/* Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009 Dean Beeler, Jerome Fisher * Copyright (C) 2011-2017 Dean Beeler, Jerome Fisher, Sergey V. Mikayev * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #ifndef MT32EMU_PARTIAL_H #define MT32EMU_PARTIAL_H #include "globals.h" #include "internals.h" #include "Types.h" #include "Structures.h" #include "LA32Ramp.h" #include "LA32WaveGenerator.h" #include "LA32FloatWaveGenerator.h" namespace MT32Emu { class Part; class Poly; class Synth; class TVA; class TVF; class TVP; struct ControlROMPCMStruct; // A partial represents one of up to four waveform generators currently playing within a poly. class Partial { private: Synth *synth; const int partialIndex; // Index of this Partial in the global partial table // Number of the sample currently being rendered by produceOutput(), or 0 if no run is in progress // This is only kept available for debugging purposes. Bit32u sampleNum; // Actually, this is a 4-bit register but we abuse this to emulate inverted mixing. // Also we double the value to enable INACCURATE_SMOOTH_PAN, with respect to MoK. Bit32s leftPanValue, rightPanValue; int ownerPart; // -1 if unassigned int mixType; int structurePosition; // 0 or 1 of a structure pair // Only used for PCM partials int pcmNum; // FIXME: Give this a better name (e.g. pcmWaveInfo) PCMWaveEntry *pcmWave; // Final pulse width value, with velfollow applied, matching what is sent to the LA32. // Range: 0-255 int pulseWidthVal; Poly *poly; Partial *pair; TVA *tva; TVP *tvp; TVF *tvf; LA32Ramp ampRamp; LA32Ramp cutoffModifierRamp; // TODO: This should be owned by PartialPair LA32PartialPair *la32Pair; const bool floatMode; const PatchCache *patchCache; PatchCache cachebackup; Bit32u getAmpValue(); Bit32u getCutoffValue(); template <class Sample, class LA32PairImpl> bool doProduceOutput(Sample *leftBuf, Sample *rightBuf, Bit32u length, LA32PairImpl *la32PairImpl); bool canProduceOutput(); template <class LA32PairImpl> bool generateNextSample(LA32PairImpl *la32PairImpl); void produceAndMixSample(IntSample *&leftBuf, IntSample *&rightBuf, LA32IntPartialPair *la32IntPair); void produceAndMixSample(FloatSample *&leftBuf, FloatSample *&rightBuf, LA32FloatPartialPair *la32FloatPair); public: bool alreadyOutputed; Partial(Synth *synth, int debugPartialNum); ~Partial(); int debugGetPartialNum() const; Bit32u debugGetSampleNum() const; int getOwnerPart() const; const Poly *getPoly() const; bool isActive() const; void activate(int part); void deactivate(void); void startPartial(const Part *part, Poly *usePoly, const PatchCache *useCache, const MemParams::RhythmTemp *rhythmTemp, Partial *pairPartial); void startAbort(); void startDecayAll(); bool shouldReverb(); bool isRingModulatingNoMix() const; bool hasRingModulatingSlave() const; bool isRingModulatingSlave() const; bool isPCM() const; const ControlROMPCMStruct *getControlROMPCMStruct() const; Synth *getSynth() const; TVA *getTVA() const; void backupCache(const PatchCache &cache); // Returns true only if data written to buffer // These functions produce processed stereo samples // made from combining this single partial with its pair, if it has one. bool produceOutput(IntSample *leftBuf, IntSample *rightBuf, Bit32u length); bool produceOutput(FloatSample *leftBuf, FloatSample *rightBuf, Bit32u length); }; // class Partial } // namespace MT32Emu #endif // #ifndef MT32EMU_PARTIAL_H