/* * (C) notaz, 2010-2011 * * This work is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPLv2 or later. * See the COPYING file in the top-level directory. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <unistd.h> #include "../frontend/main.h" #include "../frontend/menu.h" #include "../frontend/plugin.h" #include "../frontend/plugin_lib.h" #include "../libpcsxcore/misc.h" #include "../libpcsxcore/cdriso.h" #include "../libpcsxcore/new_dynarec/new_dynarec.h" #include "../plugins/dfinput/main.h" #include "../plugins/dfsound/spu_config.h" #include "maemo_common.h" extern int in_enable_vibration; extern int cycle_multiplier; extern int in_type1, in_type2; accel_option accelOptions; int ready_to_go, g_emu_want_quit, g_emu_resetting; int g_menuscreen_w, g_menuscreen_h; int g_scaler, soft_filter; int g_opts = 0; int g_maemo_opts; int cornerActions[4] = {0,0,0,0}; int bKeepDisplayOn = FALSE; int bAutosaveOnExit = FALSE; char file_name[MAXPATHLEN]; char keys_config_file[MAXPATHLEN] = "/opt/psx4m/keys"; enum sched_action emu_action; void do_emu_action(void); static void ChangeWorkingDirectory(char *exe) { char exepath[1024]; char *s; snprintf(exepath, sizeof(exepath), "%s", exe); s = strrchr(exepath, '/'); if (s != NULL) { *s = '\0'; chdir(exepath); } } void PrintHelp() { printf("PCSX-ReARMed version %s for Maemo\n\n", PACKAGE_VERSION); printf("Usage:\n"); printf(" pcsx [options] -cdfile FILE\n\n"); printf("Options:\n"); printf(" -help : This help\n"); printf(" -disc VALUE : Disc number for multi discs images\n"); printf(" -fullscreen : Run fullscreen\n"); printf(" -frameskip : Frameskip\n"); printf(" -1=Auto (Default)\n"); printf(" 0=Disabled\n"); printf(" 1=Set to 1\n"); printf(" ...\n"); printf(" -autosave : Enable auto save on exit\n"); printf(" -accel : Enable accelerometer\n"); printf(" -analog : Use analog pad for accel\n"); printf(" -vibration : Activate vibration\n"); printf(" -sens VALUE : Set accelerometer sens [0-1000]\n"); printf(" (Default 150)\n"); printf(" -ydef VALUE : Set accelerometer y zero [0-1000]\n"); printf(" (Default 500)\n"); printf(" -max VALUE : Set accelerometer max value[0-1000]\n"); printf(" (Default 500)\n"); printf(" -nosound : No sound output\n"); printf(" -bdir PATH : Set the bios path\n"); printf(" -pdir PATH : Set the plugins path\n"); printf(" -bios : Set the bios\n"); printf(" -cdda : Disable CD Audio for a performance boost\n"); printf(" -xa : Disables XA sound, which can sometimes\n"); printf(" improve performance\n"); printf(" -sio : SIO IRQ Always Enabled\n"); printf(" -spuirq : SPU IRQ Always Enabled\n"); printf(" -fps : Show fps\n"); printf(" -cpu : Show CPU load\n"); printf(" -spu : Show SPU channels\n"); printf(" -nofl : Disable Frame Limiter\n"); printf(" -mcd1 FILE : Set memory card 1 file\n"); printf(" -mcd2 FILE : Set memory card 2 file\n"); printf(" -region VALUE : Set PSX region\n"); printf(" -1=Auto (Default)\n"); printf(" 0=NTSC\n"); printf(" 1=PAL\n"); printf(" -cpuclock VALUE: PSX CPU clock %% [1-500]\n"); printf(" (Default 50)\n"); printf(" -displayon : Prevent display from blanking\n"); printf(" (Default disabled)\n"); printf(" -keys FILE : File with keys configuration\n"); printf(" (Default /opt/psx4m/keys)\n"); printf(" -corners VALUE : Define actions for click on the\n"); printf(" display corners\n"); printf(" VALUE is a four digit number, each number\n"); printf(" represent a corner (topleft, topright,\n"); printf(" bottomright and bottomleft\n"); printf(" Actions:\n"); printf(" 0=No action\n"); printf(" 1=Save\n"); printf(" 2=Load\n"); printf(" 3=Change slot (+1)\n"); printf(" 4=Change slot (-1)\n"); printf(" 5=Quit\n"); printf(" -guncon : Set the controller to guncon\n"); printf(" -gunnotrigger : Don't trigger (shoot) when touching screen\n"); printf(" 0=Auto (Default)\n"); printf(" 1=On\n"); printf(" 2=Off\n"); printf("\nGPU Options:\n"); printf(" -gles : Use the GLES plugin (gpu_gles.so)\n"); printf(" -oldgpu : Use the peops plugin (gpu_peops.so)\n"); printf(" -unai : Use the unai plugin (gpu_unai.so)\n"); printf("\nSound Options:\n"); printf(" -spu_reverb VALUE : Enable/disable reverb [0/1]\n"); printf(" (Default disabled)\n"); printf(" -spu_interpolation VALUE : Set interpolation mode\n"); printf(" 0=None (Default)\n"); printf(" 1=Simple\n"); printf(" 2=Gaussian\n"); printf(" 3=Cubic\n"); printf("\nNeon Options (default GPU):\n"); printf(" -enhance : Enable graphic enhancement\n"); printf("\nGles Options:\n"); printf(" -gles_dithering VALUE : Enable/disable dithering [0/1]\n"); printf(" (Default disabled)\n"); printf(" -gles_mask VALUE : Enable/disable mask detect [0/1]\n"); printf(" (Default disabled)\n"); printf(" -gles_filtering VALUE : Texture Filtering\n"); printf(" 0=None (Default)\n"); printf(" 1=Standard\n"); printf(" 2=Extended\n"); printf(" 3=Standard-sprites\n"); printf(" 4=Extended-sprites\n"); printf(" 5=Standard+sprites\n"); printf(" 6=Extended+sprites\n"); printf(" -gles_fbtex VALUE : Framebuffer Textures\n"); printf(" 0=Emulated VRam (Default)\n"); printf(" 1=Black\n"); printf(" 2=Card\n"); printf(" 3=Card+soft\n"); printf(" -gles_vram VALUE : Texture RAM size in MB [4-128]\n"); printf(" (Default 64)\n"); printf(" -gles_fastmdec VALUE : Enable/disable Fast Mdec [0/1]\n"); printf(" (Default disabled)\n"); printf(" -gles_advblend VALUE : Enable/disable Adv. Blend [0/1]\n"); printf(" (Default disabled)\n"); printf(" -gles_opaque VALUE : Enable/disable Opaque Pass [0/1]\n"); printf(" (Default disabled)\n"); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc == 1 || (argc == 2 && (!strcmp(argv[1], "--help") || !strcmp(argv[1], "-help") || !strcmp(argv[1], "-h")))) { PrintHelp(); return 0; } emu_core_preinit(); ChangeWorkingDirectory("c"); char file[MAXPATHLEN] = ""; char path[MAXPATHLEN]; const char *cdfile = NULL; int loadst = 0; int i; int getst = -1; int discNumber = 0; g_menuscreen_w = 800; g_menuscreen_h = 480; strcpy(Config.Gpu, "builtin_gpu"); strcpy(Config.Spu, "builtin_spu"); strcpy(Config.BiosDir, "/home/user/MyDocs"); strcpy(Config.PluginsDir, "/opt/maemo/usr/games/plugins"); snprintf(Config.PatchesDir, sizeof(Config.PatchesDir), "/opt/maemo/usr/games" PATCHES_DIR); Config.PsxAuto = 1; pl_rearmed_cbs.frameskip = -1; strcpy(Config.Bios, "HLE"); spu_config.iUseReverb = 1; spu_config.iUseInterpolation = 1; in_type1 = PSE_PAD_TYPE_STANDARD; in_type2 = PSE_PAD_TYPE_STANDARD; accelOptions.sens = 150; accelOptions.y_def = 500; accelOptions.maxValue = 500.0; // read command line options for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-psxout")) Config.PsxOut = 1; else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-load")) loadst = atol(argv[++i]); else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-cdfile")) { char isofilename[MAXPATHLEN]; if (i+1 >= argc) break; strncpy(isofilename, argv[++i], MAXPATHLEN); if (isofilename[0] != '/') { getcwd(path, MAXPATHLEN); if (strlen(path) + strlen(isofilename) + 1 < MAXPATHLEN) { strcat(path, "/"); strcat(path, isofilename); strcpy(isofilename, path); } else isofilename[0] = 0; } cdfile = isofilename; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-frameskip")) { int tv_reg = atol(argv[++i]); if (tv_reg < -1) pl_rearmed_cbs.frameskip = -1; else pl_rearmed_cbs.frameskip = tv_reg; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-region")) { int psx_reg = atol(argv[++i]); if (psx_reg == 0 || psx_reg == 1){ Config.PsxAuto = 0; Config.PsxType = psx_reg; } } else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-get_sstatename")) getst = atol(argv[++i]); else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-fullscreen")) g_maemo_opts |= 2; else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-accel")) g_maemo_opts |= 4; else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-nosound")) strcpy(Config.Spu, "spunull.so"); else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-bdir")) sprintf(Config.BiosDir, "%s", argv[++i]); else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-pdir")) sprintf(Config.PluginsDir, "%s", argv[++i]); else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-bios")) sprintf(Config.Bios, "%s", argv[++i]); else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-gles")) { strcpy(Config.Gpu, "gpu_gles.so"); g_maemo_opts |= 8 ;} else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-oldgpu")) strcpy(Config.Gpu, "gpu_peops.so"); else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-unai")) strcpy(Config.Gpu, "gpu_unai.so"); else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-cdda")) Config.Cdda = 1; else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-xa")) Config.Xa = 1; else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-rcnt")) Config.RCntFix = 1 ; else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-sio")) Config.Sio = 1; else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-spuirq")) Config.SpuIrq = 1; else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-vsync")) Config.VSyncWA = 1; else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-fps")) g_opts |=OPT_SHOWFPS; else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-cpu")) g_opts |=OPT_SHOWCPU; else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-spu")) g_opts |=OPT_SHOWSPU; else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-nofl")) g_opts |=OPT_NO_FRAMELIM; else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-mcd1")) sprintf(Config.Mcd1, "%s", argv[++i]); else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-mcd2")) sprintf(Config.Mcd2, "%s", argv[++i]); else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-cpuclock")) cycle_multiplier = 10000 / atol(argv[++i]); else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-guncon")) in_type1 = PSE_PAD_TYPE_GUNCON; else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-gunnotrigger")) g_opts |= OPT_TSGUN_NOTRIGGER; else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-analog")) in_type1 = PSE_PAD_TYPE_ANALOGPAD; else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-vibration")) { in_type1 = PSE_PAD_TYPE_ANALOGPAD; in_enable_vibration = 1; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-sens")) accelOptions.sens = atol(argv[++i]); else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-ydef")) accelOptions.y_def = atol(argv[++i]); else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-max")) accelOptions.maxValue = atol(argv[++i]); else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-displayon")) bKeepDisplayOn = TRUE; else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-keys")) sprintf(keys_config_file, "%s", argv[++i]); else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-autosave")) bAutosaveOnExit = TRUE; else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-disc")) discNumber = atol(argv[++i]); else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-corners")){ int j = 0; i++; char num[2]; for (j=0; j<strlen(argv[i]); j++){ strncpy(num, argv[i] + j, 1); cornerActions[j] = atoi(num); } } else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-spu_reverb")) spu_config.iUseReverb = atol(argv[++i]); else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-spu_interpolation")) spu_config.iUseInterpolation = atol(argv[++i]); else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-enhance")) pl_rearmed_cbs.gpu_neon.enhancement_enable = 1; else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-enhancehack")) pl_rearmed_cbs.gpu_neon.enhancement_no_main = 1; else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-gles_dithering")) pl_rearmed_cbs.gpu_peopsgl.bDrawDither = atol(argv[++i]); else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-gles_mask")) pl_rearmed_cbs.gpu_peopsgl.iUseMask = atol(argv[++i]); else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-gles_filtering")) pl_rearmed_cbs.gpu_peopsgl.iFilterType = atol(argv[++i]); else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-gles_fbtex")) pl_rearmed_cbs.gpu_peopsgl.iFrameTexType = atol(argv[++i]); else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-gles_vram")) pl_rearmed_cbs.gpu_peopsgl.iVRamSize = atol(argv[++i]); else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-gles_fastmdec")) pl_rearmed_cbs.gpu_peopsgl.bUseFastMdec = atol(argv[++i]); else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-gles_advblend")) pl_rearmed_cbs.gpu_peopsgl.bAdvancedBlend = atol(argv[++i]); else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-gles_opaque")) pl_rearmed_cbs.gpu_peopsgl.bOpaquePass = atol(argv[++i]); else { fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option: %s\n", argv[i]); return 1; } } pl_init(); if (emu_core_init() == -1) return 1; if (cdfile) { set_cd_image(cdfile); strcpy(file_name, strrchr(cdfile,'/')); } if (LoadPlugins() == -1) { SysMessage("Failed loading plugins!"); return 1; } if (discNumber > 0) cdrIsoMultidiskSelect = discNumber - 1; if (OpenPlugins() == -1) { return 1; } plugin_call_rearmed_cbs(); CheckCdrom(); if (getst >= 0){ char fname[MAXPATHLEN]; get_state_filename(fname, sizeof(fname), getst); printf("SAVESTATE: %s\n", fname); if (cdrIsoMultidiskCount > 1){ int i = 0; for (i=1; i<cdrIsoMultidiskCount; i++){ cdrIsoMultidiskSelect = i; CdromId[0] = '\0'; CdromLabel[0] = '\0'; CDR_close(); if (CDR_open() == 0){ CheckCdrom(); get_state_filename(fname, sizeof(fname), getst); printf("SAVESTATE: %s\n", fname); } } } return 0; } SysReset(); if (file[0] != '\0') { if (Load(file) != -1) ready_to_go = 1; } else { if (cdfile) { if (LoadCdrom() == -1) { ClosePlugins(); printf(_("Could not load CD-ROM!\n")); return -1; } emu_on_new_cd(0); ready_to_go = 1; } } if (!ready_to_go) { printf ("something goes wrong, maybe you forgot -cdfile ? \n"); return 1; } if (cdrIsoMultidiskCount > 1) printf ("Loaded a multidisc image: %i discs.\n", cdrIsoMultidiskCount); // If a state has been specified, then load that if (loadst) { int ret = emu_load_state(loadst - 1); printf("%s state %d\n", ret ? "Failed to load" : "Loaded", loadst); state_slot = loadst - 1; } if (maemo_init(&argc, &argv)) return 1; if (GPU_open != NULL) { int ret = GPU_open(&gpuDisp, "PCSX", NULL); if (ret){ fprintf(stderr, "Warning: GPU_open returned %d\n", ret); gpuDisp=ret; } } if (Config.HLE) printf("Note: running without BIOS, expect compatibility problems\n"); dfinput_activate(); pl_timing_prepare(Config.PsxType); while (1) { stop = 0; emu_action = SACTION_NONE; psxCpu->Execute(); if (emu_action != SACTION_NONE) do_emu_action(); } maemo_finish(); return 0; }