#pragma once #define KHAX_DEBUG //#define KHAX_DEBUG_DUMP_DATA #ifdef KHAX_DEBUG #define KHAX_printf(...) printf(__VA_ARGS__), gspWaitForVBlank(), gfxFlushBuffers(), gfxSwapBuffers() #else #define KHAX_printf static_cast #endif // Shut up IntelliSense warnings when using MSVC as an IDE, even though MSVC will obviously never // actually compile this program. #ifdef _MSC_VER #undef ALIGN #define ALIGN(x) __declspec(align(x)) #if _MSC_VER < 1900 #define alignof __alignof #endif #define KHAX_ATTRIBUTE(...) #else #define KHAX_ATTRIBUTE(...) __VA_ARGS__ #endif #define KHAX_lengthof(...) (sizeof(__VA_ARGS__) / sizeof((__VA_ARGS__)[0])) //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ namespace KHAX { //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // This code uses offsetof illegally (i.e. on polymorphic classes). #pragma GCC diagnostic push #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Winvalid-offsetof" //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // General linked list node kernel object. struct KLinkedListNode { KLinkedListNode *next; KLinkedListNode *prev; void *data; }; static_assert(sizeof(KLinkedListNode) == 0x00C, "KLinkedListNode isn't the expected size."); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Base class of reference-counted kernel objects. class KAutoObject { public: u32 m_refCount; // +004 protected: virtual ~KAutoObject() {} }; static_assert(sizeof(KAutoObject) == 0x008, "KAutoObject isn't the expected size."); static_assert(offsetof(KAutoObject, m_refCount) == 0x004, "KAutoObject isn't the expected layout."); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Base class of synchronizable objects. class KSynchronizationObject : public KAutoObject { public: u32 m_threadSyncCount; // +008 KLinkedListNode *m_threadSyncFirst; // +00C KLinkedListNode *m_threadSyncLast; // +010 }; static_assert(sizeof(KSynchronizationObject) == 0x014, "KSynchronizationObject isn't the expected size."); static_assert(offsetof(KSynchronizationObject, m_threadSyncCount) == 0x008, "KSynchronizationObject isn't the expected layout."); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ struct KDebugThread; struct KThreadLocalPage; class KCodeSet; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Unofficial name typedef u8 KSVCACL[0x80 / 8]; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ARM VFP register union KHAX_ATTRIBUTE(__attribute__((__aligned__(4))) __attribute__((__packed__))) VFPRegister { float m_single[2]; double m_double; }; static_assert(alignof(VFPRegister) == 0x004, "VFPRegister isn't the expected alignment."); static_assert(sizeof(VFPRegister) == 0x008, "VFPRegister isn't the expected size."); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // SVC-mode register save area. // http://3dbrew.org/wiki/Memory_layout#0xFF4XX000 struct SVCRegisterState { u32 m_r4; // +000 u32 m_r5; // +004 u32 m_r6; // +008 u32 m_r7; // +00C u32 m_r8; // +010 u32 m_r9; // +014 u32 m_sl; // +018 u32 m_fp; // +01C u32 m_sp; // +020 u32 m_lr; // +024 }; static_assert(sizeof(SVCRegisterState) == 0x028, "SVCRegisterState isn't the expected size."); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // SVC-mode thread state structure. This is the last part of the per- // thread page allocated in 0xFF4XX000. // http://3dbrew.org/wiki/Memory_layout#0xFF4XX000 struct SVCThreadArea { KSVCACL m_svcAccessControl; // +000 u32 m_unknown010; // +010 u32 m_unknown014; // +014 SVCRegisterState m_svcRegisterState; // +018 VFPRegister m_vfpRegisters[16]; // +040 u32 m_unknown0C4; // +0C0 u32 m_fpexc; // +0C4 }; static_assert(offsetof(SVCThreadArea, m_svcRegisterState) == 0x018, "ThreadSVCArea isn't the expected layout."); static_assert(sizeof(SVCThreadArea) == 0x0C8, "ThreadSVCArea isn't the expected size."); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Kernel's internal structure of a thread object. class KThread : public KSynchronizationObject { public: u32 m_unknown014; // +014 u32 m_unknown018; // +018 u32 m_unknown01C; // +01C u32 m_unknown020; // +020 u32 m_unknown024; // +024 u32 m_unknown028; // +028 u32 m_unknown02C; // +02C u32 m_unknown030; // +030 u32 m_unknown034; // +034 KDebugThread *m_debugThread; // +038 s32 m_threadPriority; // +03C void *m_waitingOnObject; // +040 u32 m_unknown044; // +044 KThread **m_schedulerUnknown048; // +048 void *m_arbitrationAddress; // +04C u32 m_unknown050; // +050 u32 m_unknown054; // +054 u32 m_unknown058; // +058 KLinkedListNode *m_waitingOnList; // +05C u32 m_unknownListCount; // +060 KLinkedListNode *m_unknownListHead; // +064 KLinkedListNode *m_unknownListTail; // +068 s32 m_threadPriority2; // +06C s32 m_creatingProcessor; // +070 u32 m_unknown074; // +074 u32 m_unknown078; // +078 u16 m_unknown07C; // +07C u8 m_threadType; // +07E u8 m_padding07F; // +07F void *m_process; // +080 u32 m_threadID; // +084 SVCRegisterState *m_svcRegisterState; // +088 void *m_svcPageEnd; // +08C s32 m_idealProcessor; // +090 void *m_tlsUserMode; // +094 void *m_tlsKernelMode; // +098 u32 m_unknown09C; // +09C KThread *m_prev; // +0A0 KThread *m_next; // +0A4 KThread **m_temporaryLinkedList; // +0A8 u32 m_unknown0AC; // +0B0 }; static_assert(sizeof(KThread) == 0x0B0, "KThread isn't the expected size."); static_assert(offsetof(KThread, m_svcRegisterState) == 0x088, "KThread isn't the expected layout."); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Kernel's internal structure of a process object. // Version 1.0.0(?) - 7.2.0 class KProcess_1_0_0_Old : public KSynchronizationObject { public: u32 m_unknown014; // +014 u32 m_unknown018; // +018 KThread *volatile m_interactingThread; // +01C u16 m_unknown020; // +020 u16 m_unknown022; // +022 u32 m_unknown024; // +024 u32 m_unknown028; // +028 u32 m_memoryBlockCount; // +02C KLinkedListNode *m_memoryBlockFirst; // +030 KLinkedListNode *m_memoryBlockLast; // +034 u32 m_unknown038; // +038 u32 m_unknown03C; // +03C void *m_translationTableBase; // +040 u8 m_contextID; // +044 u32 m_unknown048; // +048 u32 m_unknown04C; // +04C u32 m_mmuTableSize; // +050 void *m_mmuTableAddress; // +054 u32 m_threadContextPagesSize; // +058 u32 m_threadLocalPageCount; // +05C KLinkedListNode *m_threadLocalPageFirst; // +060 KLinkedListNode *m_threadLocalPageLast; // +064 u32 m_unknown068; // +068 s32 m_idealProcessor; // +06C u32 m_unknown070; // +070 void *m_resourceLimits; // +074 u8 m_unknown078; // +078 u8 m_affinityMask; // +079 u32 m_threadCount; // +07C KSVCACL m_svcAccessControl; // +080 u32 m_interruptFlags[0x80 / 32]; // +090 u32 m_kernelFlags; // +0A0 u16 m_handleTableSize; // +0A4 u16 m_kernelReleaseVersion; // +0A6 KCodeSet *m_codeSet; // +0A8 u32 m_processID; // +0AC u32 m_kernelFlags2; // +0B0 u32 m_unknown0B4; // +0B4 KThread *m_mainThread; // +0B8 //...more... }; static_assert(offsetof(KProcess_1_0_0_Old, m_svcAccessControl) == 0x080, "KProcess_1_0_0_Old isn't the expected layout."); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Kernel's internal structure of a process object. // Old 3DS Version 8.0.0 - 9.5.0... class KProcess_8_0_0_Old : public KSynchronizationObject { public: u32 m_unknown014; // +014 u32 m_unknown018; // +018 KThread *volatile m_interactingThread; // +01C u16 m_unknown020; // +020 u16 m_unknown022; // +022 u32 m_unknown024; // +024 u32 m_unknown028; // +028 u32 m_memoryBlockCount; // +02C KLinkedListNode *m_memoryBlockFirst; // +030 KLinkedListNode *m_memoryBlockLast; // +034 u32 m_unknown038; // +038 u32 m_unknown03C; // +03C void *m_translationTableBase; // +040 u8 m_contextID; // +044 u32 m_unknown048; // +048 void *m_userVirtualMemoryEnd; // +04C void *m_userLinearVirtualBase; // +050 u32 m_unknown054; // +054 u32 m_mmuTableSize; // +058 void *m_mmuTableAddress; // +05C u32 m_threadContextPagesSize; // +060 u32 m_threadLocalPageCount; // +064 KLinkedListNode *m_threadLocalPageFirst; // +068 KLinkedListNode *m_threadLocalPageLast; // +06C u32 m_unknown070; // +070 s32 m_idealProcessor; // +074 u32 m_unknown078; // +078 void *m_resourceLimits; // +07C u32 m_unknown080; // +080 u32 m_threadCount; // +084 u8 m_svcAccessControl[0x80 / 8]; // +088 u32 m_interruptFlags[0x80 / 32]; // +098 u32 m_kernelFlags; // +0A8 u16 m_handleTableSize; // +0AC u16 m_kernelReleaseVersion; // +0AE KCodeSet *m_codeSet; // +0B0 u32 m_processID; // +0B4 u32 m_unknown0B8; // +0B8 u32 m_unknown0BC; // +0BC KThread *m_mainThread; // +0C0 //...more... }; static_assert(offsetof(KProcess_8_0_0_Old, m_svcAccessControl) == 0x088, "KProcess_8_0_0_Old isn't the expected layout."); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Kernel's internal structure of a process object. // New 3DS Version 8.0.0 - 9.5.0... class KProcess_8_0_0_New : public KSynchronizationObject { public: u32 m_unknown014; // +014 u32 m_unknown018; // +018 KThread *volatile m_interactingThread; // +01C u16 m_unknown020; // +020 u16 m_unknown022; // +022 u32 m_unknown024; // +024 u32 m_unknown028; // +028 u32 m_unknown02C; // +02C new to New 3DS u32 m_unknown030; // +030 new to New 3DS u32 m_memoryBlockCount; // +034 KLinkedListNode *m_memoryBlockFirst; // +038 KLinkedListNode *m_memoryBlockLast; // +03C u32 m_unknown040; // +040 u32 m_unknown044; // +044 void *m_translationTableBase; // +048 u8 m_contextID; // +04C u32 m_unknown050; // +050 void *m_userVirtualMemoryEnd; // +054 void *m_userLinearVirtualBase; // +058 u32 m_unknown05C; // +05C u32 m_mmuTableSize; // +060 void *m_mmuTableAddress; // +064 u32 m_threadContextPagesSize; // +068 u32 m_threadLocalPageCount; // +06C KLinkedListNode *m_threadLocalPageFirst; // +070 KLinkedListNode *m_threadLocalPageLast; // +074 u32 m_unknown078; // +078 s32 m_idealProcessor; // +07C u32 m_unknown080; // +080 void *m_resourceLimits; // +084 u32 m_unknown088; // +088 u32 m_threadCount; // +08C u8 m_svcAccessControl[0x80 / 8]; // +090 u32 m_interruptFlags[0x80 / 32]; // +0A0 u32 m_kernelFlags; // +0B0 u16 m_handleTableSize; // +0B4 u16 m_kernelReleaseVersion; // +0B6 KCodeSet *m_codeSet; // +0B8 u32 m_processID; // +0BC u32 m_unknown0C0; // +0C0 u32 m_unknown0C4; // +0C4 KThread *m_mainThread; // +0C8 //...more... }; static_assert(offsetof(KProcess_8_0_0_New, m_svcAccessControl) == 0x090, "KProcess_8_0_0_New isn't the expected layout."); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Done using illegal offsetof #pragma GCC diagnostic pop }