path: root/engines/gnap/scenes/group1.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'engines/gnap/scenes/group1.cpp')
1 files changed, 4501 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/engines/gnap/scenes/group1.cpp b/engines/gnap/scenes/group1.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e50e8cc959
--- /dev/null
+++ b/engines/gnap/scenes/group1.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,4501 @@
+/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine
+ *
+ * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
+ * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
+ * file distributed with this source distribution.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ *
+ */
+#include "gnap/gnap.h"
+#include "gnap/gamesys.h"
+#include "gnap/resource.h"
+#include "gnap/scenes/group1.h"
+namespace Gnap {
+Scene10::Scene10(GnapEngine *vm) : Scene(vm) {
+ _nextCookSequenceId = -1;
+ _currCookSequenceId = -1;
+int Scene10::init() {
+ GameSys& gameSys = *_vm->_gameSys;
+ gameSys.setAnimation(0, 0, 0);
+ gameSys.setAnimation(0, 0, 1);
+ gameSys.setAnimation(0, 0, 2);
+ return 0x10F;
+void Scene10::updateHotspots() {
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS10Platypus, 0, 0, 0, 0, SF_WALKABLE | SF_TALK_CURSOR | SF_GRAB_CURSOR | SF_LOOK_CURSOR);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS10ExitBar, 0, 75, 85, 455, SF_EXIT_NW_CURSOR);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS10ExitBackdoor, 75, 590, 500, 599, SF_EXIT_D_CURSOR | SF_WALKABLE);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS10Cook, 370, 205, 495, 460, SF_PLAT_CURSOR | SF_TALK_CURSOR | SF_GRAB_CURSOR | SF_LOOK_CURSOR);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS10Tongs, 250, 290, 350, 337, SF_PLAT_CURSOR | SF_TALK_CURSOR | SF_GRAB_CURSOR | SF_LOOK_CURSOR);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS10Box, 510, 275, 565, 330, SF_PLAT_CURSOR | SF_TALK_CURSOR | SF_GRAB_CURSOR | SF_LOOK_CURSOR);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS10Oven, 690, 280, 799, 420, SF_PLAT_CURSOR | SF_TALK_CURSOR | SF_GRAB_CURSOR | SF_LOOK_CURSOR);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS10WalkArea1, 59, 0, 495, 460);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS10WalkArea2, 495, 0, 650, 420);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS10WalkArea3, 651, 0, 725, 400);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS10WalkArea4, 725, 0, 799, 441);
+ _vm->setDeviceHotspot(kHS10Device, -1, -1, -1, -1);
+ _vm->_hotspotsCount = 12;
+void Scene10::run() {
+ GameSys& gameSys = *_vm->_gameSys;
+ PlayerGnap& gnap = *_vm->_gnap;
+ PlayerPlat& plat = *_vm->_plat;
+ _currCookSequenceId = 0x103;
+ gameSys.setAnimation(0x103, 100, 2);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x103, 100, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, 0, 0);
+ _nextCookSequenceId = 0x106;
+ if (!_vm->isFlag(kGFMudTaken))
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x107, 100, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, 0, 0);
+ _vm->queueInsertDeviceIcon();
+ if (_vm->_prevSceneNum == 9) {
+ gnap.initPos(11, 8, kDirBottomLeft);
+ plat.initPos(12, 7, kDirIdleRight);
+ _vm->endSceneInit();
+ gnap.walkTo(Common::Point(9, 8), -1, 0x107BA, 1);
+ plat.walkTo(Common::Point(9, 7), -1, 0x107D2, 1);
+ } else {
+ gnap.initPos(-1, 7, kDirBottomRight);
+ plat.initPos(-2, 8, kDirIdleLeft);
+ _vm->endSceneInit();
+ gnap.walkTo(Common::Point(1, 7), -1, 0x107B9, 1);
+ plat.walkTo(Common::Point(1, 8), -1, 0x107C2, 1);
+ }
+ _vm->_timers[4] = _vm->getRandom(80) + 150;
+ _vm->_timers[5] = _vm->getRandom(100) + 100;
+ while (!_vm->_sceneDone) {
+ if (!_vm->isSoundPlaying(0x1091E))
+ _vm->playSound(0x1091E, true);
+ if (!_vm->isSoundPlaying(0x1091A))
+ _vm->playSound(0x1091A, true);
+ _vm->updateMouseCursor();
+ _vm->testWalk(0, 0, -1, -1, -1, -1);
+ _vm->updateCursorByHotspot();
+ _vm->_sceneClickedHotspot = _vm->getClickedHotspotId();
+ _vm->updateGrabCursorSprite(0, 0);
+ switch (_vm->_sceneClickedHotspot) {
+ case kHS10Platypus:
+ if (_vm->_grabCursorSpriteIndex >= 0) {
+ gnap.playImpossible();
+ } else {
+ switch (_vm->_verbCursor) {
+ if (_vm->isFlag(kGFMudTaken))
+ gnap.playMoan1(plat._pos);
+ else
+ gnap.playScratchingHead(plat._pos);
+ break;
+ gnap.kissPlatypus(10);
+ break;
+ gnap.playBrainPulsating(plat._pos);
+ plat.playSequence(plat.getSequenceId());
+ break;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case kHS10ExitBar:
+ _vm->_isLeavingScene = true;
+ gnap.actionIdle(0x10C);
+ gnap.walkTo(Common::Point(0, 7), 0, 0x107AF, 1);
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS10LeaveScene;
+ plat.walkTo(Common::Point(0, 7), -1, 0x107CF, 1);
+ _vm->_newSceneNum = 11;
+ break;
+ case kHS10ExitBackdoor:
+ _vm->_isLeavingScene = true;
+ gnap.actionIdle(0x10C);
+ gnap.walkTo(Common::Point(2, 9), 0, 0x107AE, 1);
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS10LeaveScene;
+ plat.walkTo(Common::Point(3, 9), -1, 0x107C7, 1);
+ _vm->_newSceneNum = 9;
+ break;
+ case kHS10Cook:
+ if (_vm->_grabCursorSpriteIndex >= 0) {
+ gnap.playShowCurrItem(Common::Point(4, 8), 6, 0);
+ gameSys.setAnimation(makeRid(gnap._sequenceDatNum, gnap._sequenceId), gnap._id, 0);
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS10AnnoyCook;
+ } else {
+ switch (_vm->_verbCursor) {
+ gnap.playScratchingHead(Common::Point(6, 0));
+ break;
+ gnap.playImpossible();
+ gnap._idleFacing = kDirBottomRight;
+ break;
+ gnap._idleFacing = kDirUpRight;
+ gnap.actionIdle(0x10C);
+ gnap.walkTo(Common::Point(4, 8), 0, gnap.getSequenceId(kGSBrainPulsating, Common::Point(0, 0)) | 0x10000, 1);
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS10AnnoyCook;
+ break;
+ gnap.actionIdle(0x10C);
+ gnap.useDeviceOnPlatypus();
+ plat.walkTo(Common::Point(4, 6), -1, -1, 1);
+ gnap.walkTo(Common::Point(4, 8), 0, 0x107BB, 1);
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS10AnnoyCook;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case kHS10Tongs:
+ if (_vm->_grabCursorSpriteIndex >= 0) {
+ gnap.playShowCurrItem(Common::Point(3, 7), 4, 0);
+ } else {
+ switch (_vm->_verbCursor) {
+ if (_vm->isFlag(kGFMudTaken))
+ gnap.playMoan2(Common::Point(-1, -1));
+ else
+ gnap.playScratchingHead(Common::Point(4, 3));
+ break;
+ if (_vm->isFlag(kGFMudTaken))
+ gnap.playMoan2(Common::Point(-1, -1));
+ else {
+ gnap.actionIdle(0x10C);
+ gnap.walkTo(Common::Point(4, 8), 0, 0x107BB, 1);
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS10AnnoyCook;
+ }
+ break;
+ gnap.playImpossible();
+ break;
+ if (_vm->isFlag(kGFMudTaken))
+ gnap.playMoan2(Common::Point(-1, -1));
+ else {
+ gnap.actionIdle(0x10C);
+ gnap.useDeviceOnPlatypus();
+ plat.walkTo(Common::Point(3, 7), -1, -1, 1);
+ gnap.walkTo(Common::Point(4, 8), 0, 0x107BB, 1);
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS10AnnoyCook;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case kHS10Box:
+ if (_vm->_grabCursorSpriteIndex >= 0) {
+ gnap.playShowCurrItem(Common::Point(7, 6), 6, 0);
+ } else {
+ switch (_vm->_verbCursor) {
+ gnap.playScratchingHead(Common::Point(7, 3));
+ break;
+ gnap.actionIdle(0x10C);
+ gnap.walkTo(Common::Point(4, 8), 0, 0x107BB, 1);
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS10AnnoyCook;
+ break;
+ gnap.playImpossible();
+ break;
+ if (_vm->isFlag(kGFMudTaken))
+ gnap.playMoan2(Common::Point(-1, -1));
+ else {
+ _vm->invAdd(kItemTongs);
+ _vm->setFlag(kGFMudTaken);
+ gnap.actionIdle(0x10C);
+ gnap.useDeviceOnPlatypus();
+ plat.walkTo(Common::Point(7, 6), 1, 0x107D2, 1);
+ plat._actionStatus = kAS10PlatWithBox;
+ plat._idleFacing = kDirIdleRight;
+ _vm->_largeSprite = gameSys.createSurface(0xC3);
+ gnap.playIdle(Common::Point(7, 6));
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case kHS10Oven:
+ if (_vm->_grabCursorSpriteIndex >= 0) {
+ gnap.playShowCurrItem(Common::Point(9, 6), 10, 0);
+ } else {
+ switch (_vm->_verbCursor) {
+ gnap.playSequence(gnap.getSequenceId(kGSDeflect, Common::Point(10, 5)) | 0x10000);
+ break;
+ gnap.actionIdle(0x10C);
+ gnap.walkTo(Common::Point(9, 6), 0, 0x107BB, 1);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x10E, 120, makeRid(gnap._sequenceDatNum, gnap._sequenceId), gnap._id, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ gnap._sequenceId = 0x10E;
+ gnap._id = 120;
+ gnap._idleFacing = kDirUpRight;
+ gnap._sequenceDatNum = 0;
+ gnap._pos = Common::Point(9, 6);
+ _vm->_timers[2] = 360;
+ break;
+ gnap.playImpossible();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case kHS10WalkArea1:
+ case kHS10WalkArea2:
+ case kHS10WalkArea3:
+ case kHS10WalkArea4:
+ gnap.actionIdle(0x10C);
+ gnap.walkTo(Common::Point(-1, -1), -1, -1, 1);
+ break;
+ case kHS10Device:
+ if (gnap._actionStatus < 0) {
+ _vm->runMenu();
+ updateHotspots();
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (_vm->_mouseClickState._left) {
+ gnap.actionIdle(0x10C);
+ gnap.walkTo(Common::Point(-1, -1), -1, -1, 1);
+ _vm->_mouseClickState._left = false;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ updateAnimations();
+ if (!_vm->_isLeavingScene) {
+ plat.updateIdleSequence();
+ gnap.updateIdleSequence();
+ if (!_vm->_timers[4]) {
+ _vm->_timers[4] = _vm->getRandom(80) + 150;
+ _vm->playSound(0x12B, false);
+ }
+ if (!_vm->_timers[5]) {
+ _vm->_timers[5] = _vm->getRandom(100) + 100;
+ int _gnapRandomValue = _vm->getRandom(4);
+ if (_gnapRandomValue) {
+ int sequenceId;
+ if (_gnapRandomValue == 1) {
+ sequenceId = 0x8A5;
+ } else if (_gnapRandomValue == 2) {
+ sequenceId = 0x8A6;
+ } else {
+ sequenceId = 0x8A7;
+ }
+ gameSys.insertSequence(sequenceId | 0x10000, 179, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, 0, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ _vm->checkGameKeys();
+ if (_vm->isKeyStatus1(Common::KEYCODE_BACKSPACE)) {
+ _vm->clearKeyStatus1(Common::KEYCODE_BACKSPACE);
+ _vm->runMenu();
+ updateHotspots();
+ }
+ _vm->gameUpdateTick();
+ }
+void Scene10::updateAnimations() {
+ GameSys& gameSys = *_vm->_gameSys;
+ PlayerGnap& gnap = *_vm->_gnap;
+ PlayerPlat& plat = *_vm->_plat;
+ if (gameSys.getAnimationStatus(0) == 2) {
+ gameSys.setAnimation(0, 0, 0);
+ switch (gnap._actionStatus) {
+ case kAS10LeaveScene:
+ _vm->_sceneDone = true;
+ break;
+ case kAS10AnnoyCook:
+ _nextCookSequenceId = 0x105;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (gameSys.getAnimationStatus(1) == 2) {
+ gameSys.setAnimation(0, 0, 1);
+ switch (plat._actionStatus) {
+ case kAS10PlatWithBox:
+ _nextCookSequenceId = 0x109;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (gameSys.getAnimationStatus(2) == 2 && _nextCookSequenceId != -1) {
+ switch (_nextCookSequenceId) {
+ case 0x109:
+ plat._pos = Common::Point(4, 8);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x109, 100, _currCookSequenceId, 100, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x107C9, 160,
+ plat._sequenceId | (plat._sequenceDatNum << 16), plat._id,
+ kSeqSyncWait, _vm->getSequenceTotalDuration(0x109) + _vm->getSequenceTotalDuration(0x10A) + _vm->getSequenceTotalDuration(0x10843),
+ 75 * plat._pos.x - plat._gridX, 48 * plat._pos.y - plat._gridY);
+ gameSys.removeSequence(0x107, 100, true);
+ _currCookSequenceId = 0x109;
+ _nextCookSequenceId = 0x843;
+ plat._sequenceId = 0x7C9;
+ plat._id = 160;
+ plat._idleFacing = kDirIdleLeft;
+ plat._sequenceDatNum = 1;
+ break;
+ case 0x843:
+ _vm->hideCursor();
+ gameSys.insertSpriteDrawItem(_vm->_largeSprite, 0, 0, 300);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x10843, 301, _currCookSequenceId, 100, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ _currCookSequenceId = 0x843;
+ _nextCookSequenceId = 0x10A;
+ break;
+ case 0x10A:
+ gameSys.insertSequence(_nextCookSequenceId, 100, 0x10843, 301, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ _currCookSequenceId = _nextCookSequenceId;
+ _nextCookSequenceId = 0x104;
+ _vm->showCursor();
+ gameSys.removeSpriteDrawItem(_vm->_largeSprite, 300);
+ _vm->delayTicksCursor(5);
+ _vm->deleteSurface(&_vm->_largeSprite);
+ _vm->setGrabCursorSprite(kItemTongs);
+ if (plat._actionStatus == kAS10PlatWithBox)
+ plat._actionStatus = -1;
+ if (gnap._pos == Common::Point(4, 8))
+ gnap.walkStep();
+ break;
+ default:
+ gameSys.insertSequence(_nextCookSequenceId, 100, _currCookSequenceId, 100, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ _currCookSequenceId = _nextCookSequenceId;
+ break;
+ }
+ switch (_currCookSequenceId) {
+ case 0x106:
+ if (gnap._actionStatus >= 0 || plat._actionStatus >= 0)
+ _nextCookSequenceId = 0x106;
+ else {
+ int rnd = _vm->getRandom(7);
+ switch (rnd) {
+ case 0:
+ _nextCookSequenceId = 0x104;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ _nextCookSequenceId = 0x103;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ _nextCookSequenceId = 0x106;
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x10D, 1, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, 0, 0);
+ break;
+ default:
+ _nextCookSequenceId = 0x106;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0x103:
+ if (gnap._actionStatus >= 0 || plat._actionStatus >= 0)
+ _nextCookSequenceId = 0x106;
+ else if (_vm->getRandom(7) == 0)
+ _nextCookSequenceId = 0x104;
+ else
+ _nextCookSequenceId = 0x106;
+ break;
+ case 0x104:
+ if (gnap._actionStatus >= 0 || plat._actionStatus >= 0)
+ _nextCookSequenceId = 0x106;
+ else if (_vm->getRandom(7) == 0)
+ _nextCookSequenceId = 0x103;
+ else
+ _nextCookSequenceId = 0x106;
+ break;
+ case 0x105:
+ if (gnap._actionStatus >= 0 || plat._actionStatus >= 0)
+ _nextCookSequenceId = 0x106;
+ else {
+ int rnd = _vm->getRandom(7);
+ switch (rnd) {
+ case 0:
+ _nextCookSequenceId = 0x104;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ _nextCookSequenceId = 0x103;
+ break;
+ default:
+ _nextCookSequenceId = 0x106;
+ }
+ }
+ _vm->_timers[2] = _vm->getRandom(30) + 20;
+ _vm->_timers[3] = 300;
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x10C, gnap._id, makeRid(gnap._sequenceDatNum, gnap._sequenceId), gnap._id, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ gnap._sequenceId = 0x10C;
+ gnap._idleFacing = kDirUpRight;
+ gnap._sequenceDatNum = 0;
+ gnap._actionStatus = -1;
+ plat._actionStatus = -1;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (_currCookSequenceId == 0x843)
+ gameSys.setAnimation(_currCookSequenceId | 0x10000, 301, 2);
+ else
+ gameSys.setAnimation(_currCookSequenceId, 100, 2);
+ }
+void Scene10::updateAnimationsCb() {
+ GameSys& gameSys = *_vm->_gameSys;
+ if (gameSys.getAnimationStatus(2) == 2) {
+ gameSys.setAnimation(_nextCookSequenceId, 100, 2);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(_nextCookSequenceId, 100, _currCookSequenceId, 100, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ _currCookSequenceId = _nextCookSequenceId;
+ _nextCookSequenceId = 0x106;
+ }
+Scene11::Scene11(GnapEngine *vm) : Scene(vm) {
+ _billardBallCtr = 0;
+ _nextHookGuySequenceId = -1;
+ _currHookGuySequenceId = -1;
+ _nextGoggleGuySequenceId = -1;
+ _currGoggleGuySequenceId = -1;
+int Scene11::init() {
+ GameSys& gameSys = *_vm->_gameSys;
+ gameSys.setAnimation(0, 0, 0);
+ gameSys.setAnimation(0, 0, 3);
+ gameSys.setAnimation(0, 0, 2);
+ if (_vm->_prevSceneNum == 10 || _vm->_prevSceneNum == 13) {
+ _vm->playSound(0x108EC, false);
+ _vm->playSound(0x10928, false);
+ }
+ return 0x209;
+void Scene11::updateHotspots() {
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS11Platypus, 0, 0, 0, 0, SF_WALKABLE | SF_TALK_CURSOR | SF_GRAB_CURSOR | SF_LOOK_CURSOR);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS11ExitKitchen, 420, 140, 520, 345, SF_EXIT_U_CURSOR);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS11ExitToilet, 666, 130, 740, 364, SF_EXIT_R_CURSOR);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS11ExitLeft, 0, 350, 10, 599, SF_EXIT_L_CURSOR | SF_WALKABLE);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS11GoggleGuy, 90, 185, 185, 340, SF_PLAT_CURSOR | SF_TALK_CURSOR | SF_GRAB_CURSOR | SF_LOOK_CURSOR);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS11HookGuy, 210, 240, 340, 430, SF_PLAT_CURSOR | SF_TALK_CURSOR | SF_GRAB_CURSOR | SF_LOOK_CURSOR);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS11Billard, 640, 475, 700, 530, SF_WALKABLE | SF_PLAT_CURSOR | SF_TALK_CURSOR | SF_GRAB_CURSOR | SF_LOOK_CURSOR);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS11WalkArea1, 0, 0, 365, 453);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS11WalkArea2, 0, 0, 629, 353);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS11WalkArea3, 629, 0, 799, 364);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS11WalkArea4, 735, 0, 799, 397);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS11WalkArea5, 510, 540, 799, 599);
+ _vm->setDeviceHotspot(kHS11Device, -1, -1, -1, -1);
+ _vm->_hotspotsCount = 13;
+void Scene11::run() {
+ GameSys& gameSys = *_vm->_gameSys;
+ PlayerGnap& gnap = *_vm->_gnap;
+ PlayerPlat& plat = *_vm->_plat;
+ bool flag = true;
+ _vm->_timers[7] = 50;
+ _vm->_hotspots[kHS11Billard]._flags |= SF_DISABLED;
+ _currGoggleGuySequenceId = 0x1F9;
+ _currHookGuySequenceId = 0x201;
+ switch (_vm->_prevSceneNum) {
+ case 13:
+ gnap.initPos(8, 5, kDirBottomLeft);
+ plat.initPos(9, 6, kDirIdleRight);
+ break;
+ case 47:
+ gnap.initPos(8, 5, kDirBottomLeft);
+ plat.initPos(9, 5, kDirIdleRight);
+ _currGoggleGuySequenceId = 0x1FA;
+ _currHookGuySequenceId = 0x1FF;
+ _vm->_timers[7] = 180;
+ break;
+ case 12:
+ gnap.initPos(-1, 9, kDirBottomRight);
+ plat.initPos(-2, 8, kDirIdleLeft);
+ break;
+ default:
+ gnap.initPos(6, 6, kDirBottomLeft);
+ plat.initPos(6, 5, kDirIdleRight);
+ break;
+ }
+ _vm->queueInsertDeviceIcon();
+ gameSys.insertSequence(_currHookGuySequenceId, 120, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, 0, 0);
+ _nextHookGuySequenceId = -1;
+ gameSys.setAnimation(_currHookGuySequenceId, 120, 3);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(_currGoggleGuySequenceId, 121, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, 0, 0);
+ _nextGoggleGuySequenceId = -1;
+ gameSys.setAnimation(_currGoggleGuySequenceId, 121, 2);
+ _vm->_timers[5] = _vm->getRandom(100) + 75;
+ _vm->_timers[4] = _vm->getRandom(40) + 20;
+ _vm->_timers[6] = _vm->getRandom(100) + 100;
+ _vm->endSceneInit();
+ if (_vm->_prevSceneNum == 12) {
+ gnap.walkTo(Common::Point(2, 8), -1, 0x107B9, 1);
+ plat.walkTo(Common::Point(1, 8), -1, 0x107C2, 1);
+ }
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x208, 256, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 40, 0, 0);
+ while (!_vm->_sceneDone) {
+ _vm->testWalk(0, 0, -1, -1, -1, -1);
+ _vm->updateMouseCursor();
+ _vm->updateCursorByHotspot();
+ _vm->_sceneClickedHotspot = _vm->getClickedHotspotId();
+ _vm->updateGrabCursorSprite(0, 0);
+ switch (_vm->_sceneClickedHotspot) {
+ case kHS11Platypus:
+ if (_vm->_grabCursorSpriteIndex >= 0) {
+ gnap.playImpossible();
+ } else {
+ switch (_vm->_verbCursor) {
+ gnap.playMoan1(plat._pos);
+ break;
+ gnap.kissPlatypus(0);
+ break;
+ gnap.playBrainPulsating(plat._pos);
+ plat.playSequence(plat.getSequenceId());
+ break;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case kHS11ExitKitchen:
+ _vm->_isLeavingScene = true;
+ gnap.walkTo(Common::Point(6, 5), 0, 0x107BF, 1);
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS11LeaveScene;
+ plat.walkTo(Common::Point(6, 6), -1, -1, 1);
+ _vm->_newSceneNum = 10;
+ break;
+ case kHS11ExitToilet:
+ _vm->_isLeavingScene = true;
+ gnap.walkTo(Common::Point(8, 5), 0, 0x107BF, 1);
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS11LeaveScene;
+ plat.walkTo(Common::Point(8, 6), -1, -1, 1);
+ _vm->_newSceneNum = 13;
+ break;
+ case kHS11ExitLeft:
+ _vm->_isLeavingScene = true;
+ gnap.walkTo(Common::Point(-1, 8), 0, 0x107AF, 1);
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS11LeaveScene;
+ plat.walkTo(Common::Point(-1, 9), -1, 0x107CF, 1);
+ _vm->_newSceneNum = 12;
+ break;
+ case kHS11GoggleGuy:
+ if (gnap._actionStatus < 0) {
+ if (_vm->_grabCursorSpriteIndex == kItemMagazine) {
+ gnap.walkTo(Common::Point(3, 7), 0, 0x107BC, 1);
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS11ShowMagazineToGoggleGuy;
+ gnap.playShowItem(_vm->_grabCursorSpriteIndex, 2, 0);
+ } else if (_vm->_grabCursorSpriteIndex >= 0) {
+ gnap.playShowCurrItem(Common::Point(3, 7), 2, 0);
+ } else {
+ switch (_vm->_verbCursor) {
+ gnap.playScratchingHead(Common::Point(1, 6));
+ break;
+ gnap.playImpossible();
+ break;
+ gnap._idleFacing = kDirUpLeft;
+ gnap.walkTo(Common::Point(3, 7), 0, gnap.getSequenceId(kGSBrainPulsating, Common::Point(0, 0)) | 0x10000, 1);
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS11TalkGoggleGuy;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case kHS11HookGuy:
+ if (gnap._actionStatus < 0) {
+ gnap._idleFacing = kDirUpRight;
+ if (_vm->_grabCursorSpriteIndex >= 0) {
+ gnap.walkTo(Common::Point(5, 6), 0, 0x107BC, 9);
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS11ShowItemToHookGuy;
+ gnap.playShowItem(_vm->_grabCursorSpriteIndex, 4, 0);
+ } else {
+ switch (_vm->_verbCursor) {
+ gnap.playSequence(gnap.getSequenceId(kGSDeflect, Common::Point(3, 6)) | 0x10000);
+ break;
+ gnap.walkTo(Common::Point(5, 6), 0, 0x107BC, 1);
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS11GrabHookGuy;
+ break;
+ gnap._idleFacing = kDirBottomLeft;
+ gnap.walkTo(Common::Point(5, 6), 0, gnap.getSequenceId(kGSBrainPulsating, Common::Point(0, 0)) | 0x10000, 1);
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS11TalkHookGuy;
+ break;
+ gnap.playImpossible();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case kHS11Billard:
+ if (gnap._actionStatus < 0) {
+ if (_vm->_grabCursorSpriteIndex >= 0) {
+ gnap.playImpossible(Common::Point(9, 8));
+ } else {
+ switch (_vm->_verbCursor) {
+ gnap.playScratchingHead(Common::Point(9, 8));
+ break;
+ gnap.walkTo(Common::Point(9, 8), 0, 0x107BA, 1);
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS11GrabBillardBall;
+ break;
+ gnap.playImpossible(Common::Point(9, 8));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case kHS11WalkArea1:
+ case kHS11WalkArea2:
+ case kHS11WalkArea3:
+ case kHS11WalkArea4:
+ case kHS11WalkArea5:
+ if (gnap._actionStatus < 0)
+ gnap.walkTo(Common::Point(-1, -1), -1, -1, 1);
+ break;
+ case kHS11Device:
+ if (gnap._actionStatus < 0) {
+ _vm->runMenu();
+ updateHotspots();
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (_vm->_mouseClickState._left && gnap._actionStatus < 0) {
+ gnap.walkTo(Common::Point(-1, -1), -1, -1, 1);
+ _vm->_mouseClickState._left = false;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ updateAnimations();
+ if (!_vm->_isLeavingScene) {
+ if (flag && !_vm->_timers[7]) {
+ flag = false;
+ gameSys.setAnimation(0x207, 257, 4);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x207, 257, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, 0, 0);
+ }
+ plat.updateIdleSequence2();
+ gnap.updateIdleSequence2();
+ if (!_vm->_timers[5]) {
+ _vm->_timers[5] = _vm->getRandom(100) + 75;
+ if (gnap._actionStatus < 0 && plat._actionStatus < 0 && _nextGoggleGuySequenceId == -1) {
+ if (_vm->getRandom(2))
+ _nextGoggleGuySequenceId = 0x1F6;
+ else
+ _nextGoggleGuySequenceId = 0x1F9;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!_vm->_timers[4]) {
+ _vm->_timers[4] = _vm->getRandom(40) + 20;
+ if (gnap._actionStatus < 0 && plat._actionStatus < 0 && _nextHookGuySequenceId == -1) {
+ if (_currHookGuySequenceId == 0x201) {
+ switch (_vm->getRandom(7)) {
+ case 0:
+ _nextHookGuySequenceId = 0x200;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ _nextHookGuySequenceId = 0x205;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ _nextHookGuySequenceId = 0x202;
+ break;
+ default:
+ _nextHookGuySequenceId = 0x201;
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ _nextHookGuySequenceId = 0x201;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!_vm->_timers[6]) {
+ _vm->_timers[6] = _vm->getRandom(100) + 100;
+ int _gnapRandomValue = _vm->getRandom(3);
+ switch (_gnapRandomValue) {
+ case 0:
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x8A5 | 0x10000, 179, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, 0, 0);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x8A7 | 0x10000, 179, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, 0, 0);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x8A6 | 0x10000, 179, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, 0, 0);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ _vm->checkGameKeys();
+ if (_vm->isKeyStatus1(Common::KEYCODE_BACKSPACE)) {
+ _vm->clearKeyStatus1(Common::KEYCODE_BACKSPACE);
+ _vm->runMenu();
+ updateHotspots();
+ _vm->_timers[5] = _vm->getRandom(50) + 75;
+ _vm->_timers[4] = _vm->getRandom(40) + 20;
+ }
+ _vm->gameUpdateTick();
+ }
+void Scene11::updateAnimations() {
+ GameSys& gameSys = *_vm->_gameSys;
+ PlayerGnap& gnap = *_vm->_gnap;
+ if (gameSys.getAnimationStatus(0) == 2) {
+ if (gnap._actionStatus != kAS11GrabBillardBall)
+ gameSys.setAnimation(0, 0, 0);
+ switch (gnap._actionStatus) {
+ case kAS11LeaveScene:
+ _vm->_sceneDone = true;
+ break;
+ case kAS11ShowMagazineToGoggleGuy:
+ _nextGoggleGuySequenceId = 0x1F7;
+ break;
+ case kAS11TalkGoggleGuy:
+ _nextGoggleGuySequenceId = 0x1FB;
+ break;
+ case kAS11GrabHookGuy:
+ _nextHookGuySequenceId = 0x204;
+ break;
+ case kAS11ShowItemToHookGuy:
+ _nextHookGuySequenceId = 0x203;
+ break;
+ case kAS11TalkHookGuy:
+ _nextHookGuySequenceId = 0x206;
+ break;
+ case kAS11GrabBillardBall:
+ if (gameSys.getAnimationStatus(2) == 2 && gameSys.getAnimationStatus(3) == 2) {
+ gameSys.setAnimation(0, 0, 0);
+ _vm->_timers[2] = _vm->getRandom(30) + 20;
+ _vm->_timers[3] = _vm->getRandom(50) + 200;
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x1F4, 255, makeRid(gnap._sequenceDatNum, gnap._sequenceId), gnap._id, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ gnap._sequenceId = 0x1F4;
+ gnap._id = 255;
+ gnap._sequenceDatNum = 0;
+ gameSys.removeSequence(0x207, 257, true);
+ gameSys.removeSequence(0x208, 256, true);
+ _nextGoggleGuySequenceId = 0x1F8;
+ _vm->_timers[5] = _vm->getRandom(100) + 75;
+ gameSys.insertSequence(_nextGoggleGuySequenceId, 121, _currGoggleGuySequenceId, 121, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ gameSys.setAnimation(_nextGoggleGuySequenceId, 121, 2);
+ _currGoggleGuySequenceId = _nextGoggleGuySequenceId;
+ _nextGoggleGuySequenceId = -1;
+ switch (_billardBallCtr) {
+ case 0:
+ _nextHookGuySequenceId = 0x1FC;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ _nextHookGuySequenceId = 0x1FD;
+ break;
+ default:
+ _nextHookGuySequenceId = 0x1FE;
+ break;
+ }
+ ++_billardBallCtr;
+ gameSys.insertSequence(_nextHookGuySequenceId, 120, _currHookGuySequenceId, 120, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ gameSys.setAnimation(_nextHookGuySequenceId, 120, 3);
+ _currHookGuySequenceId = _nextHookGuySequenceId;
+ _nextHookGuySequenceId = -1;
+ _vm->_timers[4] = _vm->getRandom(40) + 20;
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x208, 256, 0, 0, kSeqNone, _vm->getSequenceTotalDuration(0x1F4) - 5, 0, 0);
+ _vm->_hotspots[kHS11Billard]._flags |= SF_DISABLED;
+ gameSys.setAnimation(0x207, 257, 4);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x207, 257, 0, 0, kSeqNone, _vm->getSequenceTotalDuration(0x1FE), 0, 0);
+ gnap._actionStatus = -1;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (gameSys.getAnimationStatus(2) == 2 && _nextGoggleGuySequenceId != -1) {
+ _vm->_timers[5] = _vm->getRandom(100) + 75;
+ gameSys.insertSequence(_nextGoggleGuySequenceId, 121, _currGoggleGuySequenceId, 121, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ gameSys.setAnimation(_nextGoggleGuySequenceId, 121, 2);
+ _currGoggleGuySequenceId = _nextGoggleGuySequenceId;
+ _nextGoggleGuySequenceId = -1;
+ if (gnap._actionStatus >= 1 && gnap._actionStatus <= 4)
+ gnap._actionStatus = -1;
+ }
+ if (gameSys.getAnimationStatus(3) == 2) {
+ if (_nextHookGuySequenceId == 0x204) {
+ gameSys.setAnimation(_nextHookGuySequenceId, 120, 3);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x204, 120, _currHookGuySequenceId, 120, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x1F5, gnap._id, makeRid(gnap._sequenceDatNum, gnap._sequenceId), gnap._id, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ _currHookGuySequenceId = 0x204;
+ _nextHookGuySequenceId = -1;
+ gnap._sequenceId = 0x1F5;
+ gnap._sequenceDatNum = 0;
+ _vm->_timers[4] = _vm->getRandom(40) + 20;
+ _vm->_timers[2] = _vm->getRandom(20) + 70;
+ _vm->_timers[3] = _vm->getRandom(50) + 200;
+ if (gnap._actionStatus == kAS11GrabHookGuy)
+ gnap._actionStatus = -1;
+ } else if (_nextHookGuySequenceId != -1) {
+ gameSys.insertSequence(_nextHookGuySequenceId, 120, _currHookGuySequenceId, 120, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ gameSys.setAnimation(_nextHookGuySequenceId, 120, 3);
+ _currHookGuySequenceId = _nextHookGuySequenceId;
+ _nextHookGuySequenceId = -1;
+ _vm->_timers[4] = _vm->getRandom(40) + 20;
+ if (gnap._actionStatus >= 6 && gnap._actionStatus <= 9)
+ gnap._actionStatus = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (gameSys.getAnimationStatus(4) == 2) {
+ gameSys.setAnimation(0, 0, 4);
+ _vm->_hotspots[kHS11Billard]._flags &= ~SF_DISABLED;
+ }
+Scene12::Scene12(GnapEngine *vm) : Scene(vm) {
+ _nextBeardGuySequenceId = -1;
+ _currBeardGuySequenceId = -1;
+ _nextToothGuySequenceId = -1;
+ _currToothGuySequenceId = -1;
+ _nextBarkeeperSequenceId = -1;
+ _currBarkeeperSequenceId = -1;
+int Scene12::init() {
+ return 0x209;
+void Scene12::updateHotspots() {
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS12Platypus, 0, 0, 0, 0, SF_WALKABLE | SF_TALK_CURSOR | SF_GRAB_CURSOR | SF_LOOK_CURSOR);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS12ExitRight, 790, 360, 799, 599, SF_EXIT_R_CURSOR);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS12ToothGuy, 80, 180, 160, 380, SF_PLAT_CURSOR | SF_TALK_CURSOR | SF_GRAB_CURSOR | SF_LOOK_CURSOR);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS12Barkeeper, 490, 175, 580, 238, SF_PLAT_CURSOR | SF_TALK_CURSOR | SF_GRAB_CURSOR | SF_LOOK_CURSOR);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS12BeardGuy, 620, 215, 720, 350, SF_PLAT_CURSOR | SF_TALK_CURSOR | SF_GRAB_CURSOR | SF_LOOK_CURSOR);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS12Jukebox, 300, 170, 410, 355, SF_PLAT_CURSOR | SF_TALK_CURSOR | SF_GRAB_CURSOR | SF_LOOK_CURSOR);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS12WalkArea1, 0, 0, 260, 460);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS12WalkArea2, 0, 0, 380, 410);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS12WalkArea3, 0, 0, 799, 395);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS12WalkArea4, 585, 0, 799, 455);
+ _vm->setDeviceHotspot(kHS12Device, -1, -1, -1, -1);
+ _vm->_hotspotsCount = 11;
+void Scene12::run() {
+ GameSys& gameSys = *_vm->_gameSys;
+ PlayerGnap& gnap = *_vm->_gnap;
+ PlayerPlat& plat = *_vm->_plat;
+ int v18 = 1;
+ _vm->queueInsertDeviceIcon();
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x207, 256, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, 0, 0);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x200, 50, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, 0, 0);
+ _currToothGuySequenceId = 0x200;
+ _nextToothGuySequenceId = -1;
+ gameSys.setAnimation(0x200, 50, 2);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x202, 50, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, 0, 0);
+ _currBeardGuySequenceId = 0x202;
+ _nextBeardGuySequenceId = -1;
+ gameSys.setAnimation(0x202, 50, 4);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x203, 50, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, 0, 0);
+ _currBarkeeperSequenceId = 0x203;
+ _nextBarkeeperSequenceId = -1;
+ gameSys.setAnimation(0x203, 50, 3);
+ _vm->_timers[4] = 30;
+ _vm->_timers[6] = _vm->getRandom(30) + 20;
+ _vm->_timers[5] = _vm->getRandom(30) + 20;
+ _vm->_timers[7] = _vm->getRandom(100) + 100;
+ if (_vm->_prevSceneNum == 15) {
+ gnap.initPos(5, 6, kDirBottomRight);
+ plat.initPos(3, 7, kDirIdleLeft);
+ _vm->endSceneInit();
+ } else {
+ gnap.initPos(11, 8, kDirBottomLeft);
+ plat.initPos(12, 8, kDirIdleRight);
+ _vm->endSceneInit();
+ gnap.walkTo(Common::Point(8, 8), -1, 0x107BA, 1);
+ plat.walkTo(Common::Point(9, 8), -1, 0x107D2, 1);
+ }
+ while (!_vm->_sceneDone) {
+ _vm->testWalk(0, 0, -1, -1, -1, -1);
+ _vm->updateMouseCursor();
+ _vm->updateCursorByHotspot();
+ _vm->updateGrabCursorSprite(0, 0);
+ _vm->_sceneClickedHotspot = _vm->getClickedHotspotId();
+ _vm->updateGrabCursorSprite(0, 0);
+ switch (_vm->_sceneClickedHotspot) {
+ case kHS12Device:
+ if (gnap._actionStatus < 0) {
+ _vm->runMenu();
+ updateHotspots();
+ }
+ break;
+ case kHS12Platypus:
+ switch (_vm->_verbCursor) {
+ gnap.playMoan1(plat._pos);
+ break;
+ gnap.kissPlatypus(0);
+ break;
+ gnap.playBrainPulsating(plat._pos);
+ plat.playSequence(plat.getSequenceId());
+ break;
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ case kHS12ExitRight:
+ _vm->_isLeavingScene = true;
+ gnap.walkTo(Common::Point(10, -1), 0, 0x107AB, 1);
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS12LeaveScene;
+ plat.walkTo(Common::Point(10, -1), -1, -1, 1);
+ _vm->_newSceneNum = 11;
+ break;
+ case kHS12ToothGuy:
+ if (_vm->_grabCursorSpriteIndex == kItemQuarter) {
+ _vm->_largeSprite = gameSys.createSurface(0x141);
+ gnap.walkTo(Common::Point(3, 7), 0, 0x107BC, 9);
+ gnap._idleFacing = kDirUpLeft;
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS12QuarterToToothGuy;
+ gnap.playShowItem(_vm->_grabCursorSpriteIndex, 2, 0);
+ _vm->setGrabCursorSprite(-1);
+ } else if (_vm->_grabCursorSpriteIndex == kItemQuarterWithHole) {
+ gnap.walkTo(Common::Point(3, 7), 0, 0x107BC, 9);
+ gnap._idleFacing = kDirUpLeft;
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS12QuarterWithHoleToToothGuy;
+ gnap.playShowItem(_vm->_grabCursorSpriteIndex, 2, 0);
+ } else if (_vm->_grabCursorSpriteIndex >= 0) {
+ gnap.walkTo(Common::Point(3, 7), 0, 0x107BC, 9);
+ gnap._idleFacing = kDirUpLeft;
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS12ShowItemToToothGuy;
+ gnap.playShowItem(_vm->_grabCursorSpriteIndex, 2, 0);
+ } else {
+ switch (_vm->_verbCursor) {
+ gnap.playScratchingHead(Common::Point(1, 2));
+ break;
+ gnap.walkTo(Common::Point(3, 7), 0, 0x107BC, 1);
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS12GrabToothGuy;
+ break;
+ gnap._idleFacing = kDirUpLeft;
+ gnap.walkTo(Common::Point(3, 7), 0, gnap.getSequenceId(kGSBrainPulsating, Common::Point(0, 0)) | 0x10000, 1);
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS12TalkToothGuy;
+ break;
+ gnap.useDeviceOnPlatypus();
+ plat.walkTo(Common::Point(3, 7), 1, 0x107D2, 1);
+ plat._actionStatus = kAS12PlatWithToothGuy;
+ plat._idleFacing = kDirIdleRight;
+ gnap.playIdle(Common::Point(2, 7));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case kHS12Barkeeper:
+ if (_vm->_grabCursorSpriteIndex == kItemQuarter || _vm->_grabCursorSpriteIndex == kItemQuarterWithHole) {
+ gnap.walkTo(Common::Point(6, 6), 0, 0x107BB, 9);
+ gnap._idleFacing = kDirUpRight;
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS12QuarterWithBarkeeper;
+ gnap.playShowItem(_vm->_grabCursorSpriteIndex, 7, 0);
+ } else if (_vm->_grabCursorSpriteIndex >= 0) {
+ gnap.walkTo(Common::Point(6, 6), 0, 0x107BB, 9);
+ gnap._idleFacing = kDirUpRight;
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS12ShowItemToBarkeeper;
+ gnap.playShowItem(_vm->_grabCursorSpriteIndex, 7, 0);
+ } else {
+ switch (_vm->_verbCursor) {
+ gnap.walkTo(Common::Point(6, 6), 0, 0x107BB, 1);
+ gnap._idleFacing = kDirUpRight;
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS12LookBarkeeper;
+ break;
+ gnap.playImpossible();
+ break;
+ gnap._idleFacing = kDirUpRight;
+ gnap.walkTo(Common::Point(6, 6), 0, gnap.getSequenceId(kGSBrainPulsating, Common::Point(0, 0)) | 0x10000, 1);
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS12TalkBarkeeper;
+ break;
+ gnap.playPullOutDevice(plat._pos);
+ gameSys.setAnimation(makeRid(gnap._sequenceDatNum, gnap._sequenceId), gnap._id, 0);
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS12PlatWithBarkeeper;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case kHS12BeardGuy:
+ if (_vm->_grabCursorSpriteIndex >= 0) {
+ gnap.walkTo(Common::Point(7, 6), 0, 0x107BB, 9);
+ gnap._idleFacing = kDirUpRight;
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS12ShowItemToBeardGuy;
+ gnap.playShowItem(_vm->_grabCursorSpriteIndex, 8, 0);
+ } else {
+ switch (_vm->_verbCursor) {
+ gnap.walkTo(Common::Point(7, 6), 0, 0x107BB, 1);
+ gnap._idleFacing = kDirUpRight;
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS12LookBeardGuy;
+ break;
+ // NOTE Bug in the original. It has 9 as flags which seems wrong here.
+ gnap.walkTo(Common::Point(7, 6), 0, 0x107BB, 1);
+ gnap._idleFacing = kDirUpRight;
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS12GrabBeardGuy;
+ break;
+ gnap._idleFacing = kDirUpRight;
+ gnap.walkTo(Common::Point(7, 6), 0, gnap.getSequenceId(kGSBrainPulsating, Common::Point(0, 0)) | 0x10000, 1);
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS12TalkBeardGuy;
+ break;
+ gnap.useDeviceOnPlatypus();
+ plat.walkTo(Common::Point(7, 6), 1, 0x107C2, 1);
+ plat._actionStatus = kAS12PlatWithBeardGuy;
+ plat._idleFacing = kDirIdleLeft;
+ gnap.playIdle(Common::Point(7, 6));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case kHS12Jukebox:
+ _vm->_newSceneNum = 15;
+ _vm->_isLeavingScene = true;
+ gnap.walkTo(Common::Point(5, 6), 0, 0x107BC, 1);
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS12LeaveScene;
+ break;
+ case kHS12WalkArea1:
+ case kHS12WalkArea2:
+ case kHS12WalkArea3:
+ case kHS12WalkArea4:
+ if (gnap._actionStatus < 0)
+ gnap.walkTo(Common::Point(-1, -1), -1, -1, 1);
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (_vm->_mouseClickState._left && gnap._actionStatus < 0) {
+ gnap.walkTo(Common::Point(-1, -1), -1, -1, 1);
+ _vm->_mouseClickState._left = false;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ updateAnimations();
+ if (!_vm->_isLeavingScene) {
+ plat.updateIdleSequence();
+ gnap.updateIdleSequence();
+ if (!_vm->_timers[4]) {
+ _vm->_timers[4] = 15;
+ if (_nextToothGuySequenceId == -1) {
+ if (v18 == 0 && _currBeardGuySequenceId == 0x202 && _currBarkeeperSequenceId == 0x203 && gnap._actionStatus < 0 && plat._actionStatus < 0) {
+ if (_vm->getRandom(2) != 0)
+ _nextToothGuySequenceId = 0x1EC;
+ else
+ _nextToothGuySequenceId = 0x204;
+ } else if (_currToothGuySequenceId != 0x200)
+ _nextToothGuySequenceId = 0x200;
+ v18 = (v18 + 1) % 15;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!_vm->_timers[5]) {
+ _vm->_timers[5] = _vm->getRandom(30) + 20;
+ if (_nextBarkeeperSequenceId == -1 && gnap._actionStatus < 0 && plat._actionStatus < 0) {
+ if (v18 == 0 && _currToothGuySequenceId == 0x200 && _currBeardGuySequenceId == 0x202 && gnap._actionStatus < 0 && plat._actionStatus < 0) {
+ if (_vm->getRandom(2) != 0)
+ _nextBarkeeperSequenceId = 0x208;
+ else
+ _nextBarkeeperSequenceId = 0x1FB;
+ } else
+ _nextBarkeeperSequenceId = 0x203;
+ v18 = (v18 + 1) % 15;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!_vm->_timers[6]) {
+ _vm->_timers[6] = _vm->getRandom(30) + 15;
+ if (_nextBeardGuySequenceId == -1 && gnap._actionStatus < 0 && plat._actionStatus < 0) {
+ if (v18 == 0 && _currToothGuySequenceId == 0x200 && _currBarkeeperSequenceId == 0x203 && gnap._actionStatus < 0 && plat._actionStatus < 0)
+ _nextBeardGuySequenceId = 0x1F2;
+ else
+ _nextBeardGuySequenceId = 0x202;
+ v18 = (v18 + 1) % 15;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!_vm->_timers[7]) {
+ _vm->_timers[7] = _vm->getRandom(100) + 100;
+ int _gnapRandomValue = _vm->getRandom(3);
+ switch (_gnapRandomValue) {
+ case 0:
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x8A5 | 0x10000, 179, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, 0, 0);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x8A7 | 0x10000, 179, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, 0, 0);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x8A6 | 0x10000, 179, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, 0, 0);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ _vm->checkGameKeys();
+ if (_vm->isKeyStatus1(Common::KEYCODE_BACKSPACE)) {
+ _vm->clearKeyStatus1(Common::KEYCODE_BACKSPACE);
+ _vm->runMenu();
+ updateHotspots();
+ _vm->_timers[4] = 30;
+ _vm->_timers[5] = _vm->getRandom(30) + 20;
+ _vm->_timers[6] = _vm->getRandom(30) + 20;
+ }
+ _vm->gameUpdateTick();
+ }
+void Scene12::updateAnimations() {
+ GameSys& gameSys = *_vm->_gameSys;
+ PlayerGnap& gnap = *_vm->_gnap;
+ PlayerPlat& plat = *_vm->_plat;
+ if (gameSys.getAnimationStatus(0) == 2) {
+ gameSys.setAnimation(0, 0, 0);
+ switch (gnap._actionStatus) {
+ case kAS12LeaveScene:
+ _vm->_sceneDone = true;
+ break;
+ case kAS12TalkToothGuy:
+ if (_vm->isKeyStatus1(Common::KEYCODE_j)) {
+ // Easter egg
+ _vm->clearKeyStatus1(Common::KEYCODE_j);
+ _nextToothGuySequenceId = 0x206;
+ } else {
+ _nextToothGuySequenceId = 0x1EE;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ break;
+ case kAS12GrabToothGuy:
+ if (_vm->isKeyStatus1(Common::KEYCODE_j)) {
+ _vm->clearKeyStatus1(Common::KEYCODE_j);
+ _nextToothGuySequenceId = 0x206;
+ } else {
+ _nextToothGuySequenceId = 0x1EF;
+ }
+ break;
+ case kAS12ShowItemToToothGuy:
+ if (_vm->isKeyStatus1(Common::KEYCODE_j)) {
+ _vm->clearKeyStatus1(Common::KEYCODE_j);
+ _nextToothGuySequenceId = 0x206;
+ } else {
+ _nextToothGuySequenceId = 0x1ED;
+ }
+ break;
+ case kAS12QuarterWithHoleToToothGuy:
+ if (_vm->isKeyStatus1(Common::KEYCODE_j)) {
+ _vm->clearKeyStatus1(Common::KEYCODE_j);
+ _nextToothGuySequenceId = 0x206;
+ } else {
+ _nextToothGuySequenceId = 0x1EA;
+ }
+ break;
+ case kAS12QuarterToToothGuy:
+ if (_vm->isKeyStatus1(Common::KEYCODE_j)) {
+ _vm->clearKeyStatus1(Common::KEYCODE_j);
+ _nextToothGuySequenceId = 0x206;
+ } else {
+ _nextToothGuySequenceId = 0x1E9;
+ }
+ break;
+ case kAS12QuarterToToothGuyDone:
+ gnap._actionStatus = -1;
+ _vm->showCursor();
+ gameSys.removeSpriteDrawItem(_vm->_largeSprite, 300);
+ _vm->deleteSurface(&_vm->_largeSprite);
+ _vm->setGrabCursorSprite(kItemQuarterWithHole);
+ break;
+ case kAS12TalkBeardGuy:
+ _nextBeardGuySequenceId = 0x1F4;
+ break;
+ case kAS12LookBeardGuy:
+ _nextBeardGuySequenceId = 0x1F3;
+ break;
+ case kAS12GrabBeardGuy:
+ _nextBeardGuySequenceId = 0x1F1;
+ break;
+ case kAS12ShowItemToBeardGuy:
+ _nextBeardGuySequenceId = 0x1F0;
+ break;
+ case kAS12TalkBarkeeper:
+ if (_vm->getRandom(2) != 0)
+ _nextBarkeeperSequenceId = 0x1FD;
+ else
+ _nextBarkeeperSequenceId = 0x1FF;
+ break;
+ case kAS12LookBarkeeper:
+ _nextBarkeeperSequenceId = 0x1F8;
+ break;
+ case 14:
+ _nextBarkeeperSequenceId = 0x1F6;
+ break;
+ case kAS12ShowItemToBarkeeper:
+ _nextBarkeeperSequenceId = 0x1F5;
+ break;
+ case kAS12QuarterWithBarkeeper:
+ _nextBarkeeperSequenceId = 0x1FA;
+ break;
+ case kAS12PlatWithBarkeeper:
+ _nextBarkeeperSequenceId = 0x1F9;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (gameSys.getAnimationStatus(1) == 2) {
+ gameSys.setAnimation(0, 0, 1);
+ switch (plat._actionStatus) {
+ case kAS12PlatWithToothGuy:
+ _nextToothGuySequenceId = 0x1EB;
+ break;
+ case kAS12PlatWithBeardGuy:
+ _nextBeardGuySequenceId = 0x1F3;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (gameSys.getAnimationStatus(2) == 2) {
+ if (_currToothGuySequenceId == 0x1E9) {
+ gameSys.setAnimation(0, 0, 2);
+ _vm->hideCursor();
+ gameSys.setAnimation(0x10843, 301, 0);
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS12QuarterToToothGuyDone;
+ gameSys.insertSpriteDrawItem(_vm->_largeSprite, 0, 0, 300);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x10843, 301, makeRid(gnap._sequenceDatNum, gnap._sequenceId), gnap._id, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x107B7, gnap._id, 0x10843, 301,
+ kSeqSyncWait, 0, 75 * gnap._pos.x - gnap._gridX, 48 * gnap._pos.y - gnap._gridY);
+ gnap._sequenceId = 0x7B7;
+ gnap._sequenceDatNum = 1;
+ _vm->setFlag(kGFTwigTaken);
+ _vm->invAdd(kItemQuarterWithHole);
+ _vm->invRemove(kItemQuarter);
+ }
+ if (_nextToothGuySequenceId == 0x1EF) {
+ gameSys.setAnimation(_nextToothGuySequenceId, 50, 2);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(_nextToothGuySequenceId, 50, _currToothGuySequenceId, 50, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x205, gnap._id, makeRid(gnap._sequenceDatNum, gnap._sequenceId), gnap._id, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ _currToothGuySequenceId = _nextToothGuySequenceId;
+ _nextToothGuySequenceId = -1;
+ gnap._sequenceId = 0x205;
+ gnap._sequenceDatNum = 0;
+ _vm->_timers[4] = 40;
+ _vm->_timers[2] = _vm->getRandom(20) + 70;
+ _vm->_timers[3] = _vm->getRandom(50) + 200;
+ if (gnap._actionStatus == kAS12GrabToothGuy)
+ gnap._actionStatus = -1;
+ } else if (_nextToothGuySequenceId != -1) {
+ gameSys.insertSequence(_nextToothGuySequenceId, 50, _currToothGuySequenceId, 50, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ gameSys.setAnimation(_nextToothGuySequenceId, 50, 2);
+ _currToothGuySequenceId = _nextToothGuySequenceId;
+ _nextToothGuySequenceId = -1;
+ _vm->_timers[4] = 50;
+ if (gnap._actionStatus >= kAS12TalkToothGuy && gnap._actionStatus <= kAS12QuarterToToothGuy && _currToothGuySequenceId != 0x1E9 &&
+ _currToothGuySequenceId != 0x1EC && _currToothGuySequenceId != 0x200)
+ gnap._actionStatus = -1;
+ if (plat._actionStatus == kAS12PlatWithToothGuy)
+ plat._actionStatus = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (gameSys.getAnimationStatus(3) == 2) {
+ if (gnap._actionStatus == kAS12PlatWithBarkeeper && _currBarkeeperSequenceId == 0x1F9) {
+ gnap._actionStatus = -1;
+ gnap.playIdle(Common::Point(7, 6));
+ _vm->_timers[5] = 0;
+ }
+ if (_nextBarkeeperSequenceId != -1) {
+ gameSys.insertSequence(_nextBarkeeperSequenceId, 50, _currBarkeeperSequenceId, 50, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ gameSys.setAnimation(_nextBarkeeperSequenceId, 50, 3);
+ _currBarkeeperSequenceId = _nextBarkeeperSequenceId;
+ _nextBarkeeperSequenceId = -1;
+ _vm->_timers[5] = _vm->getRandom(30) + 20;
+ if (gnap._actionStatus >= kAS12TalkBarkeeper && gnap._actionStatus <= kAS12QuarterWithBarkeeper && _currBarkeeperSequenceId != 0x203 &&
+ _currBarkeeperSequenceId != 0x1FB && _currBarkeeperSequenceId != 0x208)
+ gnap._actionStatus = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (gameSys.getAnimationStatus(4) == 2 && _nextBeardGuySequenceId != -1) {
+ gameSys.insertSequence(_nextBeardGuySequenceId, 50, _currBeardGuySequenceId, 50, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ gameSys.setAnimation(_nextBeardGuySequenceId, 50, 4);
+ _currBeardGuySequenceId = _nextBeardGuySequenceId;
+ _nextBeardGuySequenceId = -1;
+ _vm->_timers[6] = _vm->getRandom(30) + 20;
+ if (gnap._actionStatus >= kAS12TalkBeardGuy && gnap._actionStatus <= kAS12ShowItemToBeardGuy && _currBeardGuySequenceId != 0x202 && _currBeardGuySequenceId != 0x1F2)
+ gnap._actionStatus = -1;
+ if (plat._actionStatus == kAS12PlatWithBeardGuy)
+ plat._actionStatus = -1;
+ }
+Scene13::Scene13(GnapEngine *vm) : Scene(vm) {
+ _backToiletCtr = -1;
+int Scene13::init() {
+ _vm->playSound(0x108EC, false);
+ return 0xAC;
+void Scene13::updateHotspots() {
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS13Platypus, 0, 0, 0, 0, SF_WALKABLE | SF_TALK_CURSOR | SF_GRAB_CURSOR | SF_LOOK_CURSOR);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS13ExitBar, 113, 160, 170, 455, SF_EXIT_L_CURSOR);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS13BackToilet, 385, 195, 478, 367, SF_PLAT_CURSOR | SF_TALK_CURSOR | SF_GRAB_CURSOR | SF_LOOK_CURSOR);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS13FrontToilet, 497, 182, 545, 432, SF_PLAT_CURSOR | SF_TALK_CURSOR | SF_GRAB_CURSOR | SF_LOOK_CURSOR);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS13Urinal, 680, 265, 760, 445, SF_PLAT_CURSOR | SF_TALK_CURSOR | SF_GRAB_CURSOR | SF_LOOK_CURSOR);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS13Scribble, 560, 270, 660, 370, SF_PLAT_CURSOR | SF_TALK_CURSOR | SF_GRAB_CURSOR | SF_LOOK_CURSOR);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS13Sink, 310, 520, 560, 599, SF_WALKABLE | SF_PLAT_CURSOR | SF_TALK_CURSOR | SF_GRAB_CURSOR | SF_LOOK_CURSOR);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS13WalkArea1, 268, 270, 325, 385);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS13WalkArea2, 0, 0, 52, 599);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS13WalkArea3, 0, 0, 113, 550);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS13WalkArea4, 0, 0, 226, 438);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS13WalkArea5, 0, 0, 268, 400);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS13WalkArea6, 0, 0, 799, 367);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS13WalkArea7, 478, 0, 799, 401);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS13WalkArea8, 545, 0, 799, 473);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS13WalkArea9, 0, 549, 799, 599);
+ _vm->setDeviceHotspot(kHS13Device, -1, -1, -1, -1);
+ _vm->_hotspotsCount = 17;
+void Scene13::showScribble() {
+ GameSys& gameSys = *_vm->_gameSys;
+ _vm->hideCursor();
+ _vm->_largeSprite = gameSys.createSurface(0x6F);
+ gameSys.insertSpriteDrawItem(_vm->_largeSprite, 0, 0, 300);
+ while (!_vm->_mouseClickState._left && !_vm->isKeyStatus1(Common::KEYCODE_ESCAPE) &&
+ !_vm->isKeyStatus1(Common::KEYCODE_SPACE) && !_vm->isKeyStatus1(Common::KEYCODE_RETURN) && !_vm->_gameDone)
+ _vm->gameUpdateTick();
+ _vm->_mouseClickState._left = false;
+ _vm->clearKeyStatus1(Common::KEYCODE_ESCAPE);
+ _vm->clearKeyStatus1(Common::KEYCODE_RETURN);
+ _vm->clearKeyStatus1(Common::KEYCODE_SPACE);
+ gameSys.removeSpriteDrawItem(_vm->_largeSprite, 300);
+ _vm->deleteSurface(&_vm->_largeSprite);
+ _vm->showCursor();
+void Scene13::run() {
+ GameSys& gameSys = *_vm->_gameSys;
+ PlayerGnap& gnap = *_vm->_gnap;
+ PlayerPlat& plat = *_vm->_plat;
+ int currSoundId = 0;
+ _vm->queueInsertDeviceIcon();
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0xAA, 256, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, 0, 0);
+ if (_vm->_prevSceneNum == 14) {
+ gnap.initPos(6, 6, kDirBottomLeft);
+ plat.initPos(9, 8, kDirIdleLeft);
+ } else {
+ gnap.initPos(3, 7, kDirBottomRight);
+ plat.initPos(2, 7, kDirIdleLeft);
+ }
+ _vm->endSceneInit();
+ _vm->_timers[4] = _vm->getRandom(20) + 20;
+ _vm->_timers[5] = _vm->getRandom(50) + 50;
+ while (!_vm->_sceneDone) {
+ if (!_vm->isSoundPlaying(0x1091A))
+ _vm->playSound(0x1091A, true);
+ _vm->testWalk(0, 0, -1, -1, -1, -1);
+ _vm->updateMouseCursor();
+ _vm->updateCursorByHotspot();
+ _vm->_sceneClickedHotspot = _vm->getClickedHotspotId();
+ _vm->updateGrabCursorSprite(0, 0);
+ switch (_vm->_sceneClickedHotspot) {
+ case kHS13Device:
+ if (gnap._actionStatus < 0) {
+ _vm->runMenu();
+ updateHotspots();
+ _vm->_timers[4] = _vm->getRandom(20) + 20;
+ _vm->_timers[5] = _vm->getRandom(50) + 50;
+ }
+ break;
+ case kHS13Platypus:
+ switch (_vm->_verbCursor) {
+ gnap.playMoan1(plat._pos);
+ break;
+ gnap.kissPlatypus(0);
+ break;
+ gnap.playBrainPulsating(plat._pos);
+ plat.playSequence(plat.getSequenceId());
+ break;
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ case kHS13ExitBar:
+ _vm->_isLeavingScene = true;
+ gnap.walkTo(Common::Point(2, 7), 0, 0x107C0, 1);
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS13LeaveScene;
+ plat.walkTo(Common::Point(2, 8), -1, -1, 1);
+ if (_vm->isFlag(kGFUnk14) || _vm->isFlag(kGFSpringTaken)) {
+ _vm->_newSceneNum = 11;
+ } else {
+ _vm->setFlag(kGFSpringTaken);
+ _vm->_newSceneNum = 47;
+ }
+ break;
+ case kHS13BackToilet:
+ if (_vm->_grabCursorSpriteIndex >= 0) {
+ gnap.playShowCurrItem(Common::Point(5, 5), 6, 0);
+ } else {
+ switch (_vm->_verbCursor) {
+ if (gnap._pos == Common::Point(5, 5)) {
+ _backToiletCtr = MIN(5, _backToiletCtr + 1);
+ gameSys.setAnimation(_backToiletCtr + 0xA3, gnap._id, 0);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(_backToiletCtr + 0xA3, gnap._id,
+ makeRid(gnap._sequenceDatNum, gnap._sequenceId), gnap._id,
+ kSeqScale | kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS13Wait;
+ gnap._sequenceId = _backToiletCtr + 0xA3;
+ gnap._idleFacing = kDirUpRight;
+ gnap._sequenceDatNum = 0;
+ } else {
+ gnap.walkTo(Common::Point(5, 5), 0, 0x107BB, 1);
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS13BackToilet;
+ gnap._idleFacing = kDirUpRight;
+ }
+ break;
+ gnap.playImpossible();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case kHS13FrontToilet:
+ if (_vm->_grabCursorSpriteIndex >= 0) {
+ gnap.playShowCurrItem(Common::Point(6, 7), 7, 0);
+ } else {
+ switch (_vm->_verbCursor) {
+ gnap.walkTo(Common::Point(6, 7), 0, 0xA9, 5);
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS13FrontToilet;
+ gnap._idleFacing = kDirBottomRight;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case kHS13Scribble:
+ if (_vm->_grabCursorSpriteIndex >= 0) {
+ gnap.playShowCurrItem(Common::Point(7, 7), 8, 0);
+ } else {
+ switch (_vm->_verbCursor) {
+ gnap.walkTo(Common::Point(7, 7), 0, 0x107BB, 1);
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS13LookScribble;
+ gnap._idleFacing = kDirUpRight;
+ break;
+ gnap.playScratchingHead();
+ break;
+ gnap._idleFacing = kDirUpRight;
+ gnap.walkTo(Common::Point(7, 7), -1, gnap.getSequenceId(kGSBrainPulsating, Common::Point(0, 0)), 1);
+ break;
+ gnap.playImpossible();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case kHS13Urinal:
+ if (_vm->_grabCursorSpriteIndex >= 0) {
+ gnap.playShowCurrItem(Common::Point(8, 7), 9, 0);
+ } else {
+ switch (_vm->_verbCursor) {
+ gnap.playSequence(gnap.getSequenceId(kGSDeflect, Common::Point(9, 6)));
+ gnap.walkTo(gnap._pos, 0, -1, 1);
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS13Wait;
+ break;
+ gnap.walkTo(Common::Point(8, 7), 0, -1, 1);
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS13GrabUrinal;
+ break;
+ gnap.playImpossible();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case kHS13Sink:
+ if (_vm->_grabCursorSpriteIndex >= 0) {
+ gnap.playImpossible();
+ } else {
+ switch (_vm->_verbCursor) {
+ gnap.playSequence(gnap.getSequenceId(kGSDeflect, Common::Point(5, 9)));
+ gnap.walkTo(gnap._pos, 0, -1, 1);
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS13Wait;
+ break;
+ gnap.walkTo(Common::Point(4, 8), 0, 0x107B9, 1);
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS13GrabSink;
+ break;
+ gnap.playImpossible();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case kHS13WalkArea2:
+ case kHS13WalkArea3:
+ case kHS13WalkArea4:
+ case kHS13WalkArea5:
+ case kHS13WalkArea6:
+ case kHS13WalkArea7:
+ case kHS13WalkArea8:
+ case kHS13WalkArea9:
+ gnap.walkTo(Common::Point(-1, -1), -1, -1, 1);
+ break;
+ case kHS13WalkArea1:
+ // Nothing
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (_vm->_mouseClickState._left) {
+ gnap.walkTo(Common::Point(-1, -1), -1, -1, 1);
+ _vm->_mouseClickState._left = false;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ updateAnimations();
+ if (!_vm->_isLeavingScene) {
+ plat.updateIdleSequence();
+ if (plat._pos.y == 5 || plat._pos.y == 6)
+ plat.walkTo(Common::Point(-1, 7), -1, -1, 1);
+ if (gnap._actionStatus < 0)
+ gnap.updateIdleSequence();
+ if (!_vm->_timers[4]) {
+ _vm->_timers[4] = _vm->getRandom(20) + 20;
+ switch (_vm->getRandom(5)) {
+ case 0:
+ _vm->playSound(0xD2, false);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ _vm->playSound(0xD3, false);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ _vm->playSound(0xD4, false);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ _vm->playSound(0xD5, false);
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ _vm->playSound(0xD6, false);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!_vm->_timers[5]) {
+ int newSoundId;
+ _vm->_timers[5] = _vm->getRandom(50) + 50;
+ switch (_vm->getRandom(7)) {
+ case 0:
+ newSoundId = 0xD7;
+ _vm->_timers[5] = 2 * _vm->getRandom(50) + 100;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ case 2:
+ newSoundId = 0xCF;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ case 4:
+ newSoundId = 0xD0;
+ break;
+ default:
+ newSoundId = 0xD1;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (newSoundId != currSoundId) {
+ _vm->playSound(newSoundId, false);
+ currSoundId = newSoundId;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ _vm->checkGameKeys();
+ if (_vm->isKeyStatus1(Common::KEYCODE_BACKSPACE)) {
+ _vm->clearKeyStatus1(Common::KEYCODE_BACKSPACE);
+ _vm->runMenu();
+ updateHotspots();
+ _vm->_timers[4] = _vm->getRandom(20) + 20;
+ _vm->_timers[5] = _vm->getRandom(50) + 50;
+ }
+ _vm->gameUpdateTick();
+ }
+void Scene13::updateAnimations() {
+ GameSys& gameSys = *_vm->_gameSys;
+ PlayerGnap& gnap = *_vm->_gnap;
+ if (gameSys.getAnimationStatus(0) == 2) {
+ gameSys.setAnimation(0, 0, 0);
+ switch (gnap._actionStatus) {
+ case kAS13LeaveScene:
+ _vm->_sceneDone = true;
+ gnap._actionStatus = -1;
+ break;
+ case kAS13BackToilet:
+ _backToiletCtr = MIN(5, _backToiletCtr + 1);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(_backToiletCtr + 0xA3, gnap._id, makeRid(gnap._sequenceDatNum, gnap._sequenceId), gnap._id, 9, 0, 0, 0);
+ gnap._sequenceId = _backToiletCtr + 0xA3;
+ gnap._sequenceDatNum = 0;
+ gnap._actionStatus = -1;
+ break;
+ case kAS13FrontToilet:
+ _vm->_sceneDone = true;
+ _vm->_newSceneNum = 14;
+ break;
+ case kAS13LookScribble:
+ gnap._actionStatus = -1;
+ showScribble();
+ break;
+ case kAS13GrabSink:
+ gameSys.setAnimation(0xAB, 160, 0);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0xAB, 160, makeRid(gnap._sequenceDatNum, gnap._sequenceId), gnap._id, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ gameSys.removeSequence(0xAA, 256, true);
+ gnap._sequenceId = 0xAB;
+ gnap._id = 160;
+ gnap._idleFacing = kDirBottomRight;
+ gnap._sequenceDatNum = 0;
+ gnap._pos = Common::Point(4, 8);
+ _vm->_timers[2] = 360;
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS13GrabSinkDone;
+ break;
+ case kAS13GrabSinkDone:
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0xAA, 256, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, 0, 0);
+ gnap._actionStatus = -1;
+ break;
+ case kAS13Wait:
+ gnap._actionStatus = -1;
+ break;
+ case kAS13GrabUrinal:
+ gameSys.setAnimation(0xA2, 120, 0);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0xA2, 120, makeRid(gnap._sequenceDatNum, gnap._sequenceId), gnap._id, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ gnap._sequenceId = 0xA2;
+ gnap._id = 120;
+ gnap._idleFacing = kDirBottomLeft;
+ gnap._sequenceDatNum = 0;
+ gnap._pos = Common::Point(4, 6);
+ _vm->_timers[2] = 360;
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS13Wait;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (gameSys.getAnimationStatus(1) == 2) {
+ gameSys.setAnimation(0, 0, 1);
+ _vm->_plat->_actionStatus = -1;
+ }
+Scene14::Scene14(GnapEngine *vm) : Scene(vm) {
+int Scene14::init() {
+ GameSys& gameSys = *_vm->_gameSys;
+ gameSys.setAnimation(0, 0, 0);
+ gameSys.setAnimation(0, 0, 1);
+ return 0x27;
+void Scene14::updateHotspots() {
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS14Platypus, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS14Exit, 0, 590, 799, 599, SF_EXIT_D_CURSOR);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS14Coin, 330, 390, 375, 440, SF_PLAT_CURSOR | SF_TALK_CURSOR | SF_GRAB_CURSOR | SF_LOOK_CURSOR);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS14Toilet, 225, 250, 510, 500, SF_PLAT_CURSOR | SF_TALK_CURSOR | SF_GRAB_CURSOR | SF_LOOK_CURSOR);
+ _vm->setDeviceHotspot(kHS14Device, -1, -1, -1, -1);
+ if (_vm->isFlag(kGFNeedleTaken))
+ _vm->_hotspots[kHS14Coin]._flags = SF_DISABLED;
+ _vm->_hotspotsCount = 5;
+void Scene14::run() {
+ GameSys& gameSys = *_vm->_gameSys;
+ PlayerGnap& gnap = *_vm->_gnap;
+ _vm->_largeSprite = nullptr;
+ _vm->queueInsertDeviceIcon();
+ if (!_vm->isFlag(kGFNeedleTaken))
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x23, 10, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, 0, 0);
+ _vm->endSceneInit();
+ if (!_vm->isFlag(kGFNeedleTaken) && _vm->invHas(kItemTongs))
+ _vm->_largeSprite = gameSys.createSurface(1);
+ if (!_vm->isFlag(kGFNeedleTaken)) {
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x24, 10, 0x23, 10, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ gnap._sequenceId = 0x24;
+ _vm->_timers[2] = _vm->getRandom(40) + 50;
+ }
+ while (!_vm->_sceneDone) {
+ _vm->updateMouseCursor();
+ _vm->updateCursorByHotspot();
+ _vm->_sceneClickedHotspot = _vm->getClickedHotspotId();
+ _vm->updateGrabCursorSprite(0, 0);
+ switch (_vm->_sceneClickedHotspot) {
+ case kHS14Device:
+ if (gnap._actionStatus < 0) {
+ _vm->runMenu();
+ updateHotspots();
+ }
+ break;
+ case kHS14Exit:
+ _vm->_sceneDone = true;
+ _vm->_newSceneNum = 13;
+ break;
+ case kHS14Coin:
+ if (_vm->_grabCursorSpriteIndex == kItemTongs) {
+ _vm->invAdd(kItemQuarter);
+ _vm->setFlag(kGFNeedleTaken);
+ _vm->setGrabCursorSprite(-1);
+ _vm->hideCursor();
+ gameSys.setAnimation(0x26, 10, 0);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x26, 10, gnap._sequenceId, 10, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ } else if (_vm->_grabCursorSpriteIndex >= 0) {
+ _vm->playSound(0x108E9, false);
+ } else {
+ switch (_vm->_verbCursor) {
+ _vm->playSound(0x108E9, false);
+ break;
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x25, 10, gnap._sequenceId, 10, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x23, 10, 0x25, 10, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ gnap._sequenceId = 0x23;
+ break;
+ _vm->playSound((_vm->getRandom(5) + 0x8D5) | 0x10000, false);
+ break;
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x107A8, 1, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, 900 - gnap._gridX, 576 - gnap._gridY);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case kHS14Toilet:
+ if (_vm->_grabCursorSpriteIndex >= 0) {
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x107A8, 1, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, 900 - gnap._gridX, 576 - gnap._gridY);
+ } else {
+ switch (_vm->_verbCursor) {
+ _vm->playSound(0x108B1, false);
+ break;
+ _vm->playSound((_vm->getRandom(5) + 0x8D5) | 0x10000, false);
+ break;
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x107A8, 1, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, 900 - gnap._gridX, 576 - gnap._gridY);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ _vm->_mouseClickState._left = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ updateAnimations();
+ _vm->checkGameKeys();
+ if (!_vm->isFlag(kGFNeedleTaken) && !_vm->_timers[2]) {
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x24, 10, gnap._sequenceId, 10, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ gnap._sequenceId = 0x24;
+ _vm->_timers[2] = _vm->getRandom(40) + 50;
+ }
+ if (_vm->isKeyStatus1(Common::KEYCODE_BACKSPACE)) {
+ _vm->clearKeyStatus1(Common::KEYCODE_BACKSPACE);
+ _vm->runMenu();
+ updateHotspots();
+ }
+ _vm->gameUpdateTick();
+ }
+ if (_vm->_largeSprite)
+ _vm->deleteSurface(&_vm->_largeSprite);
+void Scene14::updateAnimations() {
+ GameSys& gameSys = *_vm->_gameSys;
+ if (gameSys.getAnimationStatus(0) == 2) {
+ gameSys.setAnimation(0, 0, 0);
+ gameSys.insertSpriteDrawItem(_vm->_largeSprite, 0, 0, 300);
+ gameSys.setAnimation(0x10843, 301, 1);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x10843, 301, 0x26, 10, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ }
+ if (gameSys.getAnimationStatus(1) == 2) {
+ gameSys.setAnimation(0, 0, 1);
+ _vm->_sceneDone = true;
+ _vm->_newSceneNum = 13;
+ _vm->_grabCursorSpriteIndex = kItemQuarter;
+ }
+Scene15::Scene15(GnapEngine *vm) : Scene(vm) {
+ _nextRecordSequenceId = -1;
+ _currRecordSequenceId = -1;
+ _nextSlotSequenceId = -1;
+ _currSlotSequenceId = -1;
+ _nextUpperButtonSequenceId = -1;
+ _currUpperButtonSequenceId = -1;
+ _nextLowerButtonSequenceId = -1;
+ _currLowerButtonSequenceId = -1;
+int Scene15::init() {
+ return 0xDD;
+void Scene15::updateHotspots() {
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS15Platypus, 0, 0, 0, 0, SF_DISABLED);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS15Exit, 50, 590, 750, 599, SF_EXIT_D_CURSOR);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS15Button1, 210, 425, 260, 475, SF_PLAT_CURSOR | SF_TALK_CURSOR | SF_GRAB_CURSOR | SF_LOOK_CURSOR);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS15Button2, 280, 425, 325, 475, SF_PLAT_CURSOR | SF_TALK_CURSOR | SF_GRAB_CURSOR | SF_LOOK_CURSOR);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS15Button3, 340, 425, 385, 475, SF_PLAT_CURSOR | SF_TALK_CURSOR | SF_GRAB_CURSOR | SF_LOOK_CURSOR);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS15Button4, 400, 425, 445, 475, SF_PLAT_CURSOR | SF_TALK_CURSOR | SF_GRAB_CURSOR | SF_LOOK_CURSOR);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS15Button5, 460, 425, 510, 475, SF_PLAT_CURSOR | SF_TALK_CURSOR | SF_GRAB_CURSOR | SF_LOOK_CURSOR);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS15Button6, 520, 425, 560, 475, SF_PLAT_CURSOR | SF_TALK_CURSOR | SF_GRAB_CURSOR | SF_LOOK_CURSOR);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS15ButtonA, 205, 480, 250, 535, SF_PLAT_CURSOR | SF_TALK_CURSOR | SF_GRAB_CURSOR | SF_LOOK_CURSOR);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS15ButtonB, 270, 480, 320, 535, SF_PLAT_CURSOR | SF_TALK_CURSOR | SF_GRAB_CURSOR | SF_LOOK_CURSOR);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS15ButtonC, 335, 480, 380, 535, SF_PLAT_CURSOR | SF_TALK_CURSOR | SF_GRAB_CURSOR | SF_LOOK_CURSOR);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS15ButtonD, 395, 480, 445, 535, SF_PLAT_CURSOR | SF_TALK_CURSOR | SF_GRAB_CURSOR | SF_LOOK_CURSOR);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS15ButtonE, 460, 480, 505, 535, SF_PLAT_CURSOR | SF_TALK_CURSOR | SF_GRAB_CURSOR | SF_LOOK_CURSOR);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS15ButtonF, 515, 480, 560, 535, SF_PLAT_CURSOR | SF_TALK_CURSOR | SF_GRAB_CURSOR | SF_LOOK_CURSOR);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS15CoinSlot, 585, 475, 620, 535, SF_PLAT_CURSOR | SF_TALK_CURSOR | SF_GRAB_CURSOR | SF_LOOK_CURSOR);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS15PlayButton, 622, 431, 650, 482, SF_PLAT_CURSOR | SF_TALK_CURSOR | SF_GRAB_CURSOR | SF_LOOK_CURSOR);
+ _vm->setDeviceHotspot(kHS15Device, -1, -1, -1, -1);
+ _vm->_hotspotsCount = 17;
+void Scene15::run() {
+ GameSys& gameSys = *_vm->_gameSys;
+ PlayerGnap& gnap = *_vm->_gnap;
+ _currSlotSequenceId = -1;
+ _currUpperButtonSequenceId = -1;
+ _currLowerButtonSequenceId = -1;
+ _nextSlotSequenceId = -1;
+ _nextUpperButtonSequenceId = -1;
+ _nextLowerButtonSequenceId = -1;
+ _currRecordSequenceId = 0xD5;
+ _nextRecordSequenceId = -1;
+ gameSys.setAnimation(0xD5, 1, 0);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(_currRecordSequenceId, 1, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, 0, 0);
+ _vm->queueInsertDeviceIcon();
+ _vm->endSceneInit();
+ while (!_vm->_sceneDone) {
+ _vm->updateMouseCursor();
+ _vm->updateCursorByHotspot();
+ _vm->_hotspots[kHS15Platypus].clearRect();
+ _vm->_sceneClickedHotspot = _vm->getClickedHotspotId();
+ _vm->updateGrabCursorSprite(0, 0);
+ switch (_vm->_sceneClickedHotspot) {
+ case kHS15Device:
+ if (gnap._actionStatus < 0) {
+ _vm->runMenu();
+ updateHotspots();
+ }
+ break;
+ case kHS15Exit:
+ _vm->_newSceneNum = 12;
+ _vm->_isLeavingScene = true;
+ break;
+ case kHS15CoinSlot:
+ if (_vm->_grabCursorSpriteIndex == kItemQuarter || _vm->_grabCursorSpriteIndex == kItemQuarterWithHole) {
+ _nextSlotSequenceId = 0xDC; // Insert coin
+ } else if (_vm->_grabCursorSpriteIndex == kItemDiceQuarterHole) {
+ _nextSlotSequenceId = 0xDB;
+ } else if (_vm->_grabCursorSpriteIndex >= 0) {
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x107A8, 1, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, 900 - gnap._gridX, 576 - gnap._gridY);
+ } else {
+ switch (_vm->_verbCursor) {
+ _vm->playSound(0x108E9, false);
+ break;
+ _vm->playSound((_vm->getRandom(5) + 0x8D5) | 0x10000, false);
+ break;
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x107A8, 1, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, 900 - gnap._gridX, 576 - gnap._gridY);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case kHS15PlayButton:
+ if (_vm->_grabCursorSpriteIndex >= 0) {
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x107A8, 1, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, 900 - gnap._gridX, 576 - gnap._gridY);
+ } else {
+ switch (_vm->_verbCursor) {
+ if (_vm->isFlag(kGFGnapControlsToyUFO) || _vm->isFlag(kGFUnk13))
+ _vm->playSound(0x108E9, false);
+ else
+ _nextSlotSequenceId = 0xDA;
+ break;
+ if (_vm->isFlag(kGFGnapControlsToyUFO) || _vm->isFlag(kGFUnk13))
+ _nextSlotSequenceId = 0xD9;
+ else
+ _nextSlotSequenceId = 0xDA;
+ break;
+ _vm->playSound((_vm->getRandom(5) + 0x8D5) | 0x10000, false);
+ break;
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x107A8, 1, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, 900 - gnap._gridX, 576 - gnap._gridY);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case kHS15Button1:
+ case kHS15Button2:
+ case kHS15Button3:
+ case kHS15Button4:
+ case kHS15Button5:
+ case kHS15Button6:
+ if (_vm->_grabCursorSpriteIndex >= 0) {
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x107A8, 1, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, 900 - gnap._gridX, 576 - gnap._gridY);
+ } else {
+ switch (_vm->_verbCursor) {
+ _vm->playSound(0x108E9, false);
+ break;
+ _nextUpperButtonSequenceId = _vm->_sceneClickedHotspot + 0xC5;
+ break;
+ _vm->playSound((_vm->getRandom(5) + 0x8D5) | 0x10000, false);
+ break;
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x107A8, 1, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, 900 - gnap._gridX, 576 - gnap._gridY);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case kHS15ButtonA:
+ case kHS15ButtonB:
+ case kHS15ButtonC:
+ case kHS15ButtonD:
+ case kHS15ButtonE:
+ case kHS15ButtonF:
+ if (_vm->_grabCursorSpriteIndex >= 0) {
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x107A8, 1, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, 900 - gnap._gridX, 576 - gnap._gridY);
+ } else {
+ switch (_vm->_verbCursor) {
+ _vm->playSound(0x108E9, false);
+ break;
+ _nextLowerButtonSequenceId = _vm->_sceneClickedHotspot + 0xC5;
+ break;
+ _vm->playSound((_vm->getRandom(5) + 0x8D5) | 0x10000, false);
+ break;
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x107A8, 1, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, 900 - gnap._gridX, 576 - gnap._gridY);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ _vm->_mouseClickState._left = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ updateAnimations();
+ _vm->checkGameKeys();
+ if (_vm->isKeyStatus1(Common::KEYCODE_BACKSPACE)) {
+ _vm->clearKeyStatus1(Common::KEYCODE_BACKSPACE);
+ _vm->runMenu();
+ updateHotspots();
+ }
+ _vm->gameUpdateTick();
+ }
+void Scene15::updateAnimations() {
+ GameSys& gameSys = *_vm->_gameSys;
+ if (gameSys.getAnimationStatus(0) == 2) {
+ if (_vm->_isLeavingScene) {
+ _vm->_sceneDone = true;
+ } else if (_nextSlotSequenceId != -1) {
+ gameSys.setAnimation(_nextSlotSequenceId, 1, 0);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(_nextSlotSequenceId, 1, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, 0, 0);
+ _currSlotSequenceId = _nextSlotSequenceId;
+ _nextSlotSequenceId = -1;
+ switch (_currSlotSequenceId) {
+ case 0xDC:
+ if (_vm->_grabCursorSpriteIndex == kItemQuarter) {
+ _vm->invRemove(kItemQuarter);
+ } else {
+ _vm->invRemove(kItemQuarterWithHole);
+ _vm->setFlag(kGFUnk13);
+ }
+ _vm->setGrabCursorSprite(-1);
+ break;
+ case 0xDB:
+ _vm->setFlag(kGFUnk14);
+ _vm->setGrabCursorSprite(-1);
+ _nextSlotSequenceId = 0xD8;
+ break;
+ case 0xD9:
+ if (_vm->isFlag(kGFGnapControlsToyUFO)) {
+ _vm->clearFlag(kGFGnapControlsToyUFO);
+ _vm->invAdd(kItemQuarter);
+ _vm->_newGrabCursorSpriteIndex = kItemQuarter;
+ } else if (_vm->isFlag(kGFUnk13)) {
+ _vm->clearFlag(kGFUnk13);
+ _vm->invAdd(kItemQuarterWithHole);
+ _vm->_newGrabCursorSpriteIndex = kItemQuarterWithHole;
+ }
+ _vm->_newSceneNum = 12;
+ _vm->_isLeavingScene = true;
+ break;
+ case 0xD8:
+ case 0xDA:
+ if (_currUpperButtonSequenceId != -1) {
+ gameSys.removeSequence(_currUpperButtonSequenceId, 1, true);
+ _currUpperButtonSequenceId = -1;
+ }
+ if (_currLowerButtonSequenceId != -1) {
+ gameSys.removeSequence(_currLowerButtonSequenceId, 1, true);
+ _currLowerButtonSequenceId = -1;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ } else if (_nextRecordSequenceId != -1) {
+ gameSys.setAnimation(_nextRecordSequenceId, 1, 0);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(_nextRecordSequenceId, 1, _currRecordSequenceId, 1, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ _currRecordSequenceId = _nextRecordSequenceId;
+ _nextRecordSequenceId = -1;
+ if (_currRecordSequenceId == 0xD3) {
+ _vm->invRemove(kItemDiceQuarterHole);
+ _vm->_newSceneNum = 16;
+ _vm->_isLeavingScene = true;
+ }
+ gameSys.removeSequence(_currUpperButtonSequenceId, 1, true);
+ _currUpperButtonSequenceId = -1;
+ gameSys.removeSequence(_currLowerButtonSequenceId, 1, true);
+ _currLowerButtonSequenceId = -1;
+ } else if (_nextUpperButtonSequenceId != -1) {
+ gameSys.setAnimation(_nextUpperButtonSequenceId, 1, 0);
+ if (_currUpperButtonSequenceId == -1)
+ gameSys.insertSequence(_nextUpperButtonSequenceId, 1, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, 0, 0);
+ else
+ gameSys.insertSequence(_nextUpperButtonSequenceId, 1, _currUpperButtonSequenceId, 1, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ _currUpperButtonSequenceId = _nextUpperButtonSequenceId;
+ _nextUpperButtonSequenceId = -1;
+ if (_currLowerButtonSequenceId != -1 && _vm->isFlag(kGFUnk14)) {
+ if (_currUpperButtonSequenceId == 0xCC && _currLowerButtonSequenceId == 0xCE)
+ _nextRecordSequenceId = 0xD3;
+ else
+ _nextRecordSequenceId = 0xD4;
+ }
+ } else if (_nextLowerButtonSequenceId != -1) {
+ gameSys.setAnimation(_nextLowerButtonSequenceId, 1, 0);
+ if (_currLowerButtonSequenceId == -1)
+ gameSys.insertSequence(_nextLowerButtonSequenceId, 1, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, 0, 0);
+ else
+ gameSys.insertSequence(_nextLowerButtonSequenceId, 1, _currLowerButtonSequenceId, 1, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ _currLowerButtonSequenceId = _nextLowerButtonSequenceId;
+ _nextLowerButtonSequenceId = -1;
+ if (_currUpperButtonSequenceId != -1 && _vm->isFlag(kGFUnk14)) {
+ if (_currUpperButtonSequenceId == 0xCC && _currLowerButtonSequenceId == 0xCE)
+ _nextRecordSequenceId = 0xD3;
+ else
+ _nextRecordSequenceId = 0xD4;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+Scene17::Scene17(GnapEngine *vm) : Scene(vm) {
+ _platTryGetWrenchCtr = 0;
+ _wrenchCtr = 2;
+ _nextCarWindowSequenceId = -1;
+ _nextWrenchSequenceId = -1;
+ _canTryGetWrench = true;
+ _platPhoneCtr = 0;
+ _nextPhoneSequenceId = -1;
+ _currPhoneSequenceId = -1;
+ _currWrenchSequenceId = -1;
+ _currCarWindowSequenceId = -1;
+int Scene17::init() {
+ return 0x263;
+void Scene17::updateHotspots() {
+ // The original is using (1, 0, 0, 0)
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS17Platypus, 0, 0, 0, 0, SF_WALKABLE | SF_TALK_CURSOR | SF_GRAB_CURSOR | SF_LOOK_CURSOR);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS17Phone1, 61, 280, 97, 322, SF_PLAT_CURSOR | SF_TALK_CURSOR | SF_GRAB_CURSOR | SF_LOOK_CURSOR, 1, 7);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS17Phone2, 80, 204, 178, 468, SF_PLAT_CURSOR | SF_TALK_CURSOR | SF_GRAB_CURSOR | SF_LOOK_CURSOR, 1, 7);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS17ExitGrubCity, 196, 207, 280, 304, SF_EXIT_U_CURSOR, 3, 5);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS17ExitToyStore, 567, 211, 716, 322, SF_EXIT_U_CURSOR, 5, 6);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS17Wrench, 586, 455, 681, 547, SF_PLAT_CURSOR | SF_TALK_CURSOR | SF_GRAB_CURSOR | SF_LOOK_CURSOR, 5, 7);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS17WalkArea1, 0, 0, 800, 434);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS17WalkArea2, 541, 0, 800, 600);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS17WalkArea3, 0, 204, 173, 468);
+ _vm->setDeviceHotspot(kHS17Device, -1, -1, -1, -1);
+ if (_vm->isFlag(kGFGrassTaken))
+ _vm->_hotspots[kHS17Wrench]._flags = SF_NONE;
+ if (_vm->isFlag(kGFPlatypusTalkingToAssistant)) {
+ _vm->_hotspots[kHS17Device]._flags = SF_DISABLED;
+ _vm->_hotspots[kHS17Platypus]._flags = SF_DISABLED;
+ }
+ _vm->_hotspotsCount = 10;
+void Scene17::update() {
+ _vm->gameUpdateTick();
+ _vm->updateMouseCursor();
+ _vm->updateGrabCursorSprite(0, 0);
+ if (_vm->_mouseClickState._left) {
+ _vm->_gnap->walkTo(Common::Point(-1, -1), -1, -1, 1);
+ _vm->_mouseClickState._left = false;
+ }
+void Scene17::platHangUpPhone() {
+ GameSys& gameSys = *_vm->_gameSys;
+ PlayerGnap& gnap = *_vm->_gnap;
+ PlayerPlat& plat = *_vm->_plat;
+ int savedGnapActionStatus = gnap._actionStatus;
+ if (plat._actionStatus == kAS17PlatPhoningAssistant) {
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS17PlatHangUpPhone;
+ _vm->updateMouseCursor();
+ _platPhoneCtr = 0;
+ plat._actionStatus = -1;
+ gameSys.setAnimation(0x257, 254, 4);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x257, 254, _currPhoneSequenceId, 254, kSeqSyncExists, 0, 0, 0);
+ while (gameSys.getAnimationStatus(4) != 2 && !_vm->_gameDone)
+ _vm->gameUpdateTick();
+ gameSys.setAnimation(0x25B, plat._id, 1);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x25B, plat._id, plat._sequenceId | (plat._sequenceDatNum << 16), plat._id, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ plat._sequenceId = 0x25B;
+ plat._sequenceDatNum = 0;
+ _currPhoneSequenceId = -1;
+ _nextPhoneSequenceId = -1;
+ _vm->clearFlag(kGFPlatypusTalkingToAssistant);
+ while (gameSys.getAnimationStatus(1) != 2 && !_vm->_gameDone)
+ _vm->gameUpdateTick();
+ gnap._actionStatus = savedGnapActionStatus;
+ _vm->updateMouseCursor();
+ }
+ updateHotspots();
+void Scene17::run() {
+ GameSys& gameSys = *_vm->_gameSys;
+ PlayerGnap& gnap = *_vm->_gnap;
+ PlayerPlat& plat = *_vm->_plat;
+ _vm->playSound(0x10940, true);
+ _vm->startSoundTimerA(8);
+ _vm->_sceneWaiting = false;
+ _vm->_timers[4] = _vm->getRandom(100) + 200;
+ _vm->_timers[3] = 200;
+ _vm->_timers[5] = _vm->getRandom(30) + 80;
+ _vm->_timers[6] = _vm->getRandom(30) + 200;
+ _vm->_timers[7] = _vm->getRandom(100) + 100;
+ if (_vm->isFlag(kGFTruckKeysUsed)) {
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x25F, 20, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, 0, 0);
+ } else {
+ if (_vm->_s18GarbageCanPos >= 8) {
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x260, 20, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, 97, 1);
+ } else if (_vm->_s18GarbageCanPos >= 6) {
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x260, 20, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, 68, 2);
+ } else if (_vm->_s18GarbageCanPos >= 5) {
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x260, 20, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, 23, -1);
+ } else if (_vm->_s18GarbageCanPos >= 4) {
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x260, 20, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, -11, -5);
+ } else {
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x260, 20, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, -54, -8);
+ }
+ }
+ if (_vm->isFlag(kGFGroceryStoreHatTaken))
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x262, 1, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, 0, 0);
+ _vm->queueInsertDeviceIcon();
+ if (_vm->isFlag(kGFGrassTaken))
+ _currWrenchSequenceId = 0x22D;
+ else
+ _currWrenchSequenceId = 0x22F;
+ _currCarWindowSequenceId = 0x244;
+ if (_vm->isFlag(kGFUnk14))
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x261, 1, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, 0, 0);
+ gameSys.setAnimation(_currWrenchSequenceId, 40, 2);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(_currWrenchSequenceId, 40, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, 0, 0);
+ if (_vm->isFlag(kGFGrassTaken)) {
+ gameSys.setAnimation(0, 0, 3);
+ } else {
+ gameSys.setAnimation(_currCarWindowSequenceId, 40, 3);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(_currCarWindowSequenceId, 40, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, 0, 0);
+ }
+ _canTryGetWrench = true;
+ if (_vm->isFlag(kGFUnk18))
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x24F, 100, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, 0, 0);
+ if (_vm->_prevSceneNum == 53 || _vm->_prevSceneNum == 18 || _vm->_prevSceneNum == 20 || _vm->_prevSceneNum == 19) {
+ if (_vm->_prevSceneNum == 20) {
+ gnap.initPos(4, 6, kDirBottomRight);
+ plat.initPos(5, 6, kDirIdleLeft);
+ _vm->endSceneInit();
+ plat.walkTo(Common::Point(5, 9), -1, 0x107C2, 1);
+ gnap.walkTo(Common::Point(4, 8), -1, 0x107B9, 1);
+ } else if (_vm->isFlag(kGFUnk27)) {
+ gnap.initPos(3, 9, kDirUpLeft);
+ plat._pos = _vm->_hotspotsWalkPos[2];
+ plat._id = 20 * _vm->_hotspotsWalkPos[2].y;
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x25A, 20 * _vm->_hotspotsWalkPos[2].y, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, 0, 0);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x257, 254, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, 0, 0);
+ plat._sequenceId = 0x25A;
+ plat._sequenceDatNum = 0;
+ _vm->endSceneInit();
+ _vm->clearFlag(kGFSpringTaken);
+ _vm->clearFlag(kGFUnk16);
+ plat._actionStatus = kAS17PlatPhoningAssistant;
+ platHangUpPhone();
+ gameSys.setAnimation(0, 0, 4);
+ _vm->clearFlag(kGFPlatypusTalkingToAssistant);
+ _vm->clearFlag(kGFUnk27);
+ updateHotspots();
+ } else if (_vm->isFlag(kGFUnk25)) {
+ _vm->clearFlag(kGFSpringTaken);
+ _vm->clearFlag(kGFUnk16);
+ plat.initPos(7, 9, kDirIdleLeft);
+ gnap._pos = _vm->_hotspotsWalkPos[2];
+ gnap._id = 20 * _vm->_hotspotsWalkPos[2].y;
+ gameSys.insertSequence(601, 20 * _vm->_hotspotsWalkPos[2].y, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, 0, 0);
+ gnap._sequenceDatNum = 0;
+ gnap._sequenceId = 601;
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS17GnapHangUpPhone;
+ _vm->clearFlag(kGFUnk25);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x251, 254, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, 0, 0);
+ _vm->endSceneInit();
+ gameSys.setAnimation(0x257, 254, 0);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x257, 254, 0x251, 254, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ } else if (_vm->isFlag(kGFPlatypusTalkingToAssistant)) {
+ _vm->clearFlag(kGFSpringTaken);
+ _vm->clearFlag(kGFUnk16);
+ _vm->_sceneWaiting = true;
+ gnap.initPos(3, 9, kDirUpLeft);
+ plat._pos = _vm->_hotspotsWalkPos[2];
+ plat._id = 20 * _vm->_hotspotsWalkPos[2].y;
+ _currPhoneSequenceId = 0x251;
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x25A, 20 * _vm->_hotspotsWalkPos[2].y, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, 0, 0);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(_currPhoneSequenceId, 254, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, 0, 0);
+ plat._sequenceId = 0x25A;
+ plat._sequenceDatNum = 0;
+ _vm->endSceneInit();
+ gameSys.setAnimation(_currPhoneSequenceId, 254, 1);
+ plat._actionStatus = kAS17PlatPhoningAssistant;
+ updateHotspots();
+ } else if (_vm->_prevSceneNum == 18) {
+ gnap.initPos(6, 6, kDirBottomRight);
+ plat.initPos(5, 6, kDirIdleLeft);
+ _vm->endSceneInit();
+ plat.walkTo(Common::Point(5, 9), -1, 0x107C2, 1);
+ gnap.walkTo(Common::Point(4, 8), -1, 0x107B9, 1);
+ } else {
+ if (_vm->isFlag(kGFSpringTaken)) {
+ gnap.initPos(_vm->_hotspotsWalkPos[2].x, _vm->_hotspotsWalkPos[2].y, kDirBottomRight);
+ plat.initPos(1, 9, kDirIdleLeft);
+ _vm->endSceneInit();
+ } else {
+ gnap.initPos(3, 7, kDirBottomRight);
+ plat.initPos(1, 7, kDirIdleLeft);
+ _vm->endSceneInit();
+ }
+ _vm->clearFlag(kGFSpringTaken);
+ _vm->clearFlag(kGFUnk16);
+ _vm->endSceneInit();
+ }
+ } else {
+ gnap._pos = Common::Point(3, 6);
+ gnap._id = 120;
+ gnap._sequenceId = 0x23D;
+ gnap._sequenceDatNum = 0;
+ gnap._idleFacing = kDirBottomRight;
+ gameSys.insertSequence(makeRid(gnap._sequenceDatNum, gnap._sequenceId), gnap._id, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, 0, 0);
+ plat._pos = Common::Point(-1, 8);
+ plat._id = 160;
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x241, 160, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, 0, 0);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x107C1, plat._id, 0x241, plat._id,
+ kSeqScale | kSeqSyncWait, 0, 75 * plat._pos.x - plat._gridX, 48 * plat._pos.y - plat._gridY);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x22C, 2, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, 0, 0);
+ _vm->delayTicksA(2, 9);
+ _vm->endSceneInit();
+ plat._sequenceId = 0x7C1;
+ plat._sequenceDatNum = 1;
+ plat._idleFacing = kDirBottomRight;
+ plat.walkTo(Common::Point(2, 9), -1, 0x107C2, 1);
+ }
+ while (!_vm->_sceneDone) {
+ _vm->updateMouseCursor();
+ _vm->updateCursorByHotspot();
+ _vm->_sceneClickedHotspot = _vm->getClickedHotspotId();
+ _vm->updateGrabCursorSprite(0, 0);
+ switch (_vm->_sceneClickedHotspot) {
+ case kHS17Device:
+ if (gnap._actionStatus < 0 || gnap._actionStatus == 3) {
+ _vm->runMenu();
+ updateHotspots();
+ }
+ break;
+ case kHS17Platypus:
+ if (gnap._actionStatus < 0) {
+ if (_vm->_grabCursorSpriteIndex == kItemJoint) {
+ if (_vm->isFlag(kGFGrassTaken)) {
+ gnap.useJointOnPlatypus();
+ } else {
+ gnap.useDeviceOnPlatypus();
+ plat.walkTo(_vm->_hotspotsWalkPos[6], 1, 0x107C2, 1);
+ gnap.walkTo(_vm->_hotspotsWalkPos[6] + Common::Point(1, 0), 0, 0x107BA, 1);
+ plat._actionStatus = kAS17GetWrench1;
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS17GetWrench1;
+ _vm->_timers[5] = _vm->getRandom(30) + 80;
+ _vm->setGrabCursorSprite(-1);
+ _vm->invRemove(kItemJoint);
+ }
+ } else if (_vm->_grabCursorSpriteIndex >= 0) {
+ gnap.playScratchingHead(plat._pos);
+ } else {
+ switch (_vm->_verbCursor) {
+ gnap.playScratchingHead(plat._pos);
+ break;
+ gnap.playBrainPulsating(plat._pos);
+ plat.playSequence(plat.getSequenceId());
+ break;
+ gnap.playImpossible();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case kHS17Wrench:
+ if (gnap._actionStatus < 0) {
+ if (_vm->isFlag(kGFGrassTaken)) {
+ gnap.playImpossible();
+ } else if (_vm->_grabCursorSpriteIndex >= 0) {
+ gnap.playShowCurrItem(_vm->_hotspotsWalkPos[_vm->_sceneClickedHotspot], 8, 7);
+ } else {
+ switch (_vm->_verbCursor) {
+ gnap.playScratchingHead(Common::Point(8, 7));
+ break;
+ gnap.playImpossible();
+ break;
+ if (_canTryGetWrench) {
+ platHangUpPhone();
+ gnap.useDeviceOnPlatypus();
+ plat.walkTo(_vm->_hotspotsWalkPos[6] + Common::Point(1, 0), 1, 0x107C2, 1);
+ plat._actionStatus = kAS17TryGetWrench;
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS17TryGetWrench;
+ _vm->_timers[5] = _vm->getRandom(30) + 80;
+ } else
+ gnap.playImpossible();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case kHS17Phone1:
+ if (gnap._actionStatus < 0) {
+ if (_vm->_grabCursorSpriteIndex == kItemDiceQuarterHole) {
+ gnap.walkTo(_vm->_hotspotsWalkPos[2], 0, gnap.getSequenceId(kGSIdle, Common::Point(0, 0)) | 0x10000, 1);
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS17PutCoinIntoPhone;
+ } else if (_vm->_grabCursorSpriteIndex >= 0) {
+ gnap.playShowCurrItem(_vm->_hotspotsWalkPos[2], 1, 3);
+ } else {
+ switch (_vm->_verbCursor) {
+ gnap.playScratchingHead(Common::Point(1, 3));
+ break;
+ if (_vm->isFlag(kGFUnk18)) {
+ platHangUpPhone();
+ gnap.walkTo(gnap._pos, 0, gnap.getSequenceId(kGSIdle, _vm->_hotspotsWalkPos[2]) | 0x10000, 1);
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS17GetCoinFromPhone;
+ } else
+ gnap.playImpossible();
+ break;
+ gnap.playImpossible();
+ break;
+ if (_vm->isFlag(kGFUnk18)) {
+ platHangUpPhone();
+ _vm->_isLeavingScene = true;
+ gnap.useDeviceOnPlatypus();
+ plat._idleFacing = kDirUpLeft;
+ plat.walkTo(_vm->_hotspotsWalkPos[2], 1, 0x107C2, 1);
+ _vm->setFlag(kGFUnk16);
+ plat._actionStatus = kAS17PlatUsePhone;
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS17PlatUsePhone;
+ } else
+ gnap.playImpossible();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case kHS17Phone2:
+ if (gnap._actionStatus < 0) {
+ if (_vm->_grabCursorSpriteIndex == kItemDiceQuarterHole) {
+ gnap.walkTo(_vm->_hotspotsWalkPos[2], 0, gnap.getSequenceId(kGSIdle, Common::Point(0, 0)) | 0x10000, 1);
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS17PutCoinIntoPhone;
+ } else if (_vm->_grabCursorSpriteIndex >= 0) {
+ gnap.playShowCurrItem(_vm->_hotspotsWalkPos[2], 1, 3);
+ } else {
+ switch (_vm->_verbCursor) {
+ gnap.playScratchingHead(Common::Point(1, 3));
+ break;
+ if (_vm->isFlag(kGFUnk18)) {
+ platHangUpPhone();
+ _vm->_isLeavingScene = true;
+ gnap._idleFacing = kDirUpLeft;
+ gnap.walkTo(_vm->_hotspotsWalkPos[2], 0, gnap.getSequenceId(kGSIdle, Common::Point(0, 0)) | 0x10000, 1);
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS17GnapUsePhone;
+ _vm->setFlag(kGFSpringTaken);
+ } else
+ gnap.playImpossible();
+ break;
+ gnap.playImpossible();
+ break;
+ if (_vm->isFlag(kGFUnk18)) {
+ platHangUpPhone();
+ _vm->_isLeavingScene = true;
+ gnap.useDeviceOnPlatypus();
+ plat._idleFacing = kDirUpLeft;
+ plat.walkTo(_vm->_hotspotsWalkPos[2], 1, 0x107C2, 1);
+ _vm->setFlag(kGFUnk16);
+ plat._actionStatus = kAS17PlatUsePhone;
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS17PlatUsePhone;
+ } else
+ gnap.playImpossible();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case kHS17ExitToyStore:
+ if (gnap._actionStatus < 0) {
+ _vm->_isLeavingScene = true;
+ _vm->_newSceneNum = 18;
+ gnap._idleFacing = kDirUpRight;
+ gnap.walkTo(_vm->_hotspotsWalkPos[5], 0, 0x107BB, 1);
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS17LeaveScene;
+ if (plat._actionStatus != kAS17PlatPhoningAssistant)
+ plat.walkTo(_vm->_hotspotsWalkPos[5] + Common::Point(-1, 0), -1, 0x107C2, 1);
+ }
+ break;
+ case kHS17ExitGrubCity:
+ if (gnap._actionStatus < 0) {
+ platHangUpPhone();
+ _vm->_isLeavingScene = true;
+ _vm->_newSceneNum = 20;
+ gnap._idleFacing = kDirUpLeft;
+ gnap.walkTo(_vm->_hotspotsWalkPos[3], 0, 0x107BC, 1);
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS17LeaveScene;
+ plat.walkTo(_vm->_hotspotsWalkPos[3] + Common::Point(1, 0), -1, 0x107C2, 1);
+ }
+ break;
+ case kHS17WalkArea1:
+ case kHS17WalkArea2:
+ case kHS17WalkArea3:
+ if (gnap._actionStatus < 0)
+ gnap.walkTo(Common::Point(-1, -1), -1, -1, 1);
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (_vm->_mouseClickState._left && gnap._actionStatus < 0) {
+ gnap.walkTo(Common::Point(-1, -1), -1, -1, 1);
+ _vm->_mouseClickState._left = 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ updateAnimations();
+ if (!_vm->isSoundPlaying(0x10940))
+ _vm->playSound(0x10940, true);
+ if (!_vm->_isLeavingScene) {
+ if (plat._actionStatus < 0)
+ plat.updateIdleSequence2();
+ gnap.updateIdleSequence2();
+ if (!_vm->_timers[4]) {
+ _vm->_timers[4] = _vm->getRandom(100) + 200;
+ if (gnap._actionStatus < 0 && plat._actionStatus < 0)
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x22B, 21, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, 0, 0);
+ }
+ if (!_vm->_timers[7]) {
+ _vm->_timers[7] = _vm->getRandom(100) + 100;
+ if (gnap._actionStatus < 0 && plat._actionStatus < 0) {
+ switch (_vm->getRandom(3)) {
+ case 0:
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x25C, 255, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, 0, 0);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x25D, 255, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, 0, 0);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x25E, 255, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, 0, 0);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (plat._actionStatus < 0 && !_vm->_timers[5]) {
+ _vm->_timers[5] = _vm->getRandom(30) + 80;
+ if (_vm->isFlag(kGFGrassTaken) && _nextWrenchSequenceId == -1) {
+ _nextWrenchSequenceId = 0x236;
+ } else if (_canTryGetWrench) {
+ switch (_vm->getRandom(6)) {
+ case 0:
+ _nextWrenchSequenceId = 0x231;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ _nextWrenchSequenceId = 0x232;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ case 3:
+ _nextWrenchSequenceId = 0x23C;
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ case 5:
+ _nextWrenchSequenceId = 0x22E;
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ --_wrenchCtr;
+ if (_wrenchCtr) {
+ switch (_vm->getRandom(6)) {
+ case 0:
+ _nextWrenchSequenceId = 0x237;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ _nextWrenchSequenceId = 0x238;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ _nextWrenchSequenceId = 0x239;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ _nextWrenchSequenceId = 0x23A;
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ _nextWrenchSequenceId = 0x23B;
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ _nextWrenchSequenceId = 0x235;
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ _wrenchCtr = 2;
+ _nextWrenchSequenceId = 0x235;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!_vm->_timers[6]) {
+ _vm->_timers[6] = _vm->getRandom(30) + 200;
+ if (_nextCarWindowSequenceId == -1 && !_vm->isFlag(kGFGrassTaken))
+ _nextCarWindowSequenceId = 0x246;
+ }
+ _vm->playSoundA();
+ }
+ _vm->checkGameKeys();
+ if (_vm->isKeyStatus1(Common::KEYCODE_BACKSPACE)) {
+ _vm->clearKeyStatus1(Common::KEYCODE_BACKSPACE);
+ _vm->runMenu();
+ updateHotspots();
+ }
+ _vm->gameUpdateTick();
+ }
+void Scene17::updateAnimations() {
+ static const int kPlatPhoneSequenceIds[] = {
+ 0x251, 0x252, 0x253, 0x254, 0x255, 0x256, 0x257
+ };
+ GameSys& gameSys = *_vm->_gameSys;
+ PlayerGnap& gnap = *_vm->_gnap;
+ PlayerPlat& plat = *_vm->_plat;
+ if (gameSys.getAnimationStatus(0) == 2) {
+ gameSys.setAnimation(0, 0, 0);
+ switch (gnap._actionStatus) {
+ case kAS17GetWrench1:
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS17GetWrenchGnapReady;
+ break;
+ case kAS17GetCoinFromPhone:
+ gnap.playPullOutDevice(Common::Point(1, 3));
+ gnap.playUseDevice();
+ gameSys.setAnimation(0x250, 100, 0);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x250, 100, 591, 100, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ _vm->invAdd(kItemDiceQuarterHole);
+ _vm->clearFlag(kGFUnk18);
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS17GetCoinFromPhoneDone;
+ break;
+ case kAS17GetCoinFromPhoneDone:
+ _vm->setGrabCursorSprite(kItemDiceQuarterHole);
+ gnap._actionStatus = -1;
+ break;
+ case kAS17PutCoinIntoPhone:
+ gameSys.setAnimation(0x24C, gnap._id, 0);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x24C, gnap._id, makeRid(gnap._sequenceDatNum, gnap._sequenceId), gnap._id, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ gnap._sequenceDatNum = 0;
+ gnap._sequenceId = 0x24C;
+ _vm->invRemove(kItemDiceQuarterHole);
+ _vm->setGrabCursorSprite(-1);
+ _vm->setFlag(kGFUnk18);
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS17PutCoinIntoPhoneDone;
+ break;
+ case kAS17PutCoinIntoPhoneDone:
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x24F, 100, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, 0, 0);
+ gnap._actionStatus = -1;
+ break;
+ case kAS17GnapUsePhone:
+ gameSys.setAnimation(0x24D, gnap._id, 0);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x24D, gnap._id, makeRid(gnap._sequenceDatNum, gnap._sequenceId), gnap._id, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS17LeaveScene;
+ _vm->_newSceneNum = 53;
+ break;
+ case kAS17GnapHangUpPhone:
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x258, gnap._id, makeRid(gnap._sequenceDatNum, gnap._sequenceId), gnap._id, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ gnap._sequenceDatNum = 0;
+ gnap._sequenceId = 0x258;
+ gnap._actionStatus = -1;
+ break;
+ case kAS17LeaveScene:
+ _vm->_sceneDone = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (gameSys.getAnimationStatus(1) == 2) {
+ gameSys.setAnimation(0, 0, 1);
+ switch (plat._actionStatus) {
+ case kAS17TryGetWrench:
+ plat._actionStatus = -1;
+ ++_platTryGetWrenchCtr;
+ if (_platTryGetWrenchCtr % 2 != 0)
+ _nextWrenchSequenceId = 0x233;
+ else
+ _nextWrenchSequenceId = 0x234;
+ _canTryGetWrench = false;
+ break;
+ case kAS17GetWrench1:
+ _nextWrenchSequenceId = 0x230;
+ break;
+ case kAS17GetWrench2:
+ _nextCarWindowSequenceId = 0x249;
+ break;
+ case kAS17GetWrenchDone:
+ plat._actionStatus = -1;
+ _vm->invAdd(kItemWrench);
+ _vm->setGrabCursorSprite(kItemWrench);
+ break;
+ case kAS17PlatUsePhone:
+ gameSys.setAnimation(0x24E, plat._id, 1);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x24E, plat._id, plat._sequenceId | (plat._sequenceDatNum << 16), plat._id, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ plat._sequenceDatNum = 0;
+ plat._sequenceId = 0x24E;
+ plat._actionStatus = kAS17LeaveScene;
+ _vm->_newSceneNum = 53;
+ break;
+ case kAS17PlatPhoningAssistant:
+ ++_platPhoneCtr;
+ if (_platPhoneCtr >= 7) {
+ _platPhoneCtr = 0;
+ _nextPhoneSequenceId = -1;
+ _currPhoneSequenceId = -1;
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x25B, plat._id, 0x25A, plat._id, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ plat._sequenceDatNum = 0;
+ plat._sequenceId = 0x25B;
+ plat._actionStatus = -1;
+ _vm->clearFlag(kGFPlatypusTalkingToAssistant);
+ _vm->_sceneWaiting = false;
+ updateHotspots();
+ } else {
+ _nextPhoneSequenceId = kPlatPhoneSequenceIds[_platPhoneCtr];
+ gameSys.setAnimation(_nextPhoneSequenceId, 254, 1);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(_nextPhoneSequenceId, 254, _currPhoneSequenceId, 254, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x25A, plat._id, 0x25A, plat._id, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ plat._sequenceDatNum = 0;
+ plat._sequenceId = 0x25A;
+ _currPhoneSequenceId = _nextPhoneSequenceId;
+ }
+ break;
+ case kAS17LeaveScene:
+ _vm->_sceneDone = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (gameSys.getAnimationStatus(2) == 2) {
+ switch (_nextWrenchSequenceId) {
+ case 0x233:
+ gnap._actionStatus = -1;
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x243, plat._id,
+ plat._sequenceId | (plat._sequenceDatNum << 16), plat._id,
+ kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(_nextWrenchSequenceId, 40, _currWrenchSequenceId, 40, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ _currWrenchSequenceId = _nextWrenchSequenceId;
+ _nextWrenchSequenceId = -1;
+ plat._sequenceId = 0x243;
+ plat._sequenceDatNum = 0;
+ gameSys.setAnimation(0x243, plat._id, 1);
+ break;
+ case 0x234:
+ gnap._actionStatus = -1;
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x242, plat._id,
+ plat._sequenceId | (plat._sequenceDatNum << 16), plat._id,
+ kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(_nextWrenchSequenceId, 40, _currWrenchSequenceId, 40, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ _currWrenchSequenceId = _nextWrenchSequenceId;
+ _nextWrenchSequenceId = -1;
+ plat._sequenceId = 0x242;
+ plat._sequenceDatNum = 0;
+ gameSys.setAnimation(0x242, plat._id, 1);
+ break;
+ case 0x231:
+ if (_vm->getRandom(2) != 0)
+ _nextCarWindowSequenceId = 0x245;
+ else
+ _nextCarWindowSequenceId = 0x248;
+ gameSys.setAnimation(0, 0, 2);
+ break;
+ case 0x232:
+ _nextCarWindowSequenceId = 0x247;
+ gameSys.setAnimation(0, 0, 2);
+ break;
+ case 0x22E:
+ case 0x235:
+ if (_nextWrenchSequenceId == 0x235)
+ _vm->_hotspots[kHS17Wrench]._flags &= ~SF_DISABLED;
+ else
+ _vm->_hotspots[kHS17Wrench]._flags |= SF_DISABLED;
+ _canTryGetWrench = !_canTryGetWrench;
+ gameSys.setAnimation(_nextWrenchSequenceId, 40, 2);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(_nextWrenchSequenceId, 40, _currWrenchSequenceId, 40, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ _currWrenchSequenceId = _nextWrenchSequenceId;
+ _nextWrenchSequenceId = -1;
+ break;
+ case 0x230:
+ if (gnap._actionStatus == kAS17GetWrenchGnapReady) {
+ gameSys.setAnimation(0, 0, 2);
+ if (_canTryGetWrench) {
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x22E, 40, _currWrenchSequenceId, 40, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ _currWrenchSequenceId = 0x22E;
+ _canTryGetWrench = false;
+ }
+ gameSys.setAnimation(0x23F, plat._id, 1);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x10875, gnap._id, makeRid(gnap._sequenceDatNum, gnap._sequenceId), gnap._id, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x23F, plat._id,
+ plat._sequenceId | (plat._sequenceDatNum << 16), plat._id,
+ kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ gnap._sequenceDatNum = 1;
+ plat._sequenceDatNum = 0;
+ gnap._sequenceId = 0x875;
+ plat._sequenceId = 0x23F;
+ gnap.walkTo(Common::Point(3, 8), -1, 0x107B9, 1);
+ plat._actionStatus = kAS17GetWrench2;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (_nextWrenchSequenceId != -1) {
+ gameSys.setAnimation(_nextWrenchSequenceId, 40, 2);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(_nextWrenchSequenceId, 40, _currWrenchSequenceId, 40, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ _currWrenchSequenceId = _nextWrenchSequenceId;
+ _nextWrenchSequenceId = -1;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (gameSys.getAnimationStatus(3) == 2) {
+ switch (_nextCarWindowSequenceId) {
+ case 0x246:
+ gameSys.setAnimation(_nextCarWindowSequenceId, 40, 3);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(_nextCarWindowSequenceId, 40, _currCarWindowSequenceId, 40, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ _currCarWindowSequenceId = _nextCarWindowSequenceId;
+ _nextCarWindowSequenceId = -1;
+ break;
+ case 0x245:
+ case 0x247:
+ case 0x248:
+ gameSys.setAnimation(_nextWrenchSequenceId, 40, 2);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(_nextWrenchSequenceId, 40, _currWrenchSequenceId, 40, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ while (gameSys.getAnimationStatus(2) != 2)
+ update();
+ gameSys.setAnimation(_nextCarWindowSequenceId, 40, 3);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(_nextCarWindowSequenceId, 40, _currCarWindowSequenceId, 40, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ _currCarWindowSequenceId = _nextCarWindowSequenceId;
+ _nextCarWindowSequenceId = -1;
+ _currWrenchSequenceId = _nextWrenchSequenceId;
+ _nextWrenchSequenceId = -1;
+ break;
+ case 0x249:
+ gameSys.setAnimation(0x230, 40, 2);
+ gameSys.setAnimation(0x240, plat._id, 1);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x230, 40, _currWrenchSequenceId, 40, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(_nextCarWindowSequenceId, 40, _currCarWindowSequenceId, 40, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x240, plat._id, plat._sequenceId, plat._id, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x23E, gnap._id, makeRid(gnap._sequenceDatNum, gnap._sequenceId), gnap._id, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ gnap._sequenceId = 0x23E;
+ gnap._sequenceDatNum = 0;
+ plat._sequenceId = 0x240;
+ plat._sequenceDatNum = 0;
+ gameSys.setAnimation(0x24A, 40, 3);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x24A, 40, _nextCarWindowSequenceId, 40, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ while (gameSys.getAnimationStatus(2) != 2) {
+ update();
+ if (gameSys.getAnimationStatus(3) == 2) {
+ gameSys.setAnimation(0x24A, 40, 3);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x24A, 40, 586, 40, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x22D, 40, 560, 40, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ gameSys.setAnimation(0x24B, 40, 3);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x24B, 40, 586, 40, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ _currCarWindowSequenceId = 0x24B;
+ _nextCarWindowSequenceId = -1;
+ _currWrenchSequenceId = 0x22D;
+ _nextWrenchSequenceId = -1;
+ _vm->setFlag(kGFGrassTaken);
+ gnap._actionStatus = -1;
+ plat._actionStatus = 2;
+ updateHotspots();
+ _vm->_timers[5] = _vm->getRandom(30) + 80;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+static const int kScene18SequenceIds[] = {
+ 0x219, 0x21A, 0x21B, 0x21C, 0x21D
+Scene18::Scene18(GnapEngine *vm) : Scene(vm) {
+ _cowboyHatSurface = nullptr;
+ _platPhoneCtr = 0;
+ _platPhoneIter = 0;
+ _nextPhoneSequenceId = -1;
+ _currPhoneSequenceId = -1;
+Scene18::~Scene18() {
+ delete _cowboyHatSurface;
+int Scene18::init() {
+ _vm->_gameSys->setAnimation(0, 0, 3);
+ return 0x222;
+void Scene18::updateHotspots() {
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS18Platypus, 0, 0, 0, 0, SF_WALKABLE | SF_TALK_CURSOR | SF_GRAB_CURSOR | SF_LOOK_CURSOR);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS18GarbageCan, _vm->_gridMinX + 75 * _vm->_s18GarbageCanPos - 35, _vm->_gridMinY + 230, _vm->_gridMinX + 75 * _vm->_s18GarbageCanPos + 35, _vm->_gridMinY + 318,
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS18ExitToyStore, 460, 238, 592, 442, SF_EXIT_U_CURSOR, 7, 7);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS18ExitPhoneBooth, 275, 585, 525, 600, SF_EXIT_D_CURSOR | SF_WALKABLE, 5, 10);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS18ExitGrubCity, 0, 350, 15, 600, SF_EXIT_L_CURSOR, 0, 9);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS18HydrantTopValve, 100, 345, 182, 410, SF_PLAT_CURSOR | SF_TALK_CURSOR | SF_GRAB_CURSOR | SF_LOOK_CURSOR, 1, 8);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS18HydrantRightValve, 168, 423, 224, 470, SF_PLAT_CURSOR | SF_TALK_CURSOR | SF_GRAB_CURSOR | SF_LOOK_CURSOR, 3, 7);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS18CowboyHat, 184, 63, 289, 171, SF_PLAT_CURSOR | SF_TALK_CURSOR | SF_GRAB_CURSOR | SF_LOOK_CURSOR, 4, 7);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS18WalkArea1, 0, 0, 800, 448);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS18WalkArea2, 0, 0, 214, 515);
+ _vm->setDeviceHotspot(kHS18Device, -1, -1, -1, -1);
+ if (_vm->isFlag(kGFTruckFilledWithGas)) {
+ if (_vm->isFlag(kGFTruckKeysUsed)) {
+ _vm->_hotspots[kHS18HydrantTopValve]._flags = SF_DISABLED;
+ _vm->_hotspots[kHS18HydrantRightValve]._rect.left = 148;
+ _vm->_hotspots[kHS18HydrantRightValve]._rect.top = 403;
+ _vm->_hotspots[kHS18GarbageCan]._flags = SF_DISABLED;
+ _vm->_hotspotsWalkPos[kHS18GarbageCan] = Common::Point(3, 7);
+ } else {
+ _vm->_hotspots[kHS18HydrantTopValve]._rect.top = 246;
+ }
+ } else if (_vm->isFlag(kGFBarnPadlockOpen)) {
+ _vm->_hotspots[kHS18HydrantRightValve]._flags = SF_DISABLED;
+ _vm->_hotspots[kHS18HydrantTopValve]._rect.left = 105;
+ _vm->_hotspots[kHS18HydrantTopValve]._rect.right = 192;
+ } else if (_vm->isFlag(kGFTruckKeysUsed)) {
+ _vm->_hotspots[kHS18GarbageCan]._rect = Common::Rect(115, 365, 168, 470);
+ _vm->_hotspots[kHS18GarbageCan]._flags = SF_WALKABLE | SF_TALK_CURSOR | SF_GRAB_CURSOR | SF_LOOK_CURSOR;
+ _vm->_hotspotsWalkPos[kHS18GarbageCan] = Common::Point(3, 7);
+ }
+ if (_vm->isFlag(kGFPlatypusDisguised))
+ _vm->_hotspots[kHS18GarbageCan]._flags = SF_DISABLED;
+ if (_vm->isFlag(kGFPlatypusTalkingToAssistant)) {
+ _vm->_hotspots[kHS18Device]._flags = SF_DISABLED;
+ _vm->_hotspots[kHS18HydrantTopValve]._flags = SF_DISABLED;
+ _vm->_hotspots[kHS18HydrantRightValve]._flags = SF_DISABLED;
+ _vm->_hotspots[kHS18Platypus]._flags = SF_DISABLED;
+ }
+ if (_vm->isFlag(kGFUnk14)) {
+ _vm->_hotspots[kHS18HydrantTopValve]._flags = SF_DISABLED;
+ _vm->_hotspots[kHS18CowboyHat]._flags = SF_DISABLED;
+ }
+ _vm->_hotspotsCount = 11;
+void Scene18::gnapCarryGarbageCanTo(int gridX) {
+ GameSys& gameSys = *_vm->_gameSys;
+ PlayerGnap& gnap = *_vm->_gnap;
+ int gnapSeqId, gnapId, gnapDatNum, gnapGridX;
+ int destGridX, direction;
+ int curGridX = (_vm->_leftClickMouseX - _vm->_gridMinX + 37) / 75;
+ if (curGridX >= gnap._pos.x)
+ destGridX = curGridX - 1;
+ else
+ destGridX = curGridX + 1;
+ if (gridX < 0)
+ gridX = 4;
+ if (destGridX <= gridX)
+ destGridX = gridX;
+ int nextGridX = _vm->_gridMaxX - 1;
+ if (nextGridX >= destGridX)
+ nextGridX = destGridX;
+ if (nextGridX == gnap._pos.x) {
+ gnapSeqId = gnap._sequenceId;
+ gnapId = gnap._id;
+ gnapDatNum = gnap._sequenceDatNum;
+ gnapGridX = gnap._pos.x;
+ if (gnap._pos.x <= curGridX)
+ direction = 1;
+ else
+ direction = -1;
+ } else {
+ PlayerPlat& plat = *_vm->_plat;
+ if (gnap._pos.y == plat._pos.y) {
+ if (nextGridX >= gnap._pos.x) {
+ if (nextGridX >= plat._pos.x && gnap._pos.x <= plat._pos.x)
+ plat.makeRoom();
+ } else if (nextGridX <= plat._pos.x && gnap._pos.x >= plat._pos.x) {
+ plat.makeRoom();
+ }
+ }
+ gnapSeqId = gnap._sequenceId;
+ gnapId = gnap._id;
+ gnapDatNum = gnap._sequenceDatNum;
+ gnapGridX = gnap._pos.x;
+ int seqId;
+ if (nextGridX < gnap._pos.x) {
+ direction = -1;
+ seqId = 0x204;
+ } else {
+ direction = 1;
+ seqId = 0x203;
+ }
+ int seqId2 = 20 * gnap._pos.y + 1;
+ do {
+ if (_vm->isPointBlocked(gnapGridX + direction, gnap._pos.y))
+ break;
+ seqId2 += direction;
+ gameSys.insertSequence(seqId, seqId2,
+ gnapSeqId | (gnapDatNum << 16), gnapId,
+ kSeqSyncWait, 0, 75 * gnapGridX - gnap._gridX, 48 * gnap._pos.y - gnap._gridY);
+ gnapSeqId = seqId;
+ gnapId = seqId2;
+ gnapDatNum = 0;
+ gnapGridX += direction;
+ } while (nextGridX != gnapGridX);
+ }
+ if (direction == 1)
+ gnap._sequenceId = 0x20A;
+ else
+ gnap._sequenceId = 0x209;
+ gnap._sequenceDatNum = 0;
+ if (direction == 1)
+ gnap._idleFacing = kDirBottomRight;
+ else
+ gnap._idleFacing = kDirBottomLeft;
+ gnap._id = 20 * gnap._pos.y + 1;
+ gameSys.setAnimation(makeRid(gnap._sequenceDatNum, gnap._sequenceId), gnap._id, 0);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(makeRid(gnap._sequenceDatNum, gnap._sequenceId), gnap._id,
+ gnapSeqId | (gnapDatNum << 16), gnapId,
+ kSeqScale | kSeqSyncWait, 0, 75 * gnapGridX - gnap._gridX, 48 * gnap._pos.y - gnap._gridY);
+ gnap._pos.x = gnapGridX;
+void Scene18::putDownGarbageCan(int animationIndex) {
+ GameSys& gameSys = *_vm->_gameSys;
+ PlayerGnap& gnap = *_vm->_gnap;
+ if (animationIndex >= 0) {
+ while (gameSys.getAnimationStatus(animationIndex) != 2 && !_vm->_gameDone)
+ _vm->gameUpdateTick();
+ }
+ if (gnap._idleFacing != kDirIdleLeft && gnap._idleFacing != kDirBottomRight && gnap._idleFacing != kDirUpRight)
+ _vm->_s18GarbageCanPos = gnap._pos.x - 1;
+ else
+ _vm->_s18GarbageCanPos = gnap._pos.x + 1;
+ _vm->clearFlag(kGFPlatypusDisguised);
+ updateHotspots();
+ if (gnap._idleFacing != kDirIdleLeft && gnap._idleFacing != kDirBottomRight && gnap._idleFacing != kDirUpRight) {
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x107BA, gnap._id,
+ makeRid(gnap._sequenceDatNum, gnap._sequenceId), gnap._id,
+ kSeqSyncWait, 0, 75 * gnap._pos.x - gnap._gridX, 48 * gnap._pos.y - gnap._gridY);
+ gnap._sequenceId = 0x7BA;
+ } else {
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x107B9, gnap._id,
+ makeRid(gnap._sequenceDatNum, gnap._sequenceId), gnap._id,
+ kSeqSyncWait, 0, 75 * gnap._pos.x - gnap._gridX, 48 * gnap._pos.y - gnap._gridY);
+ gnap._sequenceId = 0x7B9;
+ }
+ gnap._sequenceDatNum = 1;
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x1FB, 19, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, 15 * (5 * _vm->_s18GarbageCanPos - 40), 0);
+ gameSys.setAnimation(0x1FA, 19, 4);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x1FA, 19, 507, 19, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 15 * (5 * _vm->_s18GarbageCanPos - 40), 0);
+ while (gameSys.getAnimationStatus(4) != 2 && !_vm->_gameDone)
+ _vm->gameUpdateTick();
+void Scene18::platEndPhoning(bool platFl) {
+ GameSys& gameSys = *_vm->_gameSys;
+ PlayerPlat& plat = *_vm->_plat;
+ if (_vm->isFlag(kGFPlatypusTalkingToAssistant)) {
+ _platPhoneIter = 0;
+ _platPhoneCtr = 0;
+ plat._actionStatus = -1;
+ if (_currPhoneSequenceId != -1) {
+ gameSys.setAnimation(0x21E, 254, 3);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x21E, 254, _currPhoneSequenceId, 254, kSeqSyncExists, 0, 0, 0);
+ while (gameSys.getAnimationStatus(3) != 2 && !_vm->_gameDone)
+ _vm->gameUpdateTick();
+ }
+ gameSys.removeSequence(0x21F, 254, true);
+ gameSys.setAnimation(0, 0, 3);
+ _vm->clearFlag(kGFPlatypusTalkingToAssistant);
+ if (platFl) {
+ plat._actionStatus = kAS18PlatComesHere;
+ _vm->_timers[6] = 50;
+ _vm->_sceneWaiting = true;
+ }
+ _currPhoneSequenceId = -1;
+ _nextPhoneSequenceId = -1;
+ updateHotspots();
+ }
+void Scene18::closeHydrantValve() {
+ PlayerGnap& gnap = *_vm->_gnap;
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS18LeaveScene;
+ _vm->updateMouseCursor();
+ if (_vm->isFlag(kGFTruckFilledWithGas)) {
+ gnap.walkTo(_vm->_hotspotsWalkPos[kHS18HydrantRightValve], 0, 0x107BA, 1);
+ if (_vm->isFlag(kGFTruckKeysUsed)) {
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS18CloseRightValveWithGarbageCan;
+ waitForGnapAction();
+ } else {
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS18CloseRightValveNoGarbageCan;
+ waitForGnapAction();
+ }
+ } else if (_vm->isFlag(kGFBarnPadlockOpen)) {
+ gnap.walkTo(_vm->_hotspotsWalkPos[kHS18HydrantTopValve], 0, 0x107BA, 1);
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS18CloseTopValve;
+ waitForGnapAction();
+ }
+void Scene18::waitForGnapAction() {
+ PlayerGnap& gnap = *_vm->_gnap;
+ while (gnap._actionStatus >= 0 && !_vm->_gameDone) {
+ updateAnimations();
+ _vm->gameUpdateTick();
+ }
+void Scene18::run() {
+ GameSys& gameSys = *_vm->_gameSys;
+ PlayerGnap& gnap = *_vm->_gnap;
+ PlayerPlat& plat = *_vm->_plat;
+ _cowboyHatSurface = nullptr;
+ _vm->playSound(0x10940, true);
+ _vm->startSoundTimerA(4);
+ _vm->_timers[5] = _vm->getRandom(100) + 100;
+ _vm->queueInsertDeviceIcon();
+ _vm->clearFlag(kGFPlatypusDisguised);
+ if (!_vm->isFlag(kGFUnk14))
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x1F8, 19, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, 0, 0);
+ if (_vm->isFlag(kGFTruckKeysUsed)) {
+ if (_vm->isFlag(kGFTruckFilledWithGas)) {
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x214, 39, 0, 0, kSeqLoop, 0, 0, 0);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x20D, 39, 0, 0, kSeqLoop, 0, 0, 0);
+ _vm->playSound(0x22B, true);
+ } else {
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x1F9, 19, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, 0, 0);
+ }
+ } else {
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x1FA, 19, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, 15 * (5 * _vm->_s18GarbageCanPos - 40), 0);
+ if (_vm->isFlag(kGFTruckFilledWithGas)) {
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x212, 39, 0, 0, kSeqLoop, 0, 0, 0);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x20D, 39, 0, 0, kSeqLoop, 0, 0, 0);
+ _vm->playSound(0x22B, true);
+ } else if (_vm->isFlag(kGFBarnPadlockOpen)) {
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x20E, 39, 0, 0, kSeqLoop, 0, 0, 0);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x217, 39, 0, 0, kSeqLoop, 0, 0, 0);
+ _vm->playSound(0x22B, true);
+ }
+ }
+ if (_vm->isFlag(kGFPlatypusTalkingToAssistant)) {
+ if (_vm->_prevSceneNum == 17)
+ gnap.initPos(4, 11, kDirBottomRight);
+ else
+ gnap.initPos(4, 7, kDirBottomRight);
+ _platPhoneCtr = _vm->getRandom(5);
+ if (_vm->isFlag(kGFUnk27)) {
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x21E, 254, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, 0, 0);
+ _vm->endSceneInit();
+ _currPhoneSequenceId = -1;
+ platEndPhoning(true);
+ _vm->clearFlag(kGFUnk27);
+ } else {
+ _currPhoneSequenceId = kScene18SequenceIds[_platPhoneCtr];
+ _platPhoneIter = 0;
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x21F, 254, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, 0, 0);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(_currPhoneSequenceId, 254, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, 0, 0);
+ _vm->endSceneInit();
+ }
+ if (_vm->isFlag(kGFUnk27)) {
+ platEndPhoning(true);
+ _vm->clearFlag(kGFUnk27);
+ } else {
+ gameSys.setAnimation(_currPhoneSequenceId, 254, 3);
+ }
+ gnap.walkTo(Common::Point(4, 8), -1, 0x107B9, 1);
+ } else {
+ if (_vm->isFlag(kGFGnapControlsToyUFO)) {
+ _vm->clearFlag(kGFGnapControlsToyUFO);
+ _vm->setGrabCursorSprite(kItemCowboyHat);
+ _vm->_prevSceneNum = 19;
+ }
+ if (_vm->_prevSceneNum == 17) {
+ gnap.initPos(4, 11, kDirBottomRight);
+ plat.initPos(5, 11, kDirIdleLeft);
+ _vm->endSceneInit();
+ gnap.walkTo(Common::Point(4, 8), -1, 0x107B9, 1);
+ plat.walkTo(Common::Point(5, 9), -1, 0x107C2, 1);
+ } else if (_vm->_prevSceneNum == 19) {
+ gnap.initPos(7, 7, kDirBottomRight);
+ plat.initPos(8, 7, kDirIdleLeft);
+ _vm->endSceneInit();
+ gnap.walkTo(Common::Point(7, 8), -1, 0x107B9, 1);
+ plat.walkTo(Common::Point(8, 8), -1, 0x107C2, 1);
+ } else {
+ gnap.initPos(-1, 10, kDirBottomRight);
+ plat.initPos(-1, 10, kDirIdleLeft);
+ _vm->endSceneInit();
+ gnap.walkTo(Common::Point(3, 7), -1, 0x107B9, 1);
+ plat.walkTo(Common::Point(3, 8), -1, 0x107C2, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ while (!_vm->_sceneDone) {
+ _vm->updateMouseCursor();
+ _vm->updateCursorByHotspot();
+ _vm->testWalk(0, 20, -1, -1, -1, -1);
+ _vm->_sceneClickedHotspot = _vm->getClickedHotspotId();
+ _vm->updateGrabCursorSprite(0, 0);
+ switch (_vm->_sceneClickedHotspot) {
+ case kHS18Device:
+ if (gnap._actionStatus < 0) {
+ _vm->runMenu();
+ updateHotspots();
+ }
+ break;
+ case kHS18Platypus:
+ if (gnap._actionStatus < 0) {
+ if (_vm->isFlag(kGFPlatypusDisguised)) {
+ gnapCarryGarbageCanTo(-1);
+ putDownGarbageCan(0);
+ }
+ if (_vm->_grabCursorSpriteIndex == kItemJoint) {
+ gnap.useJointOnPlatypus();
+ } else if (_vm->_grabCursorSpriteIndex >= 0) {
+ gnap.playShowItem(_vm->_grabCursorSpriteIndex, plat._pos.x, plat._pos.y);
+ } else {
+ switch (_vm->_verbCursor) {
+ gnap.playMoan1(plat._pos);
+ break;
+ gnap.kissPlatypus(0);
+ break;
+ gnap.playBrainPulsating(plat._pos);
+ plat.playSequence(plat.getSequenceId());
+ break;
+ gnap.playImpossible();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case kHS18CowboyHat:
+ if (gnap._actionStatus == kAS18StandingOnHydrant) {
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS18GrabCowboyHat;
+ _vm->_sceneWaiting = false;
+ } else if (gnap._actionStatus < 0) {
+ if (_vm->isFlag(kGFPlatypusDisguised)) {
+ gnapCarryGarbageCanTo(-1);
+ putDownGarbageCan(0);
+ }
+ if (_vm->_grabCursorSpriteIndex >= 0) {
+ gnap.playShowCurrItem(_vm->_hotspotsWalkPos[kHS18CowboyHat], 3, 2);
+ } else {
+ switch (_vm->_verbCursor) {
+ gnap.playScratchingHead(Common::Point(3, 2));
+ break;
+ gnap.walkTo(_vm->_hotspotsWalkPos[kHS18CowboyHat], 0, gnap.getSequenceId(kGSPullOutDeviceNonWorking, Common::Point(3, 2)) | 0x10000, 1);
+ break;
+ gnap.playImpossible();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case kHS18GarbageCan:
+ if (gnap._actionStatus < 0) {
+ if (_vm->isFlag(kGFUnk14)) {
+ if (_vm->_grabCursorSpriteIndex >= 0)
+ gnap.playShowCurrItem(_vm->_hotspotsWalkPos[kHS18GarbageCan], 1, 5);
+ else
+ gnap.playImpossible();
+ } else {
+ if (_vm->isFlag(kGFPlatypusTalkingToAssistant))
+ platEndPhoning(true);
+ if (_vm->_grabCursorSpriteIndex >= 0) {
+ if (!_vm->isFlag(kGFTruckKeysUsed)) {
+ Common::Point destPos;
+ destPos.x = _vm->_hotspotsWalkPos[kHS18GarbageCan].x - (gnap._pos.x < _vm->_s18GarbageCanPos ? 1 : -1);
+ destPos.y = _vm->_hotspotsWalkPos[kHS18GarbageCan].y;
+ gnap.playShowCurrItem(destPos, _vm->_hotspotsWalkPos[kHS18GarbageCan].x, _vm->_hotspotsWalkPos[kHS18GarbageCan].y);
+ } else
+ gnap.playShowCurrItem(_vm->_hotspotsWalkPos[kHS18GarbageCan], 2, 4);
+ } else {
+ switch (_vm->_verbCursor) {
+ if (!_vm->isFlag(kGFTruckKeysUsed))
+ gnap.playScratchingHead(Common::Point(_vm->_hotspotsWalkPos[kHS18GarbageCan].x - (gnap._pos.x < _vm->_s18GarbageCanPos ? 1 : -1), _vm->_hotspotsWalkPos[kHS18GarbageCan].y));
+ else if (!_vm->isFlag(kGFTruckFilledWithGas))
+ gnap.playScratchingHead(Common::Point(2, 4));
+ break;
+ if (!_vm->isFlag(kGFTruckKeysUsed)) {
+ gnap.walkTo(_vm->_hotspotsWalkPos[kHS18GarbageCan] + Common::Point((gnap._pos.x < _vm->_s18GarbageCanPos ? 1 : -1), 0),
+ -1, -1, 1);
+ gnap.walkTo(gnap._pos, 0, gnap.getSequenceId(kGSIdle, Common::Point(_vm->_s18GarbageCanPos, gnap._pos.y)) | 0x10000, 1);
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS18GrabGarbageCanFromStreet;
+ } else if (!_vm->isFlag(kGFTruckFilledWithGas)) {
+ if (gnap.walkTo(_vm->_hotspotsWalkPos[kHS18GarbageCan], 0, -1, 1))
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS18GrabGarbageCanFromHydrant;
+ }
+ break;
+ gnap.playImpossible();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case kHS18HydrantTopValve:
+ if (gnap._actionStatus < 0) {
+ if (_vm->isFlag(kGFPlatypusDisguised)) {
+ // While carrying garbage can
+ if (_vm->_grabCursorSpriteIndex >= 0) {
+ gnapCarryGarbageCanTo(-1);
+ putDownGarbageCan(0);
+ gnap.playShowItem(_vm->_grabCursorSpriteIndex, 0, 0);
+ } else {
+ switch (_vm->_verbCursor) {
+ gnapCarryGarbageCanTo(-1);
+ putDownGarbageCan(0);
+ gnap.playScratchingHead();
+ break;
+ if (_vm->isFlag(kGFTruckFilledWithGas)) {
+ gnapCarryGarbageCanTo(2);
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS18PutGarbageCanOnRunningHydrant;
+ } else if (!_vm->isFlag(kGFBarnPadlockOpen)) {
+ gnapCarryGarbageCanTo(2);
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS18PutGarbageCanOnHydrant;
+ } else {
+ gnapCarryGarbageCanTo(-1);
+ putDownGarbageCan(0);
+ gnap.playImpossible();
+ }
+ break;
+ gnapCarryGarbageCanTo(-1);
+ putDownGarbageCan(0);
+ gnap.playImpossible();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (_vm->_grabCursorSpriteIndex == kItemWrench) {
+ gnap.walkTo(gnap._pos, 0, gnap.getSequenceId(kGSIdle, Common::Point(2, 8)) | 0x10000, 1);
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS18OpenTopValve;
+ } else if (_vm->_grabCursorSpriteIndex >= 0) {
+ gnap.playShowCurrItem(_vm->_hotspotsWalkPos[kHS18HydrantTopValve], 1, 5);
+ } else {
+ switch (_vm->_verbCursor) {
+ gnap.playScratchingHead(Common::Point(1, 5));
+ break;
+ if (_vm->isFlag(kGFBarnPadlockOpen)) {
+ _vm->_hotspots[kHS18WalkArea2]._flags |= SF_WALKABLE;
+ gnap.walkTo(_vm->_hotspotsWalkPos[kHS18HydrantTopValve], 0, 0x107BA, 1);
+ _vm->_hotspots[kHS18WalkArea2]._flags &= ~SF_WALKABLE;
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS18CloseTopValve;
+ } else
+ gnap.playImpossible();
+ break;
+ gnap.playImpossible();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case kHS18HydrantRightValve:
+ if (gnap._actionStatus < 0) {
+ if (_vm->isFlag(kGFUnk14)) {
+ if (_vm->_grabCursorSpriteIndex == -1) {
+ gnap.playImpossible();
+ } else {
+ gnap.playShowCurrItem(_vm->_hotspotsWalkPos[kHS18HydrantRightValve], 1, 5);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (_vm->isFlag(kGFPlatypusDisguised)) {
+ gnapCarryGarbageCanTo(-1);
+ putDownGarbageCan(0);
+ }
+ if (_vm->_grabCursorSpriteIndex == kItemWrench) {
+ gnap.walkTo(gnap._pos, 0, gnap.getSequenceId(kGSIdle, Common::Point(2, 8)) | 0x10000, 1);
+ if (_vm->isFlag(kGFTruckKeysUsed))
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS18OpenRightValveWithGarbageCan;
+ else
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS18OpenRightValveNoGarbageCan;
+ } else if (_vm->_grabCursorSpriteIndex >= 0) {
+ gnap.playShowCurrItem(_vm->_hotspotsWalkPos[kHS18HydrantRightValve], 1, 5);
+ } else {
+ switch (_vm->_verbCursor) {
+ gnap.playScratchingHead(Common::Point(1, 5));
+ break;
+ if (_vm->isFlag(kGFTruckFilledWithGas)) {
+ gnap.walkTo(_vm->_hotspotsWalkPos[kHS18HydrantRightValve], 0, 0x107BA, 1);
+ if (_vm->isFlag(kGFTruckKeysUsed))
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS18CloseRightValveWithGarbageCan;
+ else
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS18CloseRightValveNoGarbageCan;
+ }
+ break;
+ gnap.playImpossible();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case kHS18ExitToyStore:
+ if (gnap._actionStatus < 0) {
+ if (_vm->isFlag(kGFPlatypusDisguised)) {
+ gnapCarryGarbageCanTo(-1);
+ putDownGarbageCan(0);
+ }
+ if (_vm->isFlag(kGFPictureTaken)) {
+ gnap.playImpossible();
+ } else {
+ _vm->_isLeavingScene = true;
+ _vm->_newSceneNum = 19;
+ gnap.walkTo(_vm->_hotspotsWalkPos[kHS18ExitToyStore], 0, 0x107C0, 1);
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS18LeaveScene;
+ if (!_vm->isFlag(kGFPlatypusTalkingToAssistant))
+ plat.walkTo(_vm->_hotspotsWalkPos[kHS18ExitToyStore] + Common::Point(1, 0), -1, 0x107C2, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case kHS18ExitPhoneBooth:
+ if (gnap._actionStatus < 0) {
+ if (_vm->isFlag(kGFPlatypusDisguised)) {
+ gnapCarryGarbageCanTo(-1);
+ putDownGarbageCan(0);
+ }
+ closeHydrantValve();
+ _vm->_isLeavingScene = true;
+ _vm->_newSceneNum = 17;
+ gnap.walkTo(_vm->_hotspotsWalkPos[kHS18ExitPhoneBooth], 0, 0x107AE, 1);
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS18LeaveScene;
+ if (_vm->isFlag(kGFPlatypusTalkingToAssistant))
+ _vm->setFlag(kGFUnk27);
+ else
+ plat.walkTo(_vm->_hotspotsWalkPos[kHS18ExitPhoneBooth] + Common::Point(1, 0), -1, 0x107C2, 1);
+ }
+ break;
+ case kHS18ExitGrubCity:
+ if (gnap._actionStatus < 0) {
+ if (_vm->isFlag(kGFPlatypusDisguised)) {
+ gnapCarryGarbageCanTo(-1);
+ putDownGarbageCan(0);
+ }
+ closeHydrantValve();
+ _vm->_isLeavingScene = true;
+ _vm->_newSceneNum = 20;
+ _vm->_hotspots[kHS18WalkArea2]._flags |= SF_WALKABLE;
+ gnap.walkTo(_vm->_hotspotsWalkPos[kHS18ExitGrubCity], 0, 0x107B2, 1);
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS18LeaveScene;
+ if (_vm->isFlag(kGFPlatypusTalkingToAssistant))
+ platEndPhoning(false);
+ else
+ plat.walkTo(_vm->_hotspotsWalkPos[kHS18ExitGrubCity] + Common::Point(0, -1), -1, 0x107CF, 1);
+ _vm->_hotspots[kHS18WalkArea2]._flags &= ~SF_WALKABLE;
+ }
+ break;
+ case kHS18WalkArea1:
+ case kHS18WalkArea2:
+ if (gnap._actionStatus < 0) {
+ if (_vm->isFlag(kGFPlatypusDisguised)) {
+ gnapCarryGarbageCanTo(-1);
+ putDownGarbageCan(0);
+ } else {
+ gnap.walkTo(Common::Point(-1, -1), -1, -1, 1);
+ }
+ _vm->_mouseClickState._left = false;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (gnap._actionStatus != kAS18StandingOnHydrant && _vm->_mouseClickState._left) {
+ if (_vm->isFlag(kGFPlatypusDisguised)) {
+ gnapCarryGarbageCanTo(-1);
+ putDownGarbageCan(0);
+ } else {
+ gnap.walkTo(Common::Point(-1, -1), -1, -1, 1);
+ }
+ _vm->_mouseClickState._left = false;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ updateAnimations();
+ if (!_vm->isSoundPlaying(0x10940))
+ _vm->playSound(0x10940, true);
+ if ((_vm->isFlag(kGFTruckFilledWithGas) || _vm->isFlag(kGFBarnPadlockOpen)) && !_vm->isSoundPlaying(0x22B) &&
+ gnap._actionStatus != kAS18OpenRightValveNoGarbageCanDone && gnap._actionStatus != kAS18OpenRightValveNoGarbageCan &&
+ gnap._actionStatus != kAS18OpenTopValve && gnap._actionStatus != kAS18OpenTopValveDone &&
+ gnap._actionStatus != kAS18OpenRightValveWithGarbageCan && gnap._actionStatus != kAS18OpenRightValveWithGarbageCanDone)
+ _vm->playSound(0x22B, true);
+ if (!_vm->_isLeavingScene) {
+ if (!_vm->isFlag(kGFPlatypusTalkingToAssistant)) {
+ if (plat._actionStatus == kAS18PlatComesHere) {
+ if (!_vm->_timers[6]) {
+ plat._actionStatus = -1;
+ _vm->_sceneWaiting = false;
+ plat.initPos(-1, 10, kDirIdleLeft);
+ plat.walkTo(Common::Point(3, 9), -1, 0x107C2, 1);
+ _vm->clearFlag(kGFPlatypusTalkingToAssistant);
+ }
+ } else {
+ _vm->_hotspots[kHS18WalkArea1]._rect.bottom += 48;
+ _vm->_hotspots[kHS18WalkArea2]._rect.left += 75;
+ plat.updateIdleSequence();
+ _vm->_hotspots[kHS18WalkArea2]._rect.left -= 75;
+ _vm->_hotspots[kHS18WalkArea1]._rect.bottom -= 48;
+ }
+ if (!_vm->_timers[5]) {
+ _vm->_timers[5] = _vm->getRandom(100) + 100;
+ if (gnap._actionStatus < 0) {
+ if (_vm->getRandom(2) == 1)
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x220, 255, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, 0, 0);
+ else
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x221, 255, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, 0, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ _vm->playSoundA();
+ }
+ if (!_vm->isFlag(kGFPlatypusDisguised))
+ gnap.updateIdleSequence();
+ }
+ _vm->checkGameKeys();
+ if (_vm->isKeyStatus1(Common::KEYCODE_BACKSPACE)) {
+ _vm->clearKeyStatus1(Common::KEYCODE_BACKSPACE);
+ _vm->runMenu();
+ updateHotspots();
+ }
+ _vm->gameUpdateTick();
+ }
+ if (_vm->isFlag(kGFGnapControlsToyUFO))
+ _vm->deleteSurface(&_cowboyHatSurface);
+void Scene18::updateAnimations() {
+ GameSys& gameSys = *_vm->_gameSys;
+ PlayerGnap& gnap = *_vm->_gnap;
+ if (gameSys.getAnimationStatus(0) == 2) {
+ gameSys.setAnimation(0, 0, 0);
+ switch (gnap._actionStatus) {
+ case kAS18GrabGarbageCanFromStreet:
+ if (gnap._idleFacing != kDirUpRight && gnap._idleFacing != kDirBottomRight) {
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x1FC, gnap._id,
+ makeRid(gnap._sequenceDatNum, gnap._sequenceId), gnap._id,
+ kSeqSyncWait, 0, 75 * gnap._pos.x - 675, 0);
+ gnap._sequenceDatNum = 0;
+ gnap._sequenceId = 0x1FC;
+ } else {
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x1FD, gnap._id,
+ makeRid(gnap._sequenceDatNum, gnap._sequenceId), gnap._id,
+ kSeqSyncWait, 0, 75 * gnap._pos.x - 525, 0);
+ gnap._sequenceDatNum = 0;
+ gnap._sequenceId = 0x1FD;
+ }
+ gameSys.removeSequence(0x1FA, 19, true);
+ _vm->setFlag(kGFPlatypusDisguised);
+ updateHotspots();
+ gnap._actionStatus = -1;
+ break;
+ case kAS18GrabGarbageCanFromHydrant:
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x1FE, gnap._id, makeRid(gnap._sequenceDatNum, gnap._sequenceId), gnap._id, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ gameSys.removeSequence(0x1F9, 19, true);
+ gnap._sequenceDatNum = 0;
+ gnap._sequenceId = 0x1FE;
+ _vm->clearFlag(kGFTruckKeysUsed);
+ _vm->setFlag(kGFPlatypusDisguised);
+ updateHotspots();
+ gnap._actionStatus = -1;
+ break;
+ case kAS18CloseRightValveNoGarbageCan:
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x205, gnap._id, makeRid(gnap._sequenceDatNum, gnap._sequenceId), gnap._id, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ gameSys.removeSequence(0x20D, 39, true);
+ gameSys.removeSequence(0x212, 39, true);
+ gameSys.removeSequence(0x211, 39, true);
+ _vm->stopSound(0x22B);
+ gnap._sequenceDatNum = 0;
+ gnap._sequenceId = 0x205;
+ _vm->clearFlag(kGFTruckFilledWithGas);
+ _vm->invAdd(kItemWrench);
+ _vm->setGrabCursorSprite(kItemWrench);
+ updateHotspots();
+ gnap._actionStatus = -1;
+ break;
+ case kAS18OpenTopValve:
+ _vm->setFlag(kGFBarnPadlockOpen);
+ updateHotspots();
+ gnap.playPullOutDevice(Common::Point(2, 7));
+ gnap.playUseDevice();
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x20C, 19, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, 0, 0);
+ _vm->_hotspots[kHS18WalkArea2]._flags |= SF_WALKABLE;
+ gnap.walkTo(_vm->_hotspotsWalkPos[kHS18HydrantTopValve], 0, 0x107BB, 1);
+ _vm->_hotspots[kHS18WalkArea2]._flags &= ~SF_WALKABLE;
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS18OpenTopValveDone;
+ break;
+ case kAS18OpenTopValveDone:
+ _vm->setGrabCursorSprite(-1);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x208, gnap._id, makeRid(gnap._sequenceDatNum, gnap._sequenceId), gnap._id, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x216, 39, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 21, 0, 0);
+ gameSys.removeSequence(0x20C, 19, true);
+ gameSys.setAnimation(0x217, 39, 5);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x217, 39, 0x216, 39, kSeqLoop | kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ while (gameSys.getAnimationStatus(5) != 2 && !_vm->_gameDone)
+ _vm->gameUpdateTick();
+ _vm->playSound(0x22B, true);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x20E, 39, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, 0, 0);
+ gnap._sequenceDatNum = 0;
+ gnap._sequenceId = 0x208;
+ _vm->invRemove(kItemWrench);
+ _vm->setGrabCursorSprite(-1);
+ gnap._actionStatus = -1;
+ break;
+ case kAS18CloseTopValve:
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x206, gnap._id, makeRid(gnap._sequenceDatNum, gnap._sequenceId), gnap._id, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ gameSys.removeSequence(0x20E, 39, true);
+ gameSys.removeSequence(0x216, 39, true);
+ gameSys.removeSequence(0x217, 39, true);
+ _vm->stopSound(0x22B);
+ gnap._sequenceDatNum = 0;
+ gnap._sequenceId = 0x206;
+ _vm->clearFlag(kGFBarnPadlockOpen);
+ _vm->invAdd(kItemWrench);
+ _vm->setGrabCursorSprite(kItemWrench);
+ updateHotspots();
+ gnap._actionStatus = -1;
+ break;
+ case kAS18GrabCowboyHat:
+ gameSys.setAnimation(0x200, gnap._id, 0);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x200, gnap._id, makeRid(gnap._sequenceDatNum, gnap._sequenceId), gnap._id, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ gnap._sequenceDatNum = 0;
+ gnap._sequenceId = 0x200;
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS18GrabCowboyHatDone;
+ break;
+ case kAS18GrabCowboyHatDone:
+ _vm->hideCursor();
+ _vm->setGrabCursorSprite(-1);
+ _cowboyHatSurface = _vm->addFullScreenSprite(0x1D2, 255);
+ gameSys.setAnimation(0x218, 256, 0);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x218, 256, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, 0, 0);
+ while (gameSys.getAnimationStatus(0) != 2 && !_vm->_gameDone)
+ _vm->gameUpdateTick();
+ _vm->_newSceneNum = 18;
+ _vm->invAdd(kItemCowboyHat);
+ _vm->invAdd(kItemWrench);
+ _vm->setFlag(kGFGnapControlsToyUFO);
+ _vm->setFlag(kGFUnk14);
+ _vm->clearFlag(kGFTruckFilledWithGas);
+ _vm->setFlag(kGFTruckKeysUsed);
+ _vm->setFlag(kGFUnk14); // Useless, already set
+ updateHotspots();
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS18LeaveScene;
+ break;
+ case kAS18LeaveScene:
+ _vm->_sceneDone = true;
+ gnap._actionStatus = -1;
+ break;
+ case kAS18PutGarbageCanOnRunningHydrant:
+ _vm->setFlag(kGFTruckKeysUsed);
+ _vm->clearFlag(kGFPlatypusDisguised);
+ gameSys.requestRemoveSequence(0x211, 39);
+ gameSys.requestRemoveSequence(0x212, 39);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x210, gnap._id, makeRid(gnap._sequenceDatNum, gnap._sequenceId), gnap._id, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ _vm->stopSound(0x22B);
+ gameSys.setAnimation(0x210, gnap._id, 0);
+ gnap._sequenceDatNum = 0;
+ gnap._sequenceId = 0x210;
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS18PutGarbageCanOnRunningHydrant2;
+ break;
+ case kAS18PutGarbageCanOnRunningHydrant2:
+ _vm->playSound(0x22B, true);
+ gameSys.setAnimation(0x1FF, gnap._id, 0);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x1FF, gnap._id, makeRid(gnap._sequenceDatNum, gnap._sequenceId), gnap._id, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ gnap._sequenceDatNum = 0;
+ gnap._sequenceId = 0x1FF;
+ _vm->_sceneWaiting = true;
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS18StandingOnHydrant;
+ break;
+ case kAS18StandingOnHydrant:
+ gameSys.setAnimation(0x1FF, gnap._id, 0);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x1FF, gnap._id, makeRid(gnap._sequenceDatNum, gnap._sequenceId), gnap._id, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ break;
+ case kAS18OpenRightValveNoGarbageCan:
+ case kAS18OpenRightValveWithGarbageCan:
+ _vm->setFlag(kGFTruckFilledWithGas);
+ updateHotspots();
+ gnap.playPullOutDevice(Common::Point(2, 7));
+ gnap.playUseDevice();
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x20B, 19, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, 0, 0);
+ _vm->_hotspots[kHS18WalkArea2]._flags |= SF_WALKABLE;
+ gnap.walkTo(_vm->_hotspotsWalkPos[kHS18HydrantRightValve], 0, 0x107BA, 1);
+ _vm->_hotspots[kHS18WalkArea2]._flags &= ~SF_WALKABLE;
+ if (gnap._actionStatus == kAS18OpenRightValveNoGarbageCan)
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS18OpenRightValveNoGarbageCanDone;
+ else
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS18OpenRightValveWithGarbageCanDone;
+ break;
+ case kAS18OpenRightValveWithGarbageCanDone:
+ _vm->setGrabCursorSprite(-1);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x207, gnap._id, makeRid(gnap._sequenceDatNum, gnap._sequenceId), gnap._id, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x213, 39, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 21, 0, 0);
+ gameSys.requestRemoveSequence(0x1F9, 19);
+ gameSys.removeSequence(0x20B, 19, true);
+ gameSys.setAnimation(0x213, 39, 5);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x214, 39, 0x213, 39, kSeqLoop | kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ while (gameSys.getAnimationStatus(5) != 2 && !_vm->_gameDone)
+ _vm->gameUpdateTick();
+ _vm->playSound(0x22B, true);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x20D, 39, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, 0, 0);
+ gnap._sequenceDatNum = 0;
+ gnap._sequenceId = 0x207;
+ _vm->invRemove(kItemWrench);
+ gnap._actionStatus = -1;
+ break;
+ case kAS18OpenRightValveNoGarbageCanDone:
+ _vm->setGrabCursorSprite(-1);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x207, gnap._id, makeRid(gnap._sequenceDatNum, gnap._sequenceId), gnap._id, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x211, 39, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 21, 0, 0);
+ gameSys.removeSequence(0x20B, 19, true);
+ gameSys.setAnimation(0x211, 39, 5);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x212, 39, 0x211, 39, kSeqLoop | kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ while (gameSys.getAnimationStatus(5) != 2 && !_vm->_gameDone)
+ _vm->gameUpdateTick();
+ _vm->playSound(0x22B, true);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x20D, 39, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, 0, 0);
+ gnap._sequenceDatNum = 0;
+ gnap._sequenceId = 0x207;
+ _vm->invRemove(kItemWrench);
+ gnap._actionStatus = -1;
+ break;
+ case kAS18CloseRightValveWithGarbageCan:
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x205, gnap._id, makeRid(gnap._sequenceDatNum, gnap._sequenceId), gnap._id, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ gameSys.removeSequence(0x20D, 39, true);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x215, 39, 0x214, 39, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ _vm->stopSound(0x22B);
+ gameSys.setAnimation(0x1F9, 19, 0);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x1F9, 19, 0x215, 39, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ _vm->clearFlag(kGFTruckFilledWithGas);
+ _vm->invAdd(kItemWrench);
+ _vm->setGrabCursorSprite(kItemWrench);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x107B5, gnap._id, 517, gnap._id, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 75 * gnap._pos.x - gnap._gridX, 48 * gnap._pos.y - gnap._gridY);
+ updateHotspots();
+ gnap._sequenceDatNum = 1;
+ gnap._sequenceId = 0x7B5;
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS18CloseRightValveWithGarbageCanDone;
+ break;
+ case kAS18CloseRightValveWithGarbageCanDone:
+ gnap._actionStatus = -1;
+ break;
+ case kAS18PutGarbageCanOnHydrant:
+ _vm->setFlag(kGFTruckKeysUsed);
+ _vm->clearFlag(kGFPlatypusDisguised);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x20F, gnap._id, makeRid(gnap._sequenceDatNum, gnap._sequenceId), gnap._id, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ gameSys.setAnimation(0x20F, gnap._id, 0);
+ gnap._sequenceDatNum = 0;
+ gnap._sequenceId = 0x20F;
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS18PutGarbageCanOnHydrantDone;
+ break;
+ case kAS18PutGarbageCanOnHydrantDone:
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x1F9, 19, 0x20F, gnap._id, kSeqNone, 0, 0, 0);
+ updateHotspots();
+ gnap._actionStatus = -1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (gameSys.getAnimationStatus(3) == 2) {
+ gameSys.setAnimation(0, 0, 3);
+ ++_platPhoneIter;
+ if (_platPhoneIter <= 4) {
+ ++_platPhoneCtr;
+ _nextPhoneSequenceId = kScene18SequenceIds[_platPhoneCtr % 5];
+ gameSys.setAnimation(_nextPhoneSequenceId, 254, 3);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(_nextPhoneSequenceId, 254, _currPhoneSequenceId, 254, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x21F, 254, 0x21F, 254, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ _currPhoneSequenceId = _nextPhoneSequenceId;
+ } else {
+ platEndPhoning(true);
+ }
+ }
+static const int kS19ShopAssistantSequenceIds[] = {
+ 0x6F, 0x70, 0x71, 0x72, 0x73
+Scene19::Scene19(GnapEngine *vm) : Scene(vm) {
+ _toyGrabCtr = 0;
+ _shopAssistantCtr = 0;
+ _currShopAssistantSequenceId = -1;
+ _nextShopAssistantSequenceId = -1;
+ _pictureSurface = nullptr;
+Scene19::~Scene19() {
+ delete _pictureSurface;
+int Scene19::init() {
+ _vm->playSound(0x79, false);
+ return _vm->isFlag(kGFPlatypusTalkingToAssistant) ? 0x77 : 0x76;
+void Scene19::updateHotspots() {
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS19Platypus, 0, 0, 0, 0, SF_WALKABLE | SF_TALK_CURSOR | SF_GRAB_CURSOR | SF_LOOK_CURSOR);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS19ExitOutsideToyStore, 36, 154, 142, 338, SF_EXIT_NW_CURSOR, 4, 6);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS19Picture, 471, 237, 525, 283, SF_DISABLED, 7, 2);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS19ShopAssistant, 411, 151, 575, 279, SF_PLAT_CURSOR | SF_TALK_CURSOR | SF_GRAB_CURSOR | SF_LOOK_CURSOR, 5, 7);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS19Phone, 647, 166, 693, 234, SF_PLAT_CURSOR | SF_TALK_CURSOR | SF_GRAB_CURSOR | SF_LOOK_CURSOR, 9, 0);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS19Toy1, 181, 11, 319, 149, SF_PLAT_CURSOR | SF_TALK_CURSOR | SF_GRAB_CURSOR | SF_LOOK_CURSOR, 3, 0);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS19Toy2, 284, 85, 611, 216, SF_PLAT_CURSOR | SF_TALK_CURSOR | SF_GRAB_CURSOR | SF_LOOK_CURSOR, 6, 0);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS19Toy3, 666, 38, 755, 154, SF_PLAT_CURSOR | SF_TALK_CURSOR | SF_GRAB_CURSOR | SF_LOOK_CURSOR, 9, 0);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS19Toy4, 154, 206, 285, 327, SF_PLAT_CURSOR | SF_TALK_CURSOR | SF_GRAB_CURSOR | SF_LOOK_CURSOR, 3, 3);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS19Toy5, 494, 301, 570, 448, SF_PLAT_CURSOR | SF_TALK_CURSOR | SF_GRAB_CURSOR | SF_LOOK_CURSOR, 7, 5);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS19Toy6, 0, 320, 188, 600, SF_PLAT_CURSOR | SF_TALK_CURSOR | SF_GRAB_CURSOR | SF_LOOK_CURSOR, 1, 6);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS19Toy7, 597, 434, 800, 600, SF_PLAT_CURSOR | SF_TALK_CURSOR | SF_GRAB_CURSOR | SF_LOOK_CURSOR, 9, 8);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS19WalkArea1, 0, 0, 170, 600);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS19WalkArea2, 622, 0, 800, 600);
+ _vm->setHotspot(kHS19WalkArea3, 0, 0, 800, 437);
+ _vm->setDeviceHotspot(kHS19Device, -1, -1, -1, -1);
+ if (_vm->isFlag(kGFPlatypusTalkingToAssistant)) {
+ _vm->_hotspots[kHS19Toy1]._flags = SF_DISABLED;
+ _vm->_hotspots[kHS19Toy2]._flags = SF_DISABLED;
+ _vm->_hotspots[kHS19Toy3]._flags = SF_DISABLED;
+ _vm->_hotspots[kHS19Toy4]._flags = SF_DISABLED;
+ _vm->_hotspots[kHS19Toy5]._flags = SF_DISABLED;
+ _vm->_hotspots[kHS19Toy6]._flags = SF_DISABLED;
+ _vm->_hotspots[kHS19Toy7]._flags = SF_DISABLED;
+ _vm->_hotspots[kHS19ShopAssistant]._flags = SF_DISABLED;
+ _vm->_hotspots[kHS19Phone]._flags = SF_DISABLED;
+ _vm->_hotspots[kHS19Platypus]._flags = SF_DISABLED;
+ _vm->_hotspots[kHS19Picture]._flags = SF_PLAT_CURSOR | SF_TALK_CURSOR | SF_GRAB_CURSOR | SF_LOOK_CURSOR;
+ }
+ _vm->_hotspotsCount = 16;
+void Scene19::run() {
+ GameSys& gameSys = *_vm->_gameSys;
+ PlayerGnap& gnap = *_vm->_gnap;
+ PlayerPlat& plat = *_vm->_plat;
+ _vm->queueInsertDeviceIcon();
+ _toyGrabCtr = 0;
+ _pictureSurface = nullptr;
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x74, 254, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, 0, 0);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x75, 254, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, 0, 0);
+ if (!_vm->isFlag(kGFPictureTaken))
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x69, 19, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, 0, 0);
+ if (_vm->isFlag(kGFPlatypusTalkingToAssistant)) {
+ gnap.initPos(3, 6, kDirBottomRight);
+ _currShopAssistantSequenceId = kS19ShopAssistantSequenceIds[_vm->getRandom(5)];
+ _nextShopAssistantSequenceId = _currShopAssistantSequenceId;
+ gameSys.setAnimation(_currShopAssistantSequenceId, 20, 4);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x6E, 254, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, 0, 0);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(_currShopAssistantSequenceId, 20, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, 0, 0);
+ _shopAssistantCtr = 0;
+ _vm->endSceneInit();
+ gnap.walkTo(Common::Point(4, 9), -1, 0x107B9, 1);
+ updateHotspots();
+ } else {
+ _currShopAssistantSequenceId = 0x6D;
+ _nextShopAssistantSequenceId = -1;
+ gameSys.setAnimation(0x6D, 20, 4);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(_currShopAssistantSequenceId, 20, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, 0, 0);
+ _vm->_timers[6] = _vm->getRandom(40) + 50;
+ gnap.initPos(3, 6, kDirBottomRight);
+ plat.initPos(4, 6, kDirIdleLeft);
+ _vm->endSceneInit();
+ gnap.walkTo(Common::Point(4, 9), -1, 0x107B9, 1);
+ plat.walkTo(Common::Point(5, 9), -1, 0x107C2, 1);
+ }
+ while (!_vm->_sceneDone) {
+ _vm->updateMouseCursor();
+ _vm->updateCursorByHotspot();
+ _vm->testWalk(0, 5, -1, -1, -1, -1);
+ _vm->_sceneClickedHotspot = _vm->getClickedHotspotId();
+ _vm->updateGrabCursorSprite(0, 0);
+ switch (_vm->_sceneClickedHotspot) {
+ case kHS19Device:
+ if (gnap._actionStatus < 0) {
+ _vm->runMenu();
+ updateHotspots();
+ }
+ break;
+ case kHS19Platypus:
+ if (gnap._actionStatus < 0) {
+ if (_vm->_grabCursorSpriteIndex == kItemJoint) {
+ gnap.useJointOnPlatypus();
+ } else if (_vm->_grabCursorSpriteIndex >= 0) {
+ gnap.playImpossible(plat._pos);
+ } else {
+ switch (_vm->_verbCursor) {
+ gnap.playMoan1(plat._pos);
+ break;
+ gnap.kissPlatypus(0);
+ break;
+ gnap.playBrainPulsating(plat._pos);
+ plat.playSequence(plat.getSequenceId());
+ break;
+ gnap.playImpossible();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case kHS19ExitOutsideToyStore:
+ if (gnap._actionStatus < 0) {
+ _vm->_isLeavingScene = true;
+ _vm->_newSceneNum = 18;
+ _vm->_hotspots[kHS19WalkArea1]._flags |= SF_WALKABLE;
+ gnap.walkTo(_vm->_hotspotsWalkPos[1], 0, 0x107B2, 1);
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS19LeaveScene;
+ if (_vm->isFlag(kGFPlatypusTalkingToAssistant))
+ _vm->setFlag(kGFUnk27);
+ else
+ plat.walkTo(_vm->_hotspotsWalkPos[1] + Common::Point(1, 0), -1, 0x107C5, 1);
+ _vm->_hotspots[kHS19WalkArea1]._flags &= ~SF_WALKABLE;
+ }
+ break;
+ case kHS19Picture:
+ if (gnap._actionStatus < 0) {
+ if (_vm->_grabCursorSpriteIndex >= 0) {
+ gnap.playShowCurrItem(_vm->_hotspotsWalkPos[_vm->_sceneClickedHotspot], 6, 2);
+ } else {
+ switch (_vm->_verbCursor) {
+ gnap.playScratchingHead(Common::Point(6, 2));
+ break;
+ if (!_vm->isFlag(kGFPictureTaken)) {
+ gnap.walkTo(gnap._pos, 0, gnap.getSequenceId(kGSIdle, _vm->_hotspotsWalkPos[_vm->_sceneClickedHotspot]) | 0x10000, 1);
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS19GrabPicture;
+ }
+ break;
+ gnap.playImpossible();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case kHS19ShopAssistant:
+ if (gnap._actionStatus < 0) {
+ if (_vm->_grabCursorSpriteIndex >= 0) {
+ gnap.playShowCurrItem(_vm->_hotspotsWalkPos[_vm->_sceneClickedHotspot], 6, 2);
+ } else {
+ switch (_vm->_verbCursor) {
+ gnap.playScratchingHead(Common::Point(6, 2));
+ break;
+ gnap._idleFacing = kDirUpRight;
+ gnap.walkTo(_vm->_hotspotsWalkPos[_vm->_sceneClickedHotspot], 0, gnap.getSequenceId(kGSBrainPulsating, Common::Point(0, 0)) | 0x10000, 1);
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS19TalkShopAssistant;
+ break;
+ gnap.playImpossible();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case kHS19Toy1:
+ case kHS19Toy2:
+ case kHS19Toy3:
+ case kHS19Toy4:
+ case kHS19Toy5:
+ case kHS19Toy6:
+ case kHS19Toy7:
+ if (gnap._actionStatus < 0) {
+ if (_vm->_grabCursorSpriteIndex >= 0) {
+ gnap.playImpossible(_vm->_hotspotsWalkPos[_vm->_sceneClickedHotspot]);
+ } else {
+ switch (_vm->_verbCursor) {
+ gnap.playMoan2(_vm->_hotspotsWalkPos[_vm->_sceneClickedHotspot]);
+ break;
+ gnap.walkTo(_vm->_hotspotsWalkPos[_vm->_sceneClickedHotspot], 0, -1, 1);
+ gnap.playIdle(_vm->_hotspotsWalkPos[_vm->_sceneClickedHotspot]);
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS19GrabToy;
+ break;
+ gnap.playImpossible();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case kHS19Phone:
+ if (gnap._actionStatus < 0) {
+ if (_vm->_grabCursorSpriteIndex >= 0) {
+ gnap.playShowCurrItem(_vm->_hotspotsWalkPos[_vm->_sceneClickedHotspot], 9, 1);
+ } else {
+ switch (_vm->_verbCursor) {
+ gnap.playScratchingHead(Common::Point(9, 1));
+ break;
+ gnap.walkTo(_vm->_hotspotsWalkPos[_vm->_sceneClickedHotspot], 0, -1, 1);
+ gnap.playIdle(Common::Point(8, 2));
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS19UsePhone;
+ break;
+ gnap.playImpossible();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case kHS19WalkArea1:
+ case kHS19WalkArea2:
+ case kHS19WalkArea3:
+ if (gnap._actionStatus < 0)
+ gnap.walkTo(Common::Point(-1, -1), -1, -1, 1);
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (_vm->_mouseClickState._left) {
+ gnap.walkTo(Common::Point(-1, -1), -1, -1, 1);
+ _vm->_mouseClickState._left = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ updateAnimations();
+ if (!_vm->_isLeavingScene) {
+ gnap.updateIdleSequence();
+ if (!_vm->isFlag(kGFPlatypusTalkingToAssistant)) {
+ plat.updateIdleSequence();
+ if (!_vm->_timers[6] && _nextShopAssistantSequenceId == -1) {
+ _vm->_timers[6] = _vm->getRandom(40) + 50;
+ if (_vm->getRandom(4) != 0) {
+ _nextShopAssistantSequenceId = 0x64;
+ } else if (_vm->isFlag(kGFPictureTaken)) {
+ _nextShopAssistantSequenceId = 0x64;
+ } else {
+ _nextShopAssistantSequenceId = 0x6C;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ _vm->checkGameKeys();
+ if (_vm->isKeyStatus1(Common::KEYCODE_BACKSPACE)) {
+ _vm->clearKeyStatus1(Common::KEYCODE_BACKSPACE);
+ _vm->runMenu();
+ updateHotspots();
+ }
+ _vm->gameUpdateTick();
+ }
+ if (_pictureSurface)
+ _vm->deleteSurface(&_pictureSurface);
+void Scene19::updateAnimations() {
+ GameSys& gameSys = *_vm->_gameSys;
+ PlayerGnap& gnap = *_vm->_gnap;
+ if (gameSys.getAnimationStatus(0) == 2) {
+ gameSys.setAnimation(0, 0, 0);
+ switch (gnap._actionStatus) {
+ case kAS19UsePhone:
+ _nextShopAssistantSequenceId = 0x67;
+ break;
+ case kAS19GrabToy:
+ ++_toyGrabCtr;
+ switch (_toyGrabCtr) {
+ case 1:
+ _nextShopAssistantSequenceId = 0x62;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ _nextShopAssistantSequenceId = 0x6B;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ _nextShopAssistantSequenceId = 0x66;
+ break;
+ default:
+ _nextShopAssistantSequenceId = 0x65;
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ case kAS19GrabPicture:
+ gnap.playPullOutDevice(Common::Point(6, 2));
+ gnap.playUseDevice();
+ gameSys.setAnimation(0x68, 19, 0);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x68, 19, 105, 19, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ _vm->invAdd(kItemPicture);
+ _vm->setFlag(kGFPictureTaken);
+ updateHotspots();
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS19GrabPictureDone;
+ break;
+ case kAS19GrabPictureDone:
+ _vm->setGrabCursorSprite(-1);
+ _vm->hideCursor();
+ _pictureSurface = _vm->addFullScreenSprite(0xF, 255);
+ gameSys.setAnimation(0x61, 256, 0);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x61, 256, 0, 0, kSeqNone, 0, 0, 0);
+ while (gameSys.getAnimationStatus(0) != 2 && !_vm->_gameDone)
+ _vm->gameUpdateTick();
+ _vm->setFlag(kGFUnk27);
+ _vm->showCursor();
+ _vm->_newSceneNum = 17;
+ _vm->_isLeavingScene = true;
+ _vm->_sceneDone = true;
+ _nextShopAssistantSequenceId = -1;
+ break;
+ case kAS19TalkShopAssistant:
+ _nextShopAssistantSequenceId = 0x6D;
+ gnap._actionStatus = -1;
+ break;
+ case kAS19LeaveScene:
+ _vm->_sceneDone = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (gameSys.getAnimationStatus(4) == 2) {
+ switch (_nextShopAssistantSequenceId) {
+ case 0x6F:
+ case 0x70:
+ case 0x71:
+ case 0x72:
+ case 0x73:
+ _shopAssistantCtr = (_shopAssistantCtr + 1) % 5;
+ _nextShopAssistantSequenceId = kS19ShopAssistantSequenceIds[_shopAssistantCtr];
+ gameSys.setAnimation(_nextShopAssistantSequenceId, 20, 4);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(_nextShopAssistantSequenceId, 20, _currShopAssistantSequenceId, 20, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x6E, 254, 0x6E, 254, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ _currShopAssistantSequenceId = _nextShopAssistantSequenceId;
+ break;
+ case 0x62:
+ case 0x66:
+ case 0x6B:
+ gameSys.setAnimation(_nextShopAssistantSequenceId, 20, 4);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(_nextShopAssistantSequenceId, 20, _currShopAssistantSequenceId, 20, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ _currShopAssistantSequenceId = _nextShopAssistantSequenceId;
+ _nextShopAssistantSequenceId = -1;
+ _vm->_timers[5] = 10;
+ while (_vm->_timers[5] && !_vm->_gameDone)
+ _vm->gameUpdateTick();
+ gnap.playIdle(Common::Point(6, 2));
+ gnap._actionStatus = -1;
+ break;
+ case 0x67:
+ gameSys.setAnimation(_nextShopAssistantSequenceId, 20, 4);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(_nextShopAssistantSequenceId, 20, _currShopAssistantSequenceId, 20, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ _currShopAssistantSequenceId = _nextShopAssistantSequenceId;
+ _nextShopAssistantSequenceId = -1;
+ gnap._actionStatus = -1;
+ break;
+ case 0x65:
+ gnap.playIdle(Common::Point(6, 2));
+ gameSys.setAnimation(_nextShopAssistantSequenceId, 20, 0);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(_nextShopAssistantSequenceId, 20, _currShopAssistantSequenceId, 20, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ _currShopAssistantSequenceId = _nextShopAssistantSequenceId;
+ _nextShopAssistantSequenceId = -1;
+ _vm->_newSceneNum = 18;
+ gnap._actionStatus = kAS19LeaveScene;
+ break;
+ case 0x6D:
+ gameSys.setAnimation(_nextShopAssistantSequenceId, 20, 4);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(_nextShopAssistantSequenceId, 20, _currShopAssistantSequenceId, 20, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(0x69, 19, 0x69, 19, kSeqSyncWait, _vm->getSequenceTotalDuration(_nextShopAssistantSequenceId), 0, 0);
+ _currShopAssistantSequenceId = _nextShopAssistantSequenceId;
+ _nextShopAssistantSequenceId = -1;
+ break;
+ case 0x64:
+ case 0x6C:
+ gameSys.setAnimation(_nextShopAssistantSequenceId, 20, 4);
+ gameSys.insertSequence(_nextShopAssistantSequenceId, 20, _currShopAssistantSequenceId, 20, kSeqSyncWait, 0, 0, 0);
+ _currShopAssistantSequenceId = _nextShopAssistantSequenceId;
+ _nextShopAssistantSequenceId = -1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+} // End of namespace Gnap