path: root/engines/agi/sound_2gs.cpp
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diff --git a/engines/agi/sound_2gs.cpp b/engines/agi/sound_2gs.cpp
index 65d60d392b..7d33f963bd 100644
--- a/engines/agi/sound_2gs.cpp
+++ b/engines/agi/sound_2gs.cpp
@@ -174,9 +174,6 @@ uint32 SoundGen2GS::generateOutput() {
// triangle wave to modulate the frequency of both oscillators.
// In Apple IIGS the vibrato and the envelope are updated at the
// same time, so the vibrato speed depends on ENVELOPE_COEF.
- // Note: None of the instruments in the current mappings from
- // MIDI program number to instrument use vibrato, but some of
- // the choices are possibly still wrong.
// Advance oscillators
int s0 = 0;
@@ -411,6 +408,12 @@ void SoundGen2GS::midiNoteOn(int channel, int note, int velocity) {
g->seg = 0;
g->a = 0;
+ // Print debug messages for instruments with swap mode or vibrato enabled
+ if (g->osc[0].swap || g->osc[1].swap)
+ debugC(2, kDebugLevelSound, "Detected swap mode in a playing instrument. This is rare and is not tested well...");
+ if (i->vibDepth > 0)
+ debugC(2, kDebugLevelSound, "Detected vibrato in a playing instrument. Vibrato is not implemented, playing without...");
double SoundGen2GS::midiKeyToFreq(int key, double finetune) {
@@ -534,8 +537,8 @@ bool IIgsInstrumentHeader::read(Common::SeekableReadStream &stream, bool ignoreA
// Parse the generator mode byte to separate fields.
wave[i][k].halt = b & 0x1; // Bit 0 = HALT
- wave[i][k].loop = !(b & 0x2); // Bit 1 = LOOP
- wave[i][k].swap = (b & 0x3) == 0x3; // HALT|LOOP = SWAP
+ wave[i][k].loop = !(b & 0x2); // Bit 1 =!LOOP
+ wave[i][k].swap = (b & 0x6) == 0x6; // Bit 1&2 = SWAP
wave[k][k].chn = (b >> 4) > 0; // Output channel (left or right)
@@ -634,12 +637,38 @@ static const IIgsMidiProgramMapping progToInstMappingV2 = {
-/** Older Apple IIGS AGI instrument set. Used only by Space Quest I (AGI v1.002). */
+// Older Apple IIGS AGI instrument set. Used only by Space Quest I (AGI v1.002).
+// Instrument 0 uses vibrato.
+// Instrument 1 uses vibrato.
+// Instrument 3 uses vibrato.
+// Instrument 5 has swap mode enabled for the first oscillator.
+// Instruemnt 9 uses vibrato.
+// Instrument 10 uses vibrato.
+// Instrument 12 uses vibrato.
+// Instrument 15 uses vibrato.
+// Instrument 16 uses vibrato.
+// Instrument 18 uses vibrato.
static const IIgsInstrumentSetInfo instSetV1 = {
1192, 26, "7ee16bbc135171ffd6b9120cc7ff1af2", "edd3bf8905d9c238e02832b732fb2e18", &progToInstMappingV1
-/** Newer Apple IIGS AGI instrument set (AGI v1.003+). Used by all others than Space Quest I. */
+// Newer Apple IIGS AGI instrument set (AGI v1.003+). Used by all others than Space Quest I.
+// Instrument 0 uses vibrato.
+// Instrument 1 uses vibrato.
+// Instrument 3 uses vibrato.
+// Instrument 6 has swap mode enabled for the first oscillator.
+// Instrument 11 uses vibrato.
+// Instrument 12 uses vibrato.
+// Instrument 14 uses vibrato.
+// Instrument 17 uses vibrato.
+// Instrument 18 uses vibrato.
+// Instrument 20 uses vibrato.
+// In KQ1 intro and in LSL intro one (and the same, or at least similar)
+// instrument is using vibrato. In PQ intro there is also one instrument
+// using vibrato.
static const IIgsInstrumentSetInfo instSetV2 = {
1292, 28, "b7d428955bb90721996de1cbca25e768", "c05fb0b0e11deefab58bc68fbd2a3d07", &progToInstMappingV2