# Where is scummvm will be installed SCUMMVMPATH=C:/scummvm SRC=. ### Modify these paths SDL_CFLAGS=-I$(SRC)/sdl/include SDL_LIBS=-L$(SRC)/sdl/lib -lSDLmain -lSDL CXX = c++ AR = ar cru RANLIB = ranlib MKDIR = mkdir -p ECHO = echo -n CAT = cat RM = rm -f RM_REC = $(RM) -r ZIP = zip -q CP = cp ### Uncomment these 2 lines,if you want to build ScummVM ### as a consoleless Win32 application #DEFINES = -DNO_CONSOLE #LIBS=-mwindows ####################################################################### # Default compilation parameters. Normally don't edit these # ####################################################################### srcdir ?= . CXXFLAGS:= -g -O -Wall -Wuninitialized -Wno-long-long -Wno-multichar -Wno-unknown-pragmas DEFINES += LDFLAGS := INCLUDES:= -I$(srcdir) -I$(srcdir)/common $(SDL_CFLAGS) LIBS += $(SDL_LIBS) -lmingw32 -lwinmm OBJS := scummvmico.o backends/sdl/events.o backends/sdl/graphics.o backends/sdl/sdl.o EXEEXT :=.exe ####################################################################### # Compile options - you can modify these to tweak ScummVM compilation # ####################################################################### # Uncomment this to activate the MPEG2 lib for Broken Sword II cut scenes DEFINES += -DUSE_MPEG2 LIBS += -lmpeg2 # Uncomment this to activate the ZLIB lib for compressed save game files DEFINES += -DUSE_ZLIB LIBS += -lz # Uncomment this to activate the FLAC lib for compressed sound files DEFINES += -USE_FLAC LIBS += -lflac # Uncomment this to activate the MAD lib for compressed sound files DEFINES += -DUSE_MAD LIBS += -lmad # Uncomment this to activate the Ogg Vorbis lib for compressed sound files DEFINES += -DUSE_VORBIS LIBS += -lvorbisfile -lvorbis -logg # Uncomment this for stricter compile time code verification # CXXFLAGS+= -Wshadow -Werror ####################################################################### # Control which modules are built - uncomment any to disable module # ####################################################################### # DISABLE_SCUMM = 1 # DISABLE_SIMON = 1 # DISABLE_SKY = 1 # DISABLE_SWORD1 = 1 # DISABLE_SWORD2 = 1 # DISABLE_QUEEN = 1 # DISABLE_SAGA = 1 ####################################################################### # Misc stuff - you should never have to edit this # ####################################################################### EXECUTABLE := scummvm$(EXEEXT) include Makefile.common scummvmico.o: scummvm.ico windres scummvm.rc scummvmico.o # Some additional targets install: scummvm$(EXEEXT) mkdir -p $(SCUMMVMPATH) strip scummvm$(EXEEXT) -o $(SCUMMVMPATH)/scummvm$(EXEEXT) dist: install cp COPYING $(SCUMMVMPATH)/copying.txt cp README $(SCUMMVMPATH)/readme.txt cp NEWS $(SCUMMVMPATH)/news.txt cp SDL/README-SDL.txt $(SCUMMVMPATH) cp SDL/lib/SDL.dll $(SCUMMVMPATH) u2d $(SCUMMVMPATH)/*.txt