path: root/engines/sherlock/tattoo/tattoo_scene.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'engines/sherlock/tattoo/tattoo_scene.cpp')
1 files changed, 125 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/engines/sherlock/tattoo/tattoo_scene.cpp b/engines/sherlock/tattoo/tattoo_scene.cpp
index ce20f17730..a64c86b24b 100644
--- a/engines/sherlock/tattoo/tattoo_scene.cpp
+++ b/engines/sherlock/tattoo/tattoo_scene.cpp
@@ -803,10 +803,134 @@ void TattooScene::setupBGArea(const byte cMap[PALETTE_SIZE]) {
int TattooScene::startCAnim(int cAnimNum, int playRate) {
- error("TODO: startCAnim");
+ TattooEngine &vm = *(TattooEngine *)_vm;
+ Events &events = *_vm->_events;
+ TattooPeople &people = *(TattooPeople *)_vm->_people;
+ Resources &res = *_vm->_res;
+ Talk &talk = *_vm->_talk;
+ UserInterface &ui = *_vm->_ui;
+ // Exit immediately if the anim number is out of range, or the anim doesn't have a position specified
+ if (cAnimNum < 0 || cAnimNum >= (int)_cAnim.size() || _cAnim[cAnimNum]._position.x == -1)
+ // Return out of range error
+ return -1;
+ // Get the co-ordinates that the Player & NPC #1 must walk to and end on
+ CAnim &cAnim = _cAnim[cAnimNum];
+ PositionFacing goto1 = cAnim._goto[0];
+ PositionFacing goto2 = cAnim._goto[1];
+ PositionFacing teleport1 = cAnim._teleport[0];
+ PositionFacing teleport2 = cAnim._teleport[1];
+ // If the co-ordinates are valid (not -1), adjust them by the fixed int multiplier
+ ADJUST_COORD(goto1.x);
+ ADJUST_COORD(goto1.y);
+ ADJUST_COORD(goto2.x);
+ ADJUST_COORD(goto2.y);
+ ADJUST_COORD(teleport1.x);
+ ADJUST_COORD(teleport1.y);
+ ADJUST_COORD(teleport2.x);
+ ADJUST_COORD(teleport2.y);
+ // See if the Player must walk to a position before the animation starts
+ SpriteType savedPlayerType = people[HOLMES]._type;
+ if (goto1.x != -1 && people[HOLMES]._type == CHARACTER) {
+ if (people[HOLMES]._position != goto1)
+ people[HOLMES].walkToCoords(goto1, goto1._facing);
+ }
+ if (talk._talkToAbort)
+ return 1;
+ // See if NPC #1 must walk to a position before the animation starts
+ SpriteType savedNPCType = people[WATSON]._type;
+ if (goto2.x != -1 && people[WATSON]._type == CHARACTER) {
+ if (people[WATSON]._position != goto2)
+ people[WATSON].walkToCoords(goto2, goto2._facing);
+ }
+ if (talk._talkToAbort)
+ return 1;
+ // Turn the player (and NPC #1 if neccessary) off before running the canimation
+ if (teleport1.x != -1 && savedPlayerType == CHARACTER)
+ people[HOLMES]._type = REMOVE;
+ if (teleport2.x != -1 && savedNPCType == CHARACTER)
+ people[WATSON]._type = REMOVE;
+ if (ui._windowOpen)
+ ui.banishWindow();
+ //_activeCAnim._filesize = cAnim._size;
+ // Open up the room resource file and get the data for the animation
+ Common::SeekableReadStream *stream = res.load(_rrmName);
+ stream->seek(44 + cAnimNum * 4);
+ stream->seek(stream->readUint32LE());
+ Common::SeekableReadStream *animStream = stream->readStream(cAnim._size);
+ delete stream;
+ // Set up the active animation
+ _activeCAnim._position = cAnim._position;
+ _activeCAnim._oldBounds = Common::Rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ _activeCAnim._flags = cAnim._flags;
+ _activeCAnim._scaleVal = cAnim._scaleVal;
+ _activeCAnim._zPlacement = 0;
+ _activeCAnim.load(animStream);
+ while (_activeCAnim.active() && !_vm->shouldQuit()) {
+ doBgAnim();
+ events.pollEvents();
+ if (events.kbHit()) {
+ Common::KeyState keyState = events.getKey();
+ if (keyState.keycode == Common::KEYCODE_ESCAPE && vm._runningProlog) {
+ _vm->setFlags(-76);
+ _vm->setFlags(396);
+ _goToScene = 1;
+ talk._talkToAbort = true;
+ _activeCAnim.close();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Turn the people back on
+ people[HOLMES]._type = savedPlayerType;
+ if (teleport2.x != -1)
+ people[WATSON]._type = savedNPCType;
+ // Teleport the Player to the ending coordinates if necessary
+ if (teleport1.x != -1 && savedPlayerType == CHARACTER) {
+ people[HOLMES]._position = teleport1;
+ people[HOLMES]._sequenceNumber = teleport1._facing;
+ people[HOLMES].gotoStand();
+ }
+ // Teleport Watson to the ending coordinates if necessary
+ if (teleport2.x != -1 && savedNPCType == CHARACTER) {
+ people[WATSON]._position = teleport2;
+ people[WATSON]._sequenceNumber = teleport2._facing;
+ people[WATSON].gotoStand();
+ }
+ // Flag the Canimation to be cleared
+ _activeCAnim._zPlacement = REMOVE;
+ _activeCAnim._removeBounds = _activeCAnim._oldBounds;
+ // Free up the animation
+ _activeCAnim.close();
+ return 1;
void TattooScene::setNPCPath(int npc) {
TattooPeople &people = *(TattooPeople *)_vm->_people;
Talk &talk = *_vm->_talk;