path: root/engines/mohawk/myst_stacks/mechanical.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'engines/mohawk/myst_stacks/mechanical.cpp')
1 files changed, 257 insertions, 105 deletions
diff --git a/engines/mohawk/myst_stacks/mechanical.cpp b/engines/mohawk/myst_stacks/mechanical.cpp
index c5c11026f5..d6dd1b5407 100644
--- a/engines/mohawk/myst_stacks/mechanical.cpp
+++ b/engines/mohawk/myst_stacks/mechanical.cpp
@@ -18,9 +18,6 @@
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- * $URL$
- * $Id$
- *
#include "mohawk/cursors.h"
@@ -54,11 +51,26 @@ Mechanical::~Mechanical() {
void Mechanical::setupOpcodes() {
// "Stack-Specific" Opcodes
OPCODE(100, o_throneEnablePassage);
+ OPCODE(101, o_birdCrankStart);
+ OPCODE(102, NOP);
+ OPCODE(103, o_birdCrankStop);
OPCODE(104, o_snakeBoxTrigger);
OPCODE(105, o_fortressStaircaseMovie);
OPCODE(106, o_elevatorRotationStart);
OPCODE(107, o_elevatorRotationMove);
OPCODE(108, o_elevatorRotationStop);
+ OPCODE(109, o_fortressRotationSpeedStart);
+ OPCODE(110, o_fortressRotationSpeedMove);
+ OPCODE(111, o_fortressRotationSpeedStop);
+ OPCODE(112, o_fortressRotationBrakeStart);
+ OPCODE(113, o_fortressRotationBrakeMove);
+ OPCODE(114, o_fortressRotationBrakeStop);
+ OPCODE(115, o_fortressSimulationSpeedStart);
+ OPCODE(116, o_fortressSimulationSpeedMove);
+ OPCODE(117, o_fortressSimulationSpeedStop);
+ OPCODE(118, o_fortressSimulationBrakeStart);
+ OPCODE(119, o_fortressSimulationBrakeMove);
+ OPCODE(120, o_fortressSimulationBrakeStop);
OPCODE(121, o_elevatorWindowMovie);
OPCODE(122, o_elevatorGoMiddle);
OPCODE(123, o_elevatorTopMovie);
@@ -75,12 +87,12 @@ void Mechanical::setupOpcodes() {
// "Init" Opcodes
OPCODE(200, o_throne_init);
OPCODE(201, o_fortressStaircase_init);
- OPCODE(202, opcode_202);
+ OPCODE(202, o_bird_init);
OPCODE(203, o_snakeBox_init);
OPCODE(204, o_elevatorRotation_init);
- OPCODE(205, opcode_205);
- OPCODE(206, opcode_206);
- OPCODE(209, opcode_209);
+ OPCODE(205, o_fortressRotation_init);
+ OPCODE(206, o_fortressSimulation_init);
+ OPCODE(209, o_fortressSimulationStartup_init);
// "Exit" Opcodes
@@ -89,15 +101,15 @@ void Mechanical::setupOpcodes() {
#undef OPCODE
void Mechanical::disablePersistentScripts() {
- opcode_202_disable();
- opcode_205_disable();
- opcode_206_disable();
- opcode_209_disable();
+ _fortressSimulationRunning = false;
_elevatorGoingMiddle = false;
+ _birdSinging = false;
+ _fortressRotationRunning = false;
void Mechanical::runPersistentScripts() {
- opcode_202_run();
+ if (_birdSinging)
+ birdSing_run();
if (_elevatorRotationLeverMoving)
@@ -105,9 +117,11 @@ void Mechanical::runPersistentScripts() {
if (_elevatorGoingMiddle)
- opcode_205_run();
- opcode_206_run();
- opcode_209_run();
+ if (_fortressRotationRunning)
+ fortressRotation_run();
+ if (_fortressSimulationRunning)
+ fortressSimulation_run();
uint16 Mechanical::getVar(uint16 var) {
@@ -245,6 +259,38 @@ void Mechanical::o_throneEnablePassage(uint16 op, uint16 var, uint16 argc, uint1
+void Mechanical::o_birdCrankStart(uint16 op, uint16 var, uint16 argc, uint16 *argv) {
+ debugC(kDebugScript, "Opcode %d: Mechanical bird crank start", op);
+ MystResourceType11 *crank = static_cast<MystResourceType11 *>(_invokingResource);
+ uint16 crankSoundId = crank->getList2(0);
+ _vm->_sound->replaceSoundMyst(crankSoundId, Audio::Mixer::kMaxChannelVolume, true);
+ _birdSingEndTime = 0;
+ _birdCrankStartTime = _vm->_system->getMillis();
+ MystResourceType6 *crankMovie = static_cast<MystResourceType6 *>(crank->getSubResource(0));
+ crankMovie->playMovie();
+void Mechanical::o_birdCrankStop(uint16 op, uint16 var, uint16 argc, uint16 *argv) {
+ debugC(kDebugScript, "Opcode %d: Mechanical bird crank stop", op);
+ MystResourceType11 *crank = static_cast<MystResourceType11 *>(_invokingResource);
+ MystResourceType6 *crankMovie = static_cast<MystResourceType6 *>(crank->getSubResource(0));
+ crankMovie->pauseMovie(true);
+ uint16 crankSoundId = crank->getList2(1);
+ _vm->_sound->replaceSoundMyst(crankSoundId);
+ _birdSingEndTime = 2 * _vm->_system->getMillis() - _birdCrankStartTime;
+ _birdSinging = true;
+ _bird->playMovie();
void Mechanical::o_snakeBoxTrigger(uint16 op, uint16 var, uint16 argc, uint16 *argv) {
debugC(kDebugScript, "Opcode %d: Trigger Playing Of Snake Movie", op);
@@ -346,6 +392,164 @@ void Mechanical::o_elevatorRotationStop(uint16 op, uint16 var, uint16 argc, uint
+void Mechanical::o_fortressRotationSpeedStart(uint16 op, uint16 var, uint16 argc, uint16 *argv) {
+ debugC(kDebugScript, "Opcode %d Fortress rotation speed lever start", op);
+ _vm->_cursor->setCursor(700);
+ MystResourceType12 *lever = static_cast<MystResourceType12 *>(_invokingResource);
+ lever->drawFrame(0);
+void Mechanical::o_fortressRotationSpeedMove(uint16 op, uint16 var, uint16 argc, uint16 *argv) {
+ debugC(kDebugScript, "Opcode %d Fortress rotation speed lever move", op);
+ const Common::Point &mouse = _vm->_system->getEventManager()->getMousePos();
+ MystResourceType12 *lever = static_cast<MystResourceType12 *>(_invokingResource);
+ // Make the handle follow the mouse
+ int16 maxStep = lever->getNumFrames() - 1;
+ Common::Rect rect = lever->getRect();
+ int16 step = ((rect.top + 65 - mouse.y) * lever->getNumFrames()) / 65;
+ step = CLIP<int16>(step, 0, maxStep);
+ _fortressRotationSpeed = step;
+ // Draw current frame
+ lever->drawFrame(step);
+void Mechanical::o_fortressRotationSpeedStop(uint16 op, uint16 var, uint16 argc, uint16 *argv) {
+ debugC(kDebugScript, "Opcode %d Fortress rotation speed lever stop", op);
+ MystResourceType12 *lever = static_cast<MystResourceType12 *>(_invokingResource);
+ // Release lever
+ for (int i = _fortressRotationSpeed; i >= 0; i--) {
+ lever->drawFrame(i);
+ _vm->_system->delayMillis(10);
+ }
+ _fortressRotationSpeed = 0;
+ _vm->checkCursorHints();
+void Mechanical::o_fortressRotationBrakeStart(uint16 op, uint16 var, uint16 argc, uint16 *argv) {
+ debugC(kDebugScript, "Opcode %d Fortress rotation brake lever start", op);
+ _vm->_cursor->setCursor(700);
+ MystResourceType12 *lever = static_cast<MystResourceType12 *>(_invokingResource);
+ lever->drawFrame(_fortressRotationBrake);
+void Mechanical::o_fortressRotationBrakeMove(uint16 op, uint16 var, uint16 argc, uint16 *argv) {
+ debugC(kDebugScript, "Opcode %d Fortress rotation brake lever move", op);
+ const Common::Point &mouse = _vm->_system->getEventManager()->getMousePos();
+ MystResourceType12 *lever = static_cast<MystResourceType12 *>(_invokingResource);
+ // Make the handle follow the mouse
+ int16 maxStep = lever->getNumFrames() - 1;
+ Common::Rect rect = lever->getRect();
+ int16 step = ((rect.top + 65 - mouse.y) * lever->getNumFrames()) / 65;
+ step = CLIP<int16>(step, 0, maxStep);
+ _fortressRotationBrake = step;
+ // Draw current frame
+ lever->drawFrame(step);
+void Mechanical::o_fortressRotationBrakeStop(uint16 op, uint16 var, uint16 argc, uint16 *argv) {
+ debugC(kDebugScript, "Opcode %d Fortress rotation brake lever stop", op);
+ MystResourceType12 *lever = static_cast<MystResourceType12 *>(_invokingResource);
+ lever->drawFrame(_fortressRotationBrake);
+ _vm->checkCursorHints();
+void Mechanical::o_fortressSimulationSpeedStart(uint16 op, uint16 var, uint16 argc, uint16 *argv) {
+ debugC(kDebugScript, "Opcode %d Fortress rotation simulator speed lever start", op);
+ _vm->_cursor->setCursor(700);
+ MystResourceType12 *lever = static_cast<MystResourceType12 *>(_invokingResource);
+ lever->drawFrame(0);
+void Mechanical::o_fortressSimulationSpeedMove(uint16 op, uint16 var, uint16 argc, uint16 *argv) {
+ debugC(kDebugScript, "Opcode %d Fortress rotation simulator speed lever move", op);
+ const Common::Point &mouse = _vm->_system->getEventManager()->getMousePos();
+ MystResourceType12 *lever = static_cast<MystResourceType12 *>(_invokingResource);
+ // Make the handle follow the mouse
+ int16 maxStep = lever->getNumFrames() - 1;
+ Common::Rect rect = lever->getRect();
+ int16 step = ((rect.bottom - mouse.y) * lever->getNumFrames()) / rect.height();
+ step = CLIP<int16>(step, 0, maxStep);
+ _fortressSimulationSpeed = step;
+ // Draw current frame
+ lever->drawFrame(step);
+void Mechanical::o_fortressSimulationSpeedStop(uint16 op, uint16 var, uint16 argc, uint16 *argv) {
+ debugC(kDebugScript, "Opcode %d Fortress rotation simulator speed lever stop", op);
+ MystResourceType12 *lever = static_cast<MystResourceType12 *>(_invokingResource);
+ // Release lever
+ for (int i = _fortressSimulationSpeed; i >= 0; i--) {
+ lever->drawFrame(i);
+ _vm->_system->delayMillis(10);
+ }
+ _fortressSimulationSpeed = 0;
+ _vm->checkCursorHints();
+void Mechanical::o_fortressSimulationBrakeStart(uint16 op, uint16 var, uint16 argc, uint16 *argv) {
+ debugC(kDebugScript, "Opcode %d Fortress rotation simulator brake lever start", op);
+ _vm->_cursor->setCursor(700);
+ MystResourceType12 *lever = static_cast<MystResourceType12 *>(_invokingResource);
+ lever->drawFrame(_fortressSimulationBrake);
+void Mechanical::o_fortressSimulationBrakeMove(uint16 op, uint16 var, uint16 argc, uint16 *argv) {
+ debugC(kDebugScript, "Opcode %d Fortress rotation simulator brake lever move", op);
+ const Common::Point &mouse = _vm->_system->getEventManager()->getMousePos();
+ MystResourceType12 *lever = static_cast<MystResourceType12 *>(_invokingResource);
+ // Make the handle follow the mouse
+ int16 maxStep = lever->getNumFrames() - 1;
+ Common::Rect rect = lever->getRect();
+ int16 step = ((rect.bottom - mouse.y) * lever->getNumFrames()) / rect.height();
+ step = CLIP<int16>(step, 0, maxStep);
+ _fortressSimulationBrake = step;
+ // Draw current frame
+ lever->drawFrame(step);
+void Mechanical::o_fortressSimulationBrakeStop(uint16 op, uint16 var, uint16 argc, uint16 *argv) {
+ debugC(kDebugScript, "Opcode %d Fortress rotation simulator brake lever stop", op);
+ MystResourceType12 *lever = static_cast<MystResourceType12 *>(_invokingResource);
+ lever->drawFrame(_fortressSimulationBrake);
+ _vm->checkCursorHints();
void Mechanical::o_elevatorWindowMovie(uint16 op, uint16 var, uint16 argc, uint16 *argv) {
uint16 startTime = argv[0];
uint16 endTime = argv[1];
@@ -515,25 +719,21 @@ void Mechanical::o_fortressStaircase_init(uint16 op, uint16 var, uint16 argc, ui
-static struct {
- bool enabled;
-} g_opcode202Parameters;
-void Mechanical::opcode_202_run() {
+void Mechanical::birdSing_run() {
// Used for Card 6220 (Sirrus' Mechanical Bird)
- // TODO: Fill in Function
+ uint32 time = _vm->_system->getMillis();
+ if (_birdSingEndTime < time) {
+ _bird->pauseMovie(true);
+ _birdSinging = false;
+ }
-void Mechanical::opcode_202_disable() {
- g_opcode202Parameters.enabled = false;
+void Mechanical::o_bird_init(uint16 op, uint16 var, uint16 argc, uint16 *argv) {
+ debugC(kDebugScript, "Opcode %d: Mechanical bird init", op);
-void Mechanical::opcode_202(uint16 op, uint16 var, uint16 argc, uint16 *argv) {
- // Used for Card 6220 (Sirrus' Mechanical Bird)
- if (argc == 0)
- g_opcode202Parameters.enabled = true;
- else
- unknown(op, var, argc, argv);
+ _birdSinging = false;
+ _birdSingEndTime = 0;
+ _bird = static_cast<MystResourceType6 *>(_invokingResource);
void Mechanical::o_snakeBox_init(uint16 op, uint16 var, uint16 argc, uint16 *argv) {
@@ -567,101 +767,53 @@ void Mechanical::o_elevatorRotation_init(uint16 op, uint16 var, uint16 argc, uin
_elevatorRotationLeverMoving = false;
-static struct {
- uint16 soundIdPosition[4];
- bool enabled;
-} g_opcode205Parameters;
-void Mechanical::opcode_205_run() {
+void Mechanical::fortressRotation_run() {
// Used for Card 6156 (Fortress Rotation Controls)
// TODO: Fill in function...
- // g_opcode205Parameters.soundIdPosition[4]
-void Mechanical::opcode_205_disable() {
- g_opcode205Parameters.enabled = false;
-void Mechanical::opcode_205(uint16 op, uint16 var, uint16 argc, uint16 *argv) {
- varUnusedCheck(op, var);
- // Used for Card 6156 (Fortress Rotation Controls)
- if (argc == 4) {
- g_opcode205Parameters.soundIdPosition[0] = argv[0];
- g_opcode205Parameters.soundIdPosition[1] = argv[1];
- g_opcode205Parameters.soundIdPosition[2] = argv[2];
- g_opcode205Parameters.soundIdPosition[3] = argv[3];
- g_opcode205Parameters.enabled = true;
- } else
- unknown(op, var, argc, argv);
-static struct {
- uint16 soundIdStart[2];
- uint16 soundIdPosition[4];
+void Mechanical::o_fortressRotation_init(uint16 op, uint16 var, uint16 argc, uint16 *argv) {
+ debugC(kDebugScript, "Opcode %d: Fortress rotation init", op);
- bool enabled;
-} g_opcode206Parameters;
+ _fortressRotationGears = static_cast<MystResourceType6 *>(_invokingResource);
-void Mechanical::opcode_206_run() {
- if (g_opcode206Parameters.enabled) {
- // Used for Card 6044 (Fortress Rotation Simulator)
+ _fortressRotationSounds[0] = argv[0];
+ _fortressRotationSounds[1] = argv[1];
+ _fortressRotationSounds[2] = argv[2];
+ _fortressRotationSounds[3] = argv[3];
- // g_opcode206Parameters.soundIdStart[2]
- // g_opcode206Parameters.soundIdPosition[4]
+ _fortressRotationBrake = 0;
- // TODO: Fill in function...
- }
+ _fortressRotationRunning = true;
-void Mechanical::opcode_206_disable() {
- g_opcode206Parameters.enabled = false;
-void Mechanical::opcode_206(uint16 op, uint16 var, uint16 argc, uint16 *argv) {
- varUnusedCheck(op, var);
+void Mechanical::fortressSimulation_run() {
// Used for Card 6044 (Fortress Rotation Simulator)
- if (argc == 6) {
- g_opcode206Parameters.soundIdStart[0] = argv[0];
- g_opcode206Parameters.soundIdStart[1] = argv[1];
- g_opcode206Parameters.soundIdPosition[0] = argv[2];
- g_opcode206Parameters.soundIdPosition[1] = argv[3];
- g_opcode206Parameters.soundIdPosition[2] = argv[4];
- g_opcode206Parameters.soundIdPosition[3] = argv[5];
- g_opcode206Parameters.enabled = true;
- } else
- unknown(op, var, argc, argv);
+ // TODO: Fill in function...
+void Mechanical::o_fortressSimulation_init(uint16 op, uint16 var, uint16 argc, uint16 *argv) {
+ debugC(kDebugScript, "Opcode %d: Fortress rotation simulator init", op);
-static struct {
- bool enabled;
-} g_opcode209Parameters;
+ _fortressSimulationHolo = static_cast<MystResourceType6 *>(_invokingResource);
-void Mechanical::opcode_209_run() {
- // Used for Card 6044 (Fortress Rotation Simulator)
+ _fortressSimulationStartSound1 = argv[0];
+ _fortressSimulationStartSound2 = argv[1];
- // TODO: Implement Function For Secret Panel State as
- // per Opcode 200 function (Mechanical)
+ _fortressRotationSounds[0] = argv[2];
+ _fortressRotationSounds[1] = argv[3];
+ _fortressRotationSounds[2] = argv[4];
+ _fortressRotationSounds[3] = argv[5];
+ _fortressSimulationBrake = 0;
-void Mechanical::opcode_209_disable() {
- g_opcode209Parameters.enabled = false;
+ _fortressSimulationRunning = true;
-void Mechanical::opcode_209(uint16 op, uint16 var, uint16 argc, uint16 *argv) {
- varUnusedCheck(op, var);
+void Mechanical::o_fortressSimulationStartup_init(uint16 op, uint16 var, uint16 argc, uint16 *argv) {
+ debugC(kDebugScript, "Opcode %d: Fortress rotation simulator startup init", op);
- // Used for Card 6044 (Fortress Rotation Simulator)
- if (argc == 0)
- g_opcode209Parameters.enabled = true;
- else
- unknown(op, var, argc, argv);
+ _fortressSimulationStartup = static_cast<MystResourceType6 *>(_invokingResource);
} // End of namespace MystStacks