/*************************************************************************** begin : Sun Mar 08 2009 copyright : (C) 1999-2009 by Pete Bernert email : BlackDove@addcom.de PCSX rearmed rework (C) notaz, 2012 ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. See also the license.txt file for * * additional informations. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include "gpuDraw.c" #include "gpuTexture.c" #include "gpuPrim.c" #include "hud.c" static const short dispWidths[8] = {256,320,512,640,368,384,512,640}; short g_m1,g_m2,g_m3; short DrawSemiTrans; short ly0,lx0,ly1,lx1,ly2,lx2,ly3,lx3; // global psx vertex coords long GlobalTextAddrX,GlobalTextAddrY,GlobalTextTP; long GlobalTextREST,GlobalTextABR,GlobalTextPAGE; unsigned long dwGPUVersion; int iGPUHeight=512; int iGPUHeightMask=511; int GlobalTextIL; unsigned char *psxVub; unsigned short *psxVuw; GLfloat gl_z=0.0f; BOOL bNeedInterlaceUpdate; BOOL bNeedRGB24Update; BOOL bChangeWinMode; long lGPUstatusRet; unsigned long ulGPUInfoVals[16]; VRAMLoad_t VRAMWrite; VRAMLoad_t VRAMRead; int iDataWriteMode; int iDataReadMode; long lClearOnSwap; long lClearOnSwapColor; BOOL bSkipNextFrame; PSXDisplay_t PSXDisplay; PSXDisplay_t PreviousPSXDisplay; TWin_t TWin; BOOL bDisplayNotSet; BOOL bNeedWriteUpload; int iLastRGB24; // don't do GL vram read void CheckVRamRead(int x, int y, int dx, int dy, bool bFront) { } void CheckVRamReadEx(int x, int y, int dx, int dy) { } void SetFixes(void) { } static void PaintBlackBorders(void) { short s; glDisable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); glError(); if(bTexEnabled) {glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);bTexEnabled=FALSE;} glError(); if(bOldSmoothShaded) {glShadeModel(GL_FLAT);bOldSmoothShaded=FALSE;} glError(); if(bBlendEnable) {glDisable(GL_BLEND);bBlendEnable=FALSE;} glError(); glDisable(GL_ALPHA_TEST); glError(); glEnable(GL_ALPHA_TEST); glError(); glEnable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); glError(); } static void fps_update(void); void updateDisplay(void) { bFakeFrontBuffer=FALSE; bRenderFrontBuffer=FALSE; if(PSXDisplay.RGB24)// && !bNeedUploadAfter) // (mdec) upload wanted? { PrepareFullScreenUpload(-1); UploadScreen(PSXDisplay.Interlaced); // -> upload whole screen from psx vram bNeedUploadTest=FALSE; bNeedInterlaceUpdate=FALSE; bNeedUploadAfter=FALSE; bNeedRGB24Update=FALSE; } else if(bNeedInterlaceUpdate) // smaller upload? { bNeedInterlaceUpdate=FALSE; xrUploadArea=xrUploadAreaIL; // -> upload this rect UploadScreen(TRUE); } if(dwActFixes&512) bCheckFF9G4(NULL); // special game fix for FF9 if(PSXDisplay.Disabled) // display disabled? { // moved here glDisable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); glError(); glClearColor(0,0,0,128); glError(); // -> clear whole backbuffer glClear(uiBufferBits); glError(); glEnable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); glError(); gl_z=0.0f; bDisplayNotSet = TRUE; } if(iDrawnSomething) { fps_update(); eglSwapBuffers(display, surface); iDrawnSomething=0; } if(lClearOnSwap) // clear buffer after swap? { GLclampf g,b,r; if(bDisplayNotSet) // -> set new vals SetOGLDisplaySettings(1); g=((GLclampf)GREEN(lClearOnSwapColor))/255.0f; // -> get col b=((GLclampf)BLUE(lClearOnSwapColor))/255.0f; r=((GLclampf)RED(lClearOnSwapColor))/255.0f; glDisable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); glError(); glClearColor(r,g,b,128); glError(); // -> clear glClear(uiBufferBits); glError(); glEnable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); glError(); lClearOnSwap=0; // -> done } else { if(iZBufferDepth) // clear zbuffer as well (if activated) { glDisable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); glError(); glClear(GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); glError(); glEnable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); glError(); } } gl_z=0.0f; // additional uploads immediatly after swapping if(bNeedUploadAfter) // upload wanted? { bNeedUploadAfter=FALSE; bNeedUploadTest=FALSE; UploadScreen(-1); // -> upload } if(bNeedUploadTest) { bNeedUploadTest=FALSE; if(PSXDisplay.InterlacedTest && //iOffscreenDrawing>2 && PreviousPSXDisplay.DisplayPosition.x==PSXDisplay.DisplayPosition.x && PreviousPSXDisplay.DisplayEnd.x==PSXDisplay.DisplayEnd.x && PreviousPSXDisplay.DisplayPosition.y==PSXDisplay.DisplayPosition.y && PreviousPSXDisplay.DisplayEnd.y==PSXDisplay.DisplayEnd.y) { PrepareFullScreenUpload(TRUE); UploadScreen(TRUE); } } } void updateFrontDisplay(void) { if(PreviousPSXDisplay.Range.x0|| PreviousPSXDisplay.Range.y0) PaintBlackBorders(); bFakeFrontBuffer=FALSE; bRenderFrontBuffer=FALSE; if(iDrawnSomething) // linux: eglSwapBuffers(display, surface); } static void ChangeDispOffsetsX(void) // CENTER X { long lx,l;short sO; if(!PSXDisplay.Range.x1) return; // some range given? l=PSXDisplay.DisplayMode.x; l*=(long)PSXDisplay.Range.x1; // some funky calculation l/=2560;lx=l;l&=0xfffffff8; if(l==PreviousPSXDisplay.Range.x1) return; // some change? sO=PreviousPSXDisplay.Range.x0; // store old if(lx>=PSXDisplay.DisplayMode.x) // range bigger? { PreviousPSXDisplay.Range.x1= // -> take display width PSXDisplay.DisplayMode.x; PreviousPSXDisplay.Range.x0=0; // -> start pos is 0 } else // range smaller? center it { PreviousPSXDisplay.Range.x1=l; // -> store width (8 pixel aligned) PreviousPSXDisplay.Range.x0= // -> calc start pos (PSXDisplay.Range.x0-500)/8; if(PreviousPSXDisplay.Range.x0<0) // -> we don't support neg. values yet PreviousPSXDisplay.Range.x0=0; if((PreviousPSXDisplay.Range.x0+lx)> // -> uhuu... that's too much PSXDisplay.DisplayMode.x) { PreviousPSXDisplay.Range.x0= // -> adjust start PSXDisplay.DisplayMode.x-lx; PreviousPSXDisplay.Range.x1+=lx-l; // -> adjust width } } if(sO!=PreviousPSXDisplay.Range.x0) // something changed? { bDisplayNotSet=TRUE; // -> recalc display stuff } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static void ChangeDispOffsetsY(void) // CENTER Y { int iT;short sO; // store previous y size if(PSXDisplay.PAL) iT=48; else iT=28; // different offsets on PAL/NTSC if(PSXDisplay.Range.y0>=iT) // crossed the security line? :) { PreviousPSXDisplay.Range.y1= // -> store width PSXDisplay.DisplayModeNew.y; sO=(PSXDisplay.Range.y0-iT-4)*PSXDisplay.Double; // -> calc offset if(sO<0) sO=0; PSXDisplay.DisplayModeNew.y+=sO; // -> add offset to y size, too } else sO=0; // else no offset if(sO!=PreviousPSXDisplay.Range.y0) // something changed? { PreviousPSXDisplay.Range.y0=sO; bDisplayNotSet=TRUE; // -> recalc display stuff } } static void updateDisplayIfChanged(void) { BOOL bUp; if ((PSXDisplay.DisplayMode.y == PSXDisplay.DisplayModeNew.y) && (PSXDisplay.DisplayMode.x == PSXDisplay.DisplayModeNew.x)) { if((PSXDisplay.RGB24 == PSXDisplay.RGB24New) && (PSXDisplay.Interlaced == PSXDisplay.InterlacedNew)) return; // nothing has changed? fine, no swap buffer needed } else // some res change? { glLoadIdentity(); glError(); glOrtho(0,PSXDisplay.DisplayModeNew.x, // -> new psx resolution PSXDisplay.DisplayModeNew.y, 0, -1, 1); glError(); if(bKeepRatio) SetAspectRatio(); } bDisplayNotSet = TRUE; // re-calc offsets/display area bUp=FALSE; if(PSXDisplay.RGB24!=PSXDisplay.RGB24New) // clean up textures, if rgb mode change (usually mdec on/off) { PreviousPSXDisplay.RGB24=0; // no full 24 frame uploaded yet ResetTextureArea(FALSE); bUp=TRUE; } PSXDisplay.RGB24 = PSXDisplay.RGB24New; // get new infos PSXDisplay.DisplayMode.y = PSXDisplay.DisplayModeNew.y; PSXDisplay.DisplayMode.x = PSXDisplay.DisplayModeNew.x; PSXDisplay.Interlaced = PSXDisplay.InterlacedNew; PSXDisplay.DisplayEnd.x= // calc new ends PSXDisplay.DisplayPosition.x+ PSXDisplay.DisplayMode.x; PSXDisplay.DisplayEnd.y= PSXDisplay.DisplayPosition.y+ PSXDisplay.DisplayMode.y+PreviousPSXDisplay.DisplayModeNew.y; PreviousPSXDisplay.DisplayEnd.x= PreviousPSXDisplay.DisplayPosition.x+ PSXDisplay.DisplayMode.x; PreviousPSXDisplay.DisplayEnd.y= PreviousPSXDisplay.DisplayPosition.y+ PSXDisplay.DisplayMode.y+PreviousPSXDisplay.DisplayModeNew.y; ChangeDispOffsetsX(); if(bUp) updateDisplay(); // yeah, real update (swap buffer) } #define GPUwriteStatus_ext GPUwriteStatus_ext // for gpulib to see this void GPUwriteStatus_ext(unsigned long gdata) { switch((gdata>>24)&0xff) { case 0x00: PSXDisplay.Disabled=1; PSXDisplay.DrawOffset.x=PSXDisplay.DrawOffset.y=0; drawX=drawY=0;drawW=drawH=0; sSetMask=0;lSetMask=0;bCheckMask=FALSE;iSetMask=0; usMirror=0; GlobalTextAddrX=0;GlobalTextAddrY=0; GlobalTextTP=0;GlobalTextABR=0; PSXDisplay.RGB24=FALSE; PSXDisplay.Interlaced=FALSE; bUsingTWin = FALSE; return; case 0x03: PreviousPSXDisplay.Disabled = PSXDisplay.Disabled; PSXDisplay.Disabled = (gdata & 1); if (iOffscreenDrawing==4 && PreviousPSXDisplay.Disabled && !(PSXDisplay.Disabled)) { if(!PSXDisplay.RGB24) { PrepareFullScreenUpload(TRUE); UploadScreen(TRUE); updateDisplay(); } } return; case 0x05: { short sx=(short)(gdata & 0x3ff); short sy; sy = (short)((gdata>>10)&0x3ff); // really: 0x1ff, but we adjust it later if (sy & 0x200) { sy|=0xfc00; PreviousPSXDisplay.DisplayModeNew.y=sy/PSXDisplay.Double; sy=0; } else PreviousPSXDisplay.DisplayModeNew.y=0; if(sx>1000) sx=0; if(dwActFixes&8) { if((!PSXDisplay.Interlaced) && PreviousPSXDisplay.DisplayPosition.x == sx && PreviousPSXDisplay.DisplayPosition.y == sy) return; PSXDisplay.DisplayPosition.x = PreviousPSXDisplay.DisplayPosition.x; PSXDisplay.DisplayPosition.y = PreviousPSXDisplay.DisplayPosition.y; PreviousPSXDisplay.DisplayPosition.x = sx; PreviousPSXDisplay.DisplayPosition.y = sy; } else { if((!PSXDisplay.Interlaced) && PSXDisplay.DisplayPosition.x == sx && PSXDisplay.DisplayPosition.y == sy) return; PreviousPSXDisplay.DisplayPosition.x = PSXDisplay.DisplayPosition.x; PreviousPSXDisplay.DisplayPosition.y = PSXDisplay.DisplayPosition.y; PSXDisplay.DisplayPosition.x = sx; PSXDisplay.DisplayPosition.y = sy; } PSXDisplay.DisplayEnd.x= PSXDisplay.DisplayPosition.x+ PSXDisplay.DisplayMode.x; PSXDisplay.DisplayEnd.y= PSXDisplay.DisplayPosition.y+ PSXDisplay.DisplayMode.y+PreviousPSXDisplay.DisplayModeNew.y; PreviousPSXDisplay.DisplayEnd.x= PreviousPSXDisplay.DisplayPosition.x+ PSXDisplay.DisplayMode.x; PreviousPSXDisplay.DisplayEnd.y= PreviousPSXDisplay.DisplayPosition.y+ PSXDisplay.DisplayMode.y+PreviousPSXDisplay.DisplayModeNew.y; bDisplayNotSet = TRUE; if (!(PSXDisplay.Interlaced)) { updateDisplay(); } else if(PSXDisplay.InterlacedTest && ((PreviousPSXDisplay.DisplayPosition.x != PSXDisplay.DisplayPosition.x)|| (PreviousPSXDisplay.DisplayPosition.y != PSXDisplay.DisplayPosition.y))) PSXDisplay.InterlacedTest--; return; } case 0x06: PSXDisplay.Range.x0=gdata & 0x7ff; //0x3ff; PSXDisplay.Range.x1=(gdata>>12) & 0xfff;//0x7ff; PSXDisplay.Range.x1-=PSXDisplay.Range.x0; ChangeDispOffsetsX(); return; case 0x07: PreviousPSXDisplay.Height = PSXDisplay.Height; PSXDisplay.Range.y0=gdata & 0x3ff; PSXDisplay.Range.y1=(gdata>>10) & 0x3ff; PSXDisplay.Height = PSXDisplay.Range.y1 - PSXDisplay.Range.y0 + PreviousPSXDisplay.DisplayModeNew.y; if (PreviousPSXDisplay.Height != PSXDisplay.Height) { PSXDisplay.DisplayModeNew.y=PSXDisplay.Height*PSXDisplay.Double; ChangeDispOffsetsY(); updateDisplayIfChanged(); } return; case 0x08: PSXDisplay.DisplayModeNew.x = dispWidths[(gdata & 0x03) | ((gdata & 0x40) >> 4)]; if (gdata&0x04) PSXDisplay.Double=2; else PSXDisplay.Double=1; PSXDisplay.DisplayModeNew.y = PSXDisplay.Height*PSXDisplay.Double; ChangeDispOffsetsY(); PSXDisplay.PAL = (gdata & 0x08)?TRUE:FALSE; // if 1 - PAL mode, else NTSC PSXDisplay.RGB24New = (gdata & 0x10)?TRUE:FALSE; // if 1 - TrueColor PSXDisplay.InterlacedNew = (gdata & 0x20)?TRUE:FALSE; // if 1 - Interlace PreviousPSXDisplay.InterlacedNew=FALSE; if (PSXDisplay.InterlacedNew) { if(!PSXDisplay.Interlaced) { PSXDisplay.InterlacedTest=2; PreviousPSXDisplay.DisplayPosition.x = PSXDisplay.DisplayPosition.x; PreviousPSXDisplay.DisplayPosition.y = PSXDisplay.DisplayPosition.y; PreviousPSXDisplay.InterlacedNew=TRUE; } } else { PSXDisplay.InterlacedTest=0; } updateDisplayIfChanged(); return; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include "../gpulib/gpu.c" static int is_opened; int renderer_init(void) { psxVub=(void *)gpu.vram; psxVuw=(unsigned short *)psxVub; PSXDisplay.RGB24 = FALSE; // init some stuff PSXDisplay.Interlaced = FALSE; PSXDisplay.DrawOffset.x = 0; PSXDisplay.DrawOffset.y = 0; PSXDisplay.DisplayMode.x= 320; PSXDisplay.DisplayMode.y= 240; PSXDisplay.Disabled = FALSE; PSXDisplay.Range.x0=0; PSXDisplay.Range.x1=0; PSXDisplay.Double = 1; lGPUstatusRet = 0x14802000; return 0; } extern const unsigned char cmd_lengths[256]; void do_cmd_list(unsigned int *list, int list_len) { unsigned int cmd, len; unsigned int *list_end = list + list_len; for (; list < list_end; list += 1 + len) { cmd = *list >> 24; len = cmd_lengths[cmd]; primTableJ[cmd]((void *)list); switch(cmd) { case 0x48 ... 0x4F: { uint32_t num_vertexes = 1; uint32_t *list_position = &(list[2]); while(1) { if((*list_position & 0xf000f000) == 0x50005000 || list_position >= list_end) break; list_position++; num_vertexes++; } if(num_vertexes > 2) len += (num_vertexes - 2); break; } case 0x58 ... 0x5F: { uint32_t num_vertexes = 1; uint32_t *list_position = &(list[2]); while(1) { if((*list_position & 0xf000f000) == 0x50005000 || list_position >= list_end) break; list_position += 2; num_vertexes++; } if(num_vertexes > 2) len += (num_vertexes - 2) * 2; break; } #ifdef TEST case 0xA0: // sys -> vid { short *slist = (void *)list; uint32_t load_width = slist[4]; uint32_t load_height = slist[5]; uint32_t load_size = load_width * load_height; len += load_size / 2; break; } #endif } } } void renderer_sync_ecmds(uint32_t *ecmds) { cmdTexturePage((unsigned char *)&ecmds[1]); cmdTextureWindow((unsigned char *)&ecmds[2]); cmdDrawAreaStart((unsigned char *)&ecmds[3]); cmdDrawAreaEnd((unsigned char *)&ecmds[4]); cmdDrawOffset((unsigned char *)&ecmds[5]); cmdSTP((unsigned char *)&ecmds[6]); } void renderer_update_caches(int x, int y, int w, int h) { VRAMWrite.x = x; VRAMWrite.y = y; VRAMWrite.Width = w; VRAMWrite.Height = h; if(is_opened) CheckWriteUpdate(); } void renderer_flush_queues(void) { } void renderer_set_interlace(int enable, int is_odd) { } int vout_init(void) { return 0; } int vout_finish(void) { return 0; } void vout_update(void) { if(PSXDisplay.Interlaced) // interlaced mode? { if(PSXDisplay.DisplayMode.x>0 && PSXDisplay.DisplayMode.y>0) { updateDisplay(); // -> swap buffers (new frame) } } else if(bRenderFrontBuffer) // no interlace mode? and some stuff in front has changed? { updateFrontDisplay(); // -> update front buffer } } static struct rearmed_cbs *cbs; long GPUopen(void **dpy) { int ret; iResX = cbs->screen_w; iResY = cbs->screen_h; rRatioRect.left = rRatioRect.top=0; rRatioRect.right = iResX; rRatioRect.bottom = iResY; bDisplayNotSet = TRUE; bSetClip = TRUE; CSTEXTURE = CSVERTEX = CSCOLOR = 0; InitializeTextureStore(); // init texture mem ret = GLinitialize(); MakeDisplayLists(); is_opened = 1; return ret; } long GPUclose(void) { is_opened = 0; KillDisplayLists(); GLcleanup(); // close OGL return 0; } /* acting as both renderer and vout handler here .. */ void renderer_set_config(const struct rearmed_cbs *cbs_) { cbs = (void *)cbs_; // ugh.. iOffscreenDrawing = 0; iZBufferDepth = 0; iFrameReadType = 0; bKeepRatio = TRUE; dwActFixes = cbs->gpu_peopsgl.dwActFixes; bDrawDither = cbs->gpu_peopsgl.bDrawDither; iFilterType = cbs->gpu_peopsgl.iFilterType; iFrameTexType = cbs->gpu_peopsgl.iFrameTexType; iUseMask = cbs->gpu_peopsgl.iUseMask; bOpaquePass = cbs->gpu_peopsgl.bOpaquePass; bAdvancedBlend = cbs->gpu_peopsgl.bAdvancedBlend; bUseFastMdec = cbs->gpu_peopsgl.bUseFastMdec; iTexGarbageCollection = cbs->gpu_peopsgl.iTexGarbageCollection; iVRamSize = cbs->gpu_peopsgl.iVRamSize; } void vout_set_config(const struct rearmed_cbs *cbs) { } void SetAspectRatio(void) { cbs->pl_get_layer_pos(&rRatioRect.left, &rRatioRect.top, &rRatioRect.right, &rRatioRect.bottom); glScissor(rRatioRect.left, iResY-(rRatioRect.top+rRatioRect.bottom), rRatioRect.right,rRatioRect.bottom); glViewport(rRatioRect.left, iResY-(rRatioRect.top+rRatioRect.bottom), rRatioRect.right,rRatioRect.bottom); glError(); } static void fps_update(void) { char buf[16]; cbs->flip_cnt++; if(cbs->flips_per_sec != 0) { snprintf(buf,sizeof(buf),"%2d %4.1f",cbs->flips_per_sec,cbs->vsps_cur); DisplayText(buf, 0); } if(cbs->cpu_usage != 0) { snprintf(buf,sizeof(buf),"%3d",cbs->cpu_usage); DisplayText(buf, 1); } }