--- name: custom-issue-report about: A brief template for bug/issue reports title: '' labels: '' assignees: '' --- #This tracker is for pcsx-rearmed-libretro issues *only*. If the issue also occurs in standalone PCSX-ReARMed, the upstream repo is probably a better place for it. ##Description Please describe the issue. If this is a feature request, please add [feature request] to the title of the issue report. ##Steps to reproduce How can we reproduce this issue? Please include all relevant steps, as well as any settings that you have changed from their default values, particularly including whether you are using the dynarec or interpreter CPU emulation. ##When did the behavior start? If you can bisect the issue (that is, pinpoint the exact commit that caused the problem), please do. Someone has to do it, and having this already done greatly increases the likelihood that a developer will investigate and/or fix the problem. Barring that, please state the last time it worked properly (if ever). ##Your device/OS/platform/architecture Such as Android, iOS, Windows 10, Linux, x86_64, a smart toaster, etc.