path: root/engines
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-09-03HDB: Add _dummyPlayer as Virtual PlayerNipun Garg
2019-09-03HDB: Add addAnimTarget() and animateTargets()Nipun Garg
2019-09-03HDB: Add _animTargets and related dataNipun Garg
2019-09-03HDB: Add list functions for _autoActionsNipun Garg
2019-09-03HDB: Add AutoAction struct and _autoActions arrayNipun Garg
2019-09-03HDB: Add stubbed Action FunctionsNipun Garg
2019-09-03HDB: Add animGrabbing()Nipun Garg
2019-09-03HDB: Add variables for AutoAction tilesNipun Garg
2019-09-03HDB: Remove stub from processCines: C_USEENTITYNipun Garg
2019-09-03HDB: Remove stubs from processCines: C_RESETCAMERANipun Garg
2019-09-03HDB: Use Masked Blitting instead of MaskedAlphaNipun Garg
2019-09-03HDB: Unstub aiSergeantInit/2 and aiSergeantActionNipun Garg
2019-09-03HDB: Add stubbed animateEntity()Nipun Garg
2019-09-03HDB: Add removeFirstWaypoint()Nipun Garg
2019-09-03HDB: Add killPlayer()Nipun Garg
2019-09-03HDB: Add onEvenTile()Nipun Garg
2019-09-03HDB: Add checkFloating()Nipun Garg
2019-09-03HDB: Draw Entities, Foregrounds and GratingsNipun Garg
2019-09-03HDB: Unstub 'Increment Stun Timer'Nipun Garg
2019-09-03HDB: Unstub 'Draw Floating Entities'Nipun Garg
2019-09-03HDB: Add time-keeping functionsNipun Garg
2019-09-03HDB: Add _floats dataNipun Garg
2019-09-03HDB: Add drawForegrounds() and drawGratings()Nipun Garg
2019-09-03HDB: Add NULL check to BG/FG tile animationNipun Garg
2019-09-03HDB: Unstub Animated Map TilesNipun Garg
2019-09-03HDB: Unstub Gratings and Foregrounds checkNipun Garg
2019-09-03HDB: Add Foreground dataNipun Garg
2019-09-03HDB: Add animateTile()Nipun Garg
2019-09-03HDB: Add FPS and AnimDelay constantsNipun Garg
2019-09-03HDB: Add animating tile lists to Map::loadNipun Garg
2019-09-03HDB: Add Map::drawEnts()Nipun Garg
2019-09-03HDB: Add stubbed AI::drawEnts()Nipun Garg
2019-09-03HDB: Fix type of *drawNipun Garg
2019-09-03HDB: Add AIEntLevel2 dataNipun Garg
2019-09-03HDB: Modify getTileIndex to accept NULL inputNipun Garg
2019-09-03HDB: Fix signed/unsigned mismatch warningsNipun Garg
2019-09-03HDB: Unstub cine functions for fore/backgroundNipun Garg
2019-09-03HDB: Process C_CLEAR_FG, C_SET_FG, C_SET_BGNipun Garg
2019-09-03HDB: Add cine clear FG, and set BG/FG functionsNipun Garg
2019-09-03HDB: Unstub setBackground() and setForeground()Nipun Garg
2019-09-03HDB: Add removeBG/FGTileAnimation()Nipun Garg
2019-09-03HDB: Add addBGTileAnimation and addFGTileAnimationNipun Garg
2019-09-03HDB: Add data for the Map Tile Animation CycleNipun Garg
2019-09-03HDB: Add setter functions for BG/FG tile indicesNipun Garg
2019-09-03HDB: Add Anim FlagsNipun Garg
2019-09-03HDB: Add animEntFrames()Nipun Garg
2019-09-03HDB: Modify C_MOVECAMERA debug outputNipun Garg
2019-09-03HDB: Unstub aiPlayerDrawNipun Garg
2019-09-03HDB: Fix warning() callsNipun Garg
2019-09-03HDB: Unstub aiPlayerInit2()Nipun Garg