Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author |
- Grouped all the frame_* variables
- Removed the unused mouseY_ant variable
x_dr/y_dr -> drasculaX/drasculaY
x_bj/y_bj -> bjX/bjY
vb -> VonBraun
wolf -> werewolf
pos_cabina -> cabinPos
dir_lectura -> pal
plt -> colorCount
palNegra -> blackPalette
cont_sv -> framesWithoutAction
svn-id: r32577
svn-id: r32569
like it will try to use the most recently opened file, which is probably not a
sound at all.)
svn-id: r32568
svn-id: r32557
svn-id: r32556
svn-id: r32555
added debug output when they're called
- Simplified calls to converse()
- Removed the useless para_codificar buffers
- Renamed checkFlag -> checkAction
svn-id: r32554
the sound is active or not)
- mesa -> volumeControls
- Cleanup of volumeControls()
- fliplay -> playFLI, and removed openSSN() and EndSSN()
- Some translations:
button_izq -> leftMouseButton
button_dch -> rightMouseButton
animation_rayo -> animation_ray
hueso -> bone
vuela -> fly
svn-id: r32552
svn-id: r32546
shown in the selected game slot
svn-id: r32545
(since delay() waits for double the time internally)
svn-id: r32544
svn-id: r32541
c_mirar -> curExcuseLook
c_poder -> curExcuseAction
sentido -> trackCharacter
mirar_t -> lookExcuses
poder_t -> actionExcuses
svn-id: r32535
svn-id: r32534
nivel_osc -> palLevel
Simplified calls to loadPic()
svn-id: r32533
svn-id: r32532
Added debug output when entering/exiting rooms
svn-id: r32530
talk_sinc -> talk_sync
n_ejec2 -> savedChapter
Removed updatePalette()
Simplified enterNewRoom()
Merged para_cargar() and loadGame()
Slight cleanup to withoutVerb()
Removed set_dac and set_dacSSN
svn-id: r32528
sentido_igor -> trackIgor
sentido_bj -> trackBJ
svn-id: r32527
pon_hare -> moveCharacters
hare_oscuro -> setDarkPalette
hare_claro -> setBrightPalette
funde_hare -> setPaletteBase
conta_blind_vez -> savedTime
paleta_hare -> assignDefaultPalette
paleta_hare_claro -> assignBrightPalette
paleta_hare_oscuro -> assignDarkPalette
distance_x/distance_y -> distanceX/distanceY
palHare -> defaultPalette
palHareClaro -> brightPalette
palHareOscuro -> darkPalette
pos_murci -> batPos
murci_x/murci_y -> batX/batY
blind_x/blind_y -> blindX/blindY
svn-id: r32526
sentido_dr -> trackDrascula
sentido_hare -> trackProtagonist
sentido_final -> trackFinal
lleva_al_hare -> gotoObject
pon_vb/sentido_vb -> moveVB/trackVB
hay_seleccion -> selectionMade
suelo -> floor
obj_salir -> objIsExit
sitio_x/sitio_y -> roomX/roomY
fundido -> fade
cuanto -> duration (in pause())
pos_hare -> curPos
nom_fich -> fileName
sitiobj_x/sitiobj_y -> roomObjX/roomObjY
sentidobj -> trackObj
cirio -> candle
pianista -> pianist
suma_1_pixel -> talkOffset
sincronia -> syncChar
svn-id: r32512
ancho_hare -> curWidth
alto_hare -> curHeight
direccion_hare -> curDirection
Some slight cleanup
svn-id: r32508
comprueba -> verify1
x_barra -> verbBarX
conta_vez -> startTime
diff_vez -> timeDiff
Some cleanup
svn-id: r32507
salgo -> roomExit
num_cara -> faceBuffer
pantalla -> curScreen
svn-id: r32503
svn-id: r32490
svn-id: r32489
svn-id: r32484
not to attempt and reopen the ARJ file)
svn-id: r32483
Multilingual English/German/French CD of Drascula
svn-id: r32478
svn-id: r32477
svn-id: r32475
svn-id: r32473
Will break your game unless you put packet.001 into game directory.
Not everything has been hooked and files fallback and detection is not
yet implemented
svn-id: r32461
svn-id: r32445
svn-id: r32444
talk_dr_izq -> talk_drascula
Merged talk_drascula and talk_dr_dch
svn-id: r32425
svn-id: r32424
svn-id: r32423
svn-id: r32422
y_de_signos -> signY
pos_texto -> textPos
svn-id: r32421
svn-id: r32418
num_ejec -> currentChapter
svn-id: r32417
svn-id: r32416
svn-id: r32410
anexo -> joined
LimitaVGA -> adjustToVGA
velas -> candles
VelocidadDeFundido -> fadeSpeed
anda_parriba -> walkUp
anda_pabajo -> walkDown
svn-id: r32409
svn-id: r32408
- Moved checkFlag to rooms.cpp
- x_de_letra/y_de_letra -> letterX/letterY
- Made itemLocations a const
- Removed loads of now unneeded letter descriptions
svn-id: r32407
svn-id: r32406
- Simplified room_0()
- Some cleanup
svn-id: r32404
svn-id: r32403