path: root/engines/sherlock/tattoo/widget_quit.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'engines/sherlock/tattoo/widget_quit.cpp')
1 files changed, 139 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/engines/sherlock/tattoo/widget_quit.cpp b/engines/sherlock/tattoo/widget_quit.cpp
index f1217ffb81..c44a4887f8 100644
--- a/engines/sherlock/tattoo/widget_quit.cpp
+++ b/engines/sherlock/tattoo/widget_quit.cpp
@@ -22,13 +22,151 @@
#include "sherlock/tattoo/widget_quit.h"
#include "sherlock/tattoo/tattoo.h"
+#include "sherlock/tattoo/tattoo_fixed_text.h"
+#include "sherlock/tattoo/tattoo_scene.h"
+#include "sherlock/tattoo/tattoo_user_interface.h"
namespace Sherlock {
namespace Tattoo {
+WidgetQuit::WidgetQuit(SherlockEngine *vm) : WidgetBase(vm) {
+ _select = _oldSelect = -1;
void WidgetQuit::show() {
- // TODO
+ Screen &screen = *_vm->_screen;
+ TattooUserInterface &ui = *(TattooUserInterface *)_vm->_ui;
+ ImageFile &images = *ui._interfaceImages;
+ const char *YES = FIXED(Yes);
+ const char *NO = FIXED(No);
+ // Set up the display area
+ _bounds = Common::Rect(_surface.stringWidth(FIXED(AreYouSureYou)) + _surface.widestChar() * 2,
+ (_surface.fontHeight() + 7) * 4);
+ _bounds.moveTo((SHERLOCK_SCREEN_WIDTH - _bounds.width()) / 2 + screen._currentScroll.x,
+ SHERLOCK_SCREEN_HEIGHT - _bounds.height() - 100);
+ // Create the surface
+ _surface.create(_bounds.width(), _bounds.height());
+ _surface.fill(TRANSPARENCY);
+ makeInfoArea();
+ // Draw the message text
+ _surface.writeString(FIXED(AreYouSureYou), Common::Point((_surface.w() - _surface.stringWidth(FIXED(AreYouSureYou))) / 2, 5), INFO_TOP);
+ _surface.writeString(FIXED(WishToQuit), Common::Point((_surface.w() - _surface.stringWidth(FIXED(WishToQuit))) / 2,
+ _surface.fontHeight() + 9), INFO_TOP);
+ // Draw the horizontal bars seperating the commands and the message
+ int yp = (_surface.fontHeight() + 4) * 2 + 3;
+ for (int idx = 0; idx < 2; ++idx) {
+ _surface.transBlitFrom(images[4], Common::Point(0, yp - 1));
+ _surface.transBlitFrom(images[5], Common::Point(_surface.w() - images[5]._width, yp - 1));
+ _surface.hLine(3, yp, _surface.w() - 4, INFO_TOP);
+ _surface.hLine(3, yp + 1, _surface.w() - 4, INFO_MIDDLE);
+ _surface.hLine(3, yp + 2, _surface.w() - 4, INFO_BOTTOM);
+ const char *btn = (idx == 0) ? YES : NO;
+ _surface.writeString(btn, Common::Point((_bounds.width() - _surface.stringWidth(btn)) / 2, yp + 5), INFO_TOP);
+ yp += _surface.fontHeight() + 7;
+ }
+ ui._menuMode = QUIT_MODE;
+void WidgetQuit::handleEvents() {
+ Events &events = *_vm->_events;
+ Talk &talk = *_vm->_talk;
+ Common::Point mousePos = events.mousePos();
+ Common::Rect btn1Rect(_bounds.left, _bounds.top + (_surface.fontHeight() + 4) * 2 + 3, _bounds.right,
+ _bounds.top + (_surface.fontHeight() + 4) * 2 + 3 + _surface.fontHeight() + 7);
+ Common::Rect btn2Rect(_bounds.left, _bounds.top + (_surface.fontHeight() + 4) * 2 + _surface.fontHeight() + 10,
+ _bounds.right, _bounds.top + (_surface.fontHeight() + 4) * 2 + 3 + _surface.fontHeight() + 7);
+ if (talk._talkToAbort)
+ return;
+ if (events.kbHit()) {
+ Common::KeyState keyState = events.getKey();
+ switch (keyState.keycode) {
+ case Common::KEYCODE_TAB:
+ _select = -1;
+ if (btn1Rect.contains(mousePos))
+ _select = 1;
+ else if (btn2Rect.contains(mousePos))
+ _select = 0;
+ // If the mouse is not over any of the options, move the mouse so that it points to the first option
+ if (_select == -1)
+ events.warpMouse(Common::Point(_bounds.right - 10, _bounds.top + (_surface.fontHeight() + 4) * 2
+ + 3 + _surface.fontHeight() + 1));
+ else if (_select == 1)
+ events.warpMouse(Common::Point(mousePos.x, _bounds.top + (_surface.fontHeight() + 4) * 2
+ + 3 + _surface.fontHeight() * 2 + 11));
+ else
+ events.warpMouse(Common::Point(mousePos.x, _bounds.top + (_surface.fontHeight() + 4) * 2
+ + 3 + _surface.fontHeight() + 1));
+ break;
+ case Common::KEYCODE_ESCAPE:
+ case Common::KEYCODE_n:
+ close();
+ return;
+ case Common::KEYCODE_y:
+ close();
+ _vm->quitGame();
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Check for highlight
+ _select = -1;
+ if (btn1Rect.contains(mousePos))
+ _select = 0;
+ else if (btn2Rect.contains(mousePos))
+ _select = 1;
+ if (_select != _oldSelect) {
+ // Highlight changed,
+ byte color = (_select == 1) ? COMMAND_HIGHLIGHTED : INFO_TOP;
+ int yp = (_surface.fontHeight() + 4) * 2 + 8;
+ _surface.writeString(FIXED(Yes), Common::Point((_surface.w() - _surface.stringWidth(FIXED(Yes))) / 2, yp), color);
+ color = (_select == 0) ? COMMAND_HIGHLIGHTED : INFO_TOP;
+ yp += (_surface.fontHeight() + 7);
+ _surface.writeString(FIXED(No), Common::Point((_surface.w() - _surface.stringWidth(FIXED(No))) / 2, yp), color);
+ }
+ _oldSelect = _select;
+ // Flag is they started pressing outside of the menu
+ if (events._firstPress && !_bounds.contains(mousePos))
+ _outsideMenu = true;
+ if (events._released || events._rightReleased) {
+ _select = -1;
+ _outsideMenu = false;
+ if (btn2Rect.contains(mousePos)) {
+ close();
+ } else if (btn1Rect.contains(mousePos)) {
+ close();
+ _vm->quitGame();
+ }
+ }
+void WidgetQuit::close() {
+ TattooScene &scene = *(TattooScene *)_vm->_scene;
+ TattooUserInterface &ui = *(TattooUserInterface *)_vm->_ui;
+ banishWindow();
+ ui._menuMode = scene._labTableScene ? LAB_MODE : STD_MODE;
} // End of namespace Tattoo