path: root/README
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+Last updated: 2002-07-08
+Release version: 0.2.2 [CVS]
+For more information, compatibility lists, details on donating, the latest
+release, progress reports and more, please visit the ScummVM home page
+at: http://scummvm.sourceforge.net/
+ScummVM is an implementation of the SCUMM (Script Creation Utility for
+Maniac Mansion) engine used in various Lucas Arts games such as Monkey
+Island and Day of the Tentacle. At this time ScummVM should be considered
+ALPHA software, as it's still under heavy development. Be aware that while
+many games will work with few major bugs, crashes can happen. Also note
+that saved games can, and probably will, be incompatible between releases.
+Also ScummVM is capable of playing several non-SCUMM games, at the moment
+this includes Simon The Sorcerer.
+If you enjoy ScummVM feel free to donate using the PayPal button on the
+ScummVM homepage. This will help us buy utilities needed to develop ScummVM
+easier and quicker. If you cannot donate, help and contribute a patch!
+The easiest way to contact the ScummVM team is by subitting bug reports or
+commenting in our forums. You can also join and e-mail the scummvm-devel
+mailing list, or chat with us on irc (#scummvm, irc.openprojects.net)
+Supported Games:
+At the moment the following games have been reported to work, and should
+be playable to the end:
+ Loom (256 color CD version) [Game: loomcd]
+ Zak McKraken (256 color FM Towns version) [Game: zak256]
+ Monkey Island 1 (CD version) [Game: monkey1]
+ Monkey Island 2 [Game: monkey2]
+ Indiana Jones And The Fate Of Atlantis [Game: atlantis]
+ Day Of The Tentacle [Game: tentacle]
+ Sam & Max [Game: samnmax]
+ Simon The Sorcerer [Game: simon1dos/simon1win]
+The following games should load, but are not yet fully playable. Play these at
+your own risk, and please do not file bug reports about them. If you want
+the latest updates on game compatibility, visit our web site and view the
+compatibility chart.
+ Monkey Island 1 (VGA floppy) [Game: monkeyvga]
+ Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (256 color) [Game: indy3]
+ Full Throttle [Game: ft]
+ The Dig [Game: dig]
+The following games are SCUMM engine, but NOT supported by ScummVM (yet).
+ Maniac Mansion
+ Zak McKraken (16 color floppy version)
+ Monkey Island 1 (EGA, 16 color floppy version)
+ Loom (16 color floppy version)
+ Curse of Monkey Island
+Please be aware that the engine may contains bugs and non-implemented-
+features that sometimes make it impossible to finish the game. Save often,
+and please file a bug report (details on submitted bug reports are below)
+if you discover such a bug.
+Supported Platforms:
+ScummVM has been ported to run on many platforms and operating systems.
+Links to these ports can be found either on the ScummVM web page or by a
+Google search. Many thanks to the effort of porters. If you have a port of
+ScummVM and wish to commit it into the main CVS, feel free to contact us!
+ Windows - SDL
+ Windows CE - SDL (iPaq and other handheld devices)
+ Linux - SDL/X11 (includes iPaq devices running Linux)
+ Macintosh - SDL/CUSTOM (Including Classic and Mac OS X)
+ AmigaOS - SDL/AGA
+ MorphOS - SDL
+ BeOS - SDL
+ Acorn (RiscOS) - ???
+ Dreamcast - ???
+ UNIX - SDL (SDL may work on Solaris, IRIX, *BSD)
+Known Bugs:
+This release has the following known bugs. There is no need to report them,
+although patches to fix them are welcome. If you discover a bug that is not
+listed here, nor in the compatibility table on the web site, please see
+the section on Reporting Bugs.
+ Indy 4 (Fate Of Atlantis):
+ - Keyboard fighting does not work. ScummVM now defaults to
+ using mouse fighting.
+ Sam and Max:
+ - Subgames are not all fully functional.
+ - Conroy singing in Bumpusville may work incorrectly. Eg,
+ music will overlap and Conroy will get stuck singing. Just
+ hit escape to skip the cutscene. This is due to SNM using
+ a different iMUSE implementation to previous games.
+ Zak McKracken Fm Towns:
+ - The Fm Towns 256 color version of Zak McKracken is rare,
+ And as the ScummVM team does not encourage piracy in any
+ way, we do not know where to buy or download a copy of this
+ game. Petition LucasArts to re-release it :)
+ - No music or sound effects yet.
+ Loom (256 Talkie):
+ - If you are having random crashes, this is a Windows bug.
+ Try copying the data files from CD to your hard disk.
+ - Bobbin may sometimes appear to walk backwards.
+ Monkey 1 (CD Version):
+ - If you are having random crashes, this is a Windows bug.
+ Try copying the data files from CD to your hard disk.
+Reporting Bugs:
+To report a bug, please create a SourceForge account and follow the bugs
+link from our homepage. Please make sure the bug is reproducible, and
+still exists in the latest daily build/current CVS version. Also check the
+compatibility listing for that game to ensure the issue is not already known.
+Do NOT report bugs listed as being completable above.
+Please include the following information:
+ - Game version (PLEASE test the latest CVS/Daily build)
+ - Bug details, including instructions on reproducing
+ - Language of game (English, German, etc)
+ - Version of game (Talkie, Floppy...)
+ - Platform and Compiler (Win32, Linux, etc)
+ - Attach a save game if possible
+ - If this bug only occurred recently, please note the last
+ version without the bug, and the first version including
+ the bug. That way we can fix it quicker by looking at the
+ changes made.
+You need SDL-1.2.2 or newer (older versions may work, but are unsupported), and
+a supported compiler. Several compilers, including GCC, mingw and Microsoft
+Visual C++ are supported. If you wish to use MP3-compressed CD tracks or
+.SOU files, you will need to install the MAD library and define
+COMPRESSED_SOUND_FILE. Tools for compressing .SOU files to .SO3 files can be
+found in the 'tools' CVS module, or in the 'scummvm-tools' package.
+You can also comment/uncomment appropriate lines in the Makefile to use
+sdl_gl.cpp instead of sdl.cpp. This allows hardware accelerated bilinear
+filtering by using OpenGL textures.
+On Win9x/NT/XP you can define USE_WINDBG and attach WinDbg to browse debug
+messages (see http://www.sysinternals.com/ntw2k/freeware/debugview.shtml).
+ GCC:
+ * Type make (or gmake if that's what GNU make is called on your
+ system) and hopefully ScummVM will compile for you.
+ Microsoft Visual C++:
+ * Open the workspace, scummwm.dsw
+ * Enter the path to the SDL include files in Tools|Options|Directories
+ * Now it should compile successfully.
+ BeOS:
+ * Open the 'scummvm.proj' file in BeIDE. Compile as normal.
+ PocketPC - Windows CE:
+ * Download the SDLAudio library:
+ http://arisme.free.fr/PocketScumm/sources/SDLAudio-1.2.3-src.zip
+ * Open and compile the SDLAudio WCEBuild/WCEBuild workspace in EVC++
+ * Open the ScummVM wince/PocketScumm workspace
+ * Enter the SDLAudio directory to your includes path
+ * Enter the compiled SDLAudio.lib to your link libraries list
+ * Now it should compile successfully
+Before you run the engine, you need to put the game's datafiles in a
+directory. The filenames must be in lowercase on *nix systems
+(monkey2.000 and monkey2.001). If you use a game with speech, the file
+monster.sou must reside in the same directory as the datafiles.
+For example, to run a copy of Monkey Island installed in C:\Games\LucasArts
+under Windows, you would make a shortcut calling this command:
+ C:\Games\LucasArts\scummvm.exe -f -pC:\Games\LucasArts\monkey\ monkey
+Under BSD, Linux, or similar, the commandline would be:
+ /path/to/scummvm -f -p/games/LucasArts/monkey/ monkey
+Or, if you have, for example, Full Throttle on CD, and your CD drive is D:,
+and you wish to disable subtitles and run in fullscreen:
+ C:\Games\LucasArts\scummvm.exe -f -n -pD:\resource\ ft
+ /path/to/scummvm -f -n -p/mnt/cdrom/resource/ ft
+Note that if you run the game once this way, and specify the -w commandline
+parameter (or edit the config file manually), ScummVM will remember the
+path, and other settings for this game. Documentation on the configuration
+file can be found near the end of this readme.
+The short game name you see at the end of the command line is very
+important. A short list is contained at the top of this file. You can also
+get the current list of games and game names at:
+ http://scummvm.sourceforge.net/compatibility.php
+For the adventurous, who like to live on the edge... you can download daily
+builds of Win32, Redhat, Debian and other packages here:
+ Daily builds - http://scummvm.sourceforge.net/daily/
+Command Line Options:
+ scummvm [OPTIONS] [GAME]
+ [GAME] - Short name of game to load. E.g. monkey for Monkey Island.
+ -p<path> - Path to where the game is installed. Default is Cwd.
+ -b<num> - Start in room <num>.
+ -c<num> - Drive to play cd audio from. E.g., 0 is first drive.
+ -s<num> - Set the sfx volume, 0-255. Default is '100'
+ -m<num> - Set the music volume, 0-100. Default is '60'
+ -t<num> - Set music tempo. Adlib default: 0x1F0000, Midi: 0x460000
+ -e<mode> - Select sound engine. See below.
+ -g<mode> - Select graphics scaler. See below.
+ -f - Full-screen mode.
+ -n - Disable subtitles. Use with games that have voice.
+ -y - Set talk speed ('yak option'). Default is '60'
+ -a - Enable amiga pal conversion, for playing Amiga versions
+ -d[<num>] - Set debug verbosity to <num>
+ -w[<file>] - Write configuration file
+ -l<file> - Load alternate configration file
+In game Hot Keys:
+ Ctrl 0-9 and Shift 0-9 - load and save games
+ Ctrl-Alt 1-7 - cycles between graphics filters
+ Ctrl-z OR Alt-x - quits
+ Ctrl-f - runs in fast mode.
+ Ctrl-g - runs in really REALLY fast mode.
+ Ctrl-d - starts the debugger.
+ Ctrl-s - shows memory consumption.
+ [ and ] - master volume, down/up
+ - and + - text speed, slower / faster
+ F5 - displays a save/load box.
+ Space - pauses
+ Period (.) - skips current line of text in some games
+ Alt-Enter - toggles full screen/windowed
+ Enter - Left Mouse Button Press
+ Tab - Right Mouse Button Press
+ Keyboard Arrow Keys - Mouse Movement
+Note that using ctrl-f and ctrl-g are not recommended: Games can crash when
+being ran faster than their normal speed, as scripts will loose syncronisation
+Graphics filters:
+ScummVM offers several anti-aliasing filters to attempt to improve visual
+quality. These are the same filters used in many other emulators, such as
+They are:
+ -gnormal - No filtering, original 320x200 resolution. Fastest.
+ -g2x - No filtering, double screen/window size to 640x400 (default)
+ -g3x - No filtering, triple screen/window size to 800x600
+ -g2xsai - 2xsai filtering, double screen/window size to 640x400
+ -gsuper2xsai - Enhanced 2xsai filtering. 640x400 screen/window size
+ -gsupereagle - Less blurry than 2xsai, but slower. Also 640x400
+ -gadvmame2x - 640x400 scaling. Doesn't rely on blurring like 2xSAI.
+Note that filters are very slow when ScummVM is compiled in a debug
+configuration without optimizations. And there is always a speed impact when
+using any form of anti-aliasing/linear filtering. Also note that the FmTowns
+Zak (zak256 target) uses an original resolution of 320x480 - hence for this
+game scalers will be 640x480 and 960x720.
+The alternative to these scalers is to try using the SDL_gl.cpp target. This
+will allow you to use hardware accelerated functions, like bilinear filtering
+and FSAA, on suitable OpenGL capable cards.
+Because ScummVM is still a beta product, it -can- crash and/or hang
+occasionally. As such, every five minutes it will save a game in Slot 0. This
+game can be loaded via Ctrl-0, or the F5 menu. This autosaving only applies to
+Scumm games, not other games (such as Simon the Sorcerer)
+Savegames are by default put in the current directory. You can specify the save
+in the config file by setting the savepath parameter. See the example config
+file later in this readme.
+You can also use the environment variable SCUMMVM_SAVEPATH to specify where to
+put save games. Don't forget the trailing directory separator. Also be aware
+that saved games can, and probably WILL, break between ScummVM releases.
+Bash (Linux) Example:
+ export SCUMMVM_SAVEPATH=/tmp/scummvm_savegames/
+Windows example:
+ set SCUMMVM_SAVEPATH=C:\saved_games\
+Music and Sound:
+By default, on most operating systems, ScummVM will automatically use ADLIB
+emulation. However, some games do not include Adlib music - such as Sam and
+Max. Note: MIDI may not be available on all operating systems or may need
+manual configuration.
+If you ARE using MIDI, you have several different choices of output,
+depending on your operating system and configuration.
+ -eadlib - Uses internal Adlib Emulation (default)
+ -ewindows - Windows MIDI. Uses built-in sequencer, for Windows users
+ -emidiemu - Emulated midi music, for Sam and Max (BETA - BUGGY)
+ -eseq - Uses /dev/sequencer for MIDI, *nix users. See below.
+ -eqt - Quicktime sound, for Macintosh users.
+ -ecore - CoreAudio sound, for MacOS X users.
+ -eamidi - Uses the MorphOS MIDI system, for MorphOS users
+ -ealsa - Output using ALSA sequencer device. See below.
+ -enull - Null output. Don't play any music.
+Playing sound with Adlib emulation:
+By default an Adlib card will be emulated and ScummVM will output the music
+as sampled waves. This is the default mode for most games, and offers the
+best compatability between machines and games. However, Sam and Max does not
+include Adlib emulation.
+Playing sound with MIDI emulation:
+Until recently, some games (particually Sam and Max) were only able to run
+in MIDI mode. This prevented music for these games from working on platforms
+that do not support MIDI, or soundcards that do not provide MIDI drivers (eg,
+many soundcards will not play MIDI under Linux). We have recently added an
+'emulated MIDI' technology. It can be accessed using the 'midiemu' option,
+and is the default for Sam and Max on UNIX platforms. -HOWEVER-, it is still
+very buggy and the emulation is not perfect. If you are capable of using
+native midi, we recommend using one of the MIDI modes below, or Adlib if
+your game includes music in the appropriate format.
+Playing sound with Native MIDI:
+Use the appropriate -e<mode> command line option from the list above to
+select your preferred MIDI device. For example, if you wish to use the
+Windows MIDI driver, use the -ewindows option.
+Playing sound with Sequencer MIDI: [UNIX ONLY]
+If your soundcard driver supports a sequencer, you may set the environment
+variable "SCUMMVM_MIDI" to your sequencer device - eg, /dev/sequencer
+If you have problems with not hearing audio in this configuration, it is
+possible you will need to set the "SCUMMVM_MIDIPORT" variable to 1 or 2. This
+selects the port on the selected sequencer to use. Then start scummvm with the
+-eseq parameter. This should work on several cards, and may offer better
+performance and quality than Adlib or MIDI emulation. However, for those
+systems where sequencer support does not work, you can always fall back on
+either of those methods.
+Playing sound with ALSA sequencer: [UNIX ONLY]
+If you have installed the ALSA driver with the sequencer support, then
+set the environment variable "SCUMMVM_PORT" to your sequencer port - eg 65:0
+Here is a little howto on how to use the ALSA sequencer with your soundcard.
+In all cases, to have a list of all the sequencer ports you have, try the
+command "aconnect -o -l". On my system it gives me the output:
+client 64: 'External MIDI 0' [type=kernel]
+ 0 'MIDI 0-0 '
+client 65: 'Emu10k1 WaveTable' [type=kernel]
+ 0 'Emu10k1 Port 0 '
+ 1 'Emu10k1 Port 1 '
+ 2 'Emu10k1 Port 2 '
+ 3 'Emu10k1 Port 3 '
+client 128: 'Client-128' [type=user]
+ 0 'TiMidity port 0 '
+ 1 'TiMidity port 1 '
+It means the external MIDI output of my sound card is located on the
+port 64:0, that I've got four WaveTable MIDI outputs in 65:0, 65:1, 65:2
+and 65:3, and that I've got two TiMidity ports, located at 128:0 and 128:1.
+If you have a FM-chip on your card, like the SB16, then you have to load
+the soundfonts using the sbiload software. Example:
+ sbiload -p 65:0 /etc/std.o3 /etc/drums.o3
+If you have a WaveTable capable sound card, you have to load a sbk or sf2
+soundfont using the sfxload software. If you manage to do so, please mail
+me since I managed to get it working only once, and never again.
+If you don't have a MIDI capable soundcard, or if you want to take
+advantage of your TiMidity samples, then you can ask TiMidity to become an
+alsa sequencer output. Here is a quick way to do so:
+ timidity -iAqqq -B2,8 -Os1S -s 44100 &
+Then the TiMidity port will be visible from the 'aconnect -o -l' list. You
+should launch it beeing as root, since it will try to set up some real time
+Using MP3 files for CD audio:
+Use LAME or some other mp3 encoder to rip the cd audio tracks to files. Name
+the files track1.mp3 track2.mp3 etc. ScummVM must be compiled with MAD support
+to use this option. You'll need to rip the file from the CD as a WAV file,
+then encode the MP3 files in Constant Bit Rate sampled at 22 kHz. This can
+be done with the following LAME command line:
+lame -t -q 0 -b 96 --resample 22.05 track1.wav track1.mp3
+Compressing MONSTER.SOU with MP3:.
+You need LAME, and our extract util from the tools dir to perform this task,
+and ScummVM must be compiled with MAD support.
+Make a backup file of your MONSTER.SOU before attempting this. Copy your
+MONSTER.SOU file to a temporary folder. Then run:
+ extract monster.sou
+In about 30 minutes or so, you will have a much smaller monster.so3 file,
+copy this file to your game dir. You can safely remove the monter.sou file.
+Coding style:
+For ScummVM coding, we use hugging braces, and two-space tab indents.
+We occasionally run the following 'indent' parameters to ensure everything
+is kept standard:
+-br -bap -nbc -lp -ce -cdw -brs -nbad -nbc -npsl -nip -ts2 -ncs -nbs
+-npcs -nbap -Tbyte -Tvoid -Tuint32 -Tuint8 -Tuint16 -Tint -Tint8
+-Tint16 -Tint32 -TArrayHeader -TMemBlkHeader -TVerbSlot -TObjectData
+-TImageHeader -TRoomHeader -TCodeHeader -TResHdr -TBompHeader
+-TMidiChannelAdl -TGui -TScumm -TSoundEngine -TPart -TPlayer
+Configuration file:
+By default, the configuration file is saved in, and loaded from:
+ Windows: <windir>\scummvm.ini,
+ Linux: ~/.scummvmrc
+ Others: scummvm.ini in the current directory
+An example config file is as follows:
+ [scummvm]
+ gfx_mode=supereagle
+ fullscreen=true
+ savepath=C:\saves\
+ [tentacle]
+ path=C:\tentacle\
+ nosubtitles=true
+ master_volume=98
+ music_volume=40
+ sfx_volume=255
+ [loomcd]
+ cdrom=1
+ path=C:\loom\
+ talkspeed=55
+ [monkey2]
+ path=C:\amiga_mi2\
+ music_driver=windows
+ amiga=true
+ The core ScummVM team:
+ James Brown - Current lead developer, ScummVM
+ Vincent Hamm - Developer, ScummVM (inactive)
+ Max Horn - Developer, ScummVM, MacOS X port, new GUI
+ Jeremy Newman - Webmaster
+ Ludvig Strigeus - Original developer, Scumm and SimonVM. (Retired)
+ Porters:
+ Lionel Ulmer - X11/Linux port
+ Nicolas Bacca - PocketPC/WinCE port
+ Mutwin Kraus - MacOS Carbon port (Retired)
+ Marcus Comstedt - Dreamcast port
+ Ruediger Hanke - MorphOS port
+ Contributors:
+ Claudio Matsuoka - Daily Linux/BeOS builds (http://scummvm.sf.net/daily/)
+ Travis Howell - Daily Win32 builds
+ Janne Huttunen - V3 actor mask support, Dig/FT SMUSH audio
+ Jeroen Janssen - Numerous readability and bugfix patches
+ Gregory Montoir - AdvanceMAME Scale-2X implementation
+ Mikesch Nepomuk - MI1 VGA Floppy patches.
+ Edward Rudd - Fixes for playing MP3 versions of MI1/Loom Audio
+ Daniel Schepler - Final MI1 CD music support
+ Tim 'realmz' - Initial MI1 CD music support
+ Jonathan 'khalek' - Expert weaver in the Loom
+ Nicolas Noble - Config file and ALSA support
+ Pawel Kolodziejski - Added missing Dig SMUSH codecs
+ Felix Jakschitsc - His hard work on Zak256
+ Andre Souza - SDL-based OpenGL renderer
+ Kovacs Endre Janos - Several fixes for Simon1
+ Ralph Brorsen - Helped write the new GUI
+ And to all the contributors, users, and beta testers we've missed.
+ Thanks!
+ Special thanks to:
+ Sander Buskens - For his work on the initial reversing of Monkey2
+ Jimmi Thogersen - For ScummRev, and much obscure code/documentation
+ Kevin Carnes - For Scumm16, the basis of ScummVM older gfx codecs
+ Aric Wilmunder, Ron Gilbert, David Fox, Vince Lee, and all those at
+ LucasFilm/LucasArts who made SCUMM the insane mess to reimplement
+ that it is today. Feel free to drop us a line and tell us what you
+ think, guys!
+Good Luck and Happy Adventuring!
+The ScummVM team.