/* Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009 Dean Beeler, Jerome Fisher * Copyright (C) 2011-2017 Dean Beeler, Jerome Fisher, Sergey V. Mikayev * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifndef MT32EMU_C_TYPES_H #define MT32EMU_C_TYPES_H #include #include #include "../globals.h" #define MT32EMU_C_ENUMERATIONS #include "../Enumerations.h" #undef MT32EMU_C_ENUMERATIONS typedef unsigned int mt32emu_bit32u; typedef signed int mt32emu_bit32s; typedef unsigned short int mt32emu_bit16u; typedef signed short int mt32emu_bit16s; typedef unsigned char mt32emu_bit8u; typedef signed char mt32emu_bit8s; typedef char mt32emu_sha1_digest[41]; typedef enum { MT32EMU_BOOL_FALSE, MT32EMU_BOOL_TRUE } mt32emu_boolean; typedef enum { /* Operation completed normally. */ MT32EMU_RC_OK = 0, MT32EMU_RC_ADDED_CONTROL_ROM = 1, MT32EMU_RC_ADDED_PCM_ROM = 2, /* Definite error occurred. */ MT32EMU_RC_ROM_NOT_IDENTIFIED = -1, MT32EMU_RC_FILE_NOT_FOUND = -2, MT32EMU_RC_FILE_NOT_LOADED = -3, MT32EMU_RC_MISSING_ROMS = -4, MT32EMU_RC_NOT_OPENED = -5, MT32EMU_RC_QUEUE_FULL = -6, /* Undefined error occurred. */ MT32EMU_RC_FAILED = -100 } mt32emu_return_code; /** Emulation context */ typedef struct mt32emu_data *mt32emu_context; typedef const struct mt32emu_data *mt32emu_const_context; /* Convenience aliases */ #ifndef __cplusplus typedef enum mt32emu_analog_output_mode mt32emu_analog_output_mode; typedef enum mt32emu_dac_input_mode mt32emu_dac_input_mode; typedef enum mt32emu_midi_delay_mode mt32emu_midi_delay_mode; typedef enum mt32emu_partial_state mt32emu_partial_state; typedef enum mt32emu_samplerate_conversion_quality mt32emu_samplerate_conversion_quality; typedef enum mt32emu_renderer_type mt32emu_renderer_type; #endif /** Contains identifiers and descriptions of ROM files being used. */ typedef struct { const char *control_rom_id; const char *control_rom_description; const char *control_rom_sha1_digest; const char *pcm_rom_id; const char *pcm_rom_description; const char *pcm_rom_sha1_digest; } mt32emu_rom_info; /** Set of multiplexed output bit16s streams appeared at the DAC entrance. */ typedef struct { mt32emu_bit16s *nonReverbLeft; mt32emu_bit16s *nonReverbRight; mt32emu_bit16s *reverbDryLeft; mt32emu_bit16s *reverbDryRight; mt32emu_bit16s *reverbWetLeft; mt32emu_bit16s *reverbWetRight; } mt32emu_dac_output_bit16s_streams; /** Set of multiplexed output float streams appeared at the DAC entrance. */ typedef struct { float *nonReverbLeft; float *nonReverbRight; float *reverbDryLeft; float *reverbDryRight; float *reverbWetLeft; float *reverbWetRight; } mt32emu_dac_output_float_streams; /* === Interface handling === */ /** Report handler interface versions */ typedef enum { MT32EMU_REPORT_HANDLER_VERSION_0 = 0, MT32EMU_REPORT_HANDLER_VERSION_CURRENT = MT32EMU_REPORT_HANDLER_VERSION_0 } mt32emu_report_handler_version; /** MIDI receiver interface versions */ typedef enum { MT32EMU_MIDI_RECEIVER_VERSION_0 = 0, MT32EMU_MIDI_RECEIVER_VERSION_CURRENT = MT32EMU_MIDI_RECEIVER_VERSION_0 } mt32emu_midi_receiver_version; /** Synth interface versions */ typedef enum { MT32EMU_SERVICE_VERSION_0 = 0, MT32EMU_SERVICE_VERSION_1 = 1, MT32EMU_SERVICE_VERSION_2 = 2, MT32EMU_SERVICE_VERSION_CURRENT = MT32EMU_SERVICE_VERSION_2 } mt32emu_service_version; /* === Report Handler Interface === */ typedef union mt32emu_report_handler_i mt32emu_report_handler_i; /** Interface for handling reported events (initial version) */ typedef struct { /** Returns the actual interface version ID */ mt32emu_report_handler_version (*getVersionID)(mt32emu_report_handler_i i); /** Callback for debug messages, in vprintf() format */ void (*printDebug)(void *instance_data, const char *fmt, va_list list); /** Callbacks for reporting errors */ void (*onErrorControlROM)(void *instance_data); void (*onErrorPCMROM)(void *instance_data); /** Callback for reporting about displaying a new custom message on LCD */ void (*showLCDMessage)(void *instance_data, const char *message); /** Callback for reporting actual processing of a MIDI message */ void (*onMIDIMessagePlayed)(void *instance_data); /** * Callback for reporting an overflow of the input MIDI queue. * Returns MT32EMU_BOOL_TRUE if a recovery action was taken * and yet another attempt to enqueue the MIDI event is desired. */ mt32emu_boolean (*onMIDIQueueOverflow)(void *instance_data); /** * Callback invoked when a System Realtime MIDI message is detected in functions * mt32emu_parse_stream and mt32emu_play_short_message and the likes. */ void (*onMIDISystemRealtime)(void *instance_data, mt32emu_bit8u system_realtime); /** Callbacks for reporting system events */ void (*onDeviceReset)(void *instance_data); void (*onDeviceReconfig)(void *instance_data); /** Callbacks for reporting changes of reverb settings */ void (*onNewReverbMode)(void *instance_data, mt32emu_bit8u mode); void (*onNewReverbTime)(void *instance_data, mt32emu_bit8u time); void (*onNewReverbLevel)(void *instance_data, mt32emu_bit8u level); /** Callbacks for reporting various information */ void (*onPolyStateChanged)(void *instance_data, mt32emu_bit8u part_num); void (*onProgramChanged)(void *instance_data, mt32emu_bit8u part_num, const char *sound_group_name, const char *patch_name); } mt32emu_report_handler_i_v0; /** * Extensible interface for handling reported events. * Union intended to view an interface of any subsequent version as any parent interface not requiring a cast. * It is caller's responsibility to check the actual interface version in runtime using the getVersionID() method. */ union mt32emu_report_handler_i { const mt32emu_report_handler_i_v0 *v0; }; /* === MIDI Receiver Interface === */ typedef union mt32emu_midi_receiver_i mt32emu_midi_receiver_i; /** Interface for receiving MIDI messages generated by MIDI stream parser (initial version) */ typedef struct { /** Returns the actual interface version ID */ mt32emu_midi_receiver_version (*getVersionID)(mt32emu_midi_receiver_i i); /** Invoked when a complete short MIDI message is parsed in the input MIDI stream. */ void (*handleShortMessage)(void *instance_data, const mt32emu_bit32u message); /** Invoked when a complete well-formed System Exclusive MIDI message is parsed in the input MIDI stream. */ void (*handleSysex)(void *instance_data, const mt32emu_bit8u stream[], const mt32emu_bit32u length); /** Invoked when a System Realtime MIDI message is parsed in the input MIDI stream. */ void (*handleSystemRealtimeMessage)(void *instance_data, const mt32emu_bit8u realtime); } mt32emu_midi_receiver_i_v0; /** * Extensible interface for receiving MIDI messages. * Union intended to view an interface of any subsequent version as any parent interface not requiring a cast. * It is caller's responsibility to check the actual interface version in runtime using the getVersionID() method. */ union mt32emu_midi_receiver_i { const mt32emu_midi_receiver_i_v0 *v0; }; /* === Service Interface === */ typedef union mt32emu_service_i mt32emu_service_i; /** * Basic interface that defines all the library services (initial version). * The members closely resemble C functions declared in c_interface.h, and the intention is to provide for easier * access when the library is dynamically loaded in run-time, e.g. as a plugin. This way the client only needs * to bind to mt32emu_get_service_i() function instead of binding to each function it needs to use. * See c_interface.h for parameter description. */ #define MT32EMU_SERVICE_I_V0 \ /** Returns the actual interface version ID */ \ mt32emu_service_version (*getVersionID)(mt32emu_service_i i); \ mt32emu_report_handler_version (*getSupportedReportHandlerVersionID)(void); \ mt32emu_midi_receiver_version (*getSupportedMIDIReceiverVersionID)(void); \ \ mt32emu_bit32u (*getLibraryVersionInt)(void); \ const char *(*getLibraryVersionString)(void); \ \ mt32emu_bit32u (*getStereoOutputSamplerate)(const mt32emu_analog_output_mode analog_output_mode); \ \ mt32emu_context (*createContext)(mt32emu_report_handler_i report_handler, void *instance_data); \ void (*freeContext)(mt32emu_context context); \ mt32emu_return_code (*addROMData)(mt32emu_context context, const mt32emu_bit8u *data, size_t data_size, const mt32emu_sha1_digest *sha1_digest); \ mt32emu_return_code (*addROMFile)(mt32emu_context context, const char *filename); \ void (*getROMInfo)(mt32emu_const_context context, mt32emu_rom_info *rom_info); \ void (*setPartialCount)(mt32emu_context context, const mt32emu_bit32u partial_count); \ void (*setAnalogOutputMode)(mt32emu_context context, const mt32emu_analog_output_mode analog_output_mode); \ mt32emu_return_code (*openSynth)(mt32emu_const_context context); \ void (*closeSynth)(mt32emu_const_context context); \ mt32emu_boolean (*isOpen)(mt32emu_const_context context); \ mt32emu_bit32u (*getActualStereoOutputSamplerate)(mt32emu_const_context context); \ void (*flushMIDIQueue)(mt32emu_const_context context); \ mt32emu_bit32u (*setMIDIEventQueueSize)(mt32emu_const_context context, const mt32emu_bit32u queue_size); \ void (*setMIDIReceiver)(mt32emu_context context, mt32emu_midi_receiver_i midi_receiver, void *instance_data); \ \ void (*parseStream)(mt32emu_const_context context, const mt32emu_bit8u *stream, mt32emu_bit32u length); \ void (*parseStream_At)(mt32emu_const_context context, const mt32emu_bit8u *stream, mt32emu_bit32u length, mt32emu_bit32u timestamp); \ void (*playShortMessage)(mt32emu_const_context context, mt32emu_bit32u message); \ void (*playShortMessageAt)(mt32emu_const_context context, mt32emu_bit32u message, mt32emu_bit32u timestamp); \ mt32emu_return_code (*playMsg)(mt32emu_const_context context, mt32emu_bit32u msg); \ mt32emu_return_code (*playSysex)(mt32emu_const_context context, const mt32emu_bit8u *sysex, mt32emu_bit32u len); \ mt32emu_return_code (*playMsgAt)(mt32emu_const_context context, mt32emu_bit32u msg, mt32emu_bit32u timestamp); \ mt32emu_return_code (*playSysexAt)(mt32emu_const_context context, const mt32emu_bit8u *sysex, mt32emu_bit32u len, mt32emu_bit32u timestamp); \ \ void (*playMsgNow)(mt32emu_const_context context, mt32emu_bit32u msg); \ void (*playMsgOnPart)(mt32emu_const_context context, mt32emu_bit8u part, mt32emu_bit8u code, mt32emu_bit8u note, mt32emu_bit8u velocity); \ void (*playSysexNow)(mt32emu_const_context context, const mt32emu_bit8u *sysex, mt32emu_bit32u len); \ void (*writeSysex)(mt32emu_const_context context, mt32emu_bit8u channel, const mt32emu_bit8u *sysex, mt32emu_bit32u len); \ \ void (*setReverbEnabled)(mt32emu_const_context context, const mt32emu_boolean reverb_enabled); \ mt32emu_boolean (*isReverbEnabled)(mt32emu_const_context context); \ void (*setReverbOverridden)(mt32emu_const_context context, const mt32emu_boolean reverb_overridden); \ mt32emu_boolean (*isReverbOverridden)(mt32emu_const_context context); \ void (*setReverbCompatibilityMode)(mt32emu_const_context context, const mt32emu_boolean mt32_compatible_mode); \ mt32emu_boolean (*isMT32ReverbCompatibilityMode)(mt32emu_const_context context); \ mt32emu_boolean (*isDefaultReverbMT32Compatible)(mt32emu_const_context context); \ \ void (*setDACInputMode)(mt32emu_const_context context, const mt32emu_dac_input_mode mode); \ mt32emu_dac_input_mode (*getDACInputMode)(mt32emu_const_context context); \ \ void (*setMIDIDelayMode)(mt32emu_const_context context, const mt32emu_midi_delay_mode mode); \ mt32emu_midi_delay_mode (*getMIDIDelayMode)(mt32emu_const_context context); \ \ void (*setOutputGain)(mt32emu_const_context context, float gain); \ float (*getOutputGain)(mt32emu_const_context context); \ void (*setReverbOutputGain)(mt32emu_const_context context, float gain); \ float (*getReverbOutputGain)(mt32emu_const_context context); \ \ void (*setReversedStereoEnabled)(mt32emu_const_context context, const mt32emu_boolean enabled); \ mt32emu_boolean (*isReversedStereoEnabled)(mt32emu_const_context context); \ \ void (*renderBit16s)(mt32emu_const_context context, mt32emu_bit16s *stream, mt32emu_bit32u len); \ void (*renderFloat)(mt32emu_const_context context, float *stream, mt32emu_bit32u len); \ void (*renderBit16sStreams)(mt32emu_const_context context, const mt32emu_dac_output_bit16s_streams *streams, mt32emu_bit32u len); \ void (*renderFloatStreams)(mt32emu_const_context context, const mt32emu_dac_output_float_streams *streams, mt32emu_bit32u len); \ \ mt32emu_boolean (*hasActivePartials)(mt32emu_const_context context); \ mt32emu_boolean (*isActive)(mt32emu_const_context context); \ mt32emu_bit32u (*getPartialCount)(mt32emu_const_context context); \ mt32emu_bit32u (*getPartStates)(mt32emu_const_context context); \ void (*getPartialStates)(mt32emu_const_context context, mt32emu_bit8u *partial_states); \ mt32emu_bit32u (*getPlayingNotes)(mt32emu_const_context context, mt32emu_bit8u part_number, mt32emu_bit8u *keys, mt32emu_bit8u *velocities); \ const char *(*getPatchName)(mt32emu_const_context context, mt32emu_bit8u part_number); \ void (*readMemory)(mt32emu_const_context context, mt32emu_bit32u addr, mt32emu_bit32u len, mt32emu_bit8u *data); #define MT32EMU_SERVICE_I_V1 \ mt32emu_analog_output_mode (*getBestAnalogOutputMode)(const double target_samplerate); \ void (*setStereoOutputSampleRate)(mt32emu_context context, const double samplerate); \ void (*setSamplerateConversionQuality)(mt32emu_context context, const mt32emu_samplerate_conversion_quality quality); \ void (*selectRendererType)(mt32emu_context context, mt32emu_renderer_type renderer_type); \ mt32emu_renderer_type (*getSelectedRendererType)(mt32emu_context context); \ mt32emu_bit32u (*convertOutputToSynthTimestamp)(mt32emu_const_context context, mt32emu_bit32u output_timestamp); \ mt32emu_bit32u (*convertSynthToOutputTimestamp)(mt32emu_const_context context, mt32emu_bit32u synth_timestamp); #define MT32EMU_SERVICE_I_V2 \ mt32emu_bit32u (*getInternalRenderedSampleCount)(mt32emu_const_context context); \ void (*setNiceAmpRampEnabled)(mt32emu_const_context context, const mt32emu_boolean enabled); \ mt32emu_boolean (*isNiceAmpRampEnabled)(mt32emu_const_context context); typedef struct { MT32EMU_SERVICE_I_V0 } mt32emu_service_i_v0; typedef struct { MT32EMU_SERVICE_I_V0 MT32EMU_SERVICE_I_V1 } mt32emu_service_i_v1; typedef struct { MT32EMU_SERVICE_I_V0 MT32EMU_SERVICE_I_V1 MT32EMU_SERVICE_I_V2 } mt32emu_service_i_v2; /** * Extensible interface for all the library services. * Union intended to view an interface of any subsequent version as any parent interface not requiring a cast. * It is caller's responsibility to check the actual interface version in runtime using the getVersionID() method. */ union mt32emu_service_i { const mt32emu_service_i_v0 *v0; const mt32emu_service_i_v1 *v1; const mt32emu_service_i_v2 *v2; }; #undef MT32EMU_SERVICE_I_V0 #undef MT32EMU_SERVICE_I_V1 #undef MT32EMU_SERVICE_I_V2 #endif /* #ifndef MT32EMU_C_TYPES_H */