-for the most current information on the port and any updates to this
-This archive contains ScummVM in a PND format ready to be copied to the
-OpenPandora and used.
-To install just copy the .pnd file from this archive to your device.
-You will need to place the .pnd file in a suitable location on your SD
-/pandora/desktop <- place here if you wish the icon to show on the
- desktop. Documentation will show in the menu.
-/pandora/menu <- place here if you wish the icon to show on the
- Xfce menu. Documentation will show in the menu.
-/pandora/apps <- place here if you wish the icon to show on the
- desktop and in the menu. Documentation will show
- in the menu.
-Core ScummVM code (c) The ScummVM Team
-OpenPandora backend (c) John Willis
-Detailed (c) information can be found within the source code
diff --git a/backends/platform/openpandora/build/icon/preview-pic.png b/backends/platform/openpandora/build/icon/preview-pic.png
deleted file mode 100755
index 2f4a536d30..0000000000
Binary files a/backends/platform/openpandora/build/icon/preview-pic.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/backends/platform/openpandora/build/icon/scummvm.png b/backends/platform/openpandora/build/icon/scummvm.png
deleted file mode 100755
index 128e59efc4..0000000000
Binary files a/backends/platform/openpandora/build/icon/scummvm.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/backends/platform/openpandora/build/index.html b/backends/platform/openpandora/build/index.html
deleted file mode 100755
index 34d381d0f8..0000000000
--- a/backends/platform/openpandora/build/index.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
Welcome to the ScummVM!
ScummVM: OpenPandora Specific Documentation
-ScummVM OpenPandora README
-ScummVM OpenPandora Website
-ScummVM OpenPandora WiKi
ScummVM: General Documentation
-ScummVM website
-ScummVM Authors
-ScummVM Copyright
-GPL Licence
diff --git a/backends/platform/openpandora/build/pnd_make.sh b/backends/platform/openpandora/build/pnd_make.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 0c03e8154d..0000000000
--- a/backends/platform/openpandora/build/pnd_make.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,321 +0,0 @@
-# pnd_make.sh
-# This script is meant to ease generation of a pnd file. Please consult the output
-# when running --help for a list of available parameters and an explaination of
-# those.
-# Required tools when running the script:
-# bash
-# echo, cat, mv, rm
-# mkisofs or mksquashfs (the latter when using the -c param!)
-# xmllint (optional, only for validation of the PXML against the schema)
-PXML_schema=$(dirname ${0})/PXML_schema.xsd
-GENPXML_PATH=$(dirname ${0})/genpxml.sh
-# useful functions ...
- which $1 &> /dev/null
- if [ "$?" -ne "0" ];
- then
- cecho "ERROR: Could not find the program '$1'. Please make sure
-that it is available in your PATH since it is required to complete your request." $red
- exit 1
- fi
-cecho () # Color-echo. Argument $1 = message, Argument $2 = color
- local default_msg="No message passed." # Doesn't really need to be a local variable.
- message=${1:-$default_msg} # Defaults to default message.
- color=${2:-$black} # Defaults to black, if not specified.
- echo -e "$color$message"
- tput sgr0 # Reset to normal.
- return
- cat << EOSTREAM
-pnd_make.sh - A script to package "something" into a PND.
- $(basename ${0}) {--directory|-d} {--pndname|-p} [{--compress-squashfs|-c}]
- [{--genpxml} ] [{--icon|-i} ] [{--pxml|-x} ]
- [{--schema|-s} ] [{--help|-h}]
- --compress-squashfs / -c Define whether or not the pnd should be compressed using
- squashfs. If this parameter is selected, a compressed pnd
- will be created.
- --directory / -d Sets the folder that is to be used for the resulting pnd
- to . This option is mandatory for the script to
- function correctly.
- --genpxml Sets the script used for generating a PXML file (if none
- is available already) to . Please make sure to either
- provide a full path or prefix a script in the current folder
- with './' so that the script can actually be executed. If
- this variable is not specified, $GENPXML_PATH
- will be used.
- --help / -h Displays this help text.
- --icon / -i Sets the icon that will be appended in the pnd to .
- --pndname / -p Sets the output filename of the resulting pnd to .
- This option is mandatory for the script to function
- correctly.
- --pxml / -x Sets the PXML file that is to be used to . If you
- neither provide a PXML file or set this entry to 'guess',
- an existing 'PXML.xml' in your selected '--directory'
- will be used, or the script $GENPXML_PATH
- will be called to try to generate a basic PXML file for you.
- --schema / -s Sets the schema file, that is to be used for validation,
- to =4.0 of squashfs
-is required to be available in your PATH.
-# Parse command line parameters
-while [ "${1}" != "" ]; do
- if [ "${1}" = "--compress-squashfs" ] || [ "${1}" = "-c" ];
- then
- shift 1
- elif [ "${1}" = "--directory" ] || [ "${1}" = "-d" ];
- then
- shift 2
- elif [ "${1}" = "--genpxml" ];
- then
- shift 2
- elif [ "${1}" = "--help" ] || [ "${1}" = "-h" ];
- then
- print_help
- exit 0
- elif [ "${1}" = "--icon" ] || [ "${1}" = "-i" ];
- then
- ICON=$2
- shift 2
- elif [ "${1}" = "--pndname" ] || [ "${1}" = "-p" ];
- then
- shift 2
- elif [ "${1}" = "--pxml" ] || [ "${1}" = "-x" ];
- then
- PXML=$2
- shift 2
- elif [ "${1}" = "--schema" ] || [ "${1}" = "-f" ]
- then
- PXML_schema=$2
- shift 2
- else
- cecho "ERROR: '$1' is not a known argument. Printing --help and aborting." $red
- print_help
- exit 1
- fi
-# Generate a PXML if the param is set to Guess or it is empty.
-if [ ! $PXML ] || [ $PXML = "guess" ] && [ $PNDNAME ] && [ $FOLDER ];
- if [ -f $FOLDER/PXML.xml ]; # use the already existing PXML.xml file if there is one...
- then
- else
- if [ -f $GENPXML_PATH ];
- then
- $GENPXML_PATH --src $FOLDER --dest $FOLDER --author $USER
- if [ -f $FOLDER/PXML.xml ];
- then
- else
- cecho "ERROR: Generating a PXML file using '$GENPXML_PATH' failed.
-Please generate a PXML file manually." $red
- exit 1
- fi
- else
- cecho "ERROR: Could not find '$GENPXML_PATH' for generating a PXML file." $red
- exit 1
- fi
- fi
-# Probe if required variables were set
-echo -e
-cecho "Checking if all required variables were set." $green
-if [ ! $PNDNAME ] || [ ! $FOLDER ] || [ ! $PXML ];
- echo -e
- cecho "ERROR: Not all required options were set! Please see the --help information below." $red
- echo -e
- print_help
- exit 1
- echo "PNDNAME set to '$PNDNAME'."
-# Check if the selected folder actually exists
-if [ ! -d $FOLDER ];
- echo -e
- cecho "ERROR: '$FOLDER' doesn't exist or is not a folder." $red
- exit 1
- echo "FOLDER set to '$FOLDER'."
-# Check if the selected PXML file actually exists
-if [ ! -f $PXML ];
- echo -e
- cecho "ERROR: '$PXML' doesn't exist or is not a file." $red
- exit 1
- then
- echo "You have not explicitly specified a PXML to use, but an existing file was
-found. Will be using this one."
- elif [ $PXML_GENERATED ];
- then
- echo "A PXML file was generated for you using '$GENPXML_PATH'. This file will
-not be removed at the end of this script because you might want to review it, adjust
-single entries and rerun the script to generate a pnd with a PXML file with all the
-information you want to have listed."
- fi
- echo "PXML set to '$PXML'."
-# Print the other variables:
-if [ $ICON ];
- if [ ! -f $ICON ]
- then
- cecho "WARNING: '$ICON' doesn't exist, will not append the selected icon to the pnd." $red
- else
- echo "ICON set to '$ICON'."
- USE_ICON="true"
- fi
-if [ $SQUASH ];
- echo "Will use a squashfs for '$PNDNAME'."
-# Validate the PXML file (if xmllint is available)
-# Errors and problems in this section will be shown but are not fatal.
-echo -e
-cecho "Trying to validate '$PXML' now. Will be using '$PXML_schema' to do so." $green
-which xmllint &> /dev/null
-if [ "$?" -ne "0" ];
- cecho "WARNING: Could not find 'xmllint'. Validity check of '$PXML' is not possible!" $red
- if [ ! -f "$PXML_schema" ];
- then
- cecho "WARNING: Could not find '$PXML_schema'. If you want to validate your
-PXML file please make sure to provide a schema using the --schema option." $red
- else
- xmllint --noout --schema $PXML_schema $PXML
- if [ "$?" -ne "0" ]; then VALIDATED=false; else VALIDATED=true; fi
- fi
-# Print some message at the end about the validation in case the user missed the output above
-if [ $VALIDATED = "false" ]
- cecho "WARNING: Could not successfully validate '$PXML'. Please check the output
-above. This does not mean that your pnd will be broken. Either you are not following the strict
-syntax required for validation or you don't have all files/programs required for validating." $red
- cecho "Your file '$PXML' was validated successfully. The resulting pnd should
-work nicely with libpnd." $green
-# Make iso from folder
-echo -e
-cecho "Creating an iso file based on '$FOLDER'." $green
-if [ $SQUASH ];
- check_for_tool mksquashfs
- if [ $(mksquashfs -version | awk 'BEGIN{r=0} $3>=4{r=1} END{print r}') -eq 0 ];
- then
- cecho "ERROR: Your squashfs version is older then version 4, please upgrade to 4.0 or later" $red
- exit 1
- fi
- mksquashfs $FOLDER $PNDNAME.iso -nopad -no-recovery
- check_for_tool mkisofs
- mkisofs -o $PNDNAME.iso -R $FOLDER
-# Check that the iso file was actually created before continuing
-if [ ! -f $PNDNAME.iso ];
- cecho "ERROR: The temporary file '$PNDNAME.iso' could not be created.
-Please check the output above for any errors and retry after fixing them. Aborting." $red
- exit 1
-# Append pxml to iso
-echo -e
-cecho "Appending '$PXML' to the created iso file." $green
-rm $PNDNAME.iso #cleanup
-# Append icon if specified and available
-if [ $USE_ICON ];
- echo -e
- cecho "Appending the icon '$ICON' to the pnd." $green
- cat $PNDNAME.tmp $ICON > $PNDNAME # append icon
- rm $PNDNAME.tmp #cleanup
-# Final message
-echo -e
-if [ -f $PNDNAME ];
- cecho "Successfully finished creating the pnd '$PNDNAME'." $green
- cecho "There seems to have been a problem and '$PNDNAME' was not created. Please check
-the output above for any error messages. A possible cause for this is that there was
-not enough space available." $red
- exit 1
-#if [ $PXML = "guess" ];then rm $FOLDER/PXML.xml; fi #cleanup
diff --git a/backends/platform/openpandora/build/runscummvm.sh b/backends/platform/openpandora/build/runscummvm.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 9c9d8362cb..0000000000
--- a/backends/platform/openpandora/build/runscummvm.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-# Make sure any extra libs not in the firmware are pulled in.
-# Ensure we have a folder to store save games on the SD card.
-mkdir saves
-# make a runtime dir, just incase it creates anything in CWD
-mkdir runtime
-cd runtime
-../bin/scummvm --fullscreen --gfx-mode=2x --config=../scummvm.config --themepath=../data
cgit v1.2.3