/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine * * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ #include "audio/softsynth/fmtowns_pc98/towns_euphony.h" #include "common/endian.h" #include "common/util.h" #include "common/textconsole.h" #define EUP_EVENT(x) _euphonyEvents.push_back(new EuphonyEvent(this, &EuphonyPlayer::event_##x)) EuphonyPlayer::EuphonyPlayer(Audio::Mixer *mixer) : _partConfig_enable(0), _partConfig_type(0), _partConfig_ordr(0), _partConfig_volume(0), _partConfig_transpose(0), _musicPos(0), _musicStart(0), _playing(false), _pendingEventsChain(0), _tempoModifier(0), _bar(0), _beat(0), _defaultBarLength(0), _barLength(0), _playerUpdatesLeft(0), _updatesPerPulseRemainder(0), _updatesPerPulse(0), _deltaTicks(0), _defaultTempo(0), _trackTempo(0), _tempoControlMode(0), _timerSetting(0), _tempoMode1PulseCounter(0), _parseToBar(0), _tempoMode1UpdateF8(0), _loop(false), _endOfTrack(false), _paused(false), _musicTrackSize(0) { EUP_EVENT(notImpl); EUP_EVENT(noteOn); EUP_EVENT(polyphonicAftertouch); EUP_EVENT(controlChange_pitchWheel); EUP_EVENT(programChange_channelAftertouch); EUP_EVENT(programChange_channelAftertouch); EUP_EVENT(controlChange_pitchWheel); EUP_EVENT(sysex); EUP_EVENT(advanceBar); EUP_EVENT(notImpl); EUP_EVENT(notImpl); EUP_EVENT(setTempo); EUP_EVENT(notImpl); EUP_EVENT(typeOrdrChange); _drivers[0] = _eupDriver = new EuphonyDriver(mixer, this); _drivers[1] = new Type0Driver(this); _drivers[2] = 0; resetTempo(); } #undef EUP_EVENT EuphonyPlayer::~EuphonyPlayer() { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) delete _drivers[i]; while (_pendingEventsChain) { PendingEvent *evt = _pendingEventsChain; _pendingEventsChain = _pendingEventsChain->next; delete evt; } delete[] _partConfig_enable; delete[] _partConfig_type; delete[] _partConfig_ordr; delete[] _partConfig_volume; delete[] _partConfig_transpose; for (EuphonyEventsArray::iterator i = _euphonyEvents.begin(); i != _euphonyEvents.end(); ++i) delete *i; } bool EuphonyPlayer::init() { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (_drivers[i]) { if (!_drivers[i]->init()) { warning("EuphonyPlayer:: Driver initialization failed: %d", i); delete _drivers[i]; _drivers[i] = 0; } } } if (!_drivers[0] || !_drivers[1]) return false; while (_pendingEventsChain) { PendingEvent *evt = _pendingEventsChain; _pendingEventsChain = _pendingEventsChain->next; delete evt; } delete[] _partConfig_enable; delete[] _partConfig_type; delete[] _partConfig_ordr; delete[] _partConfig_volume; delete[] _partConfig_transpose; _partConfig_enable = new uint8[32]; _partConfig_type = new uint8[32]; _partConfig_ordr = new uint8[32]; _partConfig_volume = new int8[32]; _partConfig_transpose = new int8[32]; reset(); return true; } int EuphonyPlayer::startTrack(const uint8 *data, int trackSize, int barLen) { if (_playing) return 2; _musicPos = _musicStart = data; _defaultBarLength = _barLength = barLen; _musicTrackSize = trackSize; _parseToBar = _bar = 0; _beat = 0; _playing = true; return 0; } void EuphonyPlayer::stop() { if (_playing) { _playing = false; _playerUpdatesLeft = 0; _endOfTrack = false; clearHangingNotes(); resetAllControls(); } } void EuphonyPlayer::pause() { _paused = true; clearHangingNotes(); allPartsOff(); } void EuphonyPlayer::resume() { _paused = false; } int EuphonyPlayer::setTempo(int tempo) { if (tempo > 250) return 3; _defaultTempo = tempo; _trackTempo = tempo; sendTempo(tempo); return 0; } void EuphonyPlayer::setLoopStatus(bool loop) { _loop = loop; } int EuphonyPlayer::configPart_enable(int part, int val) { uint8 enable = val & 0xff; if (part > 31 || ((enable + 1) & 0xff) > 1) return 3; _partConfig_enable[part] = enable; return 0; } int EuphonyPlayer::configPart_setType(int part, int val) { uint8 type = val & 0xff; if (part > 31 || ((type + 1) & 0xff) > 8) return 3; _partConfig_type[part] = type; return 0; } int EuphonyPlayer::configPart_remap(int part, int val) { uint8 remap = val & 0xff; if (part > 31 || ((remap + 1) & 0xff) > 16) return 3; _partConfig_ordr[part] = remap; return 0; } int EuphonyPlayer::configPart_adjustVolume(int part, int val) { int8 adjvol = val & 0xff; if (part > 31 || adjvol < -40 || adjvol > 40) return 3; _partConfig_volume[part] = adjvol; return 0; } int EuphonyPlayer::configPart_setTranspose(int part, int val) { int8 trans = val & 0xff; if (part > 31 || trans < -40 || trans > 40) return 3; _partConfig_transpose[part] = trans; return 0; } void EuphonyPlayer::timerCallback(int timerId) { switch (timerId) { case 0: updatePulseCounters(); while (_playerUpdatesLeft) { --_playerUpdatesLeft; updateBeat(); if (!_playing) continue; updateHangingNotes(); updateParser(); updateCheckEot(); } break; default: break; } } void EuphonyPlayer::reset() { _eupDriver->reset(); _eupDriver->setTimerA(true, 1); _eupDriver->setTimerA(false, 1); _eupDriver->setTimerB(true, 221); resetPartConfig(); while (_pendingEventsChain) { PendingEvent *evt = _pendingEventsChain; _pendingEventsChain = _pendingEventsChain->next; delete evt; } _playing = _endOfTrack = _paused = _loop = false; _tempoMode1UpdateF8 = 0; _tempoMode1PulseCounter = 0; resetTempo(); if (_tempoControlMode == 1) { //if (///) // return; sendTempo(_defaultTempo); } else { sendTempo(_defaultTempo); } resetAllControls(); } void EuphonyPlayer::resetPartConfig() { memset(_partConfig_enable, 0xff, 32); memset(_partConfig_type, 0xff, 16); memset(_partConfig_type + 16, 0, 16); for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) _partConfig_ordr[i] = i & 0x0f; memset(_partConfig_volume, 0, 32); memset(_partConfig_transpose, 0, 32); } void EuphonyPlayer::resetTempo() { _defaultBarLength = _barLength = 0x33; _playerUpdatesLeft = 0; _updatesPerPulseRemainder = 0; _updatesPerPulse = 0x10; _tempoModifier = 0; _bar = 0; _deltaTicks = 0; _beat = 0; _defaultTempo = 90; _trackTempo = 90; } void EuphonyPlayer::updatePulseCounters() { int tc = _updatesPerPulse + _updatesPerPulseRemainder; _updatesPerPulseRemainder = tc & 0x0f; tc >>= 4; _tempoMode1PulseCounter -= tc; while (_tempoMode1PulseCounter < 0) { _tempoMode1UpdateF8++; _tempoMode1PulseCounter += 4; } if (_playing && !_paused) _playerUpdatesLeft += tc; } void EuphonyPlayer::updateBeat() { static const uint16 beatLengthTable[] = { 0x180, 0xC0, 0x80, 0x60, 0x40, 0x30, 0x20, 0x18 }; uint8 beatsPersBar = (_barLength & 0x0f) + 1; uint8 beatNoteValue = _barLength >> 4; if ((uint32)(beatLengthTable[beatNoteValue] * beatsPersBar) > ++_beat) return; ++_bar; _beat = 0; _deltaTicks = 0; } void EuphonyPlayer::updateParser() { for (bool loop = true; loop;) { uint8 cmd = _musicPos[0]; if (cmd == 0xff || cmd == 0xf7) { proceedToNextEvent(); } else if (cmd < 0x90) { _endOfTrack = true; clearHangingNotes(); loop = false; } else if (_parseToBar > _bar) { loop = false; } else { if (_parseToBar == _bar) { uint16 parseToBeat = ((_musicPos[3] << 8) | ((_musicPos[2] << 1) & 0xff)) >> 1; if (parseToBeat > _beat) loop = false; } if (loop) { if (parseEvent()) loop = false; } } } } void EuphonyPlayer::updateCheckEot() { if (!_endOfTrack || _pendingEventsChain) return; stop(); } bool EuphonyPlayer::parseEvent() { uint cmd = _musicPos[0]; if (cmd != 0xfe && cmd != 0xfd) { bool result = (cmd >= 0xf0) ? (*_euphonyEvents[((cmd - 0xf0) >> 1) + 7])() : (*_euphonyEvents[(cmd - 0x80) >> 4])(); if (!result) { proceedToNextEvent(); return false; } } if (cmd == 0xfd) { _paused = true; return true; } if (!_loop) { _endOfTrack = true; return true; } _endOfTrack = false; _musicPos = _musicStart; _parseToBar = _bar = _beat = 0; _barLength = _defaultBarLength; return false; } void EuphonyPlayer::proceedToNextEvent() { _musicPos += 6; if (_musicPos >= _musicStart + _musicTrackSize) _musicPos = _musicStart; } void EuphonyPlayer::updateHangingNotes() { PendingEvent *l = 0; PendingEvent *e = _pendingEventsChain; while (e) { if (--e->len) { l = e; e = e->next; continue; } PendingEvent *n = e->next; if (l) l->next = n; if (_pendingEventsChain == e) _pendingEventsChain = n; sendPendingEvent(e->type, e->evt, e->note, e->velo); delete e; e = n; } } void EuphonyPlayer::clearHangingNotes() { while (_pendingEventsChain) { PendingEvent *e = _pendingEventsChain; _pendingEventsChain = _pendingEventsChain->next; sendPendingEvent(e->type, e->evt, e->note, e->velo); delete e; } } void EuphonyPlayer::resetAllControls() { for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { if (_partConfig_ordr[i] > 15) { for (int ii = 0; ii < 16; ii++) sendControllerReset(_partConfig_type[i], ii); } else { sendControllerReset(_partConfig_type[i], _partConfig_ordr[i]); } } } void EuphonyPlayer::allPartsOff() { for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { if (_partConfig_ordr[i] > 15) { for (int ii = 0; ii < 16; ii++) sendAllNotesOff(_partConfig_type[i], ii); } else { sendAllNotesOff(_partConfig_type[i], _partConfig_ordr[i]); } } } uint8 EuphonyPlayer::appendEvent(uint8 evt, uint8 chan) { if (evt >= 0x80 && evt < 0xf0 && _partConfig_ordr[chan] < 16) return (evt & 0xf0) | _partConfig_ordr[chan]; return evt; } bool EuphonyPlayer::event_notImpl() { return false; } bool EuphonyPlayer::event_noteOn() { if (_musicPos[1] > 31) return false; if (!_partConfig_enable[_musicPos[1]]) { proceedToNextEvent(); return (_musicPos[0] == 0xfe || _musicPos[0] == 0xfd) ? true : false; } uint8 evt = appendEvent(_musicPos[0], _musicPos[1]); uint8 type = _partConfig_type[_musicPos[1]]; uint8 note = _musicPos[4]; uint8 velo = _musicPos[5]; sendByte(type, evt); sendByte(type, applyTranspose(note)); sendByte(type, applyVolumeAdjust(velo)); proceedToNextEvent(); if (_musicPos[0] == 0xfe || _musicPos[0] == 0xfd) return true; velo = _musicPos[5]; uint16 len = (_musicPos[1] & 0x0f) | ((_musicPos[2] & 0x0f) << 4) | ((_musicPos[3] & 0x0f) << 8) | ((_musicPos[4] & 0x0f) << 12); _pendingEventsChain = new PendingEvent(evt, type, note, velo, len ? len : 1, _pendingEventsChain); return false; } bool EuphonyPlayer::event_polyphonicAftertouch() { if (_musicPos[1] > 31) return false; if (!_partConfig_enable[_musicPos[1]]) return false; uint8 evt = appendEvent(_musicPos[0], _musicPos[1]); uint8 type = _partConfig_type[_musicPos[1]]; sendByte(type, evt); sendByte(type, applyTranspose(_musicPos[4])); sendByte(type, _musicPos[5]); return false; } bool EuphonyPlayer::event_controlChange_pitchWheel() { if (_musicPos[1] > 31) return false; if (!_partConfig_enable[_musicPos[1]]) return false; uint8 evt = appendEvent(_musicPos[0], _musicPos[1]); uint8 type = _partConfig_type[_musicPos[1]]; sendByte(type, evt); sendByte(type, _musicPos[4]); sendByte(type, _musicPos[5]); return false; } bool EuphonyPlayer::event_programChange_channelAftertouch() { if (_musicPos[1] > 31) return false; if (!_partConfig_enable[_musicPos[1]]) return false; uint8 evt = appendEvent(_musicPos[0], _musicPos[1]); uint8 type = _partConfig_type[_musicPos[1]]; sendByte(type, evt); sendByte(type, _musicPos[4]); return false; } bool EuphonyPlayer::event_sysex() { uint8 type = _partConfig_type[_musicPos[1]]; sendByte(type, 0xF0); proceedToNextEvent(); for (bool loop = true; loop; ) { for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { if (_musicPos[i] != 0xFF) { sendByte(type, _musicPos[i]); if (_musicPos[i] >= 0x80) { loop = false; break; } } } if (loop) proceedToNextEvent(); } return false; } bool EuphonyPlayer::event_advanceBar() { ++_parseToBar; _barLength = _musicPos[1]; return false; } bool EuphonyPlayer::event_setTempo() { _trackTempo = ((_musicPos[5] << 8) | ((_musicPos[4] << 1) & 0xff)) >> 1; sendTempo(_trackTempo); return false; } bool EuphonyPlayer::event_typeOrdrChange() { if (_musicPos[1] > 31) return false; if (!_partConfig_enable[_musicPos[1]]) return false; if (_musicPos[4] == 1) _partConfig_type[_musicPos[1]] = _musicPos[5]; else if (_musicPos[4] == 2) _partConfig_ordr[_musicPos[1]] = _musicPos[5]; return false; } uint8 EuphonyPlayer::applyTranspose(uint8 in) { int out = _partConfig_transpose[_musicPos[1]]; if (!out) return in; out += (in & 0x7f); if (out > 127) out -= 12; if (out < 0) out += 12; return out & 0xff; } uint8 EuphonyPlayer::applyVolumeAdjust(uint8 in) { int out = _partConfig_volume[_musicPos[1]]; out += (in & 0x7f); out = CLIP(out, 1, 127); return out & 0xff; } void EuphonyPlayer::sendByte(uint8 type, uint8 command) { int drv = ((type >> 4) + 1) & 3; if (_drivers[drv]) _drivers[drv]->send(command); } void EuphonyPlayer::sendPendingEvent(int type, int evt, int note, int velo) { if (velo) evt &= 0x8f; sendByte(type, evt); sendByte(type, note); sendByte(type, velo); } void EuphonyPlayer::sendControllerReset(int type, int part) { sendByte(type, 0xb0 | part); sendByte(type, 0x40); sendByte(type, 0); sendByte(type, 0xb0 | part); sendByte(type, 0x7b); sendByte(type, 0); sendByte(type, 0xb0 | part); sendByte(type, 0x79); sendByte(type, 0x40); } void EuphonyPlayer::sendAllNotesOff(int type, int part) { sendByte(type, 0xb0 | part); sendByte(type, 0x40); sendByte(type, 0); } void EuphonyPlayer::sendTempo(int tempo) { tempo = CLIP(tempo + _tempoModifier, 0, 500); if (_tempoControlMode == 0) { _timerSetting = 34750 / (tempo + 30); _updatesPerPulse = 0x10; while (_timerSetting < 126) { _timerSetting <<= 1; _updatesPerPulse <<= 1; } while (_timerSetting > 383) { _timerSetting >>= 1; _updatesPerPulse >>= 1; } _eupDriver->setTimerA(true, -(_timerSetting - 2)); } else if (_tempoControlMode == 1) { _timerSetting = 312500 / (tempo + 30); _updatesPerPulse = 0x10; while (_timerSetting < 1105) { _timerSetting <<= 1; _updatesPerPulse <<= 1; } } else if (_tempoControlMode == 2) { _timerSetting = 625000 / (tempo + 30); _updatesPerPulseRemainder = 0; } } EuphonyDriver::EuphonyDriver(Audio::Mixer *mixer, EuphonyPlayer *pl) : EuphonyBaseDriver(), _channels(0), _partToChanMapping(0), _sustainChannels(0) { _intf = new TownsAudioInterface(mixer, pl); } EuphonyDriver::~EuphonyDriver() { delete _intf; delete[] _partToChanMapping; delete[] _sustainChannels; delete[] _channels; } bool EuphonyDriver::init() { if (!_intf->init()) return false; delete[] _channels; delete[] _partToChanMapping; delete[] _sustainChannels; _channels = new Channel[128]; _partToChanMapping = new int8[16]; _sustainChannels = new int8[16]; return true; } void EuphonyDriver::reset() { _intf->callback(0); _intf->callback(74); _intf->callback(70, 0); _intf->callback(75, 3); _currentEvent.clear(); memset(_sustainChannels, 0, 16); memset(_partToChanMapping, -1, 16); for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++) { _channels[i].part = _channels[i].next = -1; _channels[i].note = _channels[i].pri = 0; } int e = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) assignPartToChannel(i, e++); for (int i = 0x40; i < 0x48; i++) assignPartToChannel(i, e++); } int EuphonyDriver::assignPartToChannel(int chan, int part) { if (part > 15 || chan > 127 || chan < 0) return 3; Channel *a = &_channels[chan]; if (a->part == part) return 0; if (a->part != -1) { int8 *b = &_partToChanMapping[a->part]; while (*b != chan) { b = &_channels[*b].next; if (*b == -1 && *b != chan) return 3; } *b = a->next; if (a->note) _intf->callback(2, chan); a->part = a->next = -1; a->note = 0; } a->next = _partToChanMapping[part]; _partToChanMapping[part] = chan; a->part = part; a->note = a->pri = 0; return 0; } void EuphonyDriver::send(uint8 command) { if (command >= 0x80) { _currentEvent.clear(); _currentEvent.push_back(command >= 0xf0 ? 0 : command); } else if (_currentEvent[0] >= 0x80) { uint8 cmd = (_currentEvent[0] - 0x80) >> 4; _currentEvent.push_back(command); static const uint8 eventSize[] = { 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 3 }; if (_currentEvent.size() != eventSize[cmd]) return; switch (cmd) { case 0: noteOff(); break; case 1: if (_currentEvent[2]) noteOn(); else noteOff(); break; case 3: if (_currentEvent[1] == 7) controlChange_volume(); else if (_currentEvent[1] == 10) controlChange_panPos(); else if (_currentEvent[1] == 64) controlChange_allNotesOff(); break; case 4: programChange(); break; case 6: pitchWheel(); break; default: break; } } } void EuphonyDriver::setTimerA(bool enable, int tempo) { _intf->callback(21, enable ? 255 : 0, tempo); } void EuphonyDriver::setTimerB(bool enable, int tempo) { _intf->callback(22, enable ? 255 : 0, tempo); } void EuphonyDriver::loadInstrument(int chanType, int id, const uint8 *data) { _intf->callback(5, chanType, id, data); } void EuphonyDriver::setInstrument(int chan, int instrID) { _intf->callback(4, chan, instrID); } void EuphonyDriver::loadWaveTable(const uint8 *data) { _intf->callback(34, data); } void EuphonyDriver::unloadWaveTable(int id) { _intf->callback(35, id); } void EuphonyDriver::reserveSoundEffectChannels(int num) { _intf->callback(33, num); uint32 volMask = 0; if (num > 8) return; for (uint32 v = 1 << 13; num; num--) { volMask |= v; v >>= 1; } _intf->setSoundEffectChanMask(volMask); } void EuphonyDriver::playSoundEffect(int chan, int note, int velo, const uint8 *data) { _intf->callback(37, chan, note, velo, data); } void EuphonyDriver::stopSoundEffect(int chan) { _intf->callback(39, chan); } bool EuphonyDriver::soundEffectIsPlaying(int chan) { return _intf->callback(40, chan) ? true : false; } void EuphonyDriver::channelPan(int chan, int mode) { _intf->callback(3, chan, mode); } void EuphonyDriver::channelPitch(int chan, int pitch) { _intf->callback(7, chan, pitch); } void EuphonyDriver::channelVolume(int chan, int vol) { _intf->callback(8, chan, vol); } void EuphonyDriver::setOutputVolume(int mode, int volLeft, int volRight) { _intf->callback(67, mode, volLeft, volRight); } void EuphonyDriver::cdaToggle(int a) { _intf->callback(73, a); } void EuphonyDriver::setMusicVolume(int volume) { _intf->setMusicVolume(volume); } void EuphonyDriver::setSoundEffectVolume(int volume) { _intf->setSoundEffectVolume(volume); } void EuphonyDriver::noteOff() { int8 *chan = &_partToChanMapping[_currentEvent[0] & 0x0f]; if (*chan == -1) return; while (_channels[*chan].note != _currentEvent[1]) { chan = &_channels[*chan].next; if (*chan == -1) return; } if (_sustainChannels[_currentEvent[0] & 0x0f]) { _channels[*chan].note |= 0x80; } else { _channels[*chan].note = 0; _intf->callback(2, *chan); } } void EuphonyDriver::noteOn() { if (!_currentEvent[1]) return; int8 *chan = &_partToChanMapping[_currentEvent[0] & 0x0f]; if (*chan == -1) return; do { _channels[*chan].pri++; chan = &_channels[*chan].next; } while (*chan != -1); chan = &_partToChanMapping[_currentEvent[0] & 0x0f]; int d = 0; int c = 0; bool found = false; do { if (!_channels[*chan].note) { found = true; break; } if (d <= _channels[*chan].pri) { c = *chan; d = _channels[*chan].pri; } chan = &_channels[*chan].next; } while (*chan != -1); if (found) c = *chan; else _intf->callback(2, c); _channels[c].note = _currentEvent[1]; _channels[c].pri = 0; _intf->callback(1, c, _currentEvent[1], _currentEvent[2]); } void EuphonyDriver::controlChange_volume() { int8 *chan = &_partToChanMapping[_currentEvent[0] & 0x0f]; while (*chan != -1) { _intf->callback(8, *chan, _currentEvent[2] & 0x7f); chan = &_channels[*chan].next; } } void EuphonyDriver::controlChange_panPos() { int8 *chan = &_partToChanMapping[_currentEvent[0] & 0x0f]; while (*chan != -1) { _intf->callback(3, *chan, _currentEvent[2] & 0x7f); chan = &_channels[*chan].next; } } void EuphonyDriver::controlChange_allNotesOff() { if (_currentEvent[2] > 63) { _sustainChannels[_currentEvent[0] & 0x0f] = -1; return; } _sustainChannels[_currentEvent[0] & 0x0f] = 0; int8 *chan = &_partToChanMapping[_currentEvent[0] & 0x0f]; while (*chan != -1) { if (_channels[*chan].note & 0x80) { _channels[*chan].note = 0; _intf->callback(2, *chan); } chan = &_channels[*chan].next; } } void EuphonyDriver::programChange() { int8 *chan = &_partToChanMapping[_currentEvent[0] & 0x0f]; while (*chan != -1) { _intf->callback(4, *chan, _currentEvent[1]); _intf->callback(7, *chan, 0); chan = &_channels[*chan].next; } } void EuphonyDriver::pitchWheel() { int8 *chan = &_partToChanMapping[_currentEvent[0] & 0x0f]; while (*chan != -1) { _currentEvent[1] += _currentEvent[1]; int16 pitch = ((((_currentEvent[2] << 8) | _currentEvent[1]) >> 1) & 0x3fff) - 0x2000; _intf->callback(7, *chan, pitch); chan = &_channels[*chan].next; } } Type0Driver::Type0Driver(EuphonyPlayer *pl) : EuphonyBaseDriver() { } Type0Driver::~Type0Driver() { } bool Type0Driver::init() { return true; } void Type0Driver::send(uint8 command) { }