// // main.m // // Created by Gil Pedersen on Fri Jun 06 2003. // Copyright (c) 2003 SoftWorkz. All rights reserved. // #import #import #import "EmuThread.h" #include //#import #import #include "psxcommon.h" #include "sio.h" static BOOL sysInited = NO; //#define EMU_LOG int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { if ( argc >= 2 && strncmp (argv[1], "-psn", 4) == 0 ) { char parentdir[MAXPATHLEN]; char *c; strncpy ( parentdir, argv[0], sizeof(parentdir) ); c = (char*) parentdir; while (*c != '\0') /* go to end */ c++; while (*c != '/') /* back up to parent */ c--; *c++ = '\0'; /* cut off last part (binary name) */ assert ( chdir (parentdir) == 0 ); /* chdir to the binary app's parent */ assert ( chdir ("../../../") == 0 ); /* chdir to the .app's parent */ } strcpy(Config.BiosDir, "Bios/"); strcpy(Config.PatchesDir, "Patches/"); // Setup the X11 window if (getenv("DISPLAY") == NULL) setenv("DISPLAY", ":0.0", 0); // Default to first local display return NSApplicationMain(argc, argv); } int SysInit() { if (!sysInited) { #ifdef EMU_LOG #ifndef LOG_STDOUT emuLog = fopen("emuLog.txt","wb"); #else emuLog = stdout; #endif setvbuf(emuLog, NULL, _IONBF, 0); #endif if (EmuInit() != 0) return -1; sysInited = YES; } if (LoadPlugins() == -1) { return -1; } LoadMcds(Config.Mcd1, Config.Mcd2); return 0; } void SysReset() { [EmuThread resetNow]; //EmuReset(); } void SysPrintf(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list list; char msg[512]; va_start(list, fmt); vsprintf(msg, fmt, list); va_end(list); if (Config.PsxOut) printf ("%s", msg); #ifdef EMU_LOG #ifndef LOG_STDOUT fprintf(emuLog, "%s", msg); #endif #endif } void SysMessage(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list list; char msg[512]; NSString *locFmtString = NSLocalizedString([NSString stringWithCString:fmt], nil); va_start(list, fmt); vsprintf(msg, [locFmtString lossyCString], list); va_end(list); NSRunAlertPanel(NSLocalizedString(@"Error!", nil), [NSString stringWithCString:msg], nil, nil, nil); } void *SysLoadLibrary(const char *lib) { NSBundle *bundle = [NSBundle bundleWithPath:[NSString stringWithCString:lib]]; if (bundle != nil) { return dlopen([[bundle executablePath] fileSystemRepresentation], RTLD_LAZY /*RTLD_NOW*/); } return dlopen(lib, RTLD_LAZY); } void *SysLoadSym(void *lib, const char *sym) { return dlsym(lib, sym); } const char *SysLibError() { return dlerror(); } void SysCloseLibrary(void *lib) { //dlclose(lib); } // Called periodically from the emu thread void SysUpdate() { UpdateSystemActivity(UsrActivity); [emuThread handleEvents]; } // Returns to the Gui void SysRunGui() { } // Close mem and plugins void SysClose() { EmuShutdown(); ReleasePlugins(); if (emuLog != NULL) fclose(emuLog); sysInited = NO; } void OnFile_Exit() { SysClose(); exit(0); }