path: root/engines/hdb
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Diffstat (limited to 'engines/hdb')
1 files changed, 211 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/engines/hdb/ai-bots.cpp b/engines/hdb/ai-bots.cpp
index b66dad0843..daee785918 100644
--- a/engines/hdb/ai-bots.cpp
+++ b/engines/hdb/ai-bots.cpp
@@ -2002,16 +2002,224 @@ void aiGatePuddleAction(AIEntity *e) {
+void aiIcePuffSnowballInit(AIEntity *e) {
+ // which direction are we throwing in? Load the graphic if we need to
+ switch (e->dir) {
+ case DIR_DOWN:
+ e->value1 = e->x + 12;
+ e->value2 = e->y + 32;
+ break;
+ case DIR_LEFT:
+ e->value1 = e->x - 4;
+ e->value2 = e->y + 16;
+ break;
+ case DIR_RIGHT:
+ e->value1 = e->x + 32;
+ e->value2 = e->y + 16;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ e->aiDraw = aiIcePuffSnowballDraw;
void aiIcePuffSnowballAction(AIEntity *e) {
- warning("STUB: AI: aiIcePuffSnowballAction required");
+ int result, speed;
+ AIEntity *hit = NULL;
+ // check for hit BEFORE moving so snowball is closer to object
+ // NOTE: Need to do logic in this draw routine just in case the ICEPUFF gets stunned!
+ hit = g_hdb->_ai->legalMoveOverWater(e->value1 / kTileWidth, e->value2 / kTileHeight, e->level, &result);
+ if (hit && hit->type == AI_GUY && !g_hdb->_ai->playerDead()) {
+ g_hdb->_ai->killPlayer(DEATH_NORMAL);
+ g_hdb->_ai->addAnimateTarget(hit->x, hit->y, 0, 3, ANIM_NORMAL, false, false, GROUP_WATER_SPLASH_SIT);
+ result = 0; // fall thru...
+ }
+ // hit something solid - kill the snowball
+ if (!result) {
+ e->dir2 = DIR_NONE;
+ e->aiDraw = NULL;
+ return;
+ }
+ speed = kPlayerMoveSpeed;
+ if (!g_hdb->getActionMode())
+ speed >>= 1;
+ switch (e->dir2) {
+ case DIR_DOWN: e->value2 += speed; break;
+ case DIR_LEFT: e->value1 -= speed; break;
+ case DIR_RIGHT: e->value1 += speed; break;
+ default: break;
+ }
void aiIcePuffSnowballDraw(AIEntity *e, int mx, int my) {
- warning("STUB: AI: aiIcePuffSnowballDraw required");
+ // did we throw a snowball? make it move!
+ if (e->dir2 != DIR_NONE)
+ aiIcePuffSnowballAction(e);
+ switch (e->dir2) {
+ case DIR_DOWN:
+ if (!g_hdb->_ai->_icepSnowballGfxDown)
+ g_hdb->_ai->_icepSnowballGfxDown = g_hdb->_gfx->loadPic(ICEPUFF_SNOWBALL_DOWN);
+ g_hdb->_ai->_icepSnowballGfxDown->drawMasked(e->value1 - mx, e->value2 - my);
+ break;
+ case DIR_LEFT:
+ if (!g_hdb->_ai->_icepSnowballGfxLeft)
+ g_hdb->_ai->_icepSnowballGfxLeft = g_hdb->_gfx->loadPic(ICEPUFF_SNOWBALL_LEFT);
+ g_hdb->_ai->_icepSnowballGfxLeft->drawMasked(e->value1 - mx, e->value2 - my);
+ break;
+ case DIR_RIGHT:
+ if (!g_hdb->_ai->_icepSnowballGfxRight)
+ g_hdb->_ai->_icepSnowballGfxRight = g_hdb->_gfx->loadPic(ICEPUFF_SNOWBALL_RIGHT);
+ g_hdb->_ai->_icepSnowballGfxRight->drawMasked(e->value1 - mx, e->value2 - my);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+void aiIcePuffInit(AIEntity *e) {
+ // PEEK - but no head up yet
+ e->sequence = 30; // timed sequence for peeking
+ e->state = STATE_ICEP_PEEK; // start in PEEK mode
+ e->dir2 = DIR_NONE; // no snowball out
+ e->aiAction = aiIcePuffAction;
+void aiIcePuffInit2(AIEntity *e) {
+ e->draw = e->blinkGfx[3]; // empty frame
void aiIcePuffAction(AIEntity *e) {
- warning("STUB: AI: aiIcePuffAction required");
+ AIEntity *p = g_hdb->_ai->getPlayer();
+ switch (e->state) {
+ e->sequence--;
+ switch (e->sequence) {
+ case 20: e->draw = e->blinkGfx[0]; break; // underground
+ case 16: e->draw = e->blinkGfx[1]; break; // peek - looking
+ case 12: e->draw = e->blinkGfx[2]; break; // peek - blinking
+ case 8: e->draw = e->blinkGfx[1]; break; // peek - looking
+ case 4: e->draw = e->blinkGfx[0]; break; // peek - looking
+ case 3:
+ if (e->onScreen && !g_hdb->_rnd->getRandomNumber(6))
+ g_hdb->_sound->playSound(SND_ICEPUFF_WARNING);
+ break;
+ case 0: e->draw = e->blinkGfx[3]; // underground
+ e->sequence = 30;
+ break;
+ }
+ // can we see the player? (and no snowball is out)
+ if (e->sequence <= 20 && !g_hdb->_ai->playerDead() && e->onScreen) {
+ if (p->tileX == e->tileX && p->tileY > e->tileY && e->dir2 == DIR_NONE) {
+ e->dir = DIR_DOWN;
+ e->state = STATE_ICEP_APPEAR;
+ e->animFrame = 0;
+ if (e->onScreen)
+ g_hdb->_sound->playSound(SND_ICEPUFF_APPEAR);
+ } else if (p->tileY == e->tileY && e->dir2 == DIR_NONE) {
+ p->tileX < e->tileX ? e->dir = DIR_LEFT : e->dir = DIR_RIGHT;
+ e->state = STATE_ICEP_APPEAR;
+ e->animFrame = 0;
+ if (e->onScreen)
+ g_hdb->_sound->playSound(SND_ICEPUFF_APPEAR);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ e->draw = e->standupGfx[e->animFrame];
+ // cycle animation frames
+ if (e->animDelay-- > 0)
+ return;
+ e->animDelay = e->animCycle;
+ e->animFrame++;
+ if (e->animFrame == e->standupFrames) {
+ e->animFrame = 0;
+ switch (e->dir) {
+ case DIR_DOWN: e->state = STATE_ICEP_THROWDOWN; g_hdb->_sound->playSound(SND_ICEPUFF_THROW); break;
+ case DIR_LEFT: e->state = STATE_ICEP_THROWLEFT;g_hdb->_sound->playSound(SND_ICEPUFF_THROW); break;
+ case DIR_RIGHT: e->state = STATE_ICEP_THROWRIGHT; g_hdb->_sound->playSound(SND_ICEPUFF_THROW); break;
+ default: break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ e->draw = e->standdownGfx[e->animFrame];
+ // cycle animation frames
+ if (e->animDelay-- > 0)
+ return;
+ e->animDelay = e->animCycle;
+ e->animFrame++;
+ if (e->animFrame == e->standdownFrames && e->state != STATE_ICEP_DISAPPEAR) {
+ e->dir2 = e->dir; // dir2 = direction snowball is moving
+ aiIcePuffSnowballInit(e); // throw it!
+ e->animFrame = 0;
+ } else if (e->animFrame == e->special1Frames) {
+ e->state = STATE_ICEP_PEEK;
+ e->draw = e->blinkGfx[3];
+ e->sequence = g_hdb->_rnd->getRandomNumber(100) + 30;
+ }
+ break;
+ e->draw = e->standleftGfx[e->animFrame];
+ // cycle animation frames
+ if (e->animDelay-- > 0)
+ return;
+ e->animDelay = e->animCycle;
+ e->animFrame++;
+ if (e->animFrame == e->standdownFrames && e->state != STATE_ICEP_DISAPPEAR) {
+ e->dir2 = e->dir; // dir2 = direction snowball is moving
+ aiIcePuffSnowballInit(e); // throw it!
+ e->animFrame = 0;
+ } else if (e->animFrame == e->special1Frames) {
+ e->state = STATE_ICEP_PEEK;
+ e->draw = e->blinkGfx[3];
+ e->sequence = g_hdb->_rnd->getRandomNumber(100) + 30;
+ }
+ break;
+ e->draw = e->standrightGfx[e->animFrame];
+ // cycle animation frames
+ if (e->animDelay-- > 0)
+ return;
+ e->animDelay = e->animCycle;
+ e->animFrame++;
+ if (e->animFrame == e->standdownFrames && e->state != STATE_ICEP_DISAPPEAR) {
+ e->dir2 = e->dir; // dir2 = direction snowball is moving
+ aiIcePuffSnowballInit(e); // throw it!
+ e->animFrame = 0;
+ } else if (e->animFrame == e->special1Frames) {
+ e->state = STATE_ICEP_PEEK;
+ e->draw = e->blinkGfx[3];
+ e->sequence = g_hdb->_rnd->getRandomNumber(100) + 30;
+ }
+ break;
+ e->draw = e->special1Gfx[e->animFrame];
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
void aiBuzzflyAction(AIEntity *e) {
@@ -2050,14 +2258,6 @@ void aiFatFrogInit2(AIEntity *e) {
warning("STUB: AI: aiFatFrogInit2 required");
-void aiIcePuffInit(AIEntity *e) {
- warning("STUB: AI: aiIcePuffInit required");
-void aiIcePuffInit2(AIEntity *e) {
- warning("STUB: AI: aiIcePuffInit2 required");
void aiBuzzflyInit(AIEntity *e) {
warning("STUB: AI: aiBuzzflyInit required");