path: root/engines/dreamweb/stubs.cpp
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2011-11-26DREAMWEB: 'usetempcharset' and 'usecharset1' ported to C++Bertrand Augereau
2011-11-26DREAMWEB: Ceaning in 'startloading'Bertrand Augereau
2011-11-23DREAMWEB: 'dolook' ported to C++Bertrand Augereau
2011-11-23DREAMWEB: 'look' ported to C++Bertrand Augereau
2011-11-23DREAMWEB: 'autolook' ported to C++Bertrand Augereau
2011-11-23DREAMWEB: 'findroominloc' ported to C++Bertrand Augereau
2011-11-22DREAMWEB: Sound structureBertrand Augereau
2011-11-22DREAMWEB: 'playchannel0' and 'playchannel1' ported to C++Bertrand Augereau
2011-11-21DREAMWEB: Stub wrappers with a better signature for 'playchannel[0|1]'Bertrand Augereau
2011-11-20DREAMWEB: Reduce code duplicationWillem Jan Palenstijn
2011-11-20DREAMWEB: Accessor for kQuitrequestedBertrand Augereau
2011-11-20DREAMWEB: 'screenupdate' ported to C++Bertrand Augereau
2011-11-20DREAMWEB: 'switchryanon' and 'switchryanoff' ported to C++Bertrand Augereau
2011-11-20DREAMWEB: 'startup' and 'startup1' ported to C++Bertrand Augereau
2011-11-20DREAMWEB: dochange(void) is not needed anymoreBertrand Augereau
2011-11-20DREAMWEB: 'dumpwatch' ported to C++Bertrand Augereau
2011-11-20DREAMWEB: Accessor for kTempcharsetBertrand Augereau
2011-11-20DREAMWEB: Accessors for kTempGraphicsBertrand Augereau
2011-11-19DREAMWEB: Minor cleanupWillem Jan Palenstijn
2011-11-18DREAMWEB: Add some sprite-related comments and namesWillem Jan Palenstijn
2011-11-18DREAMWEB: 'printcurs', 'delcurs' and 'hangoncurs' moved to monitor.cppBertrand Augereau
2011-11-18DREAMWEB: monitor.cpp to mirror monitor.asmBertrand Augereau
2011-11-18DREAMWEB: 'deallocatemem' overload that takes a parameterBertrand Augereau
2011-11-18DREAMWEB: C++ hardcoding of an asm hardcoded file nameBertrand Augereau
2011-11-18DREAMWEB: 'usemon' ported to C++Bertrand Augereau
2011-11-18DREAMWEB: 'printlogo' ported to C++Bertrand Augereau
2011-11-18DREAMWEB: 'hangoncurs' ported to C++Bertrand Augereau
2011-11-18DREAMWEB: Wrapped kTextunder buffer in an accessorBertrand Augereau
2011-11-18DREAMWEB: 'delcurs' ported to C++Bertrand Augereau
2011-11-18DREAMWEB: 'printcurs' ported to C++Bertrand Augereau
2011-11-18DREAMWEB: 'loadtempcharset' ported to C++Bertrand Augereau
2011-11-18DREAMWEB: 'loadintotemp', 'loadintotemp2', 'loadintotemp3' ported to C++Bertrand Augereau
2011-11-17DREAMWEB: Use of the terser 'standardload' in 'readsetdata'Bertrand Augereau
2011-11-17DREAMWEB: 'standardload' ported to C++Bertrand Augereau
2011-11-17DREAWMEB: Cleaning of the sound loading in 'readsetdata'Bertrand Augereau
2011-11-17DREAMWEB: 'readsetdata' ported to C++Bertrand Augereau
2011-11-17DREAMWEB: Old flavour of 'startloading' is not needed anymoreBertrand Augereau
2011-11-17DREAMWEB: Cleaning in room loadingBertrand Augereau
2011-11-17DREAMWEB: getroomdata has a better APIBertrand Augereau
2011-11-16DREAMWEB: Remove 'twodigitnum' entirelyWillem Jan Palenstijn
2011-11-16DREAMWEB: Convert 'loadroomssample'Willem Jan Palenstijn
2011-11-16DREAMWEB: Move 'loadroomssample' from dreamgenWillem Jan Palenstijn
2011-11-17DREAMWEB: 'showtime' ported to C++Bertrand Augereau
2011-11-16DREAMWEB: Comment and clean up twodigitnumWillem Jan Palenstijn
2011-11-16DREAMWEB: Add subtitles+speech FIXMEWillem Jan Palenstijn
2011-11-16DREAMWEB: 'twodigitnum' ported to C++Bertrand Augereau
2011-11-16DREAMWEB: Hopefully fix loading speechWillem Jan Palenstijn
The call to loadspeech() in setuptimedtemp() needs al set correctly, while the C++ wrapper skipped this.
2011-11-16DREAMWEB: keypad.cpp to mimic keypad.asmBertrand Augereau
2011-11-16DREAMWEB: Fix loadroom.Alyssa Milburn
2011-11-16DREAMWEB: 'getundermenu' and 'putundermenu' ported to C++Bertrand Augereau