/* Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009 Dean Beeler, Jerome Fisher
* Copyright (C) 2011, 2012, 2013 Dean Beeler, Jerome Fisher, Sergey V. Mikayev
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
#include "mt32emu.h"
#include "mmath.h"
#include "LA32FloatWaveGenerator.h"
namespace MT32Emu {
static const float MIDDLE_CUTOFF_VALUE = 128.0f;
static const float MAX_CUTOFF_VALUE = 240.0f;
float LA32WaveGenerator::getPCMSample(unsigned int position) {
if (position >= pcmWaveLength) {
if (!pcmWaveLooped) {
return 0;
position = position % pcmWaveLength;
Bit16s pcmSample = pcmWaveAddress[position];
float sampleValue = EXP2F(((pcmSample & 32767) - 32787.0f) / 2048.0f);
return ((pcmSample & 32768) == 0) ? sampleValue : -sampleValue;
void LA32WaveGenerator::initSynth(const bool sawtoothWaveform, const Bit8u pulseWidth, const Bit8u resonance) {
this->sawtoothWaveform = sawtoothWaveform;
this->pulseWidth = pulseWidth;
this->resonance = resonance;
wavePos = 0.0f;
lastFreq = 0.0f;
pcmWaveAddress = NULL;
active = true;
void LA32WaveGenerator::initPCM(const Bit16s * const pcmWaveAddress, const Bit32u pcmWaveLength, const bool pcmWaveLooped, const bool pcmWaveInterpolated) {
this->pcmWaveAddress = pcmWaveAddress;
this->pcmWaveLength = pcmWaveLength;
this->pcmWaveLooped = pcmWaveLooped;
this->pcmWaveInterpolated = pcmWaveInterpolated;
pcmPosition = 0.0f;
active = true;
float LA32WaveGenerator::generateNextSample(const Bit32u ampVal, const Bit16u pitch, const Bit32u cutoffRampVal) {
if (!active) {
return 0.0f;
this->amp = amp;
this->pitch = pitch;
float sample = 0.0f;
// SEMI-CONFIRMED: From sample analysis:
// (1) Tested with a single partial playing PCM wave 77 with pitchCoarse 36 and no keyfollow, velocity follow, etc.
// This gives results within +/- 2 at the output (before any DAC bitshifting)
// when sustaining at levels 156 - 255 with no modifiers.
// (2) Tested with a special square wave partial (internal capture ID tva5) at TVA envelope levels 155-255.
// This gives deltas between -1 and 0 compared to the real output. Note that this special partial only produces
// positive amps, so negative still needs to be explored, as well as lower levels.
// Also still partially unconfirmed is the behaviour when ramping between levels, as well as the timing.
float amp = EXP2F(ampVal / -1024.0f / 4096.0f);
float freq = EXP2F(pitch / 4096.0f - 16.0f) * SAMPLE_RATE;
if (isPCMWave()) {
// Render PCM waveform
int len = pcmWaveLength;
int intPCMPosition = (int)pcmPosition;
if (intPCMPosition >= len && !pcmWaveLooped) {
// We're now past the end of a non-looping PCM waveform so it's time to die.
return 0.0f;
float positionDelta = freq * 2048.0f / SAMPLE_RATE;
// Linear interpolation
float firstSample = getPCMSample(intPCMPosition);
// We observe that for partial structures with ring modulation the interpolation is not applied to the slave PCM partial.
// It's assumed that the multiplication circuitry intended to perform the interpolation on the slave PCM partial
// is borrowed by the ring modulation circuit (or the LA32 chip has a similar lack of resources assigned to each partial pair).
if (pcmWaveInterpolated) {
sample = firstSample + (getPCMSample(intPCMPosition + 1) - firstSample) * (pcmPosition - intPCMPosition);
} else {
sample = firstSample;
float newPCMPosition = pcmPosition + positionDelta;
if (pcmWaveLooped) {
newPCMPosition = fmod(newPCMPosition, (float)pcmWaveLength);
pcmPosition = newPCMPosition;
} else {
// Render synthesised waveform
wavePos *= lastFreq / freq;
lastFreq = freq;
float resAmp = EXP2F(1.0f - (32 - resonance) / 4.0f);
//static const float resAmpFactor = EXP2F(-7);
//resAmp = EXP2I(resonance << 10) * resAmpFactor;
// The cutoffModifier may not be supposed to be directly added to the cutoff -
// it may for example need to be multiplied in some way.
// The 240 cutoffVal limit was determined via sample analysis (internal Munt capture IDs: glop3, glop4).
// More research is needed to be sure that this is correct, however.
float cutoffVal = cutoffRampVal / 262144.0f;
if (cutoffVal > MAX_CUTOFF_VALUE) {
// Wave length in samples
float waveLen = SAMPLE_RATE / freq;
// Init cosineLen
float cosineLen = 0.5f * waveLen;
if (cutoffVal > MIDDLE_CUTOFF_VALUE) {
cosineLen *= EXP2F((cutoffVal - MIDDLE_CUTOFF_VALUE) / -16.0f); // found from sample analysis
// Start playing in center of first cosine segment
// relWavePos is shifted by a half of cosineLen
float relWavePos = wavePos + 0.5f * cosineLen;
if (relWavePos > waveLen) {
relWavePos -= waveLen;
// Ratio of positive segment to wave length
float pulseLen = 0.5f;
if (pulseWidth > 128) {
pulseLen = EXP2F((64 - pulseWidth) / 64.0f);
//static const float pulseLenFactor = EXP2F(-192 / 64);
//pulseLen = EXP2I((256 - pulseWidthVal) << 6) * pulseLenFactor;
pulseLen *= waveLen;
float hLen = pulseLen - cosineLen;
// Ignore pulsewidths too high for given freq
if (hLen < 0.0f) {
hLen = 0.0f;
// Ignore pulsewidths too high for given freq and cutoff
float lLen = waveLen - hLen - 2 * cosineLen;
if (lLen < 0.0f) {
lLen = 0.0f;
// Correct resAmp for cutoff in range 50..66
if ((cutoffVal >= 128.0f) && (cutoffVal < 144.0f)) {
resAmp *= sin(FLOAT_PI * (cutoffVal - 128.0f) / 32.0f);
// Produce filtered square wave with 2 cosine waves on slopes
// 1st cosine segment
if (relWavePos < cosineLen) {
sample = -cos(FLOAT_PI * relWavePos / cosineLen);
} else
// high linear segment
if (relWavePos < (cosineLen + hLen)) {
sample = 1.f;
} else
// 2nd cosine segment
if (relWavePos < (2 * cosineLen + hLen)) {
sample = cos(FLOAT_PI * (relWavePos - (cosineLen + hLen)) / cosineLen);
} else {
// low linear segment
sample = -1.f;
if (cutoffVal < 128.0f) {
// Attenuate samples below cutoff 50
// Found by sample analysis
sample *= EXP2F(-0.125f * (128.0f - cutoffVal));
} else {
// Add resonance sine. Effective for cutoff > 50 only
float resSample = 1.0f;
// Resonance decay speed factor
float resAmpDecayFactor = Tables::getInstance().resAmpDecayFactor[resonance >> 2];
// Now relWavePos counts from the middle of first cosine
relWavePos = wavePos;
// negative segments
if (!(relWavePos < (cosineLen + hLen))) {
resSample = -resSample;
relWavePos -= cosineLen + hLen;
// From the digital captures, the decaying speed of the resonance sine is found a bit different for the positive and the negative segments
resAmpDecayFactor += 0.25f;
// Resonance sine WG
resSample *= sin(FLOAT_PI * relWavePos / cosineLen);
// Resonance sine amp
float resAmpFadeLog2 = -0.125f * resAmpDecayFactor * (relWavePos / cosineLen); // seems to be exact
float resAmpFade = EXP2F(resAmpFadeLog2);
// Now relWavePos set negative to the left from center of any cosine
relWavePos = wavePos;
// negative segment
if (!(wavePos < (waveLen - 0.5f * cosineLen))) {
relWavePos -= waveLen;
} else
// positive segment
if (!(wavePos < (hLen + 0.5f * cosineLen))) {
relWavePos -= cosineLen + hLen;
// To ensure the output wave has no breaks, two different windows are appied to the beginning and the ending of the resonance sine segment
if (relWavePos < 0.5f * cosineLen) {
float syncSine = sin(FLOAT_PI * relWavePos / cosineLen);
if (relWavePos < 0.0f) {
// The window is synchronous square sine here
resAmpFade *= syncSine * syncSine;
} else {
// The window is synchronous sine here
resAmpFade *= syncSine;
sample += resSample * resAmp * resAmpFade;
// sawtooth waves
if (sawtoothWaveform) {
sample *= cos(FLOAT_2PI * wavePos / waveLen);
// wavePos isn't supposed to be > waveLen
if (wavePos > waveLen) {
wavePos -= waveLen;
// Multiply sample with current TVA value
sample *= amp;
return sample;
void LA32WaveGenerator::deactivate() {
active = false;
bool LA32WaveGenerator::isActive() const {
return active;
bool LA32WaveGenerator::isPCMWave() const {
return pcmWaveAddress != NULL;
void LA32PartialPair::init(const bool ringModulated, const bool mixed) {
this->ringModulated = ringModulated;
this->mixed = mixed;
masterOutputSample = 0.0f;
slaveOutputSample = 0.0f;
void LA32PartialPair::initSynth(const PairType useMaster, const bool sawtoothWaveform, const Bit8u pulseWidth, const Bit8u resonance) {
if (useMaster == MASTER) {
master.initSynth(sawtoothWaveform, pulseWidth, resonance);
} else {
slave.initSynth(sawtoothWaveform, pulseWidth, resonance);
void LA32PartialPair::initPCM(const PairType useMaster, const Bit16s *pcmWaveAddress, const Bit32u pcmWaveLength, const bool pcmWaveLooped) {
if (useMaster == MASTER) {
master.initPCM(pcmWaveAddress, pcmWaveLength, pcmWaveLooped, true);
} else {
slave.initPCM(pcmWaveAddress, pcmWaveLength, pcmWaveLooped, !ringModulated);
void LA32PartialPair::generateNextSample(const PairType useMaster, const Bit32u amp, const Bit16u pitch, const Bit32u cutoff) {
if (useMaster == MASTER) {
masterOutputSample = master.generateNextSample(amp, pitch, cutoff);
} else {
slaveOutputSample = slave.generateNextSample(amp, pitch, cutoff);
float LA32PartialPair::nextOutSample() {
float outputSample;
if (ringModulated) {
float ringModulatedSample = masterOutputSample * slaveOutputSample;
outputSample = mixed ? masterOutputSample + ringModulatedSample : ringModulatedSample;
} else {
outputSample = masterOutputSample + slaveOutputSample;
return outputSample;
void LA32PartialPair::deactivate(const PairType useMaster) {
if (useMaster == MASTER) {
masterOutputSample = 0.0f;
} else {
slaveOutputSample = 0.0f;
bool LA32PartialPair::isActive(const PairType useMaster) const {
return useMaster == MASTER ? master.isActive() : slave.isActive();