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2 files changed, 243 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/engines/avalanche/scrolls2.cpp b/engines/avalanche/scrolls2.cpp
index 8250880f98..1f85ba0eb1 100644
--- a/engines/avalanche/scrolls2.cpp
+++ b/engines/avalanche/scrolls2.cpp
@@ -273,21 +273,237 @@ Common::String Scrolls::lsd() {
-void Scrolls::strip(Common::String &q) {
- warning("STUB: Scrolls::strip()");
+void Scrolls::strip(Common::String &q) { // Strip trailing spaces.
+ while (q[q.size() - 1] == ' ') {
+ q.deleteLastChar();
+ }
void Scrolls::solidify(byte n) {
- warning("STUB: Scrolls::solidify()");
+ if (!_vm->_gyro->scroll[n].contains(' '))
+ return; // No spaces.
+ // So there MUST be a space there, somewhere...
+ do {
+ _vm->_gyro->scroll[n + 1] = _vm->_gyro->scroll[n][_vm->_gyro->scroll[n].size() - 1] + _vm->_gyro->scroll[n + 1];
+ _vm->_gyro->scroll[n].deleteLastChar();
+ } while (!_vm->_gyro->scroll[n][_vm->_gyro->scroll[n].size() - 1] != ' ');
+ strip(_vm->_gyro->scroll[n]);
void Scrolls::calldrivers() {
+ uint16 fv;
+ byte nn;
+ char nnn;
+ bool mouthnext;
+ bool call_spriterun; // Only call sprite_run the FIRST time.
+ bool was_virtual; // Was the mouse cursor virtual on entry to this proc?
+ //nosound();
warning("STUB: Scrolls::calldrivers()");
+ state(0);
+ _vm->_gyro->screturn = false;
+ mouthnext = false;
+ call_spriterun = true;
+ switch (_vm->_gyro->buffer[_vm->_gyro->bufsize - 1]) {
+ case kControlToBuffer:
+ _vm->_gyro->bufsize--;
+ break; // ^D = (D)on't include pagebreak
+ case kControlSpeechBubble:
+ case kControlQuestion:
+ break; // ^B = speech (B)ubble, ^Q = (Q)uestion in dialogue box
+ default: {
+ _vm->_gyro->bufsize++;
+ _vm->_gyro->buffer[_vm->_gyro->bufsize - 1] = kControlParagraph;
+ }
+ }
+ for (fv = 0; fv <= _vm->_gyro->bufsize; fv++)
+ if (mouthnext) {
+ if (_vm->_gyro->buffer[fv] == kControlRegister)
+ param = 0;
+ else
+ if (('0' < _vm->_gyro->buffer[fv]) && (_vm->_gyro->buffer[fv] < '9'))
+ param = _vm->_gyro->buffer[fv] - 48;
+ else if (('A' < _vm->_gyro->buffer[fv]) && (_vm->_gyro->buffer[fv] < 'Z'))
+ param = _vm->_gyro->buffer[fv] - 55;
+ mouthnext = false;
+ } else
+ switch (_vm->_gyro->buffer[fv]) {
+ case kControlParagraph: {
+ if ((_vm->_gyro->scrolln == 0) && (_vm->_gyro->scroll[0].empty()))
+ break;
+ if (call_spriterun)
+ _vm->_lucerna->sprite_run();
+ call_spriterun = false;
+ was_virtual = _vm->_gyro->visible == _vm->_gyro->m_virtual;
+ if (was_virtual)
+ _vm->_gyro->off_virtual();
+ drawscroll(&Avalanche::Scrolls::normscroll);
+ if (was_virtual)
+ _vm->_gyro->on_virtual();
+ resetscroll();
+ if (_vm->_gyro->screturn)
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case kControlBell:
+ _vm->_gyro->scrollbells++;
+ break; // #7 = "Bel"
+ case kControlSpeechBubble: {
+ if ((_vm->_gyro->scrolln == 0) && (_vm->_gyro->scroll[0].empty()))
+ break;
+ if (call_spriterun)
+ _vm->_lucerna->sprite_run();
+ call_spriterun = false;
+ if (param == 0)
+ natural();
+ else if ((1 <= param) && (param <= 9))
+ if ((param > _vm->_trip->numtr) || (!_vm->_trip->tr[param].quick)) { // Not valid.
+ _vm->_lucerna->errorled();
+ natural();
+ } else
+ _vm->_trip->tr[param].chatter(); // Normal sprite talking routine.
+ else if ((10 <= param) && (param <= 36)) {
+ /* Quasi-peds. (This routine performs the same
+ thing with QPs as triptype.chatter does with the
+ sprites.) */
+ _vm->_gyro->talkx = _vm->_gyro->peds[_vm->_gyro->quasipeds[param].whichped].x;
+ _vm->_gyro->talky = _vm->_gyro->peds[_vm->_gyro->quasipeds[param].whichped].y; // Position.
+ _vm->_gyro->talkf = _vm->_gyro->quasipeds[param].fgc;
+ _vm->_gyro->talkb = _vm->_gyro->quasipeds[param].bgc; // Colours.
+ } else {
+ _vm->_lucerna->errorled(); // Not valid.
+ natural();
+ }
+ was_virtual = _vm->_gyro->visible == _vm->_gyro->m_virtual;
+ if (was_virtual)
+ _vm->_gyro->off_virtual();
+ bubble(&Avalanche::Scrolls::normscroll);
+ if (was_virtual)
+ _vm->_gyro->on_virtual();
+ resetscroll();
+ if (_vm->_gyro->screturn)
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case kControlNegative: {
+ switch (param) {
+ case 1:
+ display(lsd() + kControlToBuffer);
+ break; /* insert cash balance (recursion) */
+ case 2:
+ display(_vm->_acci->words[_vm->_acci->first_password + _vm->_gyro->dna.pass_num].w + kControlToBuffer);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ display(_vm->_gyro->dna.like2drink + kControlToBuffer);
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ display(_vm->_gyro->dna.favourite_song + kControlToBuffer);
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ display(_vm->_gyro->dna.worst_place_on_earth + kControlToBuffer);
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ display(_vm->_gyro->dna.spare_evening + kControlToBuffer);
+ break;
+ case 9:
+ display(_vm->_gyro->strf(_vm->_gyro->dna.cat_x) + ',' + _vm->_gyro->strf(_vm->_gyro->dna.cat_y) + kControlToBuffer);
+ break;
+ case 10:
+ switch (_vm->_gyro->dna.box_contents) {
+ case 0: { // Sixpence.
+ _vm->_visa->dixi('q', 37); // You find the sixpence.
+ _vm->_gyro->dna.pence += 6;
+ _vm->_gyro->dna.box_contents = _vm->_acci->nowt;
+ _vm->_lucerna->points(2);
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case _vm->_acci->nowt:
+ display("nothing at all. It's completely empty.");
+ break;
+ default:
+ display(_vm->_gyro->get_better(_vm->_gyro->dna.box_contents) + '.');
+ }
+ break;
+ case 11: {
+ nn = 1;
+ for (nnn = 0; nnn < numobjs; nnn++)
+ if (_vm->_gyro->dna.obj[nnn]) {
+ nn ++;
+ display(_vm->_gyro->get_better(nnn) + ", " + kControlToBuffer);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case kControlIcon:
+ use_icon = param;
+ break;
+ case kControlNewLine:
+ _vm->_gyro->scrolln++;
+ break;
+ case kControlQuestion: {
+ if (call_spriterun)
+ _vm->_lucerna->sprite_run();
+ call_spriterun = false;
+ _vm->_gyro->scrolln++;
+ _vm->_gyro->scroll[_vm->_gyro->scrolln] = kControlQuestion;
+ was_virtual = _vm->_gyro->visible == _vm->_gyro->m_virtual;
+ if (was_virtual)
+ _vm->_gyro->off_virtual();
+ drawscroll(&Avalanche::Scrolls::dialogue);
+ if (was_virtual)
+ _vm->_gyro->on_virtual();
+ resetscroll();
+ }
+ break;
+ case kControlRegister:
+ mouthnext = true;
+ break;
+ case kControlInsertSpaces:
+ for (nn = 0; nn < 9; nn++) _vm->_gyro->scroll[_vm->_gyro->scrolln] = _vm->_gyro->scroll[_vm->_gyro->scrolln] + ' ';
+ break;
+ default: { // Add new char.
+ if (_vm->_gyro->scroll[_vm->_gyro->scrolln].size() == 50) {
+ solidify(_vm->_gyro->scrolln);
+ _vm->_gyro->scrolln++;
+ }
+ _vm->_gyro->scroll[_vm->_gyro->scrolln] = _vm->_gyro->scroll[_vm->_gyro->scrolln] + _vm->_gyro->buffer[fv];
+ }
+ }
void Scrolls::display(Common::String z) {
_vm->_gyro->bufsize = z.size();
- memcpy(_vm->_gyro->buffer, z.c_str() + 1, _vm->_gyro->bufsize);
+ memcpy(_vm->_gyro->buffer, z.c_str(), _vm->_gyro->bufsize);
diff --git a/engines/avalanche/scrolls2.h b/engines/avalanche/scrolls2.h
index 5fdbab7f86..1caaf5e037 100644
--- a/engines/avalanche/scrolls2.h
+++ b/engines/avalanche/scrolls2.h
@@ -77,14 +77,34 @@ private:
static const int16 roman = 0;
static const int16 italic = 1;
- static const int16 halficonwidth = 19; /* Half the width of an icon. */
+ static const int16 halficonwidth = 19; // Half the width of an icon.
+ // Constants to replace the command characters from Pascal:
+ // For more information, see: https://github.com/urukgit/avalot/wiki/Scrolldrivers
+ static const char kControlSpeechBubble = 2; // ^B
+ static const char kControlCenter = 3; // ^C
+ static const char kControlToBuffer = 4; // ^D
+ static const char kControlBell = 7; // ^G
+ static const char kControlInsertSpaces = 9; // ^I
+ static const char kControlLeftJustified = 12; // ^L
+ static const char kControlNewLine = 13; // ^M
+ static const char kControlParagraph = 16; // ^P
+ static const char kControlQuestion = 17; // ^Q
+ static const char kControlRegister = 19; // ^S
+ static const char kControlNegative = 21; // ^U
+ static const char kControlIcon = 22; // ^V
int16 dix, diy;
raw ch[2];
- byte cfont; /* Current font */
+ byte cfont; // Current font
int16 dodgex, dodgey;
- byte param; /* For using arguments code */
+ byte param; // For using arguments code
byte use_icon;