#include #include #include #include #include #include "../cdrom.h" #include "../gpu.h" #include "../gte.h" #include "../mdec.h" #include "../psxdma.h" #include "../psxhw.h" #include "../psxmem.h" #include "../r3000a.h" #include "../frontend/main.h" #define ARRAY_SIZE(x) (sizeof(x) ? sizeof(x) / sizeof((x)[0]) : 0) #if __BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__ # define LE32TOH(x) __builtin_bswap32(x) # define HTOLE32(x) __builtin_bswap32(x) # define LE16TOH(x) __builtin_bswap16(x) # define HTOLE16(x) __builtin_bswap16(x) #else # define LE32TOH(x) (x) # define HTOLE32(x) (x) # define LE16TOH(x) (x) # define HTOLE16(x) (x) #endif #ifdef __GNUC__ # define likely(x) __builtin_expect(!!(x),1) # define unlikely(x) __builtin_expect(!!(x),0) #else # define likely(x) (x) # define unlikely(x) (x) #endif static struct lightrec_state *lightrec_state; static char *name = "retroarch.exe"; static bool use_lightrec_interpreter; static bool lightrec_debug; static bool lightrec_very_debug; static u32 lightrec_begin_cycles; int stop; u32 cycle_multiplier; int new_dynarec_hacks; /* Unused for now */ u32 event_cycles[PSXINT_COUNT]; u32 next_interupt; void new_dyna_before_save() {} void new_dyna_after_save() {} void new_dyna_freeze(void *f, int i) {} enum my_cp2_opcodes { OP_CP2_RTPS = 0x01, OP_CP2_NCLIP = 0x06, OP_CP2_OP = 0x0c, OP_CP2_DPCS = 0x10, OP_CP2_INTPL = 0x11, OP_CP2_MVMVA = 0x12, OP_CP2_NCDS = 0x13, OP_CP2_CDP = 0x14, OP_CP2_NCDT = 0x16, OP_CP2_NCCS = 0x1b, OP_CP2_CC = 0x1c, OP_CP2_NCS = 0x1e, OP_CP2_NCT = 0x20, OP_CP2_SQR = 0x28, OP_CP2_DCPL = 0x29, OP_CP2_DPCT = 0x2a, OP_CP2_AVSZ3 = 0x2d, OP_CP2_AVSZ4 = 0x2e, OP_CP2_RTPT = 0x30, OP_CP2_GPF = 0x3d, OP_CP2_GPL = 0x3e, OP_CP2_NCCT = 0x3f, }; static void (*cp2_ops[])(struct psxCP2Regs *) = { [OP_CP2_RTPS] = gteRTPS, [OP_CP2_RTPS] = gteRTPS, [OP_CP2_NCLIP] = gteNCLIP, [OP_CP2_OP] = gteOP, [OP_CP2_DPCS] = gteDPCS, [OP_CP2_INTPL] = gteINTPL, [OP_CP2_MVMVA] = gteMVMVA, [OP_CP2_NCDS] = gteNCDS, [OP_CP2_CDP] = gteCDP, [OP_CP2_NCDT] = gteNCDT, [OP_CP2_NCCS] = gteNCCS, [OP_CP2_CC] = gteCC, [OP_CP2_NCS] = gteNCS, [OP_CP2_NCT] = gteNCT, [OP_CP2_SQR] = gteSQR, [OP_CP2_DCPL] = gteDCPL, [OP_CP2_DPCT] = gteDPCT, [OP_CP2_AVSZ3] = gteAVSZ3, [OP_CP2_AVSZ4] = gteAVSZ4, [OP_CP2_RTPT] = gteRTPT, [OP_CP2_GPF] = gteGPF, [OP_CP2_GPL] = gteGPL, [OP_CP2_NCCT] = gteNCCT, }; static char cache_buf[64 * 1024]; static u32 cop0_mfc(struct lightrec_state *state, u8 reg) { return psxRegs.CP0.r[reg]; } static u32 cop2_mfc_cfc(struct lightrec_state *state, u8 reg, bool cfc) { if (cfc) return psxRegs.CP2C.r[reg]; else return MFC2(reg); } static u32 cop2_mfc(struct lightrec_state *state, u8 reg) { return cop2_mfc_cfc(state, reg, false); } static u32 cop2_cfc(struct lightrec_state *state, u8 reg) { return cop2_mfc_cfc(state, reg, true); } static void cop0_mtc_ctc(struct lightrec_state *state, u8 reg, u32 value, bool ctc) { switch (reg) { case 1: case 4: case 8: case 14: case 15: /* Those registers are read-only */ break; case 12: /* Status */ if ((psxRegs.CP0.n.Status & ~value) & (1 << 16)) { memcpy(psxM, cache_buf, sizeof(cache_buf)); lightrec_invalidate_all(state); } else if ((~psxRegs.CP0.n.Status & value) & (1 << 16)) { memcpy(cache_buf, psxM, sizeof(cache_buf)); } psxRegs.CP0.n.Status = value; lightrec_set_exit_flags(state, LIGHTREC_EXIT_CHECK_INTERRUPT); break; case 13: /* Cause */ psxRegs.CP0.n.Cause &= ~0x0300; psxRegs.CP0.n.Cause |= value & 0x0300; lightrec_set_exit_flags(state, LIGHTREC_EXIT_CHECK_INTERRUPT); break; default: psxRegs.CP0.r[reg] = value; break; } } static void cop2_mtc_ctc(struct lightrec_state *state, u8 reg, u32 value, bool ctc) { if (ctc) CTC2(value, reg); else MTC2(value, reg); } static void cop0_mtc(struct lightrec_state *state, u8 reg, u32 value) { cop0_mtc_ctc(state, reg, value, false); } static void cop0_ctc(struct lightrec_state *state, u8 reg, u32 value) { cop0_mtc_ctc(state, reg, value, true); } static void cop2_mtc(struct lightrec_state *state, u8 reg, u32 value) { cop2_mtc_ctc(state, reg, value, false); } static void cop2_ctc(struct lightrec_state *state, u8 reg, u32 value) { cop2_mtc_ctc(state, reg, value, true); } static void cop0_op(struct lightrec_state *state, u32 func) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid access to COP0\n"); } static void cop2_op(struct lightrec_state *state, u32 func) { psxRegs.code = func; if (unlikely(!cp2_ops[func & 0x3f])) fprintf(stderr, "Invalid CP2 function %u\n", func); else cp2_ops[func & 0x3f](&psxRegs.CP2); } static void hw_write_byte(struct lightrec_state *state, u32 mem, u8 val) { psxRegs.cycle = lightrec_current_cycle_count(state); psxHwWrite8(mem, val); lightrec_set_exit_flags(state, LIGHTREC_EXIT_CHECK_INTERRUPT); lightrec_reset_cycle_count(state, psxRegs.cycle); } static void hw_write_half(struct lightrec_state *state, u32 mem, u16 val) { psxRegs.cycle = lightrec_current_cycle_count(state); psxHwWrite16(mem, val); lightrec_set_exit_flags(state, LIGHTREC_EXIT_CHECK_INTERRUPT); lightrec_reset_cycle_count(state, psxRegs.cycle); } static void hw_write_word(struct lightrec_state *state, u32 mem, u32 val) { psxRegs.cycle = lightrec_current_cycle_count(state); psxHwWrite32(mem, val); lightrec_set_exit_flags(state, LIGHTREC_EXIT_CHECK_INTERRUPT); lightrec_reset_cycle_count(state, psxRegs.cycle); } static u8 hw_read_byte(struct lightrec_state *state, u32 mem) { u8 val; psxRegs.cycle = lightrec_current_cycle_count(state); lightrec_set_exit_flags(state, LIGHTREC_EXIT_CHECK_INTERRUPT); val = psxHwRead8(mem); lightrec_reset_cycle_count(state, psxRegs.cycle); return val; } static u16 hw_read_half(struct lightrec_state *state, u32 mem) { u16 val; psxRegs.cycle = lightrec_current_cycle_count(state); lightrec_set_exit_flags(state, LIGHTREC_EXIT_CHECK_INTERRUPT); val = psxHwRead16(mem); lightrec_reset_cycle_count(state, psxRegs.cycle); return val; } static u32 hw_read_word(struct lightrec_state *state, u32 mem) { u32 val; psxRegs.cycle = lightrec_current_cycle_count(state); lightrec_set_exit_flags(state, LIGHTREC_EXIT_CHECK_INTERRUPT); val = psxHwRead32(mem); lightrec_reset_cycle_count(state, psxRegs.cycle); return val; } static struct lightrec_mem_map_ops hw_regs_ops = { .sb = hw_write_byte, .sh = hw_write_half, .sw = hw_write_word, .lb = hw_read_byte, .lh = hw_read_half, .lw = hw_read_word, }; static u32 cache_ctrl; static void cache_ctrl_write_word(struct lightrec_state *state, u32 mem, u32 val) { cache_ctrl = val; } static u32 cache_ctrl_read_word(struct lightrec_state *state, u32 mem) { return cache_ctrl; } static struct lightrec_mem_map_ops cache_ctrl_ops = { .sw = cache_ctrl_write_word, .lw = cache_ctrl_read_word, }; static struct lightrec_mem_map lightrec_map[] = { [PSX_MAP_KERNEL_USER_RAM] = { /* Kernel and user memory */ .pc = 0x00000000, .length = 0x200000, }, [PSX_MAP_BIOS] = { /* BIOS */ .pc = 0x1fc00000, .length = 0x80000, }, [PSX_MAP_SCRATCH_PAD] = { /* Scratch pad */ .pc = 0x1f800000, .length = 0x400, }, [PSX_MAP_PARALLEL_PORT] = { /* Parallel port */ .pc = 0x1f000000, .length = 0x10000, }, [PSX_MAP_HW_REGISTERS] = { /* Hardware registers */ .pc = 0x1f801000, .length = 0x2000, .ops = &hw_regs_ops, }, [PSX_MAP_CACHE_CONTROL] = { /* Cache control */ .pc = 0x5ffe0130, .length = 4, .ops = &cache_ctrl_ops, }, /* Mirrors of the kernel/user memory */ [PSX_MAP_MIRROR1] = { .pc = 0x00200000, .length = 0x200000, .mirror_of = &lightrec_map[PSX_MAP_KERNEL_USER_RAM], }, [PSX_MAP_MIRROR2] = { .pc = 0x00400000, .length = 0x200000, .mirror_of = &lightrec_map[PSX_MAP_KERNEL_USER_RAM], }, [PSX_MAP_MIRROR3] = { .pc = 0x00600000, .length = 0x200000, .mirror_of = &lightrec_map[PSX_MAP_KERNEL_USER_RAM], }, }; static const struct lightrec_ops lightrec_ops = { .cop0_ops = { .mfc = cop0_mfc, .cfc = cop0_mfc, .mtc = cop0_mtc, .ctc = cop0_ctc, .op = cop0_op, }, .cop2_ops = { .mfc = cop2_mfc, .cfc = cop2_cfc, .mtc = cop2_mtc, .ctc = cop2_ctc, .op = cop2_op, }, }; static int lightrec_plugin_init(void) { lightrec_map[PSX_MAP_KERNEL_USER_RAM].address = psxM; lightrec_map[PSX_MAP_BIOS].address = psxR; lightrec_map[PSX_MAP_SCRATCH_PAD].address = psxH; lightrec_map[PSX_MAP_PARALLEL_PORT].address = psxP; lightrec_debug = !!getenv("LIGHTREC_DEBUG"); lightrec_very_debug = !!getenv("LIGHTREC_VERY_DEBUG"); use_lightrec_interpreter = !!getenv("LIGHTREC_INTERPRETER"); if (getenv("LIGHTREC_BEGIN_CYCLES")) lightrec_begin_cycles = (unsigned int) strtol( getenv("LIGHTREC_BEGIN_CYCLES"), NULL, 0); lightrec_state = lightrec_init(name, lightrec_map, ARRAY_SIZE(lightrec_map), &lightrec_ops); fprintf(stderr, "M=0x%lx, P=0x%lx, R=0x%lx, H=0x%lx\n", (uintptr_t) psxM, (uintptr_t) psxP, (uintptr_t) psxR, (uintptr_t) psxH); #ifndef _WIN32 signal(SIGPIPE, exit); #endif return 0; } static u32 hash_calculate_le(const void *buffer, u32 count) { unsigned int i; u32 *data = (u32 *) buffer; u32 hash = 0xffffffff; count /= 4; for(i = 0; i < count; ++i) { hash += LE32TOH(data[i]); hash += (hash << 10); hash ^= (hash >> 6); } hash += (hash << 3); hash ^= (hash >> 11); hash += (hash << 15); return hash; } static u32 hash_calculate(const void *buffer, u32 count) { unsigned int i; u32 *data = (u32 *) buffer; u32 hash = 0xffffffff; count /= 4; for(i = 0; i < count; ++i) { hash += data[i]; hash += (hash << 10); hash ^= (hash >> 6); } hash += (hash << 3); hash ^= (hash >> 11); hash += (hash << 15); return hash; } static const char * const mips_regs[] = { "zero", "at", "v0", "v1", "a0", "a1", "a2", "a3", "t0", "t1", "t2", "t3", "t4", "t5", "t6", "t7", "s0", "s1", "s2", "s3", "s4", "s5", "s6", "s7", "t8", "t9", "k0", "k1", "gp", "sp", "fp", "ra", "lo", "hi", }; static void print_for_big_ass_debugger(void) { unsigned int i; printf("CYCLE 0x%08x PC 0x%08x", psxRegs.cycle, psxRegs.pc); if (lightrec_very_debug) printf(" RAM 0x%08x SCRATCH 0x%08x HW 0x%08x", hash_calculate_le(psxM, 0x200000), hash_calculate_le(psxH, 0x400), hash_calculate_le(psxH + 0x1000, 0x2000)); printf(" CP0 0x%08x CP2D 0x%08x CP2C 0x%08x INT 0x%04x INTCYCLE 0x%08x GPU 0x%08x", hash_calculate(&psxRegs.CP0.r, sizeof(psxRegs.CP0.r)), hash_calculate(&psxRegs.CP2D.r, sizeof(psxRegs.CP2D.r)), hash_calculate(&psxRegs.CP2C.r, sizeof(psxRegs.CP2C.r)), psxRegs.interrupt, hash_calculate(psxRegs.intCycle, sizeof(psxRegs.intCycle)), LE32TOH(HW_GPU_STATUS)); if (lightrec_very_debug) for (i = 0; i < 34; i++) printf(" %s 0x%08x", mips_regs[i], psxRegs.GPR.r[i]); else printf(" GPR 0x%08x", hash_calculate(&psxRegs.GPR.r, sizeof(psxRegs.GPR.r))); printf("\n"); } static u32 old_cycle_counter; static void lightrec_plugin_execute_block(void) { u32 old_pc = psxRegs.pc; u32 flags; lightrec_reset_cycle_count(lightrec_state, psxRegs.cycle); lightrec_restore_registers(lightrec_state, psxRegs.GPR.r); if (use_lightrec_interpreter) psxRegs.pc = lightrec_run_interpreter(lightrec_state, psxRegs.pc); else psxRegs.pc = lightrec_execute_one(lightrec_state, psxRegs.pc); psxRegs.cycle = lightrec_current_cycle_count(lightrec_state); lightrec_dump_registers(lightrec_state, psxRegs.GPR.r); flags = lightrec_exit_flags(lightrec_state); if (flags & LIGHTREC_EXIT_SEGFAULT) { fprintf(stderr, "Exiting at cycle 0x%08x\n", psxRegs.cycle); exit(1); } if (flags & LIGHTREC_EXIT_SYSCALL) psxException(0x20, 0); psxBranchTest(); if (lightrec_debug && psxRegs.cycle >= lightrec_begin_cycles && psxRegs.pc != old_pc) print_for_big_ass_debugger(); if ((psxRegs.CP0.n.Cause & psxRegs.CP0.n.Status & 0x300) && (psxRegs.CP0.n.Status & 0x1)) { /* Handle software interrupts */ psxRegs.CP0.n.Cause &= ~0x7c; psxException(psxRegs.CP0.n.Cause, 0); } if ((psxRegs.cycle & ~0xfffffff) != old_cycle_counter) { printf("RAM usage: IR %u KiB, CODE %u KiB, " "MIPS %u KiB, TOTAL %u KiB, avg. IPI %f\n", lightrec_get_mem_usage(MEM_FOR_IR) / 1024, lightrec_get_mem_usage(MEM_FOR_CODE) / 1024, lightrec_get_mem_usage(MEM_FOR_MIPS_CODE) / 1024, lightrec_get_total_mem_usage() / 1024, lightrec_get_average_ipi()); old_cycle_counter = psxRegs.cycle & ~0xfffffff; } } static void lightrec_plugin_execute(void) { extern int stop; while (!stop) lightrec_plugin_execute_block(); } static void lightrec_plugin_clear(u32 addr, u32 size) { if (addr == 0 && size == UINT32_MAX) lightrec_invalidate_all(lightrec_state); else /* size * 4: PCSX uses DMA units */ lightrec_invalidate(lightrec_state, addr, size * 4); } static void lightrec_plugin_shutdown(void) { lightrec_destroy(lightrec_state); } static void lightrec_plugin_reset(void) { lightrec_plugin_shutdown(); lightrec_plugin_init(); } R3000Acpu psxRec = { lightrec_plugin_init, lightrec_plugin_reset, lightrec_plugin_execute, lightrec_plugin_execute_block, lightrec_plugin_clear, lightrec_plugin_shutdown, };