/* * (C) notaz, 2010-2011 * * This work is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPLv2 or later. * See the COPYING file in the top-level directory. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "main.h" #include "plugin.h" #include "plugin_lib.h" #include "pcnt.h" #include "menu.h" #include "../libpcsxcore/misc.h" #include "../plugins/cdrcimg/cdrcimg.h" #include "common/plat.h" #include "common/input.h" int ready_to_go; unsigned long gpuDisp; char cfgfile_basename[MAXPATHLEN]; static char *(*real_getenv)(const char *name); static void make_path(char *buf, size_t size, const char *dir, const char *fname) { if (fname) snprintf(buf, size, ".%s%s", dir, fname); else snprintf(buf, size, ".%s", dir); } #define MAKE_PATH(buf, dir, fname) \ make_path(buf, sizeof(buf), dir, fname) static void create_profile_dir(const char *directory) { char path[MAXPATHLEN]; MAKE_PATH(path, directory, NULL); mkdir(path, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG); } static void CheckSubDir() { // make sure that ~/.pcsx exists create_profile_dir(PCSX_DOT_DIR); create_profile_dir(BIOS_DIR); create_profile_dir(MEMCARD_DIR); create_profile_dir(STATES_DIR); create_profile_dir(PLUGINS_DIR); create_profile_dir(PLUGINS_CFG_DIR); create_profile_dir(CHEATS_DIR); create_profile_dir(PATCHES_DIR); create_profile_dir(PCSX_DOT_DIR "cfg"); } void set_cd_image(const char *fname) { const char *ext = NULL; if (fname != NULL) { int len = strlen(fname); ext = fname; if (len > 2) ext = fname + len - 2; } if (ext && strcasecmp(ext, ".z") == 0) { SetIsoFile(NULL); cdrcimg_set_fname(fname); strcpy(Config.Cdr, "builtin_cdrcimg"); } else { SetIsoFile(fname); strcpy(Config.Cdr, "builtin_cdr"); } } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char file[MAXPATHLEN] = ""; char path[MAXPATHLEN]; const char *cdfile = NULL; int loadst = 0; void *tmp; int i; tmp = dlopen("/lib/libdl.so.2", RTLD_LAZY); if (tmp == NULL) tmp = dlopen("/lib32/libdl.so.2", RTLD_LAZY); if (tmp != NULL) real_getenv = dlsym(tmp, "getenv"); if (real_getenv == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", dlerror()); return 1; } dlclose(tmp); // what is the name of the config file? // it may be redefined by -cfg on the command line strcpy(cfgfile_basename, "pcsx.cfg"); emuLog = stdout; SetIsoFile(NULL); // read command line options for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-psxout")) Config.PsxOut = 1; else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-load")) loadst = atol(argv[++i]); else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-cfg")) { if (i+1 >= argc) break; strncpy(cfgfile_basename, argv[++i], MAXPATHLEN-100); /* TODO buffer overruns */ printf("Using config file %s.\n", cfgfile_basename); } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-cdfile")) { char isofilename[MAXPATHLEN]; if (i+1 >= argc) break; strncpy(isofilename, argv[++i], MAXPATHLEN); if (isofilename[0] != '/') { getcwd(path, MAXPATHLEN); if (strlen(path) + strlen(isofilename) + 1 < MAXPATHLEN) { strcat(path, "/"); strcat(path, isofilename); strcpy(isofilename, path); } else isofilename[0] = 0; } cdfile = isofilename; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-h") || !strcmp(argv[i], "-help") || !strcmp(argv[i], "--help")) { printf(PACKAGE_NAME " " PACKAGE_VERSION "\n"); printf("%s\n", _( " pcsx [options] [file]\n" "\toptions:\n" "\t-cdfile FILE\tRuns a CD image file\n" "\t-nogui\t\tDon't open the GTK GUI\n" "\t-cfg FILE\tLoads desired configuration file (default: ~/.pcsx/pcsx.cfg)\n" "\t-psxout\t\tEnable PSX output\n" "\t-load STATENUM\tLoads savestate STATENUM (1-5)\n" "\t-h -help\tDisplay this message\n" "\tfile\t\tLoads file\n")); return 0; } else { strncpy(file, argv[i], MAXPATHLEN); if (file[0] != '/') { getcwd(path, MAXPATHLEN); if (strlen(path) + strlen(file) + 1 < MAXPATHLEN) { strcat(path, "/"); strcat(path, file); strcpy(file, path); } else file[0] = 0; } } } memset(&Config, 0, sizeof(PcsxConfig)); strcpy(Config.Net, "Disabled"); CheckSubDir(); MAKE_PATH(Config.Mcd1, MEMCARD_DIR, "card1.mcd"); MAKE_PATH(Config.Mcd2, MEMCARD_DIR, "card2.mcd"); strcpy(Config.Bios, "HLE"); strcpy(Config.BiosDir, "bios"); strcpy(Config.PluginsDir, "plugins"); strcpy(Config.Gpu, "builtin_gpu"); strcpy(Config.Spu, "builtin_spu"); strcpy(Config.Cdr, "builtin_cdr"); strcpy(Config.Pad1, "builtin_pad"); strcpy(Config.Pad2, "builtin_pad"); Config.PsxAuto = 1; snprintf(Config.PatchesDir, sizeof(Config.PatchesDir), "." PATCHES_DIR); /* // switch to plugin dotdir // this lets plugins work without modification! gchar *plugin_default_dir = g_build_filename(getenv("HOME"), PLUGINS_DIR, NULL); chdir(plugin_default_dir); g_free(plugin_default_dir); */ if (cdfile) set_cd_image(cdfile); if (SysInit() == -1) return 1; // frontend stuff in_init(); in_probe(); plat_init(); menu_init(); if (LoadPlugins() == -1) { SysMessage("Failed loading plugins!"); return 1; } pcnt_hook_plugins(); if (OpenPlugins() == -1) { return 1; } plugin_call_rearmed_cbs(); CheckCdrom(); SysReset(); if (file[0] != '\0') { if (Load(file) != -1) ready_to_go = 1; } else { if (cdfile) { if (LoadCdrom() == -1) { ClosePlugins(); printf(_("Could not load CD-ROM!\n")); return -1; } ready_to_go = 1; } } // If a state has been specified, then load that if (loadst) { char state_filename[MAXPATHLEN]; int ret = get_state_filename(state_filename, sizeof(state_filename), loadst - 1); if (ret == 0) ret = LoadState(state_filename); printf("%s state %s\n", ret ? "failed to load" : "loaded", state_filename); } if (ready_to_go) menu_prepare_emu(); else menu_loop(); pl_start_watchdog(); while (1) { psxCpu->Execute(); menu_loop(); } return 0; } int SysInit() { if (EmuInit() == -1) { printf("PSX emulator couldn't be initialized.\n"); return -1; } LoadMcds(Config.Mcd1, Config.Mcd2); /* TODO Do we need to have this here, or in the calling main() function?? */ if (Config.Debug) { StartDebugger(); } return 0; } void SysRunGui() { printf("SysRunGui\n"); } void StartGui() { printf("StartGui\n"); } static void dummy_lace() { } void SysReset() { // rearmed hack: EmuReset() runs some code when real BIOS is used, // but we usually do reset from menu while GPU is not open yet, // so we need to prevent updateLace() call.. void *real_lace = GPU_updateLace; GPU_updateLace = dummy_lace; EmuReset(); // hmh core forgets this CDR_stop(); GPU_updateLace = real_lace; } void SysClose() { EmuShutdown(); ReleasePlugins(); StopDebugger(); if (emuLog != NULL) fclose(emuLog); } void SysUpdate() { } void OnFile_Exit() { printf("OnFile_Exit\n"); menu_finish(); plat_finish(); SysClose(); exit(0); } int get_state_filename(char *buf, int size, int i) { char trimlabel[33]; int j; strncpy(trimlabel, CdromLabel, 32); trimlabel[32] = 0; for (j = 31; j >= 0; j--) if (trimlabel[j] == ' ') trimlabel[j] = 0; else continue; snprintf(buf, size, "." STATES_DIR "%.32s-%.9s.%3.3d", trimlabel, CdromId, i); return 0; } void SysPrintf(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list list; char msg[512]; va_start(list, fmt); vsprintf(msg, fmt, list); va_end(list); fprintf(emuLog, "%s", msg); } void SysMessage(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list list; char msg[512]; va_start(list, fmt); vsprintf(msg, fmt, list); va_end(list); if (msg[strlen(msg) - 1] == '\n') msg[strlen(msg) - 1] = 0; fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", msg); } static void SignalExit(int sig) { ClosePlugins(); OnFile_Exit(); } #define PARSEPATH(dst, src) \ ptr = src + strlen(src); \ while (*ptr != '\\' && ptr != src) ptr--; \ if (ptr != src) { \ strcpy(dst, ptr+1); \ } static int _OpenPlugins(void) { int ret; signal(SIGINT, SignalExit); signal(SIGPIPE, SignalExit); GPU_clearDynarec(clearDynarec); ret = CDR_open(); if (ret < 0) { SysMessage(_("Error opening CD-ROM plugin!")); return -1; } ret = SPU_open(); if (ret < 0) { SysMessage(_("Error opening SPU plugin!")); return -1; } SPU_registerCallback(SPUirq); // pcsx-rearmed: we handle gpu elsewhere //ret = GPU_open(&gpuDisp, "PCSX", NULL); //if (ret < 0) { SysMessage(_("Error opening GPU plugin!")); return -1; } ret = PAD1_open(&gpuDisp); if (ret < 0) { SysMessage(_("Error opening Controller 1 plugin!")); return -1; } ret = PAD2_open(&gpuDisp); if (ret < 0) { SysMessage(_("Error opening Controller 2 plugin!")); return -1; } if (Config.UseNet && !NetOpened) { netInfo info; char path[MAXPATHLEN]; char dotdir[MAXPATHLEN]; MAKE_PATH(dotdir, "/.pcsx/plugins/", NULL); strcpy(info.EmuName, "PCSX " PACKAGE_VERSION); strncpy(info.CdromID, CdromId, 9); strncpy(info.CdromLabel, CdromLabel, 9); info.psxMem = psxM; info.GPU_showScreenPic = GPU_showScreenPic; info.GPU_displayText = GPU_displayText; info.GPU_showScreenPic = GPU_showScreenPic; info.PAD_setSensitive = PAD1_setSensitive; sprintf(path, "%s%s", Config.BiosDir, Config.Bios); strcpy(info.BIOSpath, path); strcpy(info.MCD1path, Config.Mcd1); strcpy(info.MCD2path, Config.Mcd2); sprintf(path, "%s%s", dotdir, Config.Gpu); strcpy(info.GPUpath, path); sprintf(path, "%s%s", dotdir, Config.Spu); strcpy(info.SPUpath, path); sprintf(path, "%s%s", dotdir, Config.Cdr); strcpy(info.CDRpath, path); NET_setInfo(&info); ret = NET_open(&gpuDisp); if (ret < 0) { if (ret == -2) { // -2 is returned when something in the info // changed and needs to be synced char *ptr; PARSEPATH(Config.Bios, info.BIOSpath); PARSEPATH(Config.Gpu, info.GPUpath); PARSEPATH(Config.Spu, info.SPUpath); PARSEPATH(Config.Cdr, info.CDRpath); strcpy(Config.Mcd1, info.MCD1path); strcpy(Config.Mcd2, info.MCD2path); return -2; } else { Config.UseNet = FALSE; } } else { if (NET_queryPlayer() == 1) { if (SendPcsxInfo() == -1) Config.UseNet = FALSE; } else { if (RecvPcsxInfo() == -1) Config.UseNet = FALSE; } } NetOpened = TRUE; } else if (Config.UseNet) { NET_resume(); } return 0; } int OpenPlugins() { int ret; while ((ret = _OpenPlugins()) == -2) { ReleasePlugins(); LoadMcds(Config.Mcd1, Config.Mcd2); if (LoadPlugins() == -1) return -1; } return ret; } void ClosePlugins() { int ret; signal(SIGINT, SIG_DFL); signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_DFL); ret = CDR_close(); if (ret < 0) { SysMessage(_("Error closing CD-ROM plugin!")); return; } ret = SPU_close(); if (ret < 0) { SysMessage(_("Error closing SPU plugin!")); return; } ret = PAD1_close(); if (ret < 0) { SysMessage(_("Error closing Controller 1 Plugin!")); return; } ret = PAD2_close(); if (ret < 0) { SysMessage(_("Error closing Controller 2 plugin!")); return; } // pcsx-rearmed: we handle gpu elsewhere //ret = GPU_close(); //if (ret < 0) { SysMessage(_("Error closing GPU plugin!")); return; } if (Config.UseNet) { NET_pause(); } } #if 1 /* this is to avoid having to hack every plugin to stop using $HOME */ char *getenv(const char *name) { static char ret[8] = "."; if (name && strcmp(name, "HOME") == 0 && ((int)name >> 28) == 0) // HACK: let libs find home return ret; return real_getenv(name); } #endif /* we hook statically linked plugins here */ static const char *builtin_plugins[] = { "builtin_gpu", "builtin_spu", "builtin_cdr", "builtin_pad", "builtin_cdrcimg", }; static const int builtin_plugin_ids[] = { PLUGIN_GPU, PLUGIN_SPU, PLUGIN_CDR, PLUGIN_PAD, PLUGIN_CDRCIMG, }; void *SysLoadLibrary(const char *lib) { const char *tmp = strrchr(lib, '/'); void *ret; int i; printf("plugin: %s\n", lib); if (tmp != NULL) { tmp++; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(builtin_plugins); i++) if (strcmp(tmp, builtin_plugins[i]) == 0) return (void *)(long)(PLUGIN_DL_BASE + builtin_plugin_ids[i]); } #if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__i386__) // convenience hack char name[MAXPATHLEN]; snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s.x86", lib); lib = name; #endif ret = dlopen(lib, RTLD_NOW); if (ret == NULL) fprintf(stderr, "dlopen: %s\n", dlerror()); return ret; } void *SysLoadSym(void *lib, const char *sym) { unsigned int plugid = (unsigned int)(long)lib; if (PLUGIN_DL_BASE <= plugid && plugid < PLUGIN_DL_BASE + ARRAY_SIZE(builtin_plugins)) return plugin_link(plugid - PLUGIN_DL_BASE, sym); return dlsym(lib, sym); } const char *SysLibError() { return dlerror(); } void SysCloseLibrary(void *lib) { unsigned int plugid = (unsigned int)(long)lib; if (PLUGIN_DL_BASE <= plugid && plugid < PLUGIN_DL_BASE + ARRAY_SIZE(builtin_plugins)) return; dlclose(lib); }