#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "core.h" #include "libpicofe/input.h" #include "main.h" #include "options.h" #include "overrides.h" #include "plat.h" #include "unzip.h" #define PATH_SEPARATOR_CHAR '/' struct core_cbs current_core; double sample_rate; double frame_rate; double aspect_ratio; unsigned audio_buffer_size_override; int state_slot; static char config_dir[MAX_PATH]; static char save_dir[MAX_PATH]; static char system_dir[MAX_PATH]; static char temp_rom[MAX_PATH]; static struct retro_game_info game_info; static struct retro_disk_control_ext_callback disk_control_ext; static uint32_t buttons = 0; static void gamepak_related_name(char *buf, size_t len, const char *new_extension) { char filename[MAX_PATH]; char *dot; strncpy(filename, basename(content_path), sizeof(filename)); filename[sizeof(filename) - 1] = 0; dot = strrchr(filename, '.'); if (dot) *dot = 0; snprintf(buf, len, "%s%s%s", save_dir, filename, new_extension); } void config_file_name(char *buf, size_t len, int is_game) { if (is_game && content_path) { gamepak_related_name(buf, len, ".cfg"); } else { snprintf(buf, len, "%s%s", config_dir, "picoarch.cfg"); } } void save_relative_path(char *buf, size_t len, const char *basename) { snprintf(buf, len, "%s%s", save_dir, basename); } void sram_write(void) { char filename[MAX_PATH]; FILE *sram_file = NULL; void *sram; size_t sram_size = current_core.retro_get_memory_size(RETRO_MEMORY_SAVE_RAM); if (!sram_size) { return; } gamepak_related_name(filename, MAX_PATH, ".sav"); sram_file = fopen(filename, "w"); if (!sram_file) { PA_ERROR("Error opening SRAM file: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return; } sram = current_core.retro_get_memory_data(RETRO_MEMORY_SAVE_RAM); if (!sram || sram_size != fwrite(sram, 1, sram_size, sram_file)) { PA_ERROR("Error writing SRAM data to file\n"); } fclose(sram_file); sync(); } void sram_read(void) { char filename[MAX_PATH]; FILE *sram_file = NULL; void *sram; size_t sram_size = current_core.retro_get_memory_size(RETRO_MEMORY_SAVE_RAM); if (!sram_size) { return; } gamepak_related_name(filename, MAX_PATH, ".sav"); sram_file = fopen(filename, "r"); if (!sram_file) { return; } sram = current_core.retro_get_memory_data(RETRO_MEMORY_SAVE_RAM); if (!sram || !fread(sram, 1, sram_size, sram_file)) { PA_ERROR("Error reading SRAM data\n"); } fclose(sram_file); } bool state_allowed(void) { return current_core.retro_serialize_size() > 0; } void state_file_name(char *name, size_t size, int slot) { char extension[5] = {0}; snprintf(extension, 5, ".st%d", slot); gamepak_related_name(name, MAX_PATH, extension); } int state_read(void) { char filename[MAX_PATH]; FILE *state_file = NULL; void *state = NULL; int ret = -1; size_t state_size = current_core.retro_serialize_size(); if (!state_size) { return 0; } state = calloc(1, state_size); if (!state) { PA_ERROR("Couldn't allocate memory for state\n"); goto error; } state_file_name(filename, MAX_PATH, state_slot); state_file = fopen(filename, "r"); if (!state_file) { PA_ERROR("Error opening state file: %s\n", strerror(errno)); goto error; } if (state_size != fread(state, 1, state_size, state_file)) { PA_ERROR("Error reading state data from file\n"); goto error; } if (!current_core.retro_unserialize(state, state_size)) { PA_ERROR("Error restoring save state\n", strerror(errno)); goto error; } ret = 0; error: if (state) free(state); if (state_file) fclose(state_file); return ret; } int state_write(void) { char filename[MAX_PATH]; FILE *state_file = NULL; void *state = NULL; int ret = -1; size_t state_size = current_core.retro_serialize_size(); if (!state_size) { return false; } state = calloc(1, state_size); if (!state) { PA_ERROR("Couldn't allocate memory for state\n"); goto error; } state_file_name(filename, MAX_PATH, state_slot); state_file = fopen(filename, "w"); if (!state_file) { PA_ERROR("Error opening state file: %s\n", strerror(errno)); goto error; } if (!current_core.retro_serialize(state, state_size)) { PA_ERROR("Error creating save state\n", strerror(errno)); goto error; } if (state_size != fwrite(state, 1, state_size, state_file)) { PA_ERROR("Error writing state data to file\n"); goto error; } plat_dump_screen(filename); ret = 0; error: if (state) free(state); if (state_file) fclose(state_file); sync(); return ret; } unsigned disc_get_count(void) { if (disk_control_ext.get_num_images) return disk_control_ext.get_num_images(); return 0; } unsigned disc_get_index(void) { if (disk_control_ext.get_image_index) return disk_control_ext.get_image_index(); return 0; } bool disc_switch_index(unsigned index) { bool ret = false; if (!disk_control_ext.set_eject_state || !disk_control_ext.set_image_index) return false; disk_control_ext.set_eject_state(true); ret = disk_control_ext.set_image_index(index); disk_control_ext.set_eject_state(false); return ret; } static void set_directories(const char *core_name) { const char *home = getenv("HOME"); char cwd[MAX_PATH]; char *dst = save_dir; int len = MAX_PATH; if (home != NULL) { snprintf(dst, len, "%s/.picoarch-%s/", home, core_name); mkdir(dst, 0755); } strncpy(config_dir, save_dir, MAX_PATH-1); #ifdef MINUI strncpy(system_dir, save_dir, MAX_PATH-1); #else if (getcwd(cwd, MAX_PATH)) { snprintf(system_dir, MAX_PATH, "%s/system", cwd); mkdir(system_dir, 0755); } else { PA_FATAL("Can't find system directory"); } #endif } static bool pa_environment(unsigned cmd, void *data) { switch(cmd) { case RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_OVERSCAN: { /* 2 */ bool *out = (bool *)data; if (out) *out = true; break; } case RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_CAN_DUPE: { /* 3 */ bool *out = (bool *)data; if (out) *out = true; break; } case RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SET_MESSAGE: { /* 6 */ /* Just warn for now. TODO: Display on the screen */ const struct retro_message *message = (const struct retro_message*)data; PA_WARN(message->msg); break; } case RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_SYSTEM_DIRECTORY: { /* 9 */ const char **out = (const char **)data; if (out) *out = system_dir; break; } case RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SET_PIXEL_FORMAT: { /* 10 */ const enum retro_pixel_format *format = (enum retro_pixel_format *)data; if (*format != RETRO_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB565) { /* 565 is only supported format */ return false; } break; } case RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SET_DISK_CONTROL_INTERFACE: { /* 13 */ const struct retro_disk_control_callback *var = (const struct retro_disk_control_callback *)data; if (var) { memset(&disk_control_ext, 0, sizeof(struct retro_disk_control_ext_callback)); memcpy(&disk_control_ext, var, sizeof(struct retro_disk_control_callback)); } break; } case RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_VARIABLE: { /* 15 */ struct retro_variable *var = (struct retro_variable *)data; if (var && var->key) { var->value = options_get_value(var->key); } break; } case RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SET_VARIABLES: { /* 16 */ const struct retro_variable *vars = (const struct retro_variable *)data; options_free(); if (vars) { options_init_variables(vars); load_config(); } break; } case RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_VARIABLE_UPDATE: { /* 17 */ bool *out = (bool *)data; if (out) *out = options_changed(); break; } case RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_LOG_INTERFACE: { /* 27 */ struct retro_log_callback *log_cb = (struct retro_log_callback *)data; if (log_cb) log_cb->log = pa_log; break; } case RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_SAVE_DIRECTORY: { /* 31 */ const char **out = (const char **)data; if (out) *out = save_dir; break; } case RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_INPUT_BITMASKS: { /* 52 */ bool *out = (bool *)data; if (out) *out = true; break; } case RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_CORE_OPTIONS_VERSION: { /* 52 */ unsigned *out = (unsigned *)data; if (out) *out = 1; break; } case RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SET_CORE_OPTIONS: { /* 53 */ options_free(); if (data) { options_init(*(const struct retro_core_option_definition **)data); load_config(); } break; } case RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SET_CORE_OPTIONS_INTL: { /* 54 */ const struct retro_core_options_intl *options = (const struct retro_core_options_intl *)data; if (options && options->us) { options_free(); options_init(options->us); load_config(); } break; } case RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SET_CORE_OPTIONS_DISPLAY: { /* 55 */ const struct retro_core_option_display *display = (const struct retro_core_option_display *)data; if (display) options_set_visible(display->key, display->visible); break; } case RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_DISK_CONTROL_INTERFACE_VERSION: { /* 57 */ unsigned *out = (unsigned *)data; if (out) *out = 1; break; } case RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SET_DISK_CONTROL_EXT_INTERFACE: { /* 58 */ const struct retro_disk_control_ext_callback *var = (const struct retro_disk_control_ext_callback *)data; if (var) { memcpy(&disk_control_ext, var, sizeof(struct retro_disk_control_ext_callback)); } break; } case RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SET_AUDIO_BUFFER_STATUS_CALLBACK: { /* 62 */ const struct retro_audio_buffer_status_callback *cb = (const struct retro_audio_buffer_status_callback *)data; if (cb) { current_core.retro_audio_buffer_status = cb->callback; } else { current_core.retro_audio_buffer_status = NULL; } break; } case RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SET_MINIMUM_AUDIO_LATENCY: { /* 63 */ const unsigned *latency_ms = (const unsigned *)data; if (latency_ms) { unsigned frames = *latency_ms * frame_rate / 1000; if (frames > audio_buffer_size && frames < 30) audio_buffer_size_override = frames; else PA_WARN("Audio buffer change out of range (%d), ignored\n", frames); } break; } default: PA_DEBUG("Unsupported environment cmd: %u\n", cmd); return false; } return true; } static void pa_video_refresh(const void *data, unsigned width, unsigned height, size_t pitch) { if (data && !should_quit) { pa_track_render(); plat_video_process(data, width, height, pitch); } } static void pa_audio_sample(int16_t left, int16_t right) { const struct audio_frame frame = { .left = left, .right = right }; if (!should_quit && enable_audio) plat_sound_write(&frame, 1); } static size_t pa_audio_sample_batch(const int16_t *data, size_t frames) { if (!should_quit && enable_audio) plat_sound_write((const struct audio_frame *)data, frames); return frames; } static void pa_input_poll(void) { int actions[IN_BINDTYPE_COUNT] = { 0, }; unsigned int emu_act; int which = EACTION_NONE; in_update(actions); emu_act = actions[IN_BINDTYPE_EMU]; if (emu_act) { for (; !(emu_act & 1); emu_act >>= 1, which++) ; emu_act = which; } handle_emu_action(which); buttons = actions[IN_BINDTYPE_PLAYER12]; } static int16_t pa_input_state(unsigned port, unsigned device, unsigned index, unsigned id) { if (port == 0 && device == RETRO_DEVICE_JOYPAD && index == 0) { if (id == RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_MASK) return buttons; return (buttons >> id) & 1; } return 0; } int core_load(const char *corefile) { void (*set_environment)(retro_environment_t) = NULL; void (*set_video_refresh)(retro_video_refresh_t) = NULL; void (*set_audio_sample)(retro_audio_sample_t) = NULL; void (*set_audio_sample_batch)(retro_audio_sample_batch_t) = NULL; void (*set_input_poll)(retro_input_poll_t) = NULL; void (*set_input_state)(retro_input_state_t) = NULL; PA_INFO("Loading core %s\n", corefile); memset(¤t_core, 0, sizeof(current_core)); current_core.handle = dlopen(corefile, RTLD_LAZY); if (!current_core.handle) { PA_ERROR("Couldn't load core: %s\n", dlerror()); return -1; } set_directories(core_name); set_overrides(core_name); current_core.retro_init = dlsym(current_core.handle, "retro_init"); current_core.retro_deinit = dlsym(current_core.handle, "retro_deinit"); current_core.retro_get_system_info = dlsym(current_core.handle, "retro_get_system_info"); current_core.retro_get_system_av_info = dlsym(current_core.handle, "retro_get_system_av_info"); current_core.retro_set_controller_port_device = dlsym(current_core.handle, "retro_set_controller_port_device"); current_core.retro_reset = dlsym(current_core.handle, "retro_reset"); current_core.retro_run = dlsym(current_core.handle, "retro_run"); current_core.retro_serialize_size = dlsym(current_core.handle, "retro_serialize_size"); current_core.retro_serialize = dlsym(current_core.handle, "retro_serialize"); current_core.retro_unserialize = dlsym(current_core.handle, "retro_unserialize"); current_core.retro_cheat_reset = dlsym(current_core.handle, "retro_cheat_reset"); current_core.retro_cheat_set = dlsym(current_core.handle, "retro_cheat_set"); current_core.retro_load_game = dlsym(current_core.handle, "retro_load_game"); current_core.retro_load_game_special = dlsym(current_core.handle, "retro_load_game_special"); current_core.retro_unload_game = dlsym(current_core.handle, "retro_unload_game"); current_core.retro_get_region = dlsym(current_core.handle, "retro_get_region"); current_core.retro_get_memory_data = dlsym(current_core.handle, "retro_get_memory_data"); current_core.retro_get_memory_size = dlsym(current_core.handle, "retro_get_memory_size"); set_environment = dlsym(current_core.handle, "retro_set_environment"); set_video_refresh = dlsym(current_core.handle, "retro_set_video_refresh"); set_audio_sample = dlsym(current_core.handle, "retro_set_audio_sample"); set_audio_sample_batch = dlsym(current_core.handle, "retro_set_audio_sample_batch"); set_input_poll = dlsym(current_core.handle, "retro_set_input_poll"); set_input_state = dlsym(current_core.handle, "retro_set_input_state"); set_environment(pa_environment); set_video_refresh(pa_video_refresh); set_audio_sample(pa_audio_sample); set_audio_sample_batch(pa_audio_sample_batch); set_input_poll(pa_input_poll); set_input_state(pa_input_state); current_core.retro_init(); current_core.initialized = true; PA_INFO("Finished loading core\n"); return 0; } #define MAX_EXTENSIONS 24 static void core_handle_zip(const char *path, struct retro_system_info *info, struct retro_game_info *game_info, FILE** file) { const char *extensions[MAX_EXTENSIONS] = {0}; char *extensionstr = strdup(info->valid_extensions); char *ext = NULL; char *saveptr = NULL; int index = 0; bool haszip = false; FILE *dest = NULL; if (info->valid_extensions && has_suffix_i(path, ".zip")) { while((ext = strtok_r(index == 0 ? extensionstr : NULL, "|", &saveptr))) { if (!strcmp(ext, "zip")) { haszip = true; break; } extensions[index++] = ext; if (index > MAX_EXTENSIONS - 1) break; } if (!haszip) { if (!unzip_tmp(*file, extensions, temp_rom, MAX_PATH)) { game_info->path = temp_rom; dest = fopen(temp_rom, "r"); if (dest) { fclose(*file); *file = dest; } } } } free(extensionstr); } int core_load_content(const char *path) { struct retro_system_info info = {0}; struct retro_system_av_info av_info = {0}; FILE *file = fopen(path, "rb"); int ret = -1; if (!file) { PA_ERROR("Couldn't load content: %s\n", strerror(errno)); goto finish; } memset(&game_info, 0, sizeof(struct retro_game_info)); PA_INFO("Loading %s\n", path); game_info.path = path; current_core.retro_get_system_info(&info); core_handle_zip(path, &info, &game_info, &file); fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END); game_info.size = ftell(file); rewind(file); if (!info.need_fullpath) { void *game_data = malloc(game_info.size); if (!game_data) { PA_ERROR("Couldn't allocate memory for content\n"); goto finish; } if (fread(game_data, 1, game_info.size, file) != game_info.size) { PA_ERROR("Couldn't read file: %s\n", strerror(errno)); goto finish; } game_info.data = game_data; } if (!current_core.retro_load_game(&game_info)) { PA_ERROR("Couldn't load content\n"); goto finish; } sram_read(); current_core.retro_get_system_av_info(&av_info); PA_INFO("Screen: %dx%d\n", av_info.geometry.base_width, av_info.geometry.base_height); PA_INFO("Audio sample rate: %f\n", av_info.timing.sample_rate); PA_INFO("Frame rate: %f\n", av_info.timing.fps); PA_INFO("Reported aspect ratio: %f\n", av_info.geometry.aspect_ratio); sample_rate = av_info.timing.sample_rate; frame_rate = av_info.timing.fps; aspect_ratio = av_info.geometry.aspect_ratio; #ifdef MMENU gamepak_related_name(save_template_path, MAX_PATH, ".st%i"); #endif ret = 0; finish: if (file) fclose(file); return ret; } void core_unload(void) { PA_INFO("Unloading core...\n"); if (current_core.initialized) { current_core.retro_deinit(); current_core.initialized = false; } if (game_info.data) { free((void *)game_info.data); game_info.data = NULL; } if (temp_rom[0]) { remove(temp_rom); temp_rom[0] = '\0'; } options_free(); if (current_core.handle) { dlclose(current_core.handle); current_core.handle = NULL; } }