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diff --git a/engines/sci/engine/script_patches.cpp b/engines/sci/engine/script_patches.cpp
index 7256accdf4..f5595908d8 100644
--- a/engines/sci/engine/script_patches.cpp
+++ b/engines/sci/engine/script_patches.cpp
@@ -14000,6 +14000,49 @@ static const uint16 qfg4Room661LockSqueakPatch[] = {
+// When exiting the Thieves' Guild secret passage (room 340) to the town bridge
+// (room 290), hero appears in an out of bounds area on the far right of the
+// screen for 120 ticks and then abruptly teleports to the bridge secret exit.
+// This is due to not initializing hero until after the 120 tick delay, causing
+// him to be initially visible in his position from the previous room.
+// We fix this by hiding hero initially so that he appears when emerging from
+// the secret exit under the bridge after the delay.
+// Applies to: All versions
+// Responsible method: sThiefEnter:changeState
+// Fixes bug: #10774
+static const uint16 qfg4BridgeSecretExitSignature[] = {
+ 0x3c, // dup
+ 0x35, 0x00, // ldi 00
+ 0x1a, // eq?
+ 0x31, 0x07, // bnt 07 [ state 1 ]
+ 0x35, 0x78, // ldi 78
+ 0x65, SIG_ADDTOOFFSET(+1), // aTop ticks [ ticks = 120 ]
+ 0x32, SIG_UINT16(0x00dd), // jmp 00dd [ end of method ]
+ 0x3c, // dup
+ 0x35, 0x01, // ldi 01
+ 0x1a, // eq?
+ 0x30, SIG_UINT16(0x0020), // bnt 0020 [ state 2 ]
+static const uint16 qfg4BridgeSecretExitPatch[] = {
+ 0x2f, 0x0c, // bt 0c [ state 1 ]
+ 0x39, PATCH_SELECTOR8(hide), // pushi hide
+ 0x76, // push0
+ 0x81, 0x00, // lag 00
+ 0x4a, PATCH_UINT16(0x0004), // send 04 [ hero hide: ]
+ 0x35, 0x78, // ldi 78
+ 0x65, PATCH_GETORIGINALBYTE(+9), // aTop ticks [ ticks = 120 ]
+ 0x3c, // dup
+ 0x35, 0x01, // ldi 01
+ 0x1a, // eq?
+ 0x31, 0x20, // bnt 20 [ state 2 ]
// script, description, signature patch
static const SciScriptPatcherEntry qfg4Signatures[] = {
{ true, 0, "prevent autosave from deleting save games", 1, qfg4AutosaveSignature, qfg4AutosavePatch },
@@ -14027,6 +14070,7 @@ static const SciScriptPatcherEntry qfg4Signatures[] = {
{ true, 270, "fix town gate after a staff dream", 1, qfg4DreamGateSignature, qfg4DreamGatePatch },
{ true, 270, "fix town gate doormat at night", 1, qfg4TownGateDoormatSignature, qfg4TownGateDoormatPatch },
{ true, 290, "fix chase repeating", 1, qfg4ChaseRepeatsSignature, qfg4ChaseRepeatsPatch },
+ { true, 290, "fix bridge secret exit", 1, qfg4BridgeSecretExitSignature, qfg4BridgeSecretExitPatch },
{ true, 300, "fix empty burgomeister room teller", 1, qfg4EmptyBurgoRoomSignature, qfg4EmptyBurgoRoomPatch },
{ true, 320, "fix pathfinding at the inn", 1, qfg4InnPathfindingSignature, qfg4InnPathfindingPatch },
{ true, 320, "fix talking to absent innkeeper", 1, qfg4AbsentInnkeeperSignature, qfg4AbsentInnkeeperPatch },