path: root/engines/saga/itedata.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'engines/saga/itedata.cpp')
1 files changed, 406 insertions, 80 deletions
diff --git a/engines/saga/itedata.cpp b/engines/saga/itedata.cpp
index 87b71c2cb7..da70733f4e 100644
--- a/engines/saga/itedata.cpp
+++ b/engines/saga/itedata.cpp
@@ -444,111 +444,437 @@ const RawPoint pieceOrigins[PUZZLE_PIECES] = {
const char *pieceNames[][PUZZLE_PIECES] = {
- { "screwdriver", "pliers", "c-clamp", "wood clamp", "level",
- "twine", "wood plane", "claw hammer", "tape measure", "hatchet",
- "shears", "ruler", "saw", "mallet", "paint brush"
+ {
+ "screwdriver", "pliers", "c-clamp", "wood clamp", "level",
+ "twine", "wood plane", "claw hammer", "tape measure", "hatchet",
+ "shears", "ruler", "saw", "mallet", "paint brush"
- { "Schraubendreher", "Zange", "Schraubzwinge", "Holzzwinge", "Wasserwaage",
- "Bindfaden", "Hobel", "Schusterhammer", "Bandma$", "Beil",
- "Schere", "Winkel", "S\204ge", "Hammer", "Pinsel"
+ {
+ "Schraubendreher", "Zange", "Schraubzwinge", "Holzzwinge", "Wasserwaage",
+ "Bindfaden", "Hobel", "Schusterhammer", "Bandma$", "Beil",
+ "Schere", "Winkel", "S\204ge", "Hammer", "Pinsel"
- { "cacciavite", "pinze", "morsa", "morsa da legno", "livella",
- "spago", "pialla", "martello", "metro a nastro", "accetta",
- "cesoie", "righello", "sega", "mazza", "pennello"
+ {
+ "cacciavite", "pinze", "morsa", "morsa da legno", "livella",
+ "spago", "pialla", "martello", "metro a nastro", "accetta",
+ "cesoie", "righello", "sega", "mazza", "pennello"
const char *hintStr[][4] = {
- { "Check which pieces could fit in each corner first.",
- "Check which corner has the least number of pieces that can fit and start from there.",
- "Check each new corner and any new side for pieces that fit.",
- "I don't see anything out of place."
- },
- { "\232berpr\201fe zun\204chst, welche die Eckteile sein k\224nnten.",
- "Schau, in welche Ecke die wenigsten Teile passen, und fang dort an.",
- "Untersuche jede Ecke und jede Seite auf Teile, die dort passen k\224nnen.",
- "Ich sehe nichts an der falschen Stelle."
- },
- { "Controlla prima quali pezzi si inseriscono meglio in ogni angolo.",
- "Controlla quale angolo ha il minor numero di pezzi che combaciano, e parti da quello.",
- "Controlla ogni nuovo angolo e lato per ogni pezzo che combacia.",
- "Non vedo nulla fuori posto."
+ {
+ "Check which pieces could fit in each corner first.",
+ "Check which corner has the least number of pieces that can fit and start from there.",
+ "Check each new corner and any new side for pieces that fit.",
+ "I don't see anything out of place."
+ },
+ {
+ "\232berpr\201fe zun\204chst, welche die Eckteile sein k\224nnten.",
+ "Schau, in welche Ecke die wenigsten Teile passen, und fang dort an.",
+ "Untersuche jede Ecke und jede Seite auf Teile, die dort passen k\224nnen.",
+ "Ich sehe nichts an der falschen Stelle."
+ },
+ {
+ "Controlla prima quali pezzi si inseriscono meglio in ogni angolo.",
+ "Controlla quale angolo ha il minor numero di pezzi che combaciano, e parti da quello.",
+ "Controlla ogni nuovo angolo e lato per ogni pezzo che combacia.",
+ "Non vedo nulla fuori posto."
const char *solicitStr[][NUM_SOLICIT_REPLIES] = {
- { "Hey, Fox! Would you like a hint?",
- "Would you like some help?",
- "Umm...Umm...",
- "Psst! want a hint?",
- "I would have done this differently, you know."
- },
- { "Hey, Fuchs! Brauchst Du \047nen Tip?",
- "M\224chtest Du etwas Hilfe?"
- "\231hm...\216hm..."
- "Psst! \047n Tip vielleicht?"
- "Ja, wei$t Du... ich h\204tte das anders gemacht."
- },
- { "Hey, Volpe! Serve un suggerimento?",
- "Hai bisogno di aiuto?",
- "Umm...Umm...",
- "Psst! Serve un aiutino?",
- "Io, sai, l'avrei fatto diversamente."
+ {
+ "Hey, Fox! Would you like a hint?",
+ "Would you like some help?",
+ "Umm...Umm...",
+ "Psst! want a hint?",
+ "I would have done this differently, you know."
+ },
+ {
+ "Hey, Fuchs! Brauchst Du \047nen Tip?",
+ "M\224chtest Du etwas Hilfe?"
+ "\231hm...\216hm..."
+ "Psst! \047n Tip vielleicht?"
+ "Ja, wei$t Du... ich h\204tte das anders gemacht."
+ },
+ {
+ "Hey, Volpe! Serve un suggerimento?",
+ "Hai bisogno di aiuto?",
+ "Umm...Umm...",
+ "Psst! Serve un aiutino?",
+ "Io, sai, l'avrei fatto diversamente."
const char *sakkaStr[][NUM_SAKKA] = {
- { "Hey, you're not supposed to help the applicants!",
- "Guys! This is supposed to be a test!",
- "C'mon fellows, that's not in the rules!"
+ {
+ "Hey, you're not supposed to help the applicants!",
+ "Guys! This is supposed to be a test!",
+ "C'mon fellows, that's not in the rules!"
- { "Hey, Du darfst dem Pr\201fling nicht helfen!",
- "Hallo?! Dies soll eine Pr\201fung sein!",
- "Also, Jungs. Schummeln steht nicht in den Regeln!"
+ {
+ "Hey, Du darfst dem Pr\201fling nicht helfen!",
+ "Hallo?! Dies soll eine Pr\201fung sein!",
+ "Also, Jungs. Schummeln steht nicht in den Regeln!"
- { "Hey, non si dovrebbero aiutare i candidati!",
- "Ragazzi! Questo dovrebbe essere un test!",
- "Forza ragazzi, non si pu\225!"
+ {
+ "Hey, non si dovrebbero aiutare i candidati!",
+ "Ragazzi! Questo dovrebbe essere un test!",
+ "Forza ragazzi, non si pu\225!"
const char *whineStr[][NUM_WHINES] = {
- { "Aww, c'mon Sakka!",
- "One hint won't hurt, will it?",
- "Sigh...",
- "I think that clipboard has gone to your head, Sakka!",
- "Well, I don't recall any specific rule against hinting."
- },
- { "Och, sei nicht so, Sakka!"
- "EIN Tip wird schon nicht schaden, oder?",
- "Seufz..."
- "Ich glaube, Du hast ein Brett vor dem Kopf, Sakka!",
- "Hm, ich kann mich an keine Regel erinnern, die Tips verbietet."
- },
- { "Ooo, suvvia Sakka!",
- "Un indizio non guaster\205, no?",
- "Sigh...",
- "Credo che questa faccenda ti abbia dato alla testa, Sakka!",
- "Beh, non ricordo regole specifiche contro i suggerimenti."
+ {
+ "Aww, c'mon Sakka!",
+ "One hint won't hurt, will it?",
+ "Sigh...",
+ "I think that clipboard has gone to your head, Sakka!",
+ "Well, I don't recall any specific rule against hinting."
+ },
+ {
+ "Och, sei nicht so, Sakka!"
+ "EIN Tip wird schon nicht schaden, oder?",
+ "Seufz..."
+ "Ich glaube, Du hast ein Brett vor dem Kopf, Sakka!",
+ "Hm, ich kann mich an keine Regel erinnern, die Tips verbietet."
+ },
+ {
+ "Ooo, suvvia Sakka!",
+ "Un indizio non guaster\205, no?",
+ "Sigh...",
+ "Credo che questa faccenda ti abbia dato alla testa, Sakka!",
+ "Beh, non ricordo regole specifiche contro i suggerimenti."
const char *optionsStr[][4] = {
- { "\"I'll do this puzzle later.\"",
- "\"Yes, I'd like a hint please.\"",
- "\"No, thank you, I'd like to try and solve it myself.\"",
- "I think the %s is in the wrong place."
- },
- { "\"Ich l\224se das Puzzle sp\204ter.\"",
- "\"Ja, ich m\224chte einen Tip, bitte.\"",
- "\"Nein danke, ich m\224chte das alleine l\224sen.\"",
- "Pssst... %s... falsche Stelle..."
- },
- { "\"Far\225 questo puzzle pi\227 tardi.\"",
- "\"Si, grazie. Ne avrei bisogno.\"",
- "\"No, grazie, voglio provare a risolverlo da solo.\"",
- "Penso che la tessera %s sia nel posto sbagliato."
+ {
+ "\"I'll do this puzzle later.\"",
+ "\"Yes, I'd like a hint please.\"",
+ "\"No, thank you, I'd like to try and solve it myself.\"",
+ "I think the %s is in the wrong place."
+ },
+ {
+ "\"Ich l\224se das Puzzle sp\204ter.\"",
+ "\"Ja, ich m\224chte einen Tip, bitte.\"",
+ "\"Nein danke, ich m\224chte das alleine l\224sen.\"",
+ "Pssst... %s... falsche Stelle..."
+ },
+ {
+ "\"Far\225 questo puzzle pi\227 tardi.\"",
+ "\"Si, grazie. Ne avrei bisogno.\"",
+ "\"No, grazie, voglio provare a risolverlo da solo.\"",
+ "Penso che la tessera %s sia nel posto sbagliato."
+const IntroDialogue introDialogueCave1[][4] = {
+ { { // English
+ 0, // cave voice 0
+ "We see the sky, we see the land, we see the water, "
+ "and we wonder: Are we the only ones?"
+ },
+ {
+ 1, // cave voice 1
+ "Long before we came to exist, the humans ruled the "
+ "Earth."
+ },
+ {
+ 2, // cave voice 2
+ "They made marvelous things, and moved whole "
+ "mountains."
+ },
+ {
+ 3, // cave voice 3
+ "They knew the Secret of Flight, the Secret of "
+ "Happiness, and other secrets beyond our imagining."
+ } },
+ // -----------------------------------------------------
+ { { // German
+ 0, // cave voice 0
+ "Um uns sind der Himmel, das Land und die Seen; und "
+ "wir fragen uns - sind wir die einzigen?"
+ },
+ {
+ 1, // cave voice 1
+ "Lange vor unserer Zeit herrschten die Menschen "
+ "\201ber die Erde."
+ },
+ {
+ 2, // cave voice 2
+ "Sie taten wundersame Dinge und versetzten ganze "
+ "Berge."
+ },
+ {
+ 3, // cave voice 3
+ "Sie kannten das Geheimnis des Fluges, das Geheimnis "
+ "der Fr\224hlichkeit und andere Geheimnisse, die "
+ "unsere Vorstellungskraft \201bersteigen."
+ } },
+ // -----------------------------------------------------
+ { { // Italian fan translation
+ 0, // cave voice 0
+ "Guardiamo il cielo, guardiamo la terra, guardiamo "
+ "l'acqua, e ci chiediamo: Siamo forse soli?"
+ },
+ {
+ 1, // cave voice 1
+ "Molto tempo prima che noi esistessimo, gli Umani "
+ "dominavano la terra."
+ },
+ {
+ 2, // cave voice 2
+ "Fecero cose meravigliose, e mossero intere "
+ "montagne."
+ },
+ {
+ 3, // cave voice 3
+ "Conoscevano il Segreto del Volo, il Segreto della "
+ "Felicit\205, ed altri segreti oltre ogni nostra "
+ "immaginazione."
+ } }
+const IntroDialogue introDialogueCave2[][3] = {
+ { { // English
+ 4, // cave voice 4
+ "The humans also knew the Secret of Life, and they "
+ "used it to give us the Four Great Gifts:"
+ },
+ {
+ 5, // cave voice 5
+ "Thinking minds, feeling hearts, speaking mouths, and "
+ "reaching hands."
+ },
+ {
+ 6, // cave voice 6
+ "We are their children."
+ } },
+ // -----------------------------------------------------
+ { { // German
+ 4, // cave voice 4
+ "Au$erdem kannten die Menschen das Geheimnis des "
+ "Lebens. Und sie nutzten es, um uns die vier gro$en "
+ "Geschenke zu geben -"
+ },
+ {
+ 5, // cave voice 5
+ "den denkenden Geist, das f\201hlende Herz, den "
+ "sprechenden Mund und die greifende Hand."
+ },
+ {
+ 6, // cave voice 6
+ "Wir sind ihre Kinder."
+ } },
+ // -----------------------------------------------------
+ { { // Italian fan translation
+ 4, // cave voice 4
+ "Gli Umani conoscevano anche il Segreto della Vita, "
+ "e lo usarono per darci i Quattro Grandi Doni:"
+ },
+ {
+ 5, // cave voice 5
+ "Il pensiero, le emozioni, la parola e la manualit\205."
+ },
+ {
+ 6, // cave voice 6
+ "Siamo i loro figli."
+ } }
+const IntroDialogue introDialogueCave3[][3] = {
+ { { // English
+ 7, // cave voice 7
+ "They taught us how to use our hands, and how to "
+ "speak."
+ },
+ {
+ 8, // cave voice 8
+ "They showed us the joy of using our minds."
+ },
+ {
+ 9, // cave voice 9
+ "They loved us, and when we were ready, they surely "
+ "would have given us the Secret of Happiness."
+ } },
+ // -----------------------------------------------------
+ { { // German
+ 7, // cave voice 7
+ "Sie lehrten uns zu sprechen und unsere H\204nde zu "
+ "benutzen."
+ },
+ {
+ 8, // cave voice 8
+ "Sie zeigten uns die Freude am Denken."
+ },
+ {
+ 9, // cave voice 9
+ "Sie liebten uns, und w\204ren wir bereit gewesen, "
+ "h\204tten sie uns sicherlich das Geheimnis der "
+ "Fr\224hlichkeit offenbart."
+ } },
+ // -----------------------------------------------------
+ { { // Italian fan translation
+ 7, // cave voice 7
+ "Ci insegnarono come usare le mani e come parlare. "
+ },
+ {
+ 8, // cave voice 8
+ "Ci mostrarono le gioie che l'uso della mente "
+ "pu\225 dare. "
+ },
+ {
+ 9, // cave voice 9
+ "Ci amarono, ed una volta pronti, ci avrebbero "
+ "sicuramente svelato il Segreto della Felicit\205."
+ } }
+const IntroDialogue introDialogueCave4[][4] = {
+ { { // English
+ 10, // cave voice 10
+ "And now we see the sky, the land, and the water that "
+ "we are heirs to, and we wonder: why did they leave?"
+ },
+ {
+ 11, // cave voice 11
+ "Do they live still, in the stars? In the oceans "
+ "depths? In the wind?"
+ },
+ {
+ 12, // cave voice 12
+ "We wonder, was their fate good or evil?"
+ },
+ {
+ 13, // cave voice 13
+ "And will we also share the same fate one day?"
+ } },
+ // -----------------------------------------------------
+ { { // German
+ 10, // cave voice 10
+ "Und nun sehen wir den Himmel, das Land und die "
+ "Seen - unser Erbe. Und wir fragen uns - warum "
+ "verschwanden sie?"
+ },
+ {
+ 11, // cave voice 11
+ "Leben sie noch in den Sternen? In den Tiefen des "
+ "Ozeans? Im Wind?"
+ },
+ {
+ 12, // cave voice 12
+ "Wir fragen uns - war ihr Schicksal gut oder b\224se?"
+ },
+ {
+ 13, // cave voice 13
+ "Und wird uns eines Tages das gleiche Schicksal "
+ "ereilen?"
+ } },
+ // -----------------------------------------------------
+ { { // Italian fan translation
+ 10, // cave voice 10
+ "Ed ora che guardiamo il cielo, la terra e l'acqua "
+ "che abbiamo ereditato, pensiamo: Perch\202 partirono?"
+ },
+ {
+ 11, // cave voice 11
+ "Vivono ancora, nelle stelle? Nelle profondit\205 "
+ "dell'oceano? Nel vento?"
+ },
+ {
+ 12, // cave voice 12
+ "Ci domandiamo, il loro destino fu felice o nefasto?"
+ },
+ {
+ 13, // cave voice 13
+ "E un giorno, condivideremo anche noi lo stesso "
+ "destino?"
+ } }
+const IntroCredit creditsValley[] = {
+ {Common::EN_ANY, kITECreditsAny, kITECreditsHeader, "Producer"},
+ {Common::DE_DEU, kITECreditsAny, kITECreditsHeader, "Produzent"},
+ {Common::IT_ITA, kITECreditsAny, kITECreditsHeader, "Produttore"},
+ {Common::UNK_LANG, kITECreditsAny, kITECreditsText, "Walter Hochbrueckner"},
+ {Common::EN_ANY, kITECreditsAny, kITECreditsHeader, "Executive Producer"},
+ {Common::DE_DEU, kITECreditsAny, kITECreditsHeader, "Ausf\201hrender Produzent"},
+ {Common::IT_ITA, kITECreditsAny, kITECreditsHeader, "Produttore Esecutivo"},
+ {Common::UNK_LANG, kITECreditsAny, kITECreditsText, "Robert McNally"},
+ {Common::UNK_LANG, kITECreditsWyrmKeep, kITECreditsHeader, "2nd Executive Producer"},
+ {Common::EN_ANY, kITECreditsNotWyrmKeep, kITECreditsHeader, "Publisher"},
+ {Common::DE_DEU, kITECreditsNotWyrmKeep, kITECreditsHeader, "Herausgeber"},
+ {Common::IT_ITA, kITECreditsNotWyrmKeep, kITECreditsHeader, "Editore"},
+ {Common::UNK_LANG, kITECreditsAny, kITECreditsText, "Jon Van Caneghem"}
+const IntroCredit creditsTreeHouse1[] = {
+ {Common::EN_ANY, kITECreditsAny, kITECreditsHeader, "Game Design"},
+ {Common::DE_DEU, kITECreditsAny, kITECreditsHeader, "Spielentwurf"},
+ {Common::IT_ITA, kITECreditsAny, kITECreditsHeader, "Progetto"},
+ {Common::UNK_LANG, kITECreditsAny, kITECreditsText, "Talin, Joe Pearce, Robert McNally"},
+ {Common::EN_ANY, kITECreditsAny, kITECreditsText, "and Carolly Hauksdottir"},
+ {Common::DE_DEU, kITECreditsAny, kITECreditsText, "und Carolly Hauksdottir"},
+ {Common::IT_ITA, kITECreditsAny, kITECreditsText, "e Carolly Hauksdottir"},
+ {Common::EN_ANY, kITECreditsAny, kITECreditsHeader, "Screenplay and Dialog"},
+ {Common::EN_ANY, kITECreditsAny, kITECreditsText, "Robert Leh, Len Wein, and Bill Rotsler"},
+ {Common::DE_DEU, kITECreditsAny, kITECreditsHeader, "Geschichte und Dialoge"},
+ {Common::DE_DEU, kITECreditsAny, kITECreditsText, "Robert Leh, Len Wein und Bill Rotsler"},
+ {Common::IT_ITA, kITECreditsAny, kITECreditsHeader, "Sceneggiatura e Dialoghi"},
+ {Common::IT_ITA, kITECreditsAny, kITECreditsText, "Robert Leh, Len Wein e Bill Rotsler"}
+const IntroCredit creditsTreeHouse2[] = {
+ {Common::UNK_LANG, kITECreditsWyrmKeep, kITECreditsHeader, "Art Direction"},
+ {Common::UNK_LANG, kITECreditsWyrmKeep, kITECreditsText, "Allison Hershey"},
+ {Common::EN_ANY, kITECreditsAny, kITECreditsHeader, "Art"},
+ {Common::DE_DEU, kITECreditsAny, kITECreditsHeader, "Grafiken"},
+ {Common::IT_ITA, kITECreditsAny, kITECreditsHeader, "Grafica"},
+ {Common::UNK_LANG, kITECreditsWyrmKeep, kITECreditsText, "Ed Lacabanne, Glenn Price, April Lee,"},
+ {Common::UNK_LANG, kITECreditsNotWyrmKeep, kITECreditsText, "Edward Lacabanne, Glenn Price, April Lee,"},
+ {Common::UNK_LANG, kITECreditsWyrmKeep, kITECreditsText, "Lisa Sample, Brian Dowrick, Reed Waller,"},
+ {Common::EN_ANY, kITECreditsWyrmKeep, kITECreditsText, "Allison Hershey and Talin"},
+ {Common::DE_DEU, kITECreditsWyrmKeep, kITECreditsText, "Allison Hershey und Talin"},
+ {Common::IT_ITA, kITECreditsWyrmKeep, kITECreditsText, "Allison Hershey e Talin"},
+ {Common::EN_ANY, kITECreditsNotWyrmKeep, kITECreditsText, "Lisa Iennaco, Brian Dowrick, Reed"},
+ {Common::EN_ANY, kITECreditsNotWyrmKeep, kITECreditsText, "Waller, Allison Hershey and Talin"},
+ {Common::DE_DEU, kITECreditsAny, kITECreditsText, "Waller, Allison Hershey und Talin"},
+ {Common::IT_ITA, kITECreditsAny, kITECreditsText, "Waller, Allison Hershey e Talin"},
+ {Common::EN_ANY, kITECreditsNotWyrmKeep, kITECreditsHeader, "Art Direction"},
+ {Common::DE_DEU, kITECreditsNotWyrmKeep, kITECreditsHeader, "Grafische Leitung"},
+ {Common::IT_ITA, kITECreditsNotWyrmKeep, kITECreditsHeader, "Direzione Grafica"},
+ {Common::UNK_LANG, kITECreditsNotWyrmKeep, kITECreditsText, "Allison Hershey"}
+const IntroCredit creditsFairePath1[] = {
+ {Common::EN_ANY, kITECreditsAny, kITECreditsHeader, "Programming"},
+ {Common::DE_DEU, kITECreditsAny, kITECreditsHeader, "Programmiert von"},
+ {Common::IT_ITA, kITECreditsAny, kITECreditsHeader, "Programmazione"},
+ {Common::UNK_LANG, kITECreditsAny, kITECreditsText, "Talin, Walter Hochbrueckner,"},
+ {Common::EN_ANY, kITECreditsAny, kITECreditsText, "Joe Burks and Robert Wiggins"},
+ {Common::DE_DEU, kITECreditsAny, kITECreditsText, "Joe Burks und Robert Wiggins"},
+ {Common::IT_ITA, kITECreditsAny, kITECreditsText, "Joe Burks e Robert Wiggins"},
+ {Common::EN_ANY, kITECreditsPCCD | kITECreditsWyrmKeep, kITECreditsHeader, "Additional Programming"},
+ {Common::EN_ANY, kITECreditsPCCD | kITECreditsWyrmKeep, kITECreditsText, "John Bolton"},
+ {Common::UNK_LANG, kITECreditsMac, kITECreditsHeader, "Macintosh Version"},
+ {Common::UNK_LANG, kITECreditsMac, kITECreditsText, "Michael McNally and Robert McNally"},
+ {Common::EN_ANY, kITECreditsAny, kITECreditsHeader, "Music and Sound"},
+ {Common::DE_DEU, kITECreditsAny, kITECreditsHeader, "Musik und Sound"},
+ {Common::IT_ITA, kITECreditsAny, kITECreditsHeader, "Musica e Sonoro"},
+ {Common::UNK_LANG, kITECreditsAny, kITECreditsText, "Matt Nathan"}
+const IntroCredit creditsFairePath2[] = {
+ {Common::EN_ANY, kITECreditsAny, kITECreditsHeader, "Directed by"},
+ {Common::DE_DEU, kITECreditsAny, kITECreditsHeader, "Regie"},
+ {Common::IT_ITA, kITECreditsAny, kITECreditsHeader, "Regia"},
+ {Common::UNK_LANG, kITECreditsAny, kITECreditsText, "Talin"}
} // End of namespace Saga