path: root/engines/sci/graphics/picture.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'engines/sci/graphics/picture.cpp')
1 files changed, 11 insertions, 84 deletions
diff --git a/engines/sci/graphics/picture.cpp b/engines/sci/graphics/picture.cpp
index d7d75adeb9..dbc3a88b4a 100644
--- a/engines/sci/graphics/picture.cpp
+++ b/engines/sci/graphics/picture.cpp
@@ -224,19 +224,20 @@ void GfxPicture::drawSci32Vga(int16 celNo, int16 drawX, int16 drawY, int16 pictu
+extern void unpackCelData(byte *inBuffer, byte *celBitmap, byte clearColor, int pixelCount, int rlePos, int literalPos, ViewType viewType, uint16 width, bool isMacSci11ViewData);
void GfxPicture::drawCelData(byte *inbuffer, int size, int headerPos, int rlePos, int literalPos, int16 drawX, int16 drawY, int16 pictureX) {
byte *celBitmap = NULL;
byte *ptr = NULL;
byte *headerPtr = inbuffer + headerPos;
byte *rlePtr = inbuffer + rlePos;
- byte *literalPtr = inbuffer + literalPos;
int16 displaceX, displaceY;
byte priority = _addToFlag ? _priority : 0;
byte clearColor;
bool compression = true;
- byte curByte, runLength;
+ byte curByte;
int16 y, lastY, x, leftX, rightX;
- int pixelNr, pixelCount;
+ int pixelCount;
uint16 width, height;
#ifdef ENABLE_SCI32
@@ -247,12 +248,11 @@ void GfxPicture::drawCelData(byte *inbuffer, int size, int headerPos, int rlePos
height = READ_LE_UINT16(headerPtr + 2);
displaceX = (signed char)headerPtr[4];
displaceY = (unsigned char)headerPtr[5];
- if (_resourceType == SCI_PICTURE_TYPE_SCI11) {
+ if (_resourceType == SCI_PICTURE_TYPE_SCI11)
// SCI1.1 uses hardcoded clearcolor for pictures, even if cel header specifies otherwise
clearColor = _screen->getColorWhite();
- } else {
+ else
clearColor = headerPtr[6];
- }
#ifdef ENABLE_SCI32
} else {
width = READ_SCI11ENDIAN_UINT16(headerPtr + 0);
@@ -268,91 +268,18 @@ void GfxPicture::drawCelData(byte *inbuffer, int size, int headerPos, int rlePos
if (displaceX || displaceY)
error("unsupported embedded cel-data in picture");
+ // We will unpack cel-data into a temporary buffer and then plot it to screen
+ // That needs to be done cause a mirrored picture may be requested
pixelCount = width * height;
celBitmap = new byte[pixelCount];
if (!celBitmap)
error("Unable to allocate temporary memory for picture drawing");
- if (compression) {
- // We will unpack cel-data into a temporary buffer and then plot it to screen
- // That needs to be done cause a mirrored picture may be requested
- memset(celBitmap, clearColor, pixelCount);
- pixelNr = 0;
- ptr = celBitmap;
- if (literalPos == 0) {
- // decompression for data that has only one stream (vecor embedded view data)
- switch (_resMan->getViewType()) {
- case kViewEga:
- while (pixelNr < pixelCount) {
- curByte = *rlePtr++;
- runLength = curByte >> 4;
- memset(ptr + pixelNr, curByte & 0x0F, MIN<uint16>(runLength, pixelCount - pixelNr));
- pixelNr += runLength;
- }
- break;
- case kViewVga:
- case kViewVga11:
- while (pixelNr < pixelCount) {
- curByte = *rlePtr++;
- runLength = curByte & 0x3F;
- switch (curByte & 0xC0) {
- case 0: // copy bytes as-is
- while (runLength-- && pixelNr < pixelCount)
- ptr[pixelNr++] = *rlePtr++;
- break;
- case 0x80: // fill with color
- memset(ptr + pixelNr, *rlePtr++, MIN<uint16>(runLength, pixelCount - pixelNr));
- pixelNr += runLength;
- break;
- case 0xC0: // fill with transparent
- pixelNr += runLength;
- break;
- }
- }
- break;
- case kViewAmiga:
- while (pixelNr < pixelCount) {
- curByte = *rlePtr++;
- if (curByte & 0x07) { // fill with color
- runLength = curByte & 0x07;
- curByte = curByte >> 3;
- while (runLength-- && pixelNr < pixelCount) {
- ptr[pixelNr++] = curByte;
- }
- } else { // fill with transparent
- runLength = curByte >> 3;
- pixelNr += runLength;
- }
- }
- break;
- default:
- error("Unsupported picture viewtype");
- }
- } else {
- // decompression for data that has two separate streams (probably SCI 1.1 picture)
- while (pixelNr < pixelCount) {
- curByte = *rlePtr++;
- runLength = curByte & 0x3F;
- switch (curByte & 0xC0) {
- case 0: // copy bytes as-is
- while (runLength-- && pixelNr < pixelCount)
- ptr[pixelNr++] = *literalPtr++;
- break;
- case 0x80: // fill with color
- memset(ptr + pixelNr, *literalPtr++, MIN<uint16>(runLength, pixelCount - pixelNr));
- pixelNr += runLength;
- break;
- case 0xC0: // fill with transparent
- pixelNr += runLength;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
+ if (compression)
+ unpackCelData(inbuffer, celBitmap, clearColor, pixelCount, rlePos, literalPos, _resMan->getViewType(), width, false);
+ else
// No compression (some SCI32 pictures)
memcpy(celBitmap, rlePtr, pixelCount);
- }
Common::Rect displayArea = _coordAdjuster->pictureGetDisplayArea();