#include "overrides.h" static const struct core_override_option beetle_pce_fast_core_option_overrides[] = { { .key = "pce_fast_frameskip", .info = "Skip frames to avoid audio crackling. Improves performance at the expense of visual smoothness.", .default_value = "auto", .options = { [2] = {"auto_threshold", "Threshold"}, [3] = {"fixed_interval", "Fixed"}, } }, { .key = "pce_fast_frameskip_threshold", .desc = "FS Threshold (%%)", .info = "When 'Frameskip' is set to 'Threshold', sets how low the audio buffer can get before frames will be skipped.", }, { .key = "pce_fast_frameskip_interval", .desc = "FS Interval", }, { .key = "pce_fast_hoverscan", .desc = "Horiz. Overscan", .info = "Modify the horizontal overscan. (352 Width Mode Only)", }, { .key = "pce_fast_turbo_toggling", .info = "Change III / IV to Toggle Turbo II / Toggle Turbo I", }, { .key = "pce_fast_sound_channel_0_volume", .desc = "Channel 0 Volume", }, { .key = "pce_fast_sound_channel_1_volume", .desc = "Channel 1 Volume", }, { .key = "pce_fast_sound_channel_2_volume", .desc = "Channel 2 Volume", }, { .key = "pce_fast_sound_channel_3_volume", .desc = "Channel 3 Volume", }, { .key = "pce_fast_sound_channel_4_volume", .desc = "Channel 4 Volume", }, { .key = "pce_fast_sound_channel_5_volume", .desc = "Channel 5 Volume", }, { .key = "pce_fast_cdimagecache", .desc = "CD Cache (Restart)", }, { .key = "pce_fast_cdbios", .desc = "CD BIOS (Restart)", .options = { { "Games Express", "Games Exp" }, { "System Card 1", "SC 1" }, { "System Card 2", "SC 2" }, { "System Card 3", "SC 3" }, { "System Card 2 US", "SC 2 US" }, { "System Card 3 US", "SC 3 US" }, } }, { .key = "pce_fast_ocmultiplier", .desc = "Overclock (Restart)", .info = "Overclock the emulated CPU by selected multiplier.", }, { .key = "pce_fast_disable_softreset", .desc = "Disable Soft Reset", }, { .key = "pce_fast_default_joypad_type_p1", .desc = "Joypad Type", .info = "Choose if joypad should be 2 or 6 buttons by default. Needs restart. If you want to switch while content is running, use the 'Mode Switch' button." }, { .key = "pce_fast_default_joypad_type_p2", .blocked = true }, { .key = "pce_fast_default_joypad_type_p3", .blocked = true }, { .key = "pce_fast_default_joypad_type_p4", .blocked = true }, { .key = "pce_fast_default_joypad_type_p5", .blocked = true }, { .key = "pce_fast_mouse_sensitivity", .blocked = true, }, { .key = "pce_fast_turbo_toggle_hotkey", .blocked = true, }, { NULL } }; me_bind_action beetle_pce_fast_ctrl_actions[] = { { "UP ", 1 << RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_UP}, { "DOWN ", 1 << RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_DOWN }, { "LEFT ", 1 << RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_LEFT }, { "RIGHT ", 1 << RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_RIGHT }, { "I ", 1 << RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_A }, { "II ", 1 << RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_B }, { "III ", 1 << RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_Y }, { "IV ", 1 << RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_X }, { "V ", 1 << RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_L }, { "VI ", 1 << RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_R }, { "RUN ", 1 << RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_START }, { "SELECT ", 1 << RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_SELECT }, { "2 / 6 BTN", 1 << RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_L2 }, { NULL, 0 } }; const struct core_override_fast_forward beetle_pce_fast_fast_forward = { .type_key = "pce_fast_frameskip", .type_value = "auto", .interval_key = "pce_fast_frameskip_interval", }; #define beetle_pce_fast_overrides { \ .core_name = "beetle-pce-fast", \ .fast_forward = &beetle_pce_fast_fast_forward, \ .actions = beetle_pce_fast_ctrl_actions, \ .action_size = array_size(beetle_pce_fast_ctrl_actions), \ .options = beetle_pce_fast_core_option_overrides \ }