/* * (C) notaz, 2010-2011 * * This work is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPLv2 or later. * See the COPYING file in the top-level directory. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "libpicofe/fonts.h" #include "libpicofe/input.h" #include "libpicofe/plat.h" #include "libpicofe/arm/neon_scale2x.h" #include "libpicofe/arm/neon_eagle2x.h" #include "plugin_lib.h" #include "menu.h" #include "main.h" #include "plat.h" #include "pcnt.h" #include "pl_gun_ts.h" #include "cspace.h" #include "psemu_plugin_defs.h" #include "../libpcsxcore/new_dynarec/new_dynarec.h" #include "../libpcsxcore/psxmem_map.h" #include "../plugins/dfinput/externals.h" int in_type1, in_type2; int in_a1[2] = { 127, 127 }, in_a2[2] = { 127, 127 }; int in_adev[2] = { -1, -1 }, in_adev_axis[2][2] = {{ 0, 1 }, { 0, 1 }}; int in_adev_is_nublike[2]; int in_keystate, in_state_gun; int in_enable_vibration; void *tsdev; void *pl_vout_buf; int g_layer_x, g_layer_y, g_layer_w, g_layer_h; static int pl_vout_w, pl_vout_h, pl_vout_bpp; /* output display/layer */ static int pl_vout_scale, pl_vout_yoffset; static int psx_w, psx_h, psx_bpp; static int vsync_cnt; static int is_pal, frame_interval, frame_interval1024; static int vsync_usec_time; // platform hooks void (*pl_plat_clear)(void); void (*pl_plat_blit)(int doffs, const void *src, int w, int h, int sstride, int bgr24); void (*pl_plat_hud_print)(int x, int y, const char *str, int bpp); static __attribute__((noinline)) int get_cpu_ticks(void) { static unsigned long last_utime; static int fd; unsigned long utime, ret; char buf[128]; if (fd == 0) fd = open("/proc/self/stat", O_RDONLY); lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET); buf[0] = 0; read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf)); buf[sizeof(buf) - 1] = 0; sscanf(buf, "%*d %*s %*c %*d %*d %*d %*d %*d %*u %*u %*u %*u %*u %lu", &utime); ret = utime - last_utime; if (ret > 200) ret = 0; last_utime = utime; return ret; } static void hud_print(void *fb, int w, int x, int y, const char *text) { if (pl_plat_hud_print) pl_plat_hud_print(x, y, text, pl_vout_bpp); else if (pl_vout_bpp == 16) basic_text_out16_nf(fb, w, x, y, text); } static void hud_printf(void *fb, int w, int x, int y, const char *texto, ...) { va_list args; char buffer[256]; va_start(args, texto); vsnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), texto, args); va_end(args); hud_print(fb, w, x, y, buffer); } static void print_msg(int h, int border) { hud_print(pl_vout_buf, pl_vout_w, border + 2, h - 10, hud_msg); } static void print_fps(int h, int border) { hud_printf(pl_vout_buf, pl_vout_w, border + 2, h - 10, "%2d %4.1f", pl_rearmed_cbs.flips_per_sec, pl_rearmed_cbs.vsps_cur); } static void print_cpu_usage(int w, int h, int border) { hud_printf(pl_vout_buf, pl_vout_w, pl_vout_w - border - 28, h - 10, "%3d", pl_rearmed_cbs.cpu_usage); } // draw 192x8 status of 24 sound channels static __attribute__((noinline)) void draw_active_chans(int vout_w, int vout_h) { extern void spu_get_debug_info(int *chans_out, int *run_chans, int *fmod_chans_out, int *noise_chans_out); // hack int live_chans, run_chans, fmod_chans, noise_chans; static const unsigned short colors[2] = { 0x1fe3, 0x0700 }; unsigned short *dest = (unsigned short *)pl_vout_buf + vout_w * (vout_h - 10) + vout_w / 2 - 192/2; unsigned short *d, p; int c, x, y; if (dest == NULL || pl_vout_bpp != 16) return; spu_get_debug_info(&live_chans, &run_chans, &fmod_chans, &noise_chans); for (c = 0; c < 24; c++) { d = dest + c * 8; p = !(live_chans & (1< pl_vout_h) h = pl_vout_h; if (g_opts & OPT_SHOWSPU) draw_active_chans(w, h); if (hud_msg[0] != 0) print_msg(h, xborder); else if (g_opts & OPT_SHOWFPS) print_fps(h, xborder); if (g_opts & OPT_SHOWCPU) print_cpu_usage(w, h, xborder); } /* update scaler target size according to user settings */ static void update_layer_size(int w, int h) { float mult; int imult; switch (g_scaler) { case SCALE_1_1: g_layer_w = w; g_layer_h = h; break; case SCALE_4_3v2: if (h > g_menuscreen_h || (240 < h && h <= 360)) goto fractional_4_3; // 4:3 that prefers integer scaling imult = g_menuscreen_h / h; g_layer_w = w * imult; g_layer_h = h * imult; mult = (float)g_layer_w / (float)g_layer_h; if (mult < 1.25f || mult > 1.666f) g_layer_w = 4.0f/3.0f * (float)g_layer_h; printf(" -> %dx%d %.1f\n", g_layer_w, g_layer_h, mult); break; fractional_4_3: case SCALE_4_3: mult = 240.0f / (float)h * 4.0f / 3.0f; if (h > 256) mult *= 2.0f; g_layer_w = mult * (float)g_menuscreen_h; g_layer_h = g_menuscreen_h; printf(" -> %dx%d %.1f\n", g_layer_w, g_layer_h, mult); break; case SCALE_FULLSCREEN: g_layer_w = g_menuscreen_w; g_layer_h = g_menuscreen_h; break; default: break; } g_layer_x = g_menuscreen_w / 2 - g_layer_w / 2; g_layer_y = g_menuscreen_h / 2 - g_layer_h / 2; if (g_layer_x < 0) g_layer_x = 0; if (g_layer_y < 0) g_layer_y = 0; if (g_layer_w > g_menuscreen_w) g_layer_w = g_menuscreen_w; if (g_layer_h > g_menuscreen_h) g_layer_h = g_menuscreen_h; } // XXX: this is platform specific really static int resolution_ok(int w, int h) { return w <= 1024 && h <= 512; } static void pl_vout_set_mode(int w, int h, int raw_w, int raw_h, int bpp) { int vout_w, vout_h, vout_bpp; int buf_yoffset = 0; // special h handling, Wipeout likes to change it by 1-6 static int vsync_cnt_ms_prev; if ((unsigned int)(vsync_cnt - vsync_cnt_ms_prev) < 5*60) h = (h + 7) & ~7; vsync_cnt_ms_prev = vsync_cnt; psx_w = raw_w; psx_h = raw_h; psx_bpp = bpp; vout_w = w; vout_h = h; vout_bpp = bpp; if (pl_rearmed_cbs.only_16bpp) vout_bpp = 16; // don't use very low heights if (vout_h < 192) { buf_yoffset = (192 - vout_h) / 2; vout_h = 192; } pl_vout_scale = 1; #ifdef __ARM_NEON__ if (soft_filter) { if (resolution_ok(w * 2, h * 2) && bpp == 16) { vout_w *= 2; vout_h *= 2; pl_vout_scale = 2; } else { // filter unavailable hud_msg[0] = 0; } } #endif update_layer_size(vout_w, vout_h); pl_vout_buf = plat_gvideo_set_mode(&vout_w, &vout_h, &vout_bpp); if (pl_vout_buf == NULL && pl_plat_blit == NULL) fprintf(stderr, "failed to set mode %dx%d@%d\n", vout_w, vout_h, vout_bpp); else { pl_vout_w = vout_w; pl_vout_h = vout_h; pl_vout_bpp = vout_bpp; pl_vout_yoffset = buf_yoffset; } if (pl_vout_buf != NULL) pl_vout_buf = (char *)pl_vout_buf + pl_vout_yoffset * pl_vout_w * pl_vout_bpp / 8; menu_notify_mode_change(pl_vout_w, pl_vout_h, pl_vout_bpp); } static void pl_vout_flip(const void *vram, int stride, int bgr24, int w, int h) { static int doffs_old, clear_counter; unsigned char *dest = pl_vout_buf; const unsigned short *src = vram; int dstride = pl_vout_w, h1 = h; int doffs; pcnt_start(PCNT_BLIT); if (vram == NULL) { // blanking if (pl_plat_clear) pl_plat_clear(); else memset(pl_vout_buf, 0, dstride * pl_vout_h * pl_vout_bpp / 8); goto out_hud; } // borders doffs = (dstride - w * pl_vout_scale) / 2 & ~1; if (doffs > doffs_old) clear_counter = 2; doffs_old = doffs; if (clear_counter > 0) { if (pl_plat_clear) pl_plat_clear(); else memset(pl_vout_buf, 0, dstride * pl_vout_h * pl_vout_bpp / 8); clear_counter--; } if (pl_plat_blit) { pl_plat_blit(doffs, src, w, h, stride, bgr24); goto out_hud; } if (dest == NULL) goto out; dest += doffs * 2; if (bgr24) { if (pl_rearmed_cbs.only_16bpp) { for (; h1-- > 0; dest += dstride * 2, src += stride) { bgr888_to_rgb565(dest, src, w * 3); } } else { dest -= doffs * 2; dest += (doffs / 8) * 24; for (; h1-- > 0; dest += dstride * 3, src += stride) { bgr888_to_rgb888(dest, src, w * 3); } } } #ifdef __ARM_NEON__ else if (soft_filter == SOFT_FILTER_SCALE2X && pl_vout_scale == 2) { neon_scale2x_16_16(src, (void *)dest, w, stride * 2, dstride * 2, h); } else if (soft_filter == SOFT_FILTER_EAGLE2X && pl_vout_scale == 2) { neon_eagle2x_16_16(src, (void *)dest, w, stride * 2, dstride * 2, h); } #endif else { for (; h1-- > 0; dest += dstride * 2, src += stride) { bgr555_to_rgb565(dest, src, w * 2); } } out_hud: print_hud(w * pl_vout_scale, h * pl_vout_scale, 0); out: pcnt_end(PCNT_BLIT); // let's flip now pl_vout_buf = plat_gvideo_flip(); if (pl_vout_buf != NULL) pl_vout_buf = (char *)pl_vout_buf + pl_vout_yoffset * pl_vout_w * pl_vout_bpp / 8; pl_rearmed_cbs.flip_cnt++; } static int pl_vout_open(void) { struct timeval now; // force mode update on pl_vout_set_mode() call from gpulib/vout_pl pl_vout_buf = NULL; plat_gvideo_open(is_pal); gettimeofday(&now, 0); vsync_usec_time = now.tv_usec; while (vsync_usec_time >= frame_interval) vsync_usec_time -= frame_interval; return 0; } static void pl_vout_close(void) { plat_gvideo_close(); } static void pl_set_gpu_caps(int caps) { pl_rearmed_cbs.gpu_caps = caps; } void *pl_prepare_screenshot(int *w, int *h, int *bpp) { void *ret = plat_prepare_screenshot(w, h, bpp); if (ret != NULL) return ret; *w = pl_vout_w; *h = pl_vout_h; *bpp = pl_vout_bpp; return pl_vout_buf; } /* display/redering mode switcher */ static int dispmode_default(void) { pl_rearmed_cbs.gpu_neon.enhancement_enable = 0; soft_filter = SOFT_FILTER_NONE; snprintf(hud_msg, sizeof(hud_msg), "default mode"); return 1; } int dispmode_doubleres(void) { if (!(pl_rearmed_cbs.gpu_caps & GPU_CAP_SUPPORTS_2X) || !resolution_ok(psx_w * 2, psx_h * 2) || psx_bpp != 16) return 0; dispmode_default(); pl_rearmed_cbs.gpu_neon.enhancement_enable = 1; snprintf(hud_msg, sizeof(hud_msg), "double resolution"); return 1; } int dispmode_scale2x(void) { if (!resolution_ok(psx_w * 2, psx_h * 2) || psx_bpp != 16) return 0; dispmode_default(); soft_filter = SOFT_FILTER_SCALE2X; snprintf(hud_msg, sizeof(hud_msg), "scale2x"); return 1; } int dispmode_eagle2x(void) { if (!resolution_ok(psx_w * 2, psx_h * 2) || psx_bpp != 16) return 0; dispmode_default(); soft_filter = SOFT_FILTER_EAGLE2X; snprintf(hud_msg, sizeof(hud_msg), "eagle2x"); return 1; } static int (*dispmode_switchers[])(void) = { dispmode_default, #ifdef __ARM_NEON__ dispmode_doubleres, dispmode_scale2x, dispmode_eagle2x, #endif }; static int dispmode_current; void pl_switch_dispmode(void) { if (pl_rearmed_cbs.gpu_caps & GPU_CAP_OWNS_DISPLAY) return; while (1) { dispmode_current++; if (dispmode_current >= sizeof(dispmode_switchers) / sizeof(dispmode_switchers[0])) dispmode_current = 0; if (dispmode_switchers[dispmode_current]()) break; } } #ifndef MAEMO /* adjust circle-like analog inputs to better match * more square-like analogs in PSX */ static void update_analog_nub_adjust(int *x_, int *y_) { #define d 16 static const int scale[] = { 0 - d*2, 0 - d*2, 0 - d*2, 12 - d*2, 30 - d*2, 60 - d*2, 75 - d*2, 60 - d*2, 60 - d*2 }; int x = abs(*x_); int y = abs(*y_); int scale_x = scale[y / 16]; int scale_y = scale[x / 16]; if (x) { x += d + (x * scale_x >> 8); if (*x_ < 0) x = -x; } if (y) { y += d + (y * scale_y >> 8); if (*y_ < 0) y = -y; } *x_ = x; *y_ = y; #undef d } static void update_analogs(void) { int *nubp[2] = { in_a1, in_a2 }; int vals[2]; int i, a, v, ret; for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (in_adev[i] < 0) continue; for (a = 0; a < 2; a++) { vals[a] = 0; ret = in_update_analog(in_adev[i], in_adev_axis[i][a], &v); if (ret == 0) vals[a] = 128 * v / IN_ABS_RANGE; } if (in_adev_is_nublike[i]) update_analog_nub_adjust(&vals[0], &vals[1]); for (a = 0; a < 2; a++) { v = vals[a] + 127; if (v < 0) v = 0; else if (v > 255) v = 255; nubp[i][a] = v; } } //printf("%4d %4d %4d %4d\n", in_a1[0], in_a1[1], in_a2[0], in_a2[1]); } static void update_input(void) { int actions[IN_BINDTYPE_COUNT] = { 0, }; unsigned int emu_act; in_update(actions); if (in_type1 == PSE_PAD_TYPE_ANALOGPAD) update_analogs(); emu_act = actions[IN_BINDTYPE_EMU]; in_state_gun = (emu_act & SACTION_GUN_MASK) >> SACTION_GUN_TRIGGER; emu_act &= ~SACTION_GUN_MASK; if (emu_act) { int which = 0; for (; !(emu_act & 1); emu_act >>= 1, which++) ; emu_act = which; } emu_set_action(emu_act); in_keystate = actions[IN_BINDTYPE_PLAYER12]; } #else /* MAEMO */ #include static void update_input(void) { extern int g_maemo_opts; extern int maemo_x11_update_keys(); if (g_maemo_opts&8) maemo_x11_update_keys(); else{ /* process GTK+ events */ while (gtk_events_pending()) gtk_main_iteration(); } } #endif void pl_update_gun(int *xn, int *yn, int *xres, int *yres, int *in) { if (tsdev) pl_gun_ts_update(tsdev, xn, yn, in); *xres = psx_w; *yres = psx_h; } #define MAX_LAG_FRAMES 3 #define tvdiff(tv, tv_old) \ ((tv.tv_sec - tv_old.tv_sec) * 1000000 + tv.tv_usec - tv_old.tv_usec) /* called on every vsync */ void pl_frame_limit(void) { static struct timeval tv_old, tv_expect; static int vsync_cnt_prev, drc_active_vsyncs; struct timeval now; int diff, usadj; if (g_emu_resetting) return; vsync_cnt++; /* doing input here because the pad is polled * thousands of times per frame for some reason */ update_input(); pcnt_end(PCNT_ALL); gettimeofday(&now, 0); if (now.tv_sec != tv_old.tv_sec) { diff = tvdiff(now, tv_old); pl_rearmed_cbs.vsps_cur = 0.0f; if (0 < diff && diff < 2000000) pl_rearmed_cbs.vsps_cur = 1000000.0f * (vsync_cnt - vsync_cnt_prev) / diff; vsync_cnt_prev = vsync_cnt; if (g_opts & OPT_SHOWFPS) pl_rearmed_cbs.flips_per_sec = pl_rearmed_cbs.flip_cnt; pl_rearmed_cbs.flip_cnt = 0; if (g_opts & OPT_SHOWCPU) pl_rearmed_cbs.cpu_usage = get_cpu_ticks(); if (hud_new_msg > 0) { hud_new_msg--; if (hud_new_msg == 0) hud_msg[0] = 0; } tv_old = now; } #ifdef PCNT static int ya_vsync_count; if (++ya_vsync_count == PCNT_FRAMES) { pcnt_print(pl_rearmed_cbs.vsps_cur); ya_vsync_count = 0; } #endif // tv_expect uses usec*1024 units instead of usecs for better accuracy tv_expect.tv_usec += frame_interval1024; if (tv_expect.tv_usec >= (1000000 << 10)) { tv_expect.tv_usec -= (1000000 << 10); tv_expect.tv_sec++; } diff = (tv_expect.tv_sec - now.tv_sec) * 1000000 + (tv_expect.tv_usec >> 10) - now.tv_usec; if (diff > MAX_LAG_FRAMES * frame_interval || diff < -MAX_LAG_FRAMES * frame_interval) { //printf("pl_frame_limit reset, diff=%d, iv %d\n", diff, frame_interval); tv_expect = now; diff = 0; // try to align with vsync usadj = vsync_usec_time; while (usadj < tv_expect.tv_usec - frame_interval) usadj += frame_interval; tv_expect.tv_usec = usadj << 10; } if (!(g_opts & OPT_NO_FRAMELIM) && diff > frame_interval) { // yay for working usleep on pandora! //printf("usleep %d\n", diff - frame_interval / 2); usleep(diff - frame_interval); } if (pl_rearmed_cbs.frameskip) { if (diff < -frame_interval) pl_rearmed_cbs.fskip_advice = 1; else if (diff >= 0) pl_rearmed_cbs.fskip_advice = 0; // recompilation is not that fast and may cause frame skip on // loading screens and such, resulting in flicker or glitches if (new_dynarec_did_compile) { if (drc_active_vsyncs < 32) pl_rearmed_cbs.fskip_advice = 0; drc_active_vsyncs++; } else drc_active_vsyncs = 0; new_dynarec_did_compile = 0; } pcnt_start(PCNT_ALL); } void pl_timing_prepare(int is_pal_) { pl_rearmed_cbs.fskip_advice = 0; pl_rearmed_cbs.flips_per_sec = 0; pl_rearmed_cbs.cpu_usage = 0; is_pal = is_pal_; frame_interval = is_pal ? 20000 : 16667; frame_interval1024 = is_pal ? 20000*1024 : 17066667; // used by P.E.Op.S. frameskip code pl_rearmed_cbs.gpu_peops.fFrameRateHz = is_pal ? 50.0f : 59.94f; pl_rearmed_cbs.gpu_peops.dwFrameRateTicks = (100000*100 / (unsigned long)(pl_rearmed_cbs.gpu_peops.fFrameRateHz*100)); } static void pl_get_layer_pos(int *x, int *y, int *w, int *h) { *x = g_layer_x; *y = g_layer_y; *w = g_layer_w; *h = g_layer_h; } static void *pl_mmap(unsigned int size); static void pl_munmap(void *ptr, unsigned int size); struct rearmed_cbs pl_rearmed_cbs = { pl_get_layer_pos, pl_vout_open, pl_vout_set_mode, pl_vout_flip, pl_vout_close, .mmap = pl_mmap, .munmap = pl_munmap, .pl_set_gpu_caps = pl_set_gpu_caps, }; /* watchdog */ static void *watchdog_thread(void *unused) { int vsync_cnt_old = 0; int seen_dead = 0; int sleep_time = 5; #if !defined(NDEBUG) || defined(DRC_DBG) // don't interfere with debug return NULL; #endif while (1) { sleep(sleep_time); if (stop) { seen_dead = 0; sleep_time = 5; continue; } if (vsync_cnt != vsync_cnt_old) { vsync_cnt_old = vsync_cnt; seen_dead = 0; sleep_time = 2; continue; } seen_dead++; sleep_time = 1; if (seen_dead > 1) fprintf(stderr, "watchdog: seen_dead %d\n", seen_dead); if (seen_dead > 4) { fprintf(stderr, "watchdog: lockup detected, aborting\n"); // we can't do any cleanup here really, the main thread is // likely touching resources and would crash anyway abort(); } } } void pl_start_watchdog(void) { pthread_attr_t attr; pthread_t tid; int ret; pthread_attr_init(&attr); pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED); ret = pthread_create(&tid, &attr, watchdog_thread, NULL); if (ret != 0) fprintf(stderr, "could not start watchdog: %d\n", ret); } static void *pl_emu_mmap(unsigned long addr, size_t size, int is_fixed, enum psxMapTag tag) { return plat_mmap(addr, size, 0, is_fixed); } static void pl_emu_munmap(void *ptr, size_t size, enum psxMapTag tag) { plat_munmap(ptr, size); } static void *pl_mmap(unsigned int size) { return psxMapHook(0, size, 0, MAP_TAG_VRAM); } static void pl_munmap(void *ptr, unsigned int size) { psxUnmapHook(ptr, size, MAP_TAG_VRAM); } void pl_init(void) { extern unsigned int hSyncCount; // from psxcounters extern unsigned int frame_counter; psx_w = psx_h = pl_vout_w = pl_vout_h = 256; psx_bpp = pl_vout_bpp = 16; tsdev = pl_gun_ts_init(); pl_rearmed_cbs.gpu_hcnt = &hSyncCount; pl_rearmed_cbs.gpu_frame_count = &frame_counter; psxMapHook = pl_emu_mmap; psxUnmapHook = pl_emu_munmap; }