#include "heads.h" #include "../enemy.h" #include "../game.h" #include "../PHL.h" #include "../hero.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include <math.h> void headStep(Head* h); void headDraw(Head* h); void bulletStep(Bullet* b); void bulletDraw(Bullet* b); void fireballStep(Fireball* f); void fireballDraw(Fireball* f); void laserStep(Laser* l); void laserDraw(Laser* l); void flameStep(Flame* f); void flameDraw(Flame* f); void rockStep(Rock* r); void rockDraw(Rock* r); void airStep(Air* a); void airDraw(Air* a); void createHead(int type, int x, int y, int dir, int offset, int cooloff) { int i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) { if (enemies[i] == NULL) { Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e); Head* h = malloc(sizeof *h); h->id = i; h->type = type; h->x = x; h->y = y; h->state = 0; h->hp = 5; h->invincible = 0; h->counter = 0; h->dir = 1; if (dir == 1) { h->dir = -1; } h->timer = 30 * offset; h->cooloff = 60; if (cooloff != 0) { h->cooloff = 30 * cooloff; } e->type = -1; if (h->type == 0) { e->type = 4; h->cooloff = 120; } else if (h->type == 1) { e->type = 6; } else if (h->type == 2) { e->type = 5; } else if (h->type == 3) { e->type = 7; h->cooloff = 120; } else if (h->type == 4) { e->type = 10; h->dir = 0; } else if (h->type == 5) { e->type = 25; h->dir = 0; } e->data = h; e->enemyStep = headStep; e->enemyDraw = headDraw; enemies[i] = e; i = MAX_ENEMIES; } } } void headStep(Head* h) { int RHYNO = 0, MEDUSA = 1, DRAGON = 2, DEMON = 3, FIRE = 4, JAR = 5; //Setup Mask Mask mask; { mask.circle = mask.unused = 0; mask.x = h->x; mask.y = h->y + 1; mask.w = 40; mask.h = 39; } //Timers { if (h->invincible > 0) { h->invincible -= 1; } if (h->timer > 0) { h->timer -= 1; } } //Wait if (h->state == 0) { char endstate = 0; if (h->timer <= 0) { //Proximity if (h->type == RHYNO || h->type == DEMON) { Mask area; area.circle = area.unused = 0; area.h = 80; area.w = 400; area.y = h->y - 20; area.x = h->x; if (h->dir == -1) { area.x -= area.w - 40; } if (checkCollision(area, getHeroMask()) == 1) { endstate = 1; } }else{ endstate = 1; } } //Move onto next state if (endstate == 1) { h->state = 1; h->timer = 30; } } //Blink else if (h->state == 1) { //Shoot projectile if (h->timer <= 0) { //Play Sound { int soundtoplay[6] = {sndShot03, sndShot04, sndFire01, sndHit06, sndShot03, sndShot06}; PHL_PlaySound(sounds[soundtoplay[h->type]], CHN_ENEMIES); } //Set vars { h->state = 0; h->timer = h->cooloff; } //Create projectile { //Rhyno head if (h->type == RHYNO) { createBullet(mask.x + (mask.w / 2), h->y + 24, h->dir, h->id); } //Medusa head if (h->type == MEDUSA) { createLaser(h->x, h->y, h->dir); } //Dragon head if (h->type == DRAGON) { createFlame(h->x + 20 + (20 * h->dir), h->y - 10, h->dir); } //Demon head if (h->type == DEMON) { createRock(h->x + (20 * h->dir), h->y, h->dir); } //Fireball Statue if (h->type == FIRE) { createFireball(h->x + 20, h->y + 20, (atan2(heroy - h->y, h->x - (herox - 20)) * 180 / 3.14159) + 270, h->id); } //Air Jar if (h->type == JAR) { h->state = 3; h->timer = 12; h->counter = 0; } } } } //Air Jar else if (h->state == 3) { if (h->timer <= 0) { h->counter += 1; h->timer = 12; createAir(h->x, h->y - 20); } if (h->counter >= 6) { h->counter = 0; h->state = 0; h->timer = h->cooloff; } } //Hit player if (h->type != JAR) { if (checkCollision(getHeroMask(), mask)) { heroHit(10, mask.x + (mask.w / 2)); } } //Weapon collision int i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) { if (weapons[i] != NULL) { if (weapons[i]->cooldown == 0) { if (checkCollision(mask, weapons[i]->weaponMask)) { h->hp -= 1; h->invincible = 15; weaponHit(weapons[i]); //Death if (h->hp <= 0) { createRockSmash(h->x + 20, h->y + 20); spawnCollectable(h->x + 20, h->y); enemyDestroy(h->id); } i = MAX_WEAPONS; } } } } } void headDraw(Head* h) { if (h->invincible % 2 == 0) { int sheetX[6] = {0, 320, 160, 240, 560, 400}; int sheetY[6] = {80, 80, 80, 120, 0, 120}; int cropX = sheetX[h->type]; int addx[6] = {6, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0}; int frames = 2; //Change dir if (h->dir == 0) { frames = 1; }else{ frames = 2; if (h->dir == -1) { cropX += 40; } } //White flash if (h->state == 1 && h->timer % 6 < 3) { cropX += 40 * frames; } PHL_DrawSurfacePart(h->x - (addx[h->type] * h->dir), h->y, cropX, sheetY[h->type], 40, 40, images[imgEnemies]); } } //Bullets void createBullet(int x, int y, int dir, int minid) { int i; for (i = minid; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) { if (enemies[i] == NULL) { Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e); Bullet* b = malloc(sizeof *b); b->id = i; b->x = x; b->y = y; b->hsp = dir * 4; b->imageIndex = 0; e->data = b; e->enemyStep = bulletStep; e->enemyDraw = bulletDraw; e->type = -1; enemies[i] = e; i = MAX_ENEMIES; } } } void bulletStep(Bullet* b) { char dead = 0; //Movement { b->x += b->hsp; } //Create Mask Mask mask; { mask.unused = 0; mask.circle = 1; mask.w = mask.h = 10; mask.x = b->x; mask.y = b->y; } //Animation { if (b->hsp > 0) { b->imageIndex += 0.33; }else{ b->imageIndex -= 0.33; } if (b->imageIndex < 0) { b->imageIndex += 4; } if (b->imageIndex >= 4) { b->imageIndex -= 4; } } //Collide with wall { if (checkTileCollision(1, mask) == 1) { createEffect(1, b->x - 20, b->y - 20); dead = 1; } } //Collide with hero { //Shield collision if (checkCollision(mask, shieldMask) == 1) { dead = 1; createEffect(1, b->x - 20, b->y - 20); PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndHit07], CHN_EFFECTS); } //Collide with hero else{ if (checkCollision(getHeroMask(), mask)) { heroHit(10, mask.x); } } } //Destroy if outside of view { if (b->x > 660 || b->x < -20 || b->y < -20 || b->y > 520) { dead = 1; } } //Destroy { if (dead == 1) { enemyDestroy(b->id); } } } void bulletDraw(Bullet* b) { PHL_DrawSurfacePart(b->x - 20, b->y - 20, 160 + (40 * (int)b->imageIndex), 480, 40, 40, images[imgMisc20]); } //Fireball void createFireball(int x, int y, int angle, int minid) { //General idea: try to place fireball over spawner int i; for (i = minid; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) { if (enemies[i] == NULL) { Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e); Fireball* f = malloc(sizeof *f); f->id = i; f->x = x; f->y = y; f->spd = 3; f->imageIndex = 0; f->angle = angle; f->mask.circle = 1; f->mask.unused = 0; f->mask.x = x; f->mask.y = y; f->mask.w = f->mask.h = 14; e->data = f; e->enemyStep = fireballStep; e->enemyDraw = fireballDraw; e->type = -1; enemies[i] = e; i = MAX_ENEMIES; } } } void fireballStep(Fireball* f) { f->x += (f->spd) * sin(f->angle * 3.14159 / 180); f->y += (f->spd) * cos(f->angle * 3.14159 / 180); f->mask.x = f->x; f->mask.y = f->y; f->imageIndex += 0.5; if (f->imageIndex >= 8) { f->imageIndex -= 8; } //Collide with shield if (checkCollision(f->mask, shieldMask)) { createEffect(1, f->x - 20, f->y - 20); PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndHit07], CHN_EFFECTS); enemyDestroy(f->id); }else{ //Hit player if (checkCollision(getHeroMask(), f->mask)) { heroHit(10, f->mask.x); } //Destroy if outside of view if (f->x > 660 || f->x < -20 || f->y < -20 || f->y > 520) { enemyDestroy(f->id); } } } void fireballDraw(Fireball* f) { PHL_DrawSurfacePart(f->x - 20, f->y - 20, 320 + (40 * (int)f->imageIndex), 440, 40, 40, images[imgMisc20]); } //Laser void createLaser(int x, int y, int dir) { int i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) { if (enemies[i] == NULL) { Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e); Laser* l = malloc(sizeof *l); l->id = i; l->x = x; l->y = y; l->dir = dir; l->imageIndex = 0; l->mask.circle = l->mask.unused = 0; l->mask.x = x; l->mask.y = y + 17; l->mask.w = 40; l->mask.h = 6; e->data = l; e->enemyStep = laserStep; e->enemyDraw = laserDraw; e->type = -1; enemies[i] = e; i = MAX_ENEMIES; } } } void laserStep(Laser* l) { char dead = 0; l->x += l->dir * 10; l->mask.x = l->x; l->imageIndex += 0.34; if (l->imageIndex >= 2) { l->imageIndex -= 2; } if (checkCollision(shieldMask, l->mask)) { //Hit shield PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndHit07], CHN_EFFECTS); createEffect(1, l->x + (20 * l->dir), l->y); enemyDestroy(l->id); dead = 1; }else if (checkCollision(getHeroMask(), l->mask)) { heroStone(); heroHit(15, l->x + 20); } if (dead == 0) { if (checkTileCollision(1, l->mask)) { createEffect(1, l->x + (20 * l->dir), l->y); enemyDestroy(l->id); dead = 1; } if (dead == 0) { if (l->mask.x > 640 || l->mask.x + l->mask.w <= 0) { enemyDestroy(l->id); } } } } void laserDraw(Laser* l) { int dx = 0, dy = 480; if (l->dir == -1) { dx += 80; } PHL_DrawSurfacePart(l->x, l->y, dx + (((int)l->imageIndex) * 40), dy, 40, 40, images[imgMisc20]); } //Dragon Flame void createFlame(int x, int y, int dir) { int i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) { if (enemies[i] == NULL) { Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e); Flame* f = malloc(sizeof *f); f->id = i; f->x = x; f->y = y; f->dir = dir; f->timer = 60; f->imageIndex = 0; e->data = f; e->enemyStep = flameStep; e->enemyDraw = flameDraw; e->type = -1; enemies[i] = e; i = MAX_ENEMIES; } } } void flameStep(Flame* f) { f->imageIndex += 0.25; if (f->timer > 0) { if (f->imageIndex >= 3) { f->imageIndex -= 3; } } f->timer -= 1; if (f->timer == 0) { f->imageIndex = 3; } //Hero Collision { Mask mask; mask.circle = mask.unused = 0; mask.x = f->x; mask.y = f->y + 16; mask.w = 120; mask.h = 18; if (f->dir == -1) { mask.x -= 120; } if (checkCollision(mask, getHeroMask()) == 1) { int centerX = mask.x + 60 - (60 * f->dir); //Hero is on ladder if (getHeroState() == 3) { centerX = herox; } heroHit(30, centerX); } } if (f->timer < 0 && f->imageIndex >= 6) { enemyDestroy(f->id); } } void flameDraw(Flame* f) { int drawX = f->x, drawY = f->y; int cropX = 0, cropY = 0; if (f->dir == -1) { cropX += 720; drawX -= 120; } cropX += 120 * (int)f->imageIndex; while (cropX >= 600) { cropX -= 600; cropY += 40; } PHL_DrawSurfacePart(drawX, drawY, cropX, cropY, 120, 40, images[imgMisc6020]); } //Demon Rock void createRock(int x, int y, int dir) { int i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) { if (enemies[i] == NULL) { Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e); Rock* r = malloc(sizeof *r); r->id = i; r->x = x; r->y = y; r->vsp = -3; r->dir = dir; r->imageIndex = 0; e->data = r; e->enemyStep = rockStep; e->enemyDraw = rockDraw; e->type = -1; enemies[i] = e; i = MAX_ENEMIES; } } } void rockStep(Rock* r) { char dead = 0; //Animate { r->imageIndex += 0.25 * r->dir; if (r->imageIndex >= 8) { r->imageIndex -= 8; } if (r->imageIndex < 0) { r->imageIndex += 8; } } //Setup Mask Mask mask; { mask.unused = mask.circle = 0; mask.x = r->x + 2; mask.y = r->y + 2; mask.w = 36; mask.h = 36; } int hsp = 3; double grav = 0.12; //Movement { r->y += r->vsp; r->vsp += grav; //Collide with floor { mask.y = r->y + 2; PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollision(1, mask); if (collide.x == -1) { collide = getTileCollision(3, mask); } if (collide.x != -1) { PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndHit06], CHN_ENEMIES); r->y = collide.y - mask.h - 2; r->vsp = -3; mask.y = r->y + 2; } } r->x += hsp * r->dir; //Collide with wall { mask.x = r->x + 2; PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollision(1, mask); if (collide.x != -1) { dead = 1; } } } //Collision { //Hero collision if (checkCollision(mask, getHeroMask()) == 1) { heroHit(20, mask.x + (mask.w / 2)); } //Weapon collision int i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) { if (weapons[i] != NULL) { if (weapons[i]->cooldown == 0) { if (checkCollision(mask, weapons[i]->weaponMask)) { weaponHit(weapons[i]); PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndHit03], CHN_WEAPONS); i = MAX_WEAPONS; } } } } } //Destroy if (dead == 1) { createRockSmash(r->x + 20, r->y); enemyDestroy(r->id); } } void rockDraw(Rock* r) { PHL_DrawSurfacePart(r->x, r->y, 320 + ((int)r->imageIndex * 40), 160, 40, 40, images[imgEnemies]); } //Air Stream void createAir(int x, int y) { int i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) { if (enemies[i] == NULL) { Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e); Air* a = malloc(sizeof *a); a->id = i; a->x = x; a->y = y; a->imageIndex = 0; e->data = a; e->enemyStep = airStep; e->enemyDraw = airDraw; e->type = -1; enemies[i] = e; i = MAX_ENEMIES; } } } //Air Puff void airStep(Air* a) { Mask mask; mask.circle = mask.unused = 0; mask.w = 36; mask.h = 30; mask.x = a->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2); //Animate a->imageIndex += 0.5; if (a->imageIndex >= 2) { a->imageIndex -= 2; } //Movement a->y -= 6; mask.y = a->y + (40 - mask.h); //Collide with player if (getHeroState() != 2) { if (checkCollision(mask, getHeroMask())) { if (hasItem[27] == 0) { heroHit(10, mask.x + (mask.w / 2)); }else{ //Floating stuff if (getHeroVsp() > -5) { setHeroVsp(-5); setHeroOnground(0); } } } } //destroy if outside of room if (mask.y + mask.h < 0) { enemyDestroy(a->id); } } void airDraw(Air* a) { PHL_DrawSurfacePart(a->x, a->y, (int)a->imageIndex * 40, 560, 40, 40, images[imgMisc20]); }