path: root/devtools/create_project/msbuild.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'devtools/create_project/msbuild.cpp')
1 files changed, 40 insertions, 28 deletions
diff --git a/devtools/create_project/msbuild.cpp b/devtools/create_project/msbuild.cpp
index 60aa35b739..0d68b2e9c9 100644
--- a/devtools/create_project/msbuild.cpp
+++ b/devtools/create_project/msbuild.cpp
@@ -67,10 +67,10 @@ inline void outputConfiguration(std::ostream &project, const std::string &config
-inline void outputConfigurationType(const BuildSetup &setup, std::ostream &project, const std::string &name, const std::string &config, int version) {
+inline void outputConfigurationType(const BuildSetup &setup, std::ostream &project, const std::string &name, const std::string &config, std::string toolset) {
project << "\t<PropertyGroup Condition=\"'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='" << config << "'\" Label=\"Configuration\">\n"
"\t\t<ConfigurationType>" << ((name == setup.projectName || setup.devTools || setup.tests) ? "Application" : "StaticLibrary") << "</ConfigurationType>\n"
- "\t\t<PlatformToolset>v" << version << "0</PlatformToolset>\n"
+ "\t\t<PlatformToolset>" << toolset << "</PlatformToolset>\n"
@@ -98,6 +98,8 @@ void MSBuildProvider::createProjectFile(const std::string &name, const std::stri
outputConfiguration(project, "Debug", "x64");
outputConfiguration(project, "Analysis", "Win32");
outputConfiguration(project, "Analysis", "x64");
+ outputConfiguration(project, "LLVM", "Win32");
+ outputConfiguration(project, "LLVM", "x64");
outputConfiguration(project, "Release", "Win32");
outputConfiguration(project, "Release", "x64");
@@ -108,18 +110,23 @@ void MSBuildProvider::createProjectFile(const std::string &name, const std::stri
"\t\t<ProjectGuid>{" << uuid << "}</ProjectGuid>\n"
"\t\t<RootNamespace>" << name << "</RootNamespace>\n"
- "\t\t<VCTargetsPath Condition=\"'$(VCTargetsPath" << _version << ")' != '' and '$(VSVersion)' == '' and $(VisualStudioVersion) == ''\">$(VCTargetsPath" << _version << ")</VCTargetsPath>\n"
+ "\t\t<VCTargetsPath Condition=\"'$(VCTargetsPath" << _version << ")' != '' and '$(VSVersion)' == '' and $(VisualStudioVersion) == ''\">$(VCTargetsPath" << _version << ")</VCTargetsPath>\n"
// Shared configuration
project << "\t<Import Project=\"$(VCTargetsPath)\\Microsoft.Cpp.Default.props\" />\n";
- outputConfigurationType(setup, project, name, "Release|Win32", _version);
- outputConfigurationType(setup, project, name, "Analysis|Win32", _version);
- outputConfigurationType(setup, project, name, "Debug|Win32", _version);
- outputConfigurationType(setup, project, name, "Release|x64", _version);
- outputConfigurationType(setup, project, name, "Analysis|x64", _version);
- outputConfigurationType(setup, project, name, "Debug|x64", _version);
+ std::string version = "v" + toString(_version) + "0";
+ std::string llvm = "LLVM-vs" + toString(getVisualStudioVersion());
+ outputConfigurationType(setup, project, name, "Release|Win32", version);
+ outputConfigurationType(setup, project, name, "Analysis|Win32", version);
+ outputConfigurationType(setup, project, name, "LLVM|Win32", llvm);
+ outputConfigurationType(setup, project, name, "Debug|Win32", version);
+ outputConfigurationType(setup, project, name, "Release|x64", version);
+ outputConfigurationType(setup, project, name, "LLVM|x64", llvm);
+ outputConfigurationType(setup, project, name, "Analysis|x64", version);
+ outputConfigurationType(setup, project, name, "Debug|x64", version);
project << "\t<Import Project=\"$(VCTargetsPath)\\Microsoft.Cpp.props\" />\n"
"\t<ImportGroup Label=\"ExtensionSettings\">\n"
@@ -127,20 +134,24 @@ void MSBuildProvider::createProjectFile(const std::string &name, const std::stri
outputProperties(project, "Release|Win32", setup.projectDescription + "_Release.props");
outputProperties(project, "Analysis|Win32", setup.projectDescription + "_Analysis.props");
+ outputProperties(project, "LLVM|Win32", setup.projectDescription + "_LLVM.props");
outputProperties(project, "Debug|Win32", setup.projectDescription + "_Debug.props");
outputProperties(project, "Release|x64", setup.projectDescription + "_Release64.props");
outputProperties(project, "Analysis|x64", setup.projectDescription + "_Analysis64.props");
+ outputProperties(project, "LLVM|x64", setup.projectDescription + "_LLVM64.props");
outputProperties(project, "Debug|x64", setup.projectDescription + "_Debug64.props");
project << "\t<PropertyGroup Label=\"UserMacros\" />\n";
// Project-specific settings (analysis uses debug properties)
- outputProjectSettings(project, name, setup, false, true, false);
- outputProjectSettings(project, name, setup, false, true, true);
- outputProjectSettings(project, name, setup, true, true, false);
- outputProjectSettings(project, name, setup, false, false, false);
- outputProjectSettings(project, name, setup, false, false, true);
- outputProjectSettings(project, name, setup, true, false, false);
+ outputProjectSettings(project, name, setup, false, true, "Debug");
+ outputProjectSettings(project, name, setup, false, true, "Analysis");
+ outputProjectSettings(project, name, setup, false, true, "LLVM");
+ outputProjectSettings(project, name, setup, true, true, "Release");
+ outputProjectSettings(project, name, setup, false, false, "Debug");
+ outputProjectSettings(project, name, setup, false, false, "Analysis");
+ outputProjectSettings(project, name, setup, false, false, "LLVM");
+ outputProjectSettings(project, name, setup, true, false, "Release");
// Files
std::string modulePath;
@@ -255,9 +266,7 @@ void MSBuildProvider::writeReferences(const BuildSetup &setup, std::ofstream &ou
output << "\t</ItemGroup>\n";
-void MSBuildProvider::outputProjectSettings(std::ofstream &project, const std::string &name, const BuildSetup &setup, bool isRelease, bool isWin32, bool enableAnalysis) {
- const std::string configuration = (enableAnalysis ? "Analysis" : (isRelease ? "Release" : "Debug"));
+void MSBuildProvider::outputProjectSettings(std::ofstream &project, const std::string &name, const BuildSetup &setup, bool isRelease, bool isWin32, std::string configuration) {
// Check for project-specific warnings:
std::map<std::string, StringList>::iterator warningsIterator = _projectWarnings.find(name);
bool enableLanguageExtensions = find(_enableLanguageExtensions.begin(), _enableLanguageExtensions.end(), name) != _enableLanguageExtensions.end();
@@ -382,13 +391,12 @@ void MSBuildProvider::outputGlobalPropFile(const BuildSetup &setup, std::ofstrea
-void MSBuildProvider::createBuildProp(const BuildSetup &setup, bool isRelease, bool isWin32, bool enableAnalysis) {
- const std::string outputType = (enableAnalysis ? "Analysis" : (isRelease ? "Release" : "Debug"));
+void MSBuildProvider::createBuildProp(const BuildSetup &setup, bool isRelease, bool isWin32, std::string configuration) {
const std::string outputBitness = (isWin32 ? "32" : "64");
- std::ofstream properties((setup.outputDir + '/' + setup.projectDescription + "_" + outputType + (isWin32 ? "" : "64") + getPropertiesExtension()).c_str());
+ std::ofstream properties((setup.outputDir + '/' + setup.projectDescription + "_" + configuration + (isWin32 ? "" : "64") + getPropertiesExtension()).c_str());
if (!properties)
- error("Could not open \"" + setup.outputDir + '/' + setup.projectDescription + "_" + outputType + (isWin32 ? "" : "64") + getPropertiesExtension() + "\" for writing");
+ error("Could not open \"" + setup.outputDir + '/' + setup.projectDescription + "_" + configuration + (isWin32 ? "" : "64") + getPropertiesExtension() + "\" for writing");
properties << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n"
"<Project DefaultTargets=\"Build\" ToolsVersion=\"" << (_version >= 12 ? _version : 4) << ".0\" xmlns=\"http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003\">\n"
@@ -396,7 +404,7 @@ void MSBuildProvider::createBuildProp(const BuildSetup &setup, bool isRelease, b
"\t\t<Import Project=\"" << setup.projectDescription << "_Global" << (isWin32 ? "" : "64") << ".props\" />\n"
- "\t\t<_PropertySheetDisplayName>" << setup.projectDescription << "_" << outputType << outputBitness << "</_PropertySheetDisplayName>\n"
+ "\t\t<_PropertySheetDisplayName>" << setup.projectDescription << "_" << configuration << outputBitness << "</_PropertySheetDisplayName>\n"
"\t\t<LinkIncremental>" << (isRelease ? "false" : "true") << "</LinkIncremental>\n"
@@ -410,22 +418,26 @@ void MSBuildProvider::createBuildProp(const BuildSetup &setup, bool isRelease, b
- "\t\t\t<EnablePREfast>" << (enableAnalysis ? "true" : "false") << "</EnablePREfast>\n"
+ "\t\t\t<EnablePREfast>" << (configuration == "Analysis" ? "true" : "false") << "</EnablePREfast>\n"
} else {
properties << "\t\t\t<Optimization>Disabled</Optimization>\n"
- "\t\t\t<PreprocessorDefinitions>WIN32;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)</PreprocessorDefinitions>\n"
+ "\t\t\t<PreprocessorDefinitions>WIN32;" << (configuration == "LLVM" ? "_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS;" : "") << "%(PreprocessorDefinitions)</PreprocessorDefinitions>\n"
"\t\t\t<DebugInformationFormat>" << (isWin32 ? "EditAndContinue" : "ProgramDatabase") << "</DebugInformationFormat>\n" // For x64 format Edit and continue is not supported, thus we default to Program Database
- "\t\t\t<EnablePREfast>" << (enableAnalysis ? "true" : "false") << "</EnablePREfast>\n"
- "\t\t</ClCompile>\n"
+ "\t\t\t<EnablePREfast>" << (configuration == "Analysis" ? "true" : "false") << "</EnablePREfast>\n";
+ if (configuration == "LLVM")
+ properties << "\t\t\t<AdditionalOptions>-Wno-microsoft -Wno-long-long -Wno-multichar -Wno-unknown-pragmas -Wno-reorder -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-qual -Wshadow -Wnon-virtual-dtor -Wwrite-strings -Wno-conversion -Wno-shorten-64-to-32 -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-four-char-constants -Wno-nested-anon-types %(AdditionalOptions)</AdditionalOptions>\n";
+ properties << "\t\t</ClCompile>\n"
@@ -481,7 +493,7 @@ void MSBuildProvider::writeFileListToProject(const FileNode &dir, std::ofstream
// Deal with duplicated file names
if (isDuplicate) {
projectFile << "\t\t<ClCompile Include=\"" << (*entry).path << "\">\n"
- "\t\t\t<ObjectFileName>$(IntDir)" << (*entry).prefix << "%(Filename).obj</ObjectFileName>\n";
+ "\t\t\t<ObjectFileName>$(IntDir)" << (*entry).prefix << "%(Filename).obj</ObjectFileName>\n";
projectFile << "\t\t</ClCompile>\n";
} else {