/* FK - FunKey retro gaming console library Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Vincent Buso Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Michel Stempin This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA Vincent Buso vincent.buso@funkey-project.com Michel Stempin michel.stempin@funkey-project.com */ /** * @file FK_menu.c * This is the menu API for the FunKey retro gaming console library */ #include "fk_menu.h" #include "main.h" #include "core.h" #include "scale.h" #include "plat.h" /// -------------- DEFINES -------------- #define MIN(a,b) (((a)<(b))?(a):(b)) #define MAX(a,b) (((a)>(b))?(a):(b)) //#define MENU_DEBUG #define MENU_ERROR #ifdef MENU_DEBUG #define MENU_DEBUG_PRINTF(...) printf(__VA_ARGS__); #else #define MENU_DEBUG_PRINTF(...) #endif //MENU_DEBUG #ifdef MENU_ERROR #define MENU_ERROR_PRINTF(...) printf(__VA_ARGS__); #else #define MENU_ERROR_PRINTF(...) #endif //MENU_ERROR #define SCREEN_HORIZONTAL_SIZE 240 //RES_HW_SCREEN_HORIZONTAL #define SCREEN_VERTICAL_SIZE 240 //RES_HW_SCREEN_VERTICAL #define SCROLL_SPEED_PX 30 #define FPS_MENU 60 #define ARROWS_PADDING 8 #define MENU_ZONE_WIDTH SCREEN_HORIZONTAL_SIZE #define MENU_ZONE_HEIGHT SCREEN_VERTICAL_SIZE #define MENU_BG_SQUARE_WIDTH 180 #define MENU_BG_SQUARE_HEIGHT 140 #define MENU_FONT_NAME_TITLE "/usr/games/menu_resources/OpenSans-Bold.ttf" #define MENU_FONT_SIZE_TITLE 22 #define MENU_FONT_NAME_INFO "/usr/games/menu_resources/OpenSans-Bold.ttf" #define MENU_FONT_SIZE_INFO 16 #define MENU_FONT_NAME_SMALL_INFO "/usr/games/menu_resources/OpenSans-Regular.ttf" #define MENU_FONT_SIZE_SMALL_INFO 13 #define MENU_PNG_BG_PATH "/usr/games/menu_resources/zone_bg.png" #define MENU_PNG_ARROW_TOP_PATH "/usr/games/menu_resources/arrow_top.png" #define MENU_PNG_ARROW_BOTTOM_PATH "/usr/games/menu_resources/arrow_bottom.png" #define GRAY_MAIN_R 85 #define GRAY_MAIN_G 85 #define GRAY_MAIN_B 85 #define WHITE_MAIN_R 236 #define WHITE_MAIN_G 236 #define WHITE_MAIN_B 236 #define MAX_SAVE_SLOTS 9 #define MAXPATHLEN 512 /// -------------- STATIC VARIABLES -------------- static SDL_Surface * background_screen = NULL; static int backup_key_repeat_delay=0; static int backup_key_repeat_interval=0; static TTF_Font *menu_title_font = NULL; static TTF_Font *menu_info_font = NULL; static TTF_Font *menu_small_info_font = NULL; static SDL_Surface *img_arrow_top = NULL; static SDL_Surface *img_arrow_bottom = NULL; static SDL_Surface ** menu_zone_surfaces = NULL; static int *idx_menus = NULL; static int nb_menu_zones = 0; static int menuItem=0; static int stop_menu_loop = 0; static SDL_Color text_color = {GRAY_MAIN_R, GRAY_MAIN_G, GRAY_MAIN_B}; static int padding_y_from_center_menu_zone = 18; static uint16_t width_progress_bar = 100; static uint16_t height_progress_bar = 20; #ifdef HAS_MENU_VOLUME static uint16_t x_volume_bar = 0; static uint16_t y_volume_bar = 0; static int volume_percentage = 0; #endif #ifdef HAS_MENU_BRIGHTNESS static uint16_t x_brightness_bar = 0; static uint16_t y_brightness_bar = 0; static int brightness_percentage = 0; #endif #ifdef HAS_MENU_ASPECT_RATIO #undef X #define X(a, b) b, static const char *aspect_ratio_name[] = {ASPECT_RATIOS}; static int menu_aspect_ratio = ASPECT_RATIOS_TYPE_STRETCHED; /* static int aspect_ratio_factor_percent = 50; * static int aspect_ratio_factor_step = 10; */ #endif #ifdef HAS_MENU_THEME static Configuration *config = NULL; static int indexChooseLayout = 0; #endif #undef X #define X(a, b) b, const char *resume_options_str[] = {RESUME_OPTIONS}; /* #if defined(HAS_MENU_SAVE) || defined (HAS_MENU_LOAD) * static int savestate_slot = 0; * #endif */ #ifdef HAS_MENU_USB /// USB stuff static int usb_data_connected = 0; static int usb_sharing = 0; #endif #ifdef HAS_MENU_RO_RW static int read_write = 0; #endif /// -------------- FUNCTIONS IMPLEMENTATION -------------- #if defined(HAS_MENU_VOLUME) || defined(HAS_MENU_BRIGHTNESS) static void draw_progress_bar(SDL_Surface * surface, uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t width, uint16_t height, uint8_t percentage, uint16_t nb_bars) { /// ------ Init Variables ------ uint16_t line_width = 1; //px uint16_t padding_bars_ratio = 3; uint16_t nb_full_bars = 0; /// ------ Check values ------ percentage = (percentage > 100)?100:percentage; x = (x > (surface->w-1))?(surface->w-1):x; y = (y > surface->h-1)?(surface->h-1):y; width = (width < line_width*2+1)?(line_width*2+1):width; width = (width > surface->w-x-1)?(surface->w-x-1):width; height = (height < line_width*2+1)?(line_width*2+1):height; height = (height > surface->h-y-1)?(surface->h-y-1):height; uint16_t nb_bars_max = ( width * padding_bars_ratio / (line_width*2+1) + 1 ) / (padding_bars_ratio+1); nb_bars = (nb_bars > nb_bars_max)?nb_bars_max:nb_bars; uint16_t bar_width = (width / nb_bars)*padding_bars_ratio/(padding_bars_ratio+1)+1; uint16_t bar_padding_x = bar_width/padding_bars_ratio; nb_full_bars = nb_bars*percentage/100; /// ------ draw full bars ------ for (int i = 0; i < nb_full_bars; ++i) { /// ---- draw one bar ---- //MENU_DEBUG_PRINTF("Drawing filled bar %d\n", i); SDL_Rect rect = {x+ i*(bar_width +bar_padding_x), y, bar_width, height}; SDL_FillRect(surface, &rect, SDL_MapRGB(surface->format, GRAY_MAIN_R, GRAY_MAIN_G, GRAY_MAIN_B)); } /// ------ draw full bars ------ for (int i = 0; i < (nb_bars-nb_full_bars); ++i) { /// ---- draw one bar ---- //MENU_DEBUG_PRINTF("Drawing empty bar %d\n", i); SDL_Rect rect = {x+ i*(bar_width +bar_padding_x) + nb_full_bars*(bar_width +bar_padding_x), y, bar_width, height}; SDL_FillRect(surface, &rect, SDL_MapRGB(surface->format, GRAY_MAIN_R, GRAY_MAIN_G, GRAY_MAIN_B)); SDL_Rect rect2 = {x+ i*(bar_width +bar_padding_x) + line_width + nb_full_bars*(bar_width +bar_padding_x), y + line_width, bar_width - line_width*2, height - line_width*2}; SDL_FillRect(surface, &rect2, SDL_MapRGB(surface->format, WHITE_MAIN_R, WHITE_MAIN_R, WHITE_MAIN_R)); } } #endif #if defined(HAS_MENU_ASPECT_RATIO) static void read_aspect_ratio(void) { switch (scale_size) { case SCALE_SIZE_FULL: menu_aspect_ratio = ASPECT_RATIOS_TYPE_STRETCHED; break; case SCALE_SIZE_ASPECT: menu_aspect_ratio = ASPECT_RATIOS_TYPE_SCALED; break; case SCALE_SIZE_CROP: menu_aspect_ratio = ASPECT_RATIOS_TYPE_CROPPED; break; case SCALE_SIZE_NONE: menu_aspect_ratio = ASPECT_RATIOS_TYPE_NONE; break; } } static void update_aspect_ratio(void) { switch (menu_aspect_ratio) { case ASPECT_RATIOS_TYPE_STRETCHED: scale_size = SCALE_SIZE_FULL; scale_filter = SCALE_FILTER_SMOOTH; break; case ASPECT_RATIOS_TYPE_SCALED: scale_size = SCALE_SIZE_ASPECT; scale_filter = SCALE_FILTER_SHARP; break; case ASPECT_RATIOS_TYPE_CROPPED: scale_size = SCALE_SIZE_CROP; scale_filter = SCALE_FILTER_SMOOTH; break; case ASPECT_RATIOS_TYPE_NONE: scale_size = SCALE_SIZE_NONE; scale_filter = SCALE_FILTER_NEAREST; break; } scale_update_scaler(); } #endif static void add_menu_zone(ENUM_MENU_TYPE menu_type) { /// ------ Increase nb of menu zones ------- nb_menu_zones++; /// ------ Realoc idx Menus array ------- if(!idx_menus){ idx_menus = (int*) malloc(nb_menu_zones*sizeof(int)); menu_zone_surfaces = (SDL_Surface**) malloc(nb_menu_zones*sizeof(SDL_Surface*)); } else{ int *temp = (int*) realloc(idx_menus, nb_menu_zones*sizeof(int)); idx_menus = temp; menu_zone_surfaces = (SDL_Surface**) realloc(menu_zone_surfaces, nb_menu_zones*sizeof(SDL_Surface*)); } idx_menus[nb_menu_zones-1] = menu_type; /// ------ Reinit menu surface with height increased ------- menu_zone_surfaces[nb_menu_zones-1] = IMG_Load(MENU_PNG_BG_PATH); if(!menu_zone_surfaces[nb_menu_zones-1]) { MENU_ERROR_PRINTF("ERROR IMG_Load: %s\n", IMG_GetError()); } /// --------- Init Common Variables -------- SDL_Surface *text_surface = NULL; SDL_Surface *surface = menu_zone_surfaces[nb_menu_zones-1]; SDL_Rect text_pos; /// --------- Add new zone --------- switch(menu_type){ #ifdef HAS_MENU_VOLUME case MENU_TYPE_VOLUME: MENU_DEBUG_PRINTF("Init MENU_TYPE_VOLUME\n"); /// ------ Text ------ text_surface = TTF_RenderText_Blended(menu_title_font, "VOLUME", text_color); text_pos.x = (surface->w - MENU_ZONE_WIDTH)/2 + (MENU_ZONE_WIDTH - text_surface->w)/2; text_pos.y = surface->h - MENU_ZONE_HEIGHT/2 - text_surface->h/2 - padding_y_from_center_menu_zone; SDL_BlitSurface(text_surface, NULL, surface, &text_pos); x_volume_bar = (surface->w - MENU_ZONE_WIDTH)/2 + (MENU_ZONE_WIDTH - width_progress_bar)/2; y_volume_bar = surface->h - MENU_ZONE_HEIGHT/2 - height_progress_bar/2 + padding_y_from_center_menu_zone; draw_progress_bar(surface, x_volume_bar, y_volume_bar, width_progress_bar, height_progress_bar, 0, 100/STEP_CHANGE_VOLUME); break; #endif #ifdef HAS_MENU_BRIGHTNESS case MENU_TYPE_BRIGHTNESS: MENU_DEBUG_PRINTF("Init MENU_TYPE_BRIGHTNESS\n"); /// ------ Text ------ text_surface = TTF_RenderText_Blended(menu_title_font, "BRIGHTNESS", text_color); text_pos.x = (surface->w - MENU_ZONE_WIDTH)/2 + (MENU_ZONE_WIDTH - text_surface->w)/2; text_pos.y = surface->h - MENU_ZONE_HEIGHT/2 - text_surface->h/2 - padding_y_from_center_menu_zone; SDL_BlitSurface(text_surface, NULL, surface, &text_pos); x_brightness_bar = (surface->w - MENU_ZONE_WIDTH)/2 + (MENU_ZONE_WIDTH - width_progress_bar)/2; y_brightness_bar = surface->h - MENU_ZONE_HEIGHT/2 - height_progress_bar/2 + padding_y_from_center_menu_zone; draw_progress_bar(surface, x_brightness_bar, y_brightness_bar, width_progress_bar, height_progress_bar, 0, 100/STEP_CHANGE_BRIGHTNESS); break; #endif #ifdef HAS_MENU_SAVE case MENU_TYPE_SAVE: MENU_DEBUG_PRINTF("Init MENU_TYPE_SAVE\n"); /// ------ Text ------ text_surface = TTF_RenderText_Blended(menu_title_font, "SAVE", text_color); text_pos.x = (surface->w - MENU_ZONE_WIDTH)/2 + (MENU_ZONE_WIDTH - text_surface->w)/2; text_pos.y = surface->h - MENU_ZONE_HEIGHT/2 - text_surface->h/2 - padding_y_from_center_menu_zone*2; SDL_BlitSurface(text_surface, NULL, surface, &text_pos); break; #endif #ifdef HAS_MENU_LOAD case MENU_TYPE_LOAD: MENU_DEBUG_PRINTF("Init MENU_TYPE_LOAD\n"); /// ------ Text ------ text_surface = TTF_RenderText_Blended(menu_title_font, "LOAD", text_color); text_pos.x = (surface->w - MENU_ZONE_WIDTH)/2 + (MENU_ZONE_WIDTH - text_surface->w)/2; text_pos.y = surface->h - MENU_ZONE_HEIGHT/2 - text_surface->h/2 - padding_y_from_center_menu_zone*2; SDL_BlitSurface(text_surface, NULL, surface, &text_pos); break; #endif #ifdef HAS_MENU_ASPECT_RATIO case MENU_TYPE_ASPECT_RATIO: MENU_DEBUG_PRINTF("Init MENU_TYPE_ASPECT_RATIO\n"); /// ------ Text ------ text_surface = TTF_RenderText_Blended(menu_title_font, "ASPECT RATIO", text_color); text_pos.x = (surface->w - MENU_ZONE_WIDTH)/2 + (MENU_ZONE_WIDTH - text_surface->w)/2; text_pos.y = surface->h - MENU_ZONE_HEIGHT/2 - text_surface->h/2 - padding_y_from_center_menu_zone; SDL_BlitSurface(text_surface, NULL, surface, &text_pos); break; #endif #ifdef HAS_MENU_USB case MENU_TYPE_USB: MENU_DEBUG_PRINTF("Init MENU_TYPE_USB\n"); /// ------ Text ------ text_surface = TTF_RenderText_Blended(menu_title_font, "USB", text_color); text_pos.x = (surface->w - MENU_ZONE_WIDTH)/2 + (MENU_ZONE_WIDTH - text_surface->w)/2; text_pos.y = surface->h - MENU_ZONE_HEIGHT/2 - text_surface->h/2; SDL_BlitSurface(text_surface, NULL, surface, &text_pos); break; #endif #ifdef HAS_MENU_THEME case MENU_TYPE_THEME: MENU_DEBUG_PRINTF("Init MENU_TYPE_THEME\n"); /// ------ Text ------ text_surface = TTF_RenderText_Blended(menu_title_font, "SET THEME", text_color); text_pos.x = (surface->w - MENU_ZONE_WIDTH)/2 + (MENU_ZONE_WIDTH - text_surface->w)/2; text_pos.y = surface->h - MENU_ZONE_HEIGHT/2 - text_surface->h/2 - padding_y_from_center_menu_zone*2; SDL_BlitSurface(text_surface, NULL, surface, &text_pos); break; #endif #ifdef HAS_MENU_LAUNCHER case MENU_TYPE_LAUNCHER: MENU_DEBUG_PRINTF("Init MENU_TYPE_LAUNCHER\n"); /// ------ Text ------ text_surface = TTF_RenderText_Blended(menu_title_font, "SET LAUNCHER", text_color); text_pos.x = (surface->w - MENU_ZONE_WIDTH)/2 + (MENU_ZONE_WIDTH - text_surface->w)/2; text_pos.y = surface->h - MENU_ZONE_HEIGHT/2 - text_surface->h/2 - padding_y_from_center_menu_zone*2; SDL_BlitSurface(text_surface, NULL, surface, &text_pos); /// ------ Text ------ text_surface = TTF_RenderText_Blended(menu_title_font, "GMENU2X", text_color); text_pos.x = (surface->w - MENU_ZONE_WIDTH)/2 + (MENU_ZONE_WIDTH - text_surface->w)/2; text_pos.y = surface->h - MENU_ZONE_HEIGHT/2 - text_surface->h/2; SDL_BlitSurface(text_surface, NULL, surface, &text_pos); break; #endif #ifdef HAS_MENU_RO_RW case MENU_TYPE_RO_RW: MENU_DEBUG_PRINTF("Init MENU_TYPE_RO_RW\n"); /// ------ Text ------ text_surface = TTF_RenderText_Blended(menu_title_font, "SET SYSTEM:", text_color); text_pos.x = (surface->w - MENU_ZONE_WIDTH)/2 + (MENU_ZONE_WIDTH - text_surface->w)/2; text_pos.y = surface->h - MENU_ZONE_HEIGHT/2 - text_surface->h/2 - padding_y_from_center_menu_zone*2; SDL_BlitSurface(text_surface, NULL, surface, &text_pos); break; #endif #ifdef HAS_MENU_ADVANCED case MENU_TYPE_ADVANCED: MENU_DEBUG_PRINTF("Init MENU_TYPE_ADVANCED\n"); /// ------ Text ------ text_surface = TTF_RenderText_Blended(menu_title_font, "ADVANCED", text_color); text_pos.x = (surface->w - MENU_ZONE_WIDTH)/2 + (MENU_ZONE_WIDTH - text_surface->w)/2; text_pos.y = surface->h - MENU_ZONE_HEIGHT/2 - text_surface->h/2; SDL_BlitSurface(text_surface, NULL, surface, &text_pos); break; #endif #ifdef HAS_MENU_EXIT case MENU_TYPE_EXIT: MENU_DEBUG_PRINTF("Init MENU_TYPE_EXIT\n"); /// ------ Text ------ text_surface = TTF_RenderText_Blended(menu_title_font, "EXIT GAME", text_color); text_pos.x = (surface->w - MENU_ZONE_WIDTH)/2 + (MENU_ZONE_WIDTH - text_surface->w)/2; text_pos.y = surface->h - MENU_ZONE_HEIGHT/2 - text_surface->h/2; SDL_BlitSurface(text_surface, NULL, surface, &text_pos); break; #endif #ifdef HAS_MENU_POWERDOWN case MENU_TYPE_POWERDOWN: MENU_DEBUG_PRINTF("Init MENU_TYPE_POWERDOWN\n"); /// ------ Text ------ text_surface = TTF_RenderText_Blended(menu_title_font, "POWERDOWN", text_color); text_pos.x = (surface->w - MENU_ZONE_WIDTH)/2 + (MENU_ZONE_WIDTH - text_surface->w)/2; text_pos.y = surface->h - MENU_ZONE_HEIGHT/2 - text_surface->h/2; SDL_BlitSurface(text_surface, NULL, surface, &text_pos); break; #endif default: MENU_DEBUG_PRINTF("Warning - In add_menu_zone, unknown MENU_TYPE: %d\n", menu_type); break; } /// ------ Free Surfaces ------- SDL_FreeSurface(text_surface); } static void init_menu_zones(void) { #ifdef HAS_MENU_VOLUME add_menu_zone(MENU_TYPE_VOLUME); #endif #ifdef HAS_MENU_BRIGHTNESS add_menu_zone(MENU_TYPE_BRIGHTNESS); #endif #ifdef HAS_MENU_SAVE if (state_allowed()) { add_menu_zone(MENU_TYPE_SAVE); } #endif #ifdef HAS_MENU_LOAD if (state_allowed()) { add_menu_zone(MENU_TYPE_LOAD); } #endif #ifdef HAS_MENU_ASPECT_RATIO add_menu_zone(MENU_TYPE_ASPECT_RATIO); #endif #ifdef HAS_MENU_RO_RW add_menu_zone(MENU_TYPE_RO_RW); #endif #ifdef HAS_MENU_ADVANCED add_menu_zone(MENU_TYPE_ADVANCED); #endif #ifdef HAS_MENU_EXIT add_menu_zone(MENU_TYPE_EXIT); #endif #ifdef HAS_MENU_USB add_menu_zone(MENU_TYPE_USB); #endif #ifdef HAS_MENU_THEME add_menu_zone(MENU_TYPE_THEME); #endif #ifdef HAS_MENU_LAUNCHER add_menu_zone(MENU_TYPE_LAUNCHER); #endif #ifdef HAS_MENU_POWERDOWN add_menu_zone(MENU_TYPE_POWERDOWN); #endif } #ifdef HAS_MENU_THEME void FK_InitMenu(Configuration &c) #else void FK_InitMenu(void) #endif { MENU_DEBUG_PRINTF("Init Menu\n"); /// ----- Loading the fonts ----- menu_title_font = TTF_OpenFont(MENU_FONT_NAME_TITLE, MENU_FONT_SIZE_TITLE); if(!menu_title_font){ MENU_ERROR_PRINTF("ERROR in init_menu_SDL: Could not open menu font %s, %s\n", MENU_FONT_NAME_TITLE, SDL_GetError()); } menu_info_font = TTF_OpenFont(MENU_FONT_NAME_INFO, MENU_FONT_SIZE_INFO); if(!menu_info_font){ MENU_ERROR_PRINTF("ERROR in init_menu_SDL: Could not open menu font %s, %s\n", MENU_FONT_NAME_INFO, SDL_GetError()); } menu_small_info_font = TTF_OpenFont(MENU_FONT_NAME_SMALL_INFO, MENU_FONT_SIZE_SMALL_INFO); if(!menu_small_info_font){ MENU_ERROR_PRINTF("ERROR in init_menu_SDL: Could not open menu font %s, %s\n", MENU_FONT_NAME_SMALL_INFO, SDL_GetError()); } /// ------ Load arrows imgs ------- img_arrow_top = IMG_Load(MENU_PNG_ARROW_TOP_PATH); if(!img_arrow_top) { MENU_ERROR_PRINTF("ERROR IMG_Load: %s\n", IMG_GetError()); } img_arrow_bottom = IMG_Load(MENU_PNG_ARROW_BOTTOM_PATH); if(!img_arrow_bottom) { MENU_ERROR_PRINTF("ERROR IMG_Load: %s\n", IMG_GetError()); } #ifdef HAS_MENU_THEME /// ------ Save config pointer ------ config = &c; #endif #ifdef HAS_MENU_RO_RW /// ----- Shell cmd ---- if (system(SHELL_CMD_RO) < 0) { MENU_ERROR_PRINTF("Failed to run command %s\n", SHELL_CMD_RO); } #endif /// ------ Init menu zones ------ init_menu_zones(); return; } void FK_EndMenu(void) { MENU_DEBUG_PRINTF("End Menu \n"); /// ------ Close font ------- TTF_CloseFont(menu_title_font); TTF_CloseFont(menu_info_font); TTF_CloseFont(menu_small_info_font); /// ------ Free Surfaces ------- for(int i=0; i < nb_menu_zones; i++){ if(menu_zone_surfaces[i] != NULL){ SDL_FreeSurface(menu_zone_surfaces[i]); } } SDL_FreeSurface(img_arrow_top); SDL_FreeSurface(img_arrow_bottom); /// ------ Free Menu memory and reset vars ----- if(idx_menus){ free(idx_menus); } idx_menus=NULL; nb_menu_zones = 0; #ifdef HAS_MENU_RO_RW /// ----- Shell cmd ---- if (system(SHELL_CMD_RO) < 0) { MENU_ERROR_PRINTF("Failed to run command %s\n", SHELL_CMD_RO); } #endif return; } void FK_StopMenu(void) { stop_menu_loop = 1; } static void init_menu_system_values(void) { #if defined(HAS_MENU_VOLUME) || defined(HAS_MENU_BRIGHTNESS) || defined(HAS_MENU_USB) || defined(HAS_MENU_RO_RW) FILE *fp; char res[100]; #endif #ifdef HAS_MENU_VOLUME /// ------- Get system volume percentage -------- fp = popen(SHELL_CMD_VOLUME_GET, "r"); if (fp == NULL) { MENU_ERROR_PRINTF("Failed to run command %s\n", SHELL_CMD_VOLUME_GET ); volume_percentage = 50; ///wrong value: setting default to 50 } else{ fgets(res, sizeof(res)-1, fp); pclose(fp); /// Check if Volume is a number (at least the first char) if(res[0] < '0' || res[0] > '9'){ MENU_ERROR_PRINTF("Wrong return value: %s for volume cmd: %s\n",res, SHELL_CMD_VOLUME_GET); volume_percentage = 50; ///wrong value: setting default to 50 } else{ volume_percentage = atoi(res); MENU_DEBUG_PRINTF("System volume = %d%%\n", volume_percentage); } } #endif #ifdef HAS_MENU_BRIGHTNESS /// ------- Get system brightness percentage ------- fp = popen(SHELL_CMD_BRIGHTNESS_GET, "r"); if (fp == NULL) { MENU_ERROR_PRINTF("Failed to run command %s\n", SHELL_CMD_BRIGHTNESS_GET ); brightness_percentage = 50; ///wrong value: setting default to 50 } else{ fgets(res, sizeof(res)-1, fp); pclose(fp); /// Check if brightness is a number (at least the first char) if(res[0] < '0' || res[0] > '9'){ MENU_ERROR_PRINTF("Wrong return value: %s for volume cmd: %s\n",res, SHELL_CMD_BRIGHTNESS_GET); brightness_percentage = 50; ///wrong value: setting default to 50 } else{ brightness_percentage = atoi(res); MENU_DEBUG_PRINTF("System brightness = %d%%\n", brightness_percentage); } } #endif #ifdef HAS_MENU_USB /// ------- Get USB Value ------- usb_data_connected = Utils::executeRawPath(SHELL_CMD_USB_DATA_CONNECTED); usb_sharing = Utils::executeRawPath(SHELL_CMD_USB_CHECK_IS_SHARING); /** Sanity check if usb not connected */ if(!usb_data_connected){ usb_sharing = 0; if(idx_menus[menuItem] == MENU_TYPE_USB){ menuItem = 0; } } /** Sanity check if currently in USB sharing (should not happen) */ if(usb_sharing){ /// Force USB menu to launch for(int cur_idx=0; cur_idx < nb_menu_zones; cur_idx++){ if(idx_menus[cur_idx] == MENU_TYPE_USB){ menuItem = cur_idx; printf("USB mounted, setting menu item to %d\n", menuItem); break; } } } #endif } static void menu_screen_refresh(SDL_Surface *screen, int menuItem, int prevItem, int scroll, uint8_t menu_confirmation, uint8_t menu_action) { /// --------- Vars --------- #ifdef HAS_MENU_USB int print_arrows = (scroll || usb_sharing)?0:1; #else int print_arrows = 1; #endif /// --------- Clear HW screen ---------- if(SDL_BlitSurface(background_screen, NULL, screen, NULL)){ MENU_ERROR_PRINTF("ERROR Could not Clear screen: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); } /// --------- Setup Blit Window ---------- SDL_Rect menu_blit_window; menu_blit_window.x = 0; menu_blit_window.w = SCREEN_HORIZONTAL_SIZE; /// --------- Blit prev menu Zone going away ---------- menu_blit_window.y = scroll; menu_blit_window.h = SCREEN_VERTICAL_SIZE; if(SDL_BlitSurface(menu_zone_surfaces[prevItem], &menu_blit_window, screen, NULL)){ MENU_ERROR_PRINTF("ERROR Could not Blit surface on screen: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); } /// --------- Blit new menu Zone going in (only during animations) ---------- if(scroll>0){ menu_blit_window.y = SCREEN_VERTICAL_SIZE-scroll; menu_blit_window.h = SCREEN_VERTICAL_SIZE; if(SDL_BlitSurface(menu_zone_surfaces[menuItem], NULL, screen, &menu_blit_window)){ MENU_ERROR_PRINTF("ERROR Could not Blit surface on screen: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); } } else if(scroll<0){ menu_blit_window.y = SCREEN_VERTICAL_SIZE+scroll; menu_blit_window.h = SCREEN_VERTICAL_SIZE; if(SDL_BlitSurface(menu_zone_surfaces[menuItem], &menu_blit_window, screen, NULL)){ MENU_ERROR_PRINTF("ERROR Could not Blit surface on screen: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); } } /// --------- No Scroll ? Blitting menu-specific info else{ SDL_Surface * text_surface = NULL; char text_tmp[100]; SDL_Rect text_pos; #ifdef HAS_MENU_THEME char *curLayoutName; bool dots=false; int max_chars = 15; #endif switch(idx_menus[menuItem]){ #ifdef HAS_MENU_VOLUME case MENU_TYPE_VOLUME: draw_progress_bar(screen, x_volume_bar, y_volume_bar, width_progress_bar, height_progress_bar, volume_percentage, 100/STEP_CHANGE_VOLUME); break; #endif #ifdef HAS_MENU_BRIGHTNESS case MENU_TYPE_BRIGHTNESS: draw_progress_bar(screen, x_volume_bar, y_volume_bar, width_progress_bar, height_progress_bar, brightness_percentage, 100/STEP_CHANGE_BRIGHTNESS); break; #endif #ifdef HAS_MENU_SAVE case MENU_TYPE_SAVE: /// ---- Write slot ----- sprintf(text_tmp, "IN SLOT < %d >", state_slot+1); text_surface = TTF_RenderText_Blended(menu_info_font, text_tmp, text_color); text_pos.x = (screen->w - MENU_ZONE_WIDTH)/2 + (MENU_ZONE_WIDTH - text_surface->w)/2; text_pos.y = screen->h - MENU_ZONE_HEIGHT/2 - text_surface->h/2; SDL_BlitSurface(text_surface, NULL, screen, &text_pos); if(menu_action){ sprintf(text_tmp, "Saving..."); text_surface = TTF_RenderText_Blended(menu_info_font, text_tmp, text_color); } else{ if(menu_confirmation){ sprintf(text_tmp, "Are you sure?"); text_surface = TTF_RenderText_Blended(menu_info_font, text_tmp, text_color); } else{ if (state_exists(state_slot)) { text_surface = TTF_RenderText_Blended(menu_info_font, "Used", text_color); } else { text_surface = TTF_RenderText_Blended(menu_info_font, "Free", text_color); } } } text_pos.x = (screen->w - MENU_ZONE_WIDTH)/2 + (MENU_ZONE_WIDTH - text_surface->w)/2; text_pos.y = screen->h - MENU_ZONE_HEIGHT/2 - text_surface->h/2 + 2*padding_y_from_center_menu_zone; SDL_BlitSurface(text_surface, NULL, screen, &text_pos); break; #endif #ifdef HAS_MENU_LOAD case MENU_TYPE_LOAD: /// ---- Write slot ----- sprintf(text_tmp, "FROM SLOT < %d >", state_slot+1); text_surface = TTF_RenderText_Blended(menu_info_font, text_tmp, text_color); text_pos.x = (screen->w - MENU_ZONE_WIDTH)/2 + (MENU_ZONE_WIDTH - text_surface->w)/2; text_pos.y = screen->h - MENU_ZONE_HEIGHT/2 - text_surface->h/2; SDL_BlitSurface(text_surface, NULL, screen, &text_pos); if(menu_action){ sprintf(text_tmp, "Loading..."); text_surface = TTF_RenderText_Blended(menu_info_font, text_tmp, text_color); } else{ if(menu_confirmation){ sprintf(text_tmp, "Are you sure?"); text_surface = TTF_RenderText_Blended(menu_info_font, text_tmp, text_color); } else{ if (state_exists(state_slot)) { text_surface = TTF_RenderText_Blended(menu_info_font, "Used", text_color); } else { text_surface = TTF_RenderText_Blended(menu_info_font, "Free", text_color); } } } text_pos.x = (screen->w - MENU_ZONE_WIDTH)/2 + (MENU_ZONE_WIDTH - text_surface->w)/2; text_pos.y = screen->h - MENU_ZONE_HEIGHT/2 - text_surface->h/2 + 2*padding_y_from_center_menu_zone; SDL_BlitSurface(text_surface, NULL, screen, &text_pos); break; #endif #ifdef HAS_MENU_ASPECT_RATIO case MENU_TYPE_ASPECT_RATIO: sprintf(text_tmp, "< %s >", aspect_ratio_name[menu_aspect_ratio]); text_surface = TTF_RenderText_Blended(menu_info_font, text_tmp, text_color); text_pos.x = (screen->w - MENU_ZONE_WIDTH)/2 + (MENU_ZONE_WIDTH - text_surface->w)/2; text_pos.y = screen->h - MENU_ZONE_HEIGHT/2 - text_surface->h/2 + padding_y_from_center_menu_zone; SDL_BlitSurface(text_surface, NULL, screen, &text_pos); break; #endif #ifdef HAS_MENU_USB case MENU_TYPE_USB: /// ---- Write slot ----- sprintf(text_tmp, "%s USB", usb_sharing?"EJECT":"MOUNT"); text_surface = TTF_RenderText_Blended(menu_title_font, text_tmp, text_color); text_pos.x = (screen->w - MENU_ZONE_WIDTH)/2 + (MENU_ZONE_WIDTH - text_surface->w)/2; text_pos.y = screen->h - MENU_ZONE_HEIGHT/2 - text_surface->h/2; SDL_BlitSurface(text_surface, NULL, screen, &text_pos); if(menu_action){ sprintf(text_tmp, "in progress ..."); text_surface = TTF_RenderText_Blended(menu_info_font, text_tmp, text_color); text_pos.x = (screen->w - MENU_ZONE_WIDTH)/2 + (MENU_ZONE_WIDTH - text_surface->w)/2; text_pos.y = screen->h - MENU_ZONE_HEIGHT/2 - text_surface->h/2 + 2*padding_y_from_center_menu_zone; SDL_BlitSurface(text_surface, NULL, screen, &text_pos); } else if(menu_confirmation){ sprintf(text_tmp, "Are you sure?"); text_surface = TTF_RenderText_Blended(menu_info_font, text_tmp, text_color); text_pos.x = (screen->w - MENU_ZONE_WIDTH)/2 + (MENU_ZONE_WIDTH - text_surface->w)/2; text_pos.y = screen->h - MENU_ZONE_HEIGHT/2 - text_surface->h/2 + 2*padding_y_from_center_menu_zone; SDL_BlitSurface(text_surface, NULL, screen, &text_pos); } else{ ///Nothing } break; #endif #ifdef HAS_MENU_THEME case MENU_TYPE_THEME: /// ---- Write current chosen theme ----- curLayoutName = (char*)Utils::getFileName(config->layouts_.at(indexChooseLayout)).c_str(); // no more than max_chars chars in name to fit screen if(strlen(curLayoutName) > max_chars){ curLayoutName[max_chars-2] = 0; dots = true; } sprintf(text_tmp, "< %s%s >", curLayoutName, dots?"...":"" ); text_surface = TTF_RenderText_Blended(menu_info_font, text_tmp, text_color); text_pos.x = (screen->w - MENU_ZONE_WIDTH)/2 + (MENU_ZONE_WIDTH - text_surface->w)/2; text_pos.y = screen->h - MENU_ZONE_HEIGHT/2 - text_surface->h/2; SDL_BlitSurface(text_surface, NULL, screen, &text_pos); if(menu_action){ sprintf(text_tmp, "In progress..."); text_surface = TTF_RenderText_Blended(menu_info_font, text_tmp, text_color); text_pos.x = (screen->w - MENU_ZONE_WIDTH)/2 + (MENU_ZONE_WIDTH - text_surface->w)/2; text_pos.y = screen->h - MENU_ZONE_HEIGHT/2 - text_surface->h/2 + 2*padding_y_from_center_menu_zone; SDL_BlitSurface(text_surface, NULL, screen, &text_pos); } else if(menu_confirmation){ sprintf(text_tmp, "Are you sure?"); text_surface = TTF_RenderText_Blended(menu_info_font, text_tmp, text_color); text_pos.x = (screen->w - MENU_ZONE_WIDTH)/2 + (MENU_ZONE_WIDTH - text_surface->w)/2; text_pos.y = screen->h - MENU_ZONE_HEIGHT/2 - text_surface->h/2 + 2*padding_y_from_center_menu_zone; SDL_BlitSurface(text_surface, NULL, screen, &text_pos); } break; #endif #ifdef HAS_MENU_LAUNCHER case MENU_TYPE_LAUNCHER: if(menu_action){ sprintf(text_tmp, "In progress..."); text_surface = TTF_RenderText_Blended(menu_info_font, text_tmp, text_color); text_pos.x = (screen->w - MENU_ZONE_WIDTH)/2 + (MENU_ZONE_WIDTH - text_surface->w)/2; text_pos.y = screen->h - MENU_ZONE_HEIGHT/2 - text_surface->h/2 + 2*padding_y_from_center_menu_zone; SDL_BlitSurface(text_surface, NULL, screen, &text_pos); } else if(menu_confirmation){ sprintf(text_tmp, "Are you sure?"); text_surface = TTF_RenderText_Blended(menu_info_font, text_tmp, text_color); text_pos.x = (screen->w - MENU_ZONE_WIDTH)/2 + (MENU_ZONE_WIDTH - text_surface->w)/2; text_pos.y = screen->h - MENU_ZONE_HEIGHT/2 - text_surface->h/2 + 2*padding_y_from_center_menu_zone; SDL_BlitSurface(text_surface, NULL, screen, &text_pos); } break; #endif #ifdef HAS_MENU_EXIT case MENU_TYPE_EXIT: #endif #ifdef HAS_MENU_POWERDOWN case MENU_TYPE_POWERDOWN: #endif #if defined(HAS_MENU_EXIT) || defined(HAS_MENU_POWERDOWN) if(menu_action){ sprintf(text_tmp, "Shutting down..."); text_surface = TTF_RenderText_Blended(menu_info_font, text_tmp, text_color); text_pos.x = (screen->w - MENU_ZONE_WIDTH)/2 + (MENU_ZONE_WIDTH - text_surface->w)/2; text_pos.y = screen->h - MENU_ZONE_HEIGHT/2 - text_surface->h/2 + 2*padding_y_from_center_menu_zone; SDL_BlitSurface(text_surface, NULL, screen, &text_pos); } else{ if(menu_confirmation){ sprintf(text_tmp, "Are you sure?"); text_surface = TTF_RenderText_Blended(menu_info_font, text_tmp, text_color); text_pos.x = (screen->w - MENU_ZONE_WIDTH)/2 + (MENU_ZONE_WIDTH - text_surface->w)/2; text_pos.y = screen->h - MENU_ZONE_HEIGHT/2 - text_surface->h/2 + 2*padding_y_from_center_menu_zone; SDL_BlitSurface(text_surface, NULL, screen, &text_pos); } } break; #endif #ifdef HAS_MENU_RO_RW case MENU_TYPE_RO_RW: sprintf(text_tmp, "%s", read_write?"READ-ONLY":"READ-WRITE"); text_surface = TTF_RenderText_Blended(menu_title_font, text_tmp, text_color); text_pos.x = (screen->w - MENU_ZONE_WIDTH)/2 + (MENU_ZONE_WIDTH - text_surface->w)/2; text_pos.y = screen->h - MENU_ZONE_HEIGHT/2 - text_surface->h/2; SDL_BlitSurface(text_surface, NULL, screen, &text_pos); if(menu_action){ sprintf(text_tmp, "in progress ..."); text_surface = TTF_RenderText_Blended(menu_info_font, text_tmp, text_color); text_pos.x = (screen->w - MENU_ZONE_WIDTH)/2 + (MENU_ZONE_WIDTH - text_surface->w)/2; text_pos.y = screen->h - MENU_ZONE_HEIGHT/2 - text_surface->h/2 + 2*padding_y_from_center_menu_zone; SDL_BlitSurface(text_surface, NULL, screen, &text_pos); } else if(menu_confirmation){ sprintf(text_tmp, "Are you sure?"); text_surface = TTF_RenderText_Blended(menu_info_font, text_tmp, text_color); text_pos.x = (screen->w - MENU_ZONE_WIDTH)/2 + (MENU_ZONE_WIDTH - text_surface->w)/2; text_pos.y = screen->h - MENU_ZONE_HEIGHT/2 - text_surface->h/2 + 2*padding_y_from_center_menu_zone; SDL_BlitSurface(text_surface, NULL, screen, &text_pos); } else{ ///Nothing } break; #endif default: break; } /// ------ Free Surfaces ------- if(text_surface) SDL_FreeSurface(text_surface); } /// --------- Print arrows -------- if(print_arrows){ /// Top arrow SDL_Rect pos_arrow_top; pos_arrow_top.x = (screen->w - img_arrow_top->w)/2; pos_arrow_top.y = (screen->h - MENU_BG_SQUARE_HEIGHT)/4 - img_arrow_top->h/2; SDL_BlitSurface(img_arrow_top, NULL, screen, &pos_arrow_top); /// Bottom arrow SDL_Rect pos_arrow_bottom; pos_arrow_bottom.x = (screen->w - img_arrow_bottom->w)/2; pos_arrow_bottom.y = screen->h - (screen->h - MENU_BG_SQUARE_HEIGHT)/4 - img_arrow_bottom->h/2; SDL_BlitSurface(img_arrow_bottom, NULL, screen, &pos_arrow_bottom); } /// --------- Flip Screen ---------- SDL_Flip(screen); } int FK_RunMenu(SDL_Surface *screen) { MENU_DEBUG_PRINTF("Run Menu\n"); SDL_Event event; uint32_t prev_ms = SDL_GetTicks(); uint32_t cur_ms = SDL_GetTicks(); int scroll=0; int start_scroll=0; uint8_t screen_refresh = 1; char shell_cmd[100]; uint8_t menu_confirmation = 0; stop_menu_loop = 0; #ifdef HAS_MENU_THEME indexChooseLayout = config->currentLayoutIdx_; #endif int returnCode = MENU_RETURN_OK; /// ------ Load default keymap ------ system(SHELL_CMD_KEYMAP_DEFAULT); /// ------ Get System values ------- init_menu_system_values(); int prevItem=menuItem; /// Save prev key repeat params and set new Key repeat SDL_GetKeyRepeat(&backup_key_repeat_delay, &backup_key_repeat_interval); if(SDL_EnableKeyRepeat(SDL_DEFAULT_REPEAT_DELAY, SDL_DEFAULT_REPEAT_INTERVAL)){ MENU_ERROR_PRINTF("ERROR with SDL_EnableKeyRepeat: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); } #if defined(HAS_MENU_SAVE) || defined(HAS_MENU_LOAD) /// Get save slot from game state_slot = (state_slot%MAX_SAVE_SLOTS); // security #endif #if defined(HAS_MENU_ASPECT_RATIO) read_aspect_ratio(); #endif /// ------ Backup currently displayed app screen ------- background_screen = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, screen->w, screen->h, 32, 0, 0, 0, 0); if(background_screen == NULL){ MENU_ERROR_PRINTF("ERROR Could not create background_screen: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); return MENU_RETURN_ERROR; } if(SDL_BlitSurface(screen, NULL, background_screen, NULL)){ MENU_ERROR_PRINTF("ERROR Could not copy screen: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); } /// -------- Main loop --------- while (!stop_menu_loop) { /// -------- Handle Keyboard Events --------- if(!scroll){ while (SDL_PollEvent(&event)) switch(event.type) { case SDL_QUIT: stop_menu_loop = 1; returnCode = MENU_RETURN_EXIT; break; case SDL_KEYDOWN: switch (event.key.keysym.sym) { case SDLK_b: if(menu_confirmation){ /// ------ Reset menu confirmation ------ menu_confirmation = 0; /// ------ Refresh screen ------ screen_refresh = 1; } /*else{ stop_menu_loop = 1; }*/ break; case SDLK_q: case SDLK_ESCAPE: /// ------ Check if no action ------ #ifdef HAS_MENU_USB if(usb_sharing){ break; } #endif stop_menu_loop = 1; break; case SDLK_d: case SDLK_DOWN: MENU_DEBUG_PRINTF("DOWN\n"); /// ------ Check if no action ------ #ifdef HAS_MENU_USB if(usb_sharing){ break; } #endif /// ------ Start scrolling to new menu ------- menuItem++; if (menuItem>=nb_menu_zones) menuItem=0; #ifdef HAS_MENU_USB /// Skip if usb menu if usb not connected if(idx_menus[menuItem] == MENU_TYPE_USB && !usb_data_connected){ menuItem++; if (menuItem>=nb_menu_zones) menuItem=0; } #endif start_scroll=1; /// ------ Reset menu confirmation ------ menu_confirmation = 0; /// ------ Refresh screen ------ screen_refresh = 1; break; case SDLK_u: case SDLK_UP: MENU_DEBUG_PRINTF("UP\n"); /// ------ Check if no action ------ #ifdef HAS_MENU_USB if(usb_sharing){ break; } #endif /// ------ Start scrolling to new menu ------- menuItem--; if (menuItem<0) menuItem=nb_menu_zones-1; #ifdef HAS_MENU_USB /// Skip if usb menu if usb not connected if(idx_menus[menuItem] == MENU_TYPE_USB && !usb_data_connected){ menuItem--; if (menuItem<0) menuItem=nb_menu_zones-1; } #endif start_scroll=-1; /// ------ Reset menu confirmation ------ menu_confirmation = 0; /// ------ Refresh screen ------ screen_refresh = 1; break; case SDLK_l: case SDLK_LEFT: //MENU_DEBUG_PRINTF("LEFT\n"); #ifdef HAS_MENU_VOLUME if(idx_menus[menuItem] == MENU_TYPE_VOLUME){ MENU_DEBUG_PRINTF("Volume DOWN\n"); /// ----- Compute new value ----- volume_percentage = (volume_percentage < STEP_CHANGE_VOLUME)? 0:(volume_percentage-STEP_CHANGE_VOLUME); /// ----- Shell cmd ---- sprintf(shell_cmd, "%s %d", SHELL_CMD_VOLUME_SET, volume_percentage); system(shell_cmd); /// ------ Refresh screen ------ screen_refresh = 1; } else #endif #ifdef HAS_MENU_BRIGHTNESS if(idx_menus[menuItem] == MENU_TYPE_BRIGHTNESS){ MENU_DEBUG_PRINTF("Brightness DOWN\n"); /// ----- Compute new value ----- brightness_percentage = (brightness_percentage < STEP_CHANGE_BRIGHTNESS)? 0:(brightness_percentage-STEP_CHANGE_BRIGHTNESS); /// ----- Shell cmd ---- sprintf(shell_cmd, "%s %d", SHELL_CMD_BRIGHTNESS_SET, brightness_percentage); system(shell_cmd); /// ------ Refresh screen ------ screen_refresh = 1; } else #endif #ifdef HAS_MENU_LOAD if(idx_menus[menuItem] == MENU_TYPE_SAVE){ MENU_DEBUG_PRINTF("Save Slot DOWN\n"); state_slot = (!state_slot)?(MAX_SAVE_SLOTS-1):(state_slot-1); /// ------ Refresh screen ------ screen_refresh = 1; } else #endif #ifdef HAS_MENU_LOAD if(idx_menus[menuItem] == MENU_TYPE_LOAD){ MENU_DEBUG_PRINTF("Load Slot DOWN\n"); //idx_load_slot = (!idx_load_slot)?(MAX_SAVE_SLOTS-1):(idx_load_slot-1); state_slot = (!state_slot)?(MAX_SAVE_SLOTS-1):(state_slot-1); /// ------ Refresh screen ------ screen_refresh = 1; } else #endif #ifdef HAS_MENU_ASPECT_RATIO if(idx_menus[menuItem] == MENU_TYPE_ASPECT_RATIO){ MENU_DEBUG_PRINTF("Aspect Ratio DOWN\n"); menu_aspect_ratio = (!menu_aspect_ratio)?(NB_ASPECT_RATIOS_TYPES-1):(menu_aspect_ratio-1); update_aspect_ratio(); /// ------ Refresh screen ------ screen_refresh = 1; } else #endif #ifdef HAS_MENU_THEME if(idx_menus[menuItem] == MENU_TYPE_THEME){ MENU_DEBUG_PRINTF("Theme previous\n"); indexChooseLayout = (!indexChooseLayout)?(config->layouts_.size()-1):(indexChooseLayout-1); /// ------ Refresh screen ------ screen_refresh = 1; } else #endif {} break; case SDLK_r: case SDLK_RIGHT: //MENU_DEBUG_PRINTF("RIGHT\n"); #ifdef HAS_MENU_VOLUME if(idx_menus[menuItem] == MENU_TYPE_VOLUME){ MENU_DEBUG_PRINTF("Volume UP\n"); /// ----- Compute new value ----- volume_percentage = (volume_percentage > 100 - STEP_CHANGE_VOLUME)? 100:(volume_percentage+STEP_CHANGE_VOLUME); /// ----- Shell cmd ---- sprintf(shell_cmd, "%s %d", SHELL_CMD_VOLUME_SET, volume_percentage); system(shell_cmd); /// ------ Refresh screen ------ screen_refresh = 1; } else #endif #ifdef HAS_MENU_BRIGHTNESS if(idx_menus[menuItem] == MENU_TYPE_BRIGHTNESS){ MENU_DEBUG_PRINTF("Brightness UP\n"); /// ----- Compute new value ----- brightness_percentage = (brightness_percentage > 100 - STEP_CHANGE_BRIGHTNESS)? 100:(brightness_percentage+STEP_CHANGE_BRIGHTNESS); /// ----- Shell cmd ---- sprintf(shell_cmd, "%s %d", SHELL_CMD_BRIGHTNESS_SET, brightness_percentage); system(shell_cmd); /// ------ Refresh screen ------ screen_refresh = 1; } else #endif #ifdef HAS_MENU_SAVE if(idx_menus[menuItem] == MENU_TYPE_SAVE){ MENU_DEBUG_PRINTF("Save Slot UP\n"); state_slot = (state_slot+1)%MAX_SAVE_SLOTS; /// ------ Refresh screen ------ screen_refresh = 1; } else #endif #ifdef HAS_MENU_LOAD if(idx_menus[menuItem] == MENU_TYPE_LOAD){ MENU_DEBUG_PRINTF("Load Slot UP\n"); //idx_load_slot = (idx_load_slot+1)%MAX_SAVE_SLOTS; state_slot = (state_slot+1)%MAX_SAVE_SLOTS; /// ------ Refresh screen ------ screen_refresh = 1; } else #endif #ifdef HAS_MENU_ASPECT_RATIO if(idx_menus[menuItem] == MENU_TYPE_ASPECT_RATIO){ MENU_DEBUG_PRINTF("Aspect Ratio UP\n"); menu_aspect_ratio = (menu_aspect_ratio+1)%NB_ASPECT_RATIOS_TYPES; update_aspect_ratio(); /// ------ Refresh screen ------ screen_refresh = 1; } else #endif #ifdef HAS_MENU_THEME if(idx_menus[menuItem] == MENU_TYPE_THEME){ MENU_DEBUG_PRINTF("Theme previous\n"); indexChooseLayout = (indexChooseLayout+1)%config->layouts_.size(); /// ------ Refresh screen ------ screen_refresh = 1; } else #endif {} break; case SDLK_a: case SDLK_RETURN: #ifdef HAS_MENU_SAVE if(idx_menus[menuItem] == MENU_TYPE_SAVE){ if(menu_confirmation){ MENU_DEBUG_PRINTF("Saving in slot %d\n", state_slot); /// ------ Refresh Screen ------- menu_screen_refresh(screen, menuItem, prevItem, scroll, menu_confirmation, 1); /// ------ Save game ------ state_write(); stop_menu_loop = 1; } else{ MENU_DEBUG_PRINTF("Save game - asking confirmation\n"); menu_confirmation = 1; /// ------ Refresh screen ------ screen_refresh = 1; } } else #endif #ifdef HAS_MENU_LOAD if(idx_menus[menuItem] == MENU_TYPE_LOAD){ if(menu_confirmation){ MENU_DEBUG_PRINTF("Loading in slot %d\n", state_slot); /// ------ Refresh Screen ------- menu_screen_refresh(screen, menuItem, prevItem, scroll, menu_confirmation, 1); /// ------ Load game ------ state_read(); stop_menu_loop = 1; } else{ MENU_DEBUG_PRINTF("Save game - asking confirmation\n"); menu_confirmation = 1; /// ------ Refresh screen ------ screen_refresh = 1; } } else #endif #ifdef HAS_MENU_USB if(idx_menus[menuItem] == MENU_TYPE_USB){ MENU_DEBUG_PRINTF("USB %s\n", usb_sharing?"unmount":"mount"); if(menu_confirmation){ MENU_DEBUG_PRINTF("%s USB - confirmed\n", usb_sharing?"Unmount":"Mount"); /// ----- Refresh screen ---- menu_screen_refresh(screen, menuItem, prevItem, scroll, menu_confirmation, 1); /// ----- Shell cmd ---- /*system(usb_sharing?SHELL_CMD_USB_UNMOUNT:SHELL_CMD_USB_MOUNT);*/ bool res = Utils::executeRawPath(usb_sharing?SHELL_CMD_USB_UNMOUNT:SHELL_CMD_USB_MOUNT); if (!res) { MENU_ERROR_PRINTF("Failed to run command %s\n", shell_cmd); } else{ usb_sharing = !usb_sharing; } /// ------ Refresh screen ------ menu_confirmation = 0; screen_refresh = 1; } else{ MENU_DEBUG_PRINTF("%s USB - asking confirmation\n", usb_sharing?"Unmount":"Mount"); menu_confirmation = 1; screen_refresh = 1; } } else #endif #ifdef HAS_MENU_THEME if(idx_menus[menuItem] == MENU_TYPE_THEME){ if(menu_confirmation){ MENU_DEBUG_PRINTF("Theme change - confirmed\n"); /// ------ Refresh Screen ------- menu_screen_refresh(screen, menuItem, prevItem, scroll, menu_confirmation, 1); /// ----- Write new theme and restart RetroFe ---- config->exportCurrentLayout(Utils::combinePath(Configuration::absolutePath, "layout.conf"), Utils::getFileName(config->layouts_.at(indexChooseLayout))); stop_menu_loop = 1; returnCode = MENU_RETURN_EXIT; } else{ MENU_DEBUG_PRINTF("Theme change - asking confirmation\n"); menu_confirmation = 1; /// ------ Refresh screen ------ screen_refresh = 1; } } else #endif #ifdef HAS_MENU_LAUNCHER if(idx_menus[menuItem] == MENU_TYPE_LAUNCHER){ if(menu_confirmation){ MENU_DEBUG_PRINTF("Lancher change - confirmed\n"); /// ------ Refresh Screen ------- menu_screen_refresh(screen, menuItem, prevItem, scroll, menu_confirmation, 1); /// ----- Shell cmd ---- MENU_DEBUG_PRINTF("Running command: %s\n", SHELL_CMD_SET_LAUNCHER_GMENU2X); Utils::executeRawPath(SHELL_CMD_SET_LAUNCHER_GMENU2X); stop_menu_loop = 1; returnCode = MENU_RETURN_EXIT; } else{ MENU_DEBUG_PRINTF("Launcher change - asking confirmation\n"); menu_confirmation = 1; /// ------ Refresh screen ------ screen_refresh = 1; } } else #endif #ifdef HAS_MENU_ADVANCED if(idx_menus[menuItem] == MENU_TYPE_ADVANCED){ MENU_DEBUG_PRINTF("Advanced menu\n"); SDL_Event sdlevent; do { SDL_WaitEvent(&sdlevent); } while (sdlevent.type != SDL_KEYUP || sdlevent.key.keysym.sym != event.key.keysym.sym); stop_menu_loop = 1; returnCode = MENU_RETURN_MENU; } else #endif #ifdef HAS_MENU_EXIT if(idx_menus[menuItem] == MENU_TYPE_EXIT){ MENU_DEBUG_PRINTF("Exit game\n"); if(menu_confirmation){ MENU_DEBUG_PRINTF("Exit game - confirmed\n"); /// ----- The game should be saved here ---- /// ----- Exit game and back to launcher ---- stop_menu_loop = 1; returnCode = MENU_RETURN_EXIT; } else{ MENU_DEBUG_PRINTF("Exit game - asking confirmation\n"); menu_confirmation = 1; /// ------ Refresh screen ------ screen_refresh = 1; } } else #endif #ifdef HAS_MENU_POWERDOWN if(idx_menus[menuItem] == MENU_TYPE_POWERDOWN){ if(menu_confirmation){ MENU_DEBUG_PRINTF("Powerdown - confirmed\n"); /// ------ Refresh Screen ------- menu_screen_refresh(screen, menuItem, prevItem, scroll, menu_confirmation, 1); /// ----- Shell cmd ---- system(SHELL_CMD_POWERDOWN); return MENU_RETURN_EXIT; } else{ MENU_DEBUG_PRINTF("Powerdown - asking confirmation\n"); menu_confirmation = 1; /// ------ Refresh screen ------ screen_refresh = 1; } } else #endif #ifdef HAS_MENU_RO_RW if(idx_menus[menuItem] == MENU_TYPE_RO_RW){ MENU_DEBUG_PRINTF("%s\n", read_write?"RO":"RW"); if(menu_confirmation){ MENU_DEBUG_PRINTF("SYSTEM %s - confirmed\n", read_write?"RO":"RW"); /// ----- Refresh screen ---- menu_screen_refresh(screen, menuItem, prevItem, scroll, menu_confirmation, 1); /// ----- Shell cmd ---- if (system(read_write?SHELL_CMD_RO:SHELL_CMD_RW) < 0) { MENU_ERROR_PRINTF("Failed to run command %s\n", shell_cmd); } else{ read_write = !read_write; } /// ------ Refresh screen ------ menu_confirmation = 0; screen_refresh = 1; } else{ MENU_DEBUG_PRINTF("SYSTEM %s - asking confirmation\n", read_write?"RW":"RO"); menu_confirmation = 1; screen_refresh = 1; } } else #endif {} break; default: //MENU_DEBUG_PRINTF("Keydown: %d\n", event.key.keysym.sym); break; } break; } } /// --------- Handle Scroll effect --------- if ((scroll>0) || (start_scroll>0)){ scroll+=MIN(SCROLL_SPEED_PX, MENU_ZONE_HEIGHT-scroll); start_scroll = 0; screen_refresh = 1; } else if ((scroll<0) || (start_scroll<0)){ scroll-=MIN(SCROLL_SPEED_PX, MENU_ZONE_HEIGHT+scroll); start_scroll = 0; screen_refresh = 1; } if (scroll>=MENU_ZONE_HEIGHT || scroll<=-MENU_ZONE_HEIGHT) { prevItem=menuItem; scroll=0; screen_refresh = 1; } /// --------- Handle FPS --------- cur_ms = SDL_GetTicks(); if(cur_ms-prev_ms < 1000/FPS_MENU){ SDL_Delay(1000/FPS_MENU - (cur_ms-prev_ms)); } prev_ms = SDL_GetTicks(); /// --------- Refresh screen if(screen_refresh){ menu_screen_refresh(screen, menuItem, prevItem, scroll, menu_confirmation, 0); } /// --------- reset screen refresh --------- screen_refresh = 0; } /// ------ Restore last keymap ------ system(SHELL_CMD_KEYMAP_RESUME); /// ------ Reset prev key repeat params ------- if(SDL_EnableKeyRepeat(backup_key_repeat_delay, backup_key_repeat_interval)){ MENU_ERROR_PRINTF("ERROR with SDL_EnableKeyRepeat: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); } /// --------- Clear HW screen ---------- if(SDL_BlitSurface(background_screen, NULL, screen, NULL)){ MENU_ERROR_PRINTF("ERROR Could not Clear screen: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); } /// --------- Flip Screen ---------- SDL_Flip(screen); if(background_screen != NULL){ SDL_FreeSurface(background_screen); background_screen = NULL; } MENU_DEBUG_PRINTF("Leave Menu\n"); plat_video_menu_leave(); return returnCode; } #ifdef HAS_MENU_ASPECT_RATIO void FK_NextAspectRatio(void) { char shell_cmd[100]; FILE *fp; read_aspect_ratio(); menu_aspect_ratio = (menu_aspect_ratio+1)%NB_ASPECT_RATIOS_TYPES; update_aspect_ratio(); scale_update_scaler(); plat_video_menu_leave(); snprintf(shell_cmd, 100, "%s %d \" DISPLAY MODE: %s\"", SHELL_CMD_NOTIF_SET, NOTIF_SECONDS_DISP, aspect_ratio_name[menu_aspect_ratio]); fp = popen(shell_cmd, "r"); if (fp == NULL) { printf("Failed to run command %s\n", shell_cmd); } else { pclose(fp); } } #endif /****************************/ /* Quick Resume Menu */ /****************************/ int FK_RunResumeMenu(SDL_Surface *hw_screen) { MENU_DEBUG_PRINTF("Init resume menu\n"); /* Decare vars */ SDL_Surface *text_surface = NULL; char text_tmp[40]; SDL_Rect text_pos; SDL_Event event; uint32_t prev_ms = SDL_GetTicks(); uint32_t cur_ms = SDL_GetTicks(); stop_menu_loop = 0; uint8_t screen_refresh = 1; uint8_t menu_confirmation = 0; int option_idx=RESUME_YES; /* Save prev key repeat params and set new Key repeat */ SDL_GetKeyRepeat(&backup_key_repeat_delay, &backup_key_repeat_interval); if(SDL_EnableKeyRepeat(SDL_DEFAULT_REPEAT_DELAY, SDL_DEFAULT_REPEAT_INTERVAL)){ MENU_ERROR_PRINTF("ERROR with SDL_EnableKeyRepeat: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); } /* Load BG */ SDL_Surface *img_square_bg = IMG_Load(MENU_PNG_BG_PATH); if(!img_square_bg) { MENU_ERROR_PRINTF("ERROR IMG_Load: %s\n", IMG_GetError()); } SDL_Surface *bg_surface = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, hw_screen->w, hw_screen->h, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0); SDL_BlitSurface(img_square_bg, NULL, bg_surface, NULL); SDL_FreeSurface(img_square_bg); /* Print top arrow */ SDL_Rect pos_arrow_top; pos_arrow_top.x = (bg_surface->w - img_arrow_top->w)/2; pos_arrow_top.y = (bg_surface->h - MENU_BG_SQUARE_HEIGHT)/4 - img_arrow_top->h/2; SDL_BlitSurface(img_arrow_top, NULL, bg_surface, &pos_arrow_top); /* Print bottom arrow */ SDL_Rect pos_arrow_bottom; pos_arrow_bottom.x = (bg_surface->w - img_arrow_bottom->w)/2; pos_arrow_bottom.y = bg_surface->h - (bg_surface->h - MENU_BG_SQUARE_HEIGHT)/4 - img_arrow_bottom->h/2; SDL_BlitSurface(img_arrow_bottom, NULL, bg_surface, &pos_arrow_bottom); if (text_surface) SDL_FreeSurface(text_surface); /* Main loop */ while (!stop_menu_loop) { /* Handle keyboard events */ while (SDL_PollEvent(&event)) switch(event.type) { case SDL_QUIT: stop_menu_loop = 1; break; case SDL_KEYDOWN: switch (event.key.keysym.sym) { case SDLK_b: if(menu_confirmation){ /// ------ Reset menu confirmation ------ menu_confirmation = 0; /// ------ Refresh screen ------ screen_refresh = 1; } /*else{ stop_menu_loop = 1; }*/ break; case SDLK_q: case SDLK_ESCAPE: /*stop_menu_loop = 1;*/ break; case SDLK_u: case SDLK_UP: MENU_DEBUG_PRINTF("Option UP\n"); option_idx = (!option_idx)?(NB_RESUME_OPTIONS-1):(option_idx-1); /// ------ Reset menu confirmation ------ menu_confirmation = 0; /// ------ Refresh screen ------ screen_refresh = 1; break; case SDLK_d: case SDLK_DOWN: MENU_DEBUG_PRINTF("Option DOWN\n"); option_idx = (option_idx+1)%NB_RESUME_OPTIONS; /// ------ Reset menu confirmation ------ menu_confirmation = 0; /// ------ Refresh screen ------ screen_refresh = 1; break; case SDLK_a: case SDLK_RETURN: MENU_DEBUG_PRINTF("Pressed A\n"); if(menu_confirmation){ MENU_DEBUG_PRINTF("Confirmed\n"); /// ----- exit menu ---- stop_menu_loop = 1; } else{ MENU_DEBUG_PRINTF("Asking confirmation\n"); menu_confirmation = 1; /// ------ Refresh screen ------ screen_refresh = 1; } break; default: //MENU_DEBUG_PRINTF("Keydown: %d\n", event.key.keysym.sym); break; } break; } /* Handle FPS */ cur_ms = SDL_GetTicks(); if(cur_ms-prev_ms < 1000/FPS_MENU){ SDL_Delay(1000/FPS_MENU - (cur_ms-prev_ms)); } prev_ms = SDL_GetTicks(); /* Refresh screen */ if(screen_refresh){ /* Clear and draw BG */ SDL_FillRect(hw_screen, NULL, 0); if(SDL_BlitSurface(bg_surface, NULL, hw_screen, NULL)){ MENU_ERROR_PRINTF("ERROR Could not draw background: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); } /* Draw resume or reset option */ text_surface = TTF_RenderText_Blended(menu_title_font, resume_options_str[option_idx], text_color); text_pos.x = (hw_screen->w - MENU_ZONE_WIDTH)/2 + (MENU_ZONE_WIDTH - text_surface->w)/2; text_pos.y = hw_screen->h - MENU_ZONE_HEIGHT/2 - text_surface->h/2; SDL_BlitSurface(text_surface, NULL, hw_screen, &text_pos); /* Draw confirmation */ if(menu_confirmation){ sprintf(text_tmp, "Are you sure ?"); text_surface = TTF_RenderText_Blended(menu_info_font, text_tmp, text_color); text_pos.x = (hw_screen->w - MENU_ZONE_WIDTH)/2 + (MENU_ZONE_WIDTH - text_surface->w)/2; text_pos.y = hw_screen->h - MENU_ZONE_HEIGHT/2 - text_surface->h/2 + 2*padding_y_from_center_menu_zone; SDL_BlitSurface(text_surface, NULL, hw_screen, &text_pos); } /* Flip Screen */ SDL_Flip(hw_screen); } /* reset screen refresh */ screen_refresh = 0; } /* Free SDL Surfaces */ if(bg_surface) SDL_FreeSurface(bg_surface); if(text_surface) SDL_FreeSurface(text_surface); /* Reset prev key repeat params */ if(SDL_EnableKeyRepeat(backup_key_repeat_delay, backup_key_repeat_interval)){ MENU_ERROR_PRINTF("ERROR with SDL_EnableKeyRepeat: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); } return option_idx; }