#!/usr/bin/env python # # Command line parameter self-documentation tool. Reads comments from # the source code in the following form: # # //! # // @arg # // @category Category # // @platform # // # // Long description of the parameter # // # # something_involving = M_CheckParm("-param"); # # From this, a manpage can be automatically generated of the command # line parameters. import sys import re import glob import getopt class Category: def __init__(self, description): self.description = description self.params = [] def add_param(self, param): self.params.append(param) # Find the maximum width of a parameter in this category def paramtext_width(self): w = 0 for p in self.params: pw = len(p.name) + 5 if p.args: pw += len(p.args) if pw > w: w = pw return w # Plain text output def plaintext_output(self): result = "=== %s ===\n\n" % self.description self.params.sort() w = self.paramtext_width() for p in self.params: if p.should_show(): result += p.plaintext_output(w) result = result.rstrip() + "\n" return result def manpage_output(self): result = ".SH " + self.description.upper() + "\n" self.params.sort() for p in self.params: if p.should_show(): result += ".TP\n" result += p.manpage_output() return result def wiki_output(self): result = "=== %s ===\n" % self.description self.params.sort() for p in self.params: if p.should_show(): result += "; " + p.wiki_output() + "\n" # Escape special HTML characters result = result.replace("&", "&") result = result.replace("<", "<") result = result.replace(">", ">") return result categories = { None: Category("General options"), "video": Category("Display options"), "demo": Category("Demo options"), "net": Category("Networking options"), "mod": Category("Dehacked and WAD merging"), "compat": Category("Compatibility"), } wikipages = [] # Show options that are in Vanilla Doom? Or only new options? show_vanilla_options = True class Parameter: def __cmp__(self, other): if self.name < other.name: return -1 else: return 1 def __init__(self): self.text = "" self.name = "" self.args = None self.platform = None self.category = None self.vanilla_option = False def should_show(self): return not self.vanilla_option or show_vanilla_options def add_text(self, text): if len(text) <= 0: pass elif text[0] == "@": match = re.match('@(\S+)\s*(.*)', text) if not match: raise "Malformed option line: %s" % text option_type = match.group(1) data = match.group(2) if option_type == "arg": self.args = data elif option_type == "platform": self.platform = data elif option_type == "category": self.category = data elif option_type == "vanilla": self.vanilla_option = True else: raise "Unknown option type '%s'" % option_type else: self.text += text + " " def manpage_output(self): result = self.name if self.args: result += " " + self.args result = '\\fB' + result + '\\fR' result += "\n" if self.platform: result += "[%s only] " % self.platform escaped = re.sub('\\\\', '\\\\\\\\', self.text) result += escaped + "\n" return result def wiki_output(self): result = self.name if self.args: result += " " + self.args result += ": " result += add_wiki_links(self.text) if self.platform: result += "'''(%s only)'''" % self.platform return result def plaintext_output(self, w): # Build the first line, with the argument on line = " " + self.name if self.args: line += " " + self.args # pad up to the plaintext width line += " " * (w - len(line)) # Build the description text description = self.text if self.platform: description += " (%s only)" % self.platform # Build the complete text for the argument # Split the description into words and add a word at a time result = "" for word in re.split('\s+', description): # Break onto the next line? if len(line) + len(word) + 1 > 75: result += line + "\n" line = " " * w # Add another word line += word + " " result += line + "\n\n" return result # Read list of wiki pages def read_wikipages(): f = open("wikipages") try: for line in f: line = line.rstrip() line = re.sub('\#.*$', '', line) if not re.match('^\s*$', line): wikipages.append(line) finally: f.close() # Add wiki page links def add_wiki_links(text): for pagename in wikipages: page_re = re.compile('(%s)' % pagename, re.IGNORECASE) # text = page_re.sub("SHOES", text) text = page_re.sub('[[\\1]]', text) return text def process_file(file): f = open(file) try: param = None waiting_for_checkparm = False for line in f: line = line.rstrip() # Currently reading a doc comment? if param: # End of doc comment if not re.match('\s*//', line): waiting_for_checkparm = True # Waiting for the M_CheckParm call that contains the # name of the parameter we are documenting? if waiting_for_checkparm: match = re.search('M_CheckParm\s*\(\s*"(.*?)"\s*\)', line) if match: # Found the name! Finished documenting this # parameter. param.name = match.group(1) categories[param.category].add_param(param) param = None else: # More documentation text munged_line = re.sub('\s*\/\/\s*', '', line, 1) munged_line = re.sub('\s*$', '', munged_line) param.add_text(munged_line) # Check for start of a doc comment if re.search("//!", line): param = Parameter() waiting_for_checkparm = False finally: f.close() def process_files(dir): # Process all C source files. files = glob.glob(dir + "/*.c") for file in files: process_file(file) def print_file_contents(file): f = open(file) try: for line in f: print line.rstrip() finally: f.close() def manpage_output(dir): process_files(dir) print_file_contents("header") print categories[None].manpage_output() for c in categories: if c != None: print categories[c].manpage_output() print_file_contents("footer") def wiki_output(dir): read_wikipages() process_files(dir) print categories[None].wiki_output() for c in categories: if c != None: print categories[c].wiki_output() def plaintext_output(dir): process_files(dir) print "== Command line parameters ==" print print "This is a list of the command line parameters supported by " print "Chocolate Doom. A number of additional parameters are supported " print "in addition to those present in Vanilla Doom. " print print categories[None].plaintext_output() for c in categories: if c != None: print categories[c].plaintext_output() def usage(): print "Usage: %s [-V] ( -m | -w | -p ) " % sys.argv[0] print " -m : Manpage output" print " -w : Wikitext output" print " -p : Plaintext output" print " -V : Don't show Vanilla Doom options" sys.exit(0) # Parse command line opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "mwpV") output_function = None for opt in opts: if opt[0] == "-m": output_function = manpage_output elif opt[0] == "-w": output_function = wiki_output elif opt[0] == "-p": output_function = plaintext_output elif opt[0] == "-V": show_vanilla_options = False if output_function == None or len(args) != 1: usage() else: output_function(args[0])