path: root/engines/sci/graphics/controls32.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'engines/sci/graphics/controls32.cpp')
1 files changed, 493 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/engines/sci/graphics/controls32.cpp b/engines/sci/graphics/controls32.cpp
index faf1d7d1a2..61dfbedfc5 100644
--- a/engines/sci/graphics/controls32.cpp
+++ b/engines/sci/graphics/controls32.cpp
@@ -21,7 +21,8 @@
#include "common/system.h"
+#include "common/translation.h"
+#include "gui/message.h"
#include "sci/sci.h"
#include "sci/console.h"
#include "sci/event.h"
@@ -41,7 +42,31 @@ GfxControls32::GfxControls32(SegManager *segMan, GfxCache *cache, GfxText32 *tex
- _nextCursorFlashTick(0) {}
+ _nextCursorFlashTick(0),
+ // SSCI used a memory handle for a ScrollWindow object
+ // as ID. We use a simple numeric handle instead.
+ _nextScrollWindowId(10000) {}
+GfxControls32::~GfxControls32() {
+ ScrollWindowMap::iterator it;
+ for (it = _scrollWindows.begin(); it != _scrollWindows.end(); ++it)
+ delete it->_value;
+#pragma mark -
+#pragma mark Garbage collection
+Common::Array<reg_t> GfxControls32::listObjectReferences() {
+ Common::Array<reg_t> ret;
+ ScrollWindowMap::const_iterator it;
+ for (it = _scrollWindows.begin(); it != _scrollWindows.end(); ++it)
+ ret.push_back(it->_value->getBitmap());
+ return ret;
+#pragma mark -
+#pragma mark Text input control
reg_t GfxControls32::kernelEditText(const reg_t controlObject) {
SegManager *segMan = _segMan;
@@ -350,4 +375,470 @@ void GfxControls32::flashCursor(TextEditor &editor) {
_nextCursorFlashTick = g_sci->getTickCount() + 30;
+#pragma mark -
+#pragma mark Scrollable window control
+ScrollWindow::ScrollWindow(SegManager *segMan, const Common::Rect &gameRect, const Common::Point &position, const reg_t plane, const uint8 defaultForeColor, const uint8 defaultBackColor, const GuiResourceId defaultFontId, const TextAlign defaultAlignment, const int16 defaultBorderColor, const uint16 maxNumEntries) :
+ _gfxText32(segMan, g_sci->_gfxCache),
+ _maxNumEntries(maxNumEntries),
+ _firstVisibleChar(0),
+ _topVisibleLine(0),
+ _lastVisibleChar(0),
+ _bottomVisibleLine(0),
+ _numLines(0),
+ _numVisibleLines(0),
+ _plane(plane),
+ _foreColor(defaultForeColor),
+ _backColor(defaultBackColor),
+ _borderColor(defaultBorderColor),
+ _fontId(defaultFontId),
+ _alignment(defaultAlignment),
+ _visible(false),
+ _position(position),
+ _screenItem(nullptr),
+ _nextEntryId(1) {
+ _entries.reserve(maxNumEntries);
+ _gfxText32.setFont(_fontId);
+ _pointSize = _gfxText32._font->getHeight();
+ const uint16 scriptWidth = g_sci->_gfxFrameout->getCurrentBuffer().scriptWidth;
+ const uint16 scriptHeight = g_sci->_gfxFrameout->getCurrentBuffer().scriptHeight;
+ Common::Rect bitmapRect(gameRect);
+ mulinc(bitmapRect, Ratio(_gfxText32._scaledWidth, scriptWidth), Ratio(_gfxText32._scaledHeight, scriptHeight));
+ _textRect.left = 2;
+ _textRect.top = 2;
+ _textRect.right = bitmapRect.width() - 2;
+ _textRect.bottom = bitmapRect.height() - 2;
+ uint8 skipColor = 0;
+ while (skipColor == _foreColor || skipColor == _backColor) {
+ skipColor++;
+ }
+ assert(bitmapRect.width() > 0 && bitmapRect.height() > 0);
+ _bitmap = _gfxText32.createFontBitmap(bitmapRect.width(), bitmapRect.height(), _textRect, "", _foreColor, _backColor, skipColor, _fontId, _alignment, _borderColor, false, false);
+ debugC(1, kDebugLevelGraphics, "New ScrollWindow: textRect size: %d x %d, bitmap: %04x:%04x", _textRect.width(), _textRect.height(), PRINT_REG(_bitmap));
+ScrollWindow::~ScrollWindow() {
+ // _gfxText32._bitmap will get GCed once ScrollWindow is gone.
+ // _screenItem will be deleted by GfxFrameout
+Ratio ScrollWindow::where() const {
+ return Ratio(_topVisibleLine, MAX(_numLines, 1));
+void ScrollWindow::show() {
+ if (_visible) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (_screenItem == nullptr) {
+ CelInfo32 celInfo;
+ celInfo.type = kCelTypeMem;
+ celInfo.bitmap = _bitmap;
+ _screenItem = new ScreenItem(_plane, celInfo, _position, ScaleInfo());
+ }
+ Plane *plane = g_sci->_gfxFrameout->getPlanes().findByObject(_plane);
+ plane->_screenItemList.add(_screenItem);
+ _visible = true;
+void ScrollWindow::hide() {
+ if (!_visible) {
+ return;
+ }
+ g_sci->_gfxFrameout->deleteScreenItem(_screenItem, _plane);
+ _screenItem = nullptr;
+ g_sci->_gfxFrameout->frameOut(true);
+ _visible = false;
+reg_t ScrollWindow::add(const Common::String &text, const GuiResourceId fontId, const int16 foreColor, const TextAlign alignment, const bool scrollTo) {
+ if (_entries.size() == _maxNumEntries) {
+ ScrollWindowEntry removedEntry = _entries.remove_at(0);
+ _text.erase(0, removedEntry.text.size());
+ // `_firstVisibleChar` will be reset shortly if
+ // `scrollTo` is true, so there is no reason to
+ // update it
+ if (!scrollTo) {
+ _firstVisibleChar -= removedEntry.text.size();
+ }
+ }
+ _entries.push_back(ScrollWindowEntry());
+ ScrollWindowEntry &entry = _entries.back();
+ // NOTE: In SSCI the line ID was a memory handle for the
+ // string of this line. We use a numeric ID instead.
+ entry.id = make_reg(0, _nextEntryId++);
+ if (_nextEntryId > _maxNumEntries) {
+ _nextEntryId = 1;
+ }
+ // NOTE: In SSCI this was updated after _text was
+ // updated, which meant there was an extra unnecessary
+ // subtraction operation (subtracting `entry.text` size)
+ if (scrollTo) {
+ _firstVisibleChar = _text.size();
+ }
+ fillEntry(entry, text, fontId, foreColor, alignment);
+ _text += entry.text;
+ computeLineIndices();
+ update(true);
+ return entry.id;
+void ScrollWindow::fillEntry(ScrollWindowEntry &entry, const Common::String &text, const GuiResourceId fontId, const int16 foreColor, const TextAlign alignment) {
+ entry.alignment = alignment;
+ entry.foreColor = foreColor;
+ entry.fontId = fontId;
+ Common::String formattedText;
+ // NB: There are inconsistencies here.
+ // If there is a multi-line entry with non-default properties, and it
+ // is only partially displayed, it may not be displayed right, since the
+ // property directives are only added to the first line.
+ // (Verified by trying this in SSCI SQ6 with a custom ScrollWindowAdd call.)
+ //
+ // The converse is also a potential issue (but unverified), where lines
+ // with properties -1 can inherit properties from the previously rendered
+ // line instead of the defaults.
+ // NOTE: SSCI added "|s<lineIndex>|" here, but |s| is
+ // not a valid control code, so it just always ended up
+ // getting skipped
+ if (entry.fontId != -1) {
+ formattedText += Common::String::format("|f%d|", entry.fontId);
+ }
+ if (entry.foreColor != -1) {
+ formattedText += Common::String::format("|c%d|", entry.foreColor);
+ }
+ if (entry.alignment != -1) {
+ formattedText += Common::String::format("|a%d|", entry.alignment);
+ }
+ formattedText += text;
+ entry.text = formattedText;
+reg_t ScrollWindow::modify(const reg_t id, const Common::String &text, const GuiResourceId fontId, const int16 foreColor, const TextAlign alignment, const bool scrollTo) {
+ EntriesList::iterator it = _entries.begin();
+ uint firstCharLocation = 0;
+ for ( ; it != _entries.end(); ++it) {
+ if (it->id == id) {
+ break;
+ }
+ firstCharLocation += it->text.size();
+ }
+ if (it == _entries.end()) {
+ return make_reg(0, 0);
+ }
+ ScrollWindowEntry &entry = *it;
+ uint oldTextLength = entry.text.size();
+ fillEntry(entry, text, fontId, foreColor, alignment);
+ _text.replace(firstCharLocation, oldTextLength, entry.text);
+ if (scrollTo) {
+ _firstVisibleChar = firstCharLocation;
+ }
+ computeLineIndices();
+ update(true);
+ return entry.id;
+void ScrollWindow::upArrow() {
+ if (_topVisibleLine == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ _topVisibleLine--;
+ _bottomVisibleLine--;
+ if (_bottomVisibleLine - _topVisibleLine + 1 < _numVisibleLines) {
+ _bottomVisibleLine = _numLines - 1;
+ }
+ _firstVisibleChar = _startsOfLines[_topVisibleLine];
+ _lastVisibleChar = _startsOfLines[_bottomVisibleLine + 1] - 1;
+ _visibleText = Common::String(_text.c_str() + _firstVisibleChar, _text.c_str() + _lastVisibleChar + 1);
+ Common::String lineText(_text.c_str() + _startsOfLines[_topVisibleLine], _text.c_str() + _startsOfLines[_topVisibleLine + 1] - 1);
+ debugC(3, kDebugLevelGraphics, "ScrollWindow::upArrow: top: %d, bottom: %d, num: %d, numvis: %d, lineText: %s", _topVisibleLine, _bottomVisibleLine, _numLines, _numVisibleLines, lineText.c_str());
+ _gfxText32.scrollLine(lineText, _numVisibleLines, _foreColor, _alignment, _fontId, kScrollUp);
+ if (_visible) {
+ assert(_screenItem);
+ _screenItem->update();
+ g_sci->_gfxFrameout->frameOut(true);
+ }
+void ScrollWindow::downArrow() {
+ if (_topVisibleLine + 1 >= _numLines) {
+ return;
+ }
+ _topVisibleLine++;
+ _bottomVisibleLine++;
+ if (_bottomVisibleLine + 1 >= _numLines) {
+ _bottomVisibleLine = _numLines - 1;
+ }
+ _firstVisibleChar = _startsOfLines[_topVisibleLine];
+ _lastVisibleChar = _startsOfLines[_bottomVisibleLine + 1] - 1;
+ _visibleText = Common::String(_text.c_str() + _firstVisibleChar, _text.c_str() + _lastVisibleChar + 1);
+ Common::String lineText;
+ if (_bottomVisibleLine - _topVisibleLine + 1 == _numVisibleLines) {
+ lineText = Common::String(_text.c_str() + _startsOfLines[_bottomVisibleLine], _text.c_str() + _startsOfLines[_bottomVisibleLine + 1] - 1);
+ } else {
+ // scroll in empty string
+ }
+ debugC(3, kDebugLevelGraphics, "ScrollWindow::downArrow: top: %d, bottom: %d, num: %d, numvis: %d, lineText: %s", _topVisibleLine, _bottomVisibleLine, _numLines, _numVisibleLines, lineText.c_str());
+ _gfxText32.scrollLine(lineText, _numVisibleLines, _foreColor, _alignment, _fontId, kScrollDown);
+ if (_visible) {
+ assert(_screenItem);
+ _screenItem->update();
+ g_sci->_gfxFrameout->frameOut(true);
+ }
+void ScrollWindow::go(const Ratio location) {
+ const int line = (location * _numLines).toInt();
+ if (line < 0 || line > _numLines) {
+ error("Index is Out of Range in ScrollWindow");
+ }
+ _firstVisibleChar = _startsOfLines[line];
+ update(true);
+ // HACK:
+ // It usually isn't possible to set _topVisibleLine >= _numLines, and so
+ // update() doesn't. However, in this case we should set _topVisibleLine
+ // past the end. This is clearly visible in Phantasmagoria when dragging
+ // the slider in the About dialog to the very end. The slider ends up lower
+ // than where it can be moved by scrolling down with the arrows.
+ if (location.isOne()) {
+ _topVisibleLine = _numLines;
+ }
+void ScrollWindow::home() {
+ if (_firstVisibleChar == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ _firstVisibleChar = 0;
+ update(true);
+void ScrollWindow::end() {
+ if (_bottomVisibleLine + 1 >= _numLines) {
+ return;
+ }
+ int line = _numLines - _numVisibleLines;
+ if (line < 0) {
+ line = 0;
+ }
+ _firstVisibleChar = _startsOfLines[line];
+ update(true);
+void ScrollWindow::pageUp() {
+ if (_topVisibleLine == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ _topVisibleLine -= _numVisibleLines;
+ if (_topVisibleLine < 0) {
+ _topVisibleLine = 0;
+ }
+ _firstVisibleChar = _startsOfLines[_topVisibleLine];
+ update(true);
+void ScrollWindow::pageDown() {
+ if (_topVisibleLine + 1 >= _numLines) {
+ return;
+ }
+ _topVisibleLine += _numVisibleLines;
+ if (_topVisibleLine + 1 >= _numLines) {
+ _topVisibleLine = _numLines - 1;
+ }
+ _firstVisibleChar = _startsOfLines[_topVisibleLine];
+ update(true);
+void ScrollWindow::computeLineIndices() {
+ _gfxText32.setFont(_fontId);
+ // NOTE: Unlike SSCI, foreColor and alignment are not
+ // set since these properties do not affect the width of
+ // lines
+ if (_gfxText32._font->getHeight() != _pointSize) {
+ error("Illegal font size font = %d pointSize = %d, should be %d.", _fontId, _gfxText32._font->getHeight(), _pointSize);
+ }
+ Common::Rect lineRect(0, 0, _textRect.width(), _pointSize + 3);
+ _startsOfLines.clear();
+ // NOTE: The original engine had a 1000-line limit; we
+ // do not enforce any limit
+ for (uint charIndex = 0; charIndex < _text.size(); ) {
+ _startsOfLines.push_back(charIndex);
+ charIndex += _gfxText32.getTextCount(_text, charIndex, lineRect, false);
+ }
+ _numLines = _startsOfLines.size();
+ _startsOfLines.push_back(_text.size());
+ _lastVisibleChar = _gfxText32.getTextCount(_text, 0, _fontId, _textRect, false) - 1;
+ _bottomVisibleLine = 0;
+ while (
+ _bottomVisibleLine < _numLines - 1 &&
+ _startsOfLines[_bottomVisibleLine + 1] < _lastVisibleChar
+ ) {
+ ++_bottomVisibleLine;
+ }
+ _numVisibleLines = _bottomVisibleLine + 1;
+void ScrollWindow::update(const bool doFrameOut) {
+ _topVisibleLine = 0;
+ while (
+ _topVisibleLine < _numLines - 1 &&
+ _firstVisibleChar >= _startsOfLines[_topVisibleLine + 1]
+ ) {
+ ++_topVisibleLine;
+ }
+ _bottomVisibleLine = _topVisibleLine + _numVisibleLines - 1;
+ if (_bottomVisibleLine >= _numLines) {
+ _bottomVisibleLine = _numLines - 1;
+ }
+ _firstVisibleChar = _startsOfLines[_topVisibleLine];
+ if (_bottomVisibleLine >= 0) {
+ _lastVisibleChar = _startsOfLines[_bottomVisibleLine + 1] - 1;
+ } else {
+ _lastVisibleChar = -1;
+ }
+ _visibleText = Common::String(_text.c_str() + _firstVisibleChar, _text.c_str() + _lastVisibleChar + 1);
+ _gfxText32.erase(_textRect, false);
+ _gfxText32.drawTextBox(_visibleText);
+ if (_visible) {
+ assert(_screenItem);
+ _screenItem->update();
+ if (doFrameOut) {
+ g_sci->_gfxFrameout->frameOut(true);
+ }
+ }
+reg_t GfxControls32::makeScrollWindow(const Common::Rect &gameRect, const Common::Point &position, const reg_t planeObj, const uint8 defaultForeColor, const uint8 defaultBackColor, const GuiResourceId defaultFontId, const TextAlign defaultAlignment, const int16 defaultBorderColor, const uint16 maxNumEntries) {
+ ScrollWindow *scrollWindow = new ScrollWindow(_segMan, gameRect, position, planeObj, defaultForeColor, defaultBackColor, defaultFontId, defaultAlignment, defaultBorderColor, maxNumEntries);
+ const uint16 id = _nextScrollWindowId++;
+ _scrollWindows[id] = scrollWindow;
+ return make_reg(0, id);
+ScrollWindow *GfxControls32::getScrollWindow(const reg_t id) {
+ ScrollWindowMap::iterator it;
+ it = _scrollWindows.find(id.toUint16());
+ if (it == _scrollWindows.end())
+ error("Invalid ScrollWindow ID");
+ return it->_value;
+void GfxControls32::destroyScrollWindow(const reg_t id) {
+ ScrollWindow *scrollWindow = getScrollWindow(id);
+ scrollWindow->hide();
+ _scrollWindows.erase(id.getOffset());
+ delete scrollWindow;
+#pragma mark -
+#pragma mark Message box
+int16 GfxControls32::showMessageBox(const Common::String &message, const char *const okLabel, const char *const altLabel, const int16 okValue, const int16 altValue) {
+ GUI::MessageDialog dialog(message, okLabel, altLabel);
+ return (dialog.runModal() == GUI::kMessageOK) ? okValue : altValue;
+reg_t GfxControls32::kernelMessageBox(const Common::String &message, const Common::String &title, const uint16 style) {
+ if (g_engine) {
+ g_engine->pauseEngine(true);
+ }
+ int16 result;
+ switch (style & 0xF) {
+ case kMessageBoxOK:
+ result = showMessageBox(message, _("OK"), NULL, 1, 1);
+ break;
+ case kMessageBoxYesNo:
+ result = showMessageBox(message, _("Yes"), _("No"), 6, 7);
+ break;
+ default:
+ error("Unsupported MessageBox style 0x%x", style & 0xF);
+ }
+ if (g_engine) {
+ g_engine->pauseEngine(false);
+ }
+ return make_reg(0, result);
} // End of namespace Sci