path: root/maemo
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'maemo')
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 1367 deletions
diff --git a/maemo/hildon.c b/maemo/hildon.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e9cd9f..0000000
--- a/maemo/hildon.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,843 +0,0 @@
-#include <gtk/gtk.h>
-#include <glib.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <hildon/hildon.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <pthread.h>
-#include "../frontend/plugin_lib.h"
-#include "../frontend/main.h"
-#include "../libpcsxcore/misc.h"
-#include "../include/psemu_plugin_defs.h"
-#include "../libpcsxcore/cdrom.h"
-#include "../libpcsxcore/cdriso.h"
-#include "../plugins/dfinput/main.h"
-#include "../frontend/libpicofe/readpng.h"
-#include "maemo_common.h"
-#include <libosso.h>
-#include <dbus/dbus.h>
-#define X_RES 800
-#define Y_RES 480
-#define D_WIDTH 640
-#define D_HEIGHT 480
-#define CALL_SIGNAL_IF "com.nokia.csd.Call"
-#define CALL_SIGNAL_PATH "/com/nokia/csd/call"
-#define CALL_INCOMING_SIG "Coming"
-#define DBUS_RULE_CALL_INCOMING "type='signal',interface='" CALL_SIGNAL_IF \
- "',path='" CALL_SIGNAL_PATH \
- "',member='" CALL_INCOMING_SIG "'"
-osso_context_t* osso = NULL;
-int bRunning = TRUE;
-extern int bKeepDisplayOn;
-extern int bAutosaveOnExit;
-extern int cornerActions[4];
-extern char keys_config_file[MAXPATHLEN];
-static pthread_t display_thread = (pthread_t)0;
-int g_layer_x = (X_RES - D_WIDTH) / 2;
-int g_layer_y = (Y_RES - D_HEIGHT) / 2;
-int g_layer_w = D_WIDTH, g_layer_h = D_HEIGHT;
-static GdkImage *image;
-static HildonAnimationActor *actor;
-static GtkWidget *window, *drawing = NULL;
-static int pl_buf_w, pl_buf_h;
-int keymap[65536];
-int direction_keys[4];
-// map psx4m compatible keymap to PSX keys
-static const unsigned char keymap2[14] = {
- DKEY_LEFT, // 0
- DKEY_CROSS, // 5
- DKEY_L1, // 10
- DKEY_R1,
- DKEY_L2,
- DKEY_R2,
-void hildon_quit()
- maemo_finish();
- gtk_main_quit();
- exit(0);
-gdouble press_x = -1;
-gdouble press_y = -1;
-int maemo_x11_update_keys();
-void show_notification(char* text);
-void change_slot(int delta)
- state_slot += delta;
- if (state_slot > 9)
- state_slot = 0;
- else if (state_slot < 0)
- state_slot = 9;
- char message[50];
- sprintf(message,"Savestate slot: %i",state_slot + 1);
- show_notification(message);
-void save(int state_slot)
- emu_save_state(state_slot);
- char buf[MAXPATHLEN];
- if (image && image->mem){
- sprintf (buf,"/opt/maemo/usr/games/screenshots%s.%3.3d",file_name,state_slot);
- writepng(buf, image->mem, pl_buf_w,pl_buf_h);
- }
- char message[50];
- sprintf(message,"Saved savestate slot: %i",state_slot + 1);
- show_notification(message);
-void quit()
- if (bAutosaveOnExit){
- show_notification("Autosaving");
- emu_save_state(99);
- char buf[MAXPATHLEN];
- if (image && image->mem){
- sprintf (buf,"/opt/maemo/usr/games/screenshots%s.%3.3d",file_name,99);
- writepng(buf, image->mem, pl_buf_w,pl_buf_h);
- }
- }
- hildon_quit();
-int show_confirmbox(char* text)
- if (!window)
- return TRUE;
- GtkWidget *dialog;
- dialog = gtk_message_dialog_new (GTK_WINDOW(window),
- text);
- gint result = gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog));
- gtk_widget_destroy (dialog);
- if (result == GTK_RESPONSE_YES)
- return TRUE;
- return FALSE;
-static void
-window_button_proxy(GtkWidget *widget,
- GdkEventButton *event,
- gpointer user_data)
- int corner = -1;
- int sens = 100;
- switch (event->type){
- //printf("GDK_BUTTON_PRESS: x=%f y=%f\n", event->x, event->y);
- press_x = event->x;
- press_y = event->y;
- break;
- //printf("GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE: x=%f y=%f\n", event->x, event->y);
- if (press_x < sens && press_y < sens && event->x < sens && event->y < sens)
- corner = 0;
- else if (press_x > 800 - sens && press_y < sens && event->x > 800 - sens && event->y < sens)
- corner = 1;
- else if (press_x > 800 - sens && press_y > 480 - sens && event->x > 800 - sens && event->y > 480 - sens)
- corner = 2;
- else if (press_x < sens && press_y > 480 - sens && event->x < sens && event->y > 480 - sens)
- corner = 3;
- press_x = -1;
- press_y = -1;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- if (corner >= 0){
- switch (cornerActions[corner]){
- case 1:
- if (show_confirmbox("Save savestate?"))
- save(state_slot);
- break;
- case 2:
- if (show_confirmbox("Load savestate?"))
- emu_load_state(state_slot);
- break;
- case 3:
- change_slot(1);
- break;
- case 4:
- change_slot(-1);
- break;
- case 5:
- if (show_confirmbox("Quit?"))
- quit();
- break;
- }
- }
-static void *displayThread(void *arg)
- DBusConnection* system_bus = (DBusConnection*)osso_get_sys_dbus_connection(osso);
- DBusMessage* msg = dbus_message_new_method_call("com.nokia.mce",
- "/com/nokia/mce/request",
- "com.nokia.mce.request",
- "req_display_blanking_pause");
- if (msg && system_bus) {
- bRunning = TRUE;
- while (bRunning) {
- dbus_connection_send(system_bus, msg, NULL);
- dbus_connection_flush(system_bus);
- int i = 0;
- for (i=0; i<8; i++){
- usleep(500000);
- if (!bRunning)
- break;
- }
- }
- dbus_message_unref(msg);
- }
- pthread_exit(0);
- return NULL;
-void show_notification(char* text)
- if (window){
- GtkWidget* banner = hildon_banner_show_information(GTK_WIDGET(window), NULL, text);
- hildon_banner_set_timeout(HILDON_BANNER(banner), 3000);
- }else{
- DBusConnection* session_bus = (DBusConnection*)osso_get_dbus_connection(osso);
- DBusMessageIter args;
- DBusMessage*msg = dbus_message_new_method_call("org.freedesktop.Notifications",
- "/org/freedesktop/Notifications",
- "org.freedesktop.Notifications",
- "SystemNoteInfoprint");
- if (msg) {
- dbus_message_iter_init_append(msg, &args);
- char* param = text;
- if (dbus_message_iter_append_basic(&args, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &param)) {
- dbus_connection_send(session_bus, msg, NULL);
- dbus_connection_flush(session_bus);
- }
- dbus_message_unref(msg);
- }
- }
-void show_messagebox(char* text)
- if (!window)
- return;
- GtkWidget *dialog;
- dialog = gtk_message_dialog_new (GTK_WINDOW(window),
- text);
- gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog));
- gtk_widget_destroy (dialog);
-#include <hildon/hildon-file-chooser-dialog.h>
-void change_disc()
- GtkWidget *dialog;
- dialog = hildon_file_chooser_dialog_new (GTK_WINDOW(window), GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_OPEN);
- gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), "Change disc");
- char currentFile[MAXPATHLEN];
- strcpy(currentFile, GetIsoFile());
- if (strlen(currentFile))
- gtk_file_chooser_set_filename (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER(dialog), currentFile);
- else
- gtk_file_chooser_set_current_folder (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER(dialog), "/home/user/MyDocs/");
- GtkFileFilter *filter=gtk_file_filter_new();
- gtk_file_filter_add_pattern (filter,"*.bin");
- gtk_file_filter_add_pattern (filter,"*.BIN");
- gtk_file_filter_add_pattern (filter,"*.iso");
- gtk_file_filter_add_pattern (filter,"*.ISO");
- gtk_file_filter_add_pattern (filter,"*.img");
- gtk_file_filter_add_pattern (filter,"*.IMG");
- gtk_file_filter_add_pattern (filter,"*.z");
- gtk_file_filter_add_pattern (filter,"*.Z");
- gtk_file_filter_add_pattern (filter,"*.znx");
- gtk_file_filter_add_pattern (filter,"*.ZNX");
- gtk_file_filter_add_pattern (filter,"*.pbp");
- gtk_file_filter_add_pattern (filter,"*.PBP");
- gtk_file_filter_add_pattern (filter,"*.mdf");
- gtk_file_filter_add_pattern (filter,"*.MDF");
- gtk_file_chooser_set_filter (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER (dialog),filter);
- if (gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)) == GTK_RESPONSE_OK) {
- char *filename = gtk_file_chooser_get_filename (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER (dialog));
- //if (strcmp(filename, currentFile)) {
- CdromId[0] = '\0';
- CdromLabel[0] = '\0';
- set_cd_image(filename);
- if (ReloadCdromPlugin() < 0)
- printf("Failed to load cdr plugin\n");
- if (CDR_open() < 0)
- printf("Failed to open cdr plugin\n");
- strcpy(file_name, strrchr(filename,'/'));
- SetCdOpenCaseTime(time(NULL) + 3);
- LidInterrupt();
- //}
- g_free (filename);
- }
- gtk_widget_destroy (dialog);
-void change_multi_disc()
- HildonDialog* window = HILDON_DIALOG(hildon_dialog_new());
- gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window), "Change disc");
- gtk_window_set_default_size(GTK_WINDOW (window), 480, 300);
- GtkWidget* sw = hildon_pannable_area_new ();
- gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(GTK_DIALOG(window)->vbox), sw, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
- GtkWidget* tree_view = hildon_gtk_tree_view_new (HILDON_UI_MODE_EDIT);
- gtk_widget_set_name (tree_view, "fremantle-widget");
- gtk_tree_view_set_rules_hint (GTK_TREE_VIEW (tree_view), TRUE);
- int i;
- GtkListStore *store = gtk_list_store_new (1, G_TYPE_STRING);
- for (i = 0; i < cdrIsoMultidiskCount; i++) {
- gchar *str;
- str = g_strdup_printf ("Disc %d", i+1);
- gtk_list_store_insert_with_values (store, NULL, i, 0, str, -1);
- g_free (str);
- }
- GtkTreeModel* model = GTK_TREE_MODEL (store);
- gtk_tree_view_set_model (GTK_TREE_VIEW (tree_view), model);
- g_object_unref (model);
- GtkTreeSelection* selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection (GTK_TREE_VIEW (tree_view));
- gtk_tree_selection_set_mode (selection, GTK_SELECTION_SINGLE);
- GtkCellRenderer* renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_text_new ();
- g_object_set (renderer,
- "xalign", 0.5,
- NULL);
- gtk_tree_view_insert_column_with_attributes (GTK_TREE_VIEW (tree_view),
- 0, "Column 0",
- renderer,
- "text", 0,
- NULL);
- char current[5];
- sprintf(current, "%i", cdrIsoMultidiskSelect);
- GtkTreePath* path = gtk_tree_path_new_from_string(current);
- gtk_tree_selection_select_path (selection, path);
- gtk_tree_path_free(path);
- gtk_widget_set_size_request (tree_view, 480, 800);
- gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (sw), tree_view);
- hildon_dialog_add_button (HILDON_DIALOG(window), GTK_STOCK_OK, GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT);
- gtk_widget_show_all (GTK_WIDGET(window));
- gint result = gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (window));
- if (result == GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT) {
- GtkTreeModel* model;
- GtkTreeIter iter;
- GtkTreeSelection* selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection(GTK_TREE_VIEW(tree_view));
- if (gtk_tree_selection_get_selected(selection, &model, &iter)){
- GtkTreePath* path = gtk_tree_model_get_path(model , &iter);
- int* i = gtk_tree_path_get_indices(path) ;
- cdrIsoMultidiskSelect = *i;
- CdromId[0] = '\0';
- CdromLabel[0] = '\0';
- CDR_close();
- if (CDR_open() < 0) {
- printf("Failed to load cdr plugin\n");
- return;
- }
- SetCdOpenCaseTime(time(NULL) + 3);
- LidInterrupt();
- }
- }
- gtk_widget_destroy(GTK_WIDGET(window));
-static DBusHandlerResult on_msg_recieved(DBusConnection* connection G_GNUC_UNUSED, DBusMessage* message, void* data)
- const char* path = dbus_message_get_path(message);
- if (path && g_str_equal(path, CALL_SIGNAL_PATH)){
- const char* mbr = dbus_message_get_member(message);
- if (mbr && g_str_equal(mbr, CALL_INCOMING_SIG))
- show_messagebox("Paused");
- }
-static void
-window_key_proxy(GtkWidget *widget,
- GdkEventKey *event,
- gpointer user_data)
- key_press_event(event->hardware_keycode, event->type == GDK_KEY_PRESS ? 1 : (event->type == GDK_KEY_RELEASE ? 2 : 0) );
-int last_key_pressed = 0;
-inline void key_press_event(int key2,int type)
- int psxkey1 = -1, psxkey2 = -1;
- int key=keymap[key2];
- if (key < 0)
- return;
- if (type == 1 && key2 == last_key_pressed)
- return;
- last_key_pressed = type == 1 ? key2 : 0;
- //printf("Key: %i %s\n", key2, type == 1 ? "Pressed" : (type == 2 ? "Released" : "Unknown"));
- if (key < ARRAY_SIZE(keymap2)){
- psxkey1 = keymap2[key];
- }else switch (key) {
- case 14:
- quit();
- break;
- case 15:
- psxkey1 = DKEY_UP;
- psxkey2 = DKEY_LEFT;
- break;
- case 16:
- psxkey1 = DKEY_UP;
- psxkey2 = DKEY_RIGHT;
- break;
- case 17:
- psxkey1 = DKEY_DOWN;
- psxkey2 = DKEY_LEFT;
- break;
- case 18:
- psxkey1 = DKEY_DOWN;
- psxkey2 = DKEY_RIGHT;
- break;
- case 19:
- if (type == 1)
- save(state_slot);
- return;
- case 20:
- if (type == 1)
- emu_load_state(state_slot);
- return;
- case 21:
- if (type == 1)
- change_slot(1);
- return;
- case 22:
- if (type == 1)
- change_slot(-1);
- return;
- case 23:
- if (type == 1){
- if (cdrIsoMultidiskCount > 1)
- change_multi_disc();
- else
- change_disc();
- }
- return;
- }
- if (in_type1 == PSE_PAD_TYPE_GUNCON){
- if (type == 1) {
- switch (psxkey1){
- case DKEY_CROSS:
- in_state_gun |= SACTION_GUN_A;
- break;
- in_state_gun |= SACTION_GUN_B;
- break;
- in_state_gun |= SACTION_GUN_TRIGGER2;
- break;
- in_state_gun |= SACTION_GUN_TRIGGER;
- break;
- }
- }else if (type == 2) {
- switch (psxkey1){
- case DKEY_CROSS:
- in_state_gun &= ~SACTION_GUN_A;
- break;
- in_state_gun &= ~SACTION_GUN_B;
- break;
- in_state_gun &= ~SACTION_GUN_TRIGGER2;
- break;
- in_state_gun &= ~SACTION_GUN_TRIGGER;
- break;
- }
- }
- }else{
- if (type == 1) {
- if (psxkey1 >= 0)
- in_keystate |= 1 << psxkey1;
- if (psxkey2 >= 0)
- in_keystate |= 1 << psxkey2;
- if (in_type1 == PSE_PAD_TYPE_ANALOGPAD){
- switch(psxkey1){
- case DKEY_LEFT:
- in_a1[0] = 0;
- break;
- case DKEY_RIGHT:
- in_a1[0] = 255;
- break;
- case DKEY_UP:
- in_a1[1] = 0;
- break;
- case DKEY_DOWN:
- in_a1[1] = 255;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- else if (type == 2) {
- if (psxkey1 >= 0)
- in_keystate &= ~(1 << psxkey1);
- if (psxkey2 >= 0)
- in_keystate &= ~(1 << psxkey2);
- if (in_type1 == PSE_PAD_TYPE_ANALOGPAD){
- switch(psxkey1){
- case DKEY_LEFT:
- case DKEY_RIGHT:
- in_a1[0] = 127;
- break;
- case DKEY_UP:
- case DKEY_DOWN:
- in_a1[1] = 127;
- break;
- }
- }
- emu_set_action(SACTION_NONE);
- }
- }
-void plat_finish()
- hildon_quit();
-void set_accel_multipliers()
- accelOptions.xMultiplier = 255.0 / ( (accelOptions.maxValue - accelOptions.sens) * 2.0);
- accelOptions.yMultiplier = 255.0 / ( (accelOptions.maxValue - accelOptions.sens) * 2.0);
-#include <gdk/gdkx.h>
-int maemo_init(int *argc, char ***argv)
- osso = osso_initialize("pcsxrearmed", PACKAGE_VERSION, FALSE, NULL);
- DBusConnection* system_bus = (DBusConnection*)osso_get_sys_dbus_connection(osso);
- dbus_bus_add_match(system_bus, DBUS_RULE_CALL_INCOMING, NULL);
- dbus_connection_add_filter(system_bus, on_msg_recieved, NULL, NULL);
- FILE* pFile;
- pFile = fopen(keys_config_file, "r");
- if (pFile == NULL){
- fprintf(stderr, "Error opening keys config file %s\n", keys_config_file);
- return 1;
- }
- printf("Keys config read from %s\n", keys_config_file);
- int ch;
- int i=0;
- for (i=0;i<65536;i++)
- keymap[i]=-1;
- if (NULL != pFile) {
- for(i=0;i<24;i++){
- fscanf(pFile, "%i",&ch);
- keymap[ch]=i;
- if (i < 4)
- direction_keys[i] = ch;
- }
- fclose(pFile);
- }
- switch (in_type1){
- memset(cornerActions, 0, sizeof(cornerActions));
- printf("Controller set to GUNCON (SLPH-00034)\n");
- break;
- printf("Controller set to standard (SCPH-1080)\n");
- break;
- printf("Controller set to analog (SCPH-1150)\n");
- break;
- }
- if (in_enable_vibration)
- printf("Vibration enabled\n");
- if (!(g_maemo_opts&8)){
- gtk_init (argc, argv);
- window = hildon_stackable_window_new ();
- gtk_widget_realize (window);
- gtk_window_fullscreen (GTK_WINDOW(window));
- if (cornerActions[0] + cornerActions[1] + cornerActions[2] + cornerActions[3] > 0){
- g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (window), "button_release_event",
- G_CALLBACK (window_button_proxy), NULL);
- g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (window), "button_press_event",
- G_CALLBACK (window_button_proxy), NULL);
- }
- g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (window), "key-press-event",
- G_CALLBACK (window_key_proxy), NULL);
- g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (window), "key-release-event",
- G_CALLBACK (window_key_proxy), NULL);
- g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (window), "delete_event",
- G_CALLBACK (hildon_quit), NULL);
- gtk_widget_add_events (window,
- actor = HILDON_ANIMATION_ACTOR (hildon_animation_actor_new());
- if (g_maemo_opts & 2)
- hildon_animation_actor_set_position (actor, 0, 0 );
- else
- hildon_animation_actor_set_position (actor, (X_RES - D_WIDTH)/2, (Y_RES - D_HEIGHT)/2 );
- hildon_animation_actor_set_parent (actor, GTK_WINDOW (window));
- drawing = gtk_image_new ();
- gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (actor), drawing);
- gtk_widget_show_all (GTK_WIDGET (actor));
- gtk_widget_show_all (GTK_WIDGET (window));
- }else{
- gtk_init (argc, argv);
- /*GdkScreen* scr = gdk_screen_get_default();
- window = GTK_WIDGET(gdk_screen_get_root_window(scr));
- if (!window)
- window = GTK_WIDGET(gdk_get_default_root_window());*/
- }
- set_accel_multipliers();
- if (bKeepDisplayOn){
- if (pthread_create(&display_thread, NULL, displayThread, NULL))
- printf("Failed to create display thread.\n");
- }
- pl_rearmed_cbs.only_16bpp = 1;
- return 0;
-void maemo_finish()
- if (display_thread > 0){
- bRunning = FALSE;
- pthread_join(display_thread, NULL);
- }
- if (osso){
- osso_deinitialize(osso);
- osso = NULL;
- }
- printf("Exiting\n");
-void menu_loop(void)
-void *plat_gvideo_set_mode(int *w_, int *h_, int *bpp_)
- int w = *w_, h = *h_;
- if (g_maemo_opts&8) return pl_vout_buf;
- //printf("Setting video mode %ix%i\n", w, h);
- if (w <= 0 || h <= 0)
- return pl_vout_buf;
- if (image) gdk_image_destroy(image);
- image = gdk_image_new( GDK_IMAGE_FASTEST, gdk_visual_get_system(), w, h );
- pl_vout_buf = (void *) image->mem;
- gtk_image_set_from_image (GTK_IMAGE(drawing), image, NULL);
- gtk_window_resize (GTK_WINDOW (actor), w, h);
- if (g_maemo_opts & 2)
- hildon_animation_actor_set_scale (actor,
- (gdouble)800 / (gdouble)w,
- (gdouble)480 / (gdouble)h
- );
- else
- hildon_animation_actor_set_scale (actor,
- (gdouble)D_WIDTH / (gdouble)w,
- (gdouble)D_HEIGHT / (gdouble)h
- );
- pl_buf_w=w;pl_buf_h=h;
- return pl_vout_buf;
-void *plat_gvideo_flip(void)
- if (!(g_maemo_opts&8))
- gtk_widget_queue_draw(drawing);
- // process accelometer
- if (g_maemo_opts & 4) {
- float x, y, z;
- FILE* f = fopen( "/sys/class/i2c-adapter/i2c-3/3-001d/coord", "r" );
- if( !f ) {printf ("err in accel"); exit(1);}
- fscanf( f, "%f %f %f", &x, &y, &z );
- fclose( f );
- if (in_type1 == PSE_PAD_TYPE_ANALOGPAD){
- if (x > accelOptions.maxValue) x = accelOptions.maxValue;
- else if (x < -accelOptions.maxValue) x = -accelOptions.maxValue;
- const int maxValue = accelOptions.maxValue - accelOptions.sens;
- if(x > accelOptions.sens){
- x -= accelOptions.sens;
- in_a1[0] = (-x + maxValue ) * accelOptions.xMultiplier;
- }else if (x < -accelOptions.sens){
- x += accelOptions.sens;
- in_a1[0] = (-x + maxValue ) * accelOptions.xMultiplier;
- }else in_a1[0] = 127;
- y += accelOptions.y_def;
- if (y > accelOptions.maxValue) y = accelOptions.maxValue;
- else if (y < -accelOptions.maxValue) y = -accelOptions.maxValue;
- if(y > accelOptions.sens){
- y -= accelOptions.sens;
- in_a1[1] = (-y + maxValue ) * accelOptions.yMultiplier;
- }else if (y < -accelOptions.sens){
- y += accelOptions.sens;
- in_a1[1] = (-y + maxValue ) * accelOptions.yMultiplier;
- }else in_a1[1] = 127;
- //printf("x: %i y: %i\n", in_a1[0], in_a1[1]);
- }else{
- if( x > accelOptions.sens ) in_keystate |= 1 << DKEY_LEFT;
- else if( x < -accelOptions.sens ) in_keystate |= 1 << DKEY_RIGHT;
- else {in_keystate &= ~(1 << DKEY_LEFT);in_keystate &= ~(1 << DKEY_RIGHT);}
- y += accelOptions.y_def;
- if( y > accelOptions.sens )in_keystate |= 1 << DKEY_UP;
- else if( y < -accelOptions.sens ) in_keystate |= 1 << DKEY_DOWN;
- else {in_keystate &= ~(1 << DKEY_DOWN);in_keystate &= ~(1 << DKEY_UP);}
- }
- }
- return pl_vout_buf;
-// for frontend/plugin_lib.c
-void update_input(void)
- if (g_maemo_opts & 8)
- maemo_x11_update_keys();
- else {
- /* process GTK+ events */
- while (gtk_events_pending())
- gtk_main_iteration();
- }
-int omap_enable_layer(int enabled)
- return 0;
-void menu_notify_mode_change(int w, int h, int bpp)
-void *plat_prepare_screenshot(int *w, int *h, int *bpp)
- return NULL;
-void plat_step_volume(int is_up)
-void plat_trigger_vibrate(int pad, int low, int high)
- const int vDuration = 10;
- DBusConnection* system_bus = (DBusConnection*)osso_get_sys_dbus_connection(osso);
- DBusMessageIter args;
- DBusMessage*msg = dbus_message_new_method_call("com.nokia.mce",
- "/com/nokia/mce/request",
- "com.nokia.mce.request",
- "req_start_manual_vibration");
- if (msg) {
- dbus_message_iter_init_append(msg, &args);
- // FIXME: somebody with hardware should tune this
- int speed = high; // is_strong ? 200 : 150;
- int duration = vDuration;
- if (dbus_message_iter_append_basic(&args, DBUS_TYPE_INT32, &speed)) {
- if (dbus_message_iter_append_basic(&args, DBUS_TYPE_INT32, &duration)) {
- dbus_connection_send(system_bus, msg, NULL);
- //dbus_connection_flush(system_bus);
- }
- }
- dbus_message_unref(msg);
- }
-void plat_minimize(void)
-void plat_gvideo_close(void)
-void plat_gvideo_open(int is_pal)
diff --git a/maemo/maemo_common.h b/maemo/maemo_common.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ace0bfd..0000000
--- a/maemo/maemo_common.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-int maemo_init(int *argc, char ***argv);
-void maemo_finish();
-extern char file_name[MAXPATHLEN];
-extern int g_maemo_opts;
-extern inline void key_press_event(int key,int type);
-typedef struct
- int sens;
- int y_def;
- float maxValue;
- float xMultiplier;
- float yMultiplier;
-} accel_option;
-extern accel_option accelOptions;
diff --git a/maemo/maemo_xkb.c b/maemo/maemo_xkb.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 52af2ca..0000000
--- a/maemo/maemo_xkb.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2009, Wei Mingzhi <whistler@openoffice.org>.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <X11/Xlib.h>
-#include <X11/Xutil.h>
-#include <X11/keysym.h>
-#include <X11/XKBlib.h>
-#include "../frontend/main.h"
-#include "../frontend/plugin_lib.h"
-static Atom wmprotocols, wmdelwindow;
-static int initialized;
-static void InitKeyboard(void) {
- Display *disp = (Display *)gpuDisp;
- if (disp){
- wmprotocols = XInternAtom(disp, "WM_PROTOCOLS", 0);
- wmdelwindow = XInternAtom(disp, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", 0);
- XkbSetDetectableAutoRepeat(disp, 1, NULL);
- }
-static void DestroyKeyboard(void) {
- Display *disp = (Display *)gpuDisp;
- if (disp)
- XkbSetDetectableAutoRepeat(disp, 0, NULL);
-#include "maemo_common.h"
-int maemo_x11_update_keys() {
- XEvent evt;
- XClientMessageEvent *xce;
- int leave = 0;
- Display *disp = (Display *)gpuDisp;
- if (!disp)
- return 0;
- if (!initialized) {
- initialized++;
- InitKeyboard();
- }
- while (XPending(disp)>0) {
- XNextEvent(disp, &evt);
- switch (evt.type) {
- case KeyPress:
- case KeyRelease:
- key_press_event(evt.xkey.keycode, evt.type==KeyPress ? 1 : (evt.type==KeyRelease ? 2 : 0) );
- break;
- case ClientMessage:
- xce = (XClientMessageEvent *)&evt;
- if (xce->message_type == wmprotocols && (Atom)xce->data.l[0] == wmdelwindow)
- leave = 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (leave) {
- DestroyKeyboard();
- exit(1);
- }
- return 0;
diff --git a/maemo/main.c b/maemo/main.c
deleted file mode 100644
index c382c51..0000000
--- a/maemo/main.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,418 +0,0 @@
- * (C) notaz, 2010-2011
- *
- * This work is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPLv2 or later.
- * See the COPYING file in the top-level directory.
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include "../frontend/main.h"
-#include "../frontend/menu.h"
-#include "../frontend/plugin.h"
-#include "../frontend/plugin_lib.h"
-#include "../libpcsxcore/misc.h"
-#include "../libpcsxcore/cdriso.h"
-#include "../libpcsxcore/new_dynarec/new_dynarec.h"
-#include "../plugins/dfinput/main.h"
-#include "../plugins/dfsound/spu_config.h"
-#include "maemo_common.h"
-extern int in_enable_vibration;
-extern int cycle_multiplier;
-extern int in_type1, in_type2;
-accel_option accelOptions;
-int ready_to_go, g_emu_want_quit, g_emu_resetting;
-int g_menuscreen_w, g_menuscreen_h;
-int g_scaler, soft_filter;
-int g_opts = 0;
-int g_maemo_opts;
-int cornerActions[4] = {0,0,0,0};
-int bKeepDisplayOn = FALSE;
-int bAutosaveOnExit = FALSE;
-char file_name[MAXPATHLEN];
-char keys_config_file[MAXPATHLEN] = "/opt/psx4m/keys";
-enum sched_action emu_action;
-void do_emu_action(void);
-static void ChangeWorkingDirectory(char *exe)
- char exepath[1024];
- char *s;
- snprintf(exepath, sizeof(exepath), "%s", exe);
- s = strrchr(exepath, '/');
- if (s != NULL) {
- *s = '\0';
- chdir(exepath);
- }
-void PrintHelp()
- printf("PCSX-ReARMed version %s for Maemo\n\n", PACKAGE_VERSION);
- printf("Usage:\n");
- printf(" pcsx [options] -cdfile FILE\n\n");
- printf("Options:\n");
- printf(" -help : This help\n");
- printf(" -disc VALUE : Disc number for multi discs images\n");
- printf(" -fullscreen : Run fullscreen\n");
- printf(" -frameskip : Frameskip\n");
- printf(" -1=Auto (Default)\n");
- printf(" 0=Disabled\n");
- printf(" 1=Set to 1\n");
- printf(" ...\n");
- printf(" -autosave : Enable auto save on exit\n");
- printf(" -accel : Enable accelerometer\n");
- printf(" -analog : Use analog pad for accel\n");
- printf(" -vibration : Activate vibration\n");
- printf(" -sens VALUE : Set accelerometer sens [0-1000]\n");
- printf(" (Default 150)\n");
- printf(" -ydef VALUE : Set accelerometer y zero [0-1000]\n");
- printf(" (Default 500)\n");
- printf(" -max VALUE : Set accelerometer max value[0-1000]\n");
- printf(" (Default 500)\n");
- printf(" -nosound : No sound output\n");
- printf(" -bdir PATH : Set the bios path\n");
- printf(" -pdir PATH : Set the plugins path\n");
- printf(" -bios : Set the bios\n");
- printf(" -cdda : Disable CD Audio for a performance boost\n");
- printf(" -xa : Disables XA sound, which can sometimes\n");
- printf(" improve performance\n");
- printf(" -sio : SIO IRQ Always Enabled\n");
- printf(" -spuirq : SPU IRQ Always Enabled\n");
- printf(" -fps : Show fps\n");
- printf(" -cpu : Show CPU load\n");
- printf(" -spu : Show SPU channels\n");
- printf(" -nofl : Disable Frame Limiter\n");
- printf(" -mcd1 FILE : Set memory card 1 file\n");
- printf(" -mcd2 FILE : Set memory card 2 file\n");
- printf(" -region VALUE : Set PSX region\n");
- printf(" -1=Auto (Default)\n");
- printf(" 0=NTSC\n");
- printf(" 1=PAL\n");
- printf(" -cpuclock VALUE: PSX CPU clock %% [1-500]\n");
- printf(" (Default 50)\n");
- printf(" -displayon : Prevent display from blanking\n");
- printf(" (Default disabled)\n");
- printf(" -keys FILE : File with keys configuration\n");
- printf(" (Default /opt/psx4m/keys)\n");
- printf(" -corners VALUE : Define actions for click on the\n");
- printf(" display corners\n");
- printf(" VALUE is a four digit number, each number\n");
- printf(" represent a corner (topleft, topright,\n");
- printf(" bottomright and bottomleft\n");
- printf(" Actions:\n");
- printf(" 0=No action\n");
- printf(" 1=Save\n");
- printf(" 2=Load\n");
- printf(" 3=Change slot (+1)\n");
- printf(" 4=Change slot (-1)\n");
- printf(" 5=Quit\n");
- printf(" -guncon : Set the controller to guncon\n");
- printf(" -gunnotrigger : Don't trigger (shoot) when touching screen\n");
- printf(" 0=Auto (Default)\n");
- printf(" 1=On\n");
- printf(" 2=Off\n");
- printf("\nGPU Options:\n");
- printf(" -gles : Use the GLES plugin (gpu_gles.so)\n");
- printf(" -oldgpu : Use the peops plugin (gpu_peops.so)\n");
- printf(" -unai : Use the unai plugin (gpu_unai.so)\n");
- printf("\nSound Options:\n");
- printf(" -spu_reverb VALUE : Enable/disable reverb [0/1]\n");
- printf(" (Default disabled)\n");
- printf(" -spu_interpolation VALUE : Set interpolation mode\n");
- printf(" 0=None (Default)\n");
- printf(" 1=Simple\n");
- printf(" 2=Gaussian\n");
- printf(" 3=Cubic\n");
- printf("\nNeon Options (default GPU):\n");
- printf(" -enhance : Enable graphic enhancement\n");
- printf("\nGles Options:\n");
- printf(" -gles_dithering VALUE : Enable/disable dithering [0/1]\n");
- printf(" (Default disabled)\n");
- printf(" -gles_mask VALUE : Enable/disable mask detect [0/1]\n");
- printf(" (Default disabled)\n");
- printf(" -gles_filtering VALUE : Texture Filtering\n");
- printf(" 0=None (Default)\n");
- printf(" 1=Standard\n");
- printf(" 2=Extended\n");
- printf(" 3=Standard-sprites\n");
- printf(" 4=Extended-sprites\n");
- printf(" 5=Standard+sprites\n");
- printf(" 6=Extended+sprites\n");
- printf(" -gles_fbtex VALUE : Framebuffer Textures\n");
- printf(" 0=Emulated VRam (Default)\n");
- printf(" 1=Black\n");
- printf(" 2=Card\n");
- printf(" 3=Card+soft\n");
- printf(" -gles_vram VALUE : Texture RAM size in MB [4-128]\n");
- printf(" (Default 64)\n");
- printf(" -gles_fastmdec VALUE : Enable/disable Fast Mdec [0/1]\n");
- printf(" (Default disabled)\n");
- printf(" -gles_advblend VALUE : Enable/disable Adv. Blend [0/1]\n");
- printf(" (Default disabled)\n");
- printf(" -gles_opaque VALUE : Enable/disable Opaque Pass [0/1]\n");
- printf(" (Default disabled)\n");
-int main(int argc, char **argv)
- if (argc == 1 || (argc == 2 && (!strcmp(argv[1], "--help") || !strcmp(argv[1], "-help") || !strcmp(argv[1], "-h")))) {
- PrintHelp();
- return 0;
- }
- emu_core_preinit();
- ChangeWorkingDirectory("c");
- char file[MAXPATHLEN] = "";
- char path[MAXPATHLEN];
- const char *cdfile = NULL;
- int loadst = 0;
- int i;
- int getst = -1;
- int discNumber = 0;
- g_menuscreen_w = 800;
- g_menuscreen_h = 480;
- strcpy(Config.Gpu, "builtin_gpu");
- strcpy(Config.Spu, "builtin_spu");
- strcpy(Config.BiosDir, "/home/user/MyDocs");
- strcpy(Config.PluginsDir, "/opt/maemo/usr/games/plugins");
- snprintf(Config.PatchesDir, sizeof(Config.PatchesDir), "/opt/maemo/usr/games" PATCHES_DIR);
- Config.PsxAuto = 1;
- pl_rearmed_cbs.frameskip = -1;
- strcpy(Config.Bios, "HLE");
- spu_config.iUseReverb = 1;
- spu_config.iUseInterpolation = 1;
- spu_config.idiablofix = 0;
- accelOptions.sens = 150;
- accelOptions.y_def = 500;
- accelOptions.maxValue = 500.0;
- // read command line options
- for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
- if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-psxout")) Config.PsxOut = 1;
- else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-load")) loadst = atol(argv[++i]);
- else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-cdfile")) {
- char isofilename[MAXPATHLEN];
- if (i+1 >= argc) break;
- strncpy(isofilename, argv[++i], MAXPATHLEN);
- if (isofilename[0] != '/') {
- getcwd(path, MAXPATHLEN);
- if (strlen(path) + strlen(isofilename) + 1 < MAXPATHLEN) {
- strcat(path, "/");
- strcat(path, isofilename);
- strcpy(isofilename, path);
- } else
- isofilename[0] = 0;
- }
- cdfile = isofilename;
- }
- else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-frameskip")) {
- int tv_reg = atol(argv[++i]);
- if (tv_reg < -1)
- pl_rearmed_cbs.frameskip = -1;
- else
- pl_rearmed_cbs.frameskip = tv_reg;
- }
- else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-region")) {
- int psx_reg = atol(argv[++i]);
- if (psx_reg == 0 || psx_reg == 1){
- Config.PsxAuto = 0;
- Config.PsxType = psx_reg;
- }
- }
- else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-get_sstatename")) getst = atol(argv[++i]);
- else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-fullscreen")) g_maemo_opts |= 2;
- else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-accel")) g_maemo_opts |= 4;
- else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-nosound")) strcpy(Config.Spu, "spunull.so");
- else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-bdir")) sprintf(Config.BiosDir, "%s", argv[++i]);
- else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-pdir")) sprintf(Config.PluginsDir, "%s", argv[++i]);
- else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-bios")) sprintf(Config.Bios, "%s", argv[++i]);
- else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-gles")) { strcpy(Config.Gpu, "gpu_gles.so"); g_maemo_opts |= 8 ;}
- else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-oldgpu")) strcpy(Config.Gpu, "gpu_peops.so");
- else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-unai")) strcpy(Config.Gpu, "gpu_unai.so");
- else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-cdda")) Config.Cdda = 1;
- else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-xa")) Config.Xa = 1;
- else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-rcnt")) Config.RCntFix = 1 ;
- else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-sio")) Config.Sio = 1;
- else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-spuirq")) Config.SpuIrq = 1;
- else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-vsync")) Config.VSyncWA = 1;
- else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-fps")) g_opts |=OPT_SHOWFPS;
- else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-cpu")) g_opts |=OPT_SHOWCPU;
- else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-spu")) g_opts |=OPT_SHOWSPU;
- else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-nofl")) g_opts |=OPT_NO_FRAMELIM;
- else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-mcd1")) sprintf(Config.Mcd1, "%s", argv[++i]);
- else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-mcd2")) sprintf(Config.Mcd2, "%s", argv[++i]);
- else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-cpuclock")) cycle_multiplier = 10000 / atol(argv[++i]);
- else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-guncon")) in_type1 = PSE_PAD_TYPE_GUNCON;
- else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-gunnotrigger")) g_opts |= OPT_TSGUN_NOTRIGGER;
- else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-analog")) in_type1 = PSE_PAD_TYPE_ANALOGPAD;
- else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-vibration")) { in_type1 = PSE_PAD_TYPE_ANALOGPAD; in_enable_vibration = 1; }
- else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-sens")) accelOptions.sens = atol(argv[++i]);
- else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-ydef")) accelOptions.y_def = atol(argv[++i]);
- else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-max")) accelOptions.maxValue = atol(argv[++i]);
- else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-displayon")) bKeepDisplayOn = TRUE;
- else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-keys")) sprintf(keys_config_file, "%s", argv[++i]);
- else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-autosave")) bAutosaveOnExit = TRUE;
- else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-disc")) discNumber = atol(argv[++i]);
- else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-corners")){
- int j = 0;
- i++;
- char num[2];
- for (j=0; j<strlen(argv[i]); j++){
- strncpy(num, argv[i] + j, 1);
- cornerActions[j] = atoi(num);
- }
- }
- else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-spu_reverb")) spu_config.iUseReverb = atol(argv[++i]);
- else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-spu_interpolation")) spu_config.iUseInterpolation = atol(argv[++i]);
- else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-enhance")) pl_rearmed_cbs.gpu_neon.enhancement_enable = 1;
- else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-enhancehack")) pl_rearmed_cbs.gpu_neon.enhancement_no_main = 1;
- else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-gles_dithering")) pl_rearmed_cbs.gpu_peopsgl.bDrawDither = atol(argv[++i]);
- else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-gles_mask")) pl_rearmed_cbs.gpu_peopsgl.iUseMask = atol(argv[++i]);
- else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-gles_filtering")) pl_rearmed_cbs.gpu_peopsgl.iFilterType = atol(argv[++i]);
- else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-gles_fbtex")) pl_rearmed_cbs.gpu_peopsgl.iFrameTexType = atol(argv[++i]);
- else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-gles_vram")) pl_rearmed_cbs.gpu_peopsgl.iVRamSize = atol(argv[++i]);
- else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-gles_fastmdec")) pl_rearmed_cbs.gpu_peopsgl.bUseFastMdec = atol(argv[++i]);
- else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-gles_advblend")) pl_rearmed_cbs.gpu_peopsgl.bAdvancedBlend = atol(argv[++i]);
- else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-gles_opaque")) pl_rearmed_cbs.gpu_peopsgl.bOpaquePass = atol(argv[++i]);
- else {
- fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option: %s\n", argv[i]);
- return 1;
- }
- }
- pl_init();
- if (emu_core_init() == -1)
- return 1;
- if (cdfile) {
- set_cd_image(cdfile);
- strcpy(file_name, strrchr(cdfile,'/'));
- }
- if (LoadPlugins() == -1) {
- SysMessage("Failed loading plugins!");
- return 1;
- }
- if (discNumber > 0)
- cdrIsoMultidiskSelect = discNumber - 1;
- if (OpenPlugins() == -1) {
- return 1;
- }
- plugin_call_rearmed_cbs();
- CheckCdrom();
- if (getst >= 0){
- char fname[MAXPATHLEN];
- get_state_filename(fname, sizeof(fname), getst);
- printf("SAVESTATE: %s\n", fname);
- if (cdrIsoMultidiskCount > 1){
- int i = 0;
- for (i=1; i<cdrIsoMultidiskCount; i++){
- cdrIsoMultidiskSelect = i;
- CdromId[0] = '\0';
- CdromLabel[0] = '\0';
- CDR_close();
- if (CDR_open() == 0){
- CheckCdrom();
- get_state_filename(fname, sizeof(fname), getst);
- printf("SAVESTATE: %s\n", fname);
- }
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- SysReset();
- if (file[0] != '\0') {
- if (Load(file) != -1)
- ready_to_go = 1;
- } else {
- if (cdfile) {
- if (LoadCdrom() == -1) {
- ClosePlugins();
- printf(_("Could not load CD-ROM!\n"));
- return -1;
- }
- emu_on_new_cd(0);
- ready_to_go = 1;
- }
- }
- if (!ready_to_go) {
- printf ("something goes wrong, maybe you forgot -cdfile ? \n");
- return 1;
- }
- if (cdrIsoMultidiskCount > 1)
- printf ("Loaded a multidisc image: %i discs.\n", cdrIsoMultidiskCount);
- // If a state has been specified, then load that
- if (loadst) {
- int ret = emu_load_state(loadst - 1);
- printf("%s state %d\n", ret ? "Failed to load" : "Loaded", loadst);
- state_slot = loadst - 1;
- }
- if (maemo_init(&argc, &argv))
- return 1;
- if (GPU_open != NULL) {
- int ret = GPU_open(&gpuDisp, "PCSX", NULL);
- if (ret){
- fprintf(stderr, "Warning: GPU_open returned %d\n", ret);
- gpuDisp=ret;
- }
- }
- if (Config.HLE)
- printf("Note: running without BIOS, expect compatibility problems\n");
- dfinput_activate();
- pl_timing_prepare(Config.PsxType);
- while (1)
- {
- stop = 0;
- emu_action = SACTION_NONE;
- psxCpu->Execute();
- if (emu_action != SACTION_NONE)
- do_emu_action();
- }
- maemo_finish();
- return 0;