path: root/engines/mads
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'engines/mads')
5 files changed, 632 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/engines/mads/nebular/nebular_scenes.cpp b/engines/mads/nebular/nebular_scenes.cpp
index 8c75cbdd7b..77146a0773 100644
--- a/engines/mads/nebular/nebular_scenes.cpp
+++ b/engines/mads/nebular/nebular_scenes.cpp
@@ -125,6 +125,8 @@ SceneLogic *SceneFactory::createScene(MADSEngine *vm) {
return new Scene313(vm);
case 316:
return new Scene316(vm);
+ case 318:
+ return new Scene318(vm);
// Scene group #8
case 804:
diff --git a/engines/mads/nebular/nebular_scenes3.cpp b/engines/mads/nebular/nebular_scenes3.cpp
index e1d1180dc4..e828c2857e 100644
--- a/engines/mads/nebular/nebular_scenes3.cpp
+++ b/engines/mads/nebular/nebular_scenes3.cpp
@@ -485,7 +485,7 @@ void Scene307::handlePrisonerEncounter() {
-void Scene307::handlePrisonerSpeech(int firstQuoteId, int number, long time) {
+void Scene307::handlePrisonerSpeech(int firstQuoteId, int number, long timeout) {
int height = number * 14;
int posY;
@@ -500,7 +500,7 @@ void Scene307::handlePrisonerSpeech(int firstQuoteId, int number, long time) {
int quoteId = firstQuoteId;
for (int count = 0; count < number; count++) {
_game._triggerSetupMode = SEQUENCE_TRIGGER_DAEMON;
- _scene->_kernelMessages.add(Common::Point(5, posY), 0xFDFC, 0, 81, time, _game.getQuote(quoteId));
+ _scene->_kernelMessages.add(Common::Point(5, posY), 0xFDFC, 0, 81, timeout, _game.getQuote(quoteId));
posY += 14;
@@ -2284,5 +2284,591 @@ void Scene316::actions() {
+void Scene318::setup() {
+ setPlayerSpritesPrefix();
+ setAAName();
+void Scene318::handleDialog() {
+ int temp;
+ if (!_game._trigger) {
+ _game._player._stepEnabled = false;
+ handleRexDialogs(_action._activeAction._verbId);
+ } else if (_game._trigger == 2) {
+ temp = _globals._sequenceIndexes[2];
+ _globals._sequenceIndexes[2] = _scene->_sequences.startCycle(_globals._spriteIndexes[2], false, 1);
+ _scene->_sequences.setDepth(_globals._sequenceIndexes[2], 1);
+ _scene->_sequences.setMsgPosition(_globals._sequenceIndexes[2], Common::Point(142, 121));
+ _scene->_sequences.updateTimeout(_globals._sequenceIndexes[2], temp);
+ _vm->_sound->command(3);
+ _scene->_userInterface.setup(kInputLimitedSentences);
+ _game._player._stepEnabled = true;
+ } else {
+ if (_action._activeAction._verbId < 0x19C)
+ warning("TODO: sub71B9E(&dialog1, _action._activeAction._verbId, false);");
+ switch (_action._activeAction._verbId) {
+ case 0x191:
+ handleInternDialog(0x19E, 2, 9999999);
+ warning("TODO: sub71B9E(&dialog1, 0x192, true);");
+ break;
+ case 0x192:
+ handleInternDialog(0x1A0, 5, 9999999);
+ warning("TODO: sub71B9E(&dialog1, 0x193, true);");
+ break;
+ case 0x193:
+ handleInternDialog(0x1A5, 4, 9999999);
+ warning("TODO: sub71B9E(&dialog1, 0x194, true);");
+ break;
+ case 0x194:
+ handleInternDialog(0x1A9, 6, 9999999);
+ warning("TODO: sub71B9E(&dialog1, 0x195, true);");
+ warning("TODO: sub71B9E(&dialog1, 0x196, true);");
+ warning("TODO: sub71B9E(&dialog1, 0x19D, false);");
+ break;
+ case 0x195:
+ handleInternDialog(0x1AF, 7, 9999999);
+ warning("TODO: if (!sub71C16(&_dialog1, 0x196))");
+ warning("TODO: \tsub71B9E(&dialog1, 0x197, true);");
+ break;
+ case 0x196:
+ handleInternDialog(0x1B6, 5, 9999999);
+ warning("TODO: if (!sub71C16(&_dialog1, 0x195))");
+ warning("TODO: \tsub71B9E(&dialog1, 0x197, true);");
+ break;
+ case 0x197:
+ handleInternDialog(0x1BB, 5, 9999999);
+ break;
+ case 0x198:
+ handleInternDialog(0x1C0, 5, 9999999);
+ warning("TODO: sub71B9E(&dialog1, 0x19A, true);");
+ break;
+ case 0x199:
+ handleInternDialog(0x1C5, 3, 9999999);
+ break;
+ case 0x19A:
+ handleInternDialog(0x1C8, 5, 9999999);
+ warning("TODO: sub71B9E(&dialog1, 0x19B, true);");
+ break;
+ case 0x19B:
+ handleInternDialog(0x1CD, 3, 9999999);
+ break;
+ case 0x19C:
+ case 0x19D:
+ _scene->_sequences.remove(_globals._sequenceIndexes[2]);
+ _globals._sequenceIndexes[2] = _scene->_sequences.startReverseCycle(_globals._spriteIndexes[2], false, 8, 1, 0, 0);
+ _scene->_sequences.setDepth(_globals._sequenceIndexes[2], 1);
+ _scene->_sequences.setMsgPosition(_globals._sequenceIndexes[2], Common::Point(142, 121));
+ _scene->_sequences.setAnimRange(_globals._sequenceIndexes[2], 6, 8);
+ _scene->_sequences.addSubEntry(_globals._sequenceIndexes[2], SEQUENCE_TRIGGER_EXPIRE, 0, 2);
+ _dialogFl = false;
+ handleInternDialog(0x1D0, 1, 120);
+ warning("TODO: if ((sub71C16(&_dialog1, 0) == 1) || (_action._activeAction._verbId == 0x19D)) {");
+ _explosionFl = true;
+ _internCounter = 3420;
+ // }
+ break;
+ }
+ if (_action._activeAction._verbId < 0x19C) {
+ warning("TODO: talk_init(&dialog1);");
+ _game._player._stepEnabled = true;
+ }
+ }
+void Scene318::handleRexDialogs(int quote) {
+ _scene->_kernelMessages.reset();
+ Common::String curQuote = _game.getQuote(quote);
+ if (_vm->_font->getWidth(curQuote, _scene->_textSpacing) > 200) {
+ Common::String subQuote1;
+ _game.splitQuote(curQuote, subQuote1, _subQuote2);
+ _scene->_kernelMessages.add(Common::Point(138, 59), 0x1110, 32, 0, 240, subQuote1);
+ _scene->_kernelMessages.add(Common::Point(138, 73), 0x1110, 32, 1, 180, _subQuote2);
+ } else
+ _scene->_kernelMessages.add(Common::Point(138, 73), 0x1110, 32, 1, 120, curQuote);
+void Scene318::handleInternDialog(int quoteId, int quoteNum, uint32 timeout) {
+ int height = quoteNum * 14;
+ int posY;
+ if (height < 85)
+ posY = 87 - height;
+ else
+ posY = 2;
+ int curQuoteId= quoteId;
+ int maxWidth = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < quoteNum; i++) {
+ maxWidth = MAX(maxWidth, _vm->_font->getWidth(_game.getQuote(curQuoteId), -1));
+ curQuoteId++;
+ }
+ int posX = MIN(319 - maxWidth, 178 - (maxWidth >> 1));
+ curQuoteId = quoteId;
+ _scene->_kernelMessages.reset();
+ _internTalkingFl = true;
+ for (int i = 0; i < quoteNum; i++) {
+ _game._triggerSetupMode = SEQUENCE_TRIGGER_DAEMON;
+ _scene->_sequences.addTimer(180, 63);
+ _scene->_kernelMessages.add(Common::Point(posX, posY), 0xFDFC, 0, 0, timeout, _game.getQuote(curQuoteId));
+ posY += 14;
+ curQuoteId++;
+ }
+void Scene318::enter() {
+ _globals._spriteIndexes[1] = _scene->_sprites.addSprites(formAnimName('x', 0));
+ _globals._spriteIndexes[3] = _scene->_sprites.addSprites(formAnimName('k', -1));
+ if (_globals[kAfterHavoc]) {
+ _scene->loadAnimation(formAnimName('f', -1));
+ _scene->_activeAnimation->_resetFlag = true;
+ } else if (!_globals[kHasSeenProfPyro]) {
+ _scene->_hotspots.activate(0x3A2, false);
+ _scene->_hotspots.activate(0x3A1, false);
+ _scene->_hotspots.activate(0x165, false);
+ }
+ if (_game._objects.isInRoom(OBJ_SCALPEL)) {
+ _globals._sequenceIndexes[3] = _scene->_sequences.addSpriteCycle(_globals._spriteIndexes[3], false, 6, 0, 0, 120);
+ _scene->_sequences.setDepth(_globals._sequenceIndexes[3], 4);
+ _scene->_dynamicHotspots.add(0x12C, VERB_TAKE, _globals._sequenceIndexes[3], Common::Rect(0, 0, 0, 0));
+ }
+ if (_scene->_priorSceneId == 357)
+ _game._player._playerPos = Common::Point(15, 110);
+ else if (_scene->_priorSceneId != -2)
+ _game._player._playerPos = Common::Point(214, 152);
+ warning("TODO: sub71A50(&dialog1, 0x47, 0x191, 0x192, 0x193, 0x194, 0x195, 0x196, 0x197, 0x198, 0x199, 0x19A, 0x19B, 0x19C, 0x19D, 0);");
+ if (!_game._visitedScenes._sceneRevisited) {
+ warning("TODO: sub71B18(&dialog1, 0x191, 0x198, 0x199, 0x19C, 0);");
+ warning("TODO: if (Debugger_widepipe_ctr >= 2)");
+ warning("TODO: \tsub71B9E(&dialog1, 0x19D, -1);");
+ }
+ if (_scene->_priorSceneId == 307) {
+ _game._player._visible = false;
+ _game._player._stepEnabled = false;
+ _scene->loadAnimation(formAnimName('a', -1), 60);
+ _animMode = 1;
+ }
+ _lastFrame = 0;
+ _scene->_hotspots.activate(0x307, false);
+ if (_scene->_priorSceneId != -2) {
+ _dialogFl = false;
+ _internWalkingFl = false;
+ _counter= 0;
+ _internCounter= 0;
+ _internVisibleFl = true;
+ _explosionFl = false;
+ }
+ _game.loadQuoteSet(0x18C, 0x18D, 0x18E, 0x18F, 0x191, 0x192, 0x193, 0x194, 0x195, 0x196,
+ 0x197, 0x198, 0x199, 0x19A, 0x19B, 0x19C, 0x19E, 0x19E, 0x1A0, 0x1A1, 0x1A2, 0x1A3,
+ 0x1A4, 0x1A5, 0x1A6, 0x1A7, 0x1A8, 0x1A9, 0x1AA, 0x1AB, 0x1AC, 0x1AD, 0x1AE, 0x1AF,
+ 0x1B0, 0x1B1, 0x1B2, 0x1B3, 0x1B4, 0x1B5, 0x1B6, 0x1B7, 0x1B8, 0x1B9, 0x1BA, 0x1BB,
+ 0x1BC, 0x1BD, 0x1BE, 0x1BF, 0x1C0, 0x1C1, 0x1C2, 0x1C3, 0x1C4, 0x1C5, 0x1C6, 0x1C7,
+ 0x1C8, 0x1C9, 0x1CA, 0x1CB, 0x1CC, 0x1CD, 0x1CE, 0x1CF, 0x1D0, 0x1D1, 0x1D2, 0x1D3,
+ 0x190, 0x19D, 0);
+ if ((_scene->_priorSceneId== -2) || (((_scene->_priorSceneId == 318) || (_scene->_priorSceneId == -1)) && (!_globals[kAfterHavoc]))) {
+ if (!_globals[kAfterHavoc]) {
+ _game._player._visible = false;
+ _globals._spriteIndexes[2] = _scene->_sprites.addSprites(formAnimName('g', -1));
+ _animMode = 2;
+ if (_game._visitedScenes.exists(319) || !_internVisibleFl) {
+ _internVisibleFl = false;
+ _dialogFl = false;
+ } else {
+ _scene->loadAnimation(formAnimName('b', -1), 61);
+ _scene->_hotspots.activate(0x307, true);
+ }
+ if (_dialogFl) {
+ warning("TODO: talk_init(&dialog1);");
+ _globals._sequenceIndexes[2] = _scene->_sequences.startCycle(_globals._spriteIndexes[2], false, 8);
+ } else
+ _globals._sequenceIndexes[2] = _scene->_sequences.startCycle(_globals._spriteIndexes[2], false, 1);
+ _scene->_sequences.setMsgPosition(_globals._sequenceIndexes[2], Common::Point(142, 121));
+ _scene->_sequences.setDepth(_globals._sequenceIndexes[2], 1);
+ }
+ }
+ if (_scene->_priorSceneId == 319) {
+ _game._player._stepEnabled = false;
+ _game._player._visible = false;
+ _animMode = 4;
+ if (!_globals[kHasSeenProfPyro]) {
+ _scene->loadAnimation(formAnimName('d', -1), 64);
+ _globals[kHasSeenProfPyro] = true;
+ } else {
+ _scene->loadAnimation(formAnimName('e', -1), 64);
+ }
+ }
+ _internTalkingFl = false;
+ _vm->_palette->setEntry(252, 63, 63, 10);
+ _vm->_palette->setEntry(253, 45, 45, 05);
+ _dropTimer = _globals._frameTime;
+ sceneEntrySound();
+ if (_dialogFl)
+ _vm->_sound->command(15);
+void Scene318::step() {
+ if ((_scene->_activeAnimation != nullptr) && (_animMode == 2)) {
+ if (_lastFrame != _scene->_activeAnimation->getCurrentFrame()) {
+ _lastFrame = _scene->_activeAnimation->getCurrentFrame();
+ int nextFrame = -1;
+ switch (_lastFrame) {
+ case 20:
+ case 30:
+ case 40:
+ case 50:
+ case 60:
+ case 70:
+ case 80:
+ case 90:
+ case 100:
+ case 110:
+ case 120:
+ case 130:
+ case 140:
+ case 149:
+ if (_internWalkingFl) {
+ nextFrame = 149;
+ } else if (_internTalkingFl) {
+ nextFrame = 149;
+ } else if (_lastFrame == 149) {
+ nextFrame = 4;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 151:
+ if (_internWalkingFl)
+ nextFrame = 183;
+ break;
+ case 167:
+ case 184:
+ if (_internWalkingFl) {
+ nextFrame = 184;
+ } else if (!_internTalkingFl) {
+ nextFrame = 0;
+ } else if (_vm->getRandomNumber(1, 100) <= 50) {
+ nextFrame = 151;
+ } else {
+ nextFrame = 167;
+ }
+ if (nextFrame == 184) {
+ handleInternDialog(0x1D1, 3, 240);
+ _scene->_hotspots.activate(0x307, false);
+ _internVisibleFl = false;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if ((nextFrame >= 0) && (nextFrame != _scene->_activeAnimation->getCurrentFrame())) {
+ _scene->_activeAnimation->setCurrentFrame(nextFrame);
+ _lastFrame = nextFrame;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ switch (_game._trigger) {
+ case 60:
+ _vm->_sound->command(3);
+ _animMode = 2;
+ _scene->_reloadSceneFlag= true;
+ break;
+ case 61:
+ _counter = 0;
+ break;
+ case 62:
+ _scene->_nextSceneId = 319;
+ break;
+ case 63:
+ _internTalkingFl = false;
+ break;
+ case 64:
+ _vm->_sound->command(3);
+ _scene->_nextSceneId = 307;
+ break;
+ }
+ uint32 tmpFrame = _vm->_events->getFrameCounter();
+ uint32 diffFrame = tmpFrame - _lastFrameCounter;
+ _lastFrameCounter = tmpFrame;
+ if ((_animMode == 2) && !_internVisibleFl && _game._player._stepEnabled) {
+ if ((diffFrame >= 0) && (diffFrame <= 4))
+ _counter += diffFrame;
+ else
+ _counter++;
+ int extraCounter = _game._objects.isInInventory(OBJ_SCALPEL) ? 900 : 0;
+ if (_counter + extraCounter >= 1800) {
+ _scene->freeAnimation();
+ _game._player._stepEnabled = false;
+ _scene->loadAnimation(formAnimName('c', -1), 62);
+ _animMode = 3;
+ }
+ } else if ((_animMode == 2) && _explosionFl && _internVisibleFl && !_dialogFl
+ && !_internWalkingFl && (_game._screenObjects._inputMode != 1)) {
+ if ((diffFrame >= 0) && (diffFrame <= 4))
+ _internCounter += diffFrame;
+ else
+ _internCounter++;
+ if (_internCounter >= 3600) {
+ _vm->_sound->command(59);
+ warning("TODO: shake_countdown = 20;");
+ _internWalkingFl = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if ((_globals._frameTime - _dropTimer) > 600) {
+ _vm->_sound->command(51);
+ _globals._sequenceIndexes[1] = _scene->_sequences.addSpriteCycle(_globals._spriteIndexes[1], false, 14, 1, 0, 0);
+ _scene->_sequences.setDepth(_globals._sequenceIndexes[1], 10);
+ _dropTimer = _globals._frameTime;
+ }
+void Scene318::preActions() {
+ if (_game._player._needToWalk)
+ _game._player._needToWalk = _game._player._visible;
+ if (_action.isAction(0x1AD, 0x2BA))
+ _game._player._walkOffScreenSceneId = 357;
+void Scene318::actions() {
+ if (_game._screenObjects._inputMode == 1) {
+ handleDialog();
+ _action._inProgress = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (_action.isAction(VERB_TALKTO, 0x307)) {
+ switch (_game._trigger) {
+ case 0: {
+ _dialogFl = true;
+ _vm->_sound->command(15);
+ _game._player._stepEnabled = false;
+ handleRexDialogs(_vm->getRandomNumber(0x18C, 0x18E));
+ _scene->_sequences.remove(_globals._sequenceIndexes[2]);
+ _globals._sequenceIndexes[2] = _scene->_sequences.addSpriteCycle(_globals._spriteIndexes[2], false, 8, 1, 0, 80);
+ _scene->_sequences.setDepth(_globals._sequenceIndexes[2], 1);
+ _scene->_sequences.setMsgPosition(_globals._sequenceIndexes[2], Common::Point(142, 121));
+ _scene->_sequences.setAnimRange(_globals._sequenceIndexes[2], 6, 8);
+ _scene->_sequences.addSubEntry(_globals._sequenceIndexes[2], SEQUENCE_TRIGGER_EXPIRE, 0, 2);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ _game._player._stepEnabled = true;
+ handleInternDialog(0x18F, 1, 9999999);
+ warning("TODO: talk_init(&dialog1);");
+ break;
+ case 2: {
+ int oldIdx = _globals._sequenceIndexes[2];
+ _globals._sequenceIndexes[2] = _scene->_sequences.startCycle(_globals._spriteIndexes[2], false, 8);
+ _scene->_sequences.setDepth(_globals._sequenceIndexes[2], 1);
+ _scene->_sequences.setMsgPosition(_globals._sequenceIndexes[2], Common::Point(142, 121));
+ _scene->_sequences.updateTimeout(_globals._sequenceIndexes[2], oldIdx);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ _action._inProgress = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (_action.isAction(VERB_TAKE, 0x12C) && (_game._objects.isInRoom(OBJ_SCALPEL) || _game._trigger)) {
+ switch (_game._trigger) {
+ case 0:
+ _game._player._stepEnabled = false;
+ _scene->_sequences.remove(_globals._sequenceIndexes[2]);
+ _globals._sequenceIndexes[2] = _scene->_sequences.startReverseCycle(_globals._spriteIndexes[2], false, 8, 2, 0, 80);
+ _scene->_sequences.setDepth(_globals._sequenceIndexes[2], 1);
+ _scene->_sequences.setMsgPosition(_globals._sequenceIndexes[2], Common::Point(142, 121));
+ _scene->_sequences.setAnimRange(_globals._sequenceIndexes[2], 2, 5);
+ _scene->_sequences.addSubEntry(_globals._sequenceIndexes[2], SEQUENCE_TRIGGER_SPRITE, 5, 1);
+ _scene->_sequences.addSubEntry(_globals._sequenceIndexes[2], SEQUENCE_TRIGGER_EXPIRE, 0, 2);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ if (_internVisibleFl)
+ handleInternDialog(0x190, 1, 120);
+ else {
+ _game._objects.addToInventory(OBJ_SCALPEL);
+ _vm->_dialogs->showItem(OBJ_SCALPEL, 0x7C5D);
+ _scene->_sequences.remove(_globals._sequenceIndexes[3]);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2: {
+ int oldIdx = _globals._sequenceIndexes[2];
+ _globals._sequenceIndexes[2] = _scene->_sequences.startCycle(_globals._spriteIndexes[2], false, 1);
+ _scene->_sequences.setDepth(_globals._sequenceIndexes[2], 1);
+ _scene->_sequences.setMsgPosition(_globals._sequenceIndexes[2], Common::Point(142, 121));
+ _scene->_sequences.updateTimeout(_globals._sequenceIndexes[2], oldIdx);
+ _scene->_sequences.addTimer(60, 3);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ _game._player._stepEnabled = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ _action._inProgress = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (_game._player._visible) {
+ if (_action.isAction(0x1AD, 0x2B3)) {
+ _scene->_nextSceneId = 407;
+ _action._inProgress = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (_action.isAction(VERB_TAKE, 0x165)) {
+ if (_game._objects.isInRoom(OBJ_AUDIO_TAPE)) {
+ _vm->_dialogs->showItem(OBJ_AUDIO_TAPE, 0x7C5B);
+ _game._objects.addToInventory(OBJ_AUDIO_TAPE);
+ } else
+ _vm->_dialogs->show(0x7C5A);
+ _action._inProgress = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (_action.isAction(VERB_LOOK, 0x165)) {
+ if (_game._objects.isInRoom(OBJ_AUDIO_TAPE))
+ _vm->_dialogs->show(0x7C59);
+ else
+ _vm->_dialogs->show(0x7C5A);
+ _action._inProgress = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (_action.isAction(0x242, 0x488)) {
+ _vm->_dialogs->show(0x7C57);
+ _action._inProgress = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (_action.isAction(VERB_LOOK, 0x2D9)) {
+ _vm->_dialogs->show(0x7C4F);
+ _action._inProgress = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (_action.isAction(VERB_LOOK, 0x308)) {
+ _vm->_dialogs->show(0x7C51);
+ _action._inProgress = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ } else { // Not visible
+ if (_action.isAction(VERB_LOOK, 0x2D9)) {
+ _vm->_dialogs->show(0x7C4E);
+ _action._inProgress = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (_action.isAction(VERB_LOOK, 0x308)) {
+ _vm->_dialogs->show(0x7C50);
+ _action._inProgress = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (_action.isAction(VERB_LOOK, 0x18D))
+ _vm->_dialogs->show(0x7C42);
+ else if (_action.isAction(VERB_LOOK, 0x89))
+ _vm->_dialogs->show(0x7C43);
+ else if (_action.isAction(VERB_LOOK, 0x2BA))
+ _vm->_dialogs->show(0x7C44);
+ else if (_action.isAction(VERB_LOOK, 0x2B3))
+ _vm->_dialogs->show(0x7C45);
+ else if (_action.isAction(VERB_LOOK, 0x2CB))
+ _vm->_dialogs->show(0x7C46);
+ else if (_action.isAction(VERB_LOOK, 0x216))
+ _vm->_dialogs->show(0x7C47);
+ else if (_action.isAction(VERB_LOOK, 0x319))
+ _vm->_dialogs->show(0x7C48);
+ else if (_action.isAction(VERB_LOOK, 0x477))
+ _vm->_dialogs->show(0x7C49);
+ else if (_action.isAction(VERB_LOOK, 0xE2))
+ _vm->_dialogs->show(0x7C4A);
+ else if (_action.isAction(VERB_LOOK, 0x2C9))
+ _vm->_dialogs->show(0x7C4B);
+ else if (_action.isAction(VERB_LOOK, 0x2C7))
+ _vm->_dialogs->show(0x7C4C);
+ else if (_action.isAction(VERB_LOOK, 0x2C8))
+ _vm->_dialogs->show(0x7C4D);
+ else if (_action.isAction(VERB_OPEN, 0x2C9))
+ _vm->_dialogs->show(0x7C55);
+ else if (_action.isAction(VERB_LOOK, 0x307))
+ _vm->_dialogs->show(0x7C56);
+ else if (_action.isAction(VERB_LOOK, 0x3A1))
+ _vm->_dialogs->show(0x7C58);
+ else if (_action.isAction(VERB_LOOK, 0x3A2))
+ _vm->_dialogs->show(0x7C5C);
+ else if (_action._lookFlag) {
+ if (_game._player._visible || _game._objects.isInInventory(OBJ_SCALPEL))
+ _vm->_dialogs->show(0x7C54);
+ else if (_internVisibleFl)
+ _vm->_dialogs->show(0x7C52);
+ else
+ _vm->_dialogs->show(0x7C53);
+ } else
+ return;
+ _action._inProgress = false;
} // End of namespace Nebular
} // End of namespace MADS
diff --git a/engines/mads/nebular/nebular_scenes3.h b/engines/mads/nebular/nebular_scenes3.h
index 9dd2e12421..c5631022f8 100644
--- a/engines/mads/nebular/nebular_scenes3.h
+++ b/engines/mads/nebular/nebular_scenes3.h
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ private:
void handlePrisonerDialog();
void handlePrisonerEncounter();
void setDialogNode(int node);
- void handlePrisonerSpeech(int firstQuoteId, int number, long time);
+ void handlePrisonerSpeech(int firstQuoteId, int number, long timeout);
Scene307(MADSEngine *vm) : Scene3xx(vm) {}
@@ -245,6 +245,43 @@ public:
virtual void actions();
virtual void postActions() {};
+class Scene318: public Scene3xx {
+ uint32 _dropTimer;
+ int _lastFrame;
+ int _animMode;
+ int _internCounter;
+ int _counter;
+ bool _dialogFl;
+ bool _internTalkingFl;
+ bool _internWalkingFl;
+ bool _internVisibleFl;
+ bool _explosionFl;
+ uint32 _lastFrameCounter;
+ Common::String _subQuote2;
+ // dialog1
+ void handleDialog();
+ void handleRexDialogs(int quote);
+ void handleInternDialog(int quoteId, int quoteNum, uint32 timeout);
+ Scene318(MADSEngine *vm) : Scene3xx(vm) {}
+ virtual void setup();
+ virtual void enter();
+ virtual void step();
+ virtual void preActions();
+ virtual void actions();
+ virtual void postActions() {};
} // End of namespace Nebular
} // End of namespace MADS
diff --git a/engines/mads/sequence.cpp b/engines/mads/sequence.cpp
index 07f7f9cdce..b46b5c0969 100644
--- a/engines/mads/sequence.cpp
+++ b/engines/mads/sequence.cpp
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ int SequenceList::add(int spriteListIndex, bool flipped, int frameIndex, int tri
return seqIndex;
-int SequenceList::addTimer(int time, int abortVal) {
+int SequenceList::addTimer(int timeout, int abortVal) {
Scene &scene = _vm->_game->_scene;
uint seqIndex;
for (seqIndex = 0; seqIndex < _entries.size(); ++seqIndex) {
@@ -154,9 +154,9 @@ int SequenceList::addTimer(int time, int abortVal) {
SequenceEntry &se = _entries[seqIndex];
se._active = true;
se._spritesIndex = -1;
- se._numTicks = time;
+ se._numTicks = timeout;
se._extraTicks = 0;
- se._timeout = scene._frameStartTime + time;
+ se._timeout = scene._frameStartTime + timeout;
se._triggerCountdown = true;
se._doneFlag = false;
se._entries._count = 0;
diff --git a/engines/mads/sequence.h b/engines/mads/sequence.h
index 6cef3de02d..5f052e9d0f 100644
--- a/engines/mads/sequence.h
+++ b/engines/mads/sequence.h
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ public:
int extraTicks, int numTicks, int msgX, int msgY, bool nonFixed, int scale, int depth,
int frameInc, SpriteAnimType animType, int numSprites, int frameStart);
- int addTimer(int time, int abortVal);
+ int addTimer(int timeout, int abortVal);
void remove(int seqIndex);
void setSpriteSlot(int seqIndex, SpriteSlot &spriteSlot);
bool loadSprites(int seqIndex);