/* Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009 Dean Beeler, Jerome Fisher
 * Copyright (C) 2011, 2012, 2013 Dean Beeler, Jerome Fisher, Sergey V. Mikayev
 *  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 *  along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#include "LA32FloatWaveGenerator.h"


namespace MT32Emu {

 * LA32 performs wave generation in the log-space that allows replacing multiplications by cheap additions
 * It's assumed that only low-bit multiplications occur in a few places which are unavoidable like these:
 * - interpolation of exponent table (obvious, a delta value has 4 bits)
 * - computation of resonance amp decay envelope (the table contains values with 1-2 "1" bits except the very first value 31 but this case can be found using inversion)
 * - interpolation of PCM samples (obvious, the wave position counter is in the linear space, there is no log() table in the chip)
 * and it seems to be implemented in the same way as in the Boss chip, i.e. right shifted additions which involved noticeable precision loss
 * Subtraction is supposed to be replaced by simple inversion
 * As the logarithmic sine is always negative, all the logarithmic values are treated as decrements
struct LogSample {
	// 16-bit fixed point value, includes 12-bit fractional part
	// 4-bit integer part allows to present any 16-bit sample in the log-space
	// Obviously, the log value doesn't contain the sign of the resulting sample
	Bit16u logValue;
	enum {
	} sign;

class LA32Utilites {
	static Bit16u interpolateExp(const Bit16u fract);
	static Bit16s unlog(const LogSample &logSample);
	static void addLogSamples(LogSample &logSample1, const LogSample &logSample2);

 * LA32WaveGenerator is aimed to represent the exact model of LA32 wave generator.
 * The output square wave is created by adding high / low linear segments in-between
 * the rising and falling cosine segments. Basically, it�s very similar to the phase distortion synthesis.
 * Behaviour of a true resonance filter is emulated by adding decaying sine wave.
 * The beginning and the ending of the resonant sine is multiplied by a cosine window.
 * To synthesise sawtooth waves, the resulting square wave is multiplied by synchronous cosine wave.
class LA32WaveGenerator {
	//  The local copy of partial parameters below

	bool active;

	// True means the resulting square wave is to be multiplied by the synchronous cosine
	bool sawtoothWaveform;

	// Logarithmic amp of the wave generator
	Bit32u amp;

	// Logarithmic frequency of the resulting wave
	Bit16u pitch;

	// Values in range [1..31]
	// Value 1 correspong to the minimum resonance
	Bit8u resonance;

	// Processed value in range [0..255]
	// Values in range [0..128] have no effect and the resulting wave remains symmetrical
	// Value 255 corresponds to the maximum possible asymmetric of the resulting wave
	Bit8u pulseWidth;

	// Composed of the base cutoff in range [78..178] left-shifted by 18 bits and the TVF modifier
	Bit32u cutoffVal;

	// Logarithmic PCM sample start address
	const Bit16s *pcmWaveAddress;

	// Logarithmic PCM sample length
	Bit32u pcmWaveLength;

	// true for looped logarithmic PCM samples
	bool pcmWaveLooped;

	// false for slave PCM partials in the structures with the ring modulation
	bool pcmWaveInterpolated;

	// Internal variables below

	// Relative position within either the synth wave or the PCM sampled wave
	// 0 - start of the positive rising sine segment of the square wave or start of the PCM sample
	// 1048576 (2^20) - end of the negative rising sine segment of the square wave
	// For PCM waves, the address of the currently playing sample equals (wavePosition / 256)
	Bit32u wavePosition;

	// Relative position within a square wave phase:
	// 0             - start of the phase
	// 262144 (2^18) - end of a sine phase in the square wave
	Bit32u squareWavePosition;

	// Relative position within the positive or negative wave segment:
	// 0 - start of the corresponding positive or negative segment of the square wave
	// 262144 (2^18) - corresponds to end of the first sine phase in the square wave
	// The same increment sampleStep is used to indicate the current position
	// since the length of the resonance wave is always equal to four square wave sine segments.
	Bit32u resonanceSinePosition;

	// The amp of the resonance sine wave grows with the resonance value
	// As the resonance value cannot change while the partial is active, it is initialised once
	Bit32u resonanceAmpSubtraction;

	// The decay speed of resonance sine wave, depends on the resonance value
	Bit32u resAmpDecayFactor;

	// Fractional part of the pcmPosition
	Bit32u pcmInterpolationFactor;

	// Current phase of the square wave
	enum {
	} phase;

	// Current phase of the resonance wave
	enum {
	} resonancePhase;

	// Resulting log-space samples of the square and resonance waves
	LogSample squareLogSample;
	LogSample resonanceLogSample;

	// Processed neighbour log-space samples of the PCM wave
	LogSample firstPCMLogSample;
	LogSample secondPCMLogSample;

	// Internal methods below

	Bit32u getSampleStep();
	Bit32u getResonanceWaveLengthFactor(Bit32u effectiveCutoffValue);
	Bit32u getHighLinearLength(Bit32u effectiveCutoffValue);

	void computePositions(Bit32u highLinearLength, Bit32u lowLinearLength, Bit32u resonanceWaveLengthFactor);
	void advancePosition();

	void generateNextSquareWaveLogSample();
	void generateNextResonanceWaveLogSample();
	void generateNextSawtoothCosineLogSample(LogSample &logSample) const;

	void pcmSampleToLogSample(LogSample &logSample, const Bit16s pcmSample) const;
	void generateNextPCMWaveLogSamples();

	// Initialise the WG engine for generation of synth partial samples and set up the invariant parameters
	void initSynth(const bool sawtoothWaveform, const Bit8u pulseWidth, const Bit8u resonance);

	// Initialise the WG engine for generation of PCM partial samples and set up the invariant parameters
	void initPCM(const Bit16s * const pcmWaveAddress, const Bit32u pcmWaveLength, const bool pcmWaveLooped, const bool pcmWaveInterpolated);

	// Update parameters with respect to TVP, TVA and TVF, and generate next sample
	void generateNextSample(const Bit32u amp, const Bit16u pitch, const Bit32u cutoff);

	// WG output in the log-space consists of two components which are to be added (or ring modulated) in the linear-space afterwards
	LogSample getOutputLogSample(const bool first) const;

	// Deactivate the WG engine
	void deactivate();

	// Return active state of the WG engine
	bool isActive() const;

	// Return true if the WG engine generates PCM wave samples
	bool isPCMWave() const;

	// Return current PCM interpolation factor
	Bit32u getPCMInterpolationFactor() const;

// LA32PartialPair contains a structure of two partials being mixed / ring modulated
class LA32PartialPair {
	LA32WaveGenerator master;
	LA32WaveGenerator slave;
	bool ringModulated;
	bool mixed;

	static Bit16s unlogAndMixWGOutput(const LA32WaveGenerator &wg);

	enum PairType {

	// ringModulated should be set to false for the structures with mixing or stereo output
	// ringModulated should be set to true for the structures with ring modulation
	// mixed is used for the structures with ring modulation and indicates whether the master partial output is mixed to the ring modulator output
	void init(const bool ringModulated, const bool mixed);

	// Initialise the WG engine for generation of synth partial samples and set up the invariant parameters
	void initSynth(const PairType master, const bool sawtoothWaveform, const Bit8u pulseWidth, const Bit8u resonance);

	// Initialise the WG engine for generation of PCM partial samples and set up the invariant parameters
	void initPCM(const PairType master, const Bit16s * const pcmWaveAddress, const Bit32u pcmWaveLength, const bool pcmWaveLooped);

	// Update parameters with respect to TVP, TVA and TVF, and generate next sample
	void generateNextSample(const PairType master, const Bit32u amp, const Bit16u pitch, const Bit32u cutoff);

	// Perform mixing / ring modulation and return the result
	Bit16s nextOutSample();

	// Deactivate the WG engine
	void deactivate(const PairType master);

	// Return active state of the WG engine
	bool isActive(const PairType master) const;

} // namespace MT32Emu

#endif // #ifndef MT32EMU_LA32_WAVE_GENERATOR_H