#include #include #include #include #include #include "core.h" #include "config.h" #include "libpicofe/config_file.h" #include "libpicofe/input.h" #include "main.h" #include "menu.h" #include "overrides.h" #include "plat.h" #ifdef MMENU #include #include #include void* mmenu = NULL; char save_template_path[MAX_PATH]; #endif bool should_quit = false; unsigned current_audio_buffer_size; char core_name[MAX_PATH]; int config_override = 0; static int last_screenshot = 0; static uint32_t vsyncs; static uint32_t renders; static void toggle_fast_forward(int force_off) { static int frameskip_style_was; static int max_frameskip_was; static int limit_frames_was; static int enable_audio_was; static int fast_forward; const struct core_override *override = get_overrides(); if (force_off && !fast_forward) return; fast_forward = !fast_forward; if (fast_forward) { if (override && override->fast_forward) { const char *type_key = override->fast_forward->type_key; const char *interval_key = override->fast_forward->interval_key; frameskip_style_was = options_get_value_index(type_key); max_frameskip_was = options_get_value_index(interval_key); options_set_value( type_key, CORE_OVERRIDE(override->fast_forward, type_value, "fixed_interval")); options_set_value( interval_key, CORE_OVERRIDE(override->fast_forward, interval_value, "5")); } limit_frames_was = limit_frames; enable_audio_was = enable_audio; limit_frames = 0; enable_audio = 0; } else { if (override && override->fast_forward) { const char *type_key = override->fast_forward->type_key; const char *interval_key = override->fast_forward->interval_key; options_set_value_index(type_key, frameskip_style_was); options_set_value_index(interval_key, max_frameskip_was); } limit_frames = limit_frames_was; enable_audio = enable_audio_was; } } static int screenshot_file_name(char *name, size_t len) { char suffix[MAX_PATH]; for (int i = last_screenshot; i < 10000; i++) { snprintf(suffix, MAX_PATH, "IMG_%04d.png", i); save_relative_path(name, len, suffix); if (access(name, F_OK) == -1) { last_screenshot = i; return 0; } } *name = '\0'; return -1; } static int png_write_rgb565(const uint16_t *buf, png_structp png_ptr, int w, int h) { png_byte *row_pointer = calloc(w * 3, sizeof(png_byte)); int ret = -1; if (!row_pointer) return ret; if (setjmp(png_jmpbuf(png_ptr))) goto finish; for (int i = 0; i < h; i++) { uint16_t *pbuf = &((uint16_t *)buf)[i * w]; png_byte *prow = row_pointer; for (int j = 0; j < w; j++) { uint16_t px = *pbuf++; *prow++ = ((((px & 0xF800) >> 11) * 255 + 15) / 31); *prow++ = ((((px & 0x07E0) >> 5) * 255 + 31) / 63); *prow++ = ((((px & 0x001F)) * 255 + 15) / 31); } png_write_row(png_ptr, row_pointer); } ret = 0; finish: if (row_pointer) free(row_pointer); return ret; } static int write_png(const uint16_t *buf, int w, int h, FILE *file) { png_structp png_ptr = NULL; png_infop info_ptr = NULL; int ret = -1; png_ptr = png_create_write_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (!png_ptr) goto finish; info_ptr = png_create_info_struct(png_ptr); if (!info_ptr) goto finish; if (setjmp(png_jmpbuf(png_ptr))) goto finish; png_init_io(png_ptr, file); png_set_IHDR(png_ptr, info_ptr, w, h, 8, PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB, PNG_INTERLACE_NONE, PNG_COMPRESSION_TYPE_DEFAULT, PNG_FILTER_TYPE_DEFAULT); png_write_info(png_ptr, info_ptr); if (png_write_rgb565(buf, png_ptr, w, h)) goto finish; if (setjmp(png_jmpbuf(png_ptr))) goto finish; png_write_end(png_ptr, info_ptr); ret = 0; finish: png_destroy_write_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr); return ret; } int screenshot(void) { FILE *fp; char filename[MAX_PATH]; int w, h; void *buf = plat_prepare_screenshot(&w, &h, NULL); int ret = -1; if (screenshot_file_name(filename, MAX_PATH)) { PA_ERROR("No available filename for screenshot\n"); return -1; } fp = fopen(filename, "wb"); if (!fp) goto finish; if (write_png(buf, w, h, fp)) goto finish; PA_INFO("Wrote screenshot to %s\n", filename); ret = 0; finish: if (fp) fclose(fp); return ret; } void set_defaults(void) { show_fps = 0; show_cpu = 0; show_hud = 1; limit_frames = 1; enable_audio = 1; audio_buffer_size = 5; scale_size = SCALE_SIZE_NONE; scale_filter = SCALE_FILTER_NEAREST; scale_update_scaler(); if (current_audio_buffer_size < audio_buffer_size) current_audio_buffer_size = audio_buffer_size; for (size_t i = 0; i < core_options.len; i++) { const char *key = options_get_key(i); if (key) core_options.entries[i].value = core_options.entries[i].default_value; } options_update_changed(); } int save_config(int is_game) { char config_filename[MAX_PATH]; FILE *config_file; config_file_name(config_filename, MAX_PATH, is_game); config_file = fopen(config_filename, "wb"); if (!config_file) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not write config to %s\n", config_filename); return -1; } config_write(config_file); config_write_keys(config_file); fclose(config_file); if (is_game) config_override = 1; return 0; } static void alloc_config_buffer(char **config_ptr) { char config_filename[MAX_PATH]; FILE *config_file; size_t length; config_file_name(config_filename, MAX_PATH, 1); config_file = fopen(config_filename, "rb"); if (config_file) { config_override = 1; } else { config_file_name(config_filename, MAX_PATH, 0); config_file = fopen(config_filename, "rb"); } if (!config_file) return; PA_INFO("Loading config from %s\n", config_filename); fseek(config_file, 0, SEEK_END); length = ftell(config_file); fseek(config_file, 0, SEEK_SET); *config_ptr = calloc(1, length); fread(*config_ptr, 1, length, config_file); fclose(config_file); } void load_config(void) { char *config = NULL; alloc_config_buffer(&config); if (config) { config_read(config); free(config); } } void load_config_keys(void) { char *config = NULL; int kcount = 0; const int *defbinds = NULL; alloc_config_buffer(&config); if (config) { config_read_keys(config); free(config); /* Force input device 0 menu to be bound to the default key */ in_get_config(0, IN_CFG_BIND_COUNT, &kcount); defbinds = in_get_dev_def_binds(0); for(int i = 0; i < kcount; i++) { if (defbinds[IN_BIND_OFFS(i, IN_BINDTYPE_EMU)] == 1 << EACTION_MENU) { in_bind_key(0, i, 1 << EACTION_MENU, IN_BINDTYPE_EMU, 0); } } } } int remove_config(int is_game) { char config_filename[MAX_PATH]; int ret; config_file_name(config_filename, MAX_PATH, is_game); ret = remove(config_filename); if (ret == 0) config_override = 0; return ret; } void handle_emu_action(emu_action action) { static emu_action prev_action = EACTION_NONE; if (prev_action != EACTION_NONE && prev_action == action) return; switch (action) { case EACTION_NONE: break; case EACTION_MENU: toggle_fast_forward(1); /* Force FF off */ sram_write(); #ifdef MMENU if (mmenu) { ShowMenu_t ShowMenu = (ShowMenu_t)dlsym(mmenu, "ShowMenu"); SDL_Surface *screen = SDL_GetVideoSurface(); MenuReturnStatus status = ShowMenu(content_path, state_allowed() ? save_template_path : NULL, screen, kMenuEventKeyDown); char disc_path[256]; ChangeDisc_t ChangeDisc = (ChangeDisc_t)dlsym(mmenu, "ChangeDisc"); if (status == kStatusExitGame) { should_quit = 1; plat_video_menu_leave(); } else if (status == kStatusChangeDisc && ChangeDisc(disc_path)) { disc_replace_index(0, disc_path); } else if (status == kStatusOpenMenu) { menu_loop(); } else if (status >= kStatusLoadSlot) { state_slot = status - kStatusLoadSlot; state_read(); } else if (status >= kStatusSaveSlot) { state_slot = status - kStatusSaveSlot; state_write(); } // release that menu key SDL_Event sdlevent; sdlevent.type = SDL_KEYUP; sdlevent.key.keysym.sym = SDLK_ESCAPE; SDL_PushEvent(&sdlevent); } else { #endif menu_loop(); #ifdef MMENU } #endif break; case EACTION_TOGGLE_HUD: show_hud = !show_hud; /* Force the hud to clear */ plat_video_set_msg(NULL, 0, 0); break; case EACTION_SAVE_STATE: state_write(); break; case EACTION_LOAD_STATE: state_read(); break; case EACTION_TOGGLE_FF: toggle_fast_forward(0); break; case EACTION_SCREENSHOT: screenshot(); break; case EACTION_QUIT: should_quit = 1; break; default: break; } prev_action = action; } void pa_log(enum retro_log_level level, const char *fmt, ...) { char buf[1024] = {0}; va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, args); va_end(args); switch(level) { #ifdef DEBUG case RETRO_LOG_DEBUG: printf("DEBUG: %s", buf); break; #endif case RETRO_LOG_INFO: printf("INFO: %s", buf); break; case RETRO_LOG_WARN: fprintf(stderr, "WARN: %s", buf); break; case RETRO_LOG_ERROR: fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: %s", buf); break; default: break; } } static void show_startup_message(void) { const struct core_override *override = get_overrides(); if (override && override->startup_msg) { plat_video_set_msg(override->startup_msg->msg, 2, override->startup_msg->msec); } } void pa_track_render(void) { renders++; } #define CPU_MSG_LEN 10 static void count_fps(void) { char msg[HUD_LEN]; static unsigned int nextsec = 0; static unsigned last_cpu_ticks = 0; unsigned int ticks = 0; if (show_hud && (show_fps || show_cpu)) { ticks = plat_get_ticks_ms(); if (ticks > nextsec) { float last_time = (ticks - nextsec + 1000) / 1000.0f; if (last_time > 0) { char cpu_msg[CPU_MSG_LEN]; char fps_msg[HUD_LEN - CPU_MSG_LEN]; cpu_msg[0] = fps_msg[0] = '\0'; nextsec = ticks + 1000; if (show_fps) { float vsyncsps = vsyncs / last_time; float rendersps = renders / last_time; vsyncs = 0; renders = 0; snprintf(fps_msg, sizeof(fps_msg), "FPS: %.1f (%.0f)", rendersps, vsyncsps); } if (show_cpu) { unsigned cpu_ticks = plat_cpu_ticks(); if (cpu_ticks && last_cpu_ticks) { float cpu_percent = (cpu_ticks - last_cpu_ticks) / last_time; snprintf(cpu_msg, sizeof(cpu_msg), "%.1f%%", cpu_percent); } last_cpu_ticks = cpu_ticks; } snprintf(msg, HUD_LEN, "%-*s%*s", (HUD_LEN - CPU_MSG_LEN - 1), fps_msg, CPU_MSG_LEN - 1, cpu_msg); plat_video_set_msg(msg, 1, 1100); } } vsyncs++; } } static void adjust_audio(void) { static unsigned prev_audio_buffer_size = 0; if (!prev_audio_buffer_size) prev_audio_buffer_size = audio_buffer_size; current_audio_buffer_size = audio_buffer_size > audio_buffer_size_override ? audio_buffer_size : audio_buffer_size_override; if (prev_audio_buffer_size != current_audio_buffer_size) { PA_INFO("Resizing audio buffer from %d to %d frames\n", prev_audio_buffer_size, current_audio_buffer_size); plat_sound_resize_buffer(); prev_audio_buffer_size = current_audio_buffer_size; } if (current_core.retro_audio_buffer_status) { float occupancy = 1.0 - plat_sound_capacity(); current_core.retro_audio_buffer_status(true, (int)(occupancy * 100), occupancy < 0.50); } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc > 1) { if (!strcmp(argv[1], "-h") || !strcmp(argv[1], "--help")) { printf("Usage: picoarch [libretro_core [content]]\n"); return 0; } } if (plat_init()) { quit(-1); } if (menu_init()) { quit(-1); } if (argc > 1 && argv[1]) { strncpy(core_path, argv[1], sizeof(core_path) - 1); } else { if (menu_select_core()) quit(-1); } core_extract_name(core_path, core_name, sizeof(core_name)); set_defaults(); if (core_load(core_path)) { quit(-1); } if (argc > 2 && argv[2]) { strncpy(content_path, argv[2], sizeof(content_path) - 1); } else { if (menu_select_content()) quit(-1); } if (core_load_content(content_path)) { quit(-1); } load_config_keys(); plat_reinit(); #ifdef MMENU mmenu = dlopen("libmmenu.so", RTLD_LAZY); if (mmenu) { ResumeSlot_t ResumeSlot = (ResumeSlot_t)dlsym(mmenu, "ResumeSlot"); if (ResumeSlot) resume_slot = ResumeSlot(); } #endif state_resume(); show_startup_message(); do { count_fps(); adjust_audio(); current_core.retro_run(); if (!should_quit) plat_video_flip(); } while (!should_quit); return quit(0); } int quit(int code) { menu_finish(); core_unload(); plat_finish(); exit(code); }