) ; return r ; } /** FTOA (FLOAT VALUE) * Converts a floating-point number to string */ static int modstring_ftos( INSTANCE * my, int * params ) { int r = string_ftoa( *( float * ) & params[0] ) ; string_use( r ) ; return r ; } /** ATOI (STRING VALUE) * Converts a string to integer */ static int modstring_stoi( INSTANCE * my, int * params ) { const char * str = string_get( params[0] ) ; int r = str ? atoi( str ) : 0 ; string_discard( params[0] ) ; return r ; } /** ATOF (STRING VALUE) * Converts a string to floating-point number */ static int modstring_stof( INSTANCE * my, int * params ) { const char * str = string_get( params[0] ) ; float res = ( float )( str ? atof( str ) : 0 ); string_discard( params[0] ) ; return *(( int * )&res ) ; } /** ASC(STRING C) * Return the ASCII code of the first character at the string */ static int modstring_asc( INSTANCE * my, int * params ) { const unsigned char * str = ( unsigned char * ) string_get( params[0] ) ; int r = str ? *str : '\0' ; string_discard( params[0] ) ; return r ; } /** CHR(ASCII) * Returns a string of length 1, with the character of the given ASCII code */ static int modstring_chr( INSTANCE * my, int * params ) { unsigned char buffer[2] = " " ; int r ; buffer[0] = ( unsigned char ) params[0] ; r = string_new( ( char * ) buffer ) ; string_use( r ) ; return r ; } /** STRING TRIM(STRING SOURCE) * Returns the given string, stripping any space characters at the beginning or the end */ static int modstring_trim( INSTANCE * my, int * params ) { int r = string_strip( params[0] ) ; string_discard( params[0] ) ; string_use( r ) ; return r; } #ifndef WIN32 static char * strrev( char * str ) { char *start = str; char *left = str; char ch; while ( *str++ ); str -= 2; while ( left < str ) { ch = *left; *left++ = *str; *str-- = ch; } return( start ); } #endif /** STRING STRREV (STRING SOURCE) * Returns the reverse of the source string */ static int modstring_strrev( INSTANCE * my, int * params ) { int r = string_new( string_get( params[0] ) ); string_discard( params[0] ) ; string_use( r ) ; strrev(( char * ) string_get( r ) ); return r; } /** FORMAT (INT VALUE) * Converts a given integer value to string form */ static int modstring_formatI( INSTANCE * my, int * params ) { int r = string_format( params[0], 0, '.', ',' ); string_use( r ) ; return r; } /** FORMAT (FLOAT VALUE) * Converts a given value to string form */ static int modstring_formatF( INSTANCE * my, int * params ) { int r = string_format( *( float * ) & params[0], -1, '.', ',' ); string_use( r ) ; return r; } /** FORMAT (INT VALUE, INT DECIMALS) * Converts a given integer value to string form. Uses a fixed number * of decimals, as given with the second parameter. */ static int modstring_formatFI( INSTANCE * my, int * params ) { int r = string_format( *( float * ) & params[0], params[1], '.', ',' ); string_use( r ) ; return r; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* exports */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "mod_string_exports.h" /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */