# $Header$ CXX := c++ AR := ar cru RANLIB := ranlib MKDIR := mkdir -p ECHO := echo -n CAT := cat RM := rm -f RM_REC := $(RM) -r ZIP := zip -q CP := cp ####################################################################### # Default compilation parameters. Normally don't edit these # ####################################################################### DEFINES := -DHAVE_CONFIG_H LDFLAGS := INCLUDES := -I. -Icommon LIBS := OBJS := MODULES := MODULE_DIRS := EXECUTABLE := scummvm$(EXEEXT) # Load the make rules generated by configure include config.mak # Uncomment this for stricter compile time code verification CXXFLAGS+= -Werror CXXFLAGS:= -Wall $(CXXFLAGS) #CXXFLAGS+= -O -Wuninitialized CXXFLAGS+= -Wno-long-long -Wno-multichar -Wno-unknown-pragmas # Even more warnings... CXXFLAGS+= -pedantic -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-qual -Wconversion CXXFLAGS+= -Wshadow -Wimplicit -Wundef -Wnon-virtual-dtor CXXFLAGS+= -Wno-reorder -Wwrite-strings -fcheck-new -Wctor-dtor-privacy ####################################################################### # Misc stuff - you should normally never have to edit this # ####################################################################### include Makefile.common # check if configure has been run or has been changed since last run config.mak: configure @echo "You need to run ./configure before you can run make" @echo "Either you haven't run it before or it has changed." @echo "If you cannot run configure, use 'make -f Makefile.noconf'" @exit 1 dist: $(RM) $(ZIPFILE) $(ZIP) $(ZIPFILE) $(DISTFILES) deb: ln -sf dists/debian; debian/prepare fakeroot debian/rules binary ####################################################################### # Unit/regression tests # # In order to use 'make test' you have to install cxxtest inside the # # test/cxxtest dir. Get it from http://cxxtest.sourceforge.net. # ####################################################################### CXXTEST := test/cxxtest TESTS := test/common/*.h CPPFLAGS += -I$(CXXTEST) test: runner ./runner runner: runner.o common/libcommon.a $(CXX) -o $@ $+ runner.cpp: $(TESTS) $(CXXTEST)/cxxtestgen.py --error-printer -o $@ $+ # Special target to create a application wrapper for Mac OS X bundle_name = ScummVM.app bundle: scummvm-static mkdir -p $(bundle_name)/Contents/MacOS mkdir -p $(bundle_name)/Contents/Resources echo "APPL????" > $(bundle_name)/Contents/PkgInfo cp Info.plist $(bundle_name)/Contents/ cp scummvm.icns $(bundle_name)/Contents/Resources/ cp scummvm-static $(bundle_name)/Contents/MacOS/scummvm strip $(bundle_name)/Contents/MacOS/scummvm # Special target to create a static linked binary for Mac OS X scummvm-static: $(OBJS) $(CXX) $(LDFLAGS) -o scummvm-static $(OBJS) \ /sw/lib/libSDLmain.a /sw/lib/libSDL.a \ /sw/lib/libmad.a \ /sw/lib/libvorbisfile.a /sw/lib/libvorbis.a /sw/lib/libogg.a \ -lz \ -framework Cocoa -framework Carbon -framework IOKit \ -framework OpenGL -framework AGL -framework QuickTime \ -framework AudioUnit -framework AudioToolbox .PHONY: deb bundle test