Very important for StarCamera:lockMarker2 is an inverse of the
difference between locked star1 and about to be star2.
Before it was calculating the col4 values by doing a
new col4 = -inv(R)*col4. col4 represents the x,y,z
position of the vector. This calculation is not correct
in the most general sense and is only valid for a single
rotation and translation.
For any more than one rotation and translation the upper left
3x3 inverse is still the transpose of the previous 3x3
portion there since that is just the rotation part, but the
translation part is now R2T1 + T2, which can't be undone by
simply multiplying by the inverse of R2. This gets more complicated
for lots of rotations so I've added a general 4x4 inverse
calculation and just pulled of the column 4 values.
The inverse implementation I used was from the mesa 3d library and
that has an MIT license so its okay to use in GPL.