/* Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009 Dean Beeler, Jerome Fisher
 * Copyright (C) 2011-2017 Dean Beeler, Jerome Fisher, Sergey V. Mikayev
 *  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 *  along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.


#include "globals.h"
#include "internals.h"
#include "Types.h"

namespace MT32Emu {

 * LA32 performs wave generation in the log-space that allows replacing multiplications by cheap additions
 * It's assumed that only low-bit multiplications occur in a few places which are unavoidable like these:
 * - interpolation of exponent table (obvious, a delta value has 4 bits)
 * - computation of resonance amp decay envelope (the table contains values with 1-2 "1" bits except the very first value 31 but this case can be found using inversion)
 * - interpolation of PCM samples (obvious, the wave position counter is in the linear space, there is no log() table in the chip)
 * and it seems to be implemented in the same way as in the Boss chip, i.e. right shifted additions which involved noticeable precision loss
 * Subtraction is supposed to be replaced by simple inversion
 * As the logarithmic sine is always negative, all the logarithmic values are treated as decrements
struct LogSample {
	// 16-bit fixed point value, includes 12-bit fractional part
	// 4-bit integer part allows to present any 16-bit sample in the log-space
	// Obviously, the log value doesn't contain the sign of the resulting sample
	Bit16u logValue;
	enum {
	} sign;

class LA32Utilites {
	static Bit16u interpolateExp(const Bit16u fract);
	static Bit16s unlog(const LogSample &logSample);
	static void addLogSamples(LogSample &logSample1, const LogSample &logSample2);

 * LA32WaveGenerator is aimed to represent the exact model of LA32 wave generator.
 * The output square wave is created by adding high / low linear segments in-between
 * the rising and falling cosine segments. Basically, it's very similar to the phase distortion synthesis.
 * Behaviour of a true resonance filter is emulated by adding decaying sine wave.
 * The beginning and the ending of the resonant sine is multiplied by a cosine window.
 * To synthesise sawtooth waves, the resulting square wave is multiplied by synchronous cosine wave.
class LA32WaveGenerator {
	//  The local copy of partial parameters below

	bool active;

	// True means the resulting square wave is to be multiplied by the synchronous cosine
	bool sawtoothWaveform;

	// Logarithmic amp of the wave generator
	Bit32u amp;

	// Logarithmic frequency of the resulting wave
	Bit16u pitch;

	// Values in range [1..31]
	// Value 1 correspong to the minimum resonance
	Bit8u resonance;

	// Processed value in range [0..255]
	// Values in range [0..128] have no effect and the resulting wave remains symmetrical
	// Value 255 corresponds to the maximum possible asymmetric of the resulting wave
	Bit8u pulseWidth;

	// Composed of the base cutoff in range [78..178] left-shifted by 18 bits and the TVF modifier
	Bit32u cutoffVal;

	// Logarithmic PCM sample start address
	const Bit16s *pcmWaveAddress;

	// Logarithmic PCM sample length
	Bit32u pcmWaveLength;

	// true for looped logarithmic PCM samples
	bool pcmWaveLooped;

	// false for slave PCM partials in the structures with the ring modulation
	bool pcmWaveInterpolated;

	// Internal variables below

	// Relative position within either the synth wave or the PCM sampled wave
	// 0 - start of the positive rising sine segment of the square wave or start of the PCM sample
	// 1048576 (2^20) - end of the negative rising sine segment of the square wave
	// For PCM waves, the address of the currently playing sample equals (wavePosition / 256)
	Bit32u wavePosition;

	// Relative position within a square wave phase:
	// 0             - start of the phase
	// 262144 (2^18) - end of a sine phase in the square wave
	Bit32u squareWavePosition;

	// Relative position within the positive or negative wave segment:
	// 0 - start of the corresponding positive or negative segment of the square wave
	// 262144 (2^18) - corresponds to end of the first sine phase in the square wave
	// The same increment sampleStep is used to indicate the current position
	// since the length of the resonance wave is always equal to four square wave sine segments.
	Bit32u resonanceSinePosition;

	// The amp of the resonance sine wave grows with the resonance value
	// As the resonance value cannot change while the partial is active, it is initialised once
	Bit32u resonanceAmpSubtraction;

	// The decay speed of resonance sine wave, depends on the resonance value
	Bit32u resAmpDecayFactor;

	// Fractional part of the pcmPosition
	Bit32u pcmInterpolationFactor;

	// Current phase of the square wave
	enum {
	} phase;

	// Current phase of the resonance wave
	enum ResonancePhase {
	} resonancePhase;

	// Resulting log-space samples of the square and resonance waves
	LogSample squareLogSample;
	LogSample resonanceLogSample;

	// Processed neighbour log-space samples of the PCM wave
	LogSample firstPCMLogSample;
	LogSample secondPCMLogSample;

	// Internal methods below

	Bit32u getSampleStep();
	Bit32u getResonanceWaveLengthFactor(Bit32u effectiveCutoffValue);
	Bit32u getHighLinearLength(Bit32u effectiveCutoffValue);

	void computePositions(Bit32u highLinearLength, Bit32u lowLinearLength, Bit32u resonanceWaveLengthFactor);
	void advancePosition();

	void generateNextSquareWaveLogSample();
	void generateNextResonanceWaveLogSample();
	void generateNextSawtoothCosineLogSample(LogSample &logSample) const;

	void pcmSampleToLogSample(LogSample &logSample, const Bit16s pcmSample) const;
	void generateNextPCMWaveLogSamples();

	// Initialise the WG engine for generation of synth partial samples and set up the invariant parameters
	void initSynth(const bool sawtoothWaveform, const Bit8u pulseWidth, const Bit8u resonance);

	// Initialise the WG engine for generation of PCM partial samples and set up the invariant parameters
	void initPCM(const Bit16s * const pcmWaveAddress, const Bit32u pcmWaveLength, const bool pcmWaveLooped, const bool pcmWaveInterpolated);

	// Update parameters with respect to TVP, TVA and TVF, and generate next sample
	void generateNextSample(const Bit32u amp, const Bit16u pitch, const Bit32u cutoff);

	// WG output in the log-space consists of two components which are to be added (or ring modulated) in the linear-space afterwards
	LogSample getOutputLogSample(const bool first) const;

	// Deactivate the WG engine
	void deactivate();

	// Return active state of the WG engine
	bool isActive() const;

	// Return true if the WG engine generates PCM wave samples
	bool isPCMWave() const;

	// Return current PCM interpolation factor
	Bit32u getPCMInterpolationFactor() const;
}; // class LA32WaveGenerator

// LA32PartialPair contains a structure of two partials being mixed / ring modulated
class LA32PartialPair {
	enum PairType {

	virtual ~LA32PartialPair() {}

	// ringModulated should be set to false for the structures with mixing or stereo output
	// ringModulated should be set to true for the structures with ring modulation
	// mixed is used for the structures with ring modulation and indicates whether the master partial output is mixed to the ring modulator output
	virtual void init(const bool ringModulated, const bool mixed) = 0;

	// Initialise the WG engine for generation of synth partial samples and set up the invariant parameters
	virtual void initSynth(const PairType master, const bool sawtoothWaveform, const Bit8u pulseWidth, const Bit8u resonance) = 0;

	// Initialise the WG engine for generation of PCM partial samples and set up the invariant parameters
	virtual void initPCM(const PairType master, const Bit16s * const pcmWaveAddress, const Bit32u pcmWaveLength, const bool pcmWaveLooped) = 0;

	// Deactivate the WG engine
	virtual void deactivate(const PairType master) = 0;
}; // class LA32PartialPair

class LA32IntPartialPair : public LA32PartialPair {
	LA32WaveGenerator master;
	LA32WaveGenerator slave;
	bool ringModulated;
	bool mixed;

	static Bit16s unlogAndMixWGOutput(const LA32WaveGenerator &wg);

	// ringModulated should be set to false for the structures with mixing or stereo output
	// ringModulated should be set to true for the structures with ring modulation
	// mixed is used for the structures with ring modulation and indicates whether the master partial output is mixed to the ring modulator output
	void init(const bool ringModulated, const bool mixed);

	// Initialise the WG engine for generation of synth partial samples and set up the invariant parameters
	void initSynth(const PairType master, const bool sawtoothWaveform, const Bit8u pulseWidth, const Bit8u resonance);

	// Initialise the WG engine for generation of PCM partial samples and set up the invariant parameters
	void initPCM(const PairType master, const Bit16s * const pcmWaveAddress, const Bit32u pcmWaveLength, const bool pcmWaveLooped);

	// Update parameters with respect to TVP, TVA and TVF, and generate next sample
	void generateNextSample(const PairType master, const Bit32u amp, const Bit16u pitch, const Bit32u cutoff);

	// Perform mixing / ring modulation of WG output and return the result
	// Although, LA32 applies panning itself, we assume it is applied in the mixer, not within a pair
	Bit16s nextOutSample();

	// Deactivate the WG engine
	void deactivate(const PairType master);

	// Return active state of the WG engine
	bool isActive(const PairType master) const;
}; // class LA32IntPartialPair

} // namespace MT32Emu

#endif // #ifndef MT32EMU_LA32_WAVE_GENERATOR_H