/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2010 by Blade_Arma * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. * ***************************************************************************/ /* * Internal PSX counters. */ #include "psxcounters.h" /******************************************************************************/ typedef struct Rcnt { u16 mode, target; u32 rate, irq, counterState, irqState; u32 cycle, cycleStart; } Rcnt; enum { Rc0Gate = 0x0001, // 0 not implemented Rc1Gate = 0x0001, // 0 not implemented Rc2Disable = 0x0001, // 0 partially implemented RcUnknown1 = 0x0002, // 1 ? RcUnknown2 = 0x0004, // 2 ? RcCountToTarget = 0x0008, // 3 RcIrqOnTarget = 0x0010, // 4 RcIrqOnOverflow = 0x0020, // 5 RcIrqRegenerate = 0x0040, // 6 RcUnknown7 = 0x0080, // 7 ? Rc0PixelClock = 0x0100, // 8 fake implementation Rc1HSyncClock = 0x0100, // 8 Rc2Unknown8 = 0x0100, // 8 ? Rc0Unknown9 = 0x0200, // 9 ? Rc1Unknown9 = 0x0200, // 9 ? Rc2OneEighthClock = 0x0200, // 9 RcUnknown10 = 0x0400, // 10 ? RcCountEqTarget = 0x0800, // 11 RcOverflow = 0x1000, // 12 RcUnknown13 = 0x2000, // 13 ? (always zero) RcUnknown14 = 0x4000, // 14 ? (always zero) RcUnknown15 = 0x8000, // 15 ? (always zero) }; #define CounterQuantity ( 4 ) //static const u32 CounterQuantity = 4; static const u32 CountToOverflow = 0; static const u32 CountToTarget = 1; static const u32 FrameRate[] = { 60, 50 }; static const u32 VBlankStart[] = { 240, 256 }; static const u32 HSyncTotal[] = { 262, 312 }; static const u32 SpuUpdInterval[] = { 23, 22 }; static const s32 VerboseLevel = 0; /******************************************************************************/ static Rcnt rcnts[ CounterQuantity ]; static u32 hSyncCount = 0; static u32 spuSyncCount = 0; u32 psxNextCounter = 0, psxNextsCounter = 0; /******************************************************************************/ static inline void setIrq( u32 irq ) { psxHu32ref(0x1070) |= SWAPu32(irq); } static void verboseLog( s32 level, const char *str, ... ) { if( level <= VerboseLevel ) { va_list va; char buf[ 4096 ]; va_start( va, str ); vsprintf( buf, str, va ); va_end( va ); printf( buf ); fflush( stdout ); } } /******************************************************************************/ static inline void _psxRcntWcount( u32 index, u32 value ) { if( value > 0xffff ) { verboseLog( 1, "[RCNT %i] wcount > 0xffff: %x\n", index, value ); value &= 0xffff; } rcnts[index].cycleStart = psxRegs.cycle; rcnts[index].cycleStart -= value * rcnts[index].rate; // TODO: <=. if( value < rcnts[index].target ) { rcnts[index].cycle = rcnts[index].target * rcnts[index].rate; rcnts[index].counterState = CountToTarget; } else { rcnts[index].cycle = 0xffff * rcnts[index].rate; rcnts[index].counterState = CountToOverflow; } } static inline u32 _psxRcntRcount( u32 index ) { u32 count; count = psxRegs.cycle; count -= rcnts[index].cycleStart; count /= rcnts[index].rate; if( count > 0xffff ) { verboseLog( 1, "[RCNT %i] rcount > 0xffff: %x\n", index, count ); count &= 0xffff; } return count; } /******************************************************************************/ static void psxRcntSet() { s32 countToUpdate; u32 i; psxNextsCounter = psxRegs.cycle; psxNextCounter = 0x7fffffff; for( i = 0; i < CounterQuantity; ++i ) { countToUpdate = rcnts[i].cycle - (psxNextsCounter - rcnts[i].cycleStart); if( countToUpdate < 0 ) { psxNextCounter = 0; break; } if( countToUpdate < (s32)psxNextCounter ) { psxNextCounter = countToUpdate; } } } /******************************************************************************/ static void psxRcntReset( u32 index ) { u32 count; if( rcnts[index].counterState == CountToTarget ) { if( rcnts[index].mode & RcCountToTarget ) { count = psxRegs.cycle; count -= rcnts[index].cycleStart; count /= rcnts[index].rate; count -= rcnts[index].target; } else { count = _psxRcntRcount( index ); } _psxRcntWcount( index, count ); if( rcnts[index].mode & RcIrqOnTarget ) { if( (rcnts[index].mode & RcIrqRegenerate) || (!rcnts[index].irqState) ) { verboseLog( 3, "[RCNT %i] irq: %x\n", index, count ); setIrq( rcnts[index].irq ); rcnts[index].irqState = 1; } } rcnts[index].mode |= RcCountEqTarget; } else if( rcnts[index].counterState == CountToOverflow ) { count = psxRegs.cycle; count -= rcnts[index].cycleStart; count /= rcnts[index].rate; count -= 0xffff; _psxRcntWcount( index, count ); if( rcnts[index].mode & RcIrqOnOverflow ) { if( (rcnts[index].mode & RcIrqRegenerate) || (!rcnts[index].irqState) ) { verboseLog( 3, "[RCNT %i] irq: %x\n", index, count ); setIrq( rcnts[index].irq ); rcnts[index].irqState = 1; } } rcnts[index].mode |= RcOverflow; } rcnts[index].mode |= RcUnknown10; psxRcntSet(); } void psxRcntUpdate() { u32 cycle; cycle = psxRegs.cycle; // rcnt 0. if( cycle - rcnts[0].cycleStart >= rcnts[0].cycle ) { psxRcntReset( 0 ); } // rcnt 1. if( cycle - rcnts[1].cycleStart >= rcnts[1].cycle ) { psxRcntReset( 1 ); } // rcnt 2. if( cycle - rcnts[2].cycleStart >= rcnts[2].cycle ) { psxRcntReset( 2 ); } // rcnt base. if( cycle - rcnts[3].cycleStart >= rcnts[3].cycle ) { psxRcntReset( 3 ); spuSyncCount++; hSyncCount++; // Update spu. if( spuSyncCount >= SpuUpdInterval[Config.PsxType] ) { spuSyncCount = 0; if( SPU_async ) { SPU_async( SpuUpdInterval[Config.PsxType] * rcnts[3].target ); } } // VSync irq. if( hSyncCount == VBlankStart[Config.PsxType] ) { GPU_vBlank( 1, &hSyncCount ); // For the best times. :D //setIrq( 0x01 ); } // Update lace. (with InuYasha fix) if( hSyncCount >= (Config.VSyncWA ? HSyncTotal[Config.PsxType] / BIAS : HSyncTotal[Config.PsxType]) ) { hSyncCount = 0; GPU_vBlank( 0, &hSyncCount ); setIrq( 0x01 ); EmuUpdate(); GPU_updateLace(); } } DebugVSync(); } /******************************************************************************/ void psxRcntWcount( u32 index, u32 value ) { verboseLog( 2, "[RCNT %i] wcount: %x\n", index, value ); psxRcntUpdate(); _psxRcntWcount( index, value ); psxRcntSet(); } void psxRcntWmode( u32 index, u32 value ) { verboseLog( 1, "[RCNT %i] wmode: %x\n", index, value ); psxRcntUpdate(); rcnts[index].mode = value; rcnts[index].irqState = 0; switch( index ) { case 0: if( value & Rc0PixelClock ) { rcnts[index].rate = 5; } else { rcnts[index].rate = 1; } break; case 1: if( value & Rc1HSyncClock ) { rcnts[index].rate = (PSXCLK / (FrameRate[Config.PsxType] * HSyncTotal[Config.PsxType])); } else { rcnts[index].rate = 1; } break; case 2: if( value & Rc2OneEighthClock ) { rcnts[index].rate = 8; } else { rcnts[index].rate = 1; } // TODO: wcount must work. if( value & Rc2Disable ) { rcnts[index].rate = 0xffffffff; } break; } _psxRcntWcount( index, 0 ); psxRcntSet(); } void psxRcntWtarget( u32 index, u32 value ) { verboseLog( 1, "[RCNT %i] wtarget: %x\n", index, value ); psxRcntUpdate(); rcnts[index].target = value; _psxRcntWcount( index, _psxRcntRcount( index ) ); psxRcntSet(); } /******************************************************************************/ u32 psxRcntRcount( u32 index ) { u32 count; psxRcntUpdate(); count = _psxRcntRcount( index ); // Parasite Eve 2 fix. if( Config.RCntFix ) { if( index == 2 ) { if( rcnts[index].counterState == CountToTarget ) { count /= BIAS; } } } verboseLog( 2, "[RCNT %i] rcount: %x\n", index, count ); return count; } u32 psxRcntRmode( u32 index ) { u16 mode; psxRcntUpdate(); mode = rcnts[index].mode; rcnts[index].mode &= 0xe7ff; verboseLog( 2, "[RCNT %i] rmode: %x\n", index, mode ); return mode; } u32 psxRcntRtarget( u32 index ) { verboseLog( 2, "[RCNT %i] rtarget: %x\n", index, rcnts[index].target ); return rcnts[index].target; } /******************************************************************************/ void psxRcntInit() { s32 i; // rcnt 0. rcnts[0].rate = 1; rcnts[0].irq = 0x10; // rcnt 1. rcnts[1].rate = 1; rcnts[1].irq = 0x20; // rcnt 2. rcnts[2].rate = 1; rcnts[2].irq = 0x40; // rcnt base. rcnts[3].rate = 1; rcnts[3].mode = RcCountToTarget; rcnts[3].target = (PSXCLK / (FrameRate[Config.PsxType] * HSyncTotal[Config.PsxType])); for( i = 0; i < CounterQuantity; ++i ) { _psxRcntWcount( i, 0 ); } hSyncCount = 0; spuSyncCount = 0; psxRcntSet(); } /******************************************************************************/ s32 psxRcntFreeze( gzFile f, s32 Mode ) { gzfreeze( &rcnts, sizeof(rcnts) ); gzfreeze( &hSyncCount, sizeof(hSyncCount) ); gzfreeze( &spuSyncCount, sizeof(spuSyncCount) ); gzfreeze( &psxNextCounter, sizeof(psxNextCounter) ); gzfreeze( &psxNextsCounter, sizeof(psxNextsCounter) ); return 0; } /******************************************************************************/