path: root/engines/mads/nebular/nebular_scenes7.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'engines/mads/nebular/nebular_scenes7.cpp')
1 files changed, 277 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/engines/mads/nebular/nebular_scenes7.cpp b/engines/mads/nebular/nebular_scenes7.cpp
index 6470624304..94bb7b66b2 100644
--- a/engines/mads/nebular/nebular_scenes7.cpp
+++ b/engines/mads/nebular/nebular_scenes7.cpp
@@ -381,7 +381,7 @@ void Scene702::actions() {
_game._player._stepEnabled = false;
_game._player._visible = false;
_scene->_nextSceneId = 711;
- } else if (_action.isAction(VERB_TAKE, NOUN_BONES) && _action._mainObjectSource == 4 && (!_game._objects.isInInventory(OBJ_BONES) || _game._trigger)) {
+ } else if (_action.isAction(VERB_TAKE, NOUN_BONES) && (_action._mainObjectSource == 4) && (!_game._objects.isInInventory(OBJ_BONES) || _game._trigger)) {
switch (_game._trigger) {
case 0:
_game._player._stepEnabled = false;
@@ -420,9 +420,9 @@ void Scene702::actions() {
else if (_action.isAction(VERB_LOOK, NOUN_TELEPORTER))
- else if (_action.isAction(VERB_LOOK, NOUN_BONES) && _action._mainObjectSource == 4)
+ else if (_action.isAction(VERB_LOOK, NOUN_BONES) && (_action._mainObjectSource == 4))
- else if (_action.isAction(VERB_TAKE, NOUN_BONES) && _action._mainObjectSource == 4) {
+ else if (_action.isAction(VERB_TAKE, NOUN_BONES) && (_action._mainObjectSource == 4)) {
if (_game._objects.isInInventory(OBJ_BONES))
} else if (_action.isAction(VERB_LOOK, NOUN_SUBMERGED_CITY))
@@ -1564,6 +1564,277 @@ void Scene705::actions() {
+void Scene706::setup() {
+ setPlayerSpritesPrefix();
+ setAAName();
+ _scene->addActiveVocab(0x2E);
+ _scene->addActiveVocab(0x17D);
+ _scene->addActiveVocab(0xD);
+void Scene706::handleRexDeath() {
+ switch (_game._trigger) {
+ case 0:
+ _game._player._stepEnabled = false;
+ _game._player._visible = false;
+ _scene->loadAnimation(formAnimName('a', -1), 2);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ if (_animationMode == 1)
+ _vm->_dialogs->show(70625);
+ else if (_globals[kBottleStatus] < 2)
+ _vm->_dialogs->show(70628);
+ else
+ _vm->_dialogs->show(70629);
+ _game._objects.setRoom(OBJ_VASE, _scene->_currentSceneId);
+ if (_animationMode == 2)
+ _game._objects.setRoom(OBJ_BOTTLE, 2);
+ _animationMode = 0;
+ _scene->_reloadSceneFlag = true;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+void Scene706::handleTakeVase() {
+ switch (_game._trigger) {
+ case 0:
+ _game._player._stepEnabled = false;
+ _game._player._visible = false;
+ _globals._sequenceIndexes[3] = _scene->_sequences.startReverseCycle(_globals._spriteIndexes[3], false, 4, 2, 0, 0);
+ _scene->_sequences.setMsgLayout(_globals._sequenceIndexes[3]);
+ _scene->_sequences.addSubEntry(_globals._sequenceIndexes[3], SEQUENCE_TRIGGER_SPRITE, 7, 1);
+ _scene->_sequences.addSubEntry(_globals._sequenceIndexes[3], SEQUENCE_TRIGGER_EXPIRE, 0, 2);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ _vm->_sound->command(9);
+ _scene->_sequences.remove(_globals._sequenceIndexes[1]);
+ _scene->_dynamicHotspots.remove(_vaseHotspotId);
+ _game._objects.addToInventory(OBJ_VASE);
+ if (_vaseMode == 1) {
+ _globals._sequenceIndexes[4] = _scene->_sequences.startCycle(_globals._spriteIndexes[4], false, 1);
+ _scene->_sequences.setDepth(_globals._sequenceIndexes[4], 4);
+ _scene->_sequences.setMsgPosition(_globals._sequenceIndexes[4], Common::Point(195, 99));
+ int idx = _scene->_dynamicHotspots.add(0x2E, VERB_WALKTO, _globals._sequenceIndexes[4], Common::Rect(0, 0, 0, 0));
+ _scene->_dynamicHotspots.setPosition(idx, Common::Point(175, 124), FACING_SOUTHEAST);
+ _game._objects.setRoom(OBJ_BOTTLE, _scene->_currentSceneId);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ _scene->_sequences.updateTimeout(-1, _globals._sequenceIndexes[3]);
+ _game._player._visible = true;
+ _vm->_dialogs->showItem(OBJ_VASE, 70630);
+ _game._player._stepEnabled = true;
+ break;
+ }
+void Scene706::enter() {
+ _globals._spriteIndexes[3] = _scene->_sprites.addSprites("*RXMRC_3");
+ _globals._spriteIndexes[4] = _scene->_sprites.addSprites(formAnimName('b', -1));
+ if (!_game._visitedScenes._sceneRevisited)
+ _emptyPedestral = false;
+ if (_game._objects[OBJ_VASE]._roomNumber == _scene->_currentSceneId) {
+ _globals._spriteIndexes[1] = _scene->_sprites.addSprites(formAnimName('v', -1));
+ _globals._sequenceIndexes[1] = _scene->_sequences.startCycle(_globals._spriteIndexes[1], false, 1);
+ _scene->_sequences.setDepth(_globals._sequenceIndexes[1], 4);
+ int idx = _scene->_dynamicHotspots.add(0x17D, VERB_WALKTO, _globals._sequenceIndexes[1], Common::Rect(0, 0, 0, 0));
+ _vaseHotspotId = _scene->_dynamicHotspots.setPosition(idx, Common::Point(175, 124), FACING_SOUTHEAST);
+ } else if (_game._objects.isInRoom(OBJ_BOTTLE)) {
+ _globals._sequenceIndexes[4] = _scene->_sequences.startCycle(_globals._spriteIndexes[4], false, 1);
+ _scene->_sequences.setDepth(_globals._sequenceIndexes[4], 4);
+ _scene->_sequences.setMsgPosition(_globals._sequenceIndexes[4], Common::Point(195, 99));
+ int idx = _scene->_dynamicHotspots.add(0x2E, VERB_WALKTO, _globals._sequenceIndexes[4], Common::Rect(0, 0, 0, 0));
+ _scene->_dynamicHotspots.setPosition(idx, Common::Point(175, 124), FACING_SOUTHEAST);
+ }
+ _game._player._visible = true;
+ if (_scene->_priorSceneId == 707) {
+ _game._player._playerPos = Common::Point(277, 103);
+ _game._player._facing = FACING_SOUTHWEST;
+ } else if (_scene->_priorSceneId != -2) {
+ _game._player._playerPos = Common::Point(167, 152);
+ _game._player._facing = FACING_NORTH;
+ }
+ if (_globals[kTeleporterCommand]) {
+ _game._player._visible = false;
+ _game._player._stepEnabled = false;
+ switch (_globals[kTeleporterCommand]) {
+ case 1:
+ _scene->loadAnimation(formAnimName('E', 1), 75);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ _scene->loadAnimation(formAnimName('E', -1), 80);
+ break;
+ default:
+ _game._player.walk(Common::Point(264, 116), FACING_SOUTHWEST);
+ _game._player._visible = true;
+ _game._player._stepEnabled = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ _globals[kTeleporterCommand] = 0;
+ }
+ _animationMode = 0;
+ if (_scene->_roomChanged) {
+ _game._objects.addToInventory(OBJ_BOTTLE);
+ _globals[kBottleStatus] = 2;
+ }
+ sceneEntrySound();
+void Scene706::step() {
+ if (_game._trigger == 75) {
+ _game._player._stepEnabled = true;
+ _game._player._visible = true;
+ _game._player._priorTimer = _scene->_frameStartTime - _game._player._ticksAmount;
+ _game._player.walk(Common::Point(264, 116), FACING_SOUTHWEST);
+ }
+ if (_game._trigger == 80) {
+ _globals[kTeleporterCommand] = 1;
+ _scene->_nextSceneId = _globals[kTeleporterDestination];
+ _scene->_reloadSceneFlag = true;
+ }
+ if (_scene->_activeAnimation != nullptr) {
+ if ((_animationMode != 0) && (_scene->_activeAnimation->getCurrentFrame() != _animationFrame)) {
+ _animationFrame = _scene->_activeAnimation->getCurrentFrame();
+ if (_animationFrame == 6) {
+ _scene->_sequences.remove(_globals._sequenceIndexes[1]);
+ _game._objects.setRoom(OBJ_VASE, 2);
+ if (_animationMode == 2) {
+ _game._objects.setRoom(OBJ_BOTTLE, 1);
+ _globals._sequenceIndexes[4] = _scene->_sequences.startCycle(_globals._spriteIndexes[4], false, 1);
+ _scene->_sequences.setDepth(_globals._sequenceIndexes[4], 4);
+ _scene->_sequences.setMsgPosition(_globals._sequenceIndexes[4], Common::Point(195, 99));
+ int idx = _scene->_dynamicHotspots.add(0x2E, VERB_WALKTO, _globals._sequenceIndexes[4], Common::Rect(0, 0, 0, 0));
+ _scene->_dynamicHotspots.setPosition(idx, Common::Point(175, 124), FACING_SOUTHEAST);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void Scene706::preActions() {
+ if (_action.isAction(VERB_LOOK, 0x46E))
+ _game._player._needToWalk = true;
+void Scene706::actions() {
+ if (_action.isAction(0x188, 0x16C)) {
+ _game._player._stepEnabled = false;
+ _game._player._visible = false;
+ _scene->_nextSceneId = 707;
+ _action._inProgress = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (_action.isAction(0x298, 0x2FA)) {
+ _scene->_nextSceneId = 705;
+ _action._inProgress = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (_action.isAction(VERB_TAKE, 0x17D)) {
+ if (_game._difficulty != DIFFICULTY_EASY) {
+ _animationMode = 1;
+ handleRexDeath();
+ } else if (_game._trigger || !_game._objects.isInInventory(OBJ_VASE)) {
+ handleTakeVase();
+ _emptyPedestral = true;
+ }
+ _action._inProgress = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (_action.isAction(VERB_PUT, 0x2E, 0x344)) {
+ if ((_globals[kBottleStatus] == 2 && _game._difficulty == DIFFICULTY_HARD) ||
+ (_globals[kBottleStatus] != 0 && _game._difficulty != DIFFICULTY_HARD)) {
+ if (!_game._objects.isInInventory(OBJ_VASE) || _game._trigger) {
+ _vaseMode = 1;
+ handleTakeVase();
+ _action._inProgress = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ } else if (_game._objects.isInRoom(OBJ_VASE) || _game._trigger) {
+ _animationMode = 2;
+ handleRexDeath();
+ _action._inProgress = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (_action.isAction(VERB_PUT, 0x344) && _game._objects.isInInventory(_game._objects.getIdFromDesc(_action._activeAction._objectNameId))) {
+ warning("Replace the next if when the function is implemented");
+ warning("if (sub_13D46(_game._objects.getIdFromDesc(_action._activeAction._objectNameId), 0xA))");
+ if (true)
+ _vm->_dialogs->show(70626);
+ else
+ _vm->_dialogs->show(70627);
+ } else if (_action.isAction(VERB_TAKE, 0x2E) && _game._objects.isInInventory(OBJ_VASE))
+ _vm->_dialogs->show(70631);
+ else if (_action._lookFlag) {
+ if (_game._objects[OBJ_VASE]._roomNumber == _scene->_currentSceneId)
+ _vm->_dialogs->show(70610);
+ else
+ _vm->_dialogs->show(70611);
+ } else if (_action.isAction(VERB_LOOK, 0x89))
+ _vm->_dialogs->show(70612);
+ else if (_action.isAction(VERB_LOOK, 0x32B))
+ _vm->_dialogs->show(70613);
+ else if (_action.isAction(VERB_LOOK, 0x46B))
+ _vm->_dialogs->show(70614);
+ else if (_action.isAction(VERB_TAKE, 0x46B))
+ _vm->_dialogs->show(70615);
+ else if (_action.isAction(VERB_LOOK, 0x46D))
+ _vm->_dialogs->show(70616);
+ else if (_action.isAction(VERB_LOOK, 0x46E))
+ _vm->_dialogs->show(70617);
+ else if (_action.isAction(VERB_LOOK, 0x46C))
+ _vm->_dialogs->show(70618);
+ else if (_action.isAction(VERB_LOOK, 0x18D))
+ _vm->_dialogs->show(70619);
+ else if (_action.isAction(VERB_LOOK, 0x344)) {
+ if (_game._objects[OBJ_VASE]._roomNumber == _scene->_currentSceneId)
+ _vm->_dialogs->show(70620);
+ else if (_game._objects[OBJ_BOTTLE]._roomNumber == _scene->_currentSceneId)
+ _vm->_dialogs->show(70622);
+ else
+ _vm->_dialogs->show(70621);
+ } else if (_action.isAction(VERB_LOOK, 0x16C))
+ _vm->_dialogs->show(70623);
+ else if (_action.isAction(VERB_LOOK, 0x17D) && (_game._objects[OBJ_VASE]._roomNumber == _scene->_currentSceneId))
+ _vm->_dialogs->show(70624);
+ else if (_action.isAction(VERB_LOOK, 0x2E) && (_action._mainObjectSource == 4))
+ _vm->_dialogs->show(70632);
+ else
+ return;
+ _action._inProgress = false;
void Scene707::setup() {
_game._player._spritesPrefix = "";
// The original calls Scene7xx::setAAName()
@@ -1809,7 +2080,7 @@ void Scene752::actions() {
- } else if (_action.isAction(VERB_TAKE, NOUN_BONES) && _action._mainObjectSource == 4 && (!_game._objects.isInInventory(OBJ_BONES) || _game._trigger)) {
+ } else if (_action.isAction(VERB_TAKE, NOUN_BONES) && (_action._mainObjectSource == 4) && (!_game._objects.isInInventory(OBJ_BONES) || _game._trigger)) {
switch (_game._trigger) {
case 0:
_game._player._stepEnabled = false;
@@ -1851,12 +2122,12 @@ void Scene752::actions() {
else if (_action.isAction(VERB_LOOK, NOUN_TELEPORTER))
- else if ((_action.isAction(VERB_LOOK, NOUN_BONES) || _action.isAction(VERB_LOOK, NOUN_ID_CARD)) && _action._mainObjectSource == 4) {
+ else if ((_action.isAction(VERB_LOOK, NOUN_BONES) || _action.isAction(VERB_LOOK, NOUN_ID_CARD)) && (_action._mainObjectSource == 4)) {
if (_game._objects[OBJ_ID_CARD]._roomNumber == 752)
- } else if (_action.isAction(VERB_TAKE, NOUN_BONES) && _action._mainObjectSource == 4) {
+ } else if (_action.isAction(VERB_TAKE, NOUN_BONES) && (_action._mainObjectSource == 4)) {
if (_game._objects.isInInventory(OBJ_BONES))
} else