#!/usr/bin/env python import os import re import shutil import sys import tempfile CAB_HEADER = "MSCE" ARCHITECTURES = { "shx-sh3": 103, "shx-sh4": 104, "i386": 386, "i486": 486, "i586": 586, "powerpc-601": 601, "powerpc-603": 603, "powerpc-604": 604, "powerpc-620": 620, "powerpc-mpc821": 821, "arm720": 1824, "arm820": 2080, "arm920": 2336, "strongarm": 2577, "mips-r4000": 4000, "sh3": 10003, "sh3e": 10004, "sh4": 10005, "alpha-21064": 21064, "arm7tdmi": 70001, } DIR_VARIABLES = { "PROGRAMS": "%CE1%", # \Program Files "WINDOWS": "%CE2%", # \Windows "DESKTOP": "%CE3%", # \Windows\Desktop "STARTUP": "%CE4%", # \Windows\StartUp "DOCUMENTS": "%CE5%", # \My Documents "PROGRAMS_ACCESSORIES": "%CE6%", # \Program Files\Accessories "PROGRAMS_COMMUNICATIONS": "%CE7%", # \Program Files\Communications "PROGRAMS_GAMES": "%CE8%", # \Program Files\Games "PROGRAMS_OUTLOOK": "%CE9%", # \Program Files\Pocket Outlook "PROGRAMS_OFFICE": "%CE10%", # \Program Files\Office "WINDOWS_PROGRAMS": "%CE11%", # \Windows\Programs "WINDOWS_ACCESSORIES": "%CE12%", # \Windows\Programs\Accessories "WINDOWS_COMMUNICATIONS": "%CE13%", # \Windows\Programs\Communications "WINDOWS_GAMES": "%CE14%", # \Windows\Programs\Games "FONTS": "%CE15%", # \Windows\Fonts "RECENT": "%CE16%", # \Windows\Recent "FAVORITES": "%CE17%", # \Windows\Favorites "START_PROGRAMS": "%CE11%", # \Windows\Start Menu\Programs "START_ACCESSORIES": "%CE12%", # \Windows\Start Menu\Accessories "START_COMMUNICATIONS": "%CE13%", # \Windows\Start Menu\Communications "START_GAMES": "%CE14%", # \Windows\Start Menu\Games "START": "%CE17%", # \Windows\Start Menu } def write_int16(f, value): b1 = value & 0xff b2 = (value >> 8) & 0xff f.write("%c%c" % (b1, b2)) def write_int32(f, value): b1 = value & 0xff b2 = (value >> 8) & 0xff b3 = (value >> 16) & 0xff b4 = (value >> 24) & 0xff f.write("%c%c%c%c" % (b1, b2, b3, b4)) # Pad a string with NUL characters so that it has a length that is # a multiple of 4. At least one NUL is always added. def pad_string(s): pad_len = 4 - (len(s) % 4) return s + (pad_len * "\x00") class HeaderSection: def __init__(self, cab_header): self.cab_header = cab_header self.arch = None self.app_name = None self.provider = None self.unsupported = None def __len__(self): return 100 # header has fixed size def set_meta(self, arch, app_name, provider, unsupported): if arch not in ARCHITECTURES: raise Exception("Unknown architecture '%s'" % arch) self.arch = ARCHITECTURES[arch] dictionary = self.cab_header.dictionary self.app_name = app_name dictionary.get(self.app_name) self.provider = provider dictionary.get(self.provider) self.unsupported = unsupported dictionary.get(self.unsupported) def write(self, stream): # Basic header stream.write(CAB_HEADER) write_int32(stream, 0) write_int32(stream, len(self.cab_header)) write_int32(stream, 0) write_int32(stream, 1) write_int32(stream, self.arch) # minimum Windows CE version: write_int32(stream, 0) write_int32(stream, 0) write_int32(stream, 0) write_int32(stream, 0) write_int32(stream, 0) write_int32(stream, 0) dictionary = self.cab_header.dictionary # Write number of entries in other sections: for section in self.cab_header.sections: if section is not self: write_int16(stream, section.num_entries()) # Write offsets of other sections: for section in self.cab_header.sections: if section is not self: offset = self.cab_header.get_section_offset(section) write_int32(stream, offset) # Special strings: special_strings = ( self.app_name, self.provider, self.unsupported ) dictionary_offset = self.cab_header.get_section_offset(dictionary) for s in special_strings: s_offset = dictionary.get_offset(s) write_int16(stream, dictionary_offset + s_offset) write_int16(stream, len(s) + 1) # Two left-over fields of unknown use: write_int16(stream, 0) write_int16(stream, 0) class StringDictionary: def __init__(self, cab_header): self.cab_header = cab_header self.string_list = [] self.strings = {} self.length = 0 self.index = 1 # Get the length of the dictionary, in bytes. def __len__(self): return self.length # Get the number of entries in the dictionary. def num_entries(self): return len(self.strings) # Get the ID for the given string, adding it if necessary. def get(self, s): # Is this a new string? Add it to the dictionary. if s not in self.strings: offset = self.length padded = pad_string(s) self.strings[s] = (self.index, offset) self.string_list.append((self.index, padded)) self.length += len(padded) + 4 self.index += 1 return self.strings[s][0] # Get the offset of a particular string within the dictionary. def get_offset(self, s): return self.strings[s][1] + 4 # Write the dictionary to the output stream. def write(self, stream): # Write out all strings: for i, s in self.string_list: write_int16(stream, i) write_int16(stream, len(s)) stream.write(s) class DirectoryList: def __init__(self, cab_header): self.cab_header = cab_header self.directories_list = [] self.directories = {} self.length = 0 self.index = 1 def __len__(self): return self.length def num_entries(self): return len(self.directories_list) # Find whether the specified directory exists in the list def find(self, dir): key = dir.lower() if key in self.directories: return self.directories[key] else: return None # Get the ID for the given directory, adding it if necessary. def get(self, dir): key = dir.lower() dictionary = self.cab_header.dictionary # Add new directory? if key not in self.directories: # Separate into individual directories, and map to strings: #dir_path = dir.split("\\") #if dir_path[0] == "": # dir_path = dir_path[1:] dir_path = [ dir ] dir_path = map(lambda x: dictionary.get(x), dir_path) self.directories[key] = self.index self.directories_list.append((self.index, dir_path)) self.length += 6 + 2 * len(dir_path) self.index += 1 return self.directories[key] # Write the directory list to the specified stream. def write(self, stream): for i, dir in self.directories_list: write_int16(stream, i) write_int16(stream, 2 * len(dir) + 2) for subdir in dir: write_int16(stream, subdir) write_int16(stream, 0) class FileList: def __init__(self, cab_header): self.cab_header = cab_header self.files = [] self.length = 0 self.index = 1 # Get the length of this section, in bytes. def __len__(self): return self.length # Query whether the file list contains a particular file. def find(self, filename): dirname, sep, target_basename = filename.rpartition("\\") target_basename = pad_string(target_basename) target_dir_id = self.cab_header.directory_list.find(dirname) if target_dir_id is None: return None else: # Search the list of files: for i, dir_id, basename, file_no, flags in self.files: if dir_id == target_dir_id and basename == target_basename: return file_no else: return None # Get the number of entries in the file list def num_entries(self): return len(self.files) # Add a file to the list. def add(self, filename, file_no, flags=0): dirname, sep, basename = filename.rpartition("\\") dir_id = self.cab_header.directory_list.get(dirname) padded = pad_string(basename) self.files.append((self.index, dir_id, padded, file_no, flags)) self.length += 12 + len(padded) self.index += 1 # Write this section to the output stream. def write(self, stream): for i, dir_id, filename, file_no, flags in self.files: write_int16(stream, i) write_int16(stream, dir_id) write_int16(stream, file_no) write_int32(stream, flags) write_int16(stream, len(filename)) stream.write(filename) # TODO? class RegHiveList: def __len__(self): return 0 def num_entries(self): return 0 def write(self, stream): pass class RegKeyList(): def __len__(self): return 0 def num_entries(self): return 0 def write(self, stream): pass class LinkList: def __init__(self, cab_header): self.cab_header = cab_header self.links = [] self.length = 0 self.index = 1 def __len__(self): return self.length def num_entries(self): return len(self.links) # Determine the target type (dir/file) and ID: def __find_target(self, target): file_id = self.cab_header.file_list.find(target) if file_id is not None: return 1, file_id dir_list = self.cab_header.get_section(DirectoryList) dir_id = dir_list.find(target) if dir_id is not None: return 0, dir_id raise Exception("Link target '%s' not found" % target) def add(self, target, destination): target_type, target_id = self.__find_target(target) dest_path = destination.split("\\") # Leading \: if dest_path[0] == "": dest_path = dest_path[1:] # %CEn% to specify the install root is handled differently for # links than it is for files/dirs. match = re.match(r"\%CE(\d+)\%", dest_path[0]) if match: base_dir = int(match.group(1)) dest_path = dest_path[1:] else: base_dir = 0 # Map dirs that make up the path to strings. dictionary = self.cab_header.dictionary dest_path = map(lambda x: dictionary.get(x), dest_path) self.links.append((self.index, target_type, target_id, base_dir, dest_path)) self.index += 1 self.length += 14 + 2 * len(dest_path) def write(self, stream): for i, target_type, target_id, base_dir, dest_path in self.links: write_int16(stream, i) write_int16(stream, 0) write_int16(stream, base_dir) write_int16(stream, target_id) write_int16(stream, target_type) write_int16(stream, 2 * len(dest_path) + 2) for subdir in dest_path: write_int16(stream, subdir) write_int16(stream, 0) class CabHeaderFile: def __init__(self): self.dictionary = StringDictionary(self) self.directory_list = DirectoryList(self) self.file_list = FileList(self) self.sections = [ HeaderSection(self), self.dictionary, self.directory_list, self.file_list, RegHiveList(), RegKeyList(), LinkList(self) ] def set_meta(self, *args): header_section = self.get_section(HeaderSection) header_section.set_meta(*args) def add_file(self, filename, file_no, flags=0): files_section = self.get_section(FileList) files_section.add(filename, file_no, flags) def add_link(self, target, destination): links_section = self.get_section(LinkList) links_section.add(target, destination) def get_section(self, section_class): for section in self.sections: if isinstance(section, section_class): return section else: raise Exception("Can't find section of class %s" % section_class) def get_section_offset(self, section): offset = 0 for s in self.sections: if section is s: return offset offset += len(s) else: raise Exception("Section %s not found in list") def __len__(self): result = 0 for s in self.sections: result += len(s) return result def write(self, stream): old_pos = 0 for section in self.sections: section.write(stream) pos = stream.tell() if pos != old_pos + len(section): raise Exception("Section is %i bytes long, but %i written" % \ (len(section), pos - old_pos)) old_pos = pos class CabFile: def __init__(self, config): self.cab_header = CabHeaderFile() self.__process_meta(config) self.__process_files(config["files"]) if "links" in config: self.__process_links(config["links"]) # Metadata: def __process_meta(self, config): arch = config.get("arch") or "strongarm" app_name = config.get("app_name") provider = config.get("provider") unsupported = config.get("unsupported") or "" if app_name is None or provider is None: raise Exception("Application name and provider must be specified") self.cab_header.set_meta(arch, app_name, provider, unsupported) self.app_name = app_name # Get the shortened 8.3 filename used for the specified file # within the CAB. def __shorten_name(self, filename, file_no): # Strip down to base filename without extension: basename = os.path.basename(filename) if "." in basename: basename = basename.rpartition(".")[0] # Remove non-alphanumeric characters: def only_alnum(x): if x.isalnum(): return x else: return "" cleaned_name = "".join(map(only_alnum, basename)) short_name = cleaned_name[0:8] if len(short_name) < 8: short_name = "0" * (8 - len(short_name)) + short_name return "%s.%03i" % (short_name, file_no) # Process the list of files to install: def __process_files(self, files): self.files = [ self.app_name ] for filename, source_file in files.items(): file_no = len(self.files) filename = expand_path(filename) self.cab_header.add_file(filename, file_no) self.files.append(source_file) # Process the list of links: def __process_links(self, links): for destination, target in links.items(): target = expand_path(target) destination = expand_path(destination) self.cab_header.add_link(target, destination) # Write the header file: def __write_header(self, dir): basename = self.__shorten_name(self.files[0], 0) filename = os.path.join(dir, basename) stream = file(filename, "w") self.cab_header.write(stream) stream.close() return [ filename ] # Write the files: def __write_files(self, dir): result = [] for file_no in range(1, len(self.files)): source_file = self.files[file_no] basename = self.__shorten_name(source_file, file_no) filename = os.path.join(dir, basename) shutil.copy(source_file, filename) result.append(filename) return result # Output to a file: def write(self, filename): temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() header = self.__write_header(temp_dir) files = self.__write_files(temp_dir) files.reverse() args = [ "lcab", "-n" ] + header + files + [ filename ] os.spawnlp(os.P_WAIT, "lcab", *args) # Clean up: for tmpfile in header + files: os.remove(tmpfile) os.rmdir(temp_dir) def expand_path(filename): # Replace Unix-style / path separators with DOS-style \ filename = filename.replace("/", "\\") # Expand $(xyz) path variables to their Windows equivalents: def replace_var(match): var_name = match.group(1) if not var_name in DIR_VARIABLES: raise Exception("Unknown variable '%s'" % var_name) else: return DIR_VARIABLES[var_name] return re.sub(r"\$\((.*?)\)", replace_var, filename) def read_config_file(filename): f = file(filename) data = f.readlines() data = "".join(data) f.close() prog = compile(data, filename, "exec") result = {} eval(prog, result) return result if len(sys.argv) < 3: print "Usage: %s " % sys.argv[0] sys.exit(0) config = read_config_file(sys.argv[1]) cab_file = CabFile(config) cab_file.write(sys.argv[2])