path: root/engines
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1 files changed, 5 insertions, 62 deletions
diff --git a/engines/cge/vga13h.cpp b/engines/cge/vga13h.cpp
index a6275a3929..43de8dc9b7 100644
--- a/engines/cge/vga13h.cpp
+++ b/engines/cge/vga13h.cpp
@@ -1319,69 +1319,12 @@ void Bitmap::show(int x, int y) {
void Bitmap::hide(int x, int y) {
- /*
- uint8 *scr = VGA::Page[1] + y * (SCR_WID / 4) + x / 4;
- uint16 d = FP_OFF(VGA::Page[2]) - FP_OFF(VGA::Page[1]);
- HideDesc *b = B;
- uint16 extra = ((x & 3) != 0);
- uint16 h = H;
- // asm push bx
- asm push si
- asm push ds
- asm cld
- asm les di,scr
- asm mov si,di
- asm add si,d // take bytes from background page
- asm lds bx,b
- asm mov dx,VGAGRA_
- asm mov al,0x05 // R/W mode
- asm out dx,al
- asm inc dx
- asm in al,dx
- asm and al,0xF4
- asm push ax
- asm push dx
- asm or al,0x01
- asm out dx,al
- asm mov dx,VGASEQ_
- asm mov ax,0x0F02 // enable all planes
- asm out dx,ax
+ for (int yp = y; yp < y + _h; ++yp) {
+ const byte *srcP = (const byte *)VGA::Page[2]->getBasePtr(x, yp);
+ byte *destP = (byte *)VGA::Page[1]->getBasePtr(x, yp);
- asm mov dx,ds // save DS
- row:
- // skip block
- asm mov cx,[bx]
- asm add si,cx
- asm add di,cx
- asm mov cx,[bx+2]
- asm add bx,4
- asm add cx,extra
- asm push es
- asm pop ds // set DS to video seg
- asm rep movsb // move bytes fast
- asm sub si,extra
- asm sub di,extra
- asm mov ds,dx // restore DS
- asm dec h
- asm jnz row
- asm pop dx
- asm pop ax
- asm out dx,al // end of copy mode
- asm pop ds
- asm pop si
- // asm pop bx
- */
- warning("STUB: Bitmap::hide");
+ Common::copy(srcP, srcP + _w, destP);
+ }
} // End of namespace CGE